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Tulsa Bajlli World. "The Wants of the Woild Till the WeAteof the World" One Cent 8 Won! a Week. Chickens, Turktyt and Young Vegetables HEADQUARTERS Talaphon Mn H L. NO. ISO TULSA, INDIAN TERRITORY, MONDAY, APRIL Z, l!Mi. FIVE CKNT8 I'KB COPT. Speaking of Holidays. Congress Must Enjoy Them Perenially, Judging From the Time the "Servants of the People" Play With the Statehood Rattlebox V01 1TE Ml MURDERED BODY FOUND THIS MORNING HIS HEAD MASHED DY TRAIN MYSTERIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES SURROUND DISCOVERY. STEEL KNUCKS ON CORPSE Coroner's Jury Return Vedrict Ag ainst Party or Parties Unknown. The dead body of an unknown man wan found on a siding on the Frisco tracks, thirty feet west of the R-at-cliffe-Sanders Orocer Co., this morn ing at 5:.'t0 o'clock. The wheels of a train had passed over him, completely severing the upper part of the head from the body. The hair was torn from the skull and hung by a frag ment of skin. The features were so disfigured it was impossible to tell what they originally looked like. The body lay rigid and straight, one hand in a pants pocket and the other stretched out by his side. A phone ring at the police station at the hour mentioned notified George Erwin, sergeant, of the discovery of the body. He, immediately notified Mowbray & Winterringer. hTe man gled remains were brought to the morgue and at 8 o'clock Mayor Mit chell and a jury of six, commenced in juest proceedings. As the body lay on the slab at the morgue it was nttired In a suit of jeans, pAliis and jacket, and the feet were shod with pair of working shoes. Dr. Fred Clinton examined the remains and gave it as his opinion that the dead man was between 17 and 20 years of age. On examination of the clothing, a pair of steel "knucks," some match es and a small note book were found. On the front page of the latter was the name, "Louis Friedman," and the address, Fort Smith, Arkansas; on the inside of the back cover were the winds, "Miss Kate Ford's book." About thirty feet from the body was found a purse, and it was examined and proved to contain a cent, a 2 1-2 cent check, a (Mist ollice box receipt, made out by Postmaster Seaman to T. B. (ioodwin, and a receipt for mon ey Til to Mitchell & Nelson. A World man, recognizing the name "Goodwin," volunteered to bring the owner before the jury, and Mr. Good will testified that his purse had been stolen from his room in the Campbell building during the night ; that it contained &"1, a few cents, a collar button, 'a nickel check, and two re ceipts, lie identified the purse and the articles on the table as his, and knowing nothing further, was allowed to go. S'lir.r.iniit Krwin's testimony was taken as to the finding of the body and the conditit ns surrounding it. He had found a boulder, or a lump of ballast, covered with blood, a paper also bloody, lying to the feet and further west. Still further west was found a pool of blood. He t"sti fled that the body was lying Ft retched out. the head moved east on the- rail about 1" inches. Dr. Clinton testified to marks on the head and face that might infer a murder had been committed. The jury went out to view the spot where the body was found, and after carefully considering all the facts in the ease, and looking over the ground, returned the verdict that the deceased had met his death at the hands of some party or parties unknown, and that his body was placed on the rails afterwards. The jury's verdict is endorsed by the many who viewed the remains this morning. The supposition is that the knucks were placed iu the dead man s pockets after he had been killed, C'itv Marshal Baber is working on two clues which may lead to the ar rest of the guilty parties, s . COMPLAINT IS MADE. Of Stweraee Condition! on First Street. Complaints have been made to this paper, that from Detroit to Elgin, al ong First street, filthy wawr m lowed to escape from several of the stores and find lodgment along the tnu'ks of the Frisco railway. Tin wain stwcr is on First street, but there are no indications of its ad vantages being realized by the resi dents of that part of the city. Yester day the stench from the refuse heaps and slops, very probably impregnated with certain genus not conducive to good health, was floating in the at niospheie. Why not adopt a strict sanitary law that will preclude dis ease f CHURCH SOCIAL. "Since birds of a feather flock to gether, I can no reason see why this same trick shouldn't work twixt you and me. At Rickey's on Frisco and Fifth street you'll find a nest all complete on Tuesday at the hour of seven; we'll make it interesting while you're there, and entertain you until eleven. Ten cents will admit you at the door, where you'll get a new style hat and refreshments galore, tf you're quick at guessing the vari ous games, your hat." you'll get a feather in NOTICE, REBEKAHS. Members of lliawatha Rebekah Lodge, No. 10;i, are urgently request ed to meet at the home of Mrs. Show, one door west of Christian church, on Tuesday afternoon at 2:110 to com plete arrangements for the dinner to he given on Thursday, April 26. ANNIE ARCHER, N. (5. FOWLER SUMMERS. Mr. Stephen Fowler and Miss Edith Summers, both of Caney, Kansas, were marired Saturday night by Rev. Cook. After spending Sunday with the bride's parents, who live here, they returned to Caney this morning. ZOHAR TEMPLE II DRAMATIC KNIGHTS OF KHO- RASSAN TO POSSESS TULSA 4 ACROSS THE HOT SANDS Tyros of Indian Territory on Wed nesday Will Pass an Ordeal They Will Forever Remember. The order lias gone forth that Zohar Temple, No. LfO, Dramatic Order of K nigh to of Khorassan, will bo ins'tituted in this city on Wednes day, April 2.r), and on that occassion 200 tyros will cross the burning sands of the desert and find rest and comfort in the temple. These tyros will hail from every part of the Indian Territory or Ok lahoma, nnd the Knights will gather from many states to assist in stir ring up the tiger and make the occas sion one ot the Hottest ever seen in this old town or, indeed, in this entire section. Tho work of instituting the temple and making votaries out of the class will be performed by the temple and ditgree team of Kansas City, Mo., which has the reputation of being one of the best drilled teams in the order. The paraphernalia of the Kansas City temple and the costumes of the officers cost $6,000 and it is said that they are the finest extant. This order is to Pytbinnism what the Mystic Shrine is to Masonry and only members of the Pythian order are eligible for , membership. The journey across the desert w ill be one the tyros will fully appre ciate and never forget. So deep is the impression it creates that many of those who accomplish it are found doing strange things afterwards, Some have been known to rush into Contianed on Pag 5. niN VENGEANCE WREAKED ON A TRAITOR FATHER OAPON HANGED BY RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONISTS. WAS RED SI11AY LEADER Priest Afterwards Became a Spy in the Pay of the Imperial Government i London, April 23. Russian dispat ches received hero say that Father dapon, the leader of the workiugnien's forces on Red Sunday, who later be came a government spy, was seized by four revolutionists in a room on April tenth and bunged. A DAY'S OUTING. Yesterday a World man enjoyed a lit tic recreation, and some much need ed rest, and through the kindness of C. C. Sigler, was transported to his farm nine miles southeast of Tulsa, where, a sumptuous dinner was spread that captivated the hearts and stom achs of all who were present. The party was composed of L. I). Sleeper and family, Ross Sigler and family, Clarence Sigler and family, Mrs. W. 0. Shaffer, Mrs. Cora Rob erts, Mrs. J. F. McCoy, Miss Francis Sleeper, Miss Ijiura Inez Jackson, Miss Maud Shaffer , and Clarence Sleeper, while Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hubbard were host and hostess. It was a beautiful day nnd a plea.- aut drive, and the repast daintily spread u the shade of nature's beau tiful trees on a high summit overlook. ing valleys carpeted with verdure where countless cattle graze, forming in all a panorama of exquisite beauty. Mr. Sigler has a large farm and has many hundred fruit trees and a vine yard growing that wi!ll some day bring forth an abundant harvest, a foundation underway for a modern home, the building material of arti ficial stone, and the plans when com pleted will reveal a residence almost palatial. A well stocked farm and crops well eared for to a marked degree, surely indicates that Mr. Sigler and his son- in-law, Mr.Hubbard, have worked long and faithfully to bring about this change from the natural conditions that existed. After a pleasant day so agreeably spent the entire party returned to- the city with kind words ot appreciation of the royal manner in which they were entertained. M. E. SOCIAL TOMORROW. The ladies of the M. E. church will give a social tomorrow night at the residence of Mrs. Rickey, Fourth and Frisco streets. A delightfully enjoy able time is promised and a large at tendance is earnestly and cordially in vited. FIRE ON MAIN STREET OLD FRAME SHACK BURNED. Good Work Done by Tulsa's Fire Laddies. A painters' and carpenters' shop on Main street opposite the Robinson ho tel and adjoining the Turner building, caught fire just before the paper went to press, and a strong west wind im mediately fanned it into a large blaze which threatened the Turner buildfhg. The department was a little slow in getting to the scene owing to one of the check lines in the harness getting caught and the driver's consequent inability to turn the team at Second and Main. This was soon remedied, however, and when on the fqvot, in 5 minutes the fire was under control. The boys did excellent and quick work and undoubtedly saved the Tur - ner building. The city again has rea son to be proud of ita fire department. The frame destroyed belonged to Bon Rice, but he is not shedding any tears over iU destruction. A couple of hundred dollars will about cover lV, .lumara . for ra U Vnnwll CRAZED WOMAN TRIES TO KILL ENTIRE FAMILY ASPHYXIATES TWO DAUGHTERS AND HERSELF. DDMCSTIGTROUDLECAUSE Husband and Two Sons Escape Death Narrowly Was Made Insane by Serious Family Quarrel. 'Philadelphia, Pa., April 2.').--Following serious domestic trouble, Mrs. Mary Fahn attempted, to asphyxiate her whole family here early today. She succeeded in killing herself and her two daughters, but her husband and fvo sons escaped. The woman is believed to be temporarily insane. G. L. S. CLUB ENTERTAINS. The X!. L. S. Club entertained tin- i Siwaha Club at the home of Mis Eva Hoagland last Saturday from 2:110 un til 4::t0. A short but excellent program was prepared for the guests, who greatly enjoyed the following: Trio Miss Aline McKeever, Miss Bertha Weitzel, Miss Eva Hoagland Recitation, "The Fire Fiend" Miss Loretta O'Rourke. Piano Solo--Miss Ilnzel Lyons. Literary cjinp. Rob't, Lord Lytton Miss 'Bertha Weitzel. Yoeal Solo Miss Hazel Lyon. At the conclusion of the program some of the members of the Siwoha Club .rendered some excellent recita tions and piano solos, after which de liciou&'reL'eshmeiiU were served. Gaines were played, Miss Garnet Baker carrying off the first prize, while Miss. Lillian, Shreek received the consolation. The souvenirs were nut shells .tied with blue ami white baby ribbon (the club's colors). The guests present were Misses Lil lian Shreek, Gladys Stebbins, Leona and Bethel Cone, Kthel and Bessie Carter, Sarah Hunt, Frankie and Florence Colly, Garnet Baker and Ha zel Crawford. EDITOR'S BROTHER TO WED S. R. Brady to Be Married at Abilene, Kansas, Wednesday. J. R. Brady, editor of the World, left yesterday for Abilene, Kansas, to attend the wedding of his brother. S. R. Brady, to Miss Thalia Johntz, of that citv, which takes place Wednes day. Abilene is the birthplace an. former home of Mr. Braily. His bro ther is a jeweler by profession. KANSAS LECTURER COMING. On Thursday and Friday evening of this weckthe. Reverend C. 11. St. John of Kansas, will speak in the M. E. church, south, under the auspi ees of the W. C. T. V. Rev. St. John is a speaker of note, and capable nf entertaining an intelligent audi ence. The public is cordially invited "NATURE'S NOBLEMAN AT THE GRAND THIS EVENING In Aid of the Suffering in San Fran cisco. Representatives of the Commercial Club and two bus loads of musicians from the Crawford's Comedians band, the Commercial Club band and the Grand orchestra, paraded the streets of the city today advertising the play at the opera Tiouse tonight in behalf of the San Francisco sufferer. Everything is in icadiness for the event, and everybody tJm attends will be repaid. "X.itu; blcmnn is j one of the lest h i Crawford (Vtr.edii'.:.- it. on by the U is a good, - ini.e implies, nesx if. u ntil pack the ., .1 ! .tneless clean production, rs J .oid w ill please all .. j The object, nb-u , theatre. ' The f.'.ifTt in San Fianci'i ) 1 1 tn all that is best in human rial ;nf . Were we ov- ertaken by disaster, Sati Francisco, ins she wr.s, K.u.d tune been amon; the first t fry t cur aid. i She Ilia lilvms .1 o'9 We SAN HUM, I SI, II CONTRACTS ARE OVER TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS should he so now in the hour of her grent trouble. Fill Hie Grand tonight from orches. tiu ihuirs to gallery and realise a sum tor this worthy object that TnUa n.'cd n.'l he uhumcd of. MEMBERS OF W. C. T. U. Fxeiy member of our I'nioii is ak ed to be prv-uit next Wednesday nf-, lernoon at 2 o'clock. Our territory's executive convenes here next Thurs day and Friday, and we desire to com plete ararm.ements for same. BURIED TODAY. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. John, Shofner living on Boulder avenue, in the rear of the Brady hotel, died this morning t,arly nnd was buried this af ternoon by Mowbray & Winterringer, It was one month old. THE HOOSIER CLUB. The Hoosier Club will meet tomor row night in the reception room of the Mowbray & Wiiitvrriiurer undertak ing establishment to adopt a consti tution and bylaws n ml complete ar rangements for the picnic at Jcnks on Thursday. CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT. ('. E. Shafft has resigned the man agement of the Tulsa ball team, and. it is said, will be succeeded by R. T. Epperson. J. E. Dixon, the Brady hotel tonso- rial artist, spent yesterdsy o'l .Ming. Creek. He states that fish are plenti ful. Th oil on Bird Creek compels fishes to find purer water, and they have recourse to the small branches. Perch and cat were taken in large quantities with rod and line. EMPTY COFFIN I FOUND FLOATING IN POND IN NORTH SIDE OF CITY. A POLICE EXAMINATION The Whole City Awaited Results With Great Anxiety and Now Feels Im mensely Relieved. Chauncey Owens was amazed this morning t finding a coflin over live feet in length floating in a pond some j P I 1..., I.. ... .1. . -..-(I..!-.,.! ' lew liunureu yearns iu me niMiimrri of his residence. The collin was emp ty, but its appearance Jin Mich u place tilled him with apprehension and ; ; ,, .. ... ..l: ! lie naturally inierreu somei uui wrong. So many tragedies happening make one suspect very thing, and .Mr. Owens ciime to town and wisely in formed his honor. Mayor Mitchell. Officer Hourk was detailed to en- q.iire into the mystery, and immedi ately went to the place where every body felt convinced a corpse would be found lyimf at the bottom of the water, surrounded by crawling things and half imbedded in the mud. The alert and active outside corres- pondents got busy anil wiren wicir papers that another awful mystery filled the air and terrorized the minds f the people of Tulsa, and the people in this city felt something was going to drop. Officer Honek went armed with ftu- thoritv to drain the pond it necessirj and while making preparations wn- in formed that "Mr. Johnson's httlo boy owned the coffin and used it to paddle around in the pond". Mr. Johnson lives in that neighborhood. N. J. Gubser, who has been taking deositions in Galena, Kansas, in an important case that will shortly be tried in the Western district, tele graphs that be will be here to meet in quiring clients on Tuesday. STARTS NQOIRl IS REBUILDING LET AGGREGATING RAINFALL THIS MORNING SEW ERS FLUSHED AND STREETS CLEANED. WORKMEN ARE WANTED Architects, Contractors and Laborers of All Kinds Asked to Participate in the Re-Making of the Roman tic City. Undaunted by the woist dis aster known to American his tory, the stricken people of San Francisco have commenced in earnest to rebuild the romantic city of the Golden Gate. Con tracts aggregating twenty mil lion dollars axe to be let this week, and workmen of all kinds are asked to come and help iu the work. With tho zeal and energy known only to the peo ple of "God's Own Country" a short time will see this city, stricken in its pride, rise proud er and more beautiful than ever. . . San Francisco, April 2!l A cold rain began at 1 o'clock this morning and continued until daybreak. All the smouldering fires were quenched and the suffocating dust was laid. San Finrn-iseo is nlerndy rising; from the i ti l ruins. A temporary trolley system has been established which enables workers to live in Oakland in tem porary homes pending reconstruction. Property values hold high. All of fers for real estate at reduced values on lu'couht of the earthquake danger are laughed at. The clearing of down town streets is making rapid headway. Everybody who is competent can get work. Workmen on the buildings and pub lic works will be paid daily. Archi tects, plumbers, masons and carpen ters are invited to come to San Fran cisco to participate iu the rebuilding of the structures for which contracts totalling twenty millian dollars will be made this week. The, rain Hushed the sewers and cleaned the streets and camps. There is not a case of seri ous sickness in the Golden, (late camp. The arrival of E. II. Harrimun has stimulated the Southern I acitie tor ees. SHOCKS IN OREGON. Portland, Ore., April 23. Sharp earthquake shocks were felt at 11:06 this morning at Grant's Pass and Glendale. No serious damage was incurred. 500 Dead, $300,000,000 Loss. After an inspection of the burned district the insurance men estimated the total damage nt three hundred million, of which 175 millions is in sured. The health officials estimate that 500 corpses have been buried. Sixteen dead wagons were employed today, ,'ames Pheian, ex-mayor, was elected Chairman of the finance com mittee. Bricks from the ruins are stacked ten feet high along the eurb lines. Lumber is beginning to arrive. The physical condition of the people and their spirits are excellent Legal Holidays Galore. Numerous concerns have opened temporary headquarters in Oakland and assured employes they will pro vide for them until regular business is resumed. Governor Pardee has., as sured the bankers that ha wil) pro claim legal holidays from day ta Uj until the emergency has pasveq. pev- jcral banks have opened office in Oakland. Judge E. K. Harvey aud family left yesterday for Wichita, Kansas, whera his father lies seriously ill.