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TULSA DAILY WORLD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1917 Terre Haute, Ind., after a week's visit to their daughter and sister, Miss Elsie Knight. TUiPHQHis: ornci eoop I DAILY TIN IT I I A profession in a culling In i I which service ranks above re- I I numeration, demanding' high I preparation and hie long In Its t I service. Doggett. i - 4 A Son. MR. and Mrs. Joseph K. Washlng ton, Jr., of Tulsa who are upend ing the season at Suranac laike, N. y have Kent telegrams to trlcpds an nouncing the birth of a son on Tues day, Augui. 28. House-Wanning. Mr. and Mrs. Churleg Friend, who arc to remove on Saturday to their new home, 139 Hast Josper, Klrk patrlck Heights, will entertain with a house-warming next week. Mrs. Chnrles K. Friend entertained a group of girls with a heart party of attractive, appointments last eve ning to compliment the Misses Fran ces and Helen lllggln of Wichita, who are on a visit to their cousin, Miss Mayme Koehane. There were three tables of guestM playing nnd a vanity bag was awarded to the win ner of hph scoie. A course of ice and cakes was nerved. In the party wero Mrs. M. J. McNully, Jr., taiiwoa JIazel Pagan, Kohu Friend. Marv Mc Nully, Maymo Koehane, Hell McNulty, 21 Stories of Solid Comfort Ollorrisonfotel "Ztf Satrl pf frr&rt mrfrM "Jit ti)f trart of ttft ton?" Pcnonal Management ol Harry C Moir Clark and Madinon Street Chicago iXdlCb. joiille . . fc.Mlo $7.00 Slim Suit. JlO.OOup Terrace Garden Chicago' Wonder Restaurant But Terrace Garden is more than a restaurant. It U a pil larlett ampitheatre, with ter race upon terrace all Incres cent form, leading up from the Ice rink and the stage. Where Food, Service and Entertainment are Supreme Floors that will stand hard usage MARBLE TULSA DECORATING COMPANY A. 1 4 South EXCLUSIVE DEVOE AGENTS TULSA, I I l.S.Ll.t .WUS1I. Girls! Use Lemon Juice! Make t quarter pint of beauty cream for little cost. Clears, lofteni and whitens the skin. Brings out the hidden roses I Lty all means, girls, prepare a lemoii lotion to keep your skin flexible and young looking. You will soon realise that true loveliness does not mean tnv powdery look or waxen colorlessness of some hot-house flower, but Is typi fied by the velvety softness of your skin, your peach-like complexion ana rosy-white hands. - At the cost of a small Jar or or dinary cold cream one can prepare a full quarter pint of the most won derful lemon skin softener and com plexion beautiflor, by squeeslng the Juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard S xtsmtNct: 500 Cecelia Hrown, Klleen Constantly Katherlne McNulty, Anmlle Csnstan tln, Florence Kvans, Helen Deluney, Wanda Sniper, Lillian Kagun, Edna Koo and llalnh Fugan. Young men of the Wesley class of Huston avenue Methodist Sunday school were hosts to I'hilathea girls of the school last evening when they entertained with a watermelon feast at Rand Springs park. The amuse ment features of the park provided the evening's entertainment. Mrs. Claude Tuttle and Mr. C. J. Allen, teachers of the respective classes, were chaperons. Dr. and Mrs. C A. Pavy and Mrs. F. K. Miller of Terre Haute. Ind., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Miller for the past two or three weeks, will leave today on their re turn trip home. Tho party motored to Tulsa accompanied by the Misses Kssle and Kdith Miller, who will re main here. A' ls Genevieve Mlsener, elder daughter of Mr. Fred U. Misener. will Ikivo nhortly for Troy, X. V., where Mie has enrolled In the Kmma Willard school for the year 1917-18. Mis AUM-ner with her younger sister, MIsh Lilian, Is now on n visit to their aunt, Mrs. i A. Lie Witt of Fjist Brady, I'a. Miss Katherlne Y eager left yester day for Colllnsville, where she goes to attend a week end house party with which Miss Harriett Tyrell is enter talnlng. Miss Hope Hammer of Cow eta, who recently visited Mls'j Yeuger, also will be one of the party. Mrs. )fnx Madnnsky and children are home after u two months' ab sence. With Mr. Madansky they spent the month of July in Colorado, since which time they have been visiting airs. Madansky's home-folk In St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Springer and daughter F.lwilda Belle, who have been traveling on the 1'aeific coast for the past two months, are now In the northwest. Their return to Tulsa is not expected until October 1.. Mrs. Charles K. Dent will arrive home this evening from Ilushnell, 111., where she stopped over to visit her .sister, Mrs. Ueorge G. Hayne, return ing fiom a summer's stay in Mackinac Island. Jemie Twlat has returned from a fe-v weeks stay In Colorado. Miss TwiMtg mother, Mrs. A. I). Weldy. and tho younger children, who also have been in Colorado, will come home at Ihe !:ist of tho week. Mrs. F.nrl P. Rerry and baby daughter Yvonne are home from a visit of five weeks with Mrs. Tlcrry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fiass of Oklahoma City. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Ohastain have relumed from a two months' trip to Rrltlah Columbia. Washington and Oregon. , Mrs. Charles . J. Brill and little son Charles will return Satur day frr.m a ten-day's visit to Mrs. Brill's homo-folk In Guthrie. Mrs. Charles T. Knight and M4s Emma Knight have returned home to For floors that are subjected to the constant tread of many feet in hallg, in offices, in school houses and in churches we recommend the per fect floor varnish FLOOR FINISH It is the floor varnish without a fault. Put it cn wood floors and we'll guarantee that it will give them a marble-like surface that resists wear and tear as no other varnish will. It preserves indefinitely the natural beauty of the wood. In clear, dry weather it will dry in 24 hours. To clean floors varnished with' Marble Floor Finish merely apply a little DKVOE Polishing Oil according to simple directions. That's all the "scrubbing" they need. No more soap and water and elbow grease I We knotc Devoe Marble Floor Finish will give you satisfaction. And the guarantee of purity is on every can. - Main OKLA. white. Care should be taken to strain the Juice through a fine cloth so io lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon Juice Is used to bleach and remove such hlem. lanes as freckles, sallowness andTtan, and Is. the Ideal skin softener and beautlfier. Just try Itl Get three ounces oi orchard white at any pharmacy or toilet counter and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lotion and massage it dally into the face, neck, arms, and hands, particularly rough, red hand. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Wadsworth and family have returned to Meridian, Miss., after a several days' visit to tho home of Lr. and Mrs. 1). U. Wade-Worth. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ch.ipln. who have been residents of Muskogee for some time, are making preparations to remove to this city next week. Mr. and Mrs. Matt S. Webster have taken a house at 739 South lienver avenue, where thev will be at home to friends for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Campbell and children are expected to return at the laxt of the week from their summer' outing in Colorado and Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Cox and son Stearnes will return at the last of the week from a two months' trip to Colorado and Wyoming. Miss Stella Hayes of Muskogee, who was tho guest f1T several days of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Morrison, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. VI. It. Hane. 808 South Denton avenue, are entertaining Mrs. H.ine's nephew, Mr. Henry White of I'uwnce, 111. Mr. and Mrs. ("June Adklns of the Hotel Severs are sending a few days In Forr. Worth. Muskogee Times Democrat. Miss Lucille Chastaln and Miss Mabel Young have returned after spending a few weeks' pleasant vaca tion in Colorado. Mr. nnd Mrs. Sum C. Reed and children are home frcm their sum mer's outing near Buffalo, N. Y. Miss Drasheur Coco of West Point. Ky., s here for a visit to Mrs. William H. Walker. Mrs. Uobert J. Hoone Is home after a delightful summer's stay In New Knglnnd, Virginia and Washington. Mrs. J. W. Turner of Muskogee If tlu; guej-t of her niece, Mrs. Carl Kii-hurrts. Mrs. Walter Howard Is confined to her home in the LArton apartments, iiuite 111. Mrs. Bennett Tlontlc of Muskogve haa returned home after a visit to her mother, Mrs. B:aiiy of this city. Miss Lucille Fritz has returned from a vts.t to her sister, Mrs. Ray White of Coweta. Menus for a Pay. (Tulsa Morning World) BRKAKKART Bananas Rolled oats Minced veal on toast Doughnuts Coffee D1NNKR Chicken broth with rice Roast lamb, mint sauce Potatoes Creamed onions Blueberry pudding with stewed blue berries and hard sauce Iced tea SL'PPKR Fish chowder Fruit salad with lettuce Baking powder biscuit Cake with lemon filling Hot tea WAR WORK SECRETARY GETS SURPRISE BEFORE LEAVING J. Wright Given Scud Off; Gxw to Take C'liarge of an Army "V" Hut. Rev. C. W. Kerr, paator Ilrnt Pres byterian church, was pleasantly sur prised when fifty members of the Christian Endeavor society of that church filed into the prayer meeting service Wednesday evening and took part in the service. The occasion of the outburst was the departure of E. J. Wiight, active member of the society, for American Lakes, Wash., where he will have charge of a Y. M. C. A. war hut serv ing six thousand soldiers. Immediately following tho service all those present adjourned to. the basement where watermelon wss served and a purse was given to Mr. Wright ss an expression from the so ciety. The gift wns extended by the president of the socioty, N. A. Thomp son, secretary in tho local Y. M. C. A., and accepted by Mr. Wright In a short speech, explaining his new work. Mr. Wrte-ht left Inst night for Amer ican lakes by way of Sin Antonio and other nxmy mobllixatlon points. FINAL INSTALLMENT OF LIBERTY LOAN IS PAID Krarly $400,000,000 In Iist Payment; Bonds W1U lie Rood to De liver Soon. WASHINGTON, Aug. SO. Nearly MOO, 000, 000 was paid nto the treas ury today In the final Installment of the liberty loan. Aproxlmatoly $1,(16,000,000 already has been paid In, representing principal and Inter est on the liberty bonds. Today's payment comDletes the final transaction with the issue of the bonds ana it is thot likely that the bonds themselves will be ready for distribution within a short time. fw Orlcaua Flyer Wrecked. FATO.V KoTOE, La.. Aug. 30. uuir uoast lines train No. 2, known as the Houston-New Orleans flyer, was wrecked at Lottie, twenty iuiie west of here today. One passenger, a negro woman was killed and con ductor Innls and Rnglneer FInnigan seriously hurt. Four other passengers were more or less seriously Injured. The locomotive and several coaches left the rails. -Railroad officials be lieve the accident was caused by spreading rails. Yotimr MrTmn Wins FYsrlune. WASHINGTON, Aug. SO. The legal contest over the will of the late John B. McLean, Now York million aire newspaper publisher of Washing, ten sad Cincinnati, was ended today when the locr.l courts granted the petition of Edward B. Mclean, his son. that he be appointed one of the executors of tho est'tte. This means that Mr. McLean will receive practically the entire Income from his father's large estate. GO Tt KCTTOOT MONDAY. PAT.ti TKRM BEGINS RKPT. 8 AT TI'I-RA nt'StVKSg CXHAKCJK. 109 K. THIRD STRKHT. I'hono 1420. Adv. CRESCENT S for Girts ass first Bex V CRESCENT COLLEGE, Eureki Spriep, Art. 1 i W! us, comes the thought of home and its requirements. A STEINWAY piano in the home for musicals, for the series of afternoon and week-end parties you are planning and for the more practical purpose of affording the children op portunity for musical instruction is surely not the least of the requirements which goes to make home life enjoyable and worth while. When you purchase a STEINWAY you secure an instrument that has been the standard of excellence in pianos for seventy years. The piano has made the name not the name has made the piano. From the standpoint of intrinsic value the Steinway costs you less than any other instrument. TO STIMULATE POULTRY CONTESTS WITH PRIZES County Superintendent Com pletes Annual Report of Schools. School district 37, Tulsa county, was the only one to make provlHlon for poultry shows under the terms of the law enacted by tho Sixth legisla ture. The district, according to the annual report of Mrs. Mlnnette Hedges, county superintendent, appro, priated 110 for prises to the pupils who make special effort to improve the standards of poultry. Tho annual report of the superin tendent, completed yeeterdny, shows the entire cost of public school edu cation In this county lant year to nave heen $923,598. Total receipts for the year were S 1,4 RC.3 7 S. leaving a bal ance on hand of $532,674. The enrollment In all schools of tne county wan 17,413. The average dully attendance wns 10,893. Sand Hprtngs, with an enrollment of 1.327, wn next to Tulsa In enrollment in independent districts and Jenks led the schools classed as villages with 830. . Twenty-flvo schools made no appro, nrlntlons for libraries, while 14 did. The average length of school term m Independent districts and villages was nine months, while that In rural schools was 8.31 months, an unusually high mark. Olennponl Inst vear was lieted with the Independent districts, but a cheek of tho requisite fur such shows that It. Is classed with the village schools. Glennpool has all the qualifications except that of being an Incorporated town. WASHBURN GIVEN EXEMPTION Granted on Grounds of Dependency; Government Will A pineal. CHIOAaO, Aug. 80 Bryant Wash burn, the motion picture actor, today was exempted from military service by a local board became of depen dency, despite tho fact that Major . M. Chlpperfield, who represented the provost marshal general In Chicago, had advised the board to deny Wash burn's claim. Washburn is married and has a child. He admitted that he was earning $200 a week and had a bank account of $5,000. - The actor's claim has yet to run the gauntlet of scrutiny by the ap peal board. The government. It Is said, will oppose exempting him. Hunting Missing Mall Sack. HILLSDALE, Mich., Aur. SO. Government and railroad detectives axe here today Investigating the mys terious disappearance Qf a sack of mall consigned by a bank In Hillsdale to another bank. It Is understood that the sack contained currency and checks amounting to between 14,000 and $17,000. Konswa Men Waive Trial BEMINOLE, Okla., Aug. 80. Dr. A. H. Yntee and Fred O'Nell. of Kon nwa, charged with the murder of Elsie Stone 18-year-old school teacher of Vamnosa, Seminole county, waived arraignment when brought to the court room of Justice of the Peace M. L. Husco here this morning. Theli preliminary hearing was set for next Tuesday morning. rITH vacation davs. summer tours, j 7 , memory, and the fall season with its STEINWAY UPRIGHTS as Low as STEINWAY GRANDS as Low as STEINWAY PIANOLAS as Low as Sot(syHdsc APPLICATION IS MADE FOR SECOND RECEIVER FOR KATY Speyer Company Declare the Prewcnt Management Too I'csMnilMlle for KiutieM. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 80. Application, for an additional receiver for the Mis souri, Kansas ft Texas railroad was filed In the federal district court here today by Speyer A Co. of New Tfors. Circuit Judge Hook will hear argu ments on the petition iu New York on September 7. The additional receiver la asked on the allegation that Chnrlei E. Schneff, now the sole receiver, is favorable to the reorganization plan of Hallgarten It Co. and Sellgman Co. of New York. Speyer A Co. claims that thl reorganization plan makes too mncii of a curtailment In the fixed charges. The statement also Is made In the I petition that Mr. Schacfr Is Inclined I to take a too pessimistic view ot tne prospects of the road. ! Speyer A Co. filed the petition a holders of $7,000,000 of two-yeai-1 notes and a portion of th general j mortgage bonds and of part of the first refunding 4's. The fixed charges ' and sinking fund charges now autre-, rate $7,000,000 a year. It is stated . that the reorganisation plnn of Hall- I garten Co. and Sellgman A Co. cut I the fixed r ha rites to $3,800,000, while j Speyer A Cn. think they should b cut to $4,500,000. GENERAL ASKS OFFICERS TO TREAT SOLDIERS LIKE MEN DlMlpltin Will Tako Care of Itelf if Iflvales Receive Ptojkt Treatment, TtOCKFOnn, 111., Aug. SO. Gen eral Thomas II. Barry, commandant of Camp Grant, 1n ait address today to two thousand officers wljo train the 8Gth division of the nationul army cautioned them to remember thn "when selected men come to this camp they are Inspired by exactly the same motives which Insplie you." "These men nra humun," ho con tinued. "Give them an gccaslonal word of encouragement and apprecia tion; maintain an attitude ot helpful ness and the neeeswu-y discipline will tnke care of Itself." Disastrous Fires, in rctrognul. PETROGHAD, Aug. 30 Ater the destruction by fire yesterday of an important factory In the Ochta quarter fire started in another great estp.bli."hment. The damage la es timated at several million rubles. It Is suspected that the flrt a were started deliberately. Ptli liOso by Fns. .WlBlllVfiTftM Ai n. catifc Secretaries' McAdoo and Red- ! i .a i , . . . iidiu ciMiiu noi ugrew on wnar powers should be conferred on them by the trading at the enemy act now pending in congress, the measure wn amended today by the senate commerce com mission so that all powers' wonld be ;daced with the president. Y. M. C. A. Amy to RnsKla. CHICAGO. Aug. SO.-'Chtcago !s go. Ing to Join in the move to snvo Russia from anarchy and defeat by rushing a yioup of picked men to that rountry under direction of Ihe Y. M. C. A. to stabilise the morale of the hoata of the new democracy. the lakes and mountains - . attendant social demands almost upon 417 South Main Street PHONES: 3133-6287 A. J. CRIPE, Manager Co. Special Sale One More Week One-room lots of wallpaper, side vralls (J QQ Devoe's Red Barn Paint, Sr gallon OOK Eagle-Collier on Carter 4c Wood Life Shingle Stain (guaranteed I1 1 A by us for 2 years) Plymouth Flat Wall Paint (j2 00 Tulsa Decorating Company Phone 407-6G09 Calomel Today! Sick Tomorrow! I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone Don't take nasty, dangerous calomel when bilious, constipated, headachy. Listen to me I Calomel makes you sick: you lose a day's work. Calomel Is quicksilver and it salivates; calomel injures your liver. If you are bilious, feet lury, slug glsh and all knocked out, If your bowels are constipated and your head aches or stomach is sour. Just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone instead of using sickening, sail Vstlng calomel, Dodson's Uver Tone Is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morning because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working, your headache and dixslness gone, your stomach will be sweet und bowels . regular. You will feel like working. You'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Your druggist or dealer sells you a but a nleasant $550.00 825.00 1250.00 414 South Main 50 cent bottle of Dodson'a Liver Tonu under my pergonal guarantee that It' will clean your sluggish liver better than nasty calomel; it won't make you sick and you can eat anything you want without being salivated. Your druggist guarantees that each spoon ful will start your liver, clean your bowels and straighten you up by morning or you get your money back. Children gladly take Dodson's Liver Tone because it is pleasant tasting iwid doesn't gripe or cramp or maae them sick. I am selling millions of bottles ol Dodson's Liver Tone to people who have found that this pleasant, vege table liver medicine takes the place of dangerous calomel. Buy one bot tle on my sound, reliable guarantee. At, your druggist about me. Adv.