OCR Interpretation

Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1905-1919, March 31, 1915, MORNING EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042344/1915-03-31/ed-1/seq-4/

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FO II li
Till: TI'I.SA DAILY WORM), W K l NH S ) A V . MAUMI :i 1 . 101
Tulsa Daily
ti mTsk i."Hr.)""' i iias )' i.V.vr;
M:,,ii,i:n i: I ilcr. nnii.'- Vmnn i
M, KKIISiMi KM'lil -KVHTI i:h
IIMJln C l.KIIKllll
rllM'.M.H I"I1 l'..iM- lull. II 'U
IT. W V l'! M nl(i
K.ws vs i n Y. :i"ii (ih iihi'i Hiilic
osr.Mi (, 1 1 iks
i.f It i- ii.llt llnr. a i.
i.l I'll
Kiiti ii-il in llie 'luUu I'i'Nti'liii v ut
riin MmiiT
si hi iiiri iiiv ruiiTS;
I'm iih ii I in AJvunii' Only
I I. .J1I I--I
Oil Vr.ir
Six Mini I In i "0
Tl.n-c M.n.llu 1 ''
Out- Month V
haily l.v Cam, r in Till1--:
Per Wl-i'lt . . . '. . - L :
nnstlifM l.',.irllnetit
Killl.il I..I 1 -1 irtiiii'i.t ......
Clrr.ilir i"ii I 'i imrtir.'iit
Hnriilv K.litnr
Oil Di pin tuu'lit
(Inn I' Iipiif. nffti-K
Ail erl i; ill ? I i jiurl iiiimii
Sc, ..!. l-
Fnri ltrn
I 4.l
M ml
4 .Ml
i 75
. 1 n i
1 iino
. lli'HI !
:nr. )
..I ..I
M'A'l I'-MI-M' til-' TIIK (lt(!U"VH"N H''
'J1IK 'iri s IHII V W'Oltl.li Hilt 'Mil'.
M.iN III ()!' I- t: It It 1 It V. I'll j
lln y Avi-r.iK. 12. "7
Vh 1 . . .M.ihilnv I'i Ii 1 "i
rh -i .... yi ''-' I-1' i"
Krb. ;i 12 -r-4 ' I'-'l' I'
F.-:i. IS 12 Xii K-h H
F.-). 4 IV I'-'l' I"
Ki-b. H .... I'J H Iii l'..i '."I
Ffb. T ... 1 t.V 1 "i K.I- VI
Fib. H M.w.dav I'l'l- V'i
K.b. j r-7V. F'l- v:i
fn,. H 12.I.KM M' V4
Fi'H. ! .... IV.i'i I .
Ft-b. 12 .... IV. 7 71 l'.'li. 2il
Ki-b. :n .... IV i I I'fb 27
Kt-h 14 i:l.W7 l-.-l. VH
Tn'al .iiiinln-r uf i;ip-n i-rnM
mlnti-l win ill)'. M.i I. utii'ii 'll
b.'in th liini.li. r nl .iil-ll-'l inn
a .lii!U- hvi-i'.'uo nf IV h7ii.
I. II. (i. Ii.Imiii. rill iiliillnn
tl.a 'I'll'm li.iily W.illil. I..-1 li K
ninn in'1!, (! Hffii'iu tL.it i'''
1 'J I.l, I
IV. Ml
IV. 'Mil
IV !"'V
12 '.17
1:1 :hh
1 .1 II 1 Ti
1 -I K II 0
12, "I"
tpil Mill I'll
i.U-.l l.y VI.
i iliiy". lin''
iniinniliT nf
ilulv -.win n
Ofl'li-i- ll-T, :is lin IIVi'l ill.'"' nf IV 7'' r..Ui- i
rf mnl iiDI. nli. hi. II ll'U.MKS. I
I'll, nliitl. in Miniiifr j
Snkf. -ii.cil t.i iiinl ni t" I" f in" t1"1 1
.'!rit lni
( )nr. h, I til'.
N..I ,i I'.il.l,,'
i--l,.ii ,v,,i,i-H o. I -i -'I. I '.Mil
Anv 1T1..111 ,in 1 1 (!, i n i'i ii; Ih,- i luir
-t(i, sl.uiiln i- ..r .-.utnl .in. nf ..'iv (n-i -i,n.
fir-n nr ,-,,i , itli.ni nl i I, Tiii- - ;ll' in 'In'
eoluiutu i.l 'lln- Wni!,l will In' I . -1 ..nii"'-
tnil up. ,i, ii- i. I i;iii in Ha, nun. in, -i
hi tit- i-nl'i i-l . i -
llnv (hip-'cil nii.v ilip il.iy mi uhi'-h
tht rit ml in in i 1 1 t iim , u in nth Ti
vni ii ! , iln i in I el pmnii -nl I tint it
w :ilil furnish Jin u m it hiippiy of
urp Ui i nk in i; wiiti r i Ii m unit i In1 rit y
'.nftiiiK, ml tli at pruniiMi liua nut lti"i
fulfill. -U.
'Ih.' conti'ntimi tif Hi' Woilil U nnt
tlt!il tin1 rit y hit lint i i n I'M mi 1 1 pi V
d' 51 mil u m t r mutiiltlp 1 r ilritii, iiijf
1ihhii' hut tluit the w liter dcp t rt
ir. rut not lip to lin titim di-ilT-
er .1 it in iln wnter iiuiitin.
Tin- siiiliini; of 111,- snl. marine 1 - I
111 Hawaiian waters is a f.uvilile II
I list 1 11 1 11 -11 of 111.- f.ul ihal iuiiio nil
iitoilern imlhuils of wi.ifan- Iiim- in
iTi-asiil Ihe risk lo 1 In- aisi;ri'ssl e
foive an will 11s to I In- ,, fi-ml.-i s
l.ri-al in i ill mils have In en utili., ,1
to In, Tins, the facilities with w h mil
hlllll. Ill life call he sl.liu'.hl. led all, I Ihe
rum I'd of the , 1 1 . -1 1 1 pill out of coin
luissinii. lml evi-i'v milled device for
attack lias invnlvid Ihe t'li.iter dan
Ifel- lo tin. -! who make llle all. ink.
The s u 1 u 1 1 . 1 1 1 11 1 ., with us a 11I mil 1 1 ic 1 1 lv
prop, lied and Raided 1 1 , 1 p 1 1 1 , . 1 s , i.dl
cripple the hiKKi'St sn p-l 1 1 1 a il II 1 11 K 111
yd dev is, ,1. ami vei these men win
i, pern l- the umlei s, ,1 11. ill have, nu'ie
than aii v oni. . Ne, lak. n I heir livts in
their hand-, -in. I 1I.11, ,1 h, fates Main
imeh a lin.it has nolle down Willi its
clilire iicw. le.ivini; a spot ,.f ml on
the surface l- leslifv Dial a s, .,re or
more of liv,s have I.e. 11 snuffed out
W II limit 1 v en .1 li In, .'.I ,. a 1 ham e of
rescue. lluit Hie I I Willi down nil
prin I it c ma liei'V . 1 s. ., r,, n, t , t he
of an innm, oiilv a, Ids I,. Hie horior
nf lln fat., th.,1 hii'u's ,.v.r those win.
"s'n d "vv n in ' 1 lie sea 111 sh ...
Th. 1 1 . li. !. .1
M. X ., has s,, t ,, ,
all h..:..: :i tin 1 ,' h,i ',
of ', I' . :t !!,. II ' - tl
Sl-ii alld Hleli the
V. I 11! .. I s) 1 ,
oil M ,' t'li.-l . -. ... I
III..,- '' - I ' i vv hi, ' 1
f. ll.l. I ' v i ' . , r., ::.
. 1 -. '. . ' I. 1 1 1 li .11
ii, .1 ! it, n ili.-e.
i- l,i ' 11 a 11 11 in 1'i-r
1 , 1 1 1 lust . n .
1 li. 1 had I ti. a.'i
. Hit 1 1 t s; ,-, ; 1, 1 ...
-'- 1 1'. - 1 iv 1 1 ! 1 " ui
- I-, in.: si.,111 di
ii. '"I"- .ilia .list a
de't 1
,r. 1 .
k l- V I I I 1 .1 -i II- l i II !
.-f It,. ,.
ml. .1 Sl.it. s has ,,
f. - ,- to f..w l;
I 't .11 Ilk' .1 1 . 1-li'i-i'l.l.
d. r- -i , I v , ,
il!. li a I
lua ml. r 1, 1 v e p
Iln in- of ln ir v
l.e p, i n .(. .1 t - ,
111 .
.111- i
as..- r..ll
: : 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 : i ' 1 ,
w II
th, ;. .;!.,n,,. I
Tilt- sis. 1 I - , t .... loll m V.!- ..l.lll
(o he t as il'll-, n'l I 11. 1: 1-, u of M
Ilia! pi 1 1 ll.s.i, 1 . -1 . up ,n ., 1 ins a ..iii-! ,
all f.U tint s. V . -;;.,1, we have the
Stnty I I, at ., Ta I'I-:- o ,,, I l , , I , ,1 K s
arv a I . ui to he 1 1 . -'!,,!. I.,.! I ha is
gel I I 111,' to he .11 - I.l -'..I V . The pi, -
till iati.-n i.f "Sn m ihiimls up'
at M n .. 1 :'v ,s n..,,o ,1 .- t,.r .,'1
ot tier 1 1 1 I. 1 i.11 .1 is s.,,d I., he ,,,,,, ,t
to V .n'.ili' I In' I 1 iim .. s and allow
I ll.l, Li. "I t-. hold 'hi n : a I,
pi 1,1,,: I-l V II, t .1 lis I In' , X, Il ill,:,
IT ''.ill ..fi.'il Ihe .;;! .1
SOllle III, II' I '.lMl'- s.
. - .
w 1,1. h
I , ' w -
'llli' rep,. II II, I 111., s .
nt her I 'Il I .st i.i I.s a re la 1 1. i
l-y the KuriW of Asia;,.-
believed in this -assurance
i f the
uiitrv in s;,.t
rand i.'.n
nothing of the kind has happti
We know that in the past H.i se m., 111
tain bandits have l i . .inirn ly taken a
dellpht In such pastime, ami the 1111-
peltl-i Ufa fo of affairs in Ihat recinn'
hat afforded them an excelltnt x use
for reduc-ins the niiinher of "I'hrisii.m
do" within roach of their raiding
prowtM. We know, too, thai th,
Turkish" government has a vtry le a"
control over these wild tribo, who
I ,i I M. H-. i i-.l.-d nil 1 III'
.i . . n!t -' -ii , i ii. . ,i ml
V I hi I II h I . M,i . I I hi' I ill Inn I I V i.l lln
.i"'inv I . . p. , I I li. 1 1
"hMI " i" '''' ' 1,v " ''"' "f
'milit.iiv Mnnuili. Tin- (;r.,n,l v iznn
!,...,, , ,,...,., n,;,, ,,,i,. I
in. i In ii i: n i . .in .i I I it. in ..i li, I. Nt I ii'
vt ill mi I., il I h.il ii ii I ) i . II
.in.iin, ill tlir lu;lil hi vvlinli t .. i r. i 1 1 . i
' :il M.il, tin lit hi- mi' i M . I. .1 In i x
I 1 1 i ' t .ill tin' . nliM'lal i.ni In. in llif .-II
j itiiiii.n lli.it i- r..ii- ili'iil Willi mil' ill'
I tr I' i mil'iili m i' in ' M .nii;i n v i f
! :n ii S',
It Imvv I, -due ul' i -1 1 I II I)
in. I 1 1 1 1 1 . I st M'lih'h h.is 'iiri i in il
I li
I . .iilim- I 1 1 1 1 1 us ;i r. sii
I inn i -
. .' I in I In- u .1 i in i i
Ills In, III.' I
w ,t 1 1- I li.i I tin y iln mil li I In iik
, ilili'- i
imMi r
tl mi II Ml' i' --nl.' nt' Hi.
i 'if I r
-Still l
" "r 1'"""
ii.iu;i .-ti'il i..iiiil.'il...i,
i in- i
I . I ...ii. . I. .. ......... it.... i 1. ..
1 ' ' '
in. iss. s ,,, nut nin.w wluil N Inst fill -
llum, h.is Ii- I ....ii nni.iits int. i ili. -
Iiik ni.iiiv llninv. wlii.li wi- In t h,,
I nili-il Sl .ili-s n iiiii il ii ,s nl fi-nsivi-ly
iiili-i n.il nml in- i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- with mil'
, imt in n ,,l j ii- i s. . ti .i I 1 1 ( I iliilll i i it
, , , i.
unit nl n 1 1 is . i ft , n ri mi -
I -1 1 I 1.) .tw In i. ni. In. I Ins lillsilli ;,s
1 ' " II I'l'l'nv l'l I. In'-. "II til'1 lIli'i'l.V lll.'ll,
ill li.l', llivr Ih.. 1.II..II,. , IllI ll In (In
what 1 4 lii-'-l l.n hinisi II. tin' ciiliii-
1 1 ) 1 1 - Is 1. 1 II, lit- il .111,1 I nli'i I" ,1.
I 'in. il-.t ii I Is in ,- l.iiiii hi . i ii . I s.ihl nml, r
.',ii .1 iiniiiit s'l 1 1, -1 isi. ni, nml in:in'
hull' .h i. nl-. ,,f .n it,, hfi- .ii. iii'
si iil.i.l l.v n nl In n il . I'.hIhI l s niiil
iulil.i' wi.il.s mi- mi '.ismn lak.'ii
i.m t .mil i . . i i 1 1 . I 1 1 1 1 1 1 . r i i iiiin'lll
ml ri
In !. i m- I .i 1 1-1 liny .in- c,n
.(.li.sl,liTiHK l.il.ilii: away the l-iml fnun
In- I. ii .1 ami in i k i ni' a lln 1 1,- ,'illi I - '
I iln 1 1 1 - -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 . Main I hi llu-s at
l.iiii' in Kuiiii.i' Ihal wi'iiM I"' till n --
' si I.l,' In I ,'. I'm' t In I '.u I'i , it all '( nil
l ...
Irani,-, I I,, .,li,,. Iliat whil is
I a I
for i i,. whn , n- ,,i, is I., sl ..r
Hm 111 .is null v if 11.1 Is.
I III) I'M I, HI' I'll.l MVM.
I 'I'lie 1,1 II ..I I'l'enn --I 1 u 1. 11. nine, ,
I t in e slu i l, if ,,ii i-'asei marks a
tlistiin l ),, in nl 111 the ureal war wliit li
lis i.ii'.uii-: all i..r 1 1 , 1 r , . 1 1 . Il means
lllole lll.lll llle III -rill. Ill l ollillest of III,'
(llsllii't .,1'oliml Alllweli lii-e.lllse the
I fall of Aiilwi-rp oiils'ile of its purely
; si 11l1111e11l.il value ami moral effeel
ilhl lml resnll in lln- tea 11 a 11 ice nielli nf
Hie 1. It I 1.- hues II. ir Vpose flirtller,
territory 1 , , en pi 1 1 re. In fact in ilil 1 ry
eypilis have all al-uiK fir iireil thai'
Ihe l.iknm of the I'.elciaii city was a
I ll.t i 1 11 1 mistake 111 that thousands nt
lives were lost and nn a il v a III a lit-
I Hani' '!
I The ca pt tire of I'lcnivs! with its
1 , n . , 1,,,, ,.,1 1 , , s ;,s nln, Lieiiei'.ils
ami lis three hull. lit d coiiiinissiniieil
ofhci-rs, i;iv.s Itussia a foothold from
vv hu h il will In- haul In dislodge her.
li liivts her ci'iitiiil of a not work of
railroads w hi, li she h.is sorely needed
In cause iln- l.n It nl proper transput--
lain, 11 facilitits has I, ecu Hie must se
rious drawl, acli that Ihe Kussian have
'llia.l In ,-, intend with up to this lime.
j More lli.in that, it op, lis the unit' t"
M'r.onw and Ihe rich plains of Silesia,
j the m'au:ll Y "f Austral, thus strikini;
at the so un e of Iln- l.n a, I supply of
the A list l o- 1 1 1 1 11 s a ria 11 Kintrdnm. It
also cives llussia it thauce In spread
In r leiilons to ihe north and net in
'' '' '"'""'' "'l:lml Ihe vast IS, tin. in urmv which .
stum I',, I. Hid at Ihi
' ... ., I
I distiii, vi, lory which is worth
distill, Villi. IV WHICH IS WIUIll'
vv hi!,' m 1 he alli.-s II is 1 1 t hat the
lakiiii; of I'l.'.einv sl cost hundreds of
I Inn, .-a litis ,,l 11 V t s oil hot 11 sides, hut I
It was fir m,,e ,.l llle s.1,'1'1 1 'ice !
Hi i'i t!i., I I, ..,1 .In .1 al An'wei p. Ami -u
ih tin -n -t ra : ed c ui ,'i ,1-1 v elv the stick -
iliii ipiil-v ,1 the Kussian trnops, he-,
, .ins-- ,t look -ax months of 1 1 11 tv ea I 1 e , I 1
, I f , , 1 I I., a. , ooinl.sh I he result.
The , of IT., luv sl l.iiiu;s 10 mind
t liai 1.1 In r famous s,. -. ... m w hu h J
1 ; , s-1 1 w .11 I'I. v 11.1 at s,n h a 1 re- ;
u. en. I. uis ,',...i ,,f hfi- .,t..l treasure. In;
I s 7 s the lather of lln pi'tst 11I tzar.!
I hi tl I lie ' '.Ml, V lleh A leva ml, r III.
1 , . 1, ... -i ri- v n i 1,, hii',1 iin- i, is-iotiv :
- l vv In. h vv , re m..i e than 1 tui.nnil j
links, , otn ,1.1 ml-.1 l.y Ihtker I'aslii.
ill l.nelisii ,.:),, , r who 11.1,1 la en
I. ...ti. .1 lo Turk. f'-r th purpose ,.f
iphn .-K and I'liropeaiiizmu Hi,. 1
'",",",,, " ""I"' " 'ls ,"'"1',n ,
w a
i, ,1 m i'h. 11. 1 to put tl.iwn ihe 1
Some fdks think that ...sm' n
law is all lhat s neeesslirv. What's
lieeoin.. ' th' ole time workman who
soil oil his hands.'
I 1
il . .s-
i III. .ii. I i iniuitlis ninl
tiii'iii In. tin- lii ...ins hi n in. ii . I ill I lie
vt-'ills ..ii. I i inn Tin. I 1 1 1 1 1 ' iii-miii I Mr
K.il I i-...n in. i.l.' .sin Hi h, i.nlv In In' re
p'llstil -Villi 1 1 'i 1 1 . 1 -1 1 d I , II s In--.. Try its
llliv v.iniiil llif 1 1 n;.:. i.l us Mi' nn.ilili
i ' ' ' '
t .in i in i .. in nt., I In' full ii ml
-" ' i"' ' '
vv.,it.il I'
'. I i ' it li i .. lln h
.-.I I il-'H n mill j
'" "'!
II'-' "ii '
II-' liln-.v I.. ;i ,,.,
f 1. 1 . m, u linl mi.s
. I p. Hit;
iii lln' I'm 1 1 iii lln- sh-i .t- Hi' pin- A- Audi inii i.f ( 'nil li.-iH'-. M" . Irav-
, ,. i , ,. . .1 , ' i liilli pass. 'infer nt;en uf llif I'cnn-
V l si 1 1 n 1 n ml In- I, 1 1 - vv Hint II 1 1 llli.l'i- 1 1 I'll- , , . ! , . . , . ,.
1 s. Iv.uil.i liiii-.i, vveie lln- I .nil i., 1. 1 nt
visions int.. i-i.iiiK in l.ii.in... In- Mini lii'inls v.lm vlsiiid hi lln- I. .ml i.iiiii
Hm l."V v-lil.li i,. n-r would unlock lhe""lH t-t-rilii .
Kill"". Al'li'l' M ninlltll.'l MeVIII fell I
.mil II w.im il i..,..i siil, stnrved, .st.,;t;tT
Ii K 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 . i lit i.l' n uniil in-
in .
il isiuli
I wlni li iiiiir.'lii .l mil mi sin i'..i,l. i't-.l
I In- -i .i r Ami :.s i In- i .i k i ii.- ..I
rrziniusl iiii iim (In- ilnli- i.in im, Si-
Il Sl. I II L- I I I' I I il'S t
1 1 ll-SMil IIS, Nil
, ii... f.ii ,., in..... i ..ii . -!....
' "
I 111 I! ii r l- In Itisi.i nml lln -
! I ;i L 1 1 N 1 1 f till . '.il' vv i r In. 1 1 i.l ..nl.
j ' hi. iv. 'I'lm iii'i lili'iit will k. i p Mr. linr -
'"1 H"' F-i'i'H ... I 'i 1 1 1 si ; i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f. AiiilWl. willilll tli.'rlnsi' limits nf Itis In. nu
j1" .slii.w Imw f.iitlil.ss ii inislriss is
1 Iiisi.ha , in th.i illnt i.f 1STH Knit-
I in. I nml I'l.iine t en I a 1 1 ,-l sn.,n l,nl
'I i;rk. y ."ml at llm nml ml. In , I Kussla
,.f lln- I lulls nf , Inry, just us Kiik-l-ui'l
ami I'r.iiii',- a.-tivily s n mi I ,-i
Turk.-v with iiicn iiml ,'iiiis m tin
1 'mm a in I a 11 1 s i , ,1 I he rule nf
111" Alnh.'i in in, il. in in Km iii,..
mi lln- way tiny in.- pilini;
Aini-ii all war . 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 .-- an- hl.,-h In last
In I In i h in! nml fmu I h y, mi a I inn.
A t w.i v I h,,s.. ii lm Ihim Li i ii w i,'
I ill t-; in, I' whal .til-1'. ss lui.'hl iln
in n
il U' his
'ur m.iiini nf an
Mi. i haa rtlniis
j, h sw i i'l.t IH;' fur mill
iin.li-r I Iim
if I i.i 1 ,1a in Hi s .. (-
.'lowly, l.lll Until' lln- less .'111,'h,
- ka I'I,' s a tnl h,-l,, ss i 'hi u;i is ra n I i nr.
i iim- (ic.iia mis oi .i.iiiau.
I'.y ,'i'. I-..1 will an ! 1 ))- 1 llnr,- is
Inn 1111, h a -illation - ah, nil tilings limy
ill, ii"t inl ,1,,1 ml in.
Siuir mi tlm pun
lat 111. 1 k. i s of ",i . 'l
, i 't ,l a s in ishra iiili tl.
nl ami ilru-.'S
i.l. t- v illegal"
rlio',e who speak of Hm ', lines ,.f
, war" . I. n I .ippear to know ihal lht
I1.1v e In en a holislleil.
-rn t -I uf llnesn'I lii-u'ill l lApiess
Wilson's opinion of .senate I'ihluisleis
sliniit; ciiouuh
fanners aren't the only people who
asked for legislation ami K,,t an iu-
Vislinalinll ol'llel'td.
Seems lo he a cullspil nt y in the dip.
I, , malic corps In keti ISrjan Inn luisy
lo make s;iect'!ii's.
It's all p.'t ami kettle talk -1 ier
inan iiieich nit i.hips have lieen living
in uli.il
l'l't'lil this , list. uire, nil .Mexican fac
tions seen: I,, he lililuisteiiii uk'ninst
a show tlow n.
Yep. it's a rio t Wilson has liivcii
morn pie lo 1 11 (1 i.i iim than any olhor
It's up to tin1 trade coin mission In
rove wlicthcr it's a nintor or a hralic
I l.l'llte a il 1 "t ill' 11 1 c hetvvt I'll il s, 1 11 n il
st-it'smaii iml a statesman ot siiuiitl.
Wilson'-i . 1 11:1 1 1 tl.-tl to w rile a poem
oil Ihe charm- of the "lame din Us."
Soli',- reach, war lias. A Was Ii i 11 ut , , 11
n,ws in te says ii's holdluK Wl-son.
Ill has, hall the uiupire's Idiiiiieil for
in,-' dtfi'.ils; in War Ihe censuis.
Alollcy is ilt the Imt loll of this "hii?
I US I II, ss' ' pulllit.'ll i;l,-.sip.
Ilucrt.i .i 1 -t made niore than .,nt
I 'I'i .III ISO to he lii'tnl.
l.roi'nc :. I ti-ier Wants to Know.
Tul-. i. 1 Mil.i., March 110, 1 ;i 1 i. KdHur
01 Id line I h 1 liw- ) .i,.,,i la.,
- ,,w is, why so many of the iiiiirn.-tl
wineii ami soine of the "elderly
maltls" seein ca I U-il upon to make 111c
their " fail,, r-confessor," nd Insist
up, -ii tilling tloir incst vital troubles
ami set ret HiiireriiiKM to me.
lit re is a sample letter, leaving nut
the due, just ncelvi-tl from u ,i,y
frieinl. If you can mikccsi an nntl
tlote for such rnvinKs kindly ndvtse
Aly I 'ear Mr. I'oster: I dislike ery
much wrilinK this letter, for fear of
.tiino.vinn you. hut I can 110 lunger
k.-cp in own council. The time Iiiim
coin.' wh. il I must seek H-'ineone else's
j'ldmin nt iihoiit that which has caused
me 11. anv w.iki fill nights, and many
days ,,f anxiety. I miiely feel reliictiint
in writini; you ahout a iiiatter of this
kind, as 1 fear Hint you will think that
1 should have held It :y rod in my
own lu-east, lml, when Trail to your
mind that 111. inv lives have been
wrecked l.y Mimlar experiences, anil
the following of poor advice, I m
confident that ou will ititl and ail vise
I tlaro imt c.onmunitate tny expert- 1
n, is to finv other than you who have
bet n so elote4-' a friend
liter 110
other to whom I can
1 appeal, in this
t-SS, no Otllt-r
1 1 v time of dire distr
"en lapport." mi full of sympathy, no
other who will thoi'oiiKhly under
stand. You. having had a somen hat sim
ilar expi 1 leiue, will be most capable
to nive advice a to the proper course
for me to pursue,
Here 1 mr trouble. How I nlni.wt
hnto ft. nsk von. In fact I'm seared
almost stif'. Here Is what 1 want to
know: "Will Jeff ever he as tall as
Bincerely yours,
City News In Brief
! -M IIS. CI i.N'A K I ) I'll I , iiii.-.l III, iln il
I il ;l liiii.l i...,il;il i -t.'il,i iill.n in, nil.
i'l'l..' IhiiI vm!I In- sluiihril fi-r Iniriil
In 'n litis llli', In r Innm , I liis ini.i nun;
'. I". lldl'K'INS uf Siiimliiii. ihvi.s-
i,, m 1 1 1 ,,. i inti-iiili'Ml i.f lln- I 'l iM'.., iiinl
I ONI-; J.M'KMAN, llin i' .M'lii'.nlil
il;iiiKlifi-i- ,( hi: mill Mis. .1. A. J.irk
niiin nf linwsnii, dn il ut lln- lininc
.w-Hli-rilii) linn Mini;. Tin- fnnii'.il will
lif )nil I'l'imi tlir li.inic IIiIm inni iiHn;
; nl I il ii'i ln.-k IN v. K.-i t will i n mlii I
i I In- hi-i I
Inw II.
Int. riniiiil w ill In- in i iik -
l',' 1 -i..l r.i l r.l' .'miisiiiii in
III Km iiii.i .ll 1 til- lunar ..f .Inhn
i.S. liiri.-, 322 Wi-si Sixti-cnl Ii ulr-cl,
'iiiidi'il Mm liitlcr a ni'Vi'i'i- I a 1 1 t 1 1 All hi-
f.-r a wci-k nr in, in-, ui'i'iiriling in tin-
iitli-iiiliiiK physi, in n.
I 'II A ui.i:s III IIUKTT , st. T. I.,v
was ii,,,,inii'il l.y t'li-rk nf Hie "i ii ni y
I', mils I'l'iilik I nf.' ra ha in as ili-rk uf
lln- ('(iiinly cuiirl uf I he llri,k,-u Ar
i',,w tli.sl in l. Mr. r.unlntl is a. limit, n
Anmv riliili. lie will assniiu- hi.s
(lull t'M A,lll I. The nfl'iin (uiys a
siilii i y uf liil a in. .nt Ii.
A V A It ANT WAS sworn out yi s
ti rihiy .'ifU'i'iiiiiin ii, llin ciiiiniv til
tuiiicy's i.flVe for lln- iirri'Kl of K. N.
Sinilli, iIi.'iiki'iI Willi assault nml lml -1,
mi I 'rani-is ( 'iiiiimi ni-'s, a Itl-yi'iii'-ultl
liny. Sinilli hail lint lii-cn ur-li'sli-il
laic lasl iiin lit . II i.M cliiliiu-il
I h:ii Smith, wltlii.nl U iivorat inn. al
laikiil tin' I 'iiiimimn.H xiiulli. striking
III III M-Vilill linns with his fists.
I'll. f. K. KAHMIKAIIT. (ounly
farm (liiiiiuisi ralnr, uill rcturii this
iniii iiini; frinn ii 10-ilays stay in Ar-
kaiisa-i. ir. Kiirn lu-iiit went to Arkan
sa.s lo h.'in fit his lu-iiit h. I low cyif,
I-II, is 1,'i i'iyiil from him 111. In 1,1, that
he has .s,niil niiicli of liis tiiiii- In in
sicil ill!,- I Ik- (irchnnls in Iim fatuous
.'a, I, In yalfly. Airs. Karnlirarl ycsl, r
ilay r,',', i t ,l a Irll, T from I lit ,, Ior
sawtm ihal his hi-allh ha, I Mi'.iill.v im-
1 'II KSTI-:iI ISA I1KKTT, a uiin,.r. l.y
his inoiher filed sull vcsterilay in Hie
iilistriel i 0 uit against Ih,- I'arki-r
W'.islnntiioii eoinpa ny. with offices 111
Tulsa. Tilt' plainl iff w as severely in
liir,',l ill April. II'IH. iirrnriliiiK I" Hit'
, p, mi, ,n, while In the employ of the
; pavini; company. Y01111K 1 1 1 1 r.l.-l t,
j w ho Is 12 years ohl. was workini; for
lln- coiiipany in the capacity of a
water hoy, says the petllion, was in-
.i'H'ctl when a plunk thrown from a
w.iis'oii shuck ii 1 111 on uic n.ati. 1 in
injury sustained is permaiieiit, says
the pel it inner. liainuRcs to I hi
aniouiit of $2,fS8 i.s nsU.tt.
"It's Ihe indivldiiiil citizen which
ill the Ioiil: run K"cs to make up a
city," rt ma rked I.. I-'. (iyiniiiist til
New iirleaiis al lln- 'I'lilsa yesterday.
"I have 1.,-eii in Tnlsii Iwo days anil
I have found Ihe reason for your city's
pruspc rity. Kvery man, woman and
child in Ihe city hoosls for Tulsa. The
first Ihini; I heard was Ihe hell hoy
at the hotel lelliim 'Ihal it's the hesl
town in t Ik- country. Imss.' Then Ihe
men I did hlisiiiess wilh, I heir wives
and (laughters told 111c ahoiil Tuls.i.
That's whal it takes to make a city."
Mr. ami Mrs. S. V. Brown nf
.links were in the city on 11 shopping
tour i-siei'ilav . They slopped at Hip
I Ut la hum. 1.
. VV. Lucas and 1'. IS. Adair of
Shawnee arc iiiesls of tin- Oxford.
YV. JS. Hasselt of thf Chelsea llc
finli'K company Is at the Alexander.
Honrs.' IS. Mecks and I.. IC. Smith
of Sapulpa nn1 nt Ihe ISriuly.
II. T. Coiirtncy of Al iisknure Is a
nuisl of tin- Uklahoma.
.1. J. Hunter of OkinnlKte is st ,p
pinn at Hie Alexander.
X. Kan liner of Oklahoma City is
stnppuie at the I irmly.
lai,l V. Kinke of OkinulKce is
slopping al Hie Tulsa.
.1. .1. Kiirkiii of liarilesv llle is a
nuesi of Hie Tulsa.
.1. 1 l'rawfoi',1 of Sapulpa is slop
pini; at the Tulsa.
Joe Little of Kaiiiolla is registered
at Ihe lliiitly.
i:. K. Hiirliee of AluskoK' e is a uuesl
of II- I : raily.
II. II. Wilcox of Leonard in stoppini;
at the nxfoid.
W. II. Smith of Kufiiula is stopping
al the Tulsa.
,T. It. Tinhpin of Wanolli r is a Kiust
of the Tulsa.
W. 1. Totter of Ardmore is stopping
at the Tulsa.
I. U. Witt irli of Stillwater is a tuest
of the Tulsa.
S. W. Minor of Slromc is HtnppinK
at the Tulsa.
('. S. MetiKenson of Inistia In at the
S. It. WiImjii of Miami Is Jl the
A. n. I'imlry of Inla is at the Tulsa.
WASH1NHTON', March 30. Assur-
1 alli es tli.it nroletiion will he given to
llli.t r-rillri. luiiiiihiliiill l-t t ' ril 111 I il ll.
lvr,j., where uttockn 1.11 Anierlcans
, ,,,, frrn,n. r ..ml ..n native
Clirkll ii.u li-n n own r.'.ia.rf.'.l h,l
; , ' vp' AmtJ-Ml..r Momenthau at
!.. ..i.,.. I,.. ,V, TlirH.h oV.
In a iness.iKe tr. the Mate depart
ment today Mr. Mornviith.iii said th"
.ittcinan authorities had promised
that 11. l on'v fiii'tinneri, hut natives
114 well, wo lid 'lie plotet lid hy the
T.irkluli r"iniiar troops nue ai l ru-
. n"11'1 Miuru.iy.
Apparrntlv no ail vices had hern re-
reived In Constantinople from I'ru
in'nh utter the roaulars had rtached
Hint plat e, n.i 110 mention was made
of their al ii '
jMt - 4- 1
i( :
1 h ::;.'",;.i;'! JtSif I
ft - . Wri, l
I k: a! - t lie- .4 uy&n;
tt'Tr t 3.'
1 1 1 ii,i.'-?y' . Jj-x;f . vj mi , 1 1 1 - v w, . :t
M',V I i K . March ;lil. -Airs. I.tlwanl V I ircil 11ns, wife' of the owner
(,f I ho uteumshlii DiK ia, which has lu-en scizt tl l.y the l-'rent li, an. I mother
of Juliette Hreitunu Kleist, whose hushand, Alax. sued for alicnalion of
the Rill's affections, has chattered a private car to take a party of friends
lo the runaina-racific international exposiliun in San l-'ra ncisco, The
picture shows Mrs. ISreiluiiK and also the Italian tower, one of the heautl
ful IniililuiKs at Ihe fair.
rni in: rontr m;vs
After liis wife liuil rrijlslered a
complaint wilh the police depart ineiil
Ihat W. I . Hatson was living wilh a
woman in a North Main hotel, Ih tec
livcs llewley and Northup went to
Ihe address yesterday morning at
i!:3i) o'clock ami discovered him in
hed wilh Mario Williams, accordiiiB
to evidence introduced In municipal
court yesterday iimrnlnu. .Miss Wil
liams was under cover mid liaison on
lop, Hie latter havlnsf his eoal and
shoes removed, said Northup on the
witness stand yesterday, lie has been
married four years. The fine, was
ii:.. Miss Williams forfeited a $10
I, olid.
I'eeaii.se Hoiiier Tom pk i -is, nero,
could not explain why he was carry
iiiK a lonir, keen-bladed knife, he was
alresled by ratl'olman Hoirers, ncKro,
and arraigned in muiiiclpal t'ourl, yes
terday morniiiK. His fine was $L'a.
1!. I'.. Hunt, ru-sro. who Sunday brat
up Hal Ho Adams, Ills former nexro
landlady, so effectively that she whs
not aide to appear iiKalnst him .Mon
day inoi'iilnir. was fined $2.1 in munici
pal court yesterday morniiii;. Her I
ill.-ht arm was dislocated and her
face badly .swollen.
A "van" was arralKiied in munici
pal court yesterday. It was a typical
case. These quest ions were, aiiswircd
unsatisfactorily: Where tlo von live?
What is your occupation'.' Whal ale
von tloini; in Tulsa .' Why were you j
in company wilh a certain noted j
crooK . He was sentenced to .HI days
in jail and "turned over to ihe chief."
Yesterday aft' I tint, 11 he was Kiven
until S o'clock In In; out of (he city.
It is the conventional manner of dis
posiiiK of undesirable citizens. Prac
tically i vtiv ciiy in tin uiitrv uses
P.ec.nse ihe 1 1 -5 ear-old son of
Lewis I'linc was not able lo identify
,1. K. .1 iiisinherrv as the man timing
Ihe jitney which struck Ids bucy
Monday afternoon, the case against
him in municipal court yesterday was
postponed until today. The lad re
membered only tile number of the car.
which he affirmed was the same
which .liiislnberry admits he was
driving' duriiiK Monday.
The first of perhaps a dozen or
more suits filed against the Tulsa Kn
tertainment company, as an out
growth of the accident at the South
Main street park in 1913, when one
section of the bleachers colUpsed, In
juring nearly 11 hundred persons and
killliiK one mail, a soldier, member of
tho Arkansas regiment that was in at
tendance at th I ry Karmlnp; congress,
will come to trial this morning.
H. K. Hanks, plaintiff In the case
to be tried this morning in tho dis
trict court before Judk'e Conn Linn,
seeks damage In the amount of
$2j.l)Ut. According to the petition
filed In the case. Hanks was severely
bruised ahout the legs and thigh
when the bleachers crumpled.
The New York liiants and the Chl
enpo White- Sm were playing at the
park and attracted thousand.
(iovernor Lee t'ruce and his staff
and many foreign dignitaries who
were delegates lo the farm congress
witnessed the accident.
Itcpalc HardancllCH Purls.
I llVllllV M:ileli -III (9'4ll n til t
A l'euter lispatch from Athens says: !
The lurkii are r pulling the dam
nge done to the forts and concentrat
ing troops In Smyrna.
"Thei operations in the Dardanelles
on Sunday wire conllnetl lo un Inter
mittent bombardment of revi rut Turk
ish position. In which M'aplanes o
operated. Tbu lurklali reply wm
Coiulit ions Nt'jtrly ;is Had
as a Vt-ar A.n, It
Is Said.
A negro asked lo he allowed lo go
into the municipal Jail yesterday
morning. A reporter followed him. In
Ihe west portion of Ihe underground
"holdover" there is 11 narrow' parti
tion between the wall of the base
ment and the side of the cnge. The
cement pavement drains into a sewer
In this narrow partition. It serves as
a toilet for the men trusties.
The place Is flushed only as. prison
officials see fit to do so. There are
no means hy which a prisoner may
cause tho filth to be washed away.
When the stench attracts the officials'
uttentlon a bucket of water Is thrown
Into the opening.
Il is the same prison that Kate
Harnard condemned lust spring. Al
tlx- beginning of the year the county
refused to house prisoners of the city,
us iiad been the custom up to that
lime, subsequent to tho warning
given by Miss Harnard.
Tin- basement was renovated and
whitewashed, hut tho conditions
which make Ihe prison unsanitary
were not adjusted the first of the
year. There is not an hour in the day
when It is possible to read a paper in
this prison without the use of an ar
tificial light. Sanitary conditions,
cannot prevail In such a place when
occiinied by men and women.
True, disinfectants nre used daily,
yet there is no disinfectant that can
purge such 11 place of disease, once, it
has taken root.
The conditions of the municipal
prison are not such n would recom
mend theniMelvis to such a city as
Neal Liquor and
Drug Treatment
The Xcal Treatment is a harmless vegetable
eonipouinl, taken internally. It thoroughly elimi
nates ami ueutnili.es the alcoholic or Drug poison
in the system.
No Ilypotleitnic injections are used. The Neal
Treatment i.s rapid and efficient and the effect is
beneficial upon the general system.
Consultation and alt Information
Treated in a Confidential
Private Appointments if
PHONE 109 ' 1320 South Cincinnati
Spring As Seen From
Many Angles
Miss ileiille Spring' came to Tulsa
iusl a few days ago, escorted liy (ild
Snl. Then Sol forsook her, and, like
oftiines occurs in this Oklahoma
country, Old Man Winter has been
lingering III tho lap of Miss (Ic.ule
Spring ever since. Pact!
lint Hie girls! Likewise the older
gills, and what you might cull ihe
woi ! lid they wot that spring had
came'.' They did, oh surely! Like
wise, you bet! Not only wotted they,
but they were fully uware of ii.
i;f isoons, they pranced hack and
forth in the Rue de Hlix.zaitls and
Ihe Champa Northwind, ull dressed
up like a busted arm, defying unybody
in all the world to find anything the
matter with Hie spring lids and seas
onable gazimhiils with which they
disguised and, mayhap, improved their
mortal framework. What for a few
snow flakes, or a simoom released by
cold-hearted Horeas? Oh, la, la-la-Ic
! Spring has came!
Hal have we provincials no con
vention of alylt-V Ans. We have. In
the eyes of Ihe. elite, il I.s an fait for
a giri to wear 11 deceased lialllnioie
oriole on her headpiece and Arctic
overshoes on her dainty lootsies. Par
agraph. Neither are furs desideratum this
lime of year, though snowbanks
mount high. lint, gadzooks! bring
forth the royal may pole, though na
ture's while fleece cozens the sward,
a, id let's dance the whirlle-gig gambol
and throw off some of our eclat, if
nothing else.
I'ollow ing this, let us turn to the
harrowing, (he harrowing following
the plowing, the plowing following
1 tie mules and the lop-eared clod
hoppt r who sigha to lie a brakie every
time the cars go by. In fact, then:
has been cunsiderahle harrowing al
ready. All of the farmers ut (his
time are anxious; to insert a lot of
ipring seeds into the loam in such a
manlier that they may blossom into
golden lliniisiintlilollar bills with the
utmost despatch. Yesterday one of
these fanners declared that his feel
ings were harrowed, too, and that he
never felt so loose In all his life. How
ever, the I'ect nt shipments of bliz
zard:", In direct violation of all neu
trality acts, may delay the harrowing
tit-tails somewhat. It has now been
since lieci-niber that I oc Pluvius
girded up his loins and comnienet d
lo shoot at these parts with every
brand of snow, sleet, frost, frigidity,
blizzard and general bedeviliiient.
How well he has stuck to his job, ev
erybody knows.
(nit in the country, however, t
smells like spring. The odor of burn
ing boots i'i 1 m e.s drifting o'er the lea.
ami leaves the world to submarine
and lo mull. Przeinysl, like Ha by Ion.
is fallen, and from the water-soaked
fields of Oklahoma comes the smell
that presages green things, glorious
flowers and bumper crops. Croiipy
birds, and ditto with tonsllitis, are.
making debuts of songs they use only
in the springtime. The spring-bird
orchestra has been highly augmented
this season, and they seem as happy
as en rapt 11 red humans, who, like the
young man, in the spring turn their
fancy to hock beer, pretzels and other
st:i blei stern. The lonesome crow, sit
ting high on an Osage bluff, raws
forth in sable tones at the dis
gruntled oil man, bpcau.se has not a
crow caws to crow with the promise
of a full crop of soft-sharded grass
hoppers? Carranza! Also, lion niciit!
Hoys We will puy three: (nits per
ixiiiiiil for clean colton rag;s. Tulsa,
Three Burglaries have been reported
in Tulsa during1 the past three days.
Sunday night two homes were looted.
Tom KbriKhl's) residence, 239 AVest
Fifteenth (street, wuh relieved of $75
worth of iewelry and valuable heir
lot. ms ( C. Halt's home, 1401 South
Hemer, was biirliirlxed for a quantity
of clotliinc and domestic goods.
Monday night tho Kendall drug
store was entered by marauders ami
something less than $100 worth of
jewelry tak"n. In euch Instance the
housebreakers have Ruined access
through the front door, cither by the
use of a pass key or by pryinR" open
ihe barrier.
Hoys We will iny three cents n-r
poiinil for clean cotton rags. Tulsa
Our work i lh lim,
nrii'i-H the lowest. V
rf hern to may ami our I
work It Euarantrril for
la )furs.
Full let uf tculi $5.00
Hold Crown $3 and H
t'nrioluill Pilliug .506
Silver l'iUhiit . . . .fiOo
Terth ClenneJ ....B0c
limine Work $1 and H
Teelli Pitracteil with
out pain &0c
A vvrili'-n guarantee for
1.1 jeitra.
1181, South Main.
Oyer Wondarland Thsatra.

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