Newspaper Page Text
. 6 TULSA DAILY WORLD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1917 I) il.V TIIOT. I It has never been so hard as It I I Ik today to le a .woman. Hit t I former armory seems lnaci- I I iiatc; her wlnsonienchs, even I hli' rcllKtlHl, Sccllls to lll'intf I Uion her the dictum, "Vc .'in1 t I mi pi iflt;ili( servant." Mrs. William Shaw Ward. The Mm. lor Alls. iilt-iular for TlnilMlav. .lames p. fiirtlu entertains .M. I. MrKcc. " Intoriiial. MRS. WII.UXM II. WALK lilt was hostess of a pleasant five hun dred party Tuesday afternoon, when she ciiteitalmd matrons lor two tables hi honor of tin- visit to her honif of Mrs. M. l HrKw of High Hndge, Ky. An abundance of hrmlit uued summer flowers from III" city, for several weeks, and will resume Iht work with lit til upon retnrnhiK, until September 1 i. Mm. ThotnaH I. Mini roe In home after a pleiisant trip of several weeks In tliee:ist. M rh. M iinroe accompanied Mr. Muni oc to the national Klks' mc I i ng in ItoKlon, after whleh she visited her sister, Mrs. William ('. kills of New York. ' Kuruen unci i none or never i decorated the rimnm. There . Mrs. Arthur It. Ctdcon ami children lei airline mid KnPKell, w ho spent 1m j past three months in the i ii. i I ks. have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. (ildeon have an their guests for u few iluy Mr. anil Mrs, link Koliertsoti of Kan-; kih City. " " i Mr. and Mr-, (fcoire Herbert ilur-j rmi'ton of I 0 K South ( lifvcnne live- nue, Tulsti, have i.ent cards troni hein, W Va . ii 1 1 1 ) ' mi 1 1 ' -1 1 1 k the hirtli of their Hffotiil Mm, tieorge llcrhcrt 1 lat rlngton, Jr., on Friday, August JO. The Constant Arrival of New Fall Merchandise Is Made Doubly Interesting by Great Values Of fered at the Popular-Priced Store Economical shoppers will find a trilly remarkable assortment of newest fall Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Waists, Millinery and Shoes. These will be attractively priced for Thurs day's and Friday's selling. Stock up your wardrobe now and see what you can save. Silk and French . Serge Dresses ary Included Chicago. Petoskey, Hay view arid Macklnuc, Mich., where they spent the greater part of their time. . i Mr. Edward Mai-Khali In' In Knnsaa City, w here she wax summoned on ac count of Illness, which resulted In the death of her hrother, Mr. Eugene Steele, Sunday. Tin funeral uml In lerinent occurred Tuesday. Master .lack Wheeler, mm of Mr. and Mih. John II. Wheeler, and Mau ler lien Hire, Hon of Mr. and Mih. hoHtp' 'fi lends ere no prizes. After the games a salad course wn served to Mesda lues C. I-.. .Mrouvclle, Kan limit. I. I Mr. and Mrs C. Wells are home Lewis, S, le Zell 1U ley, C, W. Hene. froIll delightful atuy of several weeks dirt, U- J. Hra.-kiiey imd .lames J'. at nrt,rrn )nK. r-,rt. Their Itlner- l-ini' ,irs. iicncuiri cniei lumen with a matinee party to honor the visiting iiialion yesterday iifturnoou, j and for today Mih. James I1. Curtui has Invited guests to ft o'clock tea nt Tea Cup lnu, honoring Mih. AicKee. ;r"vltl-lii.vne. The weilrtliiK of Miss Ktther liovc ilruvltt, daughter of Mm. Kiln tiravltt, und Mr J. ICinincIt J'ayne, son of Mr and Mr. 0. (.'. I'ayne, in cidrl rated Wednend ly moruiiiK at 11:30 o'clock at First Itiiptint church, with the pastor, Itev. 1.. 10. Kloyd, ah ofliclatinK minlNter. (inlv a buim'.I Hrty of r.-latlv'S and fiieiuls was iim seinliled when Mi.-s Inez I'ettit played the Mendelsohn weddiua niarcli for the entrance of the party to the church. Miss Catherine Jlill at tended the In hie as maid of honor, ard N'r. 1'ied H. itrowniiiK f St. I. on is Hood en lies! man to Mr I'myiif. The In hie was attiied 111 hi'l' traveling- suit of military Idue, with hat and other ucceKsorlea to match, and ahe carried a t-bower of hnde a ICS'S and II I It m of tile valley. Air. and Mrs. J'n.vnc left shortly after the ceremony 'u a Colorado motor trip. The Inide is a tiraduate of the de partment of cxprrvslon of ileal y Ke'idall college, while the romance which ended in yesterday's nuptial event hetin. Mr. J'.iyne Is u military school graduate and will shortly put his training into praitlce at San An tonio, Texas, where he has heen aa sluiied In the row army of conser-pta. Hell I-'. Klce, will leave iihout Seplem- to enter school nt Lake I'mest, her I 111. fr. and Mrs. H. I.. Shohe left yea terday for llxcelsiur SprliiKa, Ark., where they a to spend a few weeks III the hope of lirlicfltilig Jloctor Shobe'a health. Mias Marguerite Manirnn haa re turned from a two months visit with lelativex and old friends at the for mer home of the Maiu-an family in t it.imvMi, Iowa? HniclilH to Dance. Knl;hta of Columbus have cards annouticiiiK R dance for Tuesday vveiiitiK. Ausiist In home. sent next their Miss Irf-nnn (ialhreath wilt return home today from it visit In Colunihtu und Cleveland, Ohio, where alio win the guest of Miss Margaret KelldlK, formerly of Tulsa. Jdlsa Marparet ItlnKRold Is In Tulsn for a brief slay, she having nunc down from Chicago to aliunde for her studio lii'Xt season. Miss KuiKold has heen studying finder yMexander itaali, a well known tutor of piano in that Safimik Infants ! Invalids HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Rich milk, malted (ram, In powder form. For infants, invalids and growing children. Pure nutrition, upbuilding 1st whole body. Invigorates nursing mothers ids' the aged. Mora nutritious than tea, coffee, etc Instantly prepared. Requires nocooking. Substitutes Coit YOU Same Price, Miss .Hetty Clemens of Tulsa will! come over tomorrow to vialt Miss Annie Laurie Kenton and. to attend the Rlrl's dance.- -rMuskouee Time-1'emocrut. Mr. and Mrs. II. V. A by mid chil dren and Miss Mildred Hansel, who motored to Wisconsin and MlchlKan early In July, are expected home today. Mlaa Caroline Klskaddon left yes terday for Kansas t "It y, where sn Ruea to spend two weeks as the auesi uf Mes Thelnui und Lottie l'oiider. Miss Annabel I Jt timer Is home from llolllster, Mo., she havlmr been summoned on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. S. M. Iatimer. Mr. and Mis. Charles J. McKerren j of 1 1 1 f North KI'Vood avenue an nounce the birth of a d inahter, Kefriru Mary, on August 21. Women's Suits $24.85 One exclusive line of new est creation in women's auits Just oened by ex preaa; materia la of chiffon brondcloth, French aerne, wool poplin, burella clothv and fancy mixtures; made In finger tip and threa (luarter lengths, many with the fonif straight lines. Fancj; buttons, two and three-way collars. The new fall shades of wood brown .taupe, ele phant, bottle green, peacock blue, Copen, navy, bla-k find fancy two and three-tono mixtures. Suits well worth S5. To Introduce the line, they will be placed on Kale for. Thursday (PQf Off and Friday... tDaVXsOD Xuits will be laid away with deposits made. $12.85 i In this assortment we have as- ' scmbled 64 of the newest creations In allk, satin and French serge dre.saea, many with . ' georgetta sleeves and collars, Bulgarian em broidery and French silk , stitching- . Half and full empire ef-' fects, also straight lines; throw ties and belted; many with shirred and festoon hips. They come 1p shades of navy, copen, wine, Myr--tle, tan, gray and black. Dresses worth up to $30, for Thursday and Friday's show ing . , $12.85 SPOOL COTTON 0 FOR 25c A purchase of 1,000 dor.en alx cord apool cotton,' fell sizes and colors; will he sold Thursday and Friday 6 Or? for .SOC SHOE DEPARTMENT We wish to emphasize this department, being exclusive agents for the Queen' Quality shoes for women, and the King Quality for men. . v - ; WOMEWS V The women's boots come with 7Jt. S and 8'2-inch tops, in French kid, vici and patent' kid. In the popular f hades of elephant, taupe, wood brown, gray, solid black and white. Both lace and button; high French heels, turns and welts. -For Thursday and Friday will be specially priced at ' - ' - . $5, $6 JO, $70, $8.50 and $10 We inrite comparison and shall be pleased to show you the line. MEN'S Men's. King Quality shoes, in all the new toes, straight and swing lasts, English models in lace and button, French kid, kangaroo kid and velour. These are now placed on our shelves and as an introduction Kale will be offered ' Thursday and Friday at $5, $6.50, $7J50. $9 and $10 We have many in the narrow lasts. It will be a pleasure to show you the line. 49c 98c mi'.x's itiiaikuim;s One solid case of men's athletic union suits, good quality checked nuitiHook, elastle buck anJ crotch; suits worth 7fic for Thursday and Friday, special at One case of men's dress shirts, 24 dozen, with French ruffs, line iiuiiltty percale and corded butiste. They come in two and thivj-tont stripes, all sines from 14 to 17. Our reKUlar'Jl.BO shirt for Thurs day and Friday, special at , A purchase of 5110 doen men's, youths' ntlil hoys' blue buckle iiiiUui-mude overalls, Isiiudit for I ho shi rash, placrw us In kim. tion to offer you the following Men's good quality blue denim overalls, suspender and high backs, full regular made, any size from U2 wuist to 44. Will be spe cially priced Thursday - J und Friday at iP-l.s-1-" One line of youths' overalls, ages II to 17; suspender back anil bib. Specially priced for Thursday and Friday, per (J- pair v wl. WOMEN'S SILK SKIRTS AT $635 Late arrivals of 50 new silk shirts, materials of fine quality chiffon taffeta and satin messaline, come in solid shades, fancy stripes and plaids, many with shirred waist lines, large saddle pockets, wide belts and throw ties. Sizes 24 to 30; skirts worth on today's ft" market $10. Thursday and Friday's selling.. u)U.tD MUX'S AX1 BOYS CIrTHIXO Just received by express, 100 boys' two-piece suits, In fancy mixtures and solid colored wool; belted, patch und lapel pockets, pinch backs, Knickerbocker trousers; some suitw with two pairs trousers. Sizes from 6 to 18 years. For a'hursduy and Friday's selling, we will offer J8.5U values' at $6.50 One line of men's suits In French serges, clay worsteds und fancy wool mixtures, shadow stripes an plaids, sack and pinch-backs; patch pockets and belted. Sizes from 114 to' 44. Suits worth $20. For Thursday and (PI I OCT Friday's selling . iplft.OO siut ih:paktii-:nt Over 8,000 yards of 'silks received tliia week, In fancy stripes, plaids diagonals, changeables and solid colors; coming in widths of 14 to 86 Inches. For Thursday and Friday's selling will be priced at, per yard, $1.2, GC J $1.49, 1.M9, $1.9.1 and. . t?.4t) G00 yards of 36-lnch bln?k chif fon taffeta silk, together with solid colored silk poplins, in shades of brown, green, purple, rose, gray, copen, navy and black These silks are worth fully $1 SO per yard. For Thursday and Fri days' selling, specful per yard , MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Our buyer, Miss Roed, has just re turned from the east with the most superb and tasty line of millinery ever brought to Tulsa such well-known makes as Vogue, Elzee, Gage Fisk, and Edco. The newest creations In Individ ual modes of pattern hats that the millinery market affords. We wish tc call your special attention to the velour hats, In shades of green, tan, and white, many with two-tone silk effects Will he placed on sale for Thursday and Friday at t $7.50, $10, $15 and up to $35 98c Ono line of nialine and velvet hats in the" -newest shades and com binations of colors. These hats being very much In favor we are well supplied. They will be placed on sale (Jf A Thursday and Friday at and tDlU See our show windows each day for the lutest vogues. The shade Of purple predominating. Mrs. I.ora Harries Miller Is home lifter a delightful tour of the great nnd a vi-it to friends In I'hi r:.go and Kansas I'lty. OVERDALl THE PRICED STORE 208 SOUTH MAIN ST. Mr. and Mrs. Hoss W. ltayhurn have planned to leave at the end of the week on a motor trip to Kansas I'lty and t'hicago. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred (!. Ilcgam will leave early iient week on a trip' to Ohio and I'ennsylvaiiia. Mrs. J. II. I'rook.s is passing the summer rinvs very pleasantly at Hay View, Mich. Miss Hael Anderson of Sperry Is the guest of Miss Hazel ltawson of Hand Springs. GO TO GALVESTON The Finest Surf Bathing in the World The coolest spot in the southwest, in the midst of all kinds of amusement. Fishing, Tennis, Golfing, Motoring, Fire works and Open-Air Dancing. Write 1 I.. KAXDF.KS, Manager HOTEL GALVEZ 1 be Best Krsorl Hold In Ibc Southwest Menus for a Day. (Tulsa Morning World) lilt KA K FAST Watermelon Fine wheat cereal Tteef hush Toast Coffee DlNNF.n ltoast chicken I'olatoes lettuce with dressing l'lstachlo lco cream Afternoon tea wafers SLTl'EK Ham sandwiches lettuce sandwiches 4 'range cake Bananas Milk. The OOI.LY COOK BOOK has the cutest recipe Kupie Hiscults, Toddy Hear 'v m akes, Dull Pudding. Midget. Salad, Teenie Weenie Fudge, ltae I 'oil Taffy. l'UKl-: at OVKIUOX'S this week. Ohio Snts ial Wrecked. TOT,F.Iit, Auk. 21!. The seponn section of a Columbus retail grocers' association excursion train on tn Toledo ,V Ohio-t-ntrul railroad was wrecked this morftinc at I.ime City, ten miles south of Toledo. One ran read employe Is known to be dead, several passengers tiro dying In hos pllals at I'errysl'tirg and Maumee and twenty to thirty more were injured. The cause of the wreck is said to havH been the stuldcn setting of the air Ii akes. TATE BRADY CALLED DOWN BY POLICE COURT JUDGE Hog wallow Locals ltv GBOItQE BINGHAM The Ham What Am"7" th tkIZeLcZing Smoked and brought to you in the flavor protecting Stockinet Covering, Star Ham is juicy and tender, right td the bone. Buy a whou Sur Ham it's economical. Also attic your dealer for Star Boiled Ham ready to serve; fine for hoBos and outing luncheons. rVBMOUB0COMPANV . M. M'KAY, Mgr. 4 No. Detroit 1'Iioimw lU-35 lined $25 for Failure to I 'ay (hvuMi tion Tax; Attempts to Walk Out of Courtroom. Taie Urady found yesterday after noon that it was Just as necessary to "watch your step" when facing the Tulsa municipal court as during triat lr sny other Judicial assembly. Mrady'a attempt to walk from the courtroom after he had been fined for failure to pay occupation ta:c, when he had only J20 up as bond, caused him to be haled back "before the iMihogany," where he was sharply called down by Judge Iun can. ' "Mr. I?.dy, I know you only by reputation and while you are before this court you ure Just the same as any citizen," the Judge said. "I know that, but 1 have a house with nine men " started Urady, but the Judge Interrupted with "l don't care if you have a house with nine hundred men in it, you cannot walk out of this court before you have m'oin 1-nts relative to v.nir fine" 'Cricket Hicks, who has been read r'nniiil.iint had heen made by J-ihn'ing about germs In a farm paper, Fsley, city license Inspector, that now looks In the cistern every time 1'radv had not paid occupation va no goes to iuse a onus, oi wuiei or his store, which bad been due for lima I'radv refused to muse any defense In the case, only stating that it was a -persecution on Esley s part for 'an old grievance ho had against him and that he was going to carry H to a higher court- Humor of the Trenches. from tho trenches on the western front by way of Canada comes the store of a soldier's narrow escape from the death and the levily dis played by a comrade, illustrating how viewpoints change when men get on the firing line. Private Mac of an Alberta regiment had a pious uphrlnglng in his c.-Hy home In Scotland, and his religious in clinations did not desert him when his fnmliv rcttled on a farm In westrrnH Canaoa. All through th- war ho na curried "suurgeon'a Sormons' in his breast pocket, and occasionally h? does some preaching', with his com rades In arms us the congregation.' Private o. 'f the sunn regiment ini.i tho imlirlnirinc and the book of ermotiB. hut possesses a sense o humor. The two were In a group restlnt; and smoking when a shot from a iai-nin uniiier hit Privalu Mac In the breast, the bullet being deflected by the book. Fearing that Mao was about to Im prove the occasion, Q. "boat Mm to it" and in a fair imitation of his lricnd's best preaching manner started In: "Oh, dear friends, what a Ulessea thing it that our derir brother wasn't a-retding of his book of ser mons os he ought to have been In stead of engaging In worldly conver sation with rinful loldter men. For If dear Hrother Mac haj been a-rcad-Ing of his book of scrnuns, whore, oh where, my deir friends, would Prothcr Mac (priceless old thing) have been then?" From New York Sun. The world is getting kinder-hearted all the time. Poke F.azley announces that he has decided to get his wife a new dress this year. Uuring the dull times at the Hog Ford still house, the bartender will run his phonograph, and has ordered a lot of long conversation records. 1 M'CORMICK'S BOARD NOW IN CONTROL OF EXPORTS vVASMIN'ilTON, Aug. 22. Control of exports, heretofore admlnisterro by the department of commerce was given by President Wilson today to the exports administrative board of which Vance MeCormick Is chairman. The purpose, officials explained, is i simplify procedure In granting export licenses. The cha'ngo gives unusual powers to the administrative board' which was formed to serve as an advisory body to the exports council comprising the secretaries of state, commerce and agriculture and the food administra tor, i The president's order wll serve to make the exports council really the advisory body. Franco-Italian Frontier Heoilfle.1. Pauls, A-.ig. 22. A Turin dispatch says the cabinets of Rome and i'aris have reaclwd an agreement to rectuy the.' frontier near the railwny line under construction from I'ico to Tenda, and Cuneo, whereby the en tire Torrent Roja becomes Italian and Italy deeds to France several squarw miles of territory toward Molieres. I'AltSN ll'S Al l, lllvri .. I'nrstilps may be allowed "to I remain In the ground and dug I as nefded. as freezing does not injure them. J As It is a difficult matter to I dig them when the ground Is I fro-'.en, it Is advisable to store a I small quantity In the storage I room in the basement of the I dwelling or In the outdoor stor I age cellar for use during the I winter periods when the ground w frozen. J Write for farmers' bulletins J 847 and 879, United States de I partnient of agriculture, Wash I ngton. I). C, which furnishes I information on storage free of charge. Cut this out now and save It. Watch for tomorrow's directions. Tommy (ilhboii Beats Chip. ST. PAVI Aug. 22. Tommy Gib bons, SU Paul boxer, won by a wide margin from George Chip of New castle, I 'a., here tonight In a ten round boxing match in the opinion of the majority gf newspaper men at the ringside. I'jnory Viilrersity to F.xpanil. ATLANTA, Gn., Au. 22. Recom mendations calling for an expenditure of approximately $5,000,000 for the expansion of Emory university were made in a report at a meeting here to day of selected Methodist laymen rep resenting conferences from southern states east of the Mississippi river after Asa O. Candler, mayor of At lanta and lending JUcthodlst, told the laymen he favored building the insti tution up to the standard of England's Oxford. The report was rendered by Hishop Warren A. Candler, chancellor of the university. New Illlllnril lte"oiil. CHICAGO, Aug. 82. In a thrce cusiiion billiard game against Frank White tonight, August Kieckhofcr, who plays left-handed, scored a run o 19, said by authorities here to be 1h highest In the history of the game. Craml Army Chooses, Portland. ItOHTON, Aug. 22. Portland. Ore., was chosen as the 11 8- en campment city by the Grand Army of the Republic at the business session of the fifty-first annual encampment here late today. ne Might Frol Itodl. Mrs. Flulbush .See how that holds up Its bead? Mrs. Hensonhurst Don't speak so loud; It will 'hear you- It doesic know you ar boycotting Its product. Light Breakfasts Thoughtful people these days are urging economy in eating, and many are even advocating "no break fast"' The "no breakfasts plan may agree with some, but most people feel better and work better on at least a light breakfast. A great many have found that a liberal dish of Grape-Nuts, served with cream, milk, or fruit juice furnishes ample morning nourishment, is easily di gested and promotes buoyancy and clearness of mind. - Grapeuts ; contains all the nourishing goodness of wheat and barley, including the vital mineral Baits of the grain, and is a 'most delicious food. it There's a Reason" I i ' I hi '