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Tulsa Daily World. "Tbe Wanti of the Woild Fin tbe Wants of tbe World" One Cent a Word a Week. Chickens, Turkeys and Young Vegetables HEADQUARTERS TaWphona No ISB Tl'LSA. INDIAN TERRITORY,' WEDNESDAY, AI'KII. IS IMC. VOL I. NO. 17(1 FIVE CENTS PER COPY. If Statehood Bill Will Take Advantage of the New Low Tulsa Freight Rates He Will Soon Be Off the Bum and Sitting in State AN MFUl nfl Police Patrol Carting Dead From the Buildings. -World Issued Extra Giv ing First News of the Horror. Late News Develops New Horrors. WORST CALAMITY IN HISTORY OF THE COAST Waterworks Demolished and Destruction of Entire Business Section is Feared. Three Miles of Railway Sink From Sight. Last Shock Shortly After 8 A. M. Two Thousand People Re ported Killed. Wires Down and Details of Disaster Not Fully Known. (From this morning's Extra Edition.) SAN FRANCISCO, GAL, APRIL 18.4VIA ASBTORBV ARIZONA, AT 5:13 O'CLOCK THIS MORNING, OCCURRED THE MOST TERRI FIC EARTHQUAKE KNOWN IN THE HISTORY OF THE PACIFIC COAST. BUILDINGS TOPPLED AND FELL IN EVERY DIRECTION. THE POLICE PATROL IS CARTING THE DEAD FROM THE BUILD INGS. FIRE BROKE OUT IN THE WHOLESALE BUILDINGS NEAR THE WATER FRONT AND IN OTHER LOCALITIES. THERE IS NO WATER TO FIGHT IT. DYNAM ITE IS BEING USED. THE POS TAL TELEGRAPH BUILDING IS PARTIALLY WRECKED AND MOST OF THE POSTAL EMPLOYES FLED FOR THEIR LIVES. AT 7:30 COMMUNICATION ON A SINGLE WIRE WITH ASHFORK AND LOS ANGELES WAS RESTORED. THE SHOCK WAS FELT AS FAR SOUTH AS SANTA BARBARA, BUT NOT FELT AT LOS ANGELES. ALL THE POWER LINES IN THE CITY ARE WRECKED. THE PACIFIC CABLE IS NOT DAMAGED, BUT THE LOSS OF POWER HAS SERIOUSLY CRIPPLED COMMUNICATION. THE POSTAL EL ECTRICIAN AND OTHERS ARE NOW ENDEAVORING TO RESTORE COMMUNICATION. IT IS UNSAFE YET TO REMAIN IN THE OF FICES. THERE HAS BEEN A SLIGHT SHOCK EVERY FEW MIN UTES SINCE THE HEAVY ONE. THERE WAS A TERRIBLE PANIC IN THE CITY, EVERY ONE RUSHING TO THE STREETS. ' MANY HUNDREDS ARE REPORTED KILLED ON SOUTH MARKET ST, WHERE THE FIRE IS RAGING. THERE WAS NO DAMAGE OF A SERIOUS NATURE OR LOSS OF LIFE IN THE RESIDENCE DIS TRICTS. EARLY ESTIMATES PLACE THE LOSS OF LIFE AT EL EVEN HUNDRED. " THE WATER AND SEWERAGE ARE SPOUTING INTO THE STREETS FROM THE GROUND AS A RESULT OF BROKEN MAINS. THE FIRE IS CONTINUING TO SPREAD IN ALL DIRECTIONS AND THE DESTRUCTION OF THE WHOLE CITY IS FEARED. HOUSTON. TEXAS, APRIL 18. VICE PRESIDENT FAY OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC ARRIVED HERE AND REPORTS THAT THE DEAD WILL REACH TWO THOUSAND. CHICAGO. APRIL 18. A ROCK ISLAND MESSAGE, SENT AT 11:45. SAYS THAT SAN FRANCISCO IS BEING BESET BY CONTIN UOUS EARTHQUAKES AND THAT THE FIRE IS WORKING TOW ARD THE DOCKS UNMOLESTED, AS THE WATER WORKS ARE OUT OF COMMISSION. NEW YORK, APRIL 18. HUTTON & CO., MERCHANTS, RECEIV ED A DISPATCH AT 11:45: "THE BEST AND MOST ACCURATE INFORMATION REGARDING SAN FRANCISCO INDICATES THAT THE WHOLE CITY IS BURNING. FROM THE HIGHEST POINT OF SAN JOSE, SAN, FRANCISCO CAN BE SEEN ABLAZE." NEW YORK. APRIL 18. A WESTERN UNION MESSAGE FROM SACRAMENTO SAYS THAT THE HEAVY EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS STOPPED AT 5:15. THREE MILES OF RAILWAY ARE SUNK OUT OF SIGHT BETWEEN SUISAN AND BENECIA, AND THE WIRES WENT WITH THE TRACK. AT PLEASANTON THE RAILROAD CARS WERE TURNED OVER. AT TRACY THE CHIMNEYS FELL. THERE ARE BIG FIRES IN BERKLEY AND OAKLAND, BOTH SUB URBS. LOS ANGELES, APRIL 18. THREE HUNDRED DEAD HAVE BEEN COLLECTED IN SAN FRANCISCO. THE MECHANICS' PA VILLIAN HAS BEEN CONVERTED INTO A MORGUE. 4MORE CORP SES ARE CONSTAJNTLY BEING BROUGHT IN. THE FLAMES ARE BLAZING IN A DOZEN PLACES. THE UTTER RUIN Or THE BUS INESS SECTION IS INEVITABLE. OGDEN, UTAH, APRIL 18.-A WIRE FROM THE UNION PACI FIC WEST OF HERE SAYS THE EARTHQUAKE SEEMS TO HAVE EXTENDED SEVERAL HUNDRED MILES. SAN FRANCISCO, 3 P. M. THE LAST SHOCK WAS NEARLY AS SEVERE AS THE FIRST. MANY BUILD ING8 WHICH SURVIV ED THE FIRST SHOCK AND SERIES OF QUIVERINGS TUMBLED WHEN THE FINAL HEAVE GAME. IT ADDED TO THE PANIC AL READY PREVAILING. AS NEARLY AS WORDS CAN TELL, THE EARTHQUAKE BEGAN. WITH A SLIGHT TREMBLE, FOLLOWED BY A HEAVING SENSATION, WHICH DEVELOPED INSTANTLY OTTO A SEVERE SHAKING AND ENDING IK A TERRIFIC SHUD- EAMPMS f0 TODAY 00OIOIOIOIOtOMOIOIOIOIO00OI 0 o NEWS BULLETINS OF THE SAN FRANCISCO DISASTER 0 WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE WORLD OFFICE TONIGHT. 0 0 0 OIOIOIO00OtOIIO0OIO0000 !nrp Bin BiiiT.mvr!a nnnTrr.n T.TITP. SHIPS AT flP.A THP.V THEN CRUMBLED AND CRASHED INTO RUINS, CATCHING SCORES OF PERSONS. THE PANIC STRICKEN PEOPLE STAGERED AS THEY WALKED, ASKING EACH OTHER QUESTIONS. A HIGH WIND PREVAILED, BLOWING THE FLAMES FROM BUILDING TO BUIL DING AND SCATTERING EMBERS OVER THE ENTIRE CITY. MANY CORPSES WERE BROUGHT TO TEMPORARY MORGUES BADLY MANGLED. APPLICATION WAS MADE TO THE WAR DE PARTMENT FOR THE USE OF TRANSPORTS TO TAKE THE VIC TIMS TO SEA FOR BURIAL. SEVERE DAMAGE WAS DONE AT BERKELEY AND OAKLAND. THE RAILROAD TRAINS ARE RUN NING IN THAT SECTION BUT SLOWLY OWING TO LACK OF WIRES. IN THE GROUND BELOW KEARNEY STREET THE SAND US TEN FEET DEEP IN PLACES. WASIIINGTON AT 12:30 THE RECORDING VIBRATIONS, BUT I GRADUALLY WEAKENING. i CINCINNATI,. OHIO. A WESTERN UNION DISPATCH AT 11 : II SAYS. "SAN FRANCISCO FIRE IS BEYOND CONTROL. AND IS NOW DESTROYING MARKET STREET, AND HA REACHED THE PALACE HOTEL. BOTH THE WESTERN UNION AND POSTAL BUILDINGS ARE COMPLETELY DESTROYED. THE LOSS OF LIFE IS NOW ESTIMATED AT TWO THOUSAND." SAN FRANCISCO THE LAST SHOCK WAS FELT AT 8:17. THE FERRIES ARE ALL ENGAGED IN CARRYYING PEOPLE TO PLA- ICES OF SAFETY. THE INHABITANTS ARE FLEEING BY THE , THOUSANDS. IN THE PANIC MANY DROP DEAD IN THE SREET. THE EXAMINER BUILIDING IS BUILDING IS ALMOST DEMOLISHED. ON THIRD STREET THT.TI.V. TS NOT A BUILDING UNDAMAGED. WHEN A MANY STO RY OFFICE BUILDING TOPPLES ING PROPERTY. MORE THAN ED IN A MISSION STREET LODGING HOUSE. THE BUILDINGS IN THA NEIGHBORHOOD TRE A San Francisco, April 18. Owing to the panic little headway is being made cither in gathering the dead and in jured or fighting the fire. The utmost confusion exists. Business is suspend ed Tti fir i. now (eleven o'clockl within a block of the Palace hotel, The city hall, a magnificent structure, which cost seven millions of dollars, is wrecked. . The area of the greatest destruction covers about fifty blocks. In this district many buildings are almost totally destroyed. .The great est damage is between Market street and the Bay. Buildings in the follow ing streets have been destroyed: First Tremont Beal Main, Spear, Stuart and East South. This is largely a manufacturing district .The financial quarter is comparatively undamaged. More than a thousand buildings weir destroyed. San Francisco, April 18. The first serious shock occurred at 5:13. Bulletin San Francisco, April 18. Great damage was done here early today by an earthquake. Many lives were lost and the telegraph companies were driven from their offices. Com- COMES OFF NEXT TUESDAY. A Packed Houbo Should Greet the C. C. B. Boys. The band concert, iostnel last week on account of the injury V the Oraml ojera house, will be given next Tuesday night, the '24th instant, at the same place. Tickets Mught for the night first announced will he good on Tuesday, and the delay oujrht to secure a packed house. The program as arranged will be given in its entirety, and the band, whihe has been steadily rehearsing. is now better equipped to do justice to itself and the public. The program is an extensive one, and includes specialties by the qnar tet, saxaphone solos, recitations and sones, making in all nn evening's en tertainment in quality far beyond any thing offered heretofore n Tulsa. The prices are opular, and range from 2.V to 7,r)c. FRATERNAL AID ASSOCIATION. Stella Council, No. 531, F. A. A., will meet in Masonic Hall in Tulsa at 8 o'clock p. m. on Thursday, April 19th, 1006, for the purpose of initiat ing new members and such other busi ness as may come before the council. There will be sixty or more candidates for initiation. Oereral President Don SEISMOGRAUH WAS STILL THE - OSCILLATIONS WERE if BADLY WRECKED. THE CALL OVER IT BURIES THE ADJOIN A HUNDRED DEAD ARE REPORT-,' HEAP OF RUINS. muh .'cation Is broken. At 6:30 the shocks still prevailed. The water works are wrecked and fire has bro ken out Kansas City, Mo., April 18. Tbe lo- leal snnerintendent of the Postal Tele- graph company says tne latest uiiorm aticn at 9:30 is that San Francisco's business section is on fire. Communi cation is still broken. Washington, April 18. Tbe seis mograph needle in the weather bureau was thrown violently from side to side at 8:30 o'clock. Eastern time, this morning. San Francisco is the metropolic of the' Pacific coast and with the excep tion of St Louis is the largest city in the United States west of the Missis sippi river. The Unied StateB census of 1900 reported its population to be 342,782. The city has a large Chinese population, which live in a district ex clusively their own. The city was founded October 8th, 1776. by two rriars, Francisco Palon, and Benito Cambon. It has tip to this time been singularly free from satas trophies of any kind. Carlos of Iwrence. Kansas, will be 1 1 resent All candidate f( r initiation and all member in Tuk a or elsewhere are re quested to W present and assist in making this a red letter day for the F. A. A. in Indian Territory. W. A. M'DEKMOTT, Pres. JACOB MOHAN, Secretary. THE GRAND IS SAFE. We, the undersigned architect and contractor of Tulsa, I. T., have this day made a careful inspection of the (Irand opera house building, seeking to local any defetts that might be diseernable, but we pronounce the building absolutely safe in all respects and are willing to go on record that there is iwi a safer building in the city. No one ned have fear of acci dent in attending plays in the house. Dated at Tulsa this ISth day f April, lfHHi. JOHN HANSEL J. W. EPPERSON. L V. CLIFTON. (J. W. FOKESMAN. COMMERCIAL CLUB MEETING. The neit regular meeting of the club occurs tomorrow night. Several important matters will come up for consideration. All member are urged to be present. ANOTHER BUILDING. Contract Let Today for the Bible, on Main Street. Till' rulitiurt fur erectinu the Milili' huildiru on Main street, next to the llaucork buililiiiL', iinw in course of n nstrnrtinn. wiw li t today t .1. Mrad Icy, who will commence work at unci1, i.mi is already getting his material lomly. Thi' building will !' according to plans mad i by Arichitect (Ilanlield, will bi' two stories in height, and will be in area VJ'ixl!.') fecf. It will be modem in design, of bost material, and intended for office and store pur poses. PREPARING FOR ENCAMPMENT. Committees of ihi (!. A. II. and W. If. C. an' busy niak'uivr ' arrnnjr ntents for the coming (Irand Army cn riimpitifiit in this city next month. Tin1 occasion will be a great one, and will briivj many old soldiers to this city. It will be the last this sec tion i!l probably witness, as the vet eran are fast tr 'i ui; to their last home. One evening will be devoted I-1 a literary and musical entertain i . 'lit. and nothing will be left undone tii.'it will contribute to the pleasure of l he mu sts. AN ACQUAINTANCE MEETING. At the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Tonight As announced on Sunday, there will he an acquaintance meeting held at the M. E. church, south, tonight, at which it is intended to bring the new and old members more closely togeth er and knit them more firmly in the ties of love. : The pastor. th Reverend J. H. Hall.' earnestly invites his entire congrega tion to be present and help make the gathering pWnfcant and profitable to alll IV,-'' ':. ANOTHER GOOD DINNER LADIES OF TRINITY THIS TIME. Fed One Hundred and Sixty People Yesterday. The ladies of the fluild of Trinity church pave a dinner yesterday which yielded satisfaction not only to those who ate it, but also to those who pre pared and served it. When the World, in announcini; this meal, said it would be excellent, it knew what it was talk ing about, but even the World was very agreeably surprised at the trou ble and care to which the ladies had gone in order to tickle the palate ami please the taste of every man and wo man in Tulsa, Preparing and serving a dinner, such. as the one referred to. is no easy task, and it is very doubtful if the ladies of any church would undertake one were not the needs of their church oressinir and imperative. They de serve success and thev deserve encour agement The ladies of Trinity fed 100 people yet-terday, und gave them a dinner well cooked, well served and of great variety. They gave good value for 2.V. and that is what everybody want ed and what everybody was pleased with. They labored under a disadvantage in not being able to pcure the room they expected to use, and which they had advertised, and were compelled to move into another at the eleventh hour. In spite of this, however, they realized a handsome sum of money for their chnrth. DENTISTS ROBBED. Yesterday, while Messr. Selby and Owens, the popular dentists, were at dinner, their office in the Friend and Jones building on East Second street was entered and robbed of $40 worth of gold. Dr. Ow ens had taken a pack age of gold out of the post office that morning, and it and all they had for filling purposes was taken. .There is no clue to the thief. A similar rob bery took place in Oklahoma City last week. BURIED THIS MORNING. J. D. Rose's seven year old son died yesterday of spinal meningitis, and was buried this morning by Mowbray ft Winterringer. tThe parents lire at Red Fork. 1 BARRELS WASTING DAILY OIL FLOWING FROM WELL OVER SURROUNDING COUNTRY. NOBODY GETTING BENEFIT Peculiar Conditions Prevailing on Lot 73 in the Osage Nation on "Improved" Land. Oil wasting at the rate of 1 ,(((() bar. rels a day is the condition of affairs on lot "II, in the Osage Nation. The policy of the government has brought about this extravagance and under ex isting rules and regulations nothing can he done to prevent this great waste. The conditions are peculiar, and will he interesting reading to those unac quainted .with them, therefore they are briefly related. The well was drilled on lot ".' by the Devonian Oil company ol this city. Iot 73 lies in the Osage coun try, about half way between thi city and the Kansas line, or about 25 miles due north from here. From the Kansas line to the Creek line, tho Osuge land is laid off in lots number ing from 1 up to several hundreds. These lots are covered bv what is known as a "blanket" lease. A re cent ruling of the department exempts iWroved or cultivated lots lioin the lease, and on tbewe oil men" are sup posed to have no rights. Unimproved lots thev can drill on, the Indians to receive as royalty one-eighth of the value of whatever may be devoloped it used to be one-tenth. Wben the Devonian drilled on lot 73 there was nothing but a wire fence around it. In no other way was it improved, and in no other way is it improved now, and the company, holil- incr a sub-lease under the blanket lease, naturally thought it was one of those which came legally under thu de velopment provisions. They struck oil, a tine well, (lowing easily 1,00 barrels daily. To the amazement ct all concerned the Indian agent has de clared that the lot is "improved," and prevents anyone trom deriving anv benefits from the oil. The Devonian Oil company, after its work and expense of drilling, sees the oil flowing over the urround'ng country; the Indians aro losing the royalty, and all because of the red tape methods of a foolish and incom petent Indian bureau. TRINITY EPISCOPAL GUILD. .The ladies of the guild of Trinity Episcopal church will meet at the church, corner of Cincinnati and Fifth streets. Thursday afternoon, next, at 2:30 o'clock. A large attendance is requested. THE DAUGHTER OF JARIUS. Given as a May Festival in Grand Op era House. Reverend H. D. Baldwin and some of the member of Trinity Episcopal Church are preparing for a May fes tival in the (Irand opera house early in the next month. All that can bo learned about it so far is that the sub ject will be the "Daughter of Jarius" and music w ill be rendered by a choir of SO voices. Further particulars will be announced later. WANTS MORE ROOM. Santa Fe Agent Trying to Buy More Land. The Sunta Fe railway company is needing more elbow room in Tulsa. It wants to enlarge, spread out, and in order to do so must have more land. A Santa Fe agent is in the city now to accomplish this puiose if it is possible. His plans ami purposed are not divulged and will not he until he either fails or succeeds in his ob ject. LADIES' AID SOCIETY. The Northeast Circle of the Ladies' Aid of the M. . church will meet with Mrs. Hendershot 510 Eouth Ciiw einnati street, Thursday afternoon. All members are urged to be present.