Newspaper Page Text
MUTT AND JEFF THE QUESTION IS, WAS. THIS INTENTIONAL OR ACCIDENTAL. (JOuJ,LUtEWl.U)HW Vou See r-ve- ) j I V''l' V " VuAue- TH6 fcefc f-AS TjovaJiV " ""V X ! i " -v ( ' o I t ltAiX V"-1 rtAi Tvou UE YOUfe. W6Ltf AS I UifC, l' see M Me FLM,-no, AMb ttTWO H6M ) -SIGMA L THfV'rie- ) Jj ' . OU&PASsiwe'U- fee- MUTti I WMT GoiM Yo LAVT Jv-TJ V TLAS, MUTT? . bLASTlWG. ur WO I Srs) Hi-vv StNCP- He- , s ' ' Y Zf p ,S V VwePAs. 1 it's , m& oewWL kl t Za Wf! o fT . -'?, ffl ' W if lf.- . AS' Sns CONQUEST CHARGE DENIED BY RIBOT French Premier Declares Ger man Chancellor Falsified About War Aims. JUSTICE ONLY IS WANTED Autonomous State on Left Bank of Rhine Desired for Protection. PARIS, Auyiist 1. Premier Ttlbot replied In the chamber yesterday to the declaration made Saturday by Doctor MClrhaells, the Grrrman chan cellor, that there was a secret treaty between Prance and Russia, having In view 4tlans of conquest. Premier Rltiot said: "The German ohaneallor publicly fommanded the French government to declare whether In a secret slttlnK June 1 tho French government had not made known to the chamber of depu ties the terms of a secret treaty made before the HuMan revolution, where by the emperor bound himself to sup port French pretensions to German territory on the left bank of the Uhlne. Version Declared I,l. "The chancellor's version contains gross Inaccuracies and absolute lies, notably regarding the rolo he attri butes to the president of the republic! In giving an order to sign a treaty unknown to Premier P.riand. Tne chambers know how things passed. M. Doumergue (ex-premler and for eign minister), after a conversation with the emperor, demanded and oo talnted our claim to Alsace-Lorraine and to leave us free to seek guaran tees against fresh aggression not by annexing territories on the left bank of the Rhine, but making an autono mous state of these territories, which would protect us and also Belgium against invasion. "We have never thot to do what Bismarck did In 1871. We are there fore entitled to deny the allegation of the chancellor, who evidently knows of the letters exchanged February, 1917, at Petrograd and falsified since as his most illustrious predecessor falsified tho dispatch. Whenever the Russian government is willing to pub lish these letters, we have no objec tion. Conquest Repudiated. The chancellor . refrained from speaking about my declaration March 21, wherein I repudiated In France's name any policy of conquest and an nexation by force .He has wilfully for gotten my language May 22 In the chamber, Baving we were ready to enter Into conversation wltn Russia as to the object of the war and if the German people, whose right to live and develop peacefully, we do n' contest, understood that we wish peace founded on tho right, of the people, the conclusion of peaces would thereby be singularly facili tated. "Finally tho chancellor passed over in silence the resolution unanimously voted after the June secret-session." No Conquest In HTSoliitln. Here Premier Rlbot read from his speech In the chambor warning against those who wished to spread the conviction that Franco was seek- ng conquest and read the terms of the resolution adopted bv the cham ber at that time, declaring that conditions must Includo tho liberation of territories occupied by Germany, the return of Alsace-Lorraine to France and Just reparation for dam age done in the Invaded regions. The resolutions also favored the creation of a league of nations for the main tenance of peace. "Who now .dare say to the world that we wish annexation," continued Premier Rlbot. "Such maneuvers are too crude to deceive anyone, especially the democratic masses of the Russian people, who It is vainly bolng tried to separate from their allies by decolv- ing them as to the true sentiments of French democracy. What la tho chancellor seeking? He is trying to hide the embarrassment which he feels In defining Germany's objects of war and conditions whereon she would make peace. He Is trying especially to turn aside attention from the terrible responsibility weighing on the conscience of the kaiser and his counsellors. "It Is the publication of"clslons made July R at a council held at Pots dam ,al which all consequences of the ultimatum to be sent to Serbia were discussed and from which war was bound to spring, that the chancellor Is trying this diversion. There Is something Khnmeless when one has such responsibilities, In demanding our Intentions. s "Assuredly It Is not to Germany ihat we' address ourselves, but to all who are witnesses or actors In the struggle which we have been main taining for the past three years and who know that there Is In the depth of the French people's soul a deep at tachment to principles of Justice, re spect for principles, rights, and I may add at the risk of not being un derstood by our enemies, true generosity." i X ftV Theater's II 'Is Any Girl Safe?" Shows Last Times Today Tho big double program consisting of the unparalleled photoplay, "Is Any Girl Safe?" and tho Patriotic Girls company In the latest songs and dances, shows continuous from 9 o'clock this morning till 11 p. m. at tho Wonderland today. "Is Any Girl Safe?" is a fearless arraignment of a monstrous evil; a tremendous produc tion telling an amazing story of a world-wide evil; a thrilling, startling, highly sensational and gripping play and Btory that every father, mother, son, daughter, sister and brother In Tulsa should see showing scenes never before shown in motion pic tures; an unbelievable exposure of wholesale vice, marvclously portrayed; Indorsed by prej public and clergy. Remember, this picture goes on for tho last time today. The big vaude ville bill consists of Charles Lewis' Patriotic Girls company with Miss Heulah Martin, Loon Fit and that mile-a-mlnute chorus. Extra vaude ville shows will be given this morning and afternoon In addition to usual shows. Classic Dancers Head I Impress Hill. Heading the new bill at the Em press today is Mile. Luxanne, the Titian-haired premier, and her ballet of classic dancers, who present a se ries of dance divcrtlsemcnts which unquestionably are tho embodiment of youth, beauty and skill, showing all those qualities In their various offerings. The opening number, called "The Awakening of the Muses", per formed by the ballet, and the next number, "The Barcorolle", by Mile. Luxanne, are typically Grecian, In which the art of ancient Greece is ex pressed by these classical terpsicho rean artists and which are depleted In plastic poses and figures as seen In the statuary and friezes of that period. "The Russian 1'easant Dance" given by the ballet Is a characteristic Russian number always danced dur ing the festival season and on public occasion, whereas the Russian ma zurka by Mile. Luxanne is the ac knowledged dance of royalty usually performed at court functions and court balls. "Tho Butterly and the Rose" Is a dainty ballet divertisement gracefully executed by two of the ladles. "The Oriental Fantasia" Is a brilliant finale descriptive of the spirit of tho orient This number tv executed by Mile. Luxanne and her ballet. The scenic environment Is beautiful, the costuming character istic of the countries, and the act as a whole Is a spectacle worth while and the act as a whole Is a spectacle worth while and entertainingly pre sented. Other acts are on the bill. MnJoHtlc. One of the most Interesting fea tures of "The On-the-Square Girl," the five-reel Pathe Gold Rooster play, in which beautiful Mollle King is to be starred at the Majestic theater to day. Is the gown display which shows somo of the most beautiful jjuwns ever seen In a motion picture. The scene represents one of New York's most fashionable modiste shops and the reception given by the proprietor to introduce the latest models. The clothes worn In these scenes by eight of tho most beautiful models In New York were furnished by Gld dlng's, the famous Wfth Avenue house, and the display In itself Is well worth the price of admission to any woman. Ii!Hiiktn, the First Russian Star. It Is a curious and suggestive fact that 1917, the year of the Russian revolution, Is the centenary of the graduation from college and begin ning of the phenomenal productivity of the phenomlnal Pushkin, the foun der of Russian literature poet, dram atist, novelist, historian. Before Pushkin, Russian ltteraturo was not; and the remarkable thing ls,that with all Its splendid evolution In Innova ting styles, Russian literary art has never outgrown or aged Pushkin. "He is the first," says Prof. William Lyon Phelps of Yale, "and still the most generally beloved, of all Russian poets. The wild enthusiasm that greeted his verse has never passed away." The great five Russians whose place In the world's literature Is pro nounced absolutely secure are Push kin, Gogol, Turgeney. Dostoevsky and Tolstoi. Pushkin's glory Is that he took Russia out of tho artlflcallty of the eighteenth century and showed the possibilities of native material In the native tongue. There Is not one of tho grat stars of the Russian con stellation who did not fervently Insist that Pushkin was his Inspiration. In deed, he had a fostering hand In the work of all of them, from Gogol to Tolstoi. Uoston Transcript, Pour Away! A slater who was engaged upon the roof of a house fell from the ladder and lay In an unconscious state upon the pavement One of the pedes trians who rushed to the aid of the poor man chanced to have a flask of spirits In his pocket and began to pour a little down nls tnroat. "Easy, man, easy," said a man look lnr on. "or vou'll choke him." The "unconscious" slater slowly opened his eyes, and said quietly. "Pour away, sir, pour away; ye're aoin' una," TULSA DAILY WANTT AIDS IR-. finnan nriin One crot word far all elee'lfieatlons. minimum monnt 15 etlli, except personate nd matrimonial, which are two cente ir word; minimum chrji J5 cenli. four U food tf you own t hon. eirept (or per gonal, ?urnftue for gala and puiition wavtad advur'laing, which 'a caah. Out of-lowu adi re caah with order. Two ceota par word tor all sda ordered isiaaUialfied. CL081.NQ HOURS. All want ada muit be in World offico bj 9 p. in. ob da before ad is t run. Phone 6000 MAI.K 1 1 F.LI WA.NTKU. UHICKI.AI'KH.S, carieiitera and building la borera warned in Omaha, Neb., brirklayera 75 reitti an hour; carneutera 57 re:ita an hour; laboicra 85 cents an hour: aivadi'arurk (ur every competent man. liar low Aclvertii ing Co. WASTE!) l'liia line auperintendent ; mut he a high cluaa, thorougnly experienced man and able to fiiriiinh goud referencra; to the right kind of man we have a (ine opening at good aalary. Addrexe Mid Con tiiginvering company, Chanule, Kan. WANTED A draughlaman (amiliar with the nuking o( proiilea anil pluna (or email bridgra, highway work; give experience and mlury wauled. Addreas Box 271, Wetuuka, Okla. WANT Kb--Fire men with ofiir-e. work ex perience; prcter men who havo previouIy been employed in railroad or expreaa work. Apply Wella Kargo & Co. ViANTKL Young man experienced in newa paper advertising work. Muet be ahlo to (urniahe good referencea aa to character and ability. Addreaa Box (1755 cars Worl.l. WANTKl) Five young men to work in newa atand and on Frisco traina; ap'endid chance (or advancement. Apply to manager o( Fred Harvey newa etand,Frico depot. WaN'TF.I)--10 more oil atock aaloaincn (or otj company with 12 producing wells- stock tl a ahare. 308 Campbell Bldg., Oklahoma t'ity, Okla. ' WANT highclOks ktUmian In eery county in eastern Oklahoma; men with auto or t morhtner experience preterred: exporience not abso utely neceskary. 11. W. lirainbie, Coallon, Okla. l.EDOKll CLERK" wanted; experienced in oil products; give detuils as to experi ence, age and aalary expected. Addreas l'ox 477S, enre World. VANTF-J Either sex; collector and aoiicf tor; beat o( aalary paid. Call at once, Tulaa Photo Co. 224 East First. WANTED Six routing ehlppera, ten labor ers. Apply McKwen Alauu(ucturing com pany. WANTED An experienced colored houae- man; one who can wash windowa. Anulv to honeekeepert Hotel Tulaa. AVAN'TED A plpetitter; must "be a me"- chanic. Call before 8:80 a. m. 208 Colo building. JOIN Tilts AltM y Recruiting o((ices at Oklahoma City. Tulta. Muskogee. Chicka- shn. Ardmore and Enid. WASTED Three young men to a-.t as news aavnti onwriaco train. Apply at Fred Haivey Newa atand. Frlaeo Depot. EXPERIENCED itrnotrapher wanted; state exnerience and salary exuected. Addreaa Ilox 4775,rare World. WANTED Two wheel boya; ateady employ ment, roaiai reiegrapn. Hotel Tulaa. W ANTED Measenicr boya with bicycles at once, una iter 1'rug. WANTED A collector. Apply at Quaker Drug. WANTED Soda ond front man at" once". Call llailer Drug Store, Jenninga, Okla. WANTED Two boya with wheels. Hurley A!caen(rer bervice. W.'TED Poya with wheels at Weatern Union; splendid opportunity far live boya. IT.MALE HKLP WANTED. WANTED Woman for general housekcep- ing. l'hone 62o6. 'WaTTTED i ouag tastes to learn telephone work; no experience neceasary. AppV 800 Pioneer Bldg. or call llisa Beug-r, phone 21100. LADY STENOOR APHER with experience In land department oil and gas operations or abstracting; give referencea and salary. Ad dress Box 470, care World. WANTED Experienced colored woman for cooking and general housework; erellent eervant's quartets; references required. Phone 1.339. G1RI.S WANTS!) To learn the ciiVr trade; i . -: .1 - ..... f ,r Ifmiu wiip-eii iuiu mil. Jaint-n , , Small Clear company, IIS 'A South Alain. WANTED A white middle-aged woman (or general houaework; good wages for rigr.t party. Apply 1248 South Cincinnati .WANTED Woman " experienced In hem- atitchtnr. Call 17 East Fourth, Brown Stewart Millinery . WANTED Experienced rongV dry marker and aaaorter. Model Laundry, Fourth and Cheyenne. Phone 83. WANTED White woman (or general house. work. Phone 007. 915 South Cheyenne, Mrs. Parks. STENOGRAPHER WANTED fitnte fully tixperf enroa, references and salat-y ex pected. Addreas Box 4777, care World. VA NT ED Colored girl" by woman for gn: eral housework; referencea. Phone 1004. 110 Fast Eighteenth. VllTTK WOMAN (or general housework In small cottage; three In family. 1511 Eaat Aamirai. WANTED At once, one dishwasher and one hall girl. Apply in peraon, Sunnyaide hospital. WANTED Tho roti gtly experienced itenn? rapher for temporary work. Call World of(lc 'WaNTTI At once, office rlrl. Trr- M II 1 . r Laundry company, 104 North Main. WANTf.D Experienced ' waitress. ; Apply Brady vato. WANTED A young glrlto care for baby afternoons, rnone amu. WANTED Elderly lady for light Yaw work. 581 Weat Fifth Phone S267J. PRACTICAL ourse with experience. Phone 8597. V ANTED Small nurae gTVmMion 1113; . BOARD AND ROOMS. TOR HALE Bll-rooiu lnodarn" doubU hnuaa. close to ear line, walking distance. Phone HD7V-J. VOU RENT Nicely furnlsned rooms nt .board for gentlemen si Sit East tteveBlh Phone 1023 J.' WORLD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1917 I X- - ' i c-- siti:ations waxied. I riETlREl) Rtr-nographer bookkeeper denirea light work un cannier for any reliable company in nr out of town; experienced ; references. Nora Euton, General Jlolivory, Tula;!. WANTED- Position aa stunograuher by a yonn lady at present employed. A-ldrcM Mini Maiy F. North, Hot Springs, Ark, care (ien. Del WANTED lly young man to hear from tarty who are taking trip to tiiloaui Hpringa ., Thursday. Would drive ear. Addreaa box 0721 care World. WANTED Position aa stenographer; one y?ur'i experience legal and some insur ance work; references. Call 6118, Miss BankMone. EXPERIENCED young "man wlheapnltlofi driving privato ear or truck. Phone 4104. call after :8u p. m. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra; plier desires work in evenings. Phone 6(iH .1. WAN l'FD-Posltion as saleslady, ready-to-wear or piece gooda; experienced. Address J. H.. Box 47H1, care World. IJOOi) CORNET pluyer, able, to rend aight, wants engagement. Addreaa Box 4iH3, care World. V AN TED Job automobile driver or me chanic ; salary reasonable. Addreas Box 472, care World. A IX AROUND hotel rook wants place in or out of town. Call 87V0-.I. VOl Nf I.AHY wanta oftice position with some dictation. Phone 54X!. I AM A hotel clerk. What can you give mot J. B. l'ligh, Stigler, Okla. CARPENTER "" solicitor, repairing, floilis', Phone 1053. ' VOI .VG I.ADY stenographer wants position. ' Call Majestic hotel. WANTED Washing aui ironing. Phone 2049. HOTKLS AND KOOAIINO 1IOISKS. FOR HALE Fourteen room rooming house; $3f0 con secure good lease; better get this cne today. This is a sn&n. Partv has to sell. Hre J. C. K ildin, 210-A South Msu.. Room 0. riionc 0H91 or 4012. ALLISON REALTY COMPANY sure has the roming houses, large or email, anywhere. Call 4744. FOR KALE" Private boarding house": also furniture (or twelve rooms; everything ready (or business. Call at 213 West Fifth. WHEN thjnga took 'black phone the Wisard, 8SH7. cleaner anil der. WANTED Second hand tent" with" fly";-must be in good condition. Call 404S. FOR SVLE Vlctrcla and records, bargain. good aa new. Patton, Phono fl.ril2. OLD CLOTHES. RICHEST prices paid (or men's second Phone hand clothing, shoes and hats. 25K5. tllOHEST cash iirfcea paid for men's sec ond-hand autta,- coats and trousers: also buv shoes and s. l'hone 840. NOTICE Starting Annuel 2 will run a jit" nev line on North Main and Denver: four-minute Bervice. HIGHEST cash price paid for men'a aecond hand suits, coats and tiouaera: also bur ahoea and hate. Phone t44S. BEWINU out by the day MrarEnima gloan, mail card. Til snutn uuanan. I.EAR.V how to clean clocks; complete (or" mule. 25 cents, it. Carr, Uleten, Ind. ,r DRESSMA K KKs 8EW1NQ of all kinds, dresses, aulta and blouses a specialty; wora guaranteed. Phone 6203. SEWING " of all kinda; prices reaoonshie; work guaranteed. Mrs. Parnell, 902 South Boston. Phone t".240. bRESSflAKlNG Plain and fancy aewliic of m all kinds: prices reasonable. 400 . orth Cheyonne. Phone 0352. PLAIN sewing of all kinds anddressuiak: lot. Phone 941. HEWING and-dreasmakinji; aire. M. Bus" artl. 817 Kobhiscd Arcade. SEWING by the day." Thone 5437-R. I'KKSONAL. EIDTES $ ,000 REWARD I Ttositive guarantee my great successful "Montnlr Compound: safely relieves one of tho longest, most obstinate, abnormal cases in 1 to 5 dnjs; no harm, pain or interference with work; mall 81. SO; double strength, 83; BOOKLET FREB. Write today. Dr. A. B. Southlngton Remedy Co., Kunsna City, Mu. VlDOW, 87, worth 890,000, lonesome, would marry. Addreaa Mra. W., Box 241, ban Franclaco, Cal. DA UR yon "answer' this Lonely "farmer! worth 895,000, will marry; honorable. 87 Fourth street, 8sn Francisco, Cal. TO KX CHANG 10. FOR SALE OR TRADE. New four-family apartment house, now renting for $120 per month. Will sacrifice, $1,500 cash, balance $S0 per month, or will accept close-In residence property as first payment. Address Dox 4784, care World. lKCflMKpoperty-bringing-" f500per year in Bartlesville to exchange for grocery store. 804 First National Bank. Phone 4:197. TO TRADE Fine 7orm near Oilton or near Shawnee for nice modern homo in Tulaa See Abbott Welch, agents, Tulsa, or A. H.Thomas, attorney, Shawnee, Okla. WILL TRADE 100-acro farm in Mcintosh county for auto or equity In house; no loaae on farm. Thone 6htf3 843 Robinson building. STRAYED OR STOLEN. $2TTtEWARD foi Inf.iinstlon or return of Ford tnurlniL car, 1 : 1 7 model, stole i from Tulsa, Okla., uichl of .luly 80; motor num- ler 1020728: Arkansas llr-nre number 229r2; bark or front seat somewhat st Hired. Advire chie( ofrolire. Tulsa. STRUEO 08 8TOI.EN Bay 4jearo!d horse, white stripe in fore, one white hind foot, wire rut on right front foot, weight 1,000 pounds. Nelson, fairgrounds; reward. FARM 8 FOR BALE OR RENT. FOit SALE Seventy-six acres of rood land nar Fayetteville, Ark.; will take Drum right or Shamrock property aa part payment or car If In good condition: will also give en ay trrma; fine improvements ov place and well fenced: price $3,000. For further in formation address Box 80S, Shamrock, Okla. FOR SALE Good 120 aero bottom farra: would take Tulsa property of car on deal. Addreas lUii Admiral. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. FIFTY feral II. wanting "desirable hones, prefer buying furniture In home and rent ing the house or want furnished bouse. hon si what yon have. Call aiooreheai By BUD FISHER lit Si.MS CIIAM'EK. FOR SALE ON TERM'S OR WiiV F.XCIIAMtK for fnriu or eiv 'property lie) IVi'iico Livery oil Klicill between rust utld Heeond streets. clian-'i' to step into a money iniikin business. Tliorniii It iuvehiiit itiou reti Call (leor.i 1 ailing, with Okl-iiiooiii Invest ment coiiipmiv, rto Uobiiisun building, pliune 4u3'l LCMUH anil building material i-cumana long leaf yellow pine lumber shipped direct from mill, subject to examination; ehinglee, wlndowa, doors sud hardware; no advance payment required, quirk shipments, grade and count guaranteed. Send material bill ful estimate. 11. 1). Taylor Oo Lake Charles, l a Fori SALE A new patent household neces sity; will sell to every mechanic ill the States; a good opportunity for a good promoter and salesman to make harrcle of iiion.'y. See me at the county treasurer'e office or address P. O. Buy 1544, Tulsa, Okie. A'l TEN'l TON "IN Vf 8TOR8 A safe 10 "per cent homo Investment- $.'00 first mort gage. 6 per rent gold bond, due Jauuary 1. 1021 on Osbko Iron Steel Co. 'a bar iron rolling mill, Sand Springe; only $300 rash. Address Box 07H8, earo World. liRI.'tlOIST would buy interest In "small drui; store canablo of niuiluaing busi ness: can give good references sud would re,uire same; no dead onea roneidered- Ad dress W euro S. A. Lackey, Coweta, Okla RoTICF. t hnve buyers for property In all parts of fit v. Call end list your properly with J. 0. Reddin, 210 A South Main, Room 9. Phone 00U1 or 4042. FOR BALE Two atocks of "grorerlea and tixturea, well located in Cleveland. Okla.; will invoice approximately $2,000 and $700. Apply to W. A. Itayaon, phniief"34. FOR SALE Cold drink atand, rlgara and tobacco, restaurant combined; good bust neas; must sarrifirn (or other buaineaa. Phone 6787 ; call 412 Weat Firat. TAILORING " and rleanlng shop (or eolel dolor good buainess in town of eight thousand K)pulation ; had health reason for selling. Write Box 452, Collinavlllu., Okla. WANTED To hear from owner of good business for sale. State rash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE (iroecry and fixtures; clean stock- reasonable rent. Phone 2501 or coll 1 North Zunla. V ANTED Partner, first class proposition., C:ill 61S South Alain. , IjOST AND FOUND. LOST On Wedi'esd.'iy, August 1, a diploma from Southern Statu Normiil University of Illinois, issue-! to J. P. Cowan; also a state (ertidrnte of Okla'ioma. I'indrr please send same to J. P. Cowan, Bristow, Okla., and fet reward. 2. PARTY HOLDING bull pup. while briudlo head, brindle spot on aide, brindle over each eye, rare, tail trimmed, female, return 7 Nnttr Lnwton. Phone 61-17 J. No ques tions aked;$10 reward. j L.3T Red bumper on Sperry Skialook Cililnsrille road. Sundry murning: liberal reward for return to Miller Geek Luiu'ier company. LOST Bunch of seven keys between post offire and Second and Boulder. Return to Fred Shaw Motor Car company. Second ard Boulder; reword. LOST Big yellow and white collie dog; If returned will receive reward. l'hone (1287 R. ; t OH rCa.neo stickpin, bearing Indian head. Finder please return to World office. LOST Green illk Haudbng between Owasso and Tulsa. Telephone Y 62, Mra. Part riclg. . 1OKT Small black hound, long ears, muizle on collar. Return to Kelcbuni hotel; rewsrd, L( ST M Sarat diamond setting" Friday evening between Scott-Halliburtorr' store end Emprens theater. Call 5 124 for reward. 1 OST Elk eha-rm watch (ob, tuonogrum T. C. W. Reward. Phone 38. LOST Watch f'b with baby's picture. Please ring 6734 J. BAY HOUSE Stocking leg: re-vnrd. " el- eon, fairgrounds. POIXTRY AND I.I V E STOCK. 1I0LSTEIN3 for sale Registered and high grade ilolstema; rows, springer heifers, ralvee and bulls; over loo heed to eelert from at farmera' prleea; ordera taken for cne or for carload: call at oniS barns. 2310 North Main street. Fort Worth, Texas. C. C. Waller, chairman Farmers' Union Dairying committee. Foli SALE On time payments, to parlies who are regularly employ-id, a (ine family cow which never go -a dry a Duroc Jersey blood sow and some white I'ekin ducku. Call at 'J 204 East Seventh atreet, two blocks east of end of Kendall car line. FOR ' SALK Twenty " milch" cowa, eight yearling heifers, fifteen spring calves; will sell all or any of them; also all kinds of (arming Implements. W. N. Burnley, one half mile northweet of Turley, Okla. VULL TRADE for placo. team, cows, hogs, crop. Call third house north Hudson Tirf. BtAUTIFCL Scotch "collie puppy for "aale". Phone 2434-J. FOR SALE Canary ulrds, l.r'palr. 114 South Elwood. BC'VM'H COLLIE pupplea for sale. Phone 2414 J. Pv)ll SALE 'A'nlro gentle saddle" pouy, ' years eld. Phone 476A Fbli SALE Boston bull pupil Phone 273S" FURNITURE FOR SALK M RNtTl'RE FOR SALE Four rooms new furniture; 520 South Cincinnati complete ly furnished; will sell on essy terms; flat for rrnt.Phono 288 J. FTH P A LE Red igersti t, china cabinet" dining table, drop curtains for sleeping porch. Hall-Borhcrt dress form, l'hone 6C8fJ. FOR SALE Fine piano, Kimball make must sll and will give some terms. Call Moorehead, S539. FURNITURE parking and crating, "expert service; repoliabing neatly dune. Pboaa 874'J J. WA.N'T ED-sCarloal-of aeconJriandTieati'i stoves; big prices. Vbnna r,."44. Flltt SALE On) Burroughs adding machine first-elaas shape. Phone 44H4. fOR SALI-Pnall Ice box. Holds fifty pounds ice. Majestic Hotel. ROOMS WANTED. "CONNECTING rooms with" TWO" bath, sleeping poret ; fsrmg south- private en trance; walking distance ; suitable for three or four geatletncn. l'hone 7180. ANTED By " man" and "wife and "high echool girl, two furnished room a In first rlasa home; will be permanent; references. 1 bono 6528. WANTED One large unfurnished room". U. I. AUIaou, general delivery, eitjr. (CopyrlKht. 1917, by It. C. Wither. Trucla Mark Ren. U. 8. rt. Off) mim i, SAFETY RAZOR HI.ADKJs Don't "throw your safety taur blades sway. Have them slistpeiieJ on the odell Machine. Single eiljce, 21- dusru; double edge, 3.'in floivn. hntig or mail them to Yiiunkuiuii Drug Co. 11 East Second atreet, Tulsa- Phono 467 0. WANTED Second hand Burroughs adding machine; mtirt be in good eoudiliou. See Mr. Larson, World office. OLD CLOTHES. HIGHEST prices paid for men'a old -cloth ing, shoes. Phone 4U84. 18 ft North Main FOR SAl.F.-"-0ne" Underwood " typewriter In first class condition. A bargain. One library set, (our pieces, almost new. A new 220 egg Incubator. Very reasonable. Apply 223 West Cameron street. i NOTICE Watch and jewelry worn left at New York Store to ba called fur at 8 It) South Boston. WK BUY aecond hand trunke, baga and rases, gents clothing and shoes. D,ck Pardon. Phone 45. WANTED To purehees one to lour houses to move, will pay gool price. Addroee P. O. bos 1848, Tilss FOR SALE Choice Alberta peorhesT 2,000 bushels now ready (or aale. Hi h.iltli r 1 ft Son, phone W-53. FOR RENT !ia!l,41 South Boulder, for clubs, parties, meetings, etc. Phone 2457. FOR SALE A Virtrolo and reeoidi; bai- gain; good as new. Pulton, 6612. FOR SALE One Hainn.elcr niultlgraph No. 4, In good condition. Phone H12. "FOR " HA IsF Cheap, reed baby carriage" good condition. 702 South Olympia FOX SALE One atenotype machine in good repair. Call 3107. 215 West Fifth. 11 1". 1.1 WANTED Af.ENTS. AGRNT3 WANTED Own your own buai ness; sell Friteb's vegetable soap. Write for free aainple. J. A. Frltrh, St. Louis. Mo. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. WELL FURNISHED suite o( rooms for mar. ried couple or (our gentlemen or four ladles, close in. Phone h22. WEI t FURNISHED southwest sloeping roan und sleeping porch to refined gentle man or men and wife reasonable. 3U3 South Elwood. Phono 2J21. COOL, close In rooms; one downstairs; extra nice; lurge one upstairs for two or three business girls; home privileges. 424 South huultier. . SLIEI1NG ROOMS for young gentlemen, $2 and $) 50 a week. 418 South Denver. Kl( ELY FURNISHED sleeping loomsT aoulh eipot-ure. In alrietly modern privato home. ( all afti r 1 p. m., 4'1 South Frisco. 1 LEG VNTLY FURNISHED front room "in select private fnmily, adjoining bath. Call 6171R. SLEEPING ROOM for rent; large cool room, nicely furnished. 20 North York ton. Phone 4283. FOR RENT Sleeping rooms for four gen tlemen; braktast If desired. l'hone 52H6 J. . NICE COOL aoutheast sleeping room in pri vate home. 841 North Cheyenne, l'hone COHS. TWO " ROOnIS, "well furnii.hed (ur light housekeeping. l'hone 8110. 440 North Cincinnati. HOUSEKEEPING" rooml good "water. 116 Welt Seventh. O ROE SLEEPING room for gentlemen; close in. 01 South Boston. Phono 488'). I'l'.l ' RENT -Housekeeping rooms. 805 Soulh Elwood. . FOR HENT Two nicely furnished front rooms for housekeeping. 701 South Peoria, FOR RENT Two modern housekeeping rooms. Phone 2831-R. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. 8H25 South Frisco. Phono 1223. SLEEPING ROOM Gentlemen preferred Phone tlatfS. 820 Vest Fifth. TWO NICELY furnished rooms for house keeping. 810 West Fourth. TWO LIGHT housekeeping rooms. l'hone. 60S? - TWO LIGHT housekeeping rooms; no chil dren 10112 South Detroit. FOR KENT On.i furnished bedioom and sleeping porch, l'hone 5b. LARGE front rooir. for two gentlemen, $3 ,per week. Phone 0430. THREE MODERN light liotisekeeping"rooma close In. Apply 513 West Sixth. LARGE, COOL front room; also private garage 924 South Detroit. FOR KENT Two light housekeeping rooms, modern, $5 per week. 4.10 North Boston. FOR RENT Nice large south sleeping" room. Fhonni716R. THREE MODERN rooms" (or housekeeping". 200.1 Admiral boulevard. TWO LIGHT housekeeping rooms; "no'chit dren. 1002 South Detroit. ONE SUITE of housekeeping rooms; no chil dren. 920 South Cheyenne. Phone 3865. SLEEPING rooms (or rent. 706 South De troit. Phone 7227. SOUTHEAST front "room"" for light house kceplng. 708 Soulh Main. Kif'ElA (urniahed rooms, all modern con veniences. Call 74I1J. TWO HO0M8 for light housekeeping. Call 2449-J. FOR RENT Large"font room. 415 South Frisco. FOR RENT Large south room. "604 South Cincinnati. Telephnn-j 845. KKWLY FURNISHED room, modern, walk" Ing dialance. SIB East Fostoria. ONE COOL sleeping room In modern home" 816 West Third, l'hone 3781. TWO "MODERN housekeeping rooms. U So.ith Norfolk. ilODEUN sleeping focm," Irving apartments. 110 West Fourlh. Phone 3:82. TWO" LIGHT housekeeping rooms; no""chil dren. Phone 188. KICE fOOI. southwest sleeping room, con nected to bath, l'hone 4311. TVl NICELY (urnished light housekeeping rooms. 222 North Elwood. Phone 6068. COI, modern sleeping room. Phone 6364. 812 Esst Sixth. idODKRW southeast room, downstairs, close In. Phone 4600 or 2878. THREE large south rooms, "luroished." 1422 Esst Sixth. FOR RENT Coolaleeplng room, close In, gentle men preferred. Phone 8269 R. FOR KENT Large airy rooms, in close-in home; south exposure. Phone 4500. FOR "RENT Two modern housekeeping rooms, l'hone 3565-H. 023 BoutliI.swlon. TWO UPSTAIRS" rooms, modern", $5 roef week. Phone 2M4 R. FOR" RENT Room at Alt's Vista, 15 Vest Seventh. NOTHING "cleaner In Tulsa. MODERN housekeeping rooms" l'hone g."26.' HOUSEKEEPING rooms: 100 South Elwood. KICE sleeping rooms. 816 East Seventh. " 1 cribi, nil, trH 6 rkr MK.MMIrl) lltmHS FOR I'.EV'f. IlE-iUHFUL newly furnish, i-if buth. in new modern tleiiien deaired. l'hone 7 1- d room, adjoin npnrlmcnt; geu 3 J. TWO CONNECTING rooms posiire; modern private Phone 0482. with soulh ex home, close in. ROOM -i " I-'Oll RENT Permanent roomers; rates tiy week or month; nicely furnished; equipped with electric lights and (ana; in heart of city. 0 North Main a'.reet. Phone 8783. LOVELY aoutheast sleeping room, connect ing bath, for ono or two gentlemen. Phone 8743. FOR RENT -Beautifully (urniahed "room "In oeivate home fcr (icntlrnien, two Olocke (torn Hotel Tulsu; soft water, steam beat, private eutrancc; reasuuable rates. l'hone til'OJ. FURNISHED ROOM (or rent; summer rates. 815 South Boaton. l'hone 6281. ' BEAUTIFUL furnlahcd housekeeping room, auutbeaat exposure, Duotold wardrobe, re frigerator, modern. 1225 South Boaton. Phone 220J-J. Ground floor. TIIREIS beautiful furnished rooms, mcdern, south exposure, large and cool; you must see them to appreciate. 1225 South Boaton. Phone 22U8 J. THREE airy sleeping rooms, one large south room with five windows and two betla; newly furnished, modern bouse, eod North Main. TIIRErJ BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms, mod ern, southwest exposure, fur one or two gentlemen; garage for rent. 609 South Chey enne Phone 764. FOR " RENT Nicely furnished, firat " floor", sleeping room, adjoining bath, private en trance lor gentleman or lady employed Ph .ne RU44. ' WILL RENT four rooms and steeping porch " unfurnished, of modern bungalow for board fur two, two meals a day. Inquire 1115 East Fifth alter 7 p. m. FOR RENT Cool south room with sleeping porch combined; can be used for light housekeeping ; to married couple or ladies. Phone 5 1'. 42 J or call at 403 South Wheeling. FOI: KENT To gentleman or lady em ployed, large pleasant Bleeping room in modern home, south aide, walking diatauce. Phone 6640. $16 per month. IN THE KENNETH apartments, one suite of two rooms, nicely furnished, with electric fans, to couple; references required. Phone 1811. 701 North Msin. LARGE COOL nicely furnished" bedroom; nothing cleaner and closer; private home, high-class location; every modern conven ience; 84 single, $6 double. Phone 2765. SOUTHLAND HOTEL, If ft "Eaat EleventhT newly furniahed, clean, cool, modern rmoma, fiiat-cl,VMi European plan, reason-' able rates, by da) or week. Phone 2405. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room In new, modern homo; fine location; privute front entrani-o and private In bath. Call after S p. m , 216 East Twelfth street. FOR RENT Nicely furuirhed south sleeplnl rnim, convenient to bath. 9u2 South Boston. FOR RENT Two "nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping, modern. 518 North Boston. COZY ROOM and sleeping porch to young isov e Miuyed, $2 per week; close in. rhone, 6242. FOR KH.NT Nicely furnished five room house, modern. 815 South Elwood. Phone 4P12. COOl, light "housekeeping rooms, first flool private entrance: no children. 412 West Ninth. .. LIG HT housekeeping rooms Tor rent, neatly furnished, good water, reasonable. Apply 823 West Fifth. ONE large sleeping porch for two gentlvnen, modem conveniences, close to car line. Call 6082. FOR RENT Nicely furnished five room house; coolest place in town. Inquire 15 East Klnr or Phone 5274 R. TTK RENT Xicelv " furnished front bed room, connecting bath, $3 per week. Phone 44II7K. f oR KEN'T Two 7urnisheir rooms for light housekeeping; modern, with private (runt entrance. 019 South Kenosha. SLEEPING ROOMS for rent, southland east exposure; close in; also garugo. Phone 320- ('i.t)SK IN furnished roome, very dosirable" adjuining bath, private home. Phone 1:11 I. TWO" "NltfE'EY furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, with phone, close in on north side. Phone 764. FRONT sU-tping room, private entrauce, for gentlemen. 81M South Denver. J'nooo 12'1 FOR RENT Three newly furnished rooms for l:ght housekeeping. 423 South Laa sing. ONE' MODERN furnished light housekeeping (rnt room, very pleasant and close in. fl2 North Elwood. DELIGHTFUL summer and winter rooms to gentleman or lady employed. Phone 2300 8fter 9 o'elork. FoK KENT" Large airy sleeping room in close in home. Phone 4500. 602 Sou in Boston avenue. .. ' NEWLY furnished Bleeping room, suitabSi t,,r wo gents-men. 102 East Independ ence, rnone ien. TWO MODERN rfoisi, $5 per week; one slesping room, $2-50 per week. Corner Norfolk and Hodge. Phone 4 1 - J J . TWO NICELY furnished rooms with board; also table boarders desired. 223 West fourth. Phone 08U3. FOR RENT Two ceol sleeping rooms, fur-' nlshed; bath in connection. Addreaa 1533 Admiral FOR KENT Nllely furnlshei ,ooro Willi connecting bath in privute family. 422 A South Elgiu. Phone 5571. loll KV.MT Two looms for light housekeep" iiii. $3 50 per week. Third and College. Phone 2182 J. No ehild'en. Mo'il.Ii.N sleeping room, private familv, for two refined young men; reasonable. Phone '''"-l- . NICELY furnlsh-nl room In private home, close in; will givo board if preferred. Phone 4431. FOR RENT Large south sleeping room lu private home. Phone 4600. 602 South Poaton. COOL ROOM Smith exposure, elbse liij convenient to bath; aununer ratea. 625 South Flwood. Phone 7184. COOL a'eeping room, south and east ex posure: neat to bath. 100 North Gillett. Phone 134. W ANTED Refli id young lady roommate; roferences exchanged, close in. Address Ilo 172, care World. FURNISHED romn for rent, modern; private exit rane; very cool; reasonable. 610 Soulh Elgin. Phono 7807.