Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1917 5 MAYOR'S ATTORNEY 'CALLED' FREELING "Muskogee Not A3 Rotten as Your Home Town," Crump Tells Attorney-General. Special to The World. MUSKOGEE. Aug. 3. With the courtroom packed to capacity. Mayor J. E. 'Wyand today wan placed on trim before a Jury in JudKe Chin-leu Q. Watt's division of the district court on charged of malfeasance in (Vffice. preferred against him by a special grand jury, which two weeks ago, re turned indictments resulting in the ousting of the city's chief executive and Sheriff John S. Barger. Jim Wlnford, so-called notorious whisky trafficker, was the first wit ness called this afternoon, following the completion of the Jury and the opening statements by Attorney-General Freellng for the prosecution and W. J. Crump for the defense. Wlniora gave alleged details of Mayor Wyand's connections with the so-called "vice trust here. He declared that Wyond'a election at the last city election was secured .only after he had promised him (Wlnford) that Muskogee would be s "wide open" town during his ad ministration. Wlnford said after con ferences with Wyand he "lined up" the "liberal" votes, which gave Wyano a plurality over his opponent. The witness, who was one of the stars be fore the special grand jury also, de clared that it was well known that bootleggers and gamblers, after beina arrested by police in raids, had many times been given their bond money back on order of Mayor Wyand. Win ford was severely cross-examined by HIKE OK CHAltfiE. Any adult suffering from cough, cold or bronchitis, is invited to call at the Quaker Dnv store and get ab solutely free, a sample bottle of JloHchce's German Syrup, a soothing and healing remedy for all lung trou bles, which has a successful record of fifty years. Gives the patient a good night's rest free from coughing, with free expectoration in the morn ing. Kegular sizes, 25 and 75 cents. For sale in all civilized countries. Adv. THE NEW CODY GATEWAY IS A MONUMENT TO "BUFFALO BILL" The creat CodV Road in Yellowstone N"s tionsl Park has been voted "the most won derful 90 milea of motor highway in Amer ica." This is Buffalo Bill's own trail. You enter the park at the famous Cody Gateway. See the Geysers, the Paint Pots, the Grand Canyon and the wonderful falls. Enjoy Sylvan Pass, the great gorge of the Shoshone River see the wonderful new Government Irrigation Dam, the Dude Ranch country, and many other wonderful views. Then leave the park at the Gardiner Gateway. The Cody Road motor trip Is a part of the Burlington's famous 3-in l National Park Tour. The Burlington reaches the three great National Parks Yellowstone, Glacier and Rocky Mountain National Estes. Provision is made on one ticket for visiting these three wonder spots. Drop me a postal today. Say how many in your party, when yon eipect to get away and let me send illustrated folders and full details regarding this wonderful See America tour. Liberal stop-overs, long limits and diverse routes. Get the facts before completing your plans. 0. E. Tunstsll, Trarelinr Frt. and Pass. Kgt., 701 Walnut ttroet, Kanaaa City, Mo. Infants r.lolhors Thousands testify Horlick's The Original Malted Milk Upbuilds and sustains the body No Cooking or Milk required Used for of a Century Substitutes Cost YOU Same Prlca, WAKEFIELD'S BLACKBERRY BALSAM Is and has been for 70 years the most prompt and reliable cure for Diar rhoea, lysentery und Cholera Infan tum.. As these diseases often come In the night, every home should be prepared to check them without de lay by having Wakefield's Blackberry Balsam on hand. It never falls. All druggists sell It. Full size bottles 35 cents. Adv. MOTHER'S FRIEND FOR Expectant mothers APPLY REGULARLY CHICHESTER 3 FILLS Mlat. Akkfnrf-lll.C'lIKft.TFII'W IHAJHI'.tlt JIKAnif 1'll.L.n, for 10 years known M Best, Safest, Always Rellal.l SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE -RELIEVES ECZEMA "T-r Tcttsr. Ralt-Rhsam, I I Aon., War-pini Skin I I Pry Zanaal sad Moist Zenial for tha two kindsof Eittam 7Se at Your DruMisU " THE HO RELIABLE' im. JPJJIaJJ. IRemedyformen. BliitolManOCMDOUMPlaf, t mM1 ania mr ami air mirvsa CM The, tor lHMRd TtraMVVS 111 1 la 114 ind VI4 amlllAV boif-t, tlexi with Bit Ribbon. V Tmkm mm after. Rur mt rmmr " . lira FT) of tk onrat. Boat abaUnsM. abnotar ) raw I a a to Java Nohinti. puis or I with work. Ms F B: rCbl. rVnilh ft 00. IttMIl MH. Write todal U. UMTIIUTH USUI Ml M Sale It Asms tm.d Attorney Crump for the defense. He will he recalled to the stand Inter. rr. John Beynolds. cltv physician, wag the only other witness, lie testl- neil concerning operations of the al leged tenderloin district. The nhv slan saiii under the Wyand adminis tration the district had been openly operated. In his opening statement to the JUnr Attorney-General Kreellng said he would prove Muskogee got "so rotten" under Wyand's administration that the people rose up and grew so insis tent a special grand Jury had to he called to right things. Attorney Crump denied Freellng's charges and said Muskogee was not nearly so bad as Freellng's own home city. Kxnm Ination of witnesses will be continued Saturd ay. COMMISSIONERS PLAN FETE FOR KENDALL ANNEXATION The annexation of the villa of Kendall to the city of Tulsa did not occur yesterday morning at the com missioners' meeting, hut John Wood ird, asslstnnt city attorney, did ap pear in tne commissioners chamber with the petitions which have been signed asking for tho annexation, and he was instructed lo invite all the officials of Kendall to be present at nionnay s meeting, when it is ex pected that the annexation will take place. It was agreed that tho officials of Kendtll, especially the president of ti e hoard, the secretary and treasuror should attend the meeting, which will bo devoted almost entirely to that subject. The president of the Ken dull board will be asked to deliver a short address; the seal will bo turned over to the TuUa city com missioners and the fi.nds and records of the board also will be placed in the hands of City Auditor Frank Newklrk. The annexation of Kendall means an increase of population of Tulsa of more than two thousand persons, and an Increase of property values or no mean amount. Weak Nervous Diseased men Don't Give I'P (to to Dr. Slotta, Formerly Resident Physician of Hot Springs, Arkansns, the World's frratest hesllh retort. Ara you weak, narvou and JlwascdT nave you decided to give up In despair, think ing iiosaibly that nothing mora can lii dona tor you I Il-mrli ii tha caaa do not giro up. Com and havo a aoi'inl chat with ma. My con sultation and arf--rice la Tree, and trictly confiden tial. If an ex amination COD" vinces ma your rnae la hornless, I will frankly tell you an, aa I do not rcropt for treatment canes that I do not believe can ba benefited. Can you ask for anything fairert My OH A RUM ara reasonable and aatlafac tory arrangements can atwaya be made for tha payment of the name, thereby placing my acivice within the reach of all sufferers. Kemember I am a KK,UI.AR GRADUATE and MCENSK1) PH YHIC1AN and EXAMINE and TUEAT Ai.l. PA TIENTS MYSELF, and earn and every time you call you SEE me PERSONALLY, thereby giving you tha benefit of ray many, years' experience In thia apectal line. 1 wish to aaaura all patienla that when they coma to ma tbey are consult ing apecialht that ia established. I'ood 606-914 "d Diseases v v v V M. M. DiMMe, When suffering from SPECIFIC BLOOD DISEASES with ulceration of the mouth, throat or tongue, rash over tha body, lose no time in consulting me. I use tha genuine Prof. Khriirh's r-mrdy (imported from Germany) and administer the sama to you right in my office: no GOING to the HOSPITAL, no LOSS of TIME, aa you can go home immediately after tha treatment. Remember that this remedy relieves tha worst form t,f thia disease ia either tha PRIMARY. SEC ONDARY or TERTIARY stages. STOMACH conditions, COATED TONGUE, perverted APPETITE. GASES causing a FULLNESS and DISTRESS af ter EATING, heartburn, palpitation, dull ness and other conditions of stomach respond quickly to my treatment, DISCHARGES of tha urinary canal and all smarting, burning and scalding symp toms stopped in a short tune. OBSTRUCTION of the ' urinary canal and all scalding and interruption to flow of urine, or stricture, aa well aa if flam nation of tha bladder and prostrate, ara treated by me without a cutting operation. In many of these cases I employ rata phorlo electricity, which is best. WEAK MEN, ara you lacking in tha Vim, Vigor and Nerve pojfer that Nature intended for every man, aro you losing your vital strength, are you despondent, memory failing you and nervous I If ao aea me at onca. BLADDER and kidney dlseaaes, fre quent urination, disturbing your uight'a Bleep; pain in bark and loins, deposit in urine ara all relieved by my system of treatment. RECTAL diseases, fissures, fistulas or other rectal conditions ara treated by modern methods. ULCERS dua to an Infection or the result of a fever or from broken down veins are heeled in shortest time possible. RHEUMATISM in all Its forma sa well aa enlarged and stiffened joiuta re! pond promptly to my treatment. HOI KS: 0 A. M. to 8 P. M. DULY. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 0 TO 13. DR. STOTT, Specialist 211 Booth P-oston Avenue. Tulsa, Okla. (Over Puritan Cafe.) Are you having trouble Doet your skin itch and bam? Or it four appearance marred by patchei o( eruption? There Ii no neerl of enduring such discomfort vien Retinol Ointment usually stopi itching at once and quickly makes the skin clear and healthy again. Doctors have prescribed Keiinol Oint f5 Second Draft Call. Tulsa County The following have been ordered to appear before the county se lection board at the Tulsa, county courthouse on Thursday, August 8: Serial Order No. Name. Address. No, 2967 Scott, William Albert, (llonnpool, Okla 1 8254 McGraw, James W.. Blxby 3 1824 Wilson, Clyde, Robert," Sand Springs 804 Bennett, Ulysses Grant, Hrown street, Tulsa 9 3317 Reasonover, John Joseph, Ulxby 8359 Triter, Henjamln II., Blxby 48 Holt. Boy Webster, Sklatook 2181 l'erklns, George, Route 1, Tulsa " 1763 Rothamer, AU.nio K., West Tulsa J0 1548 Rldgeway, Felix Ira, Sand Springs 1264 Stevens, Edgar, Sand Springs . . .))2 1066 llummell. Roy Robert. Sand Springs 824 Rallew, Harvey Wendall, Houston, lexas J(M 2455 Scott. William. Jenks )0r, 2R01 ltrochway, Frank, Route 2, Tulsa loS 8471 Stchrest, Archie, Leonard 420 Allensworth. Louie Kbert. Dawson ' 1014 Kmmerson. Klmer Ouy, Sand Spring J ? ingorr. Harry Arthur. Sand Springs 614Merrell. Douglas, Tallehusse 2374 Kinkade. Leo, Jenks . 433 Clow, Calvin Clarence. Toledo. Ohio " 1329 Walton, Jesse Clark, Sand Springs 2945 McQulllen, Thomas Jess, Glennpool ' 8300 Reur. William V.. Mounds ' 10 Hcnigar, Arthur Klbert. Sklatook 'J? 2725 Reynolds. John Ionard, liroken Arrow ' 2783 Gentry. Ernest, Itroken Arrow j j? 2756 Cotnam, Truman l'aul, liroken Arrow J' 2998 Richmond, Henry. Hlxby 1045 Gray. Fred Ray, Sand Springs JJ 1031 Gregory, Fount I. Sand Springs 1705 High. Thomas, West Tulsa " 8149 Grant, lsrlah. ltixby ; 8540 Taylor. Robert L., Hroken Arrow - 1331 Walker, Willie, Sand Springs 1685 Coats, James R., Red Fork ' 487 Kennell, Ray Lnmont, Ix;on, Kan 1282 Trent, llyron William. Sand Springs J- 8090 Crosby, Fred Louis, Rixby J J" 1323 White, Henjamln Harrison. Sand Springs Jl 1847 Hlggins. Ora, 1443 South Forest. Tulsa 13- 797 Reese, Don, 1'eorla and Davenport, Tulsa l- 797 Reese, Don, Peoria and Davenport, Tulsa 133 3546 Wing, Albert Thomas, Itroken Arrow 134 140 Edwards, James N.. box 72, Sperry J35 2599 Chlsholm. Davis, Hroken Arrow JJ" 1636 Petropaulos, George, Sand Springs J 37 1922 Woolbert, Richard B 1911 South Boston street, Tulsa.... 188 2952 McCullough, Thomas Benjamin, Hlxby 139 1723 Leek, Clarence H... Red Fork 14J 2808 Laws, William Real, Hroken Arrow 141 3358 Tuttle, Andrew K., Hlxby 1779 Snyder, Joe, West Tulsa , H3 1236 Stone, Peter, Sand Springs 144 2247 Roberts. John Melton, Catoosa, Route 1 145 2011 Gray, Roland Raymond, Seventh and Grant, Tulsa 146 432 Chlsm. John, Dawson 8285 Peppers, Ernest, Hlxby 148 2719 Martin, Thomas William, Broken Arrow 149 8053 Bnrber, Edward II., Hixby 150 2962 Paxton, James, Glennpool 151 18 Cox, Carl Oscar, Sklatook 152 652 Eaton, Allen T 105 North Boulder, Tulsa 153 927 Baker, Samuel Oscar, Sand Springs 154 2868 Wilborn, Harry, Broken Arrow 155 1484 Hughes. John Robert, Sand Springs 156 739 Mabe, Paris Mansfield, 701 North Main, Tulsa 157 1751 Martin, Clarence Jack, Red Fork 158 601 Bobsien. William M., 1008 Enst Falrvlew, Tulsa 159 3024 Wiggins, Charles Sherman, Glennpool 160 1322 Wasson, Henry, Sand Springa 161 1146 Moore, John Walter, Wekiwa 162 1103 Kalinerllng, William Bryan, Sand Springs 163 2319 Easterday, Charles J Jenks 164 1395 Cook. David Harrison, Sand Springs 165 2479 Welllngs. Frank J., Jenks 166 606 Blazler, pavld K Route 8, Tulsa 167 182 Nichols, John J., Turley 168 1771 Rosebud, William Arthur, Red Fork 169 613 McGraw, John Oliver, Dawson 170 46 Holcomb, Lee Roy. Sklatook 171 1020 Fobyon, Tony, Sand Springs 172 3232 Lewis, Arden J., Mounds 173 1651 Handle, Tom, Sand Springs 174 1099 .lohnntngmeir, Frank Henry, Sand Springs 175 1955 Bowlin, Forrest E., 211 College avenue, Tulsa 176 8208 Harshman, Clarence M., Mounds, Route 1 177 2441 Row, Jesse C, Jenks 178 2749 Bloomfield, George E., Broken Arrow 179 2628 Myres, James' Leonard, Broken Arrow ,180 TO HEAD REGIMENTAL BAND Prof. Harry K. Brill Leaves Sapulpa. for Arkansas Post World'! Creek County Bureau, 110 Kast Ilobson. SAPULPA, Okla., Auff 3 Prof. Harry E. Brl'i, for the past three vears principal of Washington school here, and one of the best known and most cnpable musicians in Oklahoma, today was tendered and Immediately accepted the position of bandmaster for the first regimental band for the state of Arkansas. Professor Trill received a tele graphic offer of the position this morning from Lieutenant - Colonel Newman at Bentonville. Arl:. He Im mediately concluded arrangements to accept the pose nnd left tonight to assume his new duties. Mr. Bi il.'s departure leaves Sapulpa without a band director, tho recently organized concert band here having been organized and trainud unde. his direction. His loss will be keenly felt In both educational and musical circles of the city. Before coming to .Sapulpa Mr, Brill served as chief niuhiclun of the first regimental band of Oklahoma in 1908. 1,000 POSSEMEN WILL ATTACK AT DAWN CONTINUED FROM PAOE OS'P. Sheriff Grull, who, with Deputy Sher iff Cross, were fired on from ambush late yesterday while conducting tin Investigation. Deputy Cross suffered slight wounds in the head and neck, but was not seriously Injured. Tho railroad bridge crossing the wilhyour slun? ment for over twenty years In the treat ment of skin affections. So you need not hesitate to use it, nor to recommend it to skin-tormented friends. Raalaol Olataaut is so aaarlr Stalwcolored ths a) ess ba ussd on ti posts surfacas without sttractiasT aautttaaitoa. SU by all druetists. South Canadian river between Fran cis nnd Ada was partially damaged, either by dynamite or lire, early to day and all wire communication into Francis cut off. Traffic of the road was delayed many hours. Almost at the same time tho Mis souri Puciflc trestle which bridges the Illinois river near Uore, Okla., was subject to an attempt at destruction by dynamite. Altho this bridgo was guarded the dynamiters succeeded In placing a charge on the north er.d of the structure. It was pot materially damaged, however. Four suspects have been arrested and aro in Jail at Sulllsaw. Gore. Okla., Is at least a hundred miles from Seminole county and whether tho attempted destruc tion of the Missouri Pacific bridge was the work of a separate and distinct organization or a demonstration of the scope of the Oklahoma disorders was not determined tonight. Officers Fired On. An Investigation of tho troublo in Zminolo county is said to have re vealed the existence of chantlo con ditions since the passage of the draft law. Many farmers have quit tending their crop, turned their stock Into their fields and have been killing their live stock for food. Holders of mortgages on stock and crops objected and Sheriff Grail was conducting an investigation when he was anibushod Thursday. Many arrests of alleged members of tho Working Class union. Industrial Workers of the World and the "Jones family," a smaller organization, al ready havo been made In the district. AUDITOR PRESENTS REPORT City Colleeietl Large Sums From Vari ous Sources of Revenue. At tho usual Friday meeting of the mayor and board of city commission ers held yesterday morning, the monthly report of tho auditor's de partment was presented, showing that during the month of July the city had collected from various sources $121, 017.37. This Is a very good showing, but the fact that most of theso various Items are placed in a general fund, and are not diverted to any special use, but only to the maintenance of the city as a whole, leads many to be lieve thut the city Is receiving more than ia necessary from particular items. Especially Is this truo of the Inspection departments, where sums of no mean Importance are collected, but In each lnstapce the fund Is not kept separate for the use of that de partment and is placed In a general fund upon which it is drawn for "Vari ous uses. To Drivo Out Malaria and Build t'p Th System. Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. Vou know what you are taking as the formula I printed on every label, showing it Is Quinine and Iron In a tasteless form. 60 cent. MAJESTIC No children of the stage or screen re so well known to so large a publlo as Katherlne and Jane Lee. These children Katharine la 7 and Jane 5 hare been seen not only tn every utate in the United States but in Spain, China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, SATURDAY SPECIALS Last Day Annual August Riddance Sale OMMKH'H NPWIAl.S 10:SO to 11:30 it. in. Today. Ouo lot of Lorraine Tlsiiie Ginghams nnd prlnteii Organ dies, 27 to 82 Inches wide; val ues up to 35c yard. Special this morning 10:30 to 11 to 11:30, per yard lC No phone orders. PARASOLS M'llt I I.S AT $-1.9... iiIimw lo $2.00. lino lot of Parasols in different Colors, up to $20.00. .Special Rid dance Salo at $4.95 LADIIS' PARASOLS ll.lttf. Viilm up to f I.OO. One lot Ijidles' Parasols In stripes anil floral designs, valued up to $4. Riddance Sale at S1.39 LADIIvS' II M)Ki:it( IIIK.I'S 4 for U.'it'. One lot of Indies' Handkerchiefs, all plain and vtnbrolilered. Riddance Sulu, 4 for 25c CHILDREN'S WHITE DRESSES At One-Half Price. Children's While Dresses in organ dies and voiles; all sizes; values from $5.50 up. Wo offer special for today at 50 per cent reduction. LADIES' OVERALL APRONS $1.39. Regular 91.75 Values. Complete line tif Ladles' Overall Aprons, In all colors. This num ber has sold big. We offer 25 gar ments that solii regularly for $1.75. Special for $1.39 today RIDDANCE ON SI MMER FIRS. Furs In Seal. Mole. Coney and Fox, nil made up In the latest summer fashions; values from $10.00 to $35.00. In this Ubl dance Sale ut. .One-Half Price TO $10 WASH PRESSES fS.IM. One lot of Summer Wash I tresses, voiles and R ighunis, white and cob lors; values up lo $10. (JO QQ Iddance price DOUO Rlddi TO $I7.S0 WASH PRESSES $Ii.8. One rack of linens, voiles and gabardines; also smart Petor Thompson models; white nnd col ors; values up to $17.50. dJT QQ Riddance price JJUaJO One lot of Fancy Col lars In organdy, nets, khaki kool. georgette and pongee; all white and colors; plain hem s'ltched; values 60c to 85c. Riddance, your choice QQi today OV Hawaiian Islands and In fact all over tho world whore films ure shown. Little Jane has appeared in four teen William Fox pictures, tho last two being "The Small Town C.lrl" nnd "Patsy" with Juno Caprice. Katherlne bus acted in six, the Inst being In "Sister Against Sister" with Virginia Pearson, und both of them had a very important part In the $1,000,000 An nette Kellermun feature, "The Laugh ter of the Gods," which was shown at Convention hall some tlnio ago. They have been a Joy to nil motion picture followers a shining light wherever their faces appeared. And now they are ready to break forth on a waiting world In a plcturo all their own. You may, after you have seen them, have said to your self, "Those dear little children are certainly two Imps." Thoy certainly have enough wholesome tricks to bo called that, and that Is tho title of the feature that will star these two "Baby Grands," as they aro affectionately called around the studios.- "Two Llt tlo Imps" will be shown at the Ma jestic theater for two days next Tues day and- Wednesday. Palace. The wonderfully vivid and pic turesque Alaskan romances of" Rex Reach have been read by so man millions of our people that Mr. Beach 0 Picnic Specials Cooked Ready to Serve s0ubc TlMX TX7HEN the "call V loudest and th est, the housewife confidently tarns to Armour's frtttot Package Whan ordering (pacify the Armour uvaj Label, the identifying mark of high! food excellence. Tfor the Lunch tWwick Dtktiae rWJCkkkca OiTaaga Fa mi Baiaa Slictl I sua SabM Irayarsiae sUk Fatast BatUr CraaWc ADMOURCOMPANt H. H. M EAT, Mgr. 4. N. Detroit. Phone 109-369. rillN'TKO VOII.KS, YARD I0 I p to r0o Values. One lot of Prlnteii Voiles. 40 Inches wide; our entire stock, values up to 50c yard. Special Rid- - Q duiu'O Salo today, the yard XcC pongij: silks vhv varii. 500 yards of Printed Pongee Silks; light grounds, yard wiilo; regular $2 yard. Rnldanco price, CJ rolLAHl) AMI TOklO SILKS HOc. 80 bolls of Foulard and Toklo SIlkH. 36 Inches wide; figured and floral patterns with light and dark grounds; values to $1.1,0. Qft yard, Riddance price, yard OeJC WOMF.N'S Ni: kYi:R 3lli One lot of Fancy Collars In organ dy, nets, khaki konl, gi'urcette and pongee; all white colitis: plain lieiiistitrhcd and bice trimmed; value 5()o lo 85c. Rlil- QQrt ilatico, ycinr choice Ott VANDEV ICR'S FIRST FLOOR LADIES' INI ON SI'ITS $l.9. Regular $1.73 Values. One lot of Ijtdlcs' Mousing I'nion Suits, knee length, V neck; regular $1.75. Today special 9L3U Out sizes $1.59. GIRLS' PIOl'K HATS 80c. Itcgulur fl.00 Values. Pique Hats for girls in white and while with pink and blue facingH; regular $1 values. Special to day HUc V AN DHV KICS SECOND FLOOR WASH DRESSES HALF PRICE. Our entire remaining stock of Nets, Voiles and Linens, in all tho new est summer styles nnd models. In Rldilani'tt Salo at. .One-Half Prleo WOOL COATS AT $10. allies up to $;t.'. Our entire remaining stock of Spring Wool Coats, values up to $35. Riddance Salo, your choice ut $10 SILK SHIRTS HALF PRICE. Entire stock of Silk Shirts, in ma terials of taffeta, pussy willow, It link I kool and satin, black, w III to and novelty mixtures; ull sport models Included; values up to $30; for Riddance Sale at One Half Price. VANDEVERS THIRD FLOOR Is today tho most popular of American authors. His most widely read story Is "Tho Barrier," coming In film form to the Palace theater the first hair of next week. The picture closely follows the swift action and striking ATTRACTIVE EASTERN TOURS Low Fare Round Trip Tickets On Sale Daily Until September 30th Diverse Routes, Long Limits, Liberal Stop-Overs For Complete Information, Reservations, etc., Call or Write E. H. YOUNG, PASSENGER AGENT 613 Daniel Building Phone 3840 HUT IWTT1i of the open" fa days warm foods. Basket PRODUCTS, RIDDANt I'. I'ltll I S OX TOILET (lOOPS. All Sanltol Articles lo Cuylux Oxygen Tooth Powder 17! Morrill's Tooth Powder l7o Paris Vanishing Cream l"c Cretne do Midor Vanishing Cream lilc Na Hell's Cream ItOn Elmo CleaiiMlii;: Cream Ilk! Bon Ton Manicure Sets Ic Oilds and Ends of Powder. .. .",'o WOMEN'S NECK WEAR 7!k Very best quality georgette, linens, organdy, pongee and nets; styles are foremost of the season, many gooil for fall wear; values from $1 lo $1.75. Riddance, 7Q1 your cholco at I ct LEATHER RAGS AT 1 1. .19. One lot of Ladles' leather Bags and Folding Purses; silk and leath er lined; fitted; values to $2.50. Riddance price, (J" PQ choice djLet)a KAVSEIt SILK (.LOVES 9S In black and white only; all sixes; regular $1.25 value; priced fur Rldilanco, pair 98c RIDDANCE OF TIU NKS, TRAV ELING HAGS AND NUTCASES 25 PER CENT OEFF. In this Riddance Sale we offer our entire stock of Trunks, Traveling Bags and Suitcases at a special dis count of 25 per cent from our al ready low prices. CHILDREN'S SI MMER HATS. New Hue of Children's Summer Hats; pink, white and blue organ dies, fancy ribbon trimmed. Priced at, each $:l.00 and $4.00 SILK COATS AT $15 Values up to $40, Our entire stock of black and blue Taffeta Coats; all sizes, good mod es; regular values up to $10. Spe cial Rldilanco Sale price, fT your choice for 4).I.J SATIN AND KHAKI KOOL COATS HALF PRICE. A few good models In full lined Satin and Khaki Knol Coats; blacg, gray and white; values up to $75. Riddance Sale, choice at One-Half Price. WASH SKIRTS HALF PRICE. 20 dozen Wash Skirts, piques, gabardines and linens; ull good styles; all sizes, solid white und figured trimmings, mado with large sport pockets and belts; values up to $10 each. Rid dance Salo at. .One-Half Price Very best quality geor gette, linens, organdy, pongee and net collars; styles are foremost of the season, many good for fall wear; values from $1 to $1.75. Rid dance Sale, your choice today at 79c situations of the book and is a faith ful portrayal of adventure and ro mance of life In Alaska In the days when that land was the haven of hunted men und the lust frontier of civilization. via afS