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THE TULSA DAILY WORLD OFFICIAL, GITV AND f OtTNTT PAPER. Published )f World Publishing Co in pa nr. FTi KJiK UiKTON Kclior CI1A8. K. HUNT Haott" F. O. LA USD S' . n.K'r ULKNN t'(I.M()V Mrii" K.'lltur HAKHY E. HUDSON Adrtl.ln Managar lumber of the Audit Uurrau o( Urtulaiioua. Enturfd Bucond Claaa Matter. Si;iimption Hrir.i: "Hy Wail Un'' , fAll Y AM) SUNDAY, on. year a I'AM.Y ONLY m fcCM'AY ONLY, one. ar i W DAILY AND HUNDAS By Carrier 'n Taut 10 mi -JULY ClhCULATIoS. .,.,, Tout daily rircul.UUD 5!?,-V,i Tom! nrt laid f.i 'i? Avera-. daify rhmlalion Aeriife dallv nrt pud 1,1 ! 1, II. K 'Hiiilurk. rirrulaiion manager oi Th. t..i.. ti..i vi .ru duly worn on oath, do ! mnly awar lint ' b"x1 ri'rul il'un ,lutu ml i lru lu It'" .'" v pjy snowledira and belief. H '.. """"" nrcul.iiii.n nianavt-r 8una.ill.rd '" to t.i'for.i me lliia 31t day n( July, fl . Willlj Whiltmoii.. Noury l'ublir- l'" I'y rfimnnhkion eat.irrs June 17. ltflO. ai i ri i.- it tiv 'rnw mmiciA 1 Kl I'KKSM 'ih. Aaanriatrd Press l oaeluaiTalr " tilled to Hi us. for republication or an news credited to II or not othcrio rrtdit.n in Ihia iaier and alio the lo.-al i. l'"n( llslird herein All riflits of rrulllrfnn 0' spi-nal driatrhna herein ara . roa !. i'hones : All Departments, G000 MEN. fc'hal do I know of the world! Oh much J hat never a eollefce P-arlies; 1 ' v i! found koiiih thinaa I'y a ccwiiiiou Uiuru Thai ftfMiim a iiurMin jrearlia. waa rrantmed with fa''ta when J ramu from school And I talked of life's higher plan, Hut I waa an c.liiriilmi fool Jti-ganliitK the wayi of man. wna no belter for beinc trained That many a man unleurned, u tho hreust of Mm whom I tlieu diadained The Maine, auilihloiia burned. And Kold or i.uliaii no difference mado The dullard or toiler fine Loved the llllle onra that about liiiu j.lnyed In the aauiu way I loved nunc. The toiler thot of lua wife aa I, And grieved for hnr icrruwi, trio; Ant I ratue lo know aa the do) went ly T hat Ihe self same rurea he knew. If I aal all infill liy my hsl.y's bed With the jrirat fear haunting me And a heart aa heavy and ro.d ua lead ' ho untutored, au did ho. thot I Buffered morn pain than ho W hen little of men I knew, Hut aa yeara went by I came to aee Mia body rotild suffer, too. If 1 dreamed great thinga for that boy of mm. Tho never a rhanea he'd had The dreaina ho treasured wein junt aa fine fur nia innoeeiit llttlu lad. There wero thlnga I knew that ho didn't kn"w. I rojid do what he eotildn't do, But out in the world I had to ko 'Jo Uara what la k -lt fiom view. Ttat itdrr tr.e km a lu re the hart abidea Ai4 t'k cl the noinn and faue Xtit ire rat and a'rliue ai-l tho wurldl !' V a tt noiej ! j a eemmen aim. MXiAH A. GL'EST. Iloi'verl'.'! I- The fiir-renchliiK lllndenburK lino Ih reaching no farther eaat 1 A MIks Cook nnl a Mr. Bacon were married in Milwaukee recently. No ihiubt she will iih time flown on. . It appeaiH ns tho Texas, an a whole, Ihih ,:ono In Ktroiit; for Jloovci'H "cannlntj" club. . 1 Austria, no doubt, him formed the opinion that Italy hits not been ap Jirlwd of any peace movement. I An Oklahoma citizen announces that any time Oklahoma tires of Sen ator (Jure, Texaa will take him, (Jang way, Texas; make room for ono, . 1 We le.trn that food Is tho only topic of conversation In Clcrinany. hat! Nut u, word of praise for lAdlctto or (lore? 1 The Kansns st.ite council cf de fenae Ih urjiinK the farmerH of that cotnomnwealth to "plar.t" more wheat. Flirt thlntr we know Kans.iH will begin wwlr.fc- xpud. . 1 We axe n"t nurprlKed that Chancel lor MIcbaeliH' attitude as to peace Is In doubt. We Kuriiilsc that Wilhelm hasn't told him what he thinks of the proposal. 1 It Ih obvious that Core's politic: linve Iouk been misconstrued. For a miiiiler of years people have been laboring; under the impression that lie wiih n lX'tnoerat, when an a mat ter of fact he Ih a pacifist. . 1 A ZnneHVllle (Ohio) Iwiper, relatlnR police court activities nays: "Seven drunkH and three IntoxIranlH were fined." Now, we'd like to learn the difference between a drunk und nn "Intoxicant", ) "Uarvm'a Oritty C.ravs Oct Olcish mnn'H Goat, Cirabblnif Oruelllni? Ciiune," read n headline In a ncwe paper printed at 1'eculiar, Mo. A li.lyht be suspected, the headline was above a story of a baseball same. Columbia, Mo., conies forth with the announcement that a iioki'o found a thicken in the road with its feet tied together and thnt the neBro took the chicken to the police station. It Ih obvious that a Chicago reporter baa reached Columbia. 1 Oklahoma vacationists hlllnR tiway tho summer In Colorado held nn iniliKiuitlon meeting recently. As a result another resolution was ar ranged demanding; that Senator (lore resign. Somehow or other we are led to believe somebody wants Gore to retire. "Vernon Pay, who recently was frhen a commission of second l'.eu tennnt of field artillery, lias declined his commlssloa and is again In An thony, where lie has resumed Ills duties ns county attorney. - -Harper Sentinel. We lire at loss to under- ntiuid how ho resigned his position fo easily. l'ciiinps ho emulated the Illinois poison who wrote tho exemp tion board statin? he had received tho notice to appear for examination, lut after mature thot had decided he did not care lo become Identified Uh tho army at Uiut time. Tin-; roi'i; is .vvnwijuji). It Ih not miffirli'iit to asiy thut the ! 1'rcniilint'H aiiMwer to the pope'a pi-fir-o jiroiiiiNul In on oxnllent docu tnent It Ih moie tfuin thut It do-f-rvf-n tho word Bilcndld. No more fon II Ic, cmirtKoiiH and yet easily un (hrHlooil pronounrement couhl be In.mrlm'd. At the mune time It bLUhh In ! In In wurcU the American attitude, the dt lfriiilniitlon that waai born after lonir dellliCTtttloji and after uffprliiK uniiiimliered iTidlKiiltleai without re NcnttiK'nt. Not only Ih It a good American Btatement, but our tan lo no better thun to framn their ejillcH after tho winie faNhlnii, and ihno Ih ivry rcaiton to U-llevo lhat they v.ill do bo. To make a Iouk slory Hhort, 1'reHiednt Wll.son h;ut pollen bnivdy and well for the "hole clvlIi.- wdihl and If there Is any more effort to nxltnto pence it will have to he on the linen he him l.iid down. The keynote of Mr. Wilwm'H rejec tion of the pupal note Ih the plain statement that neither tho Tutted MattH nor any other humane country can any more accept at ItH face value aiiy promlm-H or protetjtionH of the (ermiin Kovernment. They have broken too many promisca and dm rarded too many "m rapH of paper" for any insurance they may . () fit to make or have any credence with any other nation. Nobody believes they h"e any conception of nmralH other than what concerim the advancement of (Jerman plans and ideas. Any pro powil of peace, therefore, or any airreemeiit looking toward a mttle luont of tho war, in order to K' t wii ouh attention from tho world outxlde of flermany, miiHt oriKliiiito and be Indorsed by xome power not con trolled by the preeent rulei'H of Uer mnny. Wo triiHt tho pope will be enabled to ice the force of Mr. WIIhoii'h ariru. merit und the Juntice of Aineiica'K po.-itlon. He wih rltcht In looking to tills country nn the bent hope of those who lonned for the end of bloodshed, but he w.-im wronir in thinklnif we would trust for a moment the power which h(i no often broken faith with uh and lias made Teutonic f.ilth and sincerity a byword nmonK the na tloim. A sri: ki,i:i i'i:Ksi-i:'n i:. The man who Is trying to keep up with the developments of, the war In Kurope Is apt to develop a crick In his neck. You have to look so many different ways and there Is little or no ro-onllnatlon In tho prospect. There Is no reason to doubt that i!er tnatiy's position Ih dally fretting; nearer the untcnablo point, but vet the day of decision seems very far away. Those carclcsa street-corner strategists who would have the 'vvar endeil in mx monlhs or a ye;r are talking to hear their own voices. They tlo not believe their own words. Vil lous some unexpected or spectacular development should project Itself upon the Kcene of action, there Is every reason to believe the war will continue for two or three years yet. Crmany will only talk pence on two conditions one that she hold the handle of the Jug, and the other that she be thoroly and decisively licked. The first part we are not going to permit. And the last part Is a man's Sl.O loo. ItiiHsia Is Ktlll provokingly Incor rigible. Sooner or later we expect her to be heard from In massive tones, but tho wait is long; and dnary. Argentina hns withdrawn herself from tho Fan-American en tente by accepting the apology and promises of (lermany. She may get fotdel as badly over those tiorman promises aa has been her I'nelo Sam. Hut her relapse Into neutrality spoils the concert of the western hemi sphere against tho relic of the dark .mcs. The llritish and French on tho western front ate slowly but surely eating away the ground from under the German army, and there Is noth ing to complain of here. Hut Italy furnishes tho btighest spot In the wholo perspective, for her recent ad vances upon Trieste are calculated to give the Austro-llungarian anomaly a cold chill and to make her wish she could pull loose from the kaiser's Klip while the pulling is good. As the ono power which, tho In spired and guided by the Influence of liitiln. actually bngan this world war, there will be row to mourn If she falls an easy prey to her ene mies now while the kaiser has his hands full In taking; care of himself. There la only one nation that de serves more contempt at the hands of an indlgiuint world, and that U Turkey, and we hope her days axe few. 1 Chief of police at Wichita hns ruled that no man no matter from what walk of life he saunters Is to bo released from the city JiUl until he 1 entirely sober. Ilesldes seri ously Interfering with the popular pastime of hecomljig "stewed", this announcement would tend to prove that Wichita Is not exactly "bone iry". . , IJvnngellst ltulgln's press agent In the columns of the Fonva City lemo crat eiys of the doctor: "In nmny respectet ho xurptuws Mr. Rryan ns a speaker." There Is a press agent that is innklmr wondorful strides. Wo are In a position to qualify as an expert In the premises by vlrtuo of the fact that wo hoard the doctor speak on two or three occasions. 1 Fnclo Sam loves a cheerful war tux payer. TULSA DAILY Rippling Rhymes I (By WALT MASON) f Tha Fat Fatriot. I ellmb a mountain ten miiea high, thrn tlmea a day I do It ; and when I'a weighed niyielf, I aigh, "X o no heft, beabrvw itl" I hotiod lo make myaeif ao thin, mnrh exerriae aaalnllng, the corporal would let me in, when I attempt rnliallng. I ply tha d'imbbella and the eluha.'arid live on frugal n.tion, with nthor pa'riolie duha who wiah to aavo the nation. 1 a.-e the thin man going by. and envy hltn hia figure; "A ihpe)y gent like that." I algh, "ran awat th. foo with vigor Ho tun t loaded down with fat. and lie can climb a (iurma.l, and dent hla head or break a alnt, ami leave him dead or t'luinntn'.'1 I hail the thin man and 1 ak If he la not delighted that be'a In ilupe for gory tank, for cliaain( Hum affrighted. ''I'm on my way,' he makea reply, "to file exemption JHipera; I've no deaire to bleed and die, or cut up martial eapera. The hero'a wrefith I do not court, 1 would not ay by dor.:ria; heiodra, 1 am the ftole aupport of 1H hedfaal couMiia." It aeeiua the irony of fate that men who yearn for battle, barred out brniuae of iiirplua weight, oioat atay and feel the cattle; while men who have the proper ehape are fixing up a ttory that may afctut theiu to eacape the path that leada to gl'iry. ii'pyriglit 1917 by (irorge Matthew AUann) - I City Xeu-8 in Brief SKI) WIIL.H hai returned from a few Werka' varation apent in I'uiutado. (' K. MLI.ON i In Wnakoree on buainrai today. K. It HARRIS of The World leavea today for a two weeka' va'-atiun in Colorado. THOMAS filU'RKASK l back from a turn mer tuning trip spent In Idaho. I W. E IMJVY.N'INU returned yeaterday from Kanaaa (ity. I- C H KKNSTKHMACIIKIt returned yemer day from a two daya' busineha trip tu Mua koa'ee. I MISS A I. HACK ISI.VKIIOO, alenngrapher at the Y. M . I'. A , rt-tiirna loduy atlrr a holiday tjient in Kuntna City, Mo I IHiRV TO MK AND Mra J W Tidwell of 21(J North I-iMuod avenue, .Monday, Auguat 2 7, a auii. I - MISS MARY AMil.HSOV ef the county anAeftiior 'a office li ft luM night for a short lo rclalivet at rnwhunka. I - (iKOItdK STA1II, of Toledo. Ohio, ia the goeet of lua brother. W V. Mahl. Mr. Mlahl rauie her to a cooipany hia brother ou a motor Irip to Colorado. KMM C. Kl.DKK filed suit in the superior court veMerilay hgaintt Arthur V. Kmcraon for f.'l.-lo, for alleged failure to complete a ileal Involving the aale of real eittale to the plaintiff. Alii.K'ATIOX FOR I'KRVISSIOS to dis solve Ihe t'arler Mrl'oy company was filed yinterdav in Ihe ilihtrn't court. The petition atalea thut the company baa satisfied a. I cliinni aguinst it K L. FAIltllASKS and dangUers, Mia-vea Mrtle, Mamie and Thelma. returned today from a two montht' stay in Colorado Sirin. Mra. Fairbanks will remain at thw inoutiUin resort fur two or time weeks longer Mil AND M KS ti. K HtfNXKTT. with llii-ir noil tifi iUuichtr FrM. and Marion, re nin, toUy from Hot .Sulphur spring, Col., wli rr tfit-y liuvi! luruuier mge in Ui ' 'iiiuuiitMiii trout rt'Kinn." A T MIM-KK, who wa injured AuR..f 11 whilo lit work mi a Itmidir g under run itrurlion, uiHitTwriil an 0xrat inn MMterda in local hiK-pittal. lit 1 .rotmuritMl out of itaiifffT. .Miller ifi a brother to Mm. MinijelU llrdcs. county aoprrintctiuYnt. MR AVO MRS K S. Wailing and h Kov anil Mm J K. I urt-y Imvo rriurut'tl rem a tlntlj -day vacation (iciit motoriiitf thru Colo I railn J hp party in th rlurn trip fmin Colorailo Sprnifc'i to luUa in two ami a hmf (In'. WOKKMKV WKRK rncajrid yontcrday In r!iiin pot liona of the tutek intrfi lion at Thinl arn Main of the Tiilna Slnit Railway rompany'a linca. Heavy traffic on this in tiTMiTliou hud cut down aoint of tho pave merit on the airifs of the raila, mukii.g a program of repavin n" ui.ry, CARI. I. riKUHO.N, a Kanaaa City manti f turrrf v, ho ha been In Tnlna fur ipvernl wi't-ka nihtallint; thn rafetfim and kitrhen apparatua and the domKtic at'it-nt-fi kitchen at hft htph achool, U area today fur M iiftkn(fo whoru he will inatall a afo fur tha L'nilt-d dairie. JIMKIE M. E. M'NKIM of the, diatrict court, yeaterday refused the application of Norm an I-o1Ir and 0. VI Richanlaon for a reduction of 11,500 bail, fixed by the juatice cf the peace on their hearing. They hare heen held to trial by the disliict court for conjoint robbery. RtTlT 1-R $l,fi.Mi, baed on aMe-red nefilirtiwe of th-j Suppea Ahirht 4k Kuppe Co., waa filed yeaterday by Hertha lrippa in thu dull-let court. The auit grew out of the denth of Lloyd rippa, hntiband of the plain tiff, who waa killed In February at Itixby by be i ii K atrurk by a beam on an oil ritf he wi diiaiiauUiug for the. dtf nndauta. MKMMKRS OK TIIK local exemption hoard were btiaily en-fajfeit etttorday in hearing t-'Rtitininy of aupjHjrtinj; witneiiea in raaea where drafted men are seeking diarharte or exemption from military aervice. Some time ia aln beinf apent In selecting the firat 1A men who are t be sent from '1 ulna to Camp Travia, .San Antonio, Totas. JOHN W(HUARl, aalstant city attorney will 4eave this afternoon for hia well-earned vacation, after a summer of atrenuoua work at the city hail, where he hat rewritte more than a score of city ordinances, aaide from irtHmtintr all b'tial forma fro the several homl itaMuca. lHiiinf hia vacation he will vUit friends and relativua iu Tenucaace and Alabama. TO IMl'ROYR TKAKFIO conditions In the city, and to refit-late congestion in the down town suction of the city and eliminate the reek .patti drivers nf automobiles In the resi dential section, the board of city commie- j nioners yesterday voted unanimously to pur chase aii additional motorcycles for the police department. They will be placed In opera lion as soon as motorcycle officers can be sworn in. Mt'K-llAY SPEAKS AT lliAKKMOHK PrviMUtxlncfis Is Topic of Dlwusslon; No Polities. Hparlal to The World. CIUKMOUK Okla., Aug. SO. Ex-Congressman Wm, II. Murray to night speaking In the open nir here, held a largo crowd of eager listeners while he expatiated on the subject, "Our Foreign lielatlons and t.'ie War." It was clearly a preparedness speech, delivered ably by one of the foremost Americans and statesmen, who had given the subject deep thot, and was not the speech of a poli tician seeking to curry favor with the voters. The address was non-partisan thruout, Mr. Murray having come to Claremore under tho auspices of the Claemore Commercial club. Texns V. Aptaroprtnllon Signed. Al'STlN. Tvxa Aug. 31. Tho uni versity appropriation bill was proved without change by Acting Governor W. 1'. Hobby this afternoon. In announcing hla approval Mr. Hobby expressed confidence that the board of regents will make such re ductions In expenditures as can be mudo without Impairing the efficiency of the university. Slackui Warning, RrpUiutiar 10 the luat half ef 3917 CrMis.tion Tax will bo rullrt'trd thru th rmllca lth penalty aArlvd. If you ara de linquent si'iia Tnr rhrrk at onea to Ficanc and tUvaaina Ihanarlaneai. lilt Hall. WORLD, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1917 J United States' at War. i I It Is Not an Artnr We Must I Mia nmt Train for Man; It Is a I I Nation vWxxIrtrw Wlb.011. I t--. ................. ...... Amliulaiu'n Service. America has already aided the French In the service of the Ameri can ambulance, which has been op eratinff hospitals and field ambu lances Blnre the beKlnmnK of the war. At the present time a large ambulance corps is beingr organized as a part of the national army, and this corps will ko to France for serv ice with the French as soon as its personnel ih enlisted and trained. They will be under the command of General l'ershing; when on French soil. The orfciuilzation of this ambu lance service Is in charge of Col. Jef ferson J I. Kcan. The equipment or this ambulance corps wil consist of 2.000 ambulances, 100 two-ton trucks,, 100 three fourths-ton trucks, 100 light touring cars, and 100 motor cycles. The personnel of each sec tion will consist of 1 serfceant (first class), 1 corporal, 2 ordwlies, 2 clerks, 1 chief mechanic, 2 mechan ics, 1 cook, 1 assistant and 24 motor drivers. Five sections will he placed under a captain, anil 20 section will I be commanded by a major. About half the number will be recruited from college mm. Kc-I duration antl Kcliahilllallon. phase of medical work which litis received ffreat attention from ttie allien is that having to do with the re-education and rehabilitation of men who may be maimed und crip pled In the war. This problem we, I too, must race, lor, whether or not we shall return men from the front lo America except when permanently disabled, we know now that we hhall need in this country many hospitals to care for those chronically incapaci tated and those whose injury robs them of their former usefulness! and who must be re-educated as well as rehabilitated. Medical cure and teachlnK must combine to rebuild some of our returned forces into a useful citizenship, lioctor Aniar, one of the most noted French authori ties, has said, "The tune hits come for organizing; the work of the wounded In such a manner that each man may take his true place in the social machine and contribute ac cording to his ability." At the end of the war we do not want those who have fought and have been perma nently injured to feel that they are merely onlookers In our national life. This work of restoration will be con siderable. The physicians studying j the finest inn have found that of the whole number or crippled men at least SO per cent, and probably more, carl be re-educated or trained to new occupations if their physical defects are given Immediate treatment after they have left the army hospital and Iheir training Is given the proper at tention. From "0 to SO per cent of the wounded returned to Canada havo needed reconstruction wirk. The allied nations have l?en giving much attention during the latter pe riod of the war to find proper occu pations for the blinded anil those who havo lost an arm or a leg. Fur thermore, much study lias been given to the rehabilitation of men ii When in the Market for Oils for any purpose whatever Consult The Texas Company We manufacture a full line of Lubricating Oils of tested quality covering oils for industrial and agricultural machinery. TEXACO STEAM CYLINDER OILS For All Purposes TEXACO MACHINE OIL. TEXACO URSA OIL The Oil for Diesel Engines Lubricates the entire engine, power cyl inders, air compressors and all the bear ings. One Oil for All. TEXACO MOTOR OILS In grades to meet every motor requirement for pleasure car, truck or tractor. TEXACO TEXACO r v " j BUSINESS CARDS ri rS J n Knox Barsolino Stetson FALL HATS The world's Best in hats, both in style and quality is ready for your choosing here. The largest assortment of High grade hats to pick from in the state. $3.50 to $10 v Mad ru. Ht Brothers G Knox Hats Sold whose nerves have beon whiUtered and who have become disheartened from the result of wounda from which thy have recovered. Some of the specific needs In con nection with this work will be the eurly training of medical officers in re.educatlon work, the arrangement for the treatment of the wounded oa early as possible by specialists, the establishment of reconstruction hos pitals In Oils country, as far as pos sible adapting the existing institu tions to the work, and the arrange ment for occupational ana)sin of tho wounded- It Is interesting in this conned ion to note that three recon struction hospitals in this country have already been authorized by the government. FUEL OIL for Industrial and Railroad Purposes TEXACO GASOLINE BURNING OILS for Heat, Light or Power : For prices and particulars, get in touch with our office in Tulsa or tho General Offices of the Company -in Houston, Texas. J The Texas Company Offices in Principal Cities Pistributing Points All Over the Southwest. . . . , .. mm vr.'i-r- are" Exclusively Here PERSHING GOES FROM PARIS Moves Headquarters Near Training Camps; lrovst tJuard Js I'talilishod. PARIS, Aug. 31. The headquarter of Major General Pershing, the Amer ican commander, will bo moved to morrow from I'arls to a point nem the training camps. An order was issued todny estab lishing a provost marshal's office in Paris. Hereafter all officers below the rank of brigadier general will be required when visiting the city to register and state their business rind the probable duration of their stay. Social visits to Paris will not be al lowed unless expressly authorized. i TEXACO CRATER COM POUND For gears, indoors and out; for gears on machines, steam shovels, hoists, compres sorswherever water and pressure are en countered. Especially recommended for use on tractors as it is not affected by weather, water, flying dust or mud. HAtlEIOin Fumlhins tjicliBBtfe New lor Old 14 aMid 16 West necood Hendciiuirtcrg for Kryptok LciiHet New lotatmn. 10 West Ihird. I'lioiie 8173. STANLEY & M'CUNK Funeral Director New tiocatloB 415 South Boulder Phone 1522-1600 C. O. Wluierrlagcr, Nurse iU-gUtcf Ua- W. McCutlougb Mowbray Undertaking Co. PHUNES 12B-8-il Fifth and lioston TCI.SA. OKLA. W. J. GREGG J. L MARTIN Attorneyt-at-Law Rooms U-15-16 lint Nation! Bank Ulilg. TtLfiA. OKJLA. TUE CHILDREN'S DAY NURSERY 717 South Cheyenne PHONE 100 Children Cared for Daring Working or Shopping Hours. Wilson-Mae Taggart & Wilson Furniture Co. Easy Terms Low Prices 110-13 EAST SECOND STKEET PIIONK 1A01. EMPTY PHONES 117-117-875, NICHOLS TKANSFEK STORAGE CO. Iron lockers for household goods. Automatic sprinkler system Just Installed makes fires impossible. We have the largest Moving Vans in the city and can store goods cheaper because we pay no rent. PHONES 117-118-875 3