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"Tho Wants of tho World Fill the Wants of the World" One Cent a Word u Wok. nrw-r Ch!cken3, Turksys and Young Vegatables h eTdTFarTers 'IVI-plmni' No V i it JM1 JU ii v-' JU. VOL. I. NO. 107 Tl'I.SA, INDIAN TERRITORY, MONDAY, APRIL 0, liiiui. FLVH CKXTS COPY. Should Any, Unmarried Visitor Fail to Find His Affinity in the Crush This Week, fie Might Try a World Want Ad: 0ns Word, One Week, One Cent w CITY IIMIEB VITH ODD f tERBlTQSI.'i L C3 NVENTIOM GRAND ENC'MPMENT OF I. 0. 0. r." TAKING PLACE TODAY. Grand Lodge and Robckah Asscmlly tomorrow and Next Day Many Ladies in Attendance. The finest weather in months greeted tho members of the 1. 0. 0. F. En campment nml Grand Lodge when they awoke this morning in the many hotels in this Chicago of the South west. Tin weather god is propitious, nnd his favors are being thankfully received and' gratefully acknowledged by the citizens and the many strang ers within our gales. Everywhere one turns one meets some- stalwart specimens of Indian Territory manhood wearing the glit tering badges of the order and gaz ing admiringly about them at this wonderful young city . To say that Hie delegates are pleased with Tulsa would be drawing it mildly they are amazed, thnnder.struok, for although they had, as a matter of course, heard of this city they had no conception that she is what she is Five Hundred delegates are expect ed to attend the (Irand Lodge meet ing, and they are already coming in by every train from every part of the Territory, and many visitors from Ok lahoma and Kansas. The (Irand Sec retary believes that when they all get in there will be fully 1,000, including Lmies of the Pebekah Assembly, which also commences holding its ses sions tomorrow. The delegates to tho Grand Encamp ment are" already here, and have been in session since Half past nine o'clock this morning. This afternoon or ev ening they will elect officers for the ensuing year, (irand Patriarch Alex ander, of Muskogee, is presiding over delegates had registered at hoadqiiar Sccretary of Hie (Irand Podge. ' At Half past one o'clock today 213 delegates alid registered at headquar ters in the Robinson hotel, and by to . .l.i i ;n i, .i..,,i,i,i lie. Ill UliU i 1 1 1 1 1 1 lt I lull III.: uwiiiuuil, innybe trebled. They are resting to day and taking in the sights; with the exception of the Encampment dele- O. W. PATCHELL, Paul's Valley, I. T. Orand Treasurer Grand Encampment. gates, nnd by tomorrow morning will be ready for the arduous duties of the next three days. A great num ber of ladies Have also arrived, nnd their appearance, intelligence nnd breeding liuve made n very favorable impression upon our people. ' The members of the Encampment and Grand Lodge nre worthy representa tives of -this coming new state, nnd reflect greatest possible credit on the organizations they represent and on the Territory. One of the mot interesting person alities here now is W. E. Gentry, dele gate from CHecotah, a Creek Indian nnd the donor. oE tho I.jO acres of 'land on which the Orphans' Home is located. He is a grand old man, sim ple as a child and desirous of nothing in the way of entertainment excepting . buttermilk and chicken these, he says, He must have. Tomorrow nio'rning the parade nill lake place, at 10 o'clock. The line of DINS 10 0000 .V V t 'jfAW. ',",. v . .-. A A -v- " 0 march will be as follows: Tlie line forming at Masonic Hull, preceded by the Commercial Club band, will march to Jioston, thence north to Fiist street, thence west to Main street, thence north to the P ra lly hotel, thence south to the Robin sou hotel, thence cast to Pnston, thence north to Second, thence east to tho opera House. Tonight there will be a reception of an informal nature tendered to the ladies of the Kcbekah Assembly at the Brady hUd. There will be refresh ments, but nothing in the style of a banquet. Tomorrow night at Fraternity hall the Encampment degree will be ex emplified by the wonderful Oswego team of Oswego, Kansas. Other events will be announced lat er. Tho World extends cordial wishes to the members of the Ecaiupi)ic,it, the Orand Ledge and the ladies of the Assembly, for a most pleasant time while in Tulsa, and for a most stieeess l'ul and Harmonious session. JESS W. WATTS, The subject of this sketch was elect- red Grand Patriarch of the Grand Kn- caiupinent of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and his term of of fice was very satisfactory to the mem bership. ' He was also very instru- r in iy -' IuV"-k v V i - f , :t JESSE W. WATTS, Sallisaw, I. T. Past Grand Patriarch. mental in the raising of funds for the building of the Odd Fellows' Home at CHecotah, Indian Territory. Mr. Watts is now eligible, and in all probability will be elected Grand Rep resentative to the Grand Lodge of the United, States, which position he will fill with great credit to the Odd Fel lows. Politically a Democrat, he controls the confidence of His people and party. lie is a brother of Charles G. Watts, mayor of Wagoner, I. T., and Thomas J. Watts, mayor yf Muldrow, I. T., and is himself mayor of the town of Sallisaw, 1. T., all of whom were elect ed on the Democratic ticket, in April, I!)!)."). lie is a lawyer by profession and commands a good practice in the courts of the Indian Territory. I. R. MASON Was born in CHnmbersburg, Illinois, February 14, 1S03, nnd became an Odd Fellow in May, lS,e.", in Argonia, 272, Argonia, He passed all the ihiirs in that lodge rind joined the Mi;i.M gee En.' ipmei t in Apri', 1S:17 He passed the chv'rs in Indianolu En ca.r.rment, Xo. 10. nt Arduiore, L T., whirt. lie Ins resided since JS'lO. Mr. Mason '; Grand Master of (ni :ur:?di.-ti r Jn V.,7-M- Grand Re r'ir.'.-i tative in C"::n! Lodge in Ji IIr.s attend J - session of the (.?t'.l Lodge. ' Hie Indian Territory, eoiooooi090oooi O "Dispatch is the soul of busi ness but there can be no dis patch without method." And Want Advertising will furnish tho method needed in nine in stances out of ten. O o 9 O o 0OtOOIOOOtOIO 7 - VfsV.j, vVv-: v v . - f , s . , v v - r - - 'f, " 'i . ' C. H. ALEXANDER, Grand Patriarch 19C5-190G, and Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge I. 0, 0. F. G. II. Alexander is one of the most active and energetic organization workers in the Indian Territory. In I. O. O. F. circles, especially, he has been particularly prominent and suc cessful in a remarkable degree, lie is a lawyer by profession, but h: s ceas ed active pnn tice, and now ik voles himself exclusively to th secretarial work of the L O. O. F. and kindred orders. Mr. Alexander instituted tho finirlh ubordinate lodge in the Indian Terri tory, that ol .1 alileiiuali, o. 4, m lSS:i. In 10(10, when he became Grand Secretin y, there were only i t siiIhj;-- Iinate lodges in the jurisdiction, with membership of L'.SOO. There are now lodges, ami I'.ouu mourners, an increase which speaks volumes for Mr. Alexander's faithfulness and per severance. save '"0 nrsi a:, in jtjo, ai .ti'v.iion. Mr. Mason is a practicing lawyer at Ardmore. and a gentleman highly es- 0 ' -9 I' if- IS UfV, i I. R. MASON, Ardmore, I. T. P. G. M., P. G. R. teemed and valued as a citizen and n friend in his Home town. Mrs. Mason is Pnst President of the HebeknH As sembly. Report of Grand Secretary. Since the meeting of the last Grand Lodge, we have instituted thirty-eight new subordinate Jodges. the last num ber being 214; and the dispensation lias been granted for 21.J. These new lodges are all in good working condi tion, nnd I would recommend that they be granted charters nt your pres ent session. Since our last meeting we have in stituted eighteen Kebekah lodges, and they should also be granted charters. It should be gratifying to us all to know that our membership has in creased bo rapidly during the past year that the prospects for the future year are growing brighter each day. v He is Grand Patriarch this year, pud during His tenure of ollico Has in stituted eight encampments, nnd is presiding over the meetings of that august body in Tulsa this week, lie- sides his multifarious duties he was i:'.f tho original promoters of Hie Cdd Fellows' Home, an institution, which reflects highest honor on the organization ami the entire Territory Mr. Alexander has seen Indian Tor riiorv in all its vicissitudes. H has lived in it and in Oklahoma for ! years, and was tho first County and Probate .Judge in Oklahoma when the Cherokee strip was opened. He is a tower of strength among the brethren, and his geiji'lM pleasant personality, his integrity and His abil ity Have made him thousands of friends all over this soon to be new I state. Before closing my report, I desire to thank our worthy Grand Master, Pen F. LaFayette, and the Secretary of the Itcbekah Assembly for the many courtesies they Have extended me in the discharge of lav official dutie.i. And it is largely through their until ing efforts that we have Had such a phenomenal growth in both branches of our order during the past year. Trusting that this, your fourteenth annual session, will be Harmonious and result in great good to the upbuilding of our beloved order, I am, Fraternally yours, G. II. ALEXANDER. Grand Secretary. Number of Lodges December .'11, 1001, Number defunct, SO, S7, 12, 104 3 Kit 1 k;o :io N limber consolidated, llD-.'ll Number instituted 1W Total number of Lodges December .'11, 1!)0:, 10(3 Number initiated in 1D0.", 14 Instituted from .TaTiuary 1 to dale 12 Total number Lodges this dale 20S Rebckah Lodges Number Uebekah Lodges last re port, 02 Number instituted since January 1st to date, . C 112 I cannot give the Hebekah member ship for the reason that the Secretary of the Assembly has not yet made her report to me. I am satisfied, however, that tho Pebekali branch has made a substantial gain in membership since our last report. Number 'members Detember 31 1004, (5,073 Number members lltiated in 1905, . 1,707 HE WENT TO HIS DEATH WITH A JOKE M HIS LIPS iiiiiImI' iih lubers mln; car.l, NJ1 Number re iiistalcd 1"S Total. D.711 From u hicli deduct : Withdrawal by card bJI Suspended for cause 7(i For non-payment of dues fu- Deceased Til K.-q.elled -Hi 1,,'il!) Total number members Decern- her 111, 100.-), . S,:'.li.") 71)11 Xiunber of brothers relieved Number of widowed families re lieved, 2!) 1111 51 Number of orphans relieved Numbers of brothers buried Number of brothers' wives buried 4.1 Number weeks' sickness 2,l.'i0 Amount, paid for the relief of brothers. .$0,4211.7:1 Amount paid for relief of wid owed families, 7."(i.2.' Amount, paid for relief of or phans, 2U.(i.") Amount paid for burying bro thers, 1,.)1!).2.j Amount paid for burying bro thers' wives, 717.00 Anixitnt paid for special relief 1,714.118 Total paid for relief $14,41.12(1 The amount paid for relief for or phans above staled was for orphans not in tho Homo. Number of Past Grands December 15H, 190.- (taken from December re ports) 1,073 meinber- Number of applicants for ship rejected, 102 .'!,. IXti.;Y2 o,7.':uo 7,(!7(i.00 Peceip'.. fie. lines Receipts for initiations Receipts for degrees Receipts from nil other smir ces, 111,7 DO.SS Total receipts .f 7."),(;(IIJ.."U Working' expenses of subordi nates Cor the year 1011."), .f !(i,10 Invested funds of subordi nates, including regalia, real est. lie. notes, cash on bands, ami all other prop erty, 100,(1711. IS The above amounts are taken from the seiiii-aniiual reports as returned to this ollico, but they are incomplete, for Hie reason (hat many of the sec ret a ries fail to fill in the amounts pro perly in columns set apart for that purpose. LARGEST SALE EVER MADE. In Tulsa of Vacant Property, Made This Morning. The Invetsinent com pany sold this morning to W. II. Nice ly, an ex-passenger conductor on the Frisco, 7.")'100 feet on the corner of Ilosloti and Second streets, facing the now Peeder building. The considera tioii was 1.),0IH). ami was paid in cash. Mr. Nicely will commence at once the erection of a four-story, brick and stone, ollice and store building, on His now purchase. CHANGE IN BUSINESS. Louisiana Man Purchases Towers Bil liard Hall and Barber Shop. J. li. Hiltinah, of Machlin, Louis iana, has purchased the Towers Pit liard shop, located in the basement be low Williamson Pros.' store, taking charge today. Mr. Hiltman will mnkc extensive improvements to the room and will add new equipments, making Hie place of amusement even more oj)ular than ever. i K. OF P. GRAND LODGE. The Grand Lodge of K. of P. wil meet in Okmulgee May 1 and 2 with an uttondance of about 300 members Supreme Chancellor Charles E. Shive ly has promised to be present on the occasion. The strength of the order in Indian Territory is between "),000 and f.,000. DARROUGH RENOMINATED. World Washington Eurcau. Washington, April 9. The president today renominated Dairough as federal marshal of the Northern District. m. NORMAN SUICIDES WIFE CRAZED WITH GRIEF OV KR LAMENTABLE AFFAIR. Dead Man Was Good Citizen, Beloved by All Despondency from 111 Health Probable Cause. "How about lots in the Eter nal City?" jocularly inquired William Norman, a member of the prominent real estate firm of Clark, Norman and Jones, discussing business in his office today with several men. Two minutes lator, he drew a revol ver and solved tho problem by shoo tins himself through tho head and dying instantly. William L. Xornian committed sui cide this morning, at 10:20 o'clock, by shooting himself through the Head. He never regained consciousness and about ton minutes afterwards quietly breathed His last, sitting in His office hair. Not in many years Has a tragedy oc- urred in Tulsa which caused such un iversal surprise and sorrow. The lic ensed was well known, and very much icd in all relations' of life. lie was the last man one would suspect of tak- ng his own life, nnd none o" tho auses so far in nny way satis fy the public. The deceased is a partner in the real estate firm of Clark, Xennan & Jones, nnd a minute before the triuj- ' edy was silling talking business wUn his partners in their offices on East First si reel, next to the Prady Dry Goods store. Judge Claik, in relating Hie event to the World representative, said that they had been conversing together on the payment of some money. Ho was silting at one end of a desk and the eceased at the other. J. D. Jones was silling a little distance from them uid between them; A. T. Jones was sitting in a corner near the front win dow. They had. just agreed to pay $100 in some transaction they Had on hand, and Judge Clark stepped out the door to call a notary. He Had not gone throe feet from the sill when He Hoard a light report, and thought it came from the Prady store. At that moment J. D. Jones rushed to Hie door, calling, "For God's saks, Judge, Hilly Has shot himself." Tho loed was done. J. D. Jones says that after Judgo Clark left his chair he saw the deceas ed pull open a drawer in front of him, nml thought He was looking for His pipe. He fore He could realize it, the shot was fired, -and the gun fell from the nerveless Hand to the floor, where it was later picked up and turn ed over to .Marshal Keneau. The weapon was a 32 calibre Young America a more toy affair, not more than five or six inches in length. It was taken by J. D. Jones from a drun ken Indian sonio time ago, and has lain in tho drawer until used today. It carried a bullet not much larger than an ordinary cathartic pill, and the lade in Hie dead man's head, from which Hie blood was oozing and trickling down His face, was scarcely visible to the reporter. The bullet lodged in the. brain, entering the skull one and a half inches above, and one. inch in front of, the right ear. William L. Norman was born in California and came from a good fam ily. Many years ago He moved to Ok lahoma territory and settled nt Still water, where He was register of deeds four years, deputy district clerk four years, and district clerk two years. Within tho last year be came to Tulsa, nnd ns a member of the real es'ate firm mentioned was building up a nice business, lie was a gentle man in every sone of the word, and tried to live square and deal squarely with everyone. The dead man left a wife and two children to mourn bis loss. One of the children is a girl nearly fifteen Continued ca Paga 8.