Newspaper Page Text
15, 1917. 10 TTTT.SA DAILY WORLD. SUNDAY, JULY RED HEADS FORM QUEER WAR CLAN British Haul Troops Kind I-ast of Worshipers on the Tigris. WOMEN SPARE BUT STRONG W..:ir Knotted Con About Their Necks, Never Removing Tlieni. Is' I.i NI N' I I lv Mail ) '!"' llay Uuro 'I'-1' 1 nf our H..IMI. I-8 i. n llio TinriH lia.l I., t . ii i ilium' nf lift 1 1 I I''" ntlK'l Hi.lni' u)m. Stl ;ilu: ll.uiN. I' It I l will 'l miIm I I'll I'M. ! niir- i iiinl I t hi'ir I'll IIH r'liilnt; IIH' llH'HI' l('l II,.. :ih nr mi' I'l Tin' ini-ii wi-ar "-'-'I '"'I'-'. ' iiumii- u.-ii n-ii'i. '!'" "';,,r H'.l lillllltlM IllnUll.l 1 1 1 1 - ii-.-Ks Tin- rnril H put '"' "luritiK lnml I, I,, I M III'MT li-1111'Vi'.l. II lH !' ' ", II,.. Ii.mIv lifti-l' ili'Mlll. Tli"'.v flint'" tlli-ir lli'.l'l I'XCI-l't f'T I on Hi'- lop. '""I hv,r ""' "1,,w I, it If tn nli'W ImiK. P';ll It plKt:lllH, lii-h liliMB ilmilt llli-lr 'l'lii-y mi- t ill, wiry r.-lln. "iili i k it I, i, f"i- I'ntlt fi"'il drink. Tin- wiiiiirn. wlin tin ni't vt'll tin-in- HI'tVl-H llllll WllM ill I' Hllllpl.V 111 lni1HI flillnu k.h inriilM. an' nun linn ni'niu I, ut yyniiili-rfiilly mIi.hik. In liiitm- tly wi-ar I.u'itIh'h hm w uLlrU Then- IH 111! Ittfl' In HllliiIlK tll- It'-ii lli'H'K Imt .li-lity nf hiiHliaml lii-iilliix '1'!"' IniHl'aniU t iUo llielr fmpKMit i lia.itiHi'iin-iitH im-i-Kly iiml palli-n'ly. Tiny i-inploy tlnin- (M'lVI-H. Il.itll till' Wnllli'll mnl Hit' IIH'II, In iiKrli-iilliirc nml tli'-l't. Tln-y pro duce n ooupli- nf IT' ipM tolmi i-n mi. I durrii; Hi'- i'-t "f tln-ir lime i.i nlvi n up tn iMi'tiiiK tin' IIiiiUm' T"l"i anil riittliv Thi-lr llttl" wlnti-w iikIomI. Inw- loofi-il ilwt-imiKM Willi Mini mi""-" lillt Slllltt'-I ' il WIllili'WH lift' 1 1 V 1 1 1 ' tlirti- iip.-iriiiii-nl.s; a kltrlu-ii. a sin-st room, a Hli'i'pliiK room. A fi-w i-urth-(iiwarc Jih-h. aliinit five frt-t 111 lii-li.-lit mnl fllli-il with iiialn ami ilrU-il fruits, urn ki-pt In tlif KiH'nt room, ami tlio fc'lll'HtH Ill-IP tlllMllHI-IVt-ll. A Trw Tln-lr Niinrtiuiry. In tin- ii-titi-r nf t-V'-ty vlll.iK" tlH'io 1m n Kinall rlrrli' ralli-il nff. ami In tlllH NplK'P tlll'IC IM pllllltl'll till! Hpcrlal li-lluiiiim finlili-iu, an t-viKn-i'ii oak. Nil nil" pxri-pl tin- fatlu-r plii-Ht nf the VlII.IHI- Cllt'TM Hie t-iirlnsi-.l Klnliml. I which Is ili-cnrnli-il with Hinall fhin. j Btrini;s nf i-nliiH anil lirlBht rolmeil lii'.uls. Arouinl ami iilmnt tin' I'lrrlii tllf llt-il H'-ails cclfl'niti' the nllly ro llKinim known t" tlit'tu. tlm (ialln-riiiK f tin- Ni-w Mnnti, whirl) take plare I'ViT)- innnth. l'lrertly a ni-w iiiunn iniiki'H Its iippparam-i' the MM,pl inn i-all'-il tnK.-tliiT a lay priest lii-aUnn a Parri-l-shapi-il ilrnin Mturk viiil up mi tlif uruuml. Ili-ru tln-y inmc. tin- W'Vi''1' t" Iuiik, rli'an, wlillt" tinwns. ami lirinuliiK puts ami pans ami vi-i'lalli-s ami s(ilrtH ami Willi', ami tin- iii'-n. all arrayo.l in tln-lr mnarti-it Karmi-nls. ill Iviiik a flnrk nf dlii'i p I'l fntc tlii in ami l ariyiuu lnn- ill' K nf kimlliiiK wiinil nml a iU'intlly nf rlian-iiiil. l-'in-H are lit. the cunkliiK iiIi'iimIIs placi-il tlii-ri'nn, anil tlie Mlirrp kllli'il by tin- prl'-st, who sprlnkli-H ft llttl" nf 'tlii' aiilmaM' lilnnil nil tin- nak, ami tin' rn'M flayi'il ami cut up Into Jnint.s, ami tin- latl'-r i-iinkt'il nvi-r Hi" firi-s, In-full' whli-h inllli't nml whi'iit rakiH an- hy tlila tlmo liaklim mi Iiiik" fl.-iKM. In II"- im-aiitliii" ta-lil'-s mi tri'Htlis ai" Bi't up ami lal'l with wiinili-n pl ili-M. horn MpimiiH ami kI""1 knlvi-H ami f-uks. nml mimiii thn fi'iistlilK Ih'kIiim. Til" wnini'ii wall on Hi" ini'ii, whn k',ik" Hti-mlllv f"f aliuut an limir. ami tln-n, while tln-ir wIvi-h ami itaiiL'hli'i'M an- I'le.-irliu; up th" llt tl" tln-y have 1,'l't, lli'lulk-'- III ilani'illK. Ii inliiiii; ami K'-m ral mi'i rl nt. I N'n ii'IimIoiin fniiiiallty iii.nkH the J r.', im hh-ssiiiK nr l"-m-ili''ti"n ur m-.n-e. Imh'i-il lint at lurtli ur liurlal nr mil ri-ln 'In Iheie mii-viyui'H nf the ainu'iit I :;. I ,.i '.shipp'TM i r 1 1 1 I V any I , , t in 1 1 1. l m nliM-rvi- anythliu; In the nature nl a i''lu:i"iis reu-niuiiy. They have ii,, lul.l" in, prayer hunk. m IHlllKV. 11" I'll'" nf worship. Their mi" nml nnly sam fiary Is th" Baereil tire elirln.'liri'. their nllly rt-llKlulls .'Vluliul th" I'Vi'it-reetl nak. Ml ILahli'S li- Salleil. When a hahy Is hnrn. It Is warmly il'itli"'!, plac-i'l mi a law wumleii platter ami t.'il.en tn the priest, whn. In front nf the s.ierej tree, strip It ami milts It. I'mlmhly Ihls ai-iuimts fur the few It'll ll" that nnw sur vive. It heliiK saiil Hint their nnnihers hlll'e il w I lli 1 It-il tn a llli'le seen nr ; eluht thniisiml l-'nr th" servlt e the J priest Is Miyen ii shnulil'-r fruin tluj , t.het'p whii'h II Is usual In kill mi Hiirh nri unions ami which f.irins th" prim l- pal II in the hirlh feast. I 'tli.-r ilu- ties that the priest his tn rarry nut are the rilttlUK "f three hnrlzmitalj nils with a tlank-'T Just ahuve the level nf the eyehrows on the fnrehe.ul i of the ileail ami the settling nf all ! lllstlltes. When a enuple herntne eilKaKi'il the ' w-niiiun spemls most of her lime cook- J I ii K ilainty ami tasty illslus ami trot-I IIiik ronnil with them tn her lover's1 home, folluweil hy her father with wine ,-iml spirits nf irnllllse Is iinkuowti. for the vnuth whn I Jilts has his throat int. The niiiii- moiir of a imirri'-i! woman Is ham:"il on some remote tree hy the reil eoril he wears rmiiiil his neek. ami the I Into ' i left as a wai nliiK to others. I hp erring ir' mvsti'i loiisly ilisappenrs, nml no questhitiH are askeil. A man whn ileserts his wife nlsu Is hatmeil, while the w-tiinaiv whn ileserts her hus lintul Is emiiiellt-il In return tn him. There Is a Hei-ret rereimuiy of Inl tlatiun whii-h every lleil Ileail is i-nin-pelleil tn tinilern on attaiulni? his Heyenteenth hlrt hil.-t V. It Invulvei se-i-lusinn fnr seven days ami KnliiK with out food and drink for three days. At the termination of this pi eliinlna ry test the youth is tauxht certain pass winds ami Klips hy which he may rpcnRtilze hi brethren, and n red Inie in tattooed on his hreast. Thn firmly there, and a linmlkerchli'f was knotted HWiftly around his eyes. Il) tailed nut and tried to throw the welfiht nff, hut he was tun much ut it lilHtiilvantiiKe. H" felt u hand slip Into his pocket nml the envelope fruu liln had kiven him Ih-Iiik withdrawn and then the nnlse of a hurried exit thiuiiKh the window, lie spun round, f-elliiK n sharp slab of pain K thru his back im he ill, I ho and wriinch'-d tin- handkerchief off 1 i head. Ilu dashed to the window mid peered nut lulu the dusk, and then turned on the liKhts. Hut there wuh no one to bo Men. I if all thn people dressing for dln mr that cvenlnu at Wave Crest, only two - Mr. I'i.IIoi k and .Miss Myrtle were In blissful lunoranee that Htranno thlnifs were Inward. Krahiein, re-Ire-hed bv her little rest, was calmly biiHnnltm herself Into her hlh Rown of plaid silk. She showed no trace of 'ia CM itement, hut u certain liwnrd i.-low s'-.'iii'-d to suffuse her dry little personam y. The end for which fhe had I n woihiiiK for so many years was close at haiiti at last. For twenty years all he! r-pllitillil life had cetl tt ri d In the iichicvement of that end, t,. an end liiconci-iMibli) tn any one not a 1'rusilan. An l''ri-liihni:t n, of course, feels loy- laltv. II' is unite chei rftilly prepared j to die fi t- his country, "and all that ' sort of thliiK." as he would say. Hut lit is only the Herman whn has been eiin.-aieil to such a pitch of what one may call country love that he consid ers evervtlilni; done In Its name Is j rulii. This Is caused not so much by I the dltfeient character of the two races as by the dltfeient Ideal whirh I has been set before them. Knulnnd miriht be called the nurse of the voiii. She takes yiiiiK countries, holds th- ni severely In check, rules tli'-m, trains them up, nml as they , ",1-uiv fitted for liberty and self-Kov-i eminent, so she 1,'lves It tn them. Uer- i ninny's Ideal Is far otherwise It Is the -intl.i'iateil Ideal of the absolute ' monarchy- swelled -to Its uttermost 'limits, the bleiil of what Is called j K'nry, nnd of which the essence Is 1 self auiiiandlement, thuiiKh self nifty le ivanslated Into terms of kaiser und nil nt i y. Nevertheless, n spiritual passlun Is I the Ktrnnnest in the world, and Is u ; t Ii i n tr which has iilways; made history, j And the lyintr. the plotting, nnd the 1 ilelibenite cruelties of Hiich uples as thiuie at Wave Crest were, nfter all, I the outermost ramifications of this ! Itli-n I. The work of spies Is sordid land absurdly melodniniat ie, and ultu. I aether what an Knirllshimin would class oh "had form," hut in the nin I Joritv of cases It Is at least Inspired ! by a cenullie passion. It yvas so with all the spl' S at Wave Crest, thoiiKh 111 a much le-s dt i?ree with l-'ritz thun Iwlth the others. Hut frauleln moved on the fires of her conviction us on ! w lnL-s. Ami the- Sandersons, mother ami son. thoiiKh less strained and ex i citable, were equally ioninced of the i rUhtcoumicss of their cause nnd faced i all ihe risks they ran with Iron nerve. The moral thinner with nil spies, neeessnry nnd lie hud done It. The point was. would Molly ever trust In him a nam when she discovered what a Rood liar ho wus? Any one cun for Kle a necessary lie, hut a too great pitch of accomplishment Is suspicious If a think- conies so easily It Is ten to ono that Instinct will turn It on whenever convenient, or, ut the litujt, the temptation will he there. Christopher Hrent realized this, hut being very human, that did not worry hii-1 neaily as much us the Idea that .Molly, too, nilKht see It from that point of view, lie had tried that day, as much us was consistent with loy alty tn his work, to ho .lust so clum sily that Molly, when she knew every thing, would nut he able to reproach him with belnir very adopt. A sudden dlstnstu for the whole business swept over htm. He was In that lax mood when even ex'iti-mcnt appears a weariness to the flesh. It was true, he reflected, that the Sand ersons were betraying the country fhic-li had taken them In and trusted thcui, from whom tlu-y hud K'ot money, position, comfort, but he, too, who sat at the Sandersons' tublo und broke bread with them, was planning to bring about their downfall. It was an odious necessity. At this point in his reflections his hense of humor ii erciliilly came to his aid, and he , remembered thnt the "bread" con- slsted so often ot pUtons und that at b ast he was paying 'i guineas a week lor the piivllene of eutim; It. lie ijot up and stretched himself, but stopped suddenly bs the sound of i a piano belns played 111 the hall sud- : d'-nlv beiran to surtre through the house. Chiistupher went to his door anil listened. It was Molly playing; l-( knew that. Her particular talent was music, ami the had really studied j hard. Hut her pluylm,', tho charm- Ing. had always lacked force and i depth. Now these qualities, though . still mutative und unequal, as though. they were trying to rurce tnnir way through, were ut last to be heard l" : her pluying. j ITo bo cor.tlnufid.j DOES YOUR CAR 1 NEED PAINTING - strange people live on terms of friend- I even such legitimate work as that be iilp with the whole of (heir neighbors with the exception nf the Turks, whom they hatn and treat accordingly. THK WHITE FEATHER COSTISeKIl KHUM l-HKCKDlXd P.MiK ing's papers; and then, stooping, picked up a few matches from the flooi. The next moment he felt a heaw weight bind with eloeiy in the small f his back, as though Hume uticV knee had Just been planted p,g carried out by Hrent nnd Mrs., Is thi't n lniiu course of lying Is apt to linilerinlnn the Individual's sense of values. Christopher felt this danger himself. Nut nt tho liniments when l e was busy and the excitement and tiio risk kept his brain occupied, but in the flut moments after any violent uctlon. He was feeling it now ns. r":i. lv di-fxHcil. he sat on his lied for a few minutes and trli.-d to get himself In tune again before going down stairs. He had lied hard all day to Molly: the thing had been absolutely BASEBALL FOLLOWS FLAG Am-rl-nii Soldiers Mill Miiir the ruth for Inli-rimtionul I.i'iitrties. America's, greatest outdoor game came the universal means of obtain ing relaxation from military duties. When the war was ended the soldiers vmk the game back to every pnrt of (he United States 'and soon thereafter Ihe fornintlon of Intercity leagues placed It on t'.ie threshold of Its pres ent popularity. Haseball, like trnde. follows tne j American I'lag, and today the game is played In Cuba. I'ucrto Ulco, j Hawaii and tho Philippines. That It. will follow the Flag to Europe Is' shown by the announcement of the Viitmi Men ' Chistlan Association In-, ternatlonal committee that It Is send- Ing to the American concentration! amps In France five tnousanu nine- mils, five hundred nasoiiau Rioes; and four hundred basetinii oar. Nearly every American soldier iii have, besides a lieutenant unimin baton, a baseball In his knupsaea. Mreadv the Americans in tne armie-i France have been leaening inen rem-h, Hritlsh nnd Helglan comranes arms, and It Is not too mucn to ex- ; Unit when tho main American , army arrives on the west front there ; will bo such a oi uin allies us will make an after the war j International league a necessity. w York Herald. N'- We'll Start You Right Put your battery in our hands for a.thorough overhauling before you start on your tour this summer, and w"U r.eturn it to you, sound in every cell, charged to the proper mark, inflation O.K. and ready for the hardest service you can put up to it. Wliile you're getting your car ready, our experts can be getting your battery ready. And we have a rental battery for your use while they're doing it. Srarr with your battery in good shape and youH find it will re quire mighty little attention except for its regulur testing and filling with water, whether your trip be for a week or for a whole summer. We'll start you right. Electric Vehicle & Battery Co. Seventh at Main St. Phone 6440 fi$ Mr. Woodville Smith in Charge IF NOT NOW IT WILL LATER Have the work done by factory trained painters The same high grade work that you see in new cars, just from the factory is the kind of work that will be turned out In Our Factory Call us up and let us figure with you for present or future work. TULSA AUTOMOBILE CORPORATION Third and Cincinnati Room 239 Lynch BIdg. Phone 6845 Twenty-three cars of different makes were owned by one Florida man who writes he likes his best of all. We build owner satisfaction into this remark ab'e car by putting into it all known features for the owner's comfort and convenience. Ride in it drive it. Compare it with any car today. , Westertnan Motor Car Co. SEVENTH AT MAIN Inarporatei PHONE 6440 $1195 35 (ID