Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WOKJ.n ri'FHAY. AI'RII. 1". 1 '. CONVENTION OF MINE WORKERS IN KANSAS CITY V.', - I O'Jtlock for Set'JemcM Gloomy. !',. A,. a: t !-. ,r- it Ml :.i to h S3 is aOYi .iv.-:i of! "A? iim.i renis i-;n- nil l , 1 1 in -I r.'ll.v! lull THEFUN ISOiM The fun is on. Everybody in town is talk in about it. Save the pieces. Keep the weird and mysterious letters. Go in and be the clev erest person in the city. Show your ability as a clairvoyant. Read the future. l-r.-.i.!.-.t. II- i :. . Tin- i !'; - i t:l""ii.y. Tin- l.;ib-ll ini 1 1 -. t i,e sr. iic . .t S.-i! ! r. i .i ' r: rated Im1;iv ui:.ii'C a .'liar r ll-.M a .is dut;- a d - r the .'it ttl.ti.ilt a . which u.i t. Wit.- op of aniic. li'.i"!! n. i !n-r-. A i .1 1 1 j..n a pas. id ilcli"ii!)i'iii (In' ivtl lhi' demonstra tion in (lie -tlMIJi'-t t ' I U.S. THE WOMAN'S CLUB OF TULSA Offers Prizes for the Best Vegetable or Flower Garden. At n moctiti'.' of the Wit Minn's ("lull, which met veterday with Mrs. .7. I). Seaman, chic work w;i taken n j . and the liiu- which ;i -:i 1-1 Uri'iiL'f-t in the was In heantit'v and make -aiiitai.s t!:c hack van!", of the cilV. Three prizes v. eie i.(Tercl. oic nu ll.-: r Ii'MI'te.-ii Veals i.t a-e. lie-t Vrjcl able or Ih.wer mIi cat.-d ill the t j j -. t rb-anlv and .ii- th ell. h attra. live hr- hack yard. Fir-t j.ri. seen.) lili.e. nlif ih'llai plir, i .1 i' .l.,;ir. The colli'hil inspect the '.aniens i.i:ec a filter .1- I-t. .1 hive i iiis will a!-. i he tu. Address All Communications to fl THEFUN ISON ; third i-e ill month TP L Letter Mystery" Department A different letter will appear thus in the World for a number of times. Each letter is contained in the name of a prominent firm in this city. Have the honor to be the first to cor rectly name the firm. Watch this space and get in the game. or In. millet ..!' cut lloWel'S. the :i.i- In he lai-e, hy any -iiie nn.h r t.-iii t.-.-n VeaiS of a''e. (lowers (.i he i!i-i!.ie,l at the lir! ineetin-,' of he i-l i ih ill .--tolier. Any f.irin t ii..r raisin;; th.u ts for sale will he assist,., in the dis posal of the same hy clnh nieinhers. Anyone compel in f.,r the (lower or Vegetable garden prizes will please send their name an.l address to Mrs. .T. J. Seaman, or to the president, Dr. Mary K. (ireen. Tile next ineetin- of he clnh will I if1 ilevoteil to I loine Scleiiei luahiir. Ola ft W ft W KM tit Vi $1 ?.l til 15 & EBVUUTH.HVHiUUVHViaK'ra.KvwwrsMv m m. w m m. u u to. a. Id A M H T M B H H U B H 3 if V U a V II If VSEvUBVIEVUg VUIlVKf HCVKBTHUViKtBlIf Ifltl9)I)ff INTENSE INTEREST MANIFESTED IN THE WORLD'S "LETTER MYSTERY" .1 the intorv elitenee he thou an indu-tnal sell... Mitution. it tie retor- in it a ami home NOTICE. All n,i,i Fell ow i or eit iens of I hIm I . a i t ; -r a ri-r or mm eyaiice at their Hsposal will ple;,e hrill- them (o h,. hotel, We.llie.ihn. April II.1 Jiohiii-oii ." o'elaek. Tor Rent Tun eh-.:,-!!.! i-nnnn. Ti:iiiire No. 4iH. coi-ner Koiirtli ami j 1iii;i N..t u i;lil.ui.lii!.' that I ill of niiest- :reat ileal more than n-'ia' i-; hap p. iiin' in ihe !n town of Ti'l.-a. an ii:lei.-e inti-rcl i 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 i 1 . : in the "Letter MyMcry" now rii'-n ; n.- in '!,,. clnmiw of the M'oiil. Since the 'ir-t i--aie of i!ie iih'.-i I i-.-nn-nt , thi 111., I'.-iie hell at !." Worl ' i''ice h.i e-i il o erw oi keil wi'!i p" ani..ii lo -.-ive I heir opinion on the matter in i-i .ii j.-i-t uio. linns, in fact, al most all of the prominent ailverti-ers in the ellv. haw hci-n i-Iiom-II hy the many ica.leis of the Worhl. That il pas o ailverlise was never more the is .h-nioiisiiateil than in thi an.l tl at 1 1 hy eiseil L'el in he Jnstancc. any clianei- y..n Imve not excr n.iir'eineni in the matter. line. The Inn is on. Here OOOOOC0C0DCCOO is t'ii- opportunity of a lifetime to jet s . n i t -1 1 1 i 1 1 -r for iiothinir. It eot "ni ein cent." Ami hear in mind that in this cn.-c "the first shall n..t he l.M." i Topeka. April In. In the federal eonrt (".lay a plea in flliatemeiit was tiled in the eases against John Wil herr of .Miouri, one of the lar-.-est land owners in the world. 1.. ('. Jen kins and J. II. Drain, charged with siihoniatioii of perjury in land fraud WORLD'S NEWS IN BRIEF. Vienna. April Id. P.ellainy Storer and wife leave this afternoon for l'raiiee. Their ilep.irture will remove the dilticnltv roLtarilinir diplotnatie in- lercoiiise tria-llnii hetween America :nrv. an. An- NEARBY BUENA VISTA. Only one mile from the post office, and commands magnificent view of Arkansas river and surrounding coun try. Clark, Norman & Jones, or Mow bray Realty Company. Cicero L, Holland C. 0. D. Groceries. T'hone :1. No. 'J14 East Third St. "" Flour and Feed. ire hnsv. T'lione or brim.' in All Iron, Woodwork and Black smith material a; cost in a clean up sale on this class of floods. 2-13- tf. Mowbray & Winterringer. lot- Ill' Prescriptions Filled Day and Night at the Grand Opera House Pharmacy mC9 Z 2 Z Z l D Z 9 2 C 2 1 ; C :3 1 ZZj 2 Od 20mz 00 a. April Id. ImLe l:,o,,ks. Kansas Ciiv court, asked the ".nvcriinr today to pardon his .s,,n from I lie Mntehinson reformat.. rv. I'.n.oks himself sentenced the boy alter the latter wa arrested on a chai'Lie of stealini; ciuais. Jad.-e I'rooks says at the time he pioiioime- M. V. R. R. Midland Valley The New I. ill.' ():r.Ts lh SHORTEST ROUTE To Little Rock Memphis Birmingham' Atlanta, Ga. It me and all points East and Southeast name you our rates. E. Ftzgerald, Agent Tulsa, I. T. Head Ache Sometimes? If so. it will interest yon to know that it can lie stopped with Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills; and without any aftcr cl'tVcts and this without dan ger of forming a drtii: haldt or having your st. ;n:n-h ii-ar- ranged. '1 hey j.oitive!y co'i taiti no f'iurn, n:or;-hi!ie, r. caire. rh!' .va!. etlu run !;! .-o-f 'i'::i in any torn. I r. Mi'--.-,' An: i-Pain I 'ills relieve pain, .v l h ave only a sense (,f relief. The re.i-on f. t this is e:;da!:ir.i ly the fact that headach--' comes fr 'i.i tired, irritalde. tnrhnlent, over-taxcl l.rain nerves. An'i Pain Pills s'Kithc and strer...rh n tlu-so nerves, tints removing the cause. They arc harmless uhen taken as directed. "Wn u Ir. Mil"' Anti-l'aln F'iH fir tt ' .'un f.f lii-n'l u mcl ? 1'ilnk tt-nt lliiTc l nutMrif tt .it v. Ill 'in. I tli'-m. Tticy will ni' th. p.'vi-rct km-I1 of ncrvnii't or .ck hemlM.-tie In a very few 1 rn i if n nervous ti-n-i-rain'iil, und oofn1i,niillr have t-llii wtin my ni-rit m to lie completely nhauot ni. nrv! I trmbtp rn I can rnrf rontain myself. At th"" tlmn I nl way tnk the'iiln I'llH. anil ttiff quiet fn rtftit nwnjr. It n r mark.ilil that a oott.inj effr-ct thejr hnv upon the nirv." MliS. F. K. KAKL. Detroit. Mich Dr. Mllet Antl-Paln Plltt art told by your druggist, who will guirantM that tha flnt package win benefit If It falls, ha will return your money. 24 dosat, 25 cants. Nevar sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Our motto is hiph quality poods, and bpst service. Ihe Southwestern Bottling Co. 3-24-tf UNRIVALLED BUENA VISTA. For health, beauty, desirability every way, and for cheapness of lots, nothing equal to it in this section Clark, Norman & Jones, of Mcwbray Realty Co. AN ASSURED SUCCESS. an The lieki'i sale for the Musicians' 1'i.ion Ma-one Hall. April 7(. in Fra ternity H.iil. is proL-resMii"; more than the a (fair is now Costiures have Harmon's Hook wivhii1,' a rented Well ,l call. No is- ie. and everv IV sat !s!ae..i v. an siired m been ordered More and ihiu.-ei eo-tii!i,i. would ih i'. itatioi s w,U h lady n:us( l. aee.,11 panie.l by a "en-tl.-ina.'. .Tickets are s-l.lKJ the eoiliile: -.-.' any ii'ii-iei.-in. or (Iran.l Opera We your order atnl trt-t This week only 1 lb (leiiuine Africa Java Coffee 1 lb finest 1'eaberry Coffee .i lbs. fillip P.rand Coffee 1 tb Celebrated lhadetn Coffee 1 lb Holland's Special Coffee I lb Holland Special lilend 1 .'! lb Can Corn 4 cans Standard Corn Flour This 'eek only D. P. Flour, per sack Perfection, per sack. Princess, per sack, euaranteed l!t It) Su.nir i lbs Navy Iicans 10 Pars Lennox Soap Joe Pox Kirk's fine Toilet Soap 1 lb Small Prunes .'1 lbs I.nrsre Prunes 2 lbs Kxtra Larye Prunes C lbs Hulk Oatmeal 1 It) Corn Starch l.T.t L. Salt .'.0 lb Sack Salt Crackers by box. pound. Feed tran. .'.HO lts. per 100 chop, .'.on lots, per inn. Hay, per bale. Corn, per bushel. CONDENSED FINANCIAL STATE MENT OF THE BANK OF COM MERCE, TULSA, IND. TER. .20 .20 1.00 .?,: .1.") r 1-2 .10 .23 At the Close of Business on the 29th Day of January, 1906. Resources, Loans and discounts, 11S.13.45 Over drafts, 30.28 Furniture and fixtures, 1.5H2.S7 Cash and sijrht exchange, C2,G2.)."6 1.1 .j LO.') 1.00 .2") .2') .15 .0,) .-') .0.1 1.40 .40 .00 .9.") .00 .2.) .45 Total, Liabilities. Capital stoek, paid in, Surplus and prutits, Time eertificates, Deposits, 1S2.707.36 2o.000.00 S.4')0.74 4.140.61 14o.U0S.01 Total, 1S2.7D7.36 WKSTEHN' DISTRICT, INDIAN TERRITORY, SS: I, J. II. MeBiniey, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. II. M'BIRNEY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of February, 1906. SAM'L P. M'BIRXEY, Notary. Correct Attest : B. F. COLLEY, II. R. CLINE, T. E. SMILEY, Directors. BEST CORNICE WORK Ira Isenberger Eureka Plumbing: COMPANY First-class Work Guaranteed Ev Third St. .-: Phone 4. D n i st 1 1 MONEY! MONEY!! GOING OUT OF EUSINESS. The old time, screakey, warped ironing board is being puto ut of busi ness on account of those nicely built up ironing boards at Chastain-Cath-ey's. which are going at 90c each. Coa;e right away, for they won't last long. NOTHING; LIKE BUENA VISTA. The coming suburb for sensible peo ple. The place to raise a family high, dry and cheap. Clark, Norman & Jones, or Mowbray Realty Co. For Rent Iji'ye furnished rooms for lieht housekeeping, close in. In quire at residence, comer North First and Cincinnati. 4-7-Ct You can save money easy if you will just try our $.1.00 tickets. It will save you Tide on every ticket you purchase. Our Plan is the Best and then you will be pleased by our treatment and you will be satisfied with what we serve for it is THE HEST OF EVERYTHING Try It and See 4OOO0OOOC0C4V)0 C. B. CRITES City Scavenger $ Cor. Third and Guthrie. X ooooooocooeo& i;a orders nt police heatisarters. MUSICIANS, NOTICE. THE INMAN & FOWLER RESTAURANT CORNER FIRST AND BOSTON Tulsa Ix)oal No. P4, American Fed eration of Musicians, affiliated t ith the American Federation of Labor, has received its charter. The charter membership list will remain open un til April 20. The membership fee at present is fj.00. Any instrumental musieol, male or female, who at any time plays for money, is eligible. Af ter April 20, an examination and high er fee will be required. The list may be had upon application to Secretary Claud S. Tingley, or to E. Robitaille, president. Musicians in adjacent towns may become members of this Local by paying into the local $2.00 on or before April 20, 1900. E. ROBITAILLE, President- Chancy, the Ptotographer on Main street, between Second and Third-