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Chickens, Turkeys and Young Vegetables HEADQUARTERS TtUphon No ...tU "The Want of, the World Fill the Wants of the World" On Cem h Word a Week. TULSA, INDIAN TERRITORY, KATl'KDAY, APRIL 14, Pmtl. FIVE CENTS PER COPY. VOL, L NO. 172 A Noted American Came Home Today From Shanghai and Reports the Chinese Boxer Overestimated as Much as One James J. Corbett Once Was Tulsa Daily World. THE HAN WITH THE MUCKRAKE ROOSEVELT'S ADDIlESS AT THE CORNER STONE CEREMONIES HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING Magnificent Three M'llion Dollar Structure Launched President in One of His Happiest Speeches. World Washington Hureau Washington, April 14 The corner stone of the three-million dollar of lice building tor the ini'inbers of the house, was laid this afternoon in the presence of a dintingnished audience. Grand Master Hrown of the local Ma sons struck the marble corner stone with the gavel George Washington used in laying the corner stone of the n.'.lion's capitol. The ceremonies wire followed with" the program observed in" that occasion. The building occu pies an entire city square, and con tains four hundred and ten ullices, grouped about a hollow square. Presi dent Kui sevelt, Speaker Cannon and Heptesentatives llephuin and Rich ardson spoke. The piesident's speecli, which fol lows herewith, made a decided impres sion on the large audience, and was listened to with utmost attention. Over a century ago Washington l-.wl the corner stone of the Capitol in what was then little more than a tract of wooded wilderness lie re be side the Potomas. We now find it necessary to provide by great addi tional buildings for the business uf the government. This growth in the need for the housing of the govern ment is but a proof and example of the way in which the nation has grown 'and the sphere of action of the National Government has grown. We now ndninister the affairs of a niition in which the extraordinary growth of population has been out stripped by the growth of wealth and the growth in complex interests. . The material problems that face us to-day nie not, such as they were in Washington's time, but he nnderly intr facts of human nature are the same now as they were then. Under altered external form we war with the same tendencies toward evil that were evident in Washington's time, and are helped by the same tenden cies for good. It is about some ot these 1 wish to say a word to-day. In Hunyan's Pilgrim's Progress you may recall the description of the Man with the Muck-rake, the man who could look no way- but down ward, with the muck-rake in bis hand: who was offered a celestial pi-own for his muck-rake, but who would neither look up nor regard the crown he was offered, but contin ued to rake to himself the tilth of the lh r. tii Pilarim's Progress the Man with the Muck-rake is set forth as the example of him whose vision is fixed on carnal instead of on spirit ual things. . Yet he also typifies the man who in this life consistently refuses to see aught that is lofty, and fixes his eyes with solemn intent ness only on that which is vile nnd debnsim:. Now, it is very necessary that wj should not flinch from see ing what is vile and debasing. There is"nlth on the floor, and it must be scraped up with the muck-rake; and there are times and places where this w the most, needed of all the s 'rvioes that can be performed. Put I'-e man who never n- joii else, who never thinks or speaks or writes, save of bis feats with the muck-rake speedily becomes, not a help to society, not an incitement to irood, but one of the most potent forces for evil. ' There are, in the body politic, eco nomic and social, many and grave evils, ami there is urgent necessity for the sternest war upon them. There should be rentless exposure of and attack upon tvery evil man, whether politician or business man, every evil practice, whether in poli tics, in business, or in social life. I hail as a benefactor every writer or 1 . .. ...ttl.Mf. speaker, every man who, on the platform, or in bonk, magazine, or newspaper, with merciless seventy makes such attack, provided always that he in his turn remembers that the attack is of us.' only if it is ab solutely truthful. The liar is no whit belter than the thief, and if his men dacity takes the form of slander, he may be worse than most thieves. It puts a premium upon knavery nn truthfuly to attack an honest man. or even with hysterical exaggeration to assail a bad man with untruth. An epidemic of indiscriminate as sault upon character does not good, but very great harm. The soul of every scoundrel is gladdened when ever an honest man is assailed, or even when a scoundrel is untruth fully assailed. 'nv it is easv to twist out of shape what I have just said, easy to effect to misunderstand it, and, if t i Klnrred over in repetition, not difficult really to misunderstand it. Some persons are sincerely incapable of understanding that to denounce mud slinging does not mean the en dorsement of whitewashing; and both the interested individuals who need whitewashing, and those otlieis who practice mud slinging, like to en courage such confusion of ideas. One of the chief counts against those who make indiscriminate as sault upon men in business or men in public life, is that they invite a reaction which is sure to tell power fully in favor of the unscrupulous scoundrel who really ought to be ex posed, who ought, if possible, to be put in the penitentiary. If Aris tides is praised overmuch as just, people, get tired of hearing it, and overceiisure of the unjust finally and from similar reasons results in their favor. Any excess is almost sure to invite a reaction; and, unfortunately, the reaction, instead of taking the form of punishment of those guilty of the excess, is very apt to take the form either of punishment of the unof fending or of giving immunity, and even strength, to offenders. 1 lie effort to make financial or political profit out of the destruction of char acter can only result in public ca lamity. Oross and reckless assaults en character, whether on the stump or in newspaper, magazine, or book, create a morbid nnd vicious public sentiment, and at the same time act as a profound deterrent to able men of normal sensitiveness and tend to prevent them from entering the pub lie service at any price. As an in stance in point, I may mention that one serious difficulty encountered in yetting the right type of men to dig the Panama canal is the certainty that they will be exposed, both with out," and, I am sorry to say, some times within Congress, to utterly reckless assaults on (heir character and capacity. At the risk of repetition let me say again that my plea is, not for immunity to but for the most un sparing exposure of the xlitician who betrays his trust, of the big business man who makes or spends his fortune in illegitimate or corrupt ways. There should be li resolute effort to hunt every such man out of the position he has disgraced. Ex pose the 'crime, and hunt down the criminal; but remember that even in the case of crime, if it is attacked in sensational, lurid, and untruthful fashion, the attack may do more damage to the public mind than the crime itself. It is because I feel that there should be no rest in the endless war against the forces of evil that I nsk that the war be con ducted with sanity as well as with resolution. The men with the muck rakes are often indiscnsable to the well-being of society; but only If thev know when to stop raking the muck, and to look upward to the celestial crown above them, to the crown of I worthy endeavor There are beaut i- fill thimrs pbovp and round about them; and if they gradually grow tu feel that the whole world is nothing but muck, their power of usefulness is gone. If the whole picture is painted black there remains no hue whereby to single out the rascals for distinction from their fellows. Such painting finally induces a kind of moral color-blindness; and people affected by it come to the conclusion that no man is really black, and no man really white,' but they are all gray. In other words, they neither believe in the truth of the attack, nor Continued ca Pag 8. EARTHQUAKE IN FORMOSA Tokio, April 1L A violent earthquake occurred today in the Southern part of Formosa. The casualties and damajes were heavy. SHIP SUBSIDY APPROPRIATION REPRESENTATIVES WHO WERE ABSENT RECORDED FOR BILL AN INVESTIGATION IS ON Opponents of Bfll Claim that Four or , Others Were Not Present But Were VUtd Just the Same. World Washington Bureau. Washington, April 14 The house members who opposed the southern railway subsidy in the postoffice ap propriation bill which carried yester day by a-vote of !!) to W lias an in vestigation on foot to establish the correctness of the vote. Today it was shown that Stevens of Texas, and Nedge of Iowa were recorded as vot ing for the bill when they were ab sent. The striking off of tlieiiyiames leaves the subsidy with a majority of one. The opponents of the bill are inquiring into the votes of four or five others who were recorded for the sub sidy who are said to have been absent. CITY RECORDER'S COURT. Wife Beater and Street Walkers Were Fined. Citv Recorder Abbott opens police couit at it o'clock every morning w hen there is any business to be transacted. This morning Felix IiCggett, a col ored man, living in the First ward, appeared on a charge of beating bis wife. Trial developed that the 'wo man could not or would not sustain her charges, and for merely disturb inu' the peace Felix was lined !f;i am costs. Two colored women plead guilty of street walking, and were each fined if.") and ocsts, with the warning that the next time it would be raised to :f-f) and costs. A charge against N. E. Weigle for painting his sidewalk was postxtned for trial to Monday morning. WILLIAM QUERRY HONORED. William Querry has received an in vitntion from the Secretary of the Na vy, of which he is very justly proud. It reads as follows: , "The Secretary of the Navy re quests the honor of your presence at the ceremonies in commemoration of John Paul Jones, st the Armory of the United States N.aval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, on Tuesday, April 24, lOOti, at 2 o'clock p. n. ALL QUIET AT VESUVIUS. Naples, April Ki. Vesuvius con tinues quiet today. In the devastat ed area niary families are seeking their old homes. The thieves are busy and manv have been arrested. oocoooocooooooooocooocx SCANDAL GUESS THE FIRM I name as the firm represented by the 'mysterious letters' 8 ' Sign Here : . : 3 3 Send to The World "Letter Mystery" Department. - O HOUSE EULOGISES .FLATT , i W Hoi ft si On Washington Bureau. linRton, April 14. Iho today devoted the party to of Senator Piatt of Conncrtfcutt. GORI.f BUTTS SOTO IDAHO WIRES SYMPATHY TO PRISON ERS nELD FOR MURDER. "DELIVERANCE AT HAND" Noted F-uEsian Deals Out Generalities n Purely Local Affair Effect of Message in Doubt. New York, April 14. --Maxim . -ky, the mted Russian writer, sent a telegram to Myer and Haywood, the leaders of the Western Federation of Mineis in jr.M at Caldwell. Idaho, on a charge ol complicity in tin assas.n aiiui of ex-Governor Steunonbcrg. The mi'ssa.e leads: "GreeliiKS to you. my brother Se cir.lisls. Courage. The day of justice and deliverance, for the oppressed of all the woild is at hand. Ever frat ernally yours.- MAXIM GORKY." Gaylord Wiltshies, the Socialist, wrote and sent the message for Gor ky. He said 'ii mature deliberation that he believed Gorky did not appre ciate all the aspects of the effects of the message. Washington, April 14. An appeal of Mover, Haywood irfid Pettihoiie, leadeis of the Western Federation of Miners, charged with complicity in the assassination of ex-Governor Steuiienlujig, from a denial writ of habeas corpus by the circuit court of Idaho, was docketed in the supreme court today. The men were arrested in Ci h raj i and taken into Idaho as (j the result of a c nspiracy between the governors, they claim. A CHANGE AT WELLS-FARGO. Mob Hopkins has resigned his po sition as agent for Wells-Fargo Ex press ci mpany of thi.i city, ami has been succeeded by W. D. Lewellen, of St. Iaiips. who checked in yesterday Mr. Hopkins was a most efficient ag cut and his giving up the oliire will be regretted bv his many friends, lie will remain in Tulsa for some time at least. TWO HUNDRED HORSES BURN. $75,000 Fire in Baltimore Early This Morning. P.altimi re, April 14. Two hundred horses weie cremated in a fire which destroyed the Fox Livery Stables in th'w cilv this moriiiiv. f he loss is over seventy-five thousand dollars. I. 0. R. M. GRAND LODGE. Will Meet in Tulsa Towards End of This Month. Another Grand IxIge will meet in Tulsa this month, and this time it w COMPLICATION he the Grand Lodge of the I. O. It. M., or, for the benelil of the uninitiated, The Independent Order of Uedllien. Grand Sachem I!. P. Evans, of llnil cyville, has been in the city several days this week making preparations for the convention on the -llh, .'th and -lith. Representatives from every tribe in the Territory will he present, and two famous teams from Kansas will exemplify the degree work. The local Ganogu Tribe, No. .'IS, will continue the preparations, and have everything ready for this impor tant event which is intended to stim ulate interest and enthusiasm in one of the oldest and best organizations in the country. DISTURBANCES EXAGGERATED. Bishop Easkford Says Chinese Situa tion Is Net Bad. San Francisco, April 14. Hishnp I't'slil'ord ariived here today from "shanghai, e said : "The leports of the disturbances in China are g really exaggerated. There have been only three riots there in the year. Each riot was due to local Ntusex. The Chinese, speaking gen erally, arc fiiendly to Americans. Three aie s me signs of unrest, but 'is is int a rccriideseiice of the Mox . i':o einent. ' DINNER ON TUESDAY. The I. idies of the Guild of Tiinitv Episcoprl church have secured the corner rot m in the new First National ,a':k building in which to give their linner on next Tuesday at PJ o'clock. ie menu will be published on Moii- lav and will include everything sub stantial iand delicate, splendid value 'or lTc. Patronize it freelythe hurch needsthe money and the pub ic needs the dinner. DICKENSON FOUND GUILTY. Celebrated Coshocton Murder Case at End Today., Coshocton. Gbi.i, April 14 Hen Dickenson, who strangled Mrs. Kath- rinp Hughes to death between the 'orks of a tree near this city, was found guilt v of murder today. This . ... .1 sentence ends one ot the most ceie.- biuted murder cases in the history of Ohio. HOOSIERS, READ AND RUN 1 1 The Indiana Club will meet in the Commercial Club rooms Monday eveti- iiur at S o'clock. A permanent organization will then be effected, and the "great picnic irran-'cd for. All "Iloosiers" take notice and be present. P.v Order of Committee. MID-CONTINENT PRODUCERS. The Mid-Continent Oil Produce! Association will meet nt Itartlesville n Tuesday next, April 17th, nt o clock P. m. ,A large hucihoom.- . . . i i i ,.r those interested in this Held is re- itieslcd nt this meeting', as it is of es i pecial importance to operators in In dian Territory. AN ERROR CORRECTED. Dr. J. A. Mrngg writes from Kirks ville. Mo., to correct a mistake made hv the World on the 4th instant, lie not going to remain in Kiiksville, is staled, but will return to Tulsa by September 1st. and will practice os- teoi athv and occupy an office in the new Fir National bank building. THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE. fleonre Johnston, builder of the Grand, is in the city nnd says the fire wall will be repaired by Monday mornin.'. and that when finished the house will be one of the strongest and most substantial theatre buildings in the country. Shows will be given in it Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights next week. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. City Marshal P.abcr wants the pub lic to'inlie notice that he will strictly enforce the chicken anil stock ordin ances Owners of both are hereby warned to keep them within bounds or suffer the consequences. 4-14-tf THREE KILLED BY A TRAIN. Greenville. Pcnn.. April 14. Mrs. Maude Calvin and her two children were killed in a grade crossing acci dent here today. Two other children of Mrs. Calvin were badly injured. A TEST CASE OF IMPORTANCE N. E. WEIGLE ARRESTED FOR ADVERTISING ON SIDE WALK WAS RELEASED ON BOND Case Will Come Up Monday Morning and May Affect Many Merchants and Others. N. E. Weigle, in the person of one of his clerks, was arrested this morn ing on a charge of "obstructing the sidewalk" by painting on the side walk in front of his store an an nouncement of the sale now in prog ress. The clerk was taken immediately before City Hecordcr Abbott, who was holding court in the city hall, and giv liminary trial. Attorney Rodulf ap peared for the defense and argued that such advertising was in no sense a violation of the oidinance. City At torney Mitchell not being present the case was postponed until IM.Jii on Monday morning. Mr. Weigle is very naturally indig nant at thus being deprived of a priv- eye accorded to the churches, base bull club, the theatre management and others, and will light the curtail ment of ft in his case all along the line, if it takes all summer. 'He is one of the best advertisers in Tulsa, and through his advertising is doing a tremendous business. His great sale, which he expected to close on June 1st, he will now continue until after July 4, because of this interfer ence with him at this late hour of the day. It is very probable the trial of the case on Monday morning will attract a large crowd of business men. The clerk was released on his per sonal bond, and in the meantime Mr. Wei'.'Te is not losing anything by the additiona) notoriety given himself and his sale. THE FIVE HUNDRED CLUB Entertained by Mrs. Oscar Howard Yesterday Afternoon. The Five Hundred Club was enter tained by Mrs. Oscar Howard at her residence on Fourth street yesterday afternoon. The house was beautifully decorat ed with cut floweis, smilax and sweet almond. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Clifton George in making the occasion interesting and very pleasant to all. Those present were! Mesdames Davidson, Gregg, Shirk, Hrown. Epperson and Mayo; the Mis ses Pose, Leola Thompson and Neves, and Mesdames Ashhy, Hcnzley, Mc Coy and Miss Jessie Ault, as guests of the Club. AN EASTER EGG HUNT. Enjoyed Yesterday by Sixty-Five Chil dren. In spite of the cold weather of yes terday the youngsters of Tulsa turned out to the Easter egg hunt at Mrs. Colley's residence in good numbers, and had a grand old time looking f r hen fruit in all sorts of inconceivable places. Sixty-five children enjoyed the oc casion, and the older jH-ople in watch ing them had nearly as good a time. The hunt was given by the Home Missionary Society, of the M. E. church, South. HIAWATHA REBEKAH, NO. 103. The ladies of the Hiawatha Kebe kah Ixdge, No. lO.'t, met last night in Fraternity hall for the transaction of regular business. There was a good attendance, and one visitor, Mrs. Che ate, a delegate to the recent Kebekah Assembly. The lodge planned to irive a dinner on the 2tith of this month, the occasion of the annual I. O. O. F. association. The members last night rejoiced in their new charter and new regalia. Reverend fl. W. Martin will leave tomorrow night for Kansas City. Dr. Mayginnes will probably accompany him.