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I ;.i 3 ft Tt S3 51 51 8 o ( ) ( ) I 1; o TULSA DAILY WOULD. SATI'It'DAV, AI'lilL 7. 1000. tfwwtwwftwwwfwwfwwtwftWftWftw A different letter will appear thus in the . World for a number of times. Each letter is contained in the name of a prominent firm in this city. The person first correctly naming the firm will be handsomely rewarded. Watch this space and get in the game. if if csf sT: taT beT tf a sf ifs: 1b ili kTfi ia If r Bf BTa 4s sfs asf afVE 3 s tsT af itf sf Bf a afta sfa &i ):xoooooocockxoooococo Palace Market The most complete Grocery in Tulsa. Exclusive agent for Sherman Bros.' TEAS, COFFEES and SPICES No. G. North Main Street, Telephone 107 5 oooocoooocoooooooooo OOCOOOCOCCCt0C0OOO0CO0tO0GCC Prescriptions Filled Day ami Night at the Grand Opera House Pharmacy o 5 i o 8 ft o 8 M. V. R. R. Midland Valley Tho New Line Offers The SHORTEST ROUTE TO Little Rock Birmingham Memphis Atlanta, Ga. and all points Last an 1 Southeast. Let mo name you our rates. E. Ftzgerald, Agent ' Tulsa, I. T. THE LADIES OF I ill liS VISITED BY TERRITORIAL COM MANDER THIS WEEK. MRS. HANNAH I. CARR Some Facts in Connection With the Order and Also With the Knights of the Maccabees. Jlr-. Hannah T. Chit, Territorial Ci'ihiiKiiiiler ill' tin- Ladies nf tlu- .Mac cabees, is in ln city infusing ''Cv life, cornice and enterprise into the lm-al 1imI:c, perfect in:: tlie drill team in its beautiful wnih, ini'ri'ioiiiir its !i'i'Hi'iiT.!iii ;iiii! in other, ways nddintr t'i ils efficiency. Mis. C:ht is a lady who has liiid a Inn:; ''i'i ii'in'c in the wmk of the i'i-u;ini.!it inn, liaviii',' been deputy su perintendent nine years and tun years in eliarve el" t!;e well; in Indian lYr rilnry. S!k lias I, ad nl.Mi leat sue- r- iii her (fi'mts to liuild up the iM'hr in this new mr.ntry, and is iiieiiiiiL' iih ureal smeiss in ilii, her third vi-it t'i Tul-a. She is n linn lip- lieer 11 M area iiee:sm. and llicr 110 :le"!s a:i i 'pni 1'inil y t.i pn aeh ils (!"-pil a'd inahe c i, veils. This rf term -nil she is in se.--ii.ii wiiii the ln eal I'-d'jo and witm v.,ii u, j: iiiaiinn i'!' a nun. her new i a;iiiid,il'-s. Th" KnL'ht- a'id Indies el' t . Mao eahei s ia e alua;. s lieon s.;.l liMjin e'allv. The knnh'ii.e of ill's fact las (.'intd a tn nietiih'i'.s u.iv.tli in eert.'iin parts (,f this -. .nut i . iintahly in the Nintlittist an J in the Smith. There iieer has heen a iuihllo or vnid of debate roL'ardinj the pay ment f a j'oliey wWn nil the faets in the nro dearly set forth, and this prompt payment lias jraineil tliou sands df member in Imth or.'.miza tio . They are vjnilar, cerialy, tiniis. They ore jnpular, fjecinlly, tliof-e f'f limited ineonics, altbo not itinfinod t these by any moans. Mr. Carr ban told the member in Tulsa some facts repardin' the in vestments of the organization they and many others were and are iutior ant of. Ajnonif tbise is the fact that tho i rder cf the Lady Maccabees own bonds and property in the Indian Territory to the amount of .f l."(l,!l.'Sl). illi, and that they own Tulsa bonds to the amount of .:!7,;7j.(0. In point of wealth the both organizations are amoiifr the slroiiest in the eountry. Their investments arc all well placed, and their linanees are managed by the iyost able, eoiiservalive and honest men and women in the United States. Lately the Kniuhts of the Macca bees in Tulsa have bejiun to "jret a move on," to use a slanir phrase, and are now iiieotinu' regularly and stead ily increasing their menibershii). The Ladies of the Maccabees have been more active and are rapidly yrowin into a strum; oiL-anizat ion which Mrs. Carr will leave in better shape than before. lVath lias not caused many breaks in their ranks so far, but one member, Mrs, Myrtle Amerine, died recently and her little prl received .$1.0110 this week, the amounlj for which the mother bad been insured in the organization. The World made a mistake yesterday when it stated the Knights had paid this policy. Mrs. Carr uave the World repres entative a copy of the ollirial oru'.-in of the Ladies of the Maccabees, "The Ladies' K'eview,'' published monthly at 1'oit Huron, Michigan. It is far bi'tter than the majority of such or gans, and is ably edited, contains a ureat deal of inlerestim: reading mat ter, lias news from Imlu'es all over the count ry, carries membership, mor tuary and linancial statements and, in fact, keeps a member in close touch with (verythinur vitally coiicernini; the order every where. , Tul-a is woderfi.IIy kind to bene volent, fraternal and insurance orders of all kinds, but imne arc more deserv ing "f o-nod will than the two mention ed in this article. CONDENSED FINANCIAL STATE MENT OF THE BANK OF COM MERCE, TULSA, IND. TER. At the Closo of Business on the 29th Day of January, 1906. Resources, Loans and discounts, 118,138.45 Over drafts, 380.29 Furniture and fixtures, 1.502.87 Cash and si,ht exchange, C2,G25.76 Total, Liabilities. Capital stock, paid in, Surplus nnd profits, Time certificates, Deposits, 192,707.36 25,000.00 8,459.74 4,14'J.61 145,098.01 Total, 182,707.36 WESTERN DISTRICT, INDIAN TERRITORY, SS: I, J. II. Mcl'.irney, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that tho above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. II. MTilRXEY, Cashier. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this 2nd day of February, 1906. SAM'L P. M'L'IRNEY, Notary. Correct Attest: B. F. COLLEY, II. R. CLINE, T. E. SMILEY. Directors. MUSICIANS, NOTICE. NEWEST EUENA VISTA For garden, chickens, barn or ideal home, cannot he beaten. Lots from $1 to $6 per foot. Clark, Norman & Jones, or Mowbray Realty Co. "XLNT" brand soda wafov is made from pure distilled water. The South western Bottling Co. 3-21-tf Ladies' Skirts made to order. Dan Rody, the tailor. See UNION MEETING, A meting of Laborers' Union No. 199 it called for next Sunday at 30 a. m. HOMER MOSBY, C-4-2t Rcc. Secretary. Tulsa Local No. 91, American Fed eration of Musicians, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, has received its charter. The charter membership list will remain open un til April 20. The membership fee nt present is $2.00. Any instrumental musicol, male or female, who nt nny time plays for money, is eligible. Af ter April 20, an examination and high er fee will be required. The list niay be had upon application to Secretary Claud S. Tinplcy, or to E. Robitaille. president. Musicians in adjacent towns may become members of this Lo"cnl by paying into the local $2.00 on or before" April 20, 1906. E. ROBITAILLE, President. NEARBY BUENA VISTA. Only one mile from the post office, and commands magnificent view of Arkansas river and surrounding conn try. Clark, Nornun & Jones, or Mow bray Realty Company. Every dancer in Tulsa should at tend the Union Musicians' masque ball April 10, HELLO CENTRAL 407, PELASE Tulsa Decorating Company We wish your man to call to see us about do l ing some GOOD WORK X!3 ft If you want some 2 thing a little better t than the other fellows, g call and see our stock. 2 We show the chcancst J and best line of WALL PAPER AND PAINTS CSC I Practical Paintrs and Paper Hangers S FYfllKIVP nPAlcnc c in suuiit TII1KD STREET. j Eureka Plumbing COMPANY First-class Work O. Third St. Guaranteed. Phone 4. 0OftCOftOftOOftO0OtOCOft , C. H. CKITES City Scavenger 308 El wood, Street OftCCftOftCOftOOftCOfK0J u? v orders nt police heads.,arter9. 20 per cent off at - Muwv-U vw ton's. Chaney, the V street, between Second and Third. tfft rfftto 51 itfftM ft. . 5f $ V 51 0 ft ft ft ft ft ft A ft O i ft ft 3 r ft w ft ft ft ft ft ft ft m n ft ft w