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TULSA DAILY WORLD, SATURDAY' AUGUST 4, 1917 V Bantamweight Champion Agrees to Meet Nate Jackson in Tulsa - r Sloppy Errors Game Cut Smith Greatest Offender; Mufifa Two Throws to Plate and Miners Win 9 to 2; Double-Headers to Be Played Today. Pun-iel to The World. M ALKSTEU, Aug. 3. Sloppy er rors behind Pearson puved the way for the moHt of McAlester's runs to day, the homo team beating him 9 to 2 in six Innings. IUln stopped the Hume, A single by Bailey, a double bj Thompson and an error (rave Me Alester two to start on. Smith's muff of a thrown ball from Heatly la the third inning let In two more runs. Dorsy spilled a tall fly off Humph ries' bat In the fifth InnlnB, and Smith dropped another throw to the plate Those slobber stunts mixed with four hits, a sacrifice, a hit batter, a walk and a passed ball enabled the locals to make five runs. i Vle?U 8(:0red the first visitor tally Jn the fourth stanza. He smashed one past Johnson to start the inning out, and Heatly's single and Ohlln's sucrt ,lce fly put him across. Smith walked yT "tojc two bases and went homo oil Johnson's crazy throw to third base In the fifth inning. That was all, but should not have . eu' f,er Hilentl walked In the sixth, three fielders choices and two errors loaded the bases. Then Kalr child reached for ono over his head for his third strike, and Smith ham mered a bounder to Humphries. Haln fell during the inning but Umpire Kane kept the tennis plavlng. John son had walked Dowie, first up in the seventh, when Kane announced time A double-header will be played tomorrow. Fort Smith 7-8, Oklahoma City 1-2 Rpcri.l to Th WoHd. 7 ' FOHT SMITH Ark., Au-. l.Tk. Boost V'a dro'R.i:, double-hi-ader to the lorn In wiIm' rwin 'rd when Vt lllininn, Hollander and narr sot home run. In aurreMion in the eighth Inning-, liuey, former Alkansa university mar, made hia delmt with the visitors In the ai'rond. FIRST GAME. The score: Ok. C AB.HTO.AI .Ft. 8. AB.II PO.A. I.ippa.lf 4 10 0(,-rvman.3j 8 0 3 4 Tottrn.SB 3 0 2 2 Wocley.rf 4 1 a 0 P'Urew.ef 3 0 1 liW'lini'jl, 4 S 1 Vno,2b 4 16 II Ilol'drr.aa 3 3 0 4 Hays.lh 4 0 5 4 115 1 8'neault.e 8 0 8 3fK.ohiaon.rr 3 0 a 0 ba.tina.rf I 3 C Uil.'nnre.lf 4 3 0 0 MrNeil.aa 8 0 1 3'Rctts.c s 4 0 13 Ogle.p 8 110 Will son, p 4 10 3 Total 20 5 24 0 ToUla 33 11 37 15 fteorc by innings; 1 Oklahoma City . .100 000 000 t Kort Smith 000 300 05x 7 8ummitrv: Runs, Lippe, Countryman, Cooler, Williams ,2, Hollander 2, Burr; homeruns, Williama, Hollander, Barrj two hase hits, Lipps, Latina, Hollander, Latr renv; siurifice hit, Totten; aaerilre fiins, l'ettiirrew, Latina. Countryman, Williams; atmes ont, by Oe;le 7, hy Wataon 1 : first hase on balls, off Oicle 2, off VatMis 1; lift on hasps. Oklahoma City 4, Vort Hmith 5: wild pitch, Ogle. Time, 1:40. Umpire, Bpencer. SECOND GAME. The trore: Ok. C AB.H PO.A.fFt. . AB.II.PO.A. I.lnni.lf 4 Oit1' man, 3b 0 Totlen.Sb 8 P'igrew.ef 8 W'ano.2b 4 8 S'neaolt.c 3 01 lVinlai rf 0 0 2 2 0 3 1 8 0 3 2 01 W'lnin'i !h 2 1 H'lander,as Hobison.rf I, alius, rf I. runce.lf H, II . 8 Huey.p 8 Hewell.p Totala 20 7 14 5 Totals 24 6 21 S Score by innings: Okhhona City ....010 100 0 2 Fort Smith 0O0 510 x 0 (Seven inningj hy agreement.) Summary: Wins, Shlneault, W'ooliy 2, Williams. Hollander, poblson, Lawrence; error?. Have, Countryman, W'illiums, Hol lander : honeruna. Hays, Shineault ; lwo-bo lilts, Pettirrew, Lswrenee; sacrifice hit, llarr; double pltvs, McNeil to Wann lo Haya, Hollander to Barr; struck out, by lluev 6. Iir Sewell 6; first base on errors. Okl.ihoma Citv 8. Fort Smith 1; first bsse on balls, off Htiev 3, off Sewell 1; left on .Jll today only OLIVER MOKOSCO PRESENTS KATHLYN WILLIAMS and 1 horn as Holding in "Redeeming Love" ALSO PARAMOUNT PrCTOGR-.PlI. Scren Time: 11:80, 12:45, 2, 8:15, 4:80, 6:45, 7, 8:15, 8:30. PRICKS 20c. CHILDREN 5c (DIME MATINEE) POUR DAYS, BEGINNING "The Barrier" BY REX BEACH. A Powerful Story of Uio Lust Prices for "The BHrrlcr"aro to be very reasonable, s wo reallrx" Unit U Is midsummer and warm. But wo want all of you to nee this picture, so we otter It for 5c Marjorie Rambeau in "THE DEBT" A Play Filled With Qitlck-lVirger Action, ALSO "MANNING THE NAVY" Demonstrating tho methods used by Uncle Stun In converting tho raw recruit Into tho flnlslaed product. Schedule: 10, 11:15, 12:30, 2, 3:30, 4:43, 6, 7:15, 8:30, 9:45. XHATINEE 10c EVENING 15o CHILDREN 5o SUNDAY AND MONDAY FRANKLYN FARNUM IN THE CLEAN-UP" A Man's Drink That Fountain, FT A V . J aaaaa minmi-ai Mtml lit V m Tastes Llk A " GIN FIZZ NON-MLCOHQUO The GIHa Cost Tulsa Short by Rain 1 I Ragged! ....... ..... Tl'I-SA UalfUti, . HI, ... liorsey, rf Heatly, lb. .. Ohlin. 3b Fairchlld, cf. . . Smith, e Howlo, 2b Sparks, if Pearson, p, ... Totala M'AI.EPTFR Italley, rf Rumphriea, 2b. ihorupiion, 3b. Harriott, lb. .. Mnlvey, If Null, rf Uriel's, as O'Nail. c AH. R. II. PO. A. E. 1 1 0 0 0 0 18 9 4 AB. R. II. PO. A. E. 2 2 12 0 0 Johnson, p Totala 23 0 7 10 12 3 Hrore by innings: Tula ... 000 1 102 .McAleater 202 0.'0 9 (Called end tilth acrount rain.) Nummary: Tm-o-baae hits, Thompson, Iterriott; sacrifice bits. Ohlin, Bailey. Humph riea 2; atoien bases, Kmlth 2; bass on balli, off Pearson 2. off John ion 8; hit by pitrher, Hrrrlott, Muivey; struck out, hy Pearaon 5, by Johnson 2; passed hall. Smith 2; double play, Origin to Hiimphrlta to llerriolt; earned mm, Talus 1, MrAle-trr 1 ; firat bnae on errors, MeAlester 1 ; left on baaea, MeAlritcr 3, Tula 4. Umpire, Kane. Tlma, 1:05. bases, Oklahoma City 8, Port Smith 6; hit b) piirher, Hollander by Huey. Thiie. 1 :2 J. Umpire, Spenrrr. Sherman t, Deoison 3. Special to The World. UE.NISO.V, Tesas, Aug. 3. Bherman'i leading pitcher kept Peniaon'a hits aratterrd today and defeated the Uailroadera 5 to 3. Storey and Campbell parked tit ball for tw runi, while Rohinaon and Mai-key parked the pullet for two Sherman rum. Sherman plays ita lait game thia year here tomorrow. The acore: Sher. AB II 1'O.A IDenl AB.II.PO.A. l(ughe.2b 4 0 2 s Halliilav.rf 8 0 3 0 Unity. lib 4 0 U OiUornU.c. 4 14 0 A' 3 0 2 0Sior,.y,ab 8 8 12 Knbin'n.lf 4 2 3 0Torkey,aa 4 0 0 1 Jones. aa 8 0 8 elMcMa' S 0 11 1 Smith. rf 3 10 0Camphell,lf 3 4 ft liu Uliurer,2tt 4 111 Banner, c 4 8 8 2I'eehles,rf 0 2 0 llaialip.p - 2 0 0 3 0 0 8 HtKinney 10 0 0 Totala 81 7 27 121 I Totala 82 7 27 t tBatted for Lea In ninth. Score by iiininga: Sherman 022 000 100 5 DeliUon 0U1 000 011 8 Summary : Nuna. Allen. HAhiniA., 1 Smith, Markey. Halllday, Storey, Camobell; I error, Hainllp; tvo linie li It s. Banner 3, Storey; homerniu. Roliinaon, -Varkey, Storey, Campnell; lacrifire hlta, Jnnei, Haialip; 'double playi, Hughea to Jonea to Markev; i left on baiea. Sherman 3, Ueoiion 8; trn-k out, hr Haialip 8. hy I.ce 4; baaea on balla, off Ifalnllp 2. off 2; hit by pitrher, Riorey, tampuen oy naiaiip; paiaeJ ball, Merritt. Umpire, 1'ontlui. Time, 1:35. MuskogM 7, Ardaore 1. Special to The World. MUSKOGEE, Ang. . rennis receiTei aetched anpport today and the Meta hitting timely and hard eaiily trounced the tail endrn, 7 lo 1, in the aecond game of the aerie. Voll easily hold the TiaVora In check all the way. Calbert, who got two homeruna yeaterday and three the day before, old not dellrer a alngle four-baae twat but con nected for two two-baggers and a aingle in four times up. Th. .rnre : ,d. AM.H.VO.A.Mnako. AR.ltPO.A l.,Ur'n el 0 1 Oll'lke 2h 6 10 2 M C' lb 8 16 4 1 10 0 Payne.2b 4 13 4 3 10 Clark, If 3 18 llFruth.rf 4 0 8 Q Alli' 4 0 4 5 2 2 1 Alexan'r.Sb 4 0 8 OiFisher.rf 4 3 10 McNeil.e-rf 2 12 0Waguer,8b 8 0 12 Dennis.p 8 0 0 7INee.e 4 19 2 Ross,rf 1 0 0 0 Voll.p 4 10 2 Crittenden, t 2 0 4 0 1 Totala Totsla 2 4 24 12 87 11 27 8 Score by uintngs: Ardmore .- loo ooo nno l 210 200 02- 7 Summary: Knna, Met ane, riae. eiseu 2 Calbert 2. Krnth 2; erors. McClie 2, Allion 2,- Alexander, Hennis; two-baie hits, McCabe, Pike, Calbert 3, Psyne; sacrifice hits, Colbert, Fisher: stolen bases, Clark. Fruth; doulile plav, Wagner to Wetxel; left on baaea, Ardmore 7. Muskogee 11; baaes on balla. off Voll 6. off Dennis f strucs out, by Voll 0, by Dennis 5. Umpire, Hooper. Time, 1:58. 1 TOMORROW, AUGl'ST 5: 9 MIN17TH SCHEDULE Frontier. TODAY ONLY Won't Hurt Your DoyJ At Fountain 5c Tastes Like A GIN 1177 Like It, Tool RED PITCHERS WEAKEN BEFORE GIANT ATTACK Toney and Rcuther Touched for Fifteen Hits; Knuff Has Gala Day. CINCINNATI, Aug. 3 New Yolk lilt both Toney and Routher almost at will tndoy and annexed the opening game of the ;iiesent series, 10 to 2. Kauff made a gala day out of it by hitting ssfely four times out of four times at bat, while he also drew a base oa bills. Ilolke also bit well whilo llersog was the principal run getter, tallying three times after reaching first on a fleldor'a choice and two base onlballs. The acore: N. Y. All. II l'O.AICinti. AB.IIJO.A. Horns, if 0 18 OtOroh.Ub 4 8 2 3 Murray,1f 0 0 iirriig.2b 3 0 Lobcrt.ab 1 0 OiKonf.i 0 0 ujMrKtc' 1 0;Kusb,rf 0.1 lime, lb I 0 1 13 Kauff.rf 4 4 tim'n.ab-2b 4 1 4 2 Robert 'n,rf 4 ? 6 8 Hariden.e & t Sallov.p 8 0 lidrltfiih.rf HiThorpe.lf 13 3 0 3 4 0 1 8 0 0 3 10 2 10 1 H H OlWlngo.e 1 UTouey.p 0 liKeutlicr.p Totals S8 1S27 14I Totals 82 7 37 16 Score by inniaga: New York 300 042 100 10 Cincinnati Oi'O 000 020 2 Summary: Huna. Burns, 'lersog 3, Kauff 3, Zimmerman, Irletrher, Kubertsun, llaridt-n, Oroh, Rcuther; errors. Horxog, Htfiither; two-base hits. Oroh, Uriffith, Heather; three baso hit, Kanff; atoien bases, llariuK Kohert son, Clroh 2; basra on bslla, olf rljllee 1, off Tnney 8, oft lieuther 1 ; strura out, Ly Sallee 1, by Toney 2. by Reulher 1. Uoi pirea, Byron and IJuigtey. Time, 2:15 Boston 6, Pittsburgh 4. riTTSUUIUJlf, Aug. 3. Boston opened the series with a victory over Pittsburgh to day. 5 to 4. f The acore: Roston AU.HPOA.H'itls. AH.H.PO.A. Maran'e.M ft 1 4 OiHigbec.lf Powell, cf 4 8 4 1 8 0 2 OS' 3 liKing.rf 1 OM.ierkrl.Sb H 0W.rrf 2h Hehg.rf J Ke:ly,lf Koni-t' Smilh.,lh Kilio'k,3b 8 1 2 2 0 - 10 0 KiiwlinirB.'JIi 8 0 J 2 W.Wagner.e 4 Vrairesher.o 4 0 6 2;Cooier.u 1 Nehf.p 6 10 2CarUon,p Totals 34 0 27 9 Totala 83 10 27 12 Score by innings: Ronton 000 040 11105 1'ittn.burgh 000 301 000 4 Summary: Runs, Maranville, Powell, Smith, Kawlinica, Nehf, lligbee, ('arey King, ltoeckol; errora, Pitspatrlck, Itawlings: two base hit, Nehf; three-base hits, ehg, Cnrlaon; allien hasea, J. Kelly, Smith, Rawlintrs, Bneckel; hasee on balls, off Cpoper 2, off Carlson 1: struck out, by Nehf 4. by Cooper 2, by Cnrlson 1. Umpires, O'Day anil Har rison. Time, 1:56, CbVcago 2, Philadelphia 0. CHICAUO. Jbug. 3 Cy Williama ic! Thil Pouglaa made ipoaslble for CJiirairo to bat Alexander today and shut out Philadelphia, 2 to 0. Douglas held the visitors to five scat tered hits. Williama' aingle in the first inning following Msnn's aingle aid a fielder'a choice gave Chicago ita first run. Will sins scored the ether run as a result of hia triple and a sacrifice fly. The locale touched the viaiting twirlera, Alexander and Bender, for seven hita, six of which were made off Alexander and Williams was credited with three of these. The score: Phlla.- All H PO.A. IClilcago AB.II PO.A. I'aakerLef all rlack.rf 8 13 Hnncroft.aa 8 0 13 Hlork.ab 8 1 -O 2 CrnTatn.rf 8 10 0 Miui,lf l)o)le,2h Willinms.ef 4)8 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 8 1 0 0 OiDeal.Hb 0 hilhoefer.e llenrter.p Schulte.lf Kvers.2b Killifer.e Alesan'r.p flugey 2:fouglas,p 1 81 Totals 29 7 27 12 0i 0 Totala 29 5 24 12' tBatted for Bender in ninth. Score by innings: Philadelphia 000 000 000 0 Chieairo 100 100 0C 3 Summary: Kuns, Mann, Williams: two base hit, Dilheofer- three-base hit, Williams; stulen bae. Htoelt;. basa on baPs, off Alfxander 2, off Duuvlaa 5; strurk out, by Donglas ft, br Alexander 8. Umpires, Byron and Kinslie. Tine, 1:87. Brooklyn S, St. Kuls 2. ST. lyOI'IS, Aug. 8. Urooklyn hit Doak hard and timely today ond won '.from St. Louis, 3 to 2. It was Brooklyn's seventh straight virtory. Three of Brooklyn 'e six hita were triples, each of which figured in the scoring. The acore: Brook. AH HPO.A.8t. Is AB.H PO.A Olson, ss 1 1 4 J Smith. If . 4 4 Ntengel.rf 4 .lohmlnn.lf 4 Outhnw.2b 8 !VKm'e,3b 4 Meyers. e 2 Muniuard.p 1 Cadore.p 1 8 0 0IRetael.2h 0 8 0Miller.a 0 1 0Lnng.rf 1 2 OK' I 8 Oit Snyder 0 3 OlSmvth.rf 0 8 0 0 blllaird.ab 0 0 0Konrales,e 0 11 1 IKoak.p 82 6 87 8tWallare lAmes.p Totals I Totals S3 8 27 13 t Batted for Cruise in seventh. tHstted for roak in eighth. ficore by innlnga: Brooklyn 100 001 0103 St. 1-ouia 000 000 110 2 Rummi - Rune, Olson, Psubart 2, Hetrel, Ralrd; errors, Olaon, Miller 2: tw bake hit, Haird; three-base hits, Olson, Johnston, Itaubert: stolen base, Johnston; bases on balla, off Marquard 1, off Doak 4; struck out, by-Marquard 8, by Codore 2, hy Doak 8. Umpires, Rigler and Uranafteld. Time, 1:43. Results Yesterday Wastvn Asm elation. MeAlester 7. Tulsa 2. Muskogee 7, Ardmoro 1, Hherman 5, Denisen 8. Fort Smith 7-6, Oklahoma City 1-3. National League. Chicago 3, Philadelphia 0. New York 10, Cincinnati 3. Boston 5, Pittabnrgh 4. Brooklyn 3, HI. Louis 2. American League. Detroit 10, T.n York 3. . Chicago 4, PridiJ!phla 0. St. Louis 5, Washington 4. Cleveland 2, Boston 1, American Association. Ksnsat City 0. Milwaukee 2. Toledo 8, Louisville 0. Cnluinliua 1, Indianapolis 0. No othera scheduled. Western League. OwsV.a 5, Joplin 8. Wichita 8, Kious City 1. Lincoln 7, Denver 1. Mutehiuaen 6, Des Moines 5 (forfeited in elgh'h Innlur to Hutchinson, 9 to 0, when Dee Mninea refused to continue play). Southern League. B'rmlngham 2, Nashville O. New Orleans 8, Mrmrbia 1. Little Bock Motile, rain. ClirUtaniM.go Atlanta, raia. Texas langss Ran Antoilo S, Dallas 1. Waco 4, Fort Worth 8 8bieveport 4, Hoaiton 8. ItelM-l Onkca to Indlniutpol'.i. IN'UIANAl'OLIH, Intl., Ait. S. "Hebel" Oukrs, former National ltna;ut star, who has bren nmiiuer of the) Denver Western leniriii! team, Is on his way to Join the Inulunapolia American association club. 3 ti Not Now TiiIhii may liavo a WMom kMijrui1 franihlso wuitotlmo, but the ohsIiIv of tlial tJnio U'lii soon Is as iin probahlo now as It sti-nitx! certain a few iluys ao. Tln-rt- 1m no (iiiwUun liuj Uio hUM-in-iit tlutt the Western leatruo wants Tulsa ami thai wants tlie Wititern lea4Cue or its eiiulvaleut; but there lutvo arisen stiinitrlliiK blocks .wliielt mhiii Insur iiKmulttUo at Uae nnt time. lr tliut rejLson 11-esKlent IHekerson of the UtwUu-n leuiiie did not tsimo to TiiIms ).torilay as pi ILsMtu-lics wild lio WOUUL, I'lUUIirtllg Ills tKHlkltlX lo St, fcMeftii, wliU-h uiiiloiihtCHlly will tsmiu Into poHwvsiou of Uio Sioux C4iy frao chlho. Two of the apparently Insur mountable obstacles aro the West ern association and money. The Western association has nn In alienable right to tho Tulsa ter ritory under the luws of orKanlzud baseball and furthermore the di rectors of that circuit have not the hUh litest intention of surren dering this rlsclit. Unless they are willingr to vacate, the only wuy the Western lean ye can come in is to draft tho territory next win ter, and that will take a purchase price of 2,dOO. When the entrance of Tulsa was lie intc OK'iUtted a lew weeks oaro, Indtca tiuns pointed to the diHlHindins; uf tho Vnsti-rn associatlun. Stories of the sore financial straits to which tho so called wotik clulis had been put be cause of the war, altho emanating from thi-sn very cltins themselvi-s, proved to be more or loss exaggerated, events have proved for every one of the Ritrht rlulis insists it will stick out the season to the close, which now is Just thirty days distant. One week aK It wwincxl ccrtnln the WcKtem asHix-liitliiii wouUI k: or if it (lid not (.ti, lrfhlli nt Scott of the IimhI cluh litul very itikmI rtMNon to Im'IIcvc that for tlir? drnft price tlio circuit wiiiiM pi'lcae Tulsa to tlio Western lraru and tie hHk'VCtl tlutt it would In; worth $2,500 to Rti. the Sioux City franchise immediately. So near a clo-c npixureil the deal that I'roJdcnt DU kerson walutl thit c lays In Ifut li liison for Scott t M-nil him word to coinc on down ami plant Urc cliihH A club licrc. Then came the blowup Monday. The Western association "! "'t band and furthermore) it was dis covered thnt the owners of the Slmix City franchise wanted more than 115. 000 to turn over their holdlnKs to Tulsa. All In all it would have taken about $20,000 to have swunpr the de:tl and Scott did not believe that with buseball uncertain because of the war it would have been a wise move to at tempt to raise that much money riKht now, so thoe sltuaton Is rlsht back now to where It was last- year and a year before, that, about the only de ference belnsr that Tulsa is suro it will be welcomed Into the Western any titno the Western association will release it and she will cough up enouKh money to get a franchise away from one of the far distant members of that circuit. Why the Dodge? Johnny Kllbane wants to flht Kenny Leonard KAln, askinir for a 12-round route this time. Just why he should specify a dozen innings is a puzzle. Inasmuch as Leonard has demonstrated thut it takes only three for him to lay out the feather kins;. Having- proved thnt fpnther wetjrhtp and lltchtwelchts cannot stand before him. the new linht welwht champion In negotiating; for a scrap with Ted Kid Lewis, of the welterweight titlo holders. After thnt he mlvht challenRa Jess Willard. He'd stand nhout as irood a show with the elephantine champion as some of the his; tubs, who are daring Jess to rtep off his broncho Ions enough to spar a round or two. Mule Watson Is returning to form again, which Is another way of say ing; the . big Western association pitcher sent up to the Cardinals a couple of ycntji ago Is returning; to his senses. When Mule was aown here striving; to gro up, he was a hard working, careful boy. After his as cension the glory went to his head, as also did a great deal of red liquor he found on every corner In St. Louis. Given a sobering suspension, he has seen the error of his ways, has gotten Into condition and has been going good recently. In the opinion of Gilbert C. Tlrooks of the International Refining com pany, the little Ohio Btute league of a few years ago had them all skinned foi producing phenomenal baseball players. It was In 1914 thnt Robert "Uolly" Gray set the world's homerun record, previously held by Ruddy Ryan In Portland, by smashing two circuit clouts on the closing day of the season, making 34. Prom this same league came Calbert. the Muskogee slugger, who a couple of days ago bested this record by knocking out his thirty-fifth tor the season, and In that same year, playing with Huntington, Calbert knocked 22 to 23 homeruna It was the Ohio State league also that nave Toney to the Cincinnati Reds ond Ferdie Schupp to the New York Giants. Last Chance to See "It Any Girl Safe?' The extraordinary feature photo play, "Is Any Girl Safe?" is showing for the lust time at the "Wonderland theater today. All are urged to see this unusual drama, chuck full of thrilling, startling and sensational scenes. In order to handle the big crowds, the Wonderland will open this morning at 9 o,'clock sharp and pic tures and vauJevtllo will be shown continuous thruout tho day. The Patriotic Girls company, twelve-people musical comedy, will close their week's engagement with today's fthowa, and they have prepared an extra good bill with latest songs and dances. t Atlanta Slpim nrvnnan. ATLANTA, A g; 3. Ad Itiennan, a pitcher formerly with Atlanta and then with Mobile, was signed by At- , Innta toady. WHITE SOX INCREASE LEAD OVER CHAMPIONS Chicnpro Blanks Athletics; Red Hose Fall Victims to Cleveland. PH f LM.KI.I'W A, Aug 4 O.ot pi-, hing by K-oil n-itii support fron his teunuujies tthahli'il Diicago to sliut out I'tiiiad-'iptiia to dav, 4 to 0. '.on visiiora won the game in the firat inning cliiiMly thru Suibolil a wiid urss lhe score: CM .Mt II IM A H'hila AM.H PO.A. l.eilntld.rf 0 tni-ticson.rf I I'olliliK i f Wemer.llli K.I'ol'a.2b .l.'irLson.lf KvKch.of liaiiihl.lli Ristii' Srhulk.e Bcott p 0 iinirovir.'.'b U '.'illoiiic.lf ;i ejHir-.iiik.rf 1 J 4 0IS -hanir.Sb 7 Ojtlaley.c 1 lilMig in SB Ot.SellKilfl.p 0 21Aud'r.son.p Totals 31 J27 10i Totals 80 6 27 11 Score hy innings: Chicago- 30 1 0OO 000 4 Phll-idetphla 000 000 OOO 0 Nu unary: Runs, lilMild. f.. Collins. Jackson 2; stolrn bases, l.eibotd, Klsl-rrg, btlialk, K. Collins; bases on balls, oft 8 off Hoibnld 8. 'f Anderson 8; at rack out, bv Scott 3, by An ilcrv on 8. Ciupires, lie torml'k and Illld.-brand. Time, 1:49. Cleveland 2, Boston 1. IIOSTON, Aug. 3. With llai;ly in the hoi, t:ieelar.d acored anoiher vittorv ever Itoston today, winning 2 to 1. It la the third time in succession that ltost'tii has suffered defeat from llsitny. Tho Fed Hos tind not scored a riu off him In 2.1 Inni'-ga tvu t tl in the sixth Inning today, a double by Harry and a single by lloblitiell broke hia record. Kutn pitched a strong game. An error by Scutt nnlilil Cleveland to sc.iro tie winning rua in thi eighth. Walker wjis I auislK'd for disputing a third railed atrike. The acore: Cleve AH II PO A llloston-- AB.H. PO.A. 4 1 a 1 4 1 1 t 4 2 10 0 8 117 4 12 0 3 0 J 1 10 10 4 2 J 1 2 0 2 1 3 0 1 J S3 827 J4 (Iraney.lf 3 12 ollooper,rf Spt aker, cf Ht.lli.rf 0 1 1 a 0 o 1 12 1 t 2 3 0 2 1 1 j iiiirrv.-o till! lilsell.lli 0(iardner,.tli ,H.irri4.lh lll.vwis.lf amity. jn Kvbiis.3Ii O'N.ill.c Hagby.p Tul.ils OjWalker.rf biSlt,rtcli,cf riiotitss.o Until p 7 27 i:i Totals Rcire hv tnnlrirn riovlnnd 010 000 010 2 Koston 0110 001 000 1 S-ii'imarv: Huns, Wau'by, Kvana, Kerry ; errora, W'amhy. Hcott ; two-base Inls. Kvans, Itarcy, Speiker; bftscs on balls, off Ruth 1: s'ruck out, bv Msgby 7. Cmplrrs, I'.vnus and Sljriarty. Time. 1:3V. St. L011U 5, Washln(,ton 4. WABHIXOTON. Aug. 8 SU Inis the first game of the siries today V aahingtnn, 5 to 4. Poor fielding by per contributed to his defeat. 1 he acore : . o,, AB II PO.A.i Wah. AB.H. umltk If s 9 a ll.ludue.lh 1 1 took from lUr- PO A. 2 0 9 0 1 2 . S Austin. 3b Sloan rf Pratt.2b Ja' Revereid.e HI ngee 1 b Fothoron.p K'imler 0 2 llOhsri' 3 1 J 1 OjPoHter.'ib 3 0 0 8 '.'I Vfilau.i-f 8 1 0 8 OIRieer? 4 2 5 0 3 1 9 0 Leonard, 3b 3 0 1 4lt.inhn.nn 1 0 0 liMcliri.le lb 0 2 2 9 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 110 otMenoHkv.lf 8 (1 n n nl II Mllun If I tMartin Hamilton.p 1 0 0 2 insniiili,a ) - -i narper.p Totala 84 8 37 11jf haw.p O jrlenry 1 I Totals 20 7 17 13 Ratted for Hothnron in seventh. tRnn for Runicr in aevenili. . t'latted fr Leonard in eighth. I Hatted for hli.iw in ninth. Score hy i-inil:gs; Bt. Louis 001 100 300---; WashinL-t'in 101 110 00 J 4 Nummary: Runs. Smith. .laeohson. Seve- j reid, .Mncee, L.ivsn. dignity 3,, Klce; error, 1'rnit 'A, sevrewl, L,oonarn, jiarner 2; two-hus b:, Leonard; atoien bases, Oharrity, Ainsnlili, M 'i-; )iase-i on balls, off Hsr'per 4. -ill :-in,ioron 2, oif Iliininon 3 struck out, I'.n-jier 4, by 8oliin,-n ?, tv HiiTfiilton ?. t3rjii"-vs, Mallin and Oir m. Time, 2:02. Detroit 10, New York 3. NEW YOHK. Aug. 3. Detroit msde 13 hits off New York pitchers for 21 bases today and won easily. 10 to 8. Ilurna made a triple, a double and a single, driving in four runs nnd scoring one, while Cobb hit a bomerun and two singles Msnager Do.iovan. Catcher Nunnmnker and Pitrher Shawkey of the Yankees were ordered off Hie field by Cmpire Dlneen for kicking at a derision when Nnnauiaker called out on strikes. Tho score: Detroit AII.II TOA.Jf. Y. AB.H PO A. flush. ss 5 1 9 4 Hendryx.rf 2 0 11 vitt.llh Cobh.rf Vesrh.lf Heilman.rf Burns, lb Young.2b Yellefo Mitchell. p 2 0 3 Mnisol.Sb 3 8 Oil'eekln'h.u 1 1 OPipp.Ib 1) 2 1 Haker,3b 8 12 OlMsrssns.rf 1 3 5'MlMcr.lf 1 6 llNnnsm'r.e 0 0 OiWaltera.e 0 0 liCul'top.p 1 1 0 1 0 11 1 1 1 Uauss.p IShockey.p Totals 41 13 27 15l.ove.p itCaldwell Totala 82 7 27 17! tBatted for Love in ninth. Score by Innings: Detroit , S2 002 K2 10 New Y'ork 000 120 Ooo 8 Summary; Rime. Bush, Vltt 8, Cobb 2, Vearh 2, lleilman. Burns, Peckinpsngb, Plop, Msrsans; errors, MsUrl, Perkinpangli : two base hits. Cutlop, Hums: three-base hits, Maker, Hums. Vltt: homerun, Cobb- stolrn bases. Vearh 2, Calwell; bases on balls, off Cnllop 1, off Love 2, off Mitchell X, off Dams 3; Mruck out, by Cullop 1. by Love 4, by Mitchell 2, by Dsusa 8. Umpiree, Dlneen and O'Lofighlin. Time, 2:15. I After Fifty Years JOHN'SONVIIX-E, Tcnn.. Aug. 3. An engineer force today la removing wrecks of more than twenty vessels, gunboats and transports captured or crippled when the Confederate cav alry leader, Gen .N. H. Forrest, made his famous attack here in 1864. Johnsonvllle was then a federal depot for supplies. The wrecks for over fifty years have been an obstruction to naviga tion In the Tennessee river at low water. Majestic -LAST TIMES TODAY- OLIVE THOMAS SUSS NEW YOltK" OP THE "FOIXIES" THE ILUtRISOV USHEIl BEAUTY IS "Madcap lVIadQe" B-lrst fUreon Apix'srouce of "Tho Most IMiotograpliod Girl In Uie World" COMl.N'O Sl'MKW AND MONDAY: "HER EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR" SCHEDUXK. 1:S0, S, J:30, 5, 6:30, 8, 9: SO. NEXT TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY JANE AND KATHERINE LEE IN "TWO LITTLE IMPS" Puryear Expects Crack at Title If He Wins Wednesday ! Games Today Western Association. Tule. nt MeAlester. Oklahoma t ity at Fort Smith. Sht'Miinn at Iienison. Arilihure at Munkt'ifce. National League. Itostnn at Pittsburgh, lirouklyn at rit. l.ouis. .Sew urk at I'incinnntl. l'hiladelphia at Chicago. American League. Chicago at Philadelphia. St. Louis st Washington, lletrott at New Vurk. Cleveland at llostoll. American Association. Columbus st loolsvtble. ToleJo Bl Indinnspolls. Milwaukee at Kansas City. Mt. Psul at Minneapolis. Western League. Lincoln at Wichita. Omaha at Hutchison. Sous City at Joplin. Pes kUAues at lieuver. 'ffoutharn League, Clisttannoga at Atlanta. Mills Hock at Mobile. Memphis at Nw Orleans, Maahville at Uirmlnghsm. Team Standings' "" Western Association. W. 1. Pet. I W. L. Pet. McAlsster 72 4JS .l5Okla. City ft7 04 .471 Miifkoirce 72 :J AM I ' Henison S8 04 .475 Kt. Smith (14 88 .S2.-iiTl l.SA 5.1 rt .4 Siermsn 01 111 .Sofl; rdmore 47 74 .8HS National League. W. I.. I'd I New York 00 30 .07Chirngo l'hila. SH41 .."Hiiltrookiyn St. l.ouis 83 41 .531 .ll.iwtull Cincinnati 84 80 .Sinil'ituburgh W. I . Pet. 60 80 .800 47 41 .81)5 40 8J .4:10 3161 .820 American League. W. L. Pet. I W. L. Pet Chicago d4 37 .HJ4New York 80 47 .618 Huslon 80 30 .t;ilriWaaliingtnn 42 57 .472 (Metrland 55 4h .5:t liHt. l.ouis 8M 03 .8711 Detroit 83 47 ,530Phlla. 35 50.872 Texas League. W. I.. Pel. I W. h. Pet. lallaa 7H 40 . II Houston 6r H'J .513 Wurn (.9 84 ..MitiSluevn. 07 110 .403 Ft. V. 07 511 .Mill -Inn Anto. 6U 73 .43 1 Western Lvague. V. I, Pet I W. I.. S 1 Pet. .417 .417 Wichita 9 8 . 75011, Inroln lliitrhinuin 0 Sinux City 7 Joplin 7 3 7'0'(n;ahn A 5 5h: I in Mninea 8 8 SH3i Denver 8 7 9 9 .250: .250 1 Southern League. W. L. Pet. I W. Ii. Pet. New Or. H 42 .0221 Memphis 83 55 .401 Atlllllla 70 43 .112 II Se hvlllo 88 50 .495 llirnilllg. 112 4S .51". I Little R. 41 02 .431 Cliuttu. 54 50 .81!Miljile 82 78 .200 A merles n Association. V. L. Pet I W. T Pet. 85 80 .47lKn. City 51 48 .520' Tndianap. Columbus 511 40 .8H3 Vinnean. 42 HO .413 55 43 .58 ti Milwaukee 39 57 .400 HI l'nul Louisville AO 49 .550Tolrdo 40 03 .S84 I Michaclis Sees Charles J .-.. .-.--.4 LONDON, Aug. 3. Emperor Charles of Austria received In ou au dience Doctor Mlchaelis, the German Imperial chancellor, on Thursday, says a dispatch from Amsterdam to the Central News agency. Senntor Owen's DnugliU-r toVexI. WASHINGTON. Aug. 3 The en gagement of Miss Dorothea Owen, daughter of Senator and Mrs. Robert L. Owen, to John Cameron Hawkins has been announced. No date given. Gunners It With Molano. LONDON, Aug. S. Might naval gunners were lost when tho Ameri can tank steamer Motnno was sunk by a submarine. Sixteen members of the crew tils.) perished. IS ANY GIRL 5 SAFE o Greatest feature photoplay you're ever seen thrllluig, alariiluj aid, sensational. Is Showing for Last Times Today From 9 a.m. Till 11 p.m. Go Early Don't Mill It. The Patriotic Girls Company m 12 people in big VAUDEVILLE BILL Today and Tonight. WONDERLAND " THEATER Open this morning at 9 o'clock, showing continuously till 11 p. u. Extra vaude ville shows wtU be given with picture. ADMI8SI0ST 10c AND 23e. Theater PKICES. Matinee . . lOo KvtMilllaT S0 Children ... 6c Bantamweight Title-Holder Is Anxious to Get Even With Oklahoma City Lad; Midway Scrap Important. The Importance of tho Nate Jackson- Karl I'uryear bantamweight bat tle to bu stiim'il by the Midway A. C. at the Grand theater next WiMincmlay wo brought strikingly to light last night by the receipt In Tulsa of a let ter received by O. W. Samson, Nate Jackson's manager, from Red Walslt. Kid Herman's manager, saying that he would be glad to send the bantam weight champion ngnlnst the Okla homa City boy again "Mr. (i. V. Sainton, Oklahoma Oly, Oklu. IXNsr Krlcntl Yours of tJm 1st at hand. Will Mate that Herman lias res-mcrcd front hot ImiIIm and will fight here Au g'lM A. "My IcrniN for a ten-round no tl"t'l.Hiun iKiitt Ikmhii-11 Herman :nd Javi-kMiii art: jHckxon must make 11H iMiiiiuls ringside; Her niin nniHt it1 -rive 81,200 guar unco as Ills Miarv. "Hoping that you will he able to make the nintili anil wmillng niv ri-giiilH 10 Nato and yourself, I N-g 10 remain yours very truly, R.-.l WaMl." Jackson and Herman have met 011 severol occasions with varying for tunes. The last time they tangled they went to a fifteen-round draw and the time before that Jackson was given tho verdict on a foul nnd ever slnco Herman because champion he hns been pestered by the realization the Oklahoma City hoy still holds the last tlctory over hi 111. When this letter became known to George Hummer, Puryear's manugcr, lupt night, he Immediately declared that If I'uryear should gain the ver dict over Jackaon In next Wednesday night's setto at the Grand thentor, he would iimlst that Jackson give place to his coniiueior whtn the champion comes to town. It Is believed, however, that Her man cannot be brounht to Tulsa be iVro Into next month, as ho Is booked for three boots in the south lielore tl'en. In tho meantime the winner of t'10 .lackson-i'iiiyear bout, will meet Iloy Moore hete. I'uryear buckled down to hurt! vtork yesterday and will work out In public each afternoon at the Grand theater. Jackson Is In training at Oklahoma City, but proposes to shift Ills ((iiartcrs to Tulsa Sunday. BASEBALL MEN EASED BY WILSON STATEMENT CHICAOO, Aug. 3. President Wil son's opinion, expressed thru his sec retary, J. P. Tumulty, that there la "no necessity at all for stopping; or curtailing; baseball schedules" was read with enthusiasm today by heads of 'major league teams in t'liluuno. "That's the best news I have re ceived for a lor ik" time," said Charles A. C'omlsky, ownor of the Chicago ' American league club. President Charles H. Weeghman of the Chicagu National league club said: "I think the president showed the same broadmlndedness In this caso aa he has In every other big issuo that has come before him." PILES AND RECTAL DISFASES M,r triatmrnt In i mtld on. dminUterf) without 1H line of chloroform, ether or &nr pthtr Kneril nnaovtlifttr. It dos not com pi;l the patient to en to ony hoHuitftl or bt ronfhied lo bed. Th fure. ! pernttnent (" and I proietrt my piiticntR alt their livfa ' kiit fl return of the tiouhle by a ceit.fl cura lutut'd after thu ruru ih affectrd. Thit rerlffirate provide! that in the ovent (he psiti-nt over haa $ny trouble, I will rura nim free f charj-e. I examine everyone free, ttlate in tho bejinnlnic thts length of time rn quired. And no afflicted pemon la nnder ob ligation to remain for trratnient If all tha fvcta do not meet with hu or her approval. 8 MALL FEES EASY rAYMBHT. DR. ALLISON THIRD FLOOR nOfWELL BU1LDIN0. 123 Houth Main. Tulsa. TAKE ELEVATOR. LYRIC TODAY (KEEP-KOOL) SHOWINU HAM AND IUD COMEDIES, Calamity Ann lo a Western Comedy MutualReelLife World Library , ONE OP THE O. 1TENKY STOKIES. ADMISSION . . 5 AND 10 CENTS "THEATER" v. - -' Imii'zinSftke. Pictures and VardsvtUe Without Apolo,.ls. Xst Times Todaf V1UU.T CHAKlis Aerial Novell r. Tour othtr txU and photoplay, "The Ralutuw'. Vaudrrtlle :30, 4:30. 7:30 d D:S0. Ptctures 1:1S, S:S0, 8-80 and :20. Week Day Matinees. 10c. Nights and Sundays. lOo aid 800. J