Newspaper Page Text
12 TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, JULY 15, 1917. MOTORING EXPENSES . STEADILY DECREASING Upkeep Costs Cheaper Altho Trices of (iasoline Advances. ,lri.N t of mnturhiii Is Nti .iilily ! War. AUTO LITERALLY TAKING PLACE OF MARKET BASKET lliiK'tvli- I tilllug far lo riu-llltulc Their Shopping 'I rlw. "Among the ninny home efficiency ami crnumny uses the uiiIiiiiiiiIiiIh Is being put In by wives of owners In that nf fa.-llltiitlng Hi" dally hIihiiIhk k.-ivs V. A. nf tin) Kissel Tli rr.-.i:l ni: Til an' lilu her, inih.iI Hir nil i.s huilier, tin- i us tin mi hi-inn aih i in ! I Mini' v lit an, I y, t 1 1 mot. ii ..f I ' I at a l.iw IM run. "Tin 'it i-n't nit' mvsle r.f hand mIm.iiI It," 1 1 1 . 1 I ii . I c.f tin- W l '. N..I l Is i-i i in i:i h . i.''al i ll.lsmnl'll ilav. 'The .i. -..-iit l.-i lil;-li. .M i a r mil. than in l' -. II.IIIIK In- . I I . I N. .1- l.ii;lit I S 1 1 1 1 1 l M..'..r Sal. s ii. i.N In- 1 1 1 1 m - f 1 1 1 1 1 I rur t ra .-Ii im . . 1 1 1 . s Milt l ;nl in.e.s In ti.-i-iiiu:. an-l l.iu 'in "In l!M'i an aul .uir in.. mi. I :t . :'." nil Unit at" up a - .-I v m or m a on ulit t II ' i .1 fn .' In 1 1 ami It. .ii 111.' I. lull III HloM' il.ns as Fh. .Ili.'i-I c -a uloniol'llt' eni;l ntilv . i . 1. 1 ii. 1 1. . Ii iioluli' pin lias. I .l a I'lL' In- i ill r t'.'i.'.ohn.' lull. '., that .ii ol four : In. n . ml mosl aiit.'lii'.mU's w is In tin i pa 11 tlx I' i nlinai y i-i-. pin ! ' tli.' lu.ilM'H If.' nf ill IliM' rur In I III' it or liakcry ntiil ll.lHi'.H ll.llin. Willi MIT. 1 1 1 1 v xavlnu tllnr, tint .she In Ketllllg what s)l t-h.'P a i;.i...l .L'al "111 I'.. I i tin- l obtains an rilit oi a S'X fur J 1 . 1 trail.' lot M-v.'lal .( tip- lime. .1 p'ln h.i-i rillmlii f-.r ?1,H !.. thai In- wouldn't urovlng nf t Ii.' I I a MH., I. I h.-lp 'lu I. Ill- In tins t, the automobile I.s lilil'.illv lakllm tin- plurc of tin. Dpi m.iliiel h.iski-t. "Ill Nllil.vlng til.' (n. ntH of tilt' llollli today drives il.iwll ti'o.i'iy, in. -at mini. illllKS Iht pill thereby not inaklliK Milt' a n I H. '"Thr ipiirkm-ss anil rase of getting al.oiit a teinleii.y to .ails.- house wives In shop lilnllll.l liioli- In search of lower puces ami l.i-lt.T g In I" markets w lili'h were foiini'i'ly beyond h.T w.ilkllig ilist: Scores .if own ers an. I th.-lr wiv.'.s nr.- i v.-n pun-has- ,, ,., ,pi IliK til. 'if v.'K.-ta l.l.'.s ami tl-llltH Il'olil In- faiiii.i'. driving din-illy In the ;.-ir.len or nivharil. "Will t a .loill.t thr alltoinoliil.' I.s till' P 'HIvSKIlV.VI'ION Ol-' TIIK KKI'IT STUDEBAKER MODELS UNCHANGED FOR YEAR IM-hydratlim Ih tin' Mi'IIkmI llooin iiii'iiiliil liy (ivt'rnmi'iil. As iihuiiI, thin country In to pro cure berries, frultM anil vegetables tii KiiiniiK-r in pxi.'vmh of thu iimuiiiitl producer Meets Demand for that run he eaten lit once, et tile pres. nation of tliu surplus is ren dered iliriu-Hlt I.) tint fai t that tho war has caused u shortage of tin imtl otln-r containers. 11, iw Iht'ii shall Hun I I la- for later consumption? I:;- ilchy illation. Tim incth.ul of preservation lias l.i.-n .l.'.si-rili.'.l n-pi-nti'illy. Tin' K"V- .'riimi-nt. tin u Individuality in Options in Color of Body. MlTI' WolllHfl elusive" i-nt.-ri-.l . i s. in.'in, who formerly Ki'orni'd folk for liiHintiiiK upon "rx hats mill KowtiM, lmv now that I'lans us r.intor to the Btudebaker boily off - the buff Inif anil Bund tilaHt nmonl...nx proo phhpb thru which tho body tnuat go li.'foro It Ih finished. In addition to this opportunity to nee ure one's own Ideal of what a car of claim and dlntlnctlon ahould b, Stuilebaker him further "excluslvlzed" the series IS car. Top Improved. -he distinctive Victoria top adapted by motor cur manufacturers from the nirc old eiiulpiiKii of other days has been further Improved and modern ized by Stiuli-liaker. As a result the "Gypsy" top may be had by purchus- tnent. mid will no lotixer chide their i ins new i. isy u. m u. u.v . ,i l of u, -...- ..I.,. ,,. ,l..,.,i,,lliiir i.v.- iih tveiii'NH. I pel inuneiii iype. u imi. mi m., iiMi.'.iltm,., k-iM'M Its approval to ,1..- A Htn.tiK evi.lem-e of this new mas lu.liati. n Th.' ti l ins nii atis mi-rely citline l; nili'tii y Is shown by the nr. at the I'Xira. lion of wnter. A great vu ileiniiml fur "spi-i-lnl Jobs" received by tho Stiiib biiker corporation's custniii niarte body depii rtiiient. Some of the most strikliiK examples of flue color Work to be seen on thu famous drives of this counlty arc. the product of Studebaker's custom-made shops. 1 (iodic. I In their Juilmni-nt by the no h toiuatoti-s ami turnipti. , Increasing number or motorists wno N.iuly every ini inhcr of the older demand Individuality In their motor I ci'iii'iatioii can ri-call the Micciileiit curs, Stuilebaker iifiuounces that 1 iic-ly ol K'.i.l.'ii ami farm products m ainetialili- to this process, iiiclu.l hiK nppl.'-i, upricota. asparagus, ba iiniias. I.eiins. beets, caliliaite, caull Ilinvir. cariots, celery, coin, grapes, onions. oiaiiK.'s, parsley, parsnips, I, ell. ll'-S. Ii.-al s, IM-IIS, potlllol'S, mid grace of the old Victoria, with the front putt extended to cover entire body of car to windshield. Two oval windows give a clear view of the road In the rear. It Is most distinctive because It covers the body at all times without -it any time obstructing tho vision of the passengers. The (ivpsy top, because or its pe- HE LIKES TO "SHOW OFF" Zoo Mon Is I'rouil of Ills Voice, Sur Attciiilant.H. Vanl'v la a characteristic not only of mankind, but also Is n feature in the makeup of the lower animals. This, ,)nl ,'mcnsCy and he continues hl Inspiring rumblings that threaten t9 force the roof from th-i bullulng. Kor this exhibition the ac-omitlcs of the shelter house leave nothing to be desired, for. . the thunderous sound echoes and reverberatos thruiut the building, coming hack lo the lion In a terrifying roar. This seems to please is re veti ltd every day at Swope park, according to .the zoo attendants. Visitors at the park frequently have noticed the proud strut of brightly colored fowls, preening themselves In fore their mates, but that the huge African lion In his eng at tho shelter house also gives a daily exhibition of bis onliy, which put the peacock to shame Is not commonly known. Mali- of the lion's cage is In the budding, while the other half Is out side, where on warm days lao stretches himself In thu sunshine nnd dozes in the Interim between meals. Thru his partly closed eyes he watches the visitors who stop before his cage and always keep at a respectful dls lunee. This homage ho seems to en lov Hut It Is usually late In the afternoon when be (rlv"K his remark able exhibition of vanity. This linniiie performance usually I 1 1 1 ......, .1 nH n laf. collar construction, affords .n un.l ".Varhv "ages shows",, ... .. ' """ ' .,,(!, n an I)ngry Kr()Wl r sn i:- the hot sun. dust, wind and ruin. Antl- ...... ,......,,..? , .. I...-1. l.t., .... I im.lln.r Ilia. II lim-i.forl h tilt, Mel-leu 1 t.illl'nlf rum 1 'HI 1 v.. -..-i- -i - I' .111.-, I appl most ifll.'lenl til. -alls to own tin- est of living.' " of uiiinv inotol car maiiiifii.ii HCts 1 1 lt I I Mini tniili- III.- Illlb-aae ,.,. Ills li.17 .ililMuol,.!.. ,, ins .l..x nuhtsi Kounlia,;.' sli I form a part .. ami Siimlais. winl.r ami suinin.i'. every meal ami tli utility should will. olilv an occasional llil'lil.: no urn! be sufficient to a coin pi ish Its pur- n.liiiMini'-ni. I"""': naturally - lien inn ml. I in the tllm- a 1 '- 1 T more than utile inotoi ist sales iii a h im lie. ways liter gin In child life and continue the mot. 'list of in I a. when .ton a, Id in end of old ae tli.- tasllt in 'lease,! comtor a-i.l pi Well. soIiih people re.iilre 'S. Its use should be- to the The old-lasbloiieu both four mid six, may be hud In a pie ttas a glorious ex- , eiuilce ol .our distinctive colors. ample ol the possibilities oi uc.ij- Famous for l'lnlsli. illation. If the process is properly . . - , . lollow.-il the..- ..' be no loss of I Stuilebaker has been famous for llaio, ami the ptoduct will keep r nearly three generations for Its superb Sl s jpsint and varnish work. The experl- "in 'former times u great deal of j "'nee gained during these many years i cu, tables and U nits has been wasted 'n the finishing of hundreds of thou- r it I.S I nil nun "l niit ai i liit-n 11 nil iiniuii rum innlni iM i i f l'.'l". iiml Ih ii you tnkr Itlto ruitsi.l ! iit ion th.- mlilril IiaVtlliH' i;i liits. tin ;nhlt it rlanlin' nthlr'l luxiiiy yoiii' pris 4 illHt'Ml Ji.lH il ih'Chh'tl t f 14 H ctlrrrssoi' nf M'ci M'.iih iin-r lit ami .l.i) IllN lie "Sn V'in' o Atii'-fn a " "I low ar tho XhvrvV "I in.nlc a lt of 111' ia-t nir " "I ml I " "Vi s. I atel 1'itii ii i . " bectl tnill iniT Smith ' Slarinm Um Iji. A clu't-tful Niiiih Is worth whll ,'o iiiiikf a uooit iM'iMiiiilnir. I t ionK loi loi n, Jn-.t l!v UlimilMK, ThfSf t'li'ltM'Ml.ll f:nt shouhl hi' itrillcil Into ttu inliol of every rliihl until iht-v art' uinh'rMtouif It I.s a limn linp'Htant i f m of o.lur.itlon than tho niullilH-:ilioii tahlr, ati'1 on that l wholly iu'K h'i-tot Sn hut a ntially. no out- i;rnvi to maturity with any nct'ial knouli'tli' of thi' fuiU'tioiiH o the 1 1 1 -ti-stiiit'M or how Hm'V houlil In- trralfil. The riilf hi'ii'lii laht down, to rat rotiKhaKi' aifl ph-iily of It, will do th work, and Just hh mirrly hn I,h hiifi will I'Iho In tho inornlnt; it will iirt provt thr riuiiplt'Xloii, linrovf th health, overronio a tinlvetHal liMira1 fault that Ih the ha Mir of had rotiiplexlon, an well iim of other ami inntiinerahle i I 1m. We must K't hark to first linridi and eat food iih nature presentx It and as nature Intended we Khotihl eat It. Then we ran throw diynle to the dot;s, and the desert of tin human complex- tart tho morn I Ion will hlossttin as tho rH. Amerl 'rati Miiuaino. r olntloiiH down ' I out of 'em All of thene hIuhIch have Itl'T! y-o- r ... 1 1 1 lm! t'ibiition In tl. la country or beeauso tnases Mtiiienaiier emineniiy iiiiiiineu ..' the iii.iii.pul-itii.ns of food Miecu- to offer the utmost In special finish latins. Tbeie should bit none or this work. uaste this v.on. Any oversupply The colors selected for the pur thai cannot be got lo market for use chaser's option when he buys a new while ftlll fresh should be dried com- ; series I S Stiidebiiker car are battleship iri-r.'lally. A tin mis pro. -ess niiuuin r ........ be iiioie commonly employed In tne auio niue hollies ill pl.n-e of the old-llisllloneil met'ioil ot preserving in cans. Food conservation Is u general duty. Chl cigo News. Some I la by. Along the l-'ox river, a few miles above Wc.lron. 111., an old-timer named Andy llasklns has a shack, and be has made most of the record fish catches In that vicinity during forty years. He bus a big record book con taining dates and weights to imprH visitors. Last Hummer a young married cou ple from Chicago camped In a luxuri ous bulge three miles above old llas klns' place. A baby was born at the lodge, and the only scales the father could obtain on which to weigh the child was that wllh which Andy llas klns had weighed all the big fish ha bad caught in ten years. The baby tipped the sculos at 3.1 pounds! This u.i.inllv followed bv a guttural pro- I... '.hi 1l..ti..uu In ,. ti n 1 in Itiilif? the obi Victoria, are among Its strong- 1 ' Th-' kin ,.f the forest raises est features.' himself on his haunches, shakes his Dust Is usually drawn bv suction I )nn(, rinl.(.,.lv ftl(, ml.0H ,m,.k nm! under the folded-down top of the open fnnh nervmlHy. rhe,, he betlns his touring car, thereby forming a wh rl- , ,,, 1H r()lir which others of his pool of sand and dirt Immediately j )ir(,( (, ((ftpn hftv( 1SO(, t(,nin( ef. over and within the tonneau. 1th f(,(.t , ,1P jlinKio to terrorlxc men this new type of top this cloud of dust l)lP ,ro timorous animals nnd Is diverted by tho permanently en- t lmproK, n them tho fact Hint the closed back of the body and the curved ii,,,, K master titer!, roof overhead. Ner' ous women nnl children, and offering series 18 Stuilebaker cars i fre.iicnlly men, hurry away from the with an option of four colors and with ! enge when Iro begins his per the graceful new fiypsy top is nowise j fonnance. lint loud ns U Is, the roar contrary to .Studebaker's decision not j has i hollow round outside. It '.h not to change models this year. It merely j e enough. Tho lion Iris renl iK'fcrs fastidious motorists the rare J r this after long experience, and he oniiortiir.ltv of obtaining motor cars i Invnrlablv turns an-l enters the ntnne- been carefully developed to a point I that exactly express their own taste Walled building nt this Juncture. I'ere of rare beauty and are hand applied and Individuality at a medium price. ho gives vent lo a succession of awe- performance usually until his tnnto has heard enough and, thru the bars, slaps him viciously. Then having terrified the visitor sufficiently nnd having imiMVKscd them with his superb powers. lo walks to the outside cage and lies down meekly in a corner, out of reach of the Unpegs' paw. Probahlv nf nil animals, human nnd otherwise, who hear the wonderful vocal demonstration, accentuated be cause conrined within the four walls, the lion's mate Is the only one who refuses to becomo frightened or un duly Impressed. She alone under stands his inner nature and realizes that he Is merely "shuwing off." Kansas City Ktur. Wonderful Scales. . Along tho l-'ox river, a few miles Hbove Wedrnn. 111., nn old-timer named Andy llaskins lias a shack, and he hns mnde most of the record fish cutches In that vicinity durum forty years. lie hHs a big record book containing dates and weights to Impress visitors. 1-nst summer a young married rouple from Chicago camped In a luxurious lodge three miles above old llaskins' place. A baby was born at the lodge, and the only scales the father could obtain on which to weigh thi child was Ihnt with which Andv llaskins had weighed all the. nig fish he had caught In ten years, The baby tipped the scales at 35 pounds! I'p In the Itriili'. "If you ever marry," said Wederly to his friend Singleton, "will you gf abroad on your wedding tour?" "f certainly will." replied Singleton. "That Is, If my bride can afford It." Automobile Owners This Unique Exhibition Should Be of Great Interest to You Do You Know the Relation of One Part of Your Car's Mech anism to Another? You Will if You Step in and Examine the Construction of the CUTAWAY CIASSI! and Hear Mr. E. J. McMullcn, Manager of the Technical Dept. of the Olds Motor Works, Lecture on the Subject. The Exhibition Takes Place in Our Sales room Monday and Tuesday, July 16-17 EVERYBODY INVITED! W. C Norris Motor Sales Co. 701-03 S. Main St. Tulsa, Okla. fTTj WWP MM ,m I Will' America's Only Smart Utility Sport Model This is the only car built in America today that combines the smartness of the sport model with economy and utility. It is a strikingly smart, stylish car, entirely original-looking with a design all its own. Extreme measures ' have been taken to give it a most exquisite finish in a rich gray, trimmed with black enamel and brightened with an occasional flash of polished nickel. A fashionable dash of color is added to its striking lines by the red wire wheels The individual front seats, with aisleway between, are adjustable forward or back, to suit the reach of the driver and his companion. The rear seat is roomy for two. Front and back, four large people ride sociably in real comfort. It has four-inch tires and can tileverrear springs buoyantriding ! The motor is powerful, it is sur prisingly economical in the use of gasoline as compared with other cars of similar size. Let us show you the car now Country Club $79S rrimf.t.1. Tolt. CARHART slIOTOR COMPANY Tulsa and Oklahoma City Phono 5550 Tliffartory will issue a item pric$ list affectinf ctriain models possibly during July and certainly not later than August first mg