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10 TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, AUGUST 12, 1917 The Auto Trouble Solver If you hav any problems or with any Information about your automobile, writ ua and we will be pleased to answer you uodar Ihla beading In Sunday'! paper. ADDKKSS AITOMOMI.K KDITOB (Copyright, 1811, by Frederick C. Ouerrllch.) Q 1. Can yon advise inn a In h"W to find a missing ryllnder. uii'j the licit tii-t h to icpalr the name? 2. Can you give me tin- best way to take a spatk kimch out if a motor? 3. Can yiij nl' me tin- ln.iiinwi'i for motors of Hi"' various sizes l noro and stroke '' 4 i'.in yu give the address or the llluc Hook Publishing roitii.ny, makers of road maps? !. I'an you tell nif If there Im any Volume or roil ic of lessons on automnhl'r xurli an Ih published In your paper? t. There In a liad popping III my motor when 1 no over fifteen or twenty mile, hut not ho under that speed Kindly tell me tin1 do to HlOp It. A I. To find missing. iiihI.1- Ihr cause. Mint u hat to H i: V. wlint cylinder I I'VlllllllTH iiiimm lllll' HII'T tin oilier. If II Clllllllcr IM tir ing, when you make II, the ml Ing of the riiglnr ulll ! IiirrraMs., ulilli- when you do iliut ulili'li would make Itlir cylinder liil-x, which In al ready iiiU-Iiiu. Ilicrr will 1h no dilfiT cnrr In tlir running of the cngliir. I he rriiusty for tin- ml.-sliig cylin der ulll depend M h ii tin- cause, wlilcli might In- ii liuil spark plug, or oilu r Ignition Imiihl". or loss of miiiprc hlon in ihr missing cylinder, ilui'. pos sibly, lo vnhc trouble or faulty piston lings. ? Hy spark knock Ih meant n knock due to tin' Minrk bring iiilvani'i'il ii fur. Tlio remedy Ih lo retard lh spark, lour knock may be a carbon kiKM'k. the remedy for which Ih ti liar ihr ciirlxiu rviiimrd. :t..'lhr tni'ioiis Htnli'H, Insurance cnmpanlr, ctr., c-tiiiintc tin- Imrsr V'Hi'r of an niilo engine liv tin- for niuln: llorM-MiMT riiials Ihr iHiro mullipllcd hy Ihr Isirc (that It, ho it squared) t Itui' tln number of cilln dcrs all divided hy two ami one- half. Thin In known as Ihr S. . I,, ruling, 'mil assumes a speed of iiIhiiM I.UIlll It. I'. M. unci a iiiiiin pressure of anoui eighty ihiiiiiiU m t siiiirc inrli. I. Ihr address of Ihr AiiUiiiiohlle lllur IUwiU company Ih No. Uitll West Tlilrtv-iilnlli siri-cl. New York ( It y. Almost nil of our dealers curry III lit IXMlks III HtlH'k. f. 'I hr auto lessons puhllsliisl In (his iUH'r liavr not yet Imh'U published In lunik form. fl. Ihr popping of your rnrhiirrlor may Ih ilnr to olio of two ralixn: Your caxolhir fii'il Ilnr may la- rlouiK'il up to it hiiiiiII rum!, or your railm- rrlor Is not proprrly adjust, il fur nrti i iii'i il. thr inlxliin- Ix lnif Iimi iiiiik or I. an. I'oppini; Is a hIcii of wrak 111U- tlllH'. J. I write to you for tt llttln In ffirmat Ion. I io you know anytmurr uhout ( Hood or had. If no, rt Ini' know. If lad. It iniKht ::ir mr a little nion.-y and lotn of trouhlii un.l won y. Th tunnufai tiuiTH ' lalin that It will fr"' rylln.h-iH from i-arhon and Inti'iiHlfnd mllraifr of thr f.-isolln.. to 2D pi-r rrnt, an. I him hrrn ti-strtd on (1' auto iTiKlnrH to Inti-TiHlfy up to fit) per rrnt, hut hr i-IuIiiih 20 pT irrii, for all kiihoIIiui piiginrii. I'tuthi'r. thr niaiiufarlurrr rlaiin.H It will he harm lrH to all iiirtulM, and that a dollar'H worth of ( addrd to 100 Ka""'"' of riiMolliii. will do thff duty of 120 KalloiiH of Ka.s and inor, arrordlnv to thr makr of i-iikI')" and roiiiprrHslon. J. A I.. A. I urn sorry thai I liar luul no riM rlrnrr uitli thr proilurt you lin-ll-tlon mill hi i i ailvlsr you uhout If. J. I havr a lUlii - ) inr, and have alawyn rnjoyi-d driving, with the rxirptlon that I am ulwayH In ilrral of Ki'ttliiK a blowout. I find It vnry hard to k''I thr nrw rim and tlri on, uud am wrltlinx to you In thr hope that you ran Kivr tnr Homr hiikki'si inon or trlikn to make rtiaiiKliiK t.rrH Hlinplrr. K. . J. . Two uimmI siivif stlmis nn:..To take rurr In Iiimp ihr valvr of tlio tiilir In Ihr ii-iitrr of IIm liolr in thr ilin. when lir puis a Hit on II. If 1 1 mi' mill riur ih iio takrn In lui-parr Ihr hi'i'l for Ihr rim. liv Hi'iiipiuu olf tlir riiHt, ami hy iln-'tflnK nil rust mill illrt out of IioIch for I iris, or In prrpMi-liui thr ilin liv si'iiipliii: ttft thr nisi on ihr ilin, anil rMiicrilillv iirouiiil Ihr lii"s or t in i( ( lions, thr rlin Is llalih- in k.i on lianl. W In n tlir valir slim Is m n thr rriilrr of tin- ludr In thr run. It Ih HaMr lo pri'M iil thr loirs on thr rim from fallliito ilirlr IioIi-h on Ihr whirl. Iimi so will makr It almost Iniiiossiliu lo ci'l ihr rim on. When you find thin lo Ih Ihr Iroiihlr, h lllou u lilllr ulr out of thr tlir will oflru provr u tin; liilp. I 1 in you ndvisr thr uxi of fr'i phltr In thr tr.'iiiHinlHslon and dlffri rntlal? r. A. A. I iihi- ii liltlr rtakr craphllr In Ihr Ii'UiisiiiKhIoii mill lilt fi rrlltlal mv hi'lf. lis i iilur Ih, liourtrr. a luatii'v of opinion. Q. Hini'r Irttlni; down tny tftp. I n in trouhlril n K'rat dral hy rrflrr tlonn In my. w lndxhlrlil w lirn drlvin at nlKht. I nw Homewhrre that thpri, waa u wuy to ovcrt-'omo thla. ricMe tell tnr what It Ih. A. S t tlir top Mirt of tin- wlml shli l.l at a slltht uoiih'. Inn line ui. ImiIIoiii olnlin toward tllir front of thr car. (J. 1 notlrp that you ran buy crowi rhalnn fop tlrn chalriH. Muat you have a hlai kmnlth put thesn on, or ran you do It youmWf? K. A. 11. A. It Is a Hlmplo imilU'r to r'Mir a Hit chain wild tlir nrw itmw links. If you liavr llm roHT twl. Your lli-alrr will lx alilr to furnish you Willi a sM- lal chain pllrrrt, anil kIiow you liow lo iiht ihrm. CAR OWNERS DEMAND ACTION, SAYS SCOTT Motorists' Fads and Fancies Limitation of Performance 13 Intolerable, Declares Kissel Kar Man. "Motor rar owners today want ac tion In the ram they purchaae," nays W. A. Krott of the Klnml Kar. 'The avi-raKr purrhawr will not tolrrute limitation In hi car'a prrformanie. Mr llkrH a rar that hiut frredom of artlon. one that takm the road with a i l'-an Bwei-p. He wanU an engine thai h powerful, yet nolalraa deprnd ahlr. yet flrxlhle. Me wantn deep rushlonrd ronifortH of yarht-llke hu--yanry. Me wantn a car that Ih rusy to handle In traffic xonea with .1 motor thut haa iUlrk arrrlrratlon and Huhtle reHponHlvenrsH at all times. "Thut Ih why the Inrrraaed popu larity of outdor Hportn Ih dur to a great extent to the automobile. ItH earn1 of control at all speeds appeals to those) owners whose outdoor activities de mand thr rlKht kind of action at the rlwht time." 1'araxols muilo of Scotch plaid silk me new and are very "aporty" in ap peurance, espeilally when carried with the plaid sweaters, white cordu roy skirts and the smart white sailor hut. The green and blue plaid is the most uttrurtlve and the best invest ment, for It tfoes harmoniously with anything else. The stripes In Scotch colors are also new, but are not so effective uh the plaids. Mats of Jap anese straw with scarfs to match the plaids uro also worn with the pura-nols. I w ith white silk, leaving a one-inch edge or straw. Other serviceable huts have the georgette crepe crowns and straw brims, and one In mauvs has a tiny bunch of arbutus flattened on the brim, A black deep mushroom straw- has a wide land of flat Bilk fruit painted In natural colors. Mats and sweaters stenciled to tnutrh are novel und very attractive, 'nr. pretty old blue silk sweater is done with a border of oddly-shaped HralieHiUje motifs In black, gold and torra-cotta, the colors being repeated In the tassels of the sash. The hat is a mushroom of buaket straw and the arabesques lie on the brim and etxend up Hgalnst the crown In a most deco rative way. A whute slip-on la done with apple blossoms and leaves, and the hat has the artificial blossoms applied flat ayalnKt the straw and the leaves stenciled. Irinh frieze In a greenish gray mix ture Is used for a new plaited coat for autumn touring. The coat has three plaits at either side of the center panel, bark and front, which Is slight ly gathered at the waist line with a broad belt. The plaits are pressed in deeply, so hang flat and smooth, but as they overhang the sleeves they give a very broad shouldered effect. The collar is convertible and the sleeves are In the full coat model. jThe coat Is lined with shuded satin. I One of the latest capes has a loop on the. loft side to drape over the arms ! and a square tab finished with a tas Url on thr right side to throw over the left shoulder up to drupe over ' the arm. TIii'hc Splotchy YclN. The lady's fair Is badly splotched, I'm free to say I hate. to see a fair fare botrhed In such a way. I lut as I take another prep Truth doth prevail And makes me feel u trifle rheup, It's Just her veil. lie's Also Mhslii';. What has I erome of tlir old fash ioned man who refused to sleep In lioom 11 In a hotrl or Hit III seat 13 at a thriller. I.ooklni; Hack vt aril. We know a man whose grand father rlalinH to havo known a man who remembered the time when mo tion pictures rume one reel ut u tlmr. $200 ADVANCE A MIGHTY MOTOR CAR The Cole Eight has the largest and most powerful eight cylinder V-type motor. The Cole Eight is a scientifically constructed light weight car. The Cole Eight averages from twelve to fif teen miles per gallon of gasoline with a full complement of passengers. Cole Eight power, Cole Eight dependability, Cole Eight economy are coupled with the industry's most advanced body designs. And all Cole bodies are mounted on the one sturdy chassis that has won the applause of the entire nation by its constant and ever increasing success. , The Cole Eight is a migthy motor car. Let us demonstrate. TULSA MOTOR CAR CO. Eighth and Main MSA' ,1AT OWNER' rm:si:x'P ruin's: Phone 5095 (Seven Pns-scngcr Cole lllglit Four Passenger Cole Klglit Four Passenger Cole Sprltigfielil 'J'ouriiikT tar I7U," Timilu Itoailster $I7UA Timmnino 92205 Scyrii-I'a.s.srugcr l'onr-loor TourseiLin $-11)3 $200 ADVAXCK SKIT. 1ST, Straight, full coats seem to be com ing In for autumn touring und other wear. One of the smartest is in old pink suede cloth. The coat is lined with satin to match, und the buttons are. covered with the, cloth. Another pretty rout has the full undercoat with the deep dolman cape sleeves. The material Is a Solfeiino wool broken plaid satin on a olSferln? green and gold changeable silk ground. Wtill another smart coat Is u tan cloth military model, with vol uminous side panel pockets and one tie bash, plprd with terra-cotta cloth. New white sailors for early autumn wear aie of white felt and Milan uti-iiw. The hlu-h blocked crown is of thr felt, the brim of the straw, and they are finished with a band of tai lored bow of white heavy grosgraln ribbon, line new note Is the droop ing mushroom brim, which la faced Wide black crocheted borders are appearing on delicate colored silk sweater, and black buttons. Perhaps towels to match the color of the sweater, and black buttosn. Perhaps this measure is prompted by econ omy, but It is very effective. One in apricot silk is particularly attractive. Desirable shades are becoming scarce in the regular shops and many are getting the wool and having it dyed themselves, then doing their own knitting after any desired pattern. One of the new models shows the fullness gathered Into a wide belt at the bark, with sash ends and ties in front. The band at the buck shows little buttons at either end of the back belt, as If to hold the sash in place. Of course all of the sweaters have pockets. CADILLAC COMPLETES .OUTPUT ON SCHEDULE Last of Year's Production of 18,000 Cars Is Finished on Day Set. Khaki hat boxes are new In touring luggage and are lined with bright chintz. They are trimmed with black leather and are weather-proofed. "Hold-all" roll kits come to match them. Wardrobe suitcases in small sizes may also be had In khaki. I'loomers and knickers have ousted, for touring at least, the petticoat, and even louring corsets are being cast aside. IJltle tight silk underwaists for slight women ure cool and answer all purposes, while the heavy woman findj the light webbed garment suf ficient with the Bweater and extra coat when she leaves the car. GIRL LIVE-SAVERS REJECTED Atlantic City Officials Say They Arc Not Strong l.iiough for Work. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Men here are disconsolate. There are to be no feminine life guardH. Several fair nsplran'.s for beach patrol positions havo oftercd their services to Mayor llarharach, but Charles llosert, chief beach surgeon, has veto power, and he demurred. The city realizes there would be an Increase In the volume of business at the bath-houses, at least so far as the musculine patronage is concerned. Hut Isjctor Hossert, who has direct charge of the resort's force of one hundred beach guards, Is relentless, lie declares it ip virtually impos sible to find women with muscles strong enough to man lifeboats. A life guard should be more than an ornamental Institution, he contends. Modern manufacturing efficiency Includes not only planning a day's and a week's and a month's, and even a season's output for months ahead, but also executing the carefully luid nlan. on schedule, time. i At leust that Is the Interpretation placed on manufacturing efficiency by .the Cadillac Motor Car company of I Detroit, which on June 20 completed 'its year's production of IS, 000 ears. The number of cars to be built and the date on which that number would ,be completed and shipped were de termined prior to last August, when production began. The Cadillac ex lerntlvea confidently laid their plans, knowing the spirit and ability of the Cadillac organization well enough to rely on them to produce the cars on the dally schedule. The completion of the last of the 18.000 cars on June 20, the day set, shows that their con fidence was not misplaced. The past year's production encoun tered more difficulties which were be yond Cadillac control than any In the history of the motor car Industry. Materials were scarce. Kven when they could be had, Detroit was. at times, under a freight embargo. Freight cars sometimes could not be had for outbound shipments. Yet factory space had to be kept clear and cars moving as produced, so hun dreds were driven over the road, even in the dead of winter, to other ship ping points or to their destinations. Cadillac plans were so well laid and so well executed, however, that diffi culties were overcome and the pro duction completed at the set time, ! thus preserving a record of several years standing. The past year s out put brings to 49,000 the total number of eight-cylinder Cadillacs manufac tured and marketed. Itrought It Ilnck. "Joslah," said Mrs. Hawbuck, "I hope you kept your head while you were In New York." "I did, Martha," was the humble I reply, "but I guess it was only because none o' them sharpers had any use for It." " (ictn a Warm Welcome. "Are you doing your part toward fighting the high cost of living?" "Sure, I'm visiting all my relations." Haltlmore American. OVERLAND CAR GETS COWBOYS IN ARMY Automobile Makes It Possible for Recruiting Officers to Go for Men. When It came to the attention of Willy-overland, Inc., of Denver thai recruiting officers of the Colorado national guard wero experiencing great difficulty In getting the com punchers In from the outlying dis tricts, where they were watching their stork, that concerns derided to make it possible for the recruiting of ficers to go to the cowpunchers. Accordingly, an Oveland 85-4 was turned over to John H. C.allup, first lieutenant and adjutant. Third squad ron cavalry, Colorado national guard and he set out to get the men. The result was even better than antici pated. In his report Lieutenant Gal lup said: "We enlisted 32 splendid men, practically all of whom wers riding cowpunchers." In submitting his report, IJeutenant Gallup did not hesitate to pay tribute to the Oveland car. "We had to go places that were all but impossible for an automobile to reach," he wrote, "In order to get In touch with these men. At times we went thru sand that was up to the hubs of the wheels, while at others we went straight across the roughest kind of prairie. At all times we found the Overlund car able to 'deliver th goods' and It was chiefly due to this fact that we succeeded as we did. "I further wish to state that the service wc had from everyone of the Overland stations was all that could be desired. No matter how small the town, there was always an overland service station and every need was promptly and efficiently met." Have a Private IOtrli Key. A tearher In an Indiana school says that she used to think there was a chance for careful, sanitary folk to escape germs, but slnre holding an examination recently she has given up hope. In this examination the ques tion was asked: "What are bacteria and how do they enter the body?" And ono eighth grade pupil gave the discouraging answer: "llacterla Is germs, nd they get into the human body by means of a rusty nail." Indianapolis News, Hani. Dissimulation Is the price of peace; w... ., au.fniiv Viard for a. married woman to preserve the peace by de ceiving her husband Into thinking that he is deceiving her every time he tries. Fourth Year and Fiftieth Thousand The New Type 57 Cadillac YOU are safe in expecting great things from this new Cadillac. You know the goodness that has gone before. You know that for thren years now, the Cadillac ha3 concentrated on the one type the V-type eight cylin der. In all that time Cadillac engineers have devoted their energies and their skill to the perfection of a princi ple, and to the raising of a standard. The Eight Cylinder Cadillac, embodying that princi ple, now enters its fourth year and its fiftieth thou sand. How much this means, you who drive Cadillacs and who know Cadillac thoroughness, can readily under stand. It means of course that you gain immensely by every one of the forty-nine thousand that have gone before. All the experience gained and all the excellence at tained must culminate in the greatest of all cars which Tlie Cadillac Type-57 Clmssls will be nvnllnhle with the following body styles: Standard Scven-l'iuweiiger Cur, i'lve-issenger l'liarton, Two-Tasscu-irer Houdslcr with Humble, Seal. a great factory has ever built. ' Those who know the Cadillac, know it for certain re finements of performance peculiar to itself. These are Cadillac marks of distinction recognized and admitted everywhere raised to a new pitch of perfection. The new car is brought closer than ever to that ideal in which the motive power is completely forgotten. You who have reveled in the superlative smoothness that enabled you to relax both mind and body, will find a new measure of relaxation now. You who have enthused before in its mastery over the hills, will renew your enthusiasm. The new Cadillac adds honor to a long line of fine cars. We believe that it approaches more closely to real greatness than any motor car the world has yet produced. Four-Pnfwenger Convertible Vlctorln, Flve-IiisM-nger Ilroiigham, Four-l'iis-wMigcr Town Limousine Hm i'own Ijiiidiiulrt, Sevcii-l'iisM-nger Limousine Iiondaulet and Inim-ruil. Forster-Lukins Auto Co., COLE MOTOR CAR COMPANY, IndianapolLs, U. S. A. South Main at Sixth Phone 7300 ?