Newspaper Page Text
I "TULSA DAILY WORLD, THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1917. RED CROSS FUND TO GO STRAIGHT HOME Will Be Expended in Caring for American Army in France. KKW Tonic. Juno 13, The way In which the lied C'mss war council jditns to expend thn $ 1 on, nun, 000 futiil which Is helm? raised nan explained by Henry V. Davison chairman, In a letter from Mm read nt n lied rross luncheon here today. Ho Rave assur ance that "only a small pcrcrntaue of each dollar contributed will lie re (lulrcd to carry tho relief to Its desti nation," because of the volunteei (h iraiter of tho best American talent In medicine, sanitation, transporta tion, cnnstructlon.welfare work, pur chasing, commercial business uccuunt Inu' and nlnmr i:tlier lines. Haso hospitals will continue to be organized to lie turned over to the nrniy nt once for service In France. Units for military and naval mobiliz ation camps will be provided. Sup plies must be purchased, collected, transported and stored. chips are to be bought, equipped iinrt manned. A sanitary engineering corps will be formed. The extent ot all this preparation cannot now be estimated, Mr. Davison said, because no one knows whether one or two million men are to be sent forward. Aiiide from these needs the Hed Cross will undertake n larger humani tarian work for American allies. While the Ked Cross does not pur pose to reconstruct devastated vil lages. It feels It part of its duty, tn chairman declared, to contribute to ward the temporary housing of home, lors persons Thousands of 11 n 1 1 it lances should bo sent to Russia so that practical as well as moral nid may be extended to that government. These must co before Russia's winter ports are closed, ho said. Rumania also Is to be aided. BUSINESS CARDS Russian Soldiers on Frontier Are Proving Loyal to New Government l'lCTROORAn, June 13 The force in the army at the front loyal to tnu provisional government have had their first test of strength with disloyal pacifist and huve won a notable vic tory. Two days ago Lieutenant lien eral Stoliorbathiff, commander on tne Rumanian front, ordered disbanded one Infantry, one tirailleur and one Siberian tirailleur . regiment, all of which are considered useless for flghtlnr purposes. Three regiments of another divi sion were ordered to take up a new position, but refused to do so and thereupon received an order to Hs land. The soldiers openly mutinied. The men of one of tho regiments iu- i tested the commander and seven oi- ficers. tore their badges from their uniforms anil beat two officers, le iv lng them Insensible on the road. A regimental committee resolved that tho regiment should not move; there upon a loyal committee of soldiers lifter deliberating Willi the army staff pronounced for stern measures HMINOffl 'Furniture Exchange New for Old 14 and 10 West occoud Headquarter for Hrlplok Lenses. 408 South Main street Phone .1473. PHONE 69 69 Ullery Investment Company (Incorporated) Office 15 East Fifth Street i WILLIAM J. LODGE Architect Room 420 First National Bank Bldg. Tulsa. Telephone 6118 W. J. GREGG J. L MARTIN A ttorneya-aULaio rtoouu 14-15-18 First, National Bank Bids. TULSA, OKLA. STANLEY & M'CUNE Funeral Directors New Location 415 South Boulder Phone' 1522-1600 For a Demonstration of THE DICTAPHONE Telephone 895, and Ask for G. C. McCLELLAN "The Dictaphone Man" 217 South Boston Tulsa, Okla. C O. Wlntcrrlnger, Nurso Ilcglstcr Guy V. McCullough . Mowbray Undertaking Co. I'HOXES 329-80-011 Fifth and Boston TULSA, OKLA. THE CHILDREN'S DAY NURSERY 717 South Cheyenne PHONE 1008 Children Cared for During Working or Shopping Hours. W. R. TOWSLEY Landscape Architect Room 11 Hayward Bldg. Offlco Phone. 3986 Residence rhone, 6771-J. INDIAN RECORDS All ibotit Departmental l.fftiri, RraoTl of Ktiatrictlona, Allotmenta, curollmaula, alapa, Plats and Plat Uooka. J. TRUMAN NIXON Car of allaa bona Rpltnnr. Phon 1701. Rboro 315-10 Callati III1(. Tula. Oklahoma CHARLES II. ME RILL AT Attorney-at-Law Bond Building, Washington, D. O. Oil, Gas and Indian Matters Tracy D. Frown Chas. L. Yancey BROWN & YANCEY Attorneys-at-Law against the mutineers and their ring leader named l'hlllpoff. A rcsolutu general was chosen having under his command two divi sions o'f loyal cavalry, two battalions of Infantry, one light battery, arm ored motor curs n i 1 airplanes nut undertook the task of suppre'ing the revolt. When tno loyalist general had occupied positions UKalnst the mutineers lie sent an tiltlmaliim iu hem demanding the surrender of the rmglcadcrs, that they take up posi tions as ordered and that they under take to serve faithfully iu the future. The mutinous soldiers seeing that they werre surrounded attempted to negotiate, hut at the last moment i'hillopoff Incites them to new re sistance. The loyalist general Im mediately ordered his guns into ac tion nlicriipon the rebels uncondi tionally Hcccptcd the ultimatum and surrendered I'hillopoff ami others, who wire tHken to prison in an auto mobile. The loyalist troops flren lit tho automobile, hut their commander In order to savo the prisoners lives jumped Into the machine, whereupon the firing ceased. Inhuman Treatment Shown Serbians Held in Austrian Detention Camps served in a hospital at Mathaiisen n.oro than one hundred Serbian sol diers w ho had lost their reason. M.inv others remain crippled because of neglect of the camp physicians, l jild.-inl. s lleiivv Tidl. "I'urlng the typhus epidemic In AusMin-llungary, sfxtcen thousand I S, rblan soldiers died and were bur- led by hundreds In common graves in lone part alone of Mathaiisen. A falso Inscription, evidently Intended to hide the result of their neglect, placid by the Austrlnus on a chapel raised at the place, and reads: 'Serbian sol diers who died of wounds received in the Serbian Aostrn-llungarhtn war I w hich was provoked by Serbia.' I "News has reached us. also, that the Serbian soldiers are em loved on the Italian nnd Russian fronts to (carry munitions to the firing line, to jitig ttVnchcs, to pick up wounded o:1 the fi'bl of br.ttle, to cany water to the soldiers and even to put no barbeil wire defenses under the fin I of th Italian and Iriisslan nuns. ;Many Serbian soldiers have perished Ion the Italian front from Italian shells. More than four hundred of them wound"d on the Isuny.o front were at nno time in the Hr.iVn.ii camp; only eighty of them recov ered. "The Austro-Hungarlan authorities Intent political offenses against the Serbian officers, soldiers and civilians. Some of thim were prisecuted for lining taken pit I In the nssiisslna,. lion of Atchiliike rrancls rerdinaml. PARIS, Juno 13. The minister of Serbia In I'arls, M. Vesnltch, com municates to the Associated I'ress an official statement of the mistreatment of snliller und civilian Serbians im prisoned and interned in Austria and Hungary. "Soldiers and civilians lire huddled In wooden barracks in unhealthy, marshy districts along the batiks of the lianuhe," says the statement. "They sloop on the hare floors with no bedding hut a thin litter of straw and with only one blanket for cover ing, while, the roofs and sides of the barracks afford little shelter. "Their nourishment consists of a fodder beets and u. quarter of a loaf tif bread made with musty corn meal and wild chestnuts. None of theso prisoners or Interned citizen havo hail any meat f ir seernl month, al tho they are forced to hard labor under tiie guard of soldiers who beat them with the butt ends of rifles, tio them to posts or suspend them for more than two hours nt time for slight Infraction of discipline. "A great many of both soldiers and civilians have lost their minds ns a result of physical and moral suffer ings In these camps. An Austrian doctor told of hew he hid seen at Krlzevek more than three thousand insane Serbian soldiers and civilians. A reliable witness reports having nu ll Don't EnVy Beautiful Hair. HaVe It! Don't envy the woman whose hair falls in soft, shimmering ripples that seem to take ycaTS from her age. Hair of this beautiful kind is possible for nearly every woman. Treat your hair the I'ompeian -way and your friends will immediately remark, "How soft and beautiful your hair looVs." Pompeian ITAIR Massage is a pure amber liquid. Not Oily. Not sticky. Will stop Dandruff and Scalp Itching. To get quick results, roll the scalp the I'om peian way (carefully described in booklet enclosed with every bottle). The massaging of the scalp wakes tip the roots of the hair to new life. This massaging also opens the pores of the scalp to the wonderfully stimulating liquids in Pompeian HAIR Mas sage. Dandruff snd Scalp Itch ing disappear. Your hair will become and stay healthy, vig orous and attractive. Pompeian HAIR Massage cannot discolor the hair. De lightful and dainty to use.' Get a 25c, 50c or $1 bottle TODAY at. the store, and prove to yourself the quick results possible, , MEN have applications at barber shops. Made by the reliable makers of the famous Tompcian MAS SAGE Cream and Pompeian NIGHT Cream Adr.7P. l"ilrl.'l"OTl'5'7'-,"rT2:T' fc- WW: r ..1 Ta'.'.iia i HP WRITE FOR FREE - BOOKLETS that Ml where to go, wnat to are, what it cfliti. and how to enjoy a vacation in cool, tunny Colorado. Millioni of luinsli traveling ml and wot have admired the rugged Kenery of the Colorado Rotawa from train window. Tho who come to Denver thn tummef can g'l nght into the heart of the Colorado Rocluea and enjoy Cod-made parlu with man-made auto roada. Visit Denver's New Mountain Park and Rocky Mountain National Park (Eatea) the moil wonderful Mountain Scenery and Automobile Tnpa in the world. No loll roach or entrance chargrt. 38 other Short Scenic Tnpa by Rail. Aulo and Trolley. 1 4 one day Iripa. Denver Ihe Gateway to 1 1 National Parlu and 32 National Monument! YEARGIN BUYS MINING LAND Itli'liCNt Man In Delaware rurvlin.Mii O Mitli interest Iu Trod. Special to Th. World. MIAMI, iikhi.. June 13 The First National MininK company, which made the exceptionally rirti Ktrike last week where a cave of nearly pure lend was found, hax moved Km head officer) from. Oklahoma t'ity to Ml nml. This company him several rich leased but Itn main learie is on part ef the rich Ihlffalo land near (jilii paw. M. A. Yeareln of drove, Okla., one of the richest men in Delaware county, hiiH Kotten ti 1h feet wet now In Ihe Miami field and has bouiiht a nne-Nlxth Interest In an eluht-acro tract 01' 111 1 ri In tr land with ". V. Scott near the UcHinoke mine near l'lcher. Mr. Yeai'Kin Ik an old timer Iu north eastern Oklahoma nnd Is very fa miliar with the prou'lli of the Miami field, tho this In his first venture into the mlnlnK came !n Ottawa county. The l'cArmond Milium' coinpnny, which is compost d pf ManKum nno Oklahoma '"ity cajiltalists. has been Incorpornted with $100,000 enpnu. Kdwnrd Nix of Oklahoma City his been yec'jred to nianaue the proper ties and 11c hii now moved to Miami. The lieAunond company has a f--Hcro le ise on the riuht land near the Knnmin Hue. which they suo leased from the Walker Mining- com pany. A shaft Is already down 171 feet and drill tests show a rich run of ore at 224 feet. A three hiindi'ed ton mill will be started rluht away. Mr. Nix In an experienced mlnliiK man, havlnz had experience In the Cripple Creek. Col., field. CAR SHORTAGE PROBABLE Coal Dealers 'Asked to Help Avoid It Iy riucim: I'jirly Onlcm. Unless railways, coai mining com panies, denlers nnd consumers u.t uvailable cars for transporting their winter's supply of fuel tit the present til 10, a serloiiH shortiiitR of rolllnir tock Is likely to result. At least this Is the belief of the corporation commission who has called upon the various companies und dealers to help avert It. The oorporatior. commission points nut that the nation Is niobollzint; its men and resources und cars that are now uvailable will bo needed next fall nnd winter to carry military stores for nianufacttire. If coal deal ers and consumers do not co-operate immediately in fillinu; next season a orders serious transportation prob lems will follow the warning of the commission states. Jliislow Considers 1'uir. Kpprinl to The World. . I! It I STOW, Okla., June 13. The I'.rlHtow commercial club Is fluuriuit on taklm? up the question within te liext few davi of the free township fair nnd ntxklriK the 1917 fair one of the hi'H' st h 'Id in the c( unty. There has been so much pedree sunk i-hlppcd In th's venr that the club feela that there ou:ht to bo more of a display of live iitock than has hereto, fore been shown and will endeavor to pet the men who have brouirht this stock in to show It nt tho fair. It will not only stimulate the Industry but will pet men who now have t ho Flock to keep It In, better condition. Thn niri icultural feature of the fair will not be overlooked. The better baby contest will also be r hlr feature. I'sciipchI PrlMiiicr Kills Self. MKliKoItH, Oreiton, .tuno 13. J. I Hncsd -.le, convicted here this morn, tnc for n criminal assault and sei.t enced to twenty years Imprieonment broke Jail lato today after killinir the Jailer, Charles H. linsey, with a flat iron. When pursued by if p"s. of citizens and national guardsmen K.iks dnle sent a bullet thru his head, dyln instantly. 'I!!1 Grape-Nuts 1 1 for Lunch Puts PEP' into the afternoon's m work m 1 & Reason" , Sixty-eight Million Dollars and Four Hundred Sixty Thousand Successful Cars Behind this Wonderful 85 Four $895 1 FnbJvt to ohmiue Millioni nolle f. u. It. Tijlctlo No other four of such comfortable size has such a big, responsible, permanently established concern behind it. No other car of such comfortable size has been produced in such hnge quantities, at such low cost and with such a successful rec ord behind it. No one now has time, energy or money to waste. Get an automobile and save time. Get a big enough car not to cramp and tire you and tax your en ergy. Get Overland Model Eighty-Five Four and save money. Come in and get it today. Carhart Motor Company of Tulsa 10 East Sixth St. Phone 5550 ' mem uka-.KSS IS' : i - . i v. "'or " ri-')n'r-,.''' 3v BONO SALES IN RICHMOND DISTRICT PASS $50,000,000 linns Mmln for tircnt ratrlollr; Dini- onstralliin Tomorow. HICHMoNI'. Va., June 13. With lute mibserlptions of more than $5,000,01)0, the Richmond federal re serve bank reported that subscrip II, .tin In tho Vifih iilstrlct to t he I ,i ii- erty loan lionds had passed the $'i0.- U00.0IMI inarK. menuioilll wiinscriue-i more than f 1.D00.0U0 nt a meat mass .....I l,nlnp. tltriimit thn dlH- IIIVt'llllK Hfl'I ,,,.,.." - trict are displaying the greatest activ ity vet mii'tircsl in tne movement. J'lans were outlined last night (or . .......Itlr. rfnmoliulnitlnn nn 'hlllM- 1ay. Stiindliig on the exact spot in tne ranious ru. jomi s onui n wm.-i.-l'atrlek Henry uttered the Immortal words "give me liberty or give me death," Mayor Alnslle will sound on thn church hell a last reminder to Ihe people of Nlilchmond to buy a bond. Kvcry bell and whistle In the city will also tnke up the appeal, while men on horseback and boy scouts with bugles will repeat the call in every section of the city. Itallroad I'lnns Improvement. Bpfdal to Thn WurM BlU.SToW, okla., Juno 12. It Ih reported hero that tho Frisco Is con templatlnK unite a number of Im provements In lirlstow this summer. Ono of them Is the movinit of tho yards to the south limits of the city where freight trains won't have to. cut so many crossings while In tne city limits. As 't now is. there rro five crossiims In the freight yards nnd if n truln Is to stand over fiV'i minutes the train crew hag to cut every crossing. There Is also a repor of n new passenarer depot, It, too, nls.i probably will be built at the south end of Main street. The freight busi ness in lirlstow Is reported to be as heavy as any station on tho Krlsco with the exception of two towns, east of Oklahoma t'ity, Tulsa and Sapulpa bcinif. the exceptions. .New I'laiit fur lirlstow. Spiriiil ti Tim World. MUST V, Okla., Juno 13 -lirlstow now stmds a Rood show of trettln nnother glass plant, a bottle mnklnjr plant tlit" lime, ltcpresctilntlvcs of tho company met with the eominer- hundred new houses. cial cl'ih nt their mcetinR this after noon and put up a strong talk for the comlna; to this city." A eompleto contract w;is hoi made but It Is thot that within the next lew days rt con. tiact will be made whereby tho plant can and will come to Hristow tho drawing card heinit the ln (Mile of fuel bus. The plant will em- Ploy nt least one hundreit nml iirty men which will call for at least una SUiVaiVlELR Tourist Tickets at Low Round Trip Fares Daily to New York, Boston Atlantic City and other Urn Resorts m the Last Pennsylvania Lines DIRECT OR VIA WASHINGTON Liberal Stopovers and Return Limits Furpnttwulatlnmiitlt Ijxal Tukei Agft, n aJitttil A. T. A.1KRS0N, Tav. Paims At I. 1 tm