Newspaper Page Text
G THE TULSA DAILY WORLD OFFICIAL ASH tOT-NTT PAI'F.K Futiiiitrd t o . tp.ibiiihiiii ;'"!" -f . j f t x N V iUt''S M.Vi"f F O I Uts .' B'ii i'" """ H RRT V ;a..M''s'. ,n! MI, bTi. fcr,..l ,. h.r..ed .... Meit.r .. j :a . .... " Hy Msu uei ' r.MV AM. s XI. AV. '.e i.r -i"! ' fc't.s .'.ay' 'i ..N i.V."''.. yVr' . DA.i.V au r,l'M)A Br r.rr,,r n T u 1 0 -" P" JIL lhXCl.AllON. Toi.i Hi: r.rrui.tioa..! 5.1V""54 Ji'd.i''rl .-cai.'-'ioo "f;' d. i 'i iai i . Th'. T: wfrLnri''"." duVVI-."- en on. a, u' .t.iu..ij -- ei'fn'-fon ii'i'M I" D.i kr,fit.iif .n.l b.l '( il K. Il.. m.n.r-r S..l...-nl.l Y,n t.. h-for me 31.1 ! t ln:y. Wiliia W lutimi.r.. Nut.ry I'at. """ lfy roiti.i'.k.on et;.ir- .'ar. 17. l'MO 'mkmbf.r or mr. AifciAiK.t i kks lh a"uiM lri. tt (."" 'n; tlt.M to th. u. l"f r.aut.iK.t'on uf ai ttmt to it or fi'.t olt.rwi'. r-dne In ihii i..r ind a!. t loeai ' V"" li.h.d All r;Mi al r.(.ui.ii .'. on i p.riai d..p!rh'. r. ..o rr. l'.'l- Phones : All Departments. 6000 Kave the waste. - Flven tho beauty la only skin deep It Is deep enouKh to serve Its .) We were positive It would happen. William Allen White Is join to write a series of articles from Kurope. I'erhaps the reason a woman does so much talking Is because she is ashamed of her husband's Krarnmar. . It Is obvious that "ask and ye shall receive" dues not apply to exemp tions. A New York Judk-e has held that lips ure wuaTes. CJulte true. Waes of folly. 1 When the petitions for army camps are circulated there will be hut few ealoon keepers names attached. 1 Two Kmporla (Kan.) husbands are ulnjf for divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty. I'erhaps, nfter all, the women should wear pants. . It Is an we feared. Ilefore the Kansas f'lty street car strike could be ! settled It began to rain. And It in stilt raining. 1 We understand an unusual number of bad eggs nie being found More than likely tho hens have Joined the I. w. w. flermany's favorite Sunday pastime has not been affected by any blue sky laws. Several women and children killed In Kngland last Sunday. It Is strange that neutrals taking out their f : r--1 natur.iliz ltion papers make such strenuous objections to be ing drafed. They do not object to the privilege of the vote. A tracer has been set out seeking the ol.l-f iili,,ne,l man who used to conui home before supper and stay there till nfter breakfast. We never knew he existed. Sherman was right. So far as we have been able to determine, the pres ent war will bring about a Khort.ige of doctors without affecting the vis ible supply of lawyers. Should the powers Insist that mar ried men without children be not ex empted the more or low popular cry. "I'm going Lick home to mother'' will oime the proportions of an absolute scream. The Idlvi'lual who started the move to supply the armies with running trunks and spiked shoes Is apparently tu t a supporter of the conservation program. Tims far th" Itusslans have won every race without them. There are some women who can kick the clutch out and rock the ...... .11 - i .. . 1 " """-" "" a" a general run', w nen mere is a cin-lle and a clutch In the same household the cradle suffers for lick of atten tion. A group of Oklahoma citizens has demanded Senator (lore's resignation. lt'1,11.. ..a 1. ...l..t ....l. 1'u, we ic:ir mere is notning more foreign to resigning. the senator's thots than A Kansas editor slates that even tho oldest Inhabitant Is unable to re call an August like the present one. And wo are unable to recall when Kan sas hasn't had Just such an August as Is now In progress. The action of the IVilhis News In asking how it would do to elect a business man to the governor's chair next time' bads us to believe that election time Is drawing near or that 1 the grand Jury has no hopes of In dicting and suhsi'uuently removing tho Incumbent one, Mr. Ferguson. 1 It might bo n good plan for the Joyriders to curtail their riding, hoarding tho money thus saved for tho purchase of a Liberty bond when the government puts on Its next sale of those documents that ore to bear 4 per cent Interest. 1 The Springfield (Mo.) Republican peaks of "reclaiming the boys of tho neighborhood as the savior of your country by bringing a big fat S5 cent watermelon home." Tho plan might be plausible If it was possible. There is no such thing as a "nice fat 25 cent watermelon." Those kind cost six bita TlNlVfJ AM) I'lUDMMl. A r,',n-, n man has Just discovered that children leave school because h' y d'J,it like ''n""1- lf Wa " to profession as a son of God who does ',:' "'J 'f l'18 Investigations he pot ,.lk8 palnl t0 do jutice to his hM "' Iy '"",r'1'"1 " "arthlr. .n .,,ir.h Uberncle. as well as provide H truth ht " I" for a habitation In the world to come. ""',,J h'lV" T.un.-l.ite. ha ! he fen A, ,n kll processes of reformation, the question. What Is of f,r;tne important thir.s is to begin at gr.i? - r lmr. la to fit.-! some 'ay ! ,on,. The Meal Chr.stian must labor to apply the remedy. The Interests f(jf a pgre heart, a clean mind and a f ei.ry young person, whether he , , without reproach as far as It Is . ..... ,., .., ,, r ,, , h:, . , . . .... ... "' " ''"'t e!r"rt" ',f educators Hhould be at ,h"lr r"rr'marw1 ""r- h"'lM t. ,i.vl.-e.j to make e ti'.i.s plea- .M ..l BKre,able between teacher ar.d pupil. J'erhupa we have already ,.ttjnfr their human faculties. The gone too far in the way of cheapening j,,, teaches the opposite, tho It also (!ucatlon In the eff 'ft to maK it ..(.hes that the spirit must be m more acceptable to the. young, but riltme anj the material take a second that method has not in any wa t,ac. We would not think of turning hei-ked the youthful tendency to'a building that was too shackly for avoid the process of learning thlnfs. f,iny other purpose into a church. We V e have an Idea that the chief wou j have too much respect tr the reason f .r .-ho.,lt,y d.-liii'iuency is ,nr.hln to nermit even the preparation for anything. It Is d ffl culi t.i R.t even grownups to patiently and Pdseverlnrly take tne proteases of preparation that make them acie : (JodIy whj,e ou(. body tht f.r sreat accomplishments. T n 6,.ry of filth and decay. We are greatest dread of the military recruit. ; re()OI,iUe for kplnK the temple of a evidenced by the recent draft. ujIh( Hij)y Spirlt cieanlled and worthy, r.ot an aversion to the perils and: . Uf Rm n 0(jr powfr eM we are hardships of actual warfare, but t,n hypocritical In expecting the source knowledge that a b'Pg and arduous course of training was necessary w fore they would be competent soldiers. Most any of them were willing ana glad to gn and fight for the country, but they would rather have been inidy-made soldiers and plunged . oulckly Into activities. The craving of the Amer'can mind Is to see re sults. Hard labor la not a drawback If they can only see where there will be eomthing speedily accomplished. It Is a characteristic national Impa tience. We have an Idea the same principle affe.ta the boys. Some of them find Intereat In pursuing the acquisition "f knowledge; pracucaiiy all of tbeni are anxious to become qualified to become Intelligent and competent citizens; but there nre few of them who do not chafe at the lone; process of preparation and sometimes: git Into u frame of mind where th" game does not seem worth the candle. Another reason why wo have n' t system of education that will Inter' si the young people anil keep inein satisfied In the school room Is became we overlook the fart that ev. rv pupil 1 ih an Imlivi.iuality witn tuncrem j mt the echo or our uuty u our ta-tea and iliffeieiit iitnbitioiiH f i ""i f,.ow tnan as viewed by the power th' s,. i.f any other Individual. 'I to r- that created all of us. It Is a religious Is nothing I'l our educational systcin ' ,,Vi then, to keep yourself physically that looks towaid fittting the t-t idy !im In,. , tally clean as much as It Is to to the wants and capabilities of t he ! t,.,.r rl. ar of moral filth, and it is Individual pupil So. In a class o. volr rt,y nvo to help the struggling fifty, for instance, while we may up- ..-.nkling to nttaln the same end. proximate interest for 2 pupil". 'heThcre Is a physical righteousness, as other eight find themselves compelled well as moral rectitude. to le bored from day to day with 1 something they have no heart for. AMMI S Ol' l'Ol CO.NTKOI.. W hat the rem. dy Is xve cannot nay. We are tod enough of a psw-hobiglut Thone who nre bewailing the resort to apply the cur-, even if xve do point of America to Prussian methods In out the complaint Most ev- iyone of the matter of food conservation and h can recall enough of his scnoo price control nre laboring under a I ivs to subscribe to the truth of w hai , misunderstanding of Its alms. True we sav. Hut one tnlng Is sure. imy. enough, there will be mistakes made, and gills will never be zealo,, and some will suffer Injustice, as Is dates for schooling until some pains the case with every law for the good are taken to enthrall their Interest In of the masses, but such things are for Ihe ac.ulrement of knowledge. Kvcrv- I'lKn to the Intent of the law In this one of them . an absorb more Inform. : " lnt.-n.Ie.I that It shall ,,,nv,.yed to then, In disguise , v-H hardship on anybody who ,s con f s.orv-l.ook or a moving picture scen.lously trying to do his part In than thev con from weeks of "'"1'ing If lt hrt" ",hcr . i .. . . . i.n.i ii ill ! li vpri; ninn over textbonkH. ttn lr k ownup pi ogi'intors like t Hit their learning ...a ri, ...i.w-inal or tne . t..r .o,.r ,l,:,n! the Utile tots. Wo ure all capable of doing deal of useful work we can only le deceived Into bill' lin; that we are d"ing It for nmuse mi tit. I'lhsit b III TII I ll Righteousness Is not ulone a moral tr spiritual affair, but Involves also I the physical and material. No mat- i It how pious a man may be, he la not lug his full duty to Cod unless he 'cares properlv for tho body which .. rront.,r has given him. The hu- j man body Is the temporary abode of a never-dying soul, and If the Holy Spirit Is to enter In and possess that i il to Its eternal good, there must be a clean body for Its dwelling. Not ,... I.A L'..lrll M ill toiuw 111' tlin nil. ' ' ' ' .'lean. lie IH jusi lis liiimous lor lliem, ,or more so, than for the cleaner ones, but when he enters In there must be a cleansing that Involves not only the r Abe Martin i. Th' war hns Inught us two things lhat women lire cipuil t' anv euicrgen cv mi' parsnips havo a food value Next I' an Indigent optlmU th' worst thing in a rich grumbler. .yis TULSA DAILY motives and thot habits of the indl- 'vidual, but a reformation which re- ., th physical man. In other WCjrijSi that man Is unworthy of his 10 uiveri w.o - l(.nt an,j rTactice fro 'cUmln Men of ol I thnk they could dra lntal Cod by pers. from tneir rormer ild time used to draw nearer to a seeutlr.g and be- nppearance of giving him what was ctherwise useless. He Is worthy or the beat. Neither should we expect . . , . h, ,ioiratIon8 of clean thou and pure motives to dwell therein. Hut there are others besides our selves to be considered. It Is a part of our duty to see to the cleansing of others and encourage them In all things, both material and spiritual, than tend to righteousness All we can do to lessen sickness and suffer ing of the body, as well as the soul. Is so much gained for the Master's kingdom. Not only Is It a moral duty, but It Is good business policy. From material standpoint It pays. F.very helpless or dissipated person Is an economic loss to the community and to the race. The prolonging of life, 'in lessening of slckners and suffering md the Inducements to live a cleaner 'ife are all moves powerful In con servation of human energy, as well as ring tho economic loss after a time of caring for those who cannot care for themselves. Every person whom we rulse from a dependent to a t lfupporting citizen Is that much ed to the race. The reward, therefore, to him who gives a cup of water In the name of divinity Is I" "i" ' ' , a . 1 ii n vl f I i A lliut n lltflA ' ""i'l1""'" ". j... - i" in" . e ' " - heavily upon any one It " simpiy me .ii.iun oi vo... ... ... (f the Whole nation lanoring co-operai-t. Ively t" one end, and that end the 'elimination of xvaste and gluttony ami I the restraint of predatory selfishness. If every man will do his part In thl'i. there wiU be no need of Mr. j Hoover Invoking the extraordinary 'powers conferred upon him. The dun j;er lies In the few who will Rtill try to get by with their old-time schemes of plunder and self -gratification. Every glutton, every waster and every man who seeks to mulct his mluhbor for more than value re ceived Is an enemy of the I'nlted v.,i.i. Ii.ut n h i.oi.'li fin th.i 111 isirn Ided ' ' " " ', . ... P'lCII WHO lOOK lll lllllin l.i ivo- u ription. There has heretofore been tut law to reach such offenders, but ii ll.,.,i.,.i- li'in llin eloli In lits hands 'low. He does not propose to Ho does not propose to use that weapon unless milder means fail, but if the law Is Invoked, and If some of us suffer unjustly by It, It will be the fault of those who refuso to do the right thing without compulsion. It Is given out flat that the condi tions brought about by the war nre not to be converted Into means of gouging extraordinary profits out of either the government or the people of the country. Whether Mr. Hoover will succeed equitably In administer ing this principle or sot, we know full ivell that xve had better endure nllt his mistakes and the oppressiveness f the law rather than go on In the ruinous free-for-all that Is now Im poverishing every wage-earner and I thirled man In the land. The medi cine may be bitter, but lt Is preferable (to the disease. 1 Afler a man has been married sex eral years he has but one way to ap penr a hero In the eyes of his wife. And unless he can make much money he hasn't ftny. 1 . VIjm Totttntlo. "What are you broking for In the dictionary, Tommle?" askeil the par slmnnloua aunt, finding her little uephew In her house. "I'm looking; for pie, auntie," re plied the boy. "Looking for pie In the dictionary, TommleT" fc "Ves'm: somebody told me lt wh the only place In your house It ver tould be found." WORLD, SUNDAY, AUGUST 26, 1917 America at War. It It Kit As Arry W Must Ship aad Train (ar Wr; It Is a S.U.o. Wooljow WUwo. New and pressing problems have confronted thoae who are responsible j fur the commerce of the country. Eu ropean experience at the outset of the' war Illustrated the absolute necessity for keeping- the country's railroad . service In a conJ.tlon as near to thatj of normal times as wa possible, j Thanks to this lesson and the realiza-; lion of Its supreme Importance, the. railroads have been able to a lart,e extent to meet unusual problems of transportation and to avoid .-riou4, blockades, line thir.s above ali others i moat continue to be borne in mind ' bv those men engaged In railroading stay at your until you are definitely Instructed to enter other, kilied railroad men will form one' of the first units to be sent to France. and the American engineering dm- mission is now in Russia. The operat ing eff:clency of the railroads must be maintained for a successful mobillza-i tion. but there will have to be a thoro,arn economizing on rolling rtock. While pa'senger service Itself should be kept commensurate with the needs of the traveling public, some of the luxuries' of travel, such as parlor, chair, obser- vatlon. fln.l nnr-inir cars. etc.. Willi have to be cut down. AM special ex cursion trains, local accommodation trains poorly patronized, may have to be reduced for the duration of the war. The authorities controlling iransporiai.on tiave an imponanij n h hanJ we beievo function to perform In fixing the,,.. u;, i v.. rmittd tn denw the priority of freight. War Industries must have the fust call on cars for hlpment and for transporting raw material. Industry will feel the pres sure of war here as scarcely anywhere else, and much criticism and many hardships are bound to occur. With limited rolling stock, "business as usual" In all branches Is scarcely possible. The railroads of the United States, as part of their effort under the di rection of the railroads war board to make available a maximum of trans portation energy for the movement of freight necessary for the successful conduct of the war, report the elimi nation of pasenger trains aggregating 16.267.02S miles of train service pet year. This Is done by the railroads to save man power, fuel, and motive power, that they may be applied to the tran portaiion of necepsities. Every ton of coal, every locomotive, every mile of track space, every man whose duties are absorbed by an un necessary passenger train can bo put to effective use in freight service, and nothing Is more neces-ary at the mo ment to Insure the safety and proK peuty of the country than that tho lailroad. be ublo to handle the utmost possible amount nf freight. The rail roads gave in April some 13 per cent more freight service, with practically tho same facilities, as In the same month last year. The elimination of passenger serv ice already reported will make avail able for other purposes over 1.120,000 tons of coal. ) COTTDU-CTEDJZY CI FORGET HIM. Poar Mi flli'nii: I think your Heart Halm roluuiu is vory nire. I ri-ad it every wi'ik and I would ajnieciato aouie advice frutii yuu. I am a young girl of ltf and am in lnvA wiih a your; man of lha ami aice. Sometime n'o he Hk el mp to marry him, bat wlirn my par!a.i Icariie.l of it he .put couiin to her me. Now he trie, to ko with two of my girl chumi. lo you think he doe. thit to make ma jeAlnu.f Should I Ignore all fruRxipf io you think I ihould try to win toa love, or mint I try to forget hiuil l'er-pli-x.d. I certainly would try to forget blra, and furthermore, I would let him ea that his aocicty was not neceaiary to my happinesa. Your Indifference may ba what ha need a. And now, my dear, for the next two or three yeara at leaat, I would mike myself Dippy with my school and social work, and gite senti ment a rent. Enjoy your freedom aa a young girl, whle you may, and there will ba pleuty of tune later to think of marriage and the responsibilities that come with a home. Thank you for the compliments. I appreciate them. HAVE CONFIDENCE. Pear Miaa Ulenn: I am a girl of 18 and I am In love with a boy of 20. lie faya he loves me, but he haft Rone to another town, and 1 have heard that he wna goin with another girl. I would appreciate your ailvi.'e a to whether I should tptit keeping com puny with him. Urown Kyes. You are both young, and unless th young man Is engaged to marry you, you mart not expect him to give up all other friends.. If ha la In another town, I ieo no harm In his occasionally going with another girl. It does not necessarily prove that he does not still care for you. If you loe aim, you wlU have confidence la a.m. DON'T BE .FOOLISH. Pear Rn fllenn: We are two girls of 15 We are in leva with two boya of 17 and Is They have often asked in to marry them, but we think they are fooling us. They asked ua to kisa them, but we refused. Our par ents do not object t oour friends. We want to know them better tlinn wo do before mar rying them. We want your advice. blue tlyes. Bine Eyes: My dears, pleas don't b foolish. Do not mistake this foolish sentiment which you are experiencing for true lor. Trn lova and marriage ar entirely too serious nd sacred to b "fooling" about, and the young men will respect you much more lf you do not let them talk to you lightly of such things, and let them know very clearly that, for th present at least, you consider then only as friends. th? DOUBT. Dear Miss Glenn: I am a girl ef 18 and am In love with a young man of 19. He has asked me to kiss him several times, but I always refuse. He said that he was going to Join th army. Would It be right for nie to klia him I Please answer thla tor me, aa I a in anxious to know. Doubtful. I t will refer yon to "Anxious" In this column. You should certainly not allow this young man, or any other, to whom yon ax not engaged, to kiss you. If your friend dots not car to b Just a friend without asking such privileges, h Is not worthy of your friaadahtp and yon should forget aim. ffiWMffl ' cA crrcs-A.- wrzK- stvtt. cy"iosjtok Here Is another one. Or. In other words, the one we promised to Introduce. We mark It exhibit "'A' and lntro- duce It for the defense. As a means of show-in that what we said al-out manicurists, the toil, Its. the attendant supper and the subsequent automobile ,s Just about right. Tt will also disclose the fact that brother In our Milage has had his i "Sua auenuea lo. It will further show that he thinks he Vnov who wrote the manlcuns. He or arte, as the case may be. FVo nithe strain of the letter we are i ,' V , , .1 More than likely a manicurist Who hasn't entoyed many of these Joyrldes we speak of. allegation that we know somebody named Lavern. Or that we ever let loose of a dia mond ring. After looking over the staff we don't believe any of our collaborators ever gave anybody a diamond ring, either. We base our opinion on the theory that they never had a diamond ring to give away. Not that they wouldn't fall for smiles and caresses and assume a lib eral attitude with their diamonds If they had any. Put they never had any. Onely one man In the office has a diamond. He Is married. And his wife would stomp him to death If he went home without the gem. Put let's read the letter. I'cir 7'mnilc: Yon talk like a xvlio old owl. Still. I non. lor which nn von fell lor. 1 j hope not for 1st vein nnd tier guff. !r voiir diamond ring or ilu tutsiy brute liushaiul who wouldn't give her any jiin-mnncv inil mi'o lief nli't h Is tiMlnv. Ain't l licll what tier poor Imm.Iw will fall for? And then m-vlx-thov are not all oVnr I'file manliairisU who look nt t-e'ir nails. Hotter bite vonr nulls and "ght. Ziiiimlo. Hail blast If you limln't! Af'er th orchestra sobs thru that touching l't'le arrangement "You MaoV Me What T Am Today, T Hope You're Satisfied." we'll proceed. Xoxv. we fierce that boobs xvlll fall fcr some things as bad as tho letter contends. And it's nil Sherman said war was. However, about the husband. We don't kne anything- ahouv htm. Having never been married xvo prohablv couldn't anpreclatn the sit uation If we were acquainted with tho pi rf v. Whoever he Is lt l nnparent ho hns "tore" his pants: with his wife. Tie must have been tight with his money. Tt doesn't take many pins for tne woman with styles as they are. And a man xvho wouldn't turn loose of such an Inconseouential anunnii should be made to suffer. We never had our nails manicured but once. That was the time we drank too much Fevo. Our friends kidded ns so much that we haven't entered a harber shop that Txept a manicurist since. We mow our own nails. AflSOMTIlY! Has Fasted Thirty-three Days. Kent. Ohio Tony Moreta, 32. a merchant has completed the thirty third day of a forty-day fast as a cure for Illness. He drinks a gallon of spring water dally, has dropped from 1K7 to 144 rounds and feels no effect except occasional dizziness. He serves customers fifteen hours a day. The Iceman. Dispenser of human comfort am I, . Ice cream, tea and Bevo on my foot steps wait. Kitchens and pantries I penetrate; Mnny are they who watch for my passing by Small boys rench eagerly for frag ments falling free. Their hot mouths agape, their plead ing eyes on me. Art judge and fashion critic also am I, September Morns a glimpse catch now and then: Also some for August and many for July Transparencies skip nimbly away when I ope the door to bring- my cool cargo in. Full well acquainted with the sil houette. And views that would a common mortal shock, Disregarding glances that my Inat tention mock. Tet go my hurried way with lack of fret To those who state our women are well dressed My refutation would I make most strong. For on their back do their clothes belong, If such a claim may without dissension rest. Just to the good folk! keep their dogs away My worries will be few, I do avow, For my poor shanks are chewed and full scarred now, And, having spoken, on mr rumbling wagon i o my way. LOCAL DRAFT BOARDS HAVE RECEIVED RULES TO BE FOLLOWED IN HANDLING DRAFTED MEN Member of Exemption Bodies Are Clothed With Power Similar to That of Military Officers; Men Must Report Daily; Board and Lodging Will be Provided. From the time specified for reporting to the local board for military duty each man In respect of whom notice to report has been posted or mailed shall be In the military service of the I'nlted States. Mobilization Regulations, Form 31. Po far advanced are the plans of the war department for calling out the first quotas of the several sections n cmin'rv to form the first draft army, that already rules and regula tions governing the mobilisation of these newly selected soldiers have been promulgated and are now being distributed among the board members thruout the country. The orders or regulations place di rectly upon the shoulders of the hoard members, the responsibility of calling the first bodies of the drafted men to gether, caring for them until orders are received to entrain them for mobilization camps and to govern their transportation to such points. Gives lloujil MemlM-rs Tower. A set of these mobilization regula tions have been received by members of the local exemption board, of which Mayor John H. Simmons Is chalrmun, Joe V. Kenton Is secretary and Dr. S. DeZell Ilawley Is examining officer. The regulations empower the hoard members with authority to act as mili tary officers In assembling the drafted men and In placing them In the hands of commanding officers of the several mobilization camps. Section 6 of the new regulations provides that In fixing the time of assembly and ordering the men to re port for military duty, the board mem bers will, upon Instructions from the adjutant general of the state, prepare a list of those selected for service and those whose names appear on this list shall be ordered to report to the local board for military duty of the I'nited States, at an hour to be designated by the board. The entire work of bringing the men of a local draft board's quota before orders falls plainly on the shoulders of the board and those who fall to comply with the orders of the board members will be treated and punished in exactly the same way as soldiers who fall to carry out orders of their military superiors.,- Must Ilo Troifiroil to Co. I'pon orders from the adjutant gen eral's office, the local board shall Issue calls to drafted men in their jurisdiction, stating that he has been called Into the military service of the country, and shall designate In this order that the person so addressed shall hold himself in readiness to re spond to a call to the colors to bo Issued later. The new regulations further provide that upon receipt of notice from the adjutant general of the state to as semble a specific number of selected men at a convenient point, the local board shall determine the hour and place of entrainment, the hour to be between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. and not more than 24 hours or less than 12 hours before the hour of entrainment. V -' ' cot I mill I oilge .Men. In ample time prior to the date upon which selected men are ordered by the local board to report for mil itary duty, the local board Is ordered to make arrangements: with hotels, restaurants and lodging houses in tho X'iclnlty of the offices of the board for the accommodation of the number of selected men who are to be under the orders of the local boanh "During the period preceding tho hour of entrainment and who have not received permission from the local board to spend that time at home." Meals and lodging tickets are to be provided the local board for this pur pose and arrangements with such es tablishments provide for an agreement r i SUN GRINS Ml on rplfjtplisl Pear I In in: AVhy don't you write some moro epitaphs? K. M. J. Answer: Kecently we watched the I ceiling for a solid mouth. One, day jwe smelled something pleasant and .found that it was the violets, growing on the (lolden Shore. Kpltaph stuff Is off. Ills Oversight, "Oh, I could eat you, my sweet bride!" He cried In accents glad And when six months did by them glide, He wished, by Heck, he had! Whaililnya Mean !'.perlin'c? Wanted fllrl weighing about one hundred pounds by carnival compnny. No experience necessary. Ail In Tulsa Democrat Iln Knew, A Sunday school teacher had been lecturing her small pupils on remorse and repentance for wrong-doing ns urged by the conscience. "Now. children," she continued, "what Is It that makes us uneasy and causes us to roll and toss on our beds snd probably shed a few tears? Now, Who can tell me, 1 wonder?" "I know!" shouted Johnny Pmlth. "Chlggers!" P You? There once wns Vf ellow named fhnll. Who was so nhnormnllv fat, He was ns thick thru As tall, now don't vou Think this Is tall lying st that? Might llsxo It.-e-n. Alleged Friend - Aha! And so the honeymoon Is overl Mr. Ncwlywed Your mistake- I tripped and fell downstairs. Our S il ml ay rtwyHu. Out of every one Iholisnnd births eleven are twins, leu v Ing t;i singles. Hnirri Kniffi Madam Your gentleman friend seems so crude. Maid Well, y' see, mum, ha fell Into an oil tank last wick. Why, Kurd Customer Why do ynu esll your plnca of business a shos hoapltnl? Why pervert good llntrlinli that wny? Manager It s nil rlaht, Don't folks bring- their shoes hts la h heeled T calling for redemption of these tickets In cash at the office ol a disbursing officer of the war department. In order that some, who desire to remain at home during this period preceding entrainment, the war de partment has caused to he issued passes which will be given by the local boatd to those who desire to provide themselves with this privilege. Men Must Iteort Daily. Under Section 9 of tho regulations governing mobilization, the men se lected will be advised of the following orders issued by the provost marshal general: 1. That they must report In person at 5:30 p. m. to the local board for retreat roll call. 2. That they aro to report In person to the local board at a specified hour on the day of entrainment, which hour shall be fixed by the local board at leaat 45 minutes before train time plus a sufficient time to reach the rail road station from the office of the local board. 3. That they are now In the military service of the United States and that unpunctuallty and failure to report are grave military offenses In time of war. 4. That after they have been con ducted to the assigned lodging houses they are at liberty until the hour of retreat rollcall at 6:30 p. m.. when they must be present at the office of the local board. Roll Cull. Upon the day preceding the depart ure of the men, the regulations pro vide that members of the local board b"ll be present at retreat roll call at 6:30 p. m. After the roll has been called the men are again to be In structed as to the hour they are to assemble on the next day to march to the train. They also will be Informed of the baggage they will be permitted to carry, which Includes toilet articles and underclothing. Following these Instructions the men will be placed In charge of a member of the party, fitted by experience, age, character and personality to act as leader. The selected men will then be taken back to their lodging houses. Alternates May Go. In order that there may be no de ficiency In the strength of the local board's quota, provisions have been made whereby at least five additional men will bo held in readiness to take the place of those who may desert, o: who may in other manners decrease the net quota. These alternates will be placed ns a part of the original quota in tho ex'ent that any men fail to report for entrainment. At the railroad station the board will present a transportation request to the ticket agent and obtain the necessary number of tickets for the men who actually compose the party. Then, fifteen minutes before train time, the roll will be culled again and, f any absences are reported, an alter nate selected to fill that vacancy. Arrest All PomtUta. i The local board, after investigating the cases of absentees, will report such cases and will make Inquiry concern ing tho whereabouts of any men who have failed to report. If such persons cannot be found, all records will be placed In the hands of the adjutant general, who will continue the investi gation, but In the cases where they are found the police will be called upon to arrest him, and he will be delivered to the nearest military sta tion as a prisoner. I Krom this report or regulation gov erning the mobilization It will be seen that every detail looking toward the (comfort of tho men has been provided for, but that In no event will the strict supervision of those under military or ders be abated, and that at all times the local boa'd members are held re sponsible for the hoard's quota In reaching the mobilization camps. 7y D. R. HAMILTON J Figure) It Yourself. Dear Ham: Vhat the Tom Walker has got the matter with mathematics these days? I made a bet that three discounts of 20 per cent and then 10 per cent on remainder and 6 per cent on second remainder on a bill of goods would ho more than 6 per cent off and then 10 per cent on remainder and 20 per cent on second remainder. Do you think I won or lost? Answer: You lost. Same either way. Funny, ain't It? He dap" - ' It alnt! Where? Holdup Kay, bo, whero Is that wad of cbhIi 1 seo you carrying the other day? Victim Hearch me! liaised Higher Dally. We hear our country's call to raise Food more or else we'll rue It And from the price we hnve to pay Sharks overwork to do It. The flood Hook says: "Illessed ars the pence makers." Hut you can't prove It by the fellow who butts In to nsMist In settling a family row. You enn pick thn guys who ars afraid to squeak nt homo by how hard they bawl the, waiter nt tile kafe. I.ols of folks are absent-minded. Cut there was n mnn who wound the back door by twisting the knob and then tried lo throw the cat thru the kitchen clock. Irfits of old hags watch a man mighty close at his wife's inernl. If be takes on he Is stalling and if not they figure be Is thinking of where to find number two. If ynu hsve It In for some farmer, you enn get even by offering to bet him his kids will all be girls. One wny to conserve food would bs fo rold man Hoover to rommandcr all the new cookbooks. Mr friend from Texas speaks of shucking his coin. What ho really menns Is husking it. It ?nu-t hi. giaiiryli,, t VOUP Joke copied everywhere." "Whrt gratifies me most." said ths profess mini humorist. Is that some-, "'dy willing to buy 'on, in the first )lK', '