WEATHER Here's a Real Newspaper in a Real City. Today and .Monday fair; no change in temperatue. - Southern Oklahoma's Greatest Newspaper. FULL LEASED WIRE ASSOCIATED PRESS . v AHDMORE, OKLAHOMA, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1922 VOL. 20 No. 280 SIXTEEN PAGES AIWA asm fflBBl DAILY ARDMOREITE c BY CARTER COUNTY STANDS UP WELL 1 Local Representatives Will Have Power and Influence in the Coming Legisla tive Session carlockTleader IN UPPER HOUSE All Ask That People Sugges tions for Legislation a ' Fight Looms Up II Y POLITICAL OHKKIiVKK When the curtain rises on the Ninth Oklahoma legislature next Tuesday Curler county Is going to he well rep resented and It lb going to he reure snteC by men who now uppear to have laid tho foundation for efficient and non-f.ictlonul service. N John Carlock, senator, Im the senior legislator. In fact, he Is this sole rep rcstniatlvo of thlH county who him seen rervice before. Ills long tenure In the u;'ptr house, plus his recognized ability and leadership insure for him distinct l ilt und a certain prestige thai will make him sought after by all factions lil'd ull thosu seeking legislative enact meat. Not only ih thin true, bat. Senu y lor Carlock, because he lb mo wt.l aud favorably known, is to be of S'.fut influence in whatever he under taker or adheres to. In Earl Brown, junior statu senator, cf Marietta, Senator Carlock. will find un able colleague-. Senator Drown Is a young man hut ho Is vigorous, force ful and has the knack of making his jursonality felt at once. He has align-i-d himself with the administration fore (. and while not ul all radical Is pro ;;ici!ive enough to suit the demand t'lid needs of this progressive day. Favor Administration llolh Senulr Carlock und Hcnator .Vhown are kindly disposed to the In coming udmluUlratluii fo far us pro I'ltaslve legislation Is oorneerned. Nei ther wvs orglnully a Walton man and ,ieli!jti i" elm riiJorsewirr.i ul' the H coustruf u.,u leujii-i hut each recognise that the people have spoken f In unmistakable term, and both ure t;olng to be governed accordingly, they declare. Holh the representatives from Car ter county have vigorously espoused he administration control of the house, have aligned themselves with Murray Cilbhons, the choice of Governor Walton for b peak it of the house arid are hinted fcr ref.pons.ble assignments. It is de clared. It is whispered that Guy Slg ltr, local attorney, is going to be mode chairman of one of the most lmjiortunt lefUduUvo positions, while, word comes from Oklahoma City that the admlnls tru'.ivo forces feel very favorable to Tim J. I'ollock for his active support of the plan for control of tho house. Want to t'o-Opcrato All four of the men to represent this county have urged the citizen here to ir.ake their wants und wishes known at once. .Mr. I'ollock authorized thu ArUinorelte to Inform the people that h. la willing and ready to institute or eupiw' uny measures looking to the welfare and need of this section. While Ik hus no pet measure to battle for, In U open to suggvsdun aud advice, he Ctc lal s. Mr. Slglor told Ihe Ardmorclte he hUo solicited thu support ami co-opera-(Continued on I'ug. Three) 25-YEAR CLUB Men Who Have Been ia Ardmore a Quarter of a Century. tin the first !.iy of Nuvmubei, 1XSU, I. IU lUst miiv-l In Ardmore to make I ! future holm , und to take his clmnc s with other ploiurrs In developing a city. He pureliused procrty at tho corner of Caddo street and th'rd avenue, where die C I. Hall atore liow atauila, and neclad thereon a feed store 1o run In vonneUlon with his wagon yard. Helling thU business hu afterward imaged In the wholesale flour und feed husines In partnership with the late Col A. V. Douk, und continued this It.r arveral year. In the meantime he tliy govern Me li I had been ol g-itiln-d, and he " rli-ctd us one of the nMrmuii where he Served tr seveml term. Having severed hU cvnnei-tion with Li liarlner, (d. lHt.ik, he engagt'd In the rkl aslute buslnu's. und has con tinued In this until the present lime. Mr. Kent planted the first fruit tree and erevtod the first brick hlmney In AldiiHire, on tho pnperty ul tho ror ref of Caddo and Ih'id avenue. Mr. Uenl baa alwayt tukeu keen In I .treat In city affairs, and sUll retains nwny records of the city's first admin lutsllnn that are very Interesting to tesent day rlUsens. Mr liest was liorn la Collin county. N LEGISLATURE 'uVcxae. and lived thero up lo the time I 'he niovtd to Artlmore, and today after '4 at year of rod and bod foilune with the city's trials and tribulations, he I M)S be IS glad he made the change hen be did, and baa never etpenencea e moment's recn-t for his action. lit a singular coincidence the C. P. Uitl property built by Mr. best 3i me ago was completely wined out tire early Batunlay morning. One Dead; Two 'I Have Done My Duty,' Hignight Says in Note Of Resignation to Dyer New Chief of Police Silent as to Plans; Will Take Over His Duties Monday Morning : Hignieht Ex presses Friendship for the City Manager. Chief of Police Dick Hignight late Saturday afternoon formally tendered his resignation to City Munager Kirk Dyer In a letter thut expressed the high regard in which the outgoing chief holds for the city manager. "I feel that I have done my duty," Chief Hignight mid in the letter. "I leave U to the people of the city to judge whether our efforts h'lvo been beneficial." At a meeting of the city commission ers, several weeks ago, Mr. Dyor was Instructed to request the resignation of Chief Hignight. At that time, Mr. Dyer stated that it was against his best judg ment and subsequently handed in his resignation, to become effective tut noon as a successor is named. Following Is the letter transmitted to the city manager by the chief of po lice: "I have your letter of December 29th 19-'2, handed to me last evening, con veying to me officially the information that the city commissioners had re quested you to secure my resignation as chief of olIce of the city of Ardmore. und stating that in conformity with the request of the commissioner you asked for my resignation. "You will recall that the one controll ing Idea when you appointed me chief of police was thut we should both use our best efforts In un c-ndeavor to make this a cleaner und better place within which to live and raise our children. "I feel ihut j have done my full duty In this respect und at all times I have hud your cordial support und counsel. 1 leave It to the people of the city to Judge whether our efforts liuve been beneficial. "A compliance with your request will subject me to much criticism, and pos sibly many will not 1 satisfied that I have retired under fire; hut I feel that a vast majority know that I have lived up to my full duty as an officer of the law. and I know also that an examlnu. lion of the records of the police denart- (Oontinued on Page Three) Government Denies Right of Companies To Appeal Decision WASHINOTO.V.-The f.-deral gov ernment In a brief filed In the supreme court todiiy held thut tho uppeuls of the foreign steumshln line against the r.(cont prohibition decision of Judge HMid at New York hud fulled to show thit the I'nlted Hlntea hud consented to be sued and thut the cases could not therefore Im presented. The government also Insists that the court did not huvn Jurisdiction for the further reasons that the appeals "do not present a cause of notiim in equity undit the constitution of the Vnlted Htates," and "do no dislodge, a causo f uitlon equitable l.i Its nature, civil In Its character, und erlalng under the constitution of the I'nlted Htates." OAS ItATKS IX rOTKAU KAISK1I IIY COMMISSION OKLAHOMA CITY. Ous rates In To- teuu, Oklo., wort Increased from IS to li cents r lhntisund cubic feet, by un order of the sialo corporation cornm.s llnn today, nn uppluutioii of the Amer ican Indian Oil and (las company und lth tint consent of Mayor M. W. Mur ray of 1'otcau. according to the irder. CHANGES IN PERSONNEL MADE IN SUCH WAY THAT WORK AT COUNTY COURT HOUSE WILL RUN SMOOTHLY Indications are that what change are to take place In the offices at the coun ty i mill house Htlh Hie beginning of the new year, will br effected so quietly that nothing nut of Ihe ot dinar y will be noticed In the transaction of general routine business. t'ourt Clerk luitey will make cue new appointment In Ms department on ac count of Ihe reslgtitlion of Mrs. Hay nle, but aside from that thero will be no other chnnges In that department. Mrs. Mclntyre, county clerk, will have several new faces In her office, but no definite announcement baa been made. It Is certain that T. It. McLleh will be retained, but aside from him she has .never said who her other deputies would be, although several hew faces have been noted hovering about the office for aeVeral days. In tho cvunty attorney's office, Miss Jlavnle. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. liavnle, Will succeed Mies Ftht a IK' ll' DICK IIIOMUIIT Report That Bergdol) on Board Steamer ns Member of The Chew Put tho Official. on the Alert. MIAMI, J'lu. Ixwal police and local ( fficliils were early today making pre lar.'illnn to meet the steamship Jupiter, snid to be enroute to this poit with Grover Cleveland Hergdoll, I'hiladel phia darft dislger, on board ns a mem ber of Its crew. No word had been received from the Jupiter early today nnd the hour of Its arrival Is not yet known, l'ort outhorl ties say they nre expecting the vessel to arrive here either today or tomorrow. In tlit meantime other gulf ports are being closely for tho Jupiter. Leon county authorities nt "Talla hassee, wore still holding today . man who claims his name Is William Jones cf Krle, Pa., taken Into custody yes terday suspected of being liergdnll. Disabled Soldiers Will Hear Program From Local Station Cnrter tho direction of the mem Iris of tho Oeorgo It. Anderson I'ost, Aniericun Legtnn, a musical lUourum will he broadcasted to the Imys In the Hospital for Disabled Soldiers at Kill phur, from Ardmore talent, soon. The x.ii t dale of the pros.nm but not been definitely decided. At thu legion luncheon Saturday, It We decided that the regular meeting which would full on New Yeur's night, would be postponed until the following Monday, nt which tltnu plans will be crmiltted for the membership drive cimpuign which Is to oh launched soon. T. II. Orr. post commander, stut-d that Is'glnnlng Next Saturday, special I rogruins would be given at the lunch eons In order thut inure of the hoy would be present. Mr. Orr hus made un nutline for the work lo 1st done by the local post for the coming year and ue c.irdirg to the plans, the legion Is go ing lo be put on the n.up to slay. stenographer, hut that will be the only change In that department of count v ovriimetit. The sheriffs nf fi e atnady has n full foroo. And If there nre to I uny ihangen itherif lonoou has never announced them. ' County Surveyor C. W. Clay will re tnln his poet, and there will be no change mad there. District Judge Freeman, and county Judge Vmfry will not take office until a week arter Ihe rest of the county of ficials have filed their bonds. Theirs witl be filed Monday, January I. Judge FYeeman has lo appoint a court stenographer, but who that will be has nt been Intimated, although speculation has been rife for some lime. The board of county commissioner do ni4 go Into office until July 1. the same h" true of ths county superintendent, and the county treasurer. MIAMI OFFICERS VATCH SHIP FOR EVADER OF DRAFT Duuuings Lost KLAN WILL SEND AGENTS TO FIELD TO INVESTIGATE Inquiry Into Killing of Dan- i t i Y. -Trii ieis ana tvicnaras wiu Be Thorough, High Officials Say I DENIES KLANSMEN ! GUILTY OF CRIME Governor Parker Openly De nounces K. K. K. in Statements Issued NEW ORLEANS. Tho Louisiana or ganiKatlon of the Ku Klux Klau will tend Its own agents into Morehouse parish to Investigate the kidnaping and killing of Watt Daniels and Thomas KU hards lout August, uccording to un announcement today by a high state of ficial with thu klun. This action, he raid, was ducidede on at a conference here yesterday of heads of the state ( rganizatlon, ut which a reporter of a New Orleans newspaper was permitted to attend. It was slatted that tho Investigation probably will be started within the next 4' hours. "1 recently returned from More house Parish where I discussed the out rage with many folks who knew their community well. I know that the klan ii: not to blame," said tho klan official. Not Hiring Lawyers "We have no Idea of setting up any Offense ut public hearings for anyone, n.d reports that the klau is Interested in obtaining brilliant attorneys for he rltfense of those arrested are not true. We are interested in daring the Klan tf any connection in the public mind v.ith these outrages. The Klan officials stated if t should develop that any In dividual members of the Klun In Mbrc hcuse l'arish hud anything to do with fie kidnaping and murders uC Daniel Mid Jtlchurd-, they Would be outlawed and the Klun would UHstst In obtain ing their conviction before the crluilual court of the state. Governor John M. Parker, who or cUreo the public heurings Into the Morehouse Hdnuplng situation has oi- enly denounced the K. K. K. He hus directed tho Investigation and has been qt:oicd as declaring that he was de termined to tear the mask off the k'-an." BASTROP, Lu. Another day of marking time while awaiting return of the federtU and state Investigators have been In New Orleans and Baton Ilt.tiKC conferring with Governor Park- tv und other state officials, today serv eJ only to increuso tho air of expect oncy in troubled Morehouse parish "scene of uaion" In what men direct Inj." the inquiry declare will prove one of the most sensutlonul exposes of masked band operutlons ever unfolded In Ihe Jtouth. The Investigators were expected to return hits within the next 4-5 hours. FAMOUS HORSE DEARER DIES IN EL PASO, TEX. KL PASO. Texas. Joe Nugent, said to have sold more horses und mules to tho I'niled Ktntes and foreign govern ments than any other American stock man, died here today. Ho was president of the iVmpbell Heed Western Holes .Stable company, National Stockyards. Illinois. He came here three months ago for his health. TURKS ARE SENDING TROOPS TO TERRITORY ATHENS. The Turk are sending reinforcements In Ihe direction of Mo Mil, thu rich oil district, the ownership of which Is In dispute ut the Luiisatitiu CMiftri ui.e, urcordlng to udvtces to the Central News from u leliublu source A division of 6.00U Turkish troops. It 'a ktuti-d, hus alnudy left V.m for M-ul. WIELDERS OF WICKED CLUBS TO CIRCLE AIR Wleldcr of wicked clubs will again (Wish circles through the itir Ut the Dornlt k Hills Country club links Mon l.iy afternoon, January I. In cnineti turn fr the prises ahlch will comprise golf bulls. The piny wilt be an II hole medal contest. Ihe first nine holes rl&e sifying the players and Die total scute of the II holes determining the winner of Ihe various classes. A small entrance fee will be charged. PLANS FOR ARMENIAN HOME ARE SUGGESTED LAI'SANE Plans for nn Armenian national home, financed by a possible fM.noit.Ooo npporpriaMon by the I'nlt ed States congress or a popular loan n America In addition to funds from four countries, were presented to Ihe near east conference by Ihe American c"(rtion. Car Demolished When Fire Truck Rebuild Business Soon E. A. Cole, of Pooleville, dead. Auto of H. P. Wells demolished. Two buildings destroyed. Fifty thousand dollar loss in night fire. Grass fire at 1013 Third Avenue, southwest. Grass fire at D and Fourth Avenue, northwest. 1. 1 1 MEMBERS OUT MUST LEAVE Said All Men Subject to De portation and Liberty Grant ed If They Leave Never to Return. WASHINGTON. The sentences of eight members of the Industrial Work ers of the World, convicted in the Hay wood case of conspiracy nnd violation of war time laws, were commuted by Pres ident Harding today to expire at on e on condition thut the eight prisoners leave the Cnited Stutes nnd never re turn. The men whose sentences were commuted were: Amllio Vlmentl Azuuru. sentenced to 20 years; C .1. liourg, ten years; peter Green, ten years; Charles L. Lambert. tuvnty years; Harry Lloyd, five years; Hurt Lot-ton, ten years; Sam S'arlett, 'n years; Archie Sinclair, ten years. Ail of the men are subject to deporta tion and it was u condition of their cum mututton thut should they return tr this country, the clemency grunted to them would be void und thuy would be upprehended and returned to Leaven worth peiiltentlury to serve out the re mainder of their sentence. The prisoners will be given sixty days in which to Rrrangn for their departure and will be required to give bond on their departure from tho prison that they will up Pear at u stated time and surrender themselves for deportation. Two Executed for Being Enemies of Irish Free State BELFAST. The executions at Kil kenny, In which two men wero put to death yesterduy us enemies of the Irish Free State, wero the first to lie carried out by the government outside of Dublin. The two men executed were John Phelan. and Murphy. Both were recently uhptured in south Kilklnney .with arms und ammunition in their .Possession. The condemned mm were attended during their lust moment hy Fathers k.kkunugh, and Diva, the lutter being the chaplain to the military forces at Kilkenny. The prisoners walked stead ily to tho place of execution and un f.onchlngly fuced the firing squad. Tho volley Mas heard about town. Death In both cuec was practically In stantaneous. Phnlun, who was n laborer, left n widow und two children. Murphy, a farm hand, was single. rAXAJHAN KXPOKTH TO I'NITED STATM I.AKtiHt WASHINGTON. Cunadiun exports lo the I'nlted State for October, the first complete mouth lu which the new tariff law Was effective, tutulled l;i2,Hl!M0 compared to .'!. Ol5.47ti In lee huh ni months of lust year. Legislature Million MrskoOKU, Oklu.! lion that the stale of Oklahoma spend more than a million dollar in (lot next tti years In the further relief of sick and disabled ct-eerviiv men Is con tained In the ropoit to be siiumitbs) next wvek to the governor und the ninth legislature by Ihe Oklahoma soldiers' relief commission. The report, which Was drawn up at a meeting ot the commission here, In ad dition to accounting for Ihe appropria tion or 11.110.000 voted two years ago, outlines what further steps the com mission deems necessary for tho proper treatment of ths slate's III and wound ed veterans. Ths sum of JI.2T7.e0 should he spent In ths fiscal year of 1S2M9M In this humane work of relief, the commis si. s believed, while IS.14.l24 ill he sufficient In 124-35. The large ami tint for ths coming year would provl.l" for ths doubling of ths capacity ot Ihe GIVEN PARDONS in Fires Hit It; To Ardmore hus hud its annual visitation cf fires which was climaxed curly Sat ueday morning when K. A. Cole of Pooleville lost his life, the Brooks Burner stove company plant und the C I Hull furniture com puny were de stroyed with property loss estimated .it r'0,U00. An automobile which II. 1'. Wells of 'J"J Seventh avenue, northeast, whs Uiiving was demolished when struck by the fire truck Ht the corner of Broad way unci 1 street, northwest, when the department was on a run to a grass fire at tin corner of D and fourth avenue, no one was Injured. Night Fire menacing The entire neighborhod netween W hlngtnn and Caddo streets In the W. . Uy of Third avenue, northeast, ,v..M menaced early Saturday morning when fire wiped out the C. 1. Hall fur I Ittn e store and damaged several near by 1 ulldingx, then leaped across the Hi!:-t and destroyed the Brooks Bur nci stove plant. Origin of the fire is placed in Ihe rear of the Hall store by fire men who completed their investiga tion ul noon Saturday. Cause could not he determined. When Ihe alarm was turned in the Hull store wut ei.tlrely rnveluped by fire. E. A. Cole, an uged man. who has lived in Ardmore ut various times, was oicupying a one room annex to the (Continued on T'age Three) Robertson Gives Secretary Job to His Stenographer OKLAHOMA CITY. A woman has been appointed secretary to an Okla homa governor for the first time. Miss Huth DoUKherry. his stenographer, was named Saturday by Governor J. H. A. Itohertsnn to fill that office when Joe O'Brien tendered his resignation to en l:e the leclslature nejit week. Miss Dougherty, according to the i. :vt rr.or, was with him as a stenog rapher Isforo his election to office, and has served the executive four years. "In tendering you this office. Miss Dougherty, I desire lo honor yon, and v.itli you the women of Oklahoma. I am t-eaking a precedent to name you my Kccretury, but your faithful service has ru.Ue you deserving." FRISCO'S REVENUE MAINLY FROM OIL BAUTLl'.SVILLE. Ok la. J. M. Kurn. preiiident of the St. Louis and San Fran cisco railroad, whllo In Tulse recently made the statement that ell from the oil countries In OMuhomu In which the Frisco lines run, formed tho largest In dividual Item of freight during tho year. This fact lu Whut led Ihu biurd of the Frisco lo plan extensions Into other oil counties during 19-'3. It Is believed that this will bo un Imnoilunt Item In the question of building the east nnd West rallnsid through lUirtlosvllle. The rail roud offlcluls are at present taking un der consideration the matter of con structing u r 'md from Ylnlta to Ponca This tine when built will pus through Nowatu, lUirtlrsville und l'uV-buska. To Be Asked for for Disabled Veterans tubercular sanitarium at fcul phur, whl"h Is the only building pro ject rveommehd.'d by Hie commission. In lis nvonimeii.luU.mH, the ctsnmis sion follows exactly tho suggestions of the committee on l-xMution of the 1122 stale convention of the American Le gion at Burtlesvllle. The suggestions of this committee Included the following items tliudlng and Improvement of the grounds of the general hospital In Mus kogee, 122.000; grading nnd Improvement of grounds, tubercular sanitarium at Sulphur, llO.ono; a fund for the relief of emergency cases to be expended by the relief commission, $100,000; for the transportation ot ex service persons In the course of hospitalization, $20,000. In recommending these appropriations by the ninth legislature, the commission points out Unit the stule treasury w.'l he reimbursed for much ot the mono) impended by ths pel dism pnymnts UDGE WRIGH FACES SECOND Okemah Attorney Faces Disbarment and Tells of Giving Judge Booze to Decide Suit. INVESTIGATOR IS KILLED AT RESORT Accused Judtfe Was at Resi dence When Man Killed; Cut Given Clean Bill. OlvU-VHOMA CITl. Charges District JudKC Lucieu B. Wright of Sapulp.i. accepted a bribe from W. If. full, an Okemah attorney, were made In disbarment proceedings filed here Haiurduy against Dill by lien William.;, cl airman of the state bar commission, in (onnection with the trial of the com. of William Burnett against the Alenni homa Oil company, involving property .said to be worth half e million dollars. The disbarment action against Dill was started coincident with the tempo rary detention of Judge Wright and the arrest of Clias A. Elkins, in con nection with the shooting of J. H. Fcr. pusor. at u resort here early Sntuiduy. .Iiidge Wright adinited he was iienniL at the time of the trouble but has be-n exonerated from any connection wi.h the uffair, according to authorities. The proceedings ure bused on alleg d tutiniony or Dill before the state su- reme court in on action bionght to compel the disuiiulificuMon of Jud,;e Wright in ri-iiek-i iiitj UimI decision i 1 1 ine case, wlil, h oi l'iiuied In i'i.-. l; county. In the niipivue- court ht-arihi; m July l!UI. Dill was said lo have tes t'fnd thai he offered Judg.? Wrig.ii '.vhlskiy and a bribe to settled the ca-e ajriinst the oil company. on the strength ot this testimony, .ludgi Wright whs disqualified by tl -suiileiiie com t fiom further action In tl'.e case. Wright at "Booze Party" OKLAHOMA CITY. L. If. FeTiison ipicial iitvesiigutor from the state at tori y general s office, was shot and K'n riot '' injured Friday night at tho hoi. t .'.'.Mrs. Dewey Walker In a wi den. N .nrlct here. C. A. Elkine. who c'uin ) he was commissioned un offic er b; ivernor Bobertson la In lull on a eh Klk i s s; I lace of assault with intent to kill, was quoted by the authorities he went to Mrs. Walker's uh District Judge Lucltn B. Wnght of Sapulpa, and thut thero was a "large parly of well known people present" with much liquor in evidence. Second Allegation TCLSA. The bribery charges fllrd iii;ainst District Judge Lucien 15. Wilghi of Sapulpa, Saturday consti tute the second brilnry caso in which re iins been Involved. Charges of bribery were filed against JuJgo Wright nt Sapulpa July 14, 1921 , by the then attorney general, S. P. Froelinjr. It was charged that Judi Wright hud uccepted $10,000 aid was promised a total of $100,000 to divide tho Tommy Atkins oil lease against tin Charles Page Interests In a slate action brought In his couru The decis ion of Wright rendered prior to the filing of charges was against the Pago Ititf rests. At the preliminary hearing, the rase Wici dismissed, Justtoe PI It holding that thero hud been po evi dence to support a onbe charge. APPROPRIATION FOR BATTLESHIPS ASKED WASHINGTON. A supplemental rpprnpriatlon of $t). 500.000 for modern lalion of battleships was reqquested of congress today by ITesldent Harding, i who transmitted a letter from Secre tary lcriby declaring that as a result of tho urnis conference decisions, the natlrir must adopt n now policy regard.' inn its capital ships if they ore "to be maintained ut a stiuidurd ot efficiency , ri mpuruble to thut of similar vessels of , f.tfelgn powers." from thn federal government for each veterans' bureau ttent cared for at the Sulphur and Oklahoma City hus pital. In illustrating IH this need for con Urination of ths alato' rollcf program for ex-service persona, tho report points nut that to December IS, 1IH2, 1.731 patients wero hospitulixed nt tho Uni versity hospital at Oklahoma City. The number remaining In the institution on '.hat dute was (2. At the sains time, there were 67 patients In the tubercular sunltarlum at Sulphur, which Is seven mors thun the original capacity ot the institution, Thu commission recommends enact, ment of a statute giving It authority to sell the Muskogee general h.ispllul to the fiKlerul government If the govern ment so desires. Tho 'report Is stated by Ihe three com :nlsloners llnrold It. Frll of Ardmore, S. Grant Victor of Afton, und Horac II. I lagan of Tulsa. BRIBE CHARGE