Newspaper Page Text
11 TULSA UA1L1 WUKLU, M:.M)A1, JUISr, 6, IVl't. OKLAHOMA DRAFT ROLL DISAPPOINTS Only 166,046 Listed Compared With 200,000 Expected; Man) Exemptions. BOYLE ATTACKS BUREAU LAW I fn c. The i mines "f "i a in in- j I dam Us u tlon to runiprl the stat'J audltoi to pay salary claims of H. H. lireene, deputy mine Inspector, Pcmeta Gas Contract nuuihil. OKLAHOMA CITY, J'm.. 9 Ill", c..i pnrntlon commission today Issued j an order relieving the Pemeta Town-1 tlte company from further liability in the mutter "f turnlahlng k aa aervice. It is thnwn i" the aatlefactlon ot the COminlMlton that thl i,tiUitlin ,.f the pi n e was now Insufth lent to Headquarter of Tulsa Navy League Branch I lie I .KI.AII sclll, ill A n-f tfflrnn i Th- ob lllsaw, i the 'ii- 1) uiare Tian Legislature ( nun r Duties Placed ConHtitution. r,P t ijjv p W i 1 " - pi ' si ' I - ' Tkt Sannndlffiy SeDii(D)(iDD L(esli I iy Hen Newsline Stall ' harti il Itiircati "nil -i' il Ity, Mi luarten building ot the Tulsa branch, i, i- located n "Liberty Square" at the ca niy downtown corner no) decorated with f frame, painted In blue and white. A aei anewer questions about the navy. Instruct in, nt Ed i MM the tlol 1 1 nator R i - md it T 1 i ;.- . Perrj Madden, Cheyenne t.ti g,0Q0; incorporator! s W wn. Jr J M Burge. Sam T. Allen 'avorlte 1 'il company "ti hand, to and handle other detalla of the work 1'he navy recruiting office I ml floor Of th" Boston building. See. .ml and Huston. Nearly dred Tulsa women are now knitting comforts for the men of A membership campaign will be Inaugurated In the near future. avy league of the rner of Fourth ami a akysereper, The rotary is constantly persons in knitting is on the warnings two hun- ' eras I.iet th navy not worrk employment officers con not worry employment officers, a plant) of men wen- found. Nothing h.-.s reached the state labor depart ment relative to the sixty collage boys I from ttie east, win, are aatd to he , Oklahoma J stranded al Enid. The harvest will Building. Permits The Past W eek. , incorpi Helton. Itl II capital, S00, it C H irbert, .1 H 1 uce, Okla noma 'ity Hartshorm Coal company, Harta- horne- capital 15,000: Imotporat I W. R 1: Layden .1 leh ill, Hart ihorne Phe O'Bannon aompany, Clare ire capital, 1100.000; Incorporate i v v , , 1 tannon, fla 1 emore . n. open In the pan of t hi week Word t' 1 stai,. board 1 more than a central stale the and first i.'i t hi-rn of next WYOMING Oil a 1 1 Hannon Sherman, 1 Hasaelt, Dentson, Tex. e V. SALT .1 . 1. .. OMSK FIELD whl pro- OHIO OIL COMPANY j II. m. -1 lis ml, OKLAHOMA CIT1 tho n thousand men lo r.- to work In the not .11 Short .lone ! had bee harvi -t Al- 1 Si tit fields, could be found todas when me for them. Hut this did t 4H1I ..-1' mi-ni! 1 with 11- SB t.ltf rrti.iu UiU f.-rw . Ka sblltl ork ha rom . will trin i r ; i Vnte totliy Oil and Gas THE RUGBY OIL CO. lli CI11111 ot Com 111. U . Donrsr. Col had the office of the f agrit llture today that ti is i'i.i at res of wheat had been ruined bj hall in the north arestern counties in the past few da s ft rami Jurj Called Tomorrow, OKLAHOMA CITY, Juno 9 The grand Jury called by County Attorney Belby will start grinding Monday 01 next week, Among the matters ex p, eted to be Inveatlgati .1 is the oharge against Claude Hay. former I k- , pi r of the state school land office, win. la charged with shortage approxi mately between lit, ) and 110,000, As the check In which It is -."iuht to ascertain from which counties funds were recelvod which It Is all. gl .1 ha took. II is revealed thai number of counties are In volved Just how much from each Ohf has not hcetl asi I Tt.'i ini'd and cannot be until the state examiner and W L Kinemer. one-ator) frame res idence, 1'3 North XanthUS, $1.900; J. H. Corell, one story frame garage, lliiu N'..rth Main, $3.uou; W. .1. Dunn, one Mi. ry brick residence, $600; A. M. Winn, addition to residence. lu7 South Peoria, 4a": .'. M. Boyer, two story frame residence. 170 4 South Newport. 16,000: II. C Stahl. one-story hrick and re-enforced concrete garage, pi rat and Denver, 1 1 2,000 ; s. C. Rob- Ison, one-story hrlck and steel garage, 317 Wist Second, l,000; Henry A. Spuhler, one-story frame gnrage, 1722 Smith Cincinnati. $100; man. r build porch, li'"1 pi frame ill Zunta, 1S0; ). brick vaneered 000i Leonitaa IV li. Thur- Claude Sam- pmg porch, s nonn 1". Warner, two-storv esldence. LaWOn, $3. Buchanan. one-story AD-MAN DAVISON WRITES OIL LETTERS ls riot hi 1 : .1. illlpleti heck. FAVORS MOTHERS. PENSIONS Specialist in OIL SECURITIES s,-nii is .nir 110 position RENAUD & CO. Investment Securities Hfi Broadway New York Circulars, bookleta, that will sell your Write him full) today present literature for .lust address Ad ewspaper ads .tock quickly no! send free criticlan Man 1 lavlaon, 1 llurtlen -slo.ul.l Hi 1 r Madlaon avenue New York. Will pay foi a good offset ml Lease Wanted, furnish casing, derrick and drlllng one or mora wells on ClOSe 111 lease. Where tlllTC Is wells lo drill. Will carry owner FEDERAL MOTOR CO 11 LSA, OKLAUl M of lease reasonahle interest llollt anawer unlaaa you have something KO...I No attention given unless sec tion number, township and range Is given Address A. It Russell, Room tlJ Hippodrome Building, Cleveland, Ohio, Aiiv. Paj ollr ater H II. Tour water hill is now duo and nnisi he p.ud on or before the tenth or aervlc will be discontinued or penalty added. This Is your last no- CITY WA1 En DEPARTMENT. Mactilncn saUvoiinn Wanted. Excellent opportunity on salary and commlaalon baala ror man familiar with Raa compressors and other oil countr macnin i-ci lance b ml ; core World Adv Lightened for ul- nws and Orphans. PITTSBUROH, Pa,, June n. Eatab llshmenl of pensions for mothers with dependent children was advocated by Miss Helen Glenn, state supervisor of the mothers' assistance fund of the Pennsylvania state hoard of education. In an address she delivered today he- fore the National Conference of Charl-1 ties ami 1 'orractlon. Miss Qlenn reported on the outcome of a recent stale survey of the results of the administration of the mothers' pensions law in Pennsylvania, under . her direction. She said: "Too little attention has been given to the smaller communities. Els pec tally In rural districts, the only agency is Often the hoard of poor directors, and modern standards of social work are unknown. In such communities the proper administration of mothers' pon Ision work raised the standards of all activities for child care. I "Legislation for mothers' pensions Is I In line with other legislation for the ! protection of childhood It reiterates the new emphasis on the value of home life foi .ill normal children, and frame residence, 1011 BOUtn r.lgitt. 900; Mrs. Sarah Fairs, frame sleep ing porch, IIS South Cincinnati, I3r,: c Ii Coggeshall, three-story hrlck and stucco residence, filO East Twentieth, JlvooO. .1. i'. Mccarty, two-story frame resi dence,' 603 South Detroit, $2.500; Imanuel Baptist church, one-story frame church building, 1601 North 1 Burnett, II.SOO; H. L Howe, one-story frame residence, 1 3 1 1 Rock ford, laOO; i A. ('. Johnson, two-story frame sleep ing porch. 102! Kast Twelfth. $r,uo; Trimble estate, one-story hrick and re- 'enforced concrete theater building. West Third street. $70,000; J. S. Payne, 1 four one-story frame residences. West s.coiid, $4ou; w. t. batra, rrama resi dence to residence. 21T, South Hous ton. $3(io; B. Conatantin, remodel hrick residence and add one story, 1409 South Boulder, $10,000: B. Conatantin, remodel two-story hrick garage, 140K ; smith Boulder, $2,000. Hrake Investment company one story frame residence, 1114 South Cin cinnati. $3,o00; Agnes Deftwick, addi tion to frame residence, 1018 South Detroit, $1,000; the Quit Pipe Line company, one-story galvanized iron shed. Detroit, $300; John S. (iarvis, tw.. story hrlck residence. Sunset addi tion. $1 7,000: Hubert E. Adams. one- Story frame resilience, smiiti 1 aronna, 3.o'ini; Mrs John Marsh, frame sleep ing porch. 1323 Smith Denver, $3oo; J. T. Flannagan, one-atory frame ga rage, 1019 North Blwood, $ir4: C. C. Cole, additional st. ry to hrick office n. $ 1,000, Leaaon June 17. John 20 1-1S Th resurrection of Jesus stands ut as the one essential fact of the edemptive scheme, it wiu necea- j r that he should taste death ano ! ieli In order to he qualified to stand ; s a vicarious aacrlflCs for our sins, ut unless ne had come out conqueror 1 rer death py rising again, hla dying or us COItld have neen ot little effect. lO, while the Crucifixion rests ill tllo upular mipd as the chief feature of hrlat'i miaalon on earth, and it was Mental, yet the reaurrecton ae; ubly essential, for it crowned the umnh and clinched the Victory. It ,? the comeratone of the Christian be lief, "If Christ he not risen, then I our pleaching vain, and your faith !s also Vain." Have nothing to do with iiinif who would pa; reverence to Jesus lis a man alone, and deny him the attributes of divinity, for ir he was not Ood to overcome death, then is the whole plan ol Christianity fraud. Wo ntlc that the diaclplea were i.ot prep ired to understand the nection between chrlat'a prophecies tt his own death and raeurrectlor ai d the fact of jyj empty lomb. Tiie predictions had been plain enough snd often repeated, but they had fnikd to soak Into thi CQita louaneas of these men. They probably passed It by ns one of thf problems which they should know some day. Vol it seem strence, in view of an tee that tin ir st:i .ta il vision lull as md to recognise tic- when It stood before their eyes Vet we arc no better than they, for : we Ignore nnd forget the plainest ' of the Savior and continue 1 to measure the affairs of the spirit hv our conceptions Of material things We n id the Bible and profess to be lii c it, vet we eo ahead and make all I our arrangements as tho thep- was no I such thing as a Ood overruling and directing all. If there Is a tribute deserved to any of the characters who figured In these last days of the Lord on earth, it should be accorded to Mary of Magdala, who tho lacking perhaps In keen spiritual insight, was s.i thoroly devoted and determined as to will nigh conquer anything, it is significant that her devotion was si llally recognised and rewarded by her Master, for to her was granted tn distinction of he In a- the first tviman I hi lag to see the risen !ord. We chii prgte about practicality all we may. we can euloeize wordly wisdom and What we playfully call 'common sense", yet nfter all we must hc knoWledge there Is something hlrher. nobler, grander ami more effective in tills woman's etngleneaa Of heart than III all OUa, ponderous logic. It is love that cotniuers the world, and it was the grateful devotion of Mary that won her special favor. It la Interesting to note the differ ing attitudes of the three persons whose ' 'hits to the tomb is here re corded. There is the tho'ful John, who ran quickly to the burial id ice. hut stopped In awe at Its portal; then the daring. InjpetupUS Peter, wno rushed rieht In and saw the spot where the Lord had lain and took note of the surroundings: then emo tional Mary, who thot onlv of fie tr igedv of her 1,1. Pi s ills ippearatiee. , s , , Th Fill et ss- vSJ . 1 The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx They make the fa mous Dixey Weave Summer Suits for us. Priced 510 to $22.50 Wright Clothing Com nan v C.;rs;UlUrt8.Uiri..T Msrr AMERICAN POOR SUFFERING FROM SHORTAGE OF FOODS Viooiiinn Declares Reckoning With Pood Pirates Cannot he Long In layed. WASHINQTON, June 9. Assistant Secretary Vrooraan of the department of agriculture who has just returned from a tOUf on whieh he observed tho food situation, declared in a statement ti day he had seen much hardship and suffering, especially among the poor because of the "crime being per- petrat-il ngainst the Ameri an pe 'pi b) tue running at large which are destroying much valuable garden truck and other property. control of food prices by dls- val food, s " "Everywhere I have found a grow ing feeling that there must SOI n conpi a reckoning with these manipulators of the nation's food." said ho. ln Your Water Hill. Your water bill Is now due and must he paid on or before the tenth or service will be discontinued or penalty added. This Is your last no tice. CITY WATER DEPARTMENT. M IKE WAR N CITY ( ANIMUS l'i IR State age. full ex- ates tit.- n wuty or provision bulldlna. 41S South B larv expected. 8107 from public funds for fatherless chll- , dren. it supplements our child labor laws, Compulsory education laws and RALE Mu cas engine geared other laws which render ail children ressor; rapacity or com- dependent on their famines until tney Phe human race Is made up of in tellectual and spiritual, ns well as I hyslcal variants. It Is folv for one ol us to depreciate the temperament that differs from vonr own. for it is lust as much Ood'S plan to ue men of one disposition ns of another They oil hnva a part to play In the drama of saving mankind. It Is the emo tional Mary who leads first to the tonih of a risen Lord: It Is John who pauses In loving reverence at tn gateway to eternity, nnd it Is the headstrong, fearless Peters who lead the hosts of Ood Into the grandest I achievements in his name Hut the clowning fact of the rsur-1 rectlon Is the hope it holds out tor Ul If Christ arose from t lie dead nnd j demonstrated the power of Je.-sis over dentil and the grave, then we ar" j assured that he h is opened the way for us who believe In him to share In that victory ovrr sin nrd its pena'tvl and to rise again as he did to a reall ration oT eternal freedom from sin . enrrrw Helolce. then, and hs exceeding clad, for "now hath Christ been raised from the dead, the first, fiuits of them that are asleep." Ownership of 1 ii- w IlKISTi iW. city council passed almost Dons win Become a tl Luxury. rid Okla., June 9 The at its recent meeting a prohibitive ordinance on the ow ning of dogs In the city, ordinance provides for a tax The of M on males and $r. on females and also states that ul dogs running at large must he muzzled during the summer months, and if the ordinance is not complied with the owners of the ilogs are subject to a fine. It is thought that the measure will have the effect of getting rid of many worthless curs ..L.1... .... mini ; .r - ills '"' : i Vertical File Tray I J a I'se one of thrne h.indient and il Klllljilesl one of I V hese hand ir! an iTtli'dl Kl!fH Winn two or more i-lrrka work on Ihe lime records, the Kile Tr ay on its caster bate can le pasted arouuJ with .lie great efl en -e. H olds 3.000 tapers, indexed SO h to he Instantly hmlalile Come in and see them. Western Bank Snpplf rv, Pourth ami Boston ISO CONGRESS TIE ENVELOPES ALL SIZES Priced right. Tulsa Rubber Stamp Works PHONE 1 U5 Room - Hayward Building I'.tel I. Ii.uK Floa Adv '' fl cu r C per miiiulii. th St . POM BAMS .11 ! i erv. sixes ft to 1 't KlR 1 0 . ;:ns Oklahoi City, Okla d Bev stills, ranging ft f,. V w niati Bldg prump1 11 i ftvll Keeney 'i 1 il.lahoma are of working age, These latter laws place an Impossible burden on the widow unless some means la furnished 'her that will take the place of the father's support ' NURSES SELL KISSES AT $5 Doble-Detroit Steam Motors Co. Detroit, Michigan Oaaga oil property for sale, noo '.ores. -d old "ells, number of good location Address .1 II M. Bog lit, I ILirtlesi Tie, 1 Ikla Adv cntnrr lair." of t.en- wiii bu pi "dm Ing b lulled acreage Will pay Uul must have pipe line Mines I II I Ithrop Bldg ase with till market prloa, runs H. 1. K .i naaa ilty, Mi Adv l II in U W M M I 1111 I HOUSTON, FIBLE & CO. Menibcrs New Vork Slock I (change ami i hies go Board of Trade. For Ball producing bin arelia log R isi Mo Adt IK icres I ISO barrels I Act quick. Ninth 81 lldi fields, tail) adjacent R Gregory, Kansas I'ity. i i-i illation lloiiili a I oral Hospital " KANSAS CITY, June There i v:ere gay times at tJie Qeneral hoa I pltnl last night when the is gradu ates of the hospital's training school I lor nurses gave a "county fair" for the nurses internes and staff. There were the usual county fair concessions, but an added feature was the booth at which pretty nurses sold ' Kisses 'or i" each Those who had '. Bald the gOOdS Would hale been i cheap at twice the price. FATHER OF TULSA MAN DIES M VORK I IBTKD CAtiO fiH UN ni . I , ii k. CHI HO IMIONS Wanted Illds nn drilling test well of 2.R00 reel with rotary ri In Alfalfa county, uki.i. Address Bearrltt-Vroo-nian i'il company, Scarrltt Bldg.i Kan sas City, Mo. Adv, The first authoritative announcement revolutionary achievpments of Abnei and his associates in the motor car midy for distribution. It Is a detailed statement of the plans ina Iioble-Petiolt Steam r.ns and otln the Doble Steam Power Plant. It also explains in detail the organisation plans Doble-Detroit Steam Motors Co. And the unusual advantages offered by its method of financing, of the Doble field is for menufectur r produca using d tho unique It is one of the most Important announcements in tho whole history of the automobile Industry Write or telegraph tor it. Orttanialion Doble-Detroit Steam Marquette iihiir.. ieinn ommlttcca M- ors Michigan Co. .i t Standard 'H and Bubaldlary Btooka New Yoik and Boston Curbs. Direct private Wires to All Important Bxonangea, World Wanted leases and production! send s-itne In on plat ahOWlng wells and acn ici' Addreaa Toma nil & Oas Co., RoWnaon Bldg. -Adv, Pot Bale 'Mo acre lease In sections! 1 and It, Montgomery county. Kan sas Ne n prod i, 'tlon .!'s4. care l'i inkbn county, K cot acted to date , $'-'. Kan Adv, i hi n n tKi uiiii v i i s s i i h: s i i Iioii thi le up and niak me offer lot taw northeast quarter of aectlon seven; east one-half of southwest quarter, I'- r sale hv owner, off-set section s i township north, range shallow territory; no lu-okei four aaat Five yeara" dress ittt, World Adv rent paid oni year, Royaltj one gjffhth N ill sell all r part. irci;-j Will give interest in ilestral civ. tun Kast Ninth street, Kangag I ags foi a "ell. Addreaa III! Pity, Mo . Adv 11 maps Moody, ucrcage, s Ad- de acre . Woi id c- to Missouri to uncial. of the firm of Co., left Friday on receipt of a father, Thomas I. T , ebler Mr HllllburtOB who w ! a oloneer merchant of Kansas and Missouri and widely both states Besides ton, he left two other sons. R, It. of Oklahoma t'itv and Pre 1 Hall, hurt Halliburton t. I aihrr's J C Halliburton s. ott-Halllburton fOI Pi '.field. M, notification licit his Halliburton, h id dli known thru out ,1 C. Halllhur- of rtrookfleld. BHtiiKli-'iili lrtaire mem TflDAAP.n UARIT CONQUERED mWrr n I nkilnr uaiaH...l rmtrdr I' IN 3 DAYS ul. f u i-l ! Mt - l alB) .rag (. net i- J Urlarlag t.- gnglfl "J fw i M r t.'ssri.ui4ii.'M . clsurrl 1 1 a, 1 bnil t Mafl -n : i.( ! r-a af - g t rlsura, rlpr, .tnl'ii lubgccn ot aaiaiff- 1 . i hillixlH.iUI ' III krantlp ll tai an . aualua MM IkaM it u rll1iMtr Ihe lo a ' awei. hag the at Mb'aL.a u4 tMtM mA g-a mi plraanraa. ' ' ariictMlaig rMfclrlMaMfctitk i t..uiaca arii rugsallpatlnn, li-ai.ta,r)irs rak rr, IwM .if rig, r4 pia on akin. ihrMial Irrllutlitn. rutajrrh. n.i i ... lirmrirfcllt. Ii i s i I r.Jlui. Iuna trouble. h .. f . . wwar Impure rsnvii-i --i nran- I Hi , n ii i III LHtM. weaianeil Inteli-rtt a ' 1"mii "" ' atftloetjl au-liral nrs, w eaa"ae wnanm ijui ' .elf FREE tlvat ,, 1 , ,t. is rvS'.t. b- ' J.....I B 4ii W...W.I l.,.,n.i f-H,hl. Mnho fci r..o .--iftl htMi U ut Ikl I II (tf-l'ill" U. J - Ilk M 1 .. 1 MHuff H.t.11 Stiiti Ilk- SLOWAMU J. WOODS. 34 L. ttioo C. New Vork. H. V, Onl) Mllltarj Cargo. PRKINQ, June I. Ruaaian consuls In China have published notices In prominent Chinese newspapers an n iunclng that only war supplies will b, h nih il hereafter on the Trans Btberlnn railway Shippers desiring to Obtain space for war materials are I.., a. red to furnish affidavits prov ing that their freight is required fur war purposes. Mails' 11c Was Loaded lohn 'I'h. it porter of ours ter lalnlj reminded me of a gun. .lames How so? .lohn He kicked so when he was fired Awgwan. Hardly. "Some of Ihe nursery rhymes need revising. " "Huh?" . "Take, for Instance, the case or honnv penny'. We can no longer ...ulde the hen with a coin so Insiu Dlficairl as a cent." In the evening .-it camp when all hands in' "bushed" after a day's tramp, canoe trip, fishing and swimming, this COLUMBIA Grafonola, costing just $15, on easy terms, will make welcome entertainment. Small, light, easy ti tote ami needing little bunk room, this musical instrument will make your camp complete this summer, Darrow Music Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. lOJr-111 East Third St Phono (il(. PIII1F0RD.M Make your OM do Ihe work of :l or I horses. Quickly attached to any Ford, or most any other make of car with a monkey wrench, (let a Pullford to day anil turn your car into a prac tical monev-savinc farm tractor In about 3u minutes. Have low- cost power for pulling plows, wagons or showing llol-icr f Uiclinieiil almost any of the heavy loads about tiie farm or on the road. Pulls plows, harrows, drills, mow ers, ihe hmder. hay-loader, road grader, heavv wggona or any sim ilar loads, Ones not Injure tiie ear, no hob to drill. Live, imctits Wanted Write, wire or phone for particulars, in HKADINCTON t to CO., Distributors for Texas ami Oklahoma 1U 19 Commerce St., Dallas, Texas. A policy without a S-K minimum clause. Over 1,500 satisfied members In Tulsa. The Western Automobile Indemnity Association ,:o(i ulllt) IIMMJ PHONI NM E. A. SHEPAKPSON, (leneral Audit. Property damage anil personal liability. R. ('. HH K.I UPSON, District Agent. I'nsH. Cars $20 x-r year, Klts'trlcs I2 mt year.