Newspaper Page Text
If TULSA DAILY WORLD, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1917 WANT APS EnQtES nniidl nnDHiriiinifflMini On cent a woM for ells elaatllscstloB, fsinlmum amoant IS casta, except persaaal and matrimonial, wbiek ara tmo scot istr word; minimum charge IS cents, four tract! la food if you own a phone, xrapt for per aonal, furnllue far tala and position wasted advertising, which t Out of-towa adi J re cash with order. Two ceata par ward or aU ada ordered mlselstslfied. CLOSING HOURS. All aat ada maal be ia World etfle to p, m. a day bafora ad la , Phone 6000 , MALIC II ELI -W A . TED. WANTKU COLLECTOR W hare postion open for a first-class mla,dle agca man to act aa collector for responsible ana wen eatablliihed firm. Must have pleiiaaut per- aouality and good character, lie able to lur nih bond. We do not want a dead oue, but a man who really desirea a good permanent position and kuowa that in order to hold same he must not be afraid to work. Write ua your explication and tell ua your paat record. Do not apply unless you feel you can qualify. Address Box 6206, care World. pO0lTwAltT-T0TlUVET7AT OUR EX PENSE I We want good men and women (or traveling general agenta. Mutt have fair education and good referencea. Will make contract for three montlia, alx montha or year at (alary 822.50 pur week and neceeiary expense. Can aaign moat any territory de eircd. For full particulars addresa George O. Clowa Compuny, Philadelphia, l'a, Dept. 66. HOYS with wheela wanted at Wealero In ion; can make fiom 12 V, ft a day If hustlors: only eight houra rork; must ic over 14 yeara old and be aole t( five referencea. hi doeiiot want you uulnaa y,'i are uetermitieu to be euecesMiui. ituoa op portunity to oecon.e clerks ly at Western Cnloav in office. Ap- WANTED Oue hundred men represent a reliab!e old line life insurance company On part time contract; we ahuw you how to enny Mo.O'lP life insurance mid not take any money out of your regular linea of business. For information addresa Poet Office Box 1409 TuUa and we will come and aee you. WANTED Solieitorlo do home to house canvassing for food live real estate firm, food wages to right party, referencea renuired. iall in person, room 2 and 8 over Palace theater, Monday. Y'ANTKl) Shop man; also bookkeeper and collector experienced in retail furniture atoro. hnrtlesvlllo Furniture Co., Bartles- ille, Okla. WA.Vl'KD PraTcf to sell Allen and"5acksoii cara in Tulsa territory ; liberal discount. Write or phone Elliot Motor company, box 828, Muskogee, Okla. WANTED Concrete foreman; also ateam aliovel foreman; experienced in rock cuta; ben of referencea required. Aply 0304, care World. WANTED Good steudyHboy about 17 years old; must have first class referonces. Hooper brothers. 1107 South Main atreet. TRY Samson Discs for lout vitality and run down nerves; a real tonic full of energy. Bexall store sells them. LADIES' AND MEN'S suite cleaned ' and pressed, 7."c. American Cleanera A Tai los ing Co., phone 1782. V A.NTEDTIiree coiore"d venpin settere for bowling atUey in Palace billiard A bowl ing parlor, basement of new Daniel Bidg. WANTED Mao thonoly experienced and familiar In marketing oil; atate exper ience in flret letter. P. O. Box 839. JOIN THE ARMY Recruiting nffn-ea at Oklahoma City, Tnlsa, alaskogee, Cuicka- aha, Anlmora and Enid. WANTED At once, good aecond bakerT ateady work. . busy Bee baker, Xrum- rignt, una. VANTKD Delivery boy; must know how to run Ford ; food reference required, SOS Fas. Ninth St. Phona287S. WAMED H heel boya 16 years; young n.en will do; good money, steady em ployment. Postal Telegraph, Hotel Tulaa. W A Si ED Two expert auto repair men, one rnpuule of taking charge, llouiiny alotor r Cae Co., HomiuyA Okla. WANTED Married man for dairy farm; no cnuoren. uox oip, worm. WANTED Man to cut weeds and haul traaE Saturday morning. 71S Booth Quaker. WANTED Firat clasa delivery man for Ford grocery delivery. Apply 20a Duluth Place. Wanted boy with wheel, ie to ih, to help In Kore. Apply 16 East Third. "WANTED An ofifce boy. Apply " Room 60S Clinton Hidg. FEMALE HEM' WANTED. rATTUl.H.S.'molh era, 60 you want your boya to lie profitably employed in a good, clean occupation 1 They an make from i to i end, diy if the) will attend to husiuesi. The V estern lrnion Telegraph comjiauy offera pleuamt, aefe, clean Murk to bo)B more than 14 yeara of age, who have wheela and who will promise to apply theinaelvea. We do not want any toughs. Oood opportunity to enir office aa clerka after a few montha 0t tne messenger i force. A HTGIILY competent woman bookkeeper and accountant, capable of taking charge ef office, excellent optwrtiinily for right party, box o263, cara World. WANTED an apprentice for ladles' tailoring establishment; must be neat in appearance, food chance to lenrn trade; youn 'dy living with parents preferred. Charlea Ollbert, 214 Ohio building. WANTED At once, neat white woman for plnin cooking; also ona dishwaaher, tray flrl and night hall girl. Apply In person, Sumiyaide hospital. 1 W'AN'TED Competent lady stenographer for Hiimll Okluhouia city; riust have had In avoianco experiunce; god aalary to right tiartv. Address box 6313, care World. WANTED "-Experienced mamcuriet; none but first-class need apply t in answer give phone nnmner and place laat employed. Addreaa box 6315, care World. WANTED Office girl for dental office, one who has had experience preferred. Call betaen 12 and 1. Kew York Dental I'arl ir. WANTEIiYoung ladlca to learn telephone work, no experience nccrsaary. Apply 800 Pioneer building or call Miaa Sanger, phone avOO. WHITE" girl or woman wagea. for general 72 North house-York- work; liboral town. WANfT5n First-clans stenographers and bookkeepers; only those who can furnish first class refrences.Apply 801 EastThinl. WHITE or colored girl tor general house work liberal wagea. 7i north xorklown WANTED Experienced white girl In private boarding house, in South Norfolk. COLORED girl for general Housework. 1737 South boulder, phone 2H61, WANTED Housekeeper oil farm: good wages. l'lione o744. IIIDDLE-AOKD woman to do goneral house work. Phone B851J. WOMAN for dairy work, good wngea. Addreaa John Kuasell, nviut no. J Tulsa, Ukla. Y aa rr.ii n hito girl for general housework, Call 401 North Denver. OIL WELL ht'lTLIES, nd mining companies, alee atock brokers, are Invited to memberahioa la that tlllnoas Oil Mining' Stock Exchange aa aociution; the only exclusive oil and miming aioca exrnange in vnicexv; een yoar aa- Cttrltlea tnrugu lacilltiea ot our atock ex chafe on fow commissions; email annual t't .'or memberships; now and old concerna invited; information upon request. Illinnia Oil Mining Stock Exchange aaaociatioa, Beyce building, Chicago, III. TOR SALE We offer, autiject to prior aala, aeveral cara of 8 inch No. i Common Kiln Pried Shlplap at 125.50 per thousand feet, in ear-lot shipments, delivered Tulaa, or rolnt taking equal rate. Write Allen Menu acturing Co., Shreveport, La. t HAVr!aTot of rebuilt fas engines from S to 209 horsepower ready for immediate delivery at a ood price; we alao manufac ture a large Una of gat englnea from 1 to S00 horsepower. Leiicr Oat Engine -Co., Hut f nloL N.Y. I'OR KAi.E About 24.000 JITt iix-tr,cti standard ln pipe at II tS per foot, nt Lapel, Ind., thla la extra good pipe, long joints and haa just been taken I p. Address Hntlon h unlets, t-otea'i t'Kia . STORAGE TANKS For clean, good tteal tanka. Sib. lot heavy, Parkinson, Fort Smltn. Arx. lOR BALE Sixty and Eighty 11. P.' Bollera. Cashing Acid Works, Oaahlac Okla, HEM' WANTED AGENTS. 50VOU WA"NT TO TRAVEL AT CUR EX- PENSEI Wa want good nan and women for traveling general agents; mutt hava fair eduralloa ana food references; will niakTt contract for three montaa, alx stonths or year at salary a;?. SO per weok and neMaaary espenaea. Can assign moat any territory da aired. For full particulars addreaa George 0. Clowa Company. Philadelphia, Pa.. lepl 66. AGENTS WANTED Own your own bueb nesa; aell Frilch'e vegetable aoap. Write for free (ample. 1, A. Frltch. St. Louie. Mo. SITUATIONS WANTED. AN experienced production man, rapable of taking charge of drilling operations and production,: wishes to connect with partiea medium aurh a nun. Anawer Box 6283, cart of Tulaa World. A FIRrl'TcXAfW architect wisliee to gTvs hia aervlrea either drawing plana or aped ftcatlona in exrhsnse fur a vacant hit or part payment on email houee and lot. 4U7 2.IH8. WASTED Aspiring youlh 1 with no par- enta wants work of anr descriution outside of school houra. Position in drug store ia desired. best references. Addreaa box 4!iat) care World. Sl'fl'ATION WANTED-by competentT'ax perienced lawyer, stenographer, bookkeeper and general office man; 14 years experience; referencea furnished. Addreas box 61118, care World. l T!(ORoL'UHTVeaiabla atendgTapher andTdf flce aasistant wishes position of responsi bility; ran assist on booka. Addresa IjVUT, care World. TE ACHE It State certificate, 6 years grade experience, well recommended. Aorthwest ern University, good health. Poat offico box 97, Hamilton. Mo oic.M'unAiiu.n, lemportiriiy empioyeu, deslrca permaueut position by September S; experienced, references. Address box ( .IS, care World. OFFICti work, bookkeeping, aome- atenog raphic; position in bank preferred. Ad dress Hox (KM, Eureka. Kan. l'OOKKEJ PER Expert Wfll"Treenamall aeta of booka in office; exceptional aerr- Ice; reasonable rales. P. O. Box 1084. BOOKKEEPER and uietaphone "operator young lady, experienced, good references. Phone 7555, or addresst;2;i8 care World. llAKER wants osition in Tulsa; first class second man; ati ady Jpb; bread or cuko. Ad.lie.s (12H4, care World. X l BOOKKEEPER wants to keep sinalfsut of bonk in evening. Addresa box oUOl, care World. POSITION aa cashier, TiooVkeepor or office girl by young girl. Address box 62U0, care World. WANTED BooTieepliie: or act.unting work to do in evenings, reasonable price. Address Bnl 6312, care World ANYONE wanting stenographic work donTln evenings, call 1077. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per manent position. Phone 23 17. WANTED Position by experienced atenogra- pher. Addresa Po. 0.bo6S7. - TJliSTETlUCAL nurse v-anta work. Phone Detroit hotel, room 2D STENOGRAPHER 'wants i extra copy work ot Hct'itioB.Cell Mine Ilasa 1781. YC'lT0 man wanlb ste.-tf'y Job driving car; can drlv anythlng,Phone 470. WANTED Poiltion by competent woman as bookkeeper. Phono 4.117 J. LOST AND rOUND. LOST Between Klllyllle and Briatow one black handbag: nameplatii bearing Clay tin for C. 1.) Jf-hnsoh. Please return to SOS Ohio Bldg., Tulsa, Okla., and receive reward. LOST Brlrkiayera union card In folder, also contained check for S8.50, at post office; if found return 410 ft West First atreet. Ed O'JIalley. L0 ST On Admiral boulevard jitney a small caae containing barbae toola, Return to Oongreiv barber shop and receive reaard. LOST bnndle English pit bulldog, ai oontha old, eara and tnil cut; reward Phone 2HPSL 1010WeitThiril if'ST Tan collie with white collar; re ward. Apply 619 North Tacoma or call fivlv K VOH.ND A ram coat, owner may have aame bv Identifying and paying for ad. I'hone SS72 J. FO I" N P Bunch of keys In leather raaa Bear 411 Honth boulder, phone 1712. IOelT A Kelly Springfield "cord tire and run. Finder call 694a, reward. BOARD AND ROOMS. FI'HNISHEI) room nn3 itoard for gentle-fff.'22-J. man. 81H East -seventh. Phone TWO desiralde rooma for young men; ex cellent meals, Close in. mono ottua. TJiARD and room for two persona in re fined home. 1 1 W eat Eighth. ' Fl'RMTCRE FOR SALE. FtJVt SALE Hooaier cabinet, one Vernl Mtrtin bed, excellent spring and ma'-ti'ess. one fii-iud oak rocker, one 6x9 Wilton ulvct rue Vl one 674. WILL sell furniture for siren room house,, reasonable; parties can rent the house nv huving the furniture; alto garage. 844 North Cheyenne. FOR SALE $850 piano, with player and fifty records, very cheap. Tulephone 2247 from 2 to 0 p. m. i'Oft SALE Furniture for cottage, room ing house, seven rooma, bouie for rent. SIM North Boston FOR SALif Eight rooma practically new furnitnre, three blocks from new poat o'ftce, house for rent, rnono 2t:i. WANTED RTteTien cabinet and oil atove; innft be In excellent '.'edition and res- rnuhl. Phona200S. IIVE rooma of new furniture tit excellent condition. Call Hlanchard, at 730. WTNffiD 5"t!Y- I'uino; muat be a bar- riln. Call Hftht TrURtTtRE for sale. 704 oath Boulder. IIOTEI-8 ANDR(M)MING IlOtSICS. KOOMINO house, absolutnly the best fur nished, beat located, ingn-ciaaa rooming house In the city, hot and cold water in each room, three-year leaso at reasonable rent; (2.S00 cash- will handle; If you want the best In the city aee thia early Monday. Phone B091, M. J. Ulasa a) Co., ovr Palaeejheater. ROOSIINO houeee, large or email, cash or terms, if It's for aala we have it listed; don't buy until you aee nt. Phone L. L. Place, Dotal . M J. Olass S Co., over Palace tlieter ALLISON" REALTY COMPANY sure has the romlng kouaea, large or email, anywhere. Call 4744. r FOR SALE Rooming houses, elsht to twenty rooma, priced from $750 to $4,750. Luthy, 540 Rnblnson building, phone 4790. a F.RMSrOK SALE OR KENT. FOR" SALE Or trade faruha property, AO acre bottom farm, over 50 arret la cul tivation; If you want a food farm It twill pay you to aee thla. Joa Fryer, benlley, Okla. tOR" SALE Eaay terma or trade, fifty aerea, food house. 85 aires In curtiva Ion, npple orchard, near iogera, Ark. 0. H. McKnight, Box 19H7, Tul. WELIj "improved" fruit farm. 40 acrea, good water, one mile from railroad town, Ben ton countv, Ark.; will take good car -r price OniV f,Ul'U. X 1IUI1B ACREAGE," Phone 52. 3'i acret rlgfit la town! FOl'LTR Y AN D LI V E JTOCK. FOR SALE Coon, opossum stock of dogs from Arkansat. A. llgrrla, Ked Rock, Okla. FOR SALE Team of work mare., 8 yoara old, weight 2.H00; wagon and harueaa. Phone S9tor9H8. Ro rrya. FOR SALE 100 White Leghorn chickens for $75. Address r. u. box ion. FDR PALE Full-lilood Shetland pony, cart and harnest; Call at ? 10 East Tenth. F0RSALE A go'odaclrig horte "known aa Fffio AftoB. Phone W. .1., S'. FO OAll!-0 n e registered JlambleTouIaH ttalllon. Call nt Detroit Livery barn. DRESSMAKERS. CTTTSSMAKINO of all Vlnde, work guar t.nterd, pi reaaonable. Mr a. Harper, Phone 7041. nESl9TlTCffTNO at 101 Pint RalTonal Bank; operator formerly with Mrt. Baxter. STRAYED OR STOLEN. i5 REWARD for "Information or return of Ford touring car, 191? model, stolen from Tulaa, Okla , night af July 80; motor num ber 1920726; Arkantat licence number 222; bark of front scat somewhat scarred. Advise chmf of toilet. Tnlsa. PARTIES wHo picked "tip French bulldog will plcata xtturn him to 1716 Newport MaaBo. A PA ItTM ENTS IX)H KENT ILnncECBiFHSKS ApfflFttmrtKEimQs Best furnished Bpnrtmonts in the city, south expouurp, furni- ture new. , Tenth BnJ Boston. Tlione 7284. J LnnecBLFimcB M(Q)(D)nnn Best furnished rooms in the city; everything new: rooms large and airy, with or without private bath. 920 South Boston. Phone. 7380. HS(DXD)MS. Best furnished rooms in the city;" everything new; rooms large and airy, with or without private butli. 920 South Boston Thoiie 73S0 Lnns(Birim(B Best furnished apartments in the city, south exposure, furniture new. Tenth and Boston I'hone 7284 Fnnfl(BiinlIEi5 ApanrDanKEHutls corner Fifth and Denver; Just completed; high-class, two rooms with four-room effi ciency completely furnished; every up-to-date convenience. THE IDEAL HOME FOR TWO. Pbene during businesa houra. 8626; office 408 Daniel building, Apartmenta open for in spectioa. FOUK ROOM apartment, close In; rent $30 a monin, on condition Turnlture ia pur chased; furniture all new and wSI invoice over fuoo; good discount for quick sale. i-none vioa after 1 o dock. FOR RENT Nicely furnished! thT:ee:rooiii apartment, private entrance and bath within walking distance, reasonable. Call 111 south .Vorlolk.. rivr.KUOM modern at.artment. hot water. janitor aervire, private garages, front and rear porcnes. uza riortu ilain; ftfo month, boydell. run uiose in furnished apartment: living room, drtssing room, kitchenette era nam; oa. Aubout Welch, phone J'lOI. TBI A n rFW.B 1 ( 1 s curt rr.ii niceiy jumianed Uirearroom apartment or will aell fumiture to party renting apartment. J. b. Loar, 315 Weat Brady. ton HiNT Mce three-rocm apartment to vignt liarty, tne renter to buy furniture, Tirico fi4ti. iooi lOR RENT Four-room apartment if you cafe buy furniture, at $165; call at Lyona' in person before noon. Close in. NEVV modern apartment close for rent to partiea buying furniture; phone 6077 K. IIOVSE8 FOR RENT. MvfinD 9 Pffldkllnnaj, Sllffiff' aigjo Pflsinnffis smntill lFmnrnnSflaiiTC "EXIPEIT SEEVIICi." We are equipped to do haullnirVnff mensenfer service from smavll parceW, etiltcaiiefl, trunka, to hcaviegt pianos, buics, etc. Call 5558 for service. ATLAS TTIBANSIFIEIR T!A(G Messenger Service. 23-25 West Archer. FOR RENT New bungalow, all modern except toilet, flnt locution. Park ad ill tion. eouth end nf terraced road, white bungalow, west aide behind trees; take Fourth atreet car to end of Archer, walk one alock west and three blocks couth FOR RENT 70, lovely southeast room, well rurr.iahcd, gat fireplace, urivatu lav' atory and atool, 6'5 North Denver; refer encea required. Oarage for rent, $10, FOR RENT $80, na email house, two rooms, hath and closets, gat, water and electric lighta furnished: never been occU' pled; on back of lot at 62S North Denver, FOR REST Eight-room eight blocka west of nouae. close Main; cheap rent. Providing you buy the furniture; party leav ng city, ("all Moorebead. 6589, FOR REjJT-Flve room cottage, cioaa In, fin neirhborhood : rent reasonable, providiu youuy the furniture. Call Moorehead 6589. rV'i KIM nicely lurniFned residence, Stut.h Cheyenna Avo., (12S per month. Mono -sun. FiritXISIIED house, ftve-roo nil, one room reserved and rarage, for 'rent for two months, i'hone 07in. VoR TtEN'P Or salo. classy new duplex house and double farage, close In, each apartment and a bath. Phone iioflO FOR RENT Five unfurnished rooms, part of eight room houte In Keudall.'one block ear line. BU74. Kom JQ. FOR RE"NT 'I'wo modern unfurnished bed" roome to couple. 719 West Seventh stree TWO or three unfufnlsGad rooma for rent at 702 South Peoria, TV70UOOM" furnished houaa for rent. 1423 South Elgin. FOR RENT Seven-room furnished houso) good neighborhood, close In. Phone (1288. . FOR kNT Two room house. Call Fourth and Lewia. Kendall. FIYcTfiTOOM moJeru kouso; Inquire aTTTS South tiiympia, TWO-ROOM hoiisa at : 3 South Galveston. 'hone 4733 R; Ft'KNISHKD ton-room house at 4J8 (South ti lhnn ROA nmzt roomed Chora 3409. house, w.iin porches. WANTED ROARJDAND ROOMS. VaNTED Permanent place to board are3 room In modern homo by refined young roupU, with small baby, want two raealt aid home privileges. Bollinger- Moaio Co, 321 Sonth Boston. Phone 695. V.ISTlSDTabiVToa'rin.y wuple In htlgnT borlood of Thirteenth anl Denver. Ap- ply S289, cara World WATED-Table boarder In crTvata Ro"mi food asm sasuf. all aeau Juwoeo. niTSINESS I'FIIWX.MA IXi'OHPHUATE companies, promota oiPan- enirlsra of merit : aell stock Issues ou commission basis for new and old enpora- louv established investment and aecuritioi house; bank refereurea. burna A Coniiuuy, brvkera. Inc.. JO Noitli learborn atreet, Chicato, III. . Brt'F DISH masaage a specially. I'hone 2810 VRKSPIRINO rea'tTlngrowB nails, callousea, come, bunlona akillfully treated by Doctor Beluifohr, chiropodist, over Rexall Drug Store 118 South Alain. BIOUEST ca.h price paid-for aaea'a aaeoad. hand suits, eoata and trousers j alao buy shoes and hata. Phone C44S. PAPERING and painting, estimate cheer fully given: all work guaranteed. Phone S8H7. BUK.lTALIZF. n laundrving crepe da olvene dresses and silk shirts. Sid Weal Duluth. Phone 4612. lUHl ST cash prirea paid for men's sec ondhand suits, eoata and troitsera: also buy shoes and hata. Phone 8407. SPECIALIZE In laiindrylng crepe de rheiie dresses and silk shirts. 8 Id West Duluth. I'hone 4U2 i' APER1NO and" painting estlmatirclieerfiillv given ail wora guaranteed. rnone IIEN your Ford needs overhauling or painting, phone 8408, F!RrCM88 paperhanglng and painting' Phone 534!). L. II Stogsdill. FiR copying work call 7574 after 5 :30 p. m. AVTOMOIIILK8 AND ACCESSORIES. VE HAVE repair parte for the following make of cara Cadillac. Paiife. Chalmere. Ilulck. Overland, Velio, E. M. V ., Sludebaker, ( hevrolet, Hudson, Davla, Flanders, Oak land. Reo. Auburn. Mitchell. Annerson, Allen, Speedwell, H C. 11 lluynes. Michigan, Saxon. Cole. Hun. Peterson. Pone Tribune, i'crry, Peerieas, Marion, .lacksou. Stoddard, iavton, Pope, Hartford, Olds, Dodgo, ( uuriea. Case, Emersou. Packard, Knmer, 1 1 mora, Thomaa, Regal, Krit. Pullman, Vooii. Knox. Halailay. Obio. Little liiant. Abbott, Anchor, Warner, Ford. Auto Sal- tuire. 215 Eakt Second. FOR SALE .leffrcv Quad, fully equii'ped" with Ibreeton trailer, run H.Ouo uiilea. C( mplftely overhauled and guaranteed by Nash Motor Car company; has been used for heuiltif pipe to Install gasoline slant now mpleted). Addroes box 883. Chelsea. Okla. WANTED OooJ second hand roadster niut be a bamulii for cub. Addresa P. O. Box iS7. TJNr! fTve passenger Haynes light aix auto- nbiir; a bargain for anyone wanting a good second hand car. Phone W. A. Hay. 084. . . r'OH SM.E 11 Ford, enrmaed coniner- rial bodv; thla car is ivorf.h $475, will titke $1:15 for quirk sale; good tires; forced nle. Heds Bakery, .Mounds, Okla. FOR SALE Many Fords from 1914 to 1917 models, priced from $190 up; one Chalmcra master aix at an attractive prico. Auto Salvage, 215 East Second. ONE Dodge touring car, one Sludebaker Mrtea 17 aix touring, ono Chnndler: terma. Wrfsh McNulty Motor company, ltnuldur at Seventh. ' FOR SALT: A 10 irl Ford tcMiring"cnr In good mechanical condition, $200 caeli. Inquire at Crescent hotel. WANTED Tea ued Forde, for cash; get our bid before you aell. Auto Salvage, 215 East Second, FOR REXTO'ood concrote"Mock garoceln 8-00 block South Frisco. Phone 2600. Baker Investment company, "0R SALE Fivepasaenger Caee earTri fine ehnpe; will trade or aell. Hughes .Motor rompsny. CARS washed, tiicale polished, grease rnpa Wash Hacks, 600.611 filled, $i. Johnson Fast Second. Phone 7440 Foft SALE 19H llarley" Davidson motor 25 if taken at eyrie, twin cylinder, $ once. I'hone rOo4. "lblO-fiClCK touring car, new tire , good! 1 hone running order. Ill North Main W AHIED to trado equity In f Iv o room moil- era bungalow for car Phone 29S5. FT)R RENT Oarage for email cara, close in. Phone 7119. VA S'TED Roadster, must Ei" good an3 cheap. Joe Fr.inrie. Phone 8975. OLD" nuto casings and tubea bought. . Bring them to 19 West Brady. Boya art busy. GARAGE for rent at 1226 South Boston. Bl'SINES CHANCES. MfcssfcnnjjiEir -irvlIE;e "BaaT&asre" FlfONE 655S "Service Now" We call for Hills of Lading and Trunk Checks Free LOffiER and building materials; Louiaiana long leal yellow pine lumber shipped di rect from mill, subject lo examination: al'ingles, windows, doora and hardware; no advanced payment required, quirk shipments. fiade and count guaranteed. Bond material all for estimate. 11. D Taylor A Co., Lake Charles. La. FOR" SALE Cleaning end Pressing Ship, doing gwd businesa with chances to do better, low rent, with leaae on building, best location in good live town; Belling on ac cunt of health. Wrlto Box 423 or Plioue 2'-4. Collinsvilie. Okla. CR E A U R Y " FOR" S V LK Entire stock, fix"- turea and machinery ol Pawhnska Cranm- iry win be Bold at public auction at Paw hnska, Okla., on Monday, September 10, at 0 o'clock a. m. For Partiiulura write Orav Millar. Powhutka, Okla. FOR SALF op. TRADE One of the heal pvlnir u.i-ieenger services in Tulsa; low rent and good business, reason for selling. have oUier Luslne.s. Set Ro-e L Grant, 614 Virst Niional Bldg. Phone 2100. FOR SAT,E Nice clean grocery and meat market, doing good btiainesa; muat aell account going to light the Oerinana. Phone iS58. FOR SALE, Grorerv atuio, opportunity, scll- ng becaute of death. 82f South Madison avenue. utM garage In live oil town for aale: doing fine business; good reaaon Addresa 6295, caro Wolld. fur. Bulling RrSlXESS PROPERTY. MERChAST " tailor, married, with futnily; would like to hear of fcood opening for rr.errnant tailoring, cleaning and preasing bualnraa. In live growing town, norteiras? Oklahoma preferred; mi. at have grammar and high school. Addrest Lock box 153, Kahaka, Mo lOR r-ALli Transfer corner.-fiew busT ness block, tlx ttoro rooms,, tlx office rwmt, fine apaitnientt, all leased; four thousand yearly income, ownec widow, must aelL Mra. J. L. White, 8411 Eaat Taeuty aeen1h, Kansas City, Mo. WaNTED-A partner "In a high-clasa ea tkbliahed automobile businest In Tulsa, will atand closest Investigation. Apply bi x 6805. rare World. GROCERY atockTlixturoa and lease for tale close In. good location: will take in ;ood v: farm aa part payment. Phone 1524, Glass k Co.. over Palaeo theater. J. FoR REXT right room tuse suitabl.i for office rooms, located at 401 South Chey enne. Phone 14S5-R, WANTED TO RENT nOCSEH. WANTED Modern furnished six or aeven. room house on south aide by couple for ora year or shorter term. Fhona 6950. WANT ED UnfiiraTsTTed four or five-room bouaa or apartment. September 15; give and price, Addrvaa box 6816, caro location World. UANTElJ by SepTemW 1, four or five room honte or apartnient unfurnished, bv permanent renter- auuth tide preferred; ref erence. Address 860. WANTED By young couple wltnTTieVt of references, a four or five-room apartment or bungalow, unfurnished, In desirable loca tion. Phone M69. WANT!:) by en experienced hotel man with furniture and money, a suitable house in Tnlsa or ether food nearby town. J hone 2785 WAVTET5 At once S or 6-roouTEousa "within walking distance of town. Good responsible permanent ranters, fhona 4053. Call for Meson. VANTET By young v'ounle with best oi reference, a four or five room apart ment or bungalow In desirable location. thone n909 WASTED -To nnt, three or four-Mom house, must have tame at. once, l'hona is. FFRXISHED ROOMS FOR I' EM t. TWO ROOM sleeping porch apartment, suit aide for four men, connected with bath, private family. Pheue 6'.'U2 or 453 FOR RENT Lovely tipstalra room, every convenience. Phone bb'Jo. NICELY furnished southeast front room, close In, two gentlemen, single beds. 624 South Denver. 1 N "the" Kenneth aierttiintaTone suite of two rooms, nicely furnished for tight house keeping lo couple without children; references required. 711 orth Main, pnone tnii. FOR RENT Furnished rooms with private family, extra large, well furnished, modern alevpiug room, rent reasonable. Phone 2091 or can at 1S17 Admiral boulevard. MT.L eh.aro new, iittciy furnished six roomed bungalow witli man mid wife cm ployed; walking distance; refereurea re quired Phone 1B17 R. . FOR KENT Two office rooms'Vn suite. Just remodeled, well lighted and ventilated, oil Second atreet between Main and Huston; rent reasonable. Call Phone 2991. nVP." sleeping room for rent to two young Isdiea only, five blocks from business ee'iier. south exposure, f30 a mouth, apart ment 5. 900 South Boston. Phono 'JTil VOR oi e or lao gentlnuien, suite of tv t living riMims, sutith and eiiftt esposurt, el-santlv funuhhid, $.pri. apartment 5. 900 l'oston. 1 hone S2L'2. FtR l.ENT--l.are southeast beiltoom, auit able for three young nun, or Kiverview school teacher, tboroly modern, 414 South (utlrio. 8TKHTLY privatH aleeplng rooms, com fortably furnished, riasooablo, aU modern conveniences : walking tlisttitieu. Cull t27 North ClH'jenne. ONE nice modern sleeping room, $3 per we-'k, comer Norfolk and Dodgo; phone 41h2 J. iloDKUV light housekeeping or sleeping rooms for refined rooiuora only. 17 1 Weal Archer, phono 2il'.l2. NICK light housekeeping rooms, electric lights, good location; walking dlataajre. Call (127 North ( heyenno. VHl'N you are in Tulsa slop nt the Hotel Cotton. 514 South Main,. Hales reaa onable Phone II39H. 'ERY di'slruhla rooms In large modern home with two uicale If desired. I'hone 3090. UKAllTlrULLY furnished Bleeping rooms, modern, reasonatile ratct. 16 Vk Kaat Eleventh, phone 24115. FOR RENT Large sleeping rooinln close In home. Phone 4jU0. 8u2 South boston avenue. V'Mt I.ETl'PTlireo room modern house, aeven hlocka from Mniu, per tnoiilh. Phono 5230 or 71177. FOR Rl NT Four loom apartment on cor ner Thirteenth and Main; fur information ci II or 11173. liEACTIFL'LLY furnished sleeping moms; modern, reasonable rutea. 1H Kat 'eleventh. Phone 24115. KK'El.Y "furnished anuthu3rooin adjoining bath, private home, reasonable. West Fourth street, phone 57H8. NICELY furnished front bodroom connecting bath, outside entrance, suitable for one or two gentlemen; east side, fall phone 8437-J. FOR RENT Front room, close In, alt con veniences, private family; geutlemen, refer ence; also garage. Phone 7119. FOR RENT Two completely furnished house keeping room in modern home, half block from to car linea. 909 South Quaker. FOR RENT Three elegantly furnished mof ern light housekeeping rooms, coin in. Phone 8070. FRONT rooTii private family, auuth aide, adjoins hath, walking dirtanra, gentlemen Phone 7858. THREE sleeping rooms,-single or double to suit party; modern and convenient. 1115 South Elgin. NICIL'Y fiiriitth'd" Bleeping room for one or two gentlemen, in modern home, aoutb exposure. 4 19 West Brady. Pl.'HNlSIlED room mid sleeplnr pord. good lointion, 724 South Denver. Plioue 2835. FOR RTiNT Tao furnished rooma for light housekeeping, half of modern bungalow. Phoue741!i-J. FOB RENT Three unfurnished rooms, modern. Call at 43S North Detroit, or Phone 5594. NICELY furnished sleeping room In private homo, auitable for two gentlemen or Jadiea emipiroyed. Phone 6151-J. FOR RENT Cool sleeping room, southeast exposure, to gentlemen at BOlVa South Kenosha, phone ,'1907. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooma. 710 South Mayboll; can be Been Monday afternoon, phone 15J5 iJR RENT Very deslrabU room for couple or two gentlemen, in close-in noma, I none 4500. 802 South boston. NICE south front alroplng room, adlolning bath, In modern home, cioaa In. I'hone 8548-J. TWO lighnioueekeoping rooma, 410 North boston, phone 4048. rooma for gentlemen. 724" South Elgin. TWO roomt"7or rent for light housekeeping, miKlern. 124 West braJy. NICK aleeplng "room, $3.50 per week. 2l5T4 Fast First. FOR RENT Furnlabed rooma, modern, rnone 6584 WILL rent my-Turnlture, enough iorfive rooms. Call phone 7a0, blanhard. YOU RENT One largo and one small sleep lug room. 908 Souih Iwton, jhone 2407. &KHIRAb'LE7"houacki'cping"roooia. lli"Wost Siith. FOR RENT Fouf unfurnishedrooms. lit South guakvr. T"'A'0 unfurnished rooms fur rent, Zuuia. 17 South a FOL'U unurnl'hed rooma, hath. Phone 1359. modern, private Ci,iibE I.N sleeping room, genlleiuen only. I'hone 2HS.L SLEEPING poreli and" mom auitable for thre or four gentlemen. 810 Weat Third. ONE aleeplng room, connecting Lath. 816 West Third, phone 8781. ctf.EEPIN'O room, $3 "per weoknott SoutH Detroit, phone 7227 R. TtOOM and sleeping rgonTTor rent, giria pre ferred. Phone 184. 225 West Ninth. ONE nice large downstairs room with private week, rnone S102. zivft r.ast rirst street FOR KENT Unusually aire room for one or two , south aide. Phone 692J-J. FOR ItEXT A aleeping " room In private nome; aiso garage, i none FOR RENT Room for geutlemen, 414 oat 1 l lrd t'hniie4Z4.i. LAltOhl eouth, modi'rlt room, private trance, close In. I'honis 4i;i9. FOR RENT Deslrafilo"' sleeping rooms, all South Outhrle. Phone 2848. houaelieeping room auuth west comer Admlrnl and Norfolk. TTlTt RENT sTeeping rooms and privileges at 7 Vt West Haskell. king yi( E modern room, close in, reaeouable. 410 North Frlsto. Phone 24C2 J. LEAUTIFCL room and sleeiiing porrii, s'liianie lor lout. 7')9 South AUIn SLl-.EPINO rooma fur gentlemen only, fhooe - 2711; uonisortn t:neenne. FOCR rooms, furnis"hd", model deru, 1208 East Hodge. I'hone 2418. TrOI'SEKKHPTNO'fooma at 817 Weal -JeT onri. I'hone 7198 P0 It Z. N T If out. leaping- 1404 r.ast I niru. FOR RrTN'T Flrat-clatt alteplnf roVm. East Sixth. 209 I4ENT -Front room, modern, gentleman. pnone t un. oio noutn oerver. TWO large front sleeping rooms, at 419 South Denver. 3LEEPINO room with" private entrance. 81? North Main; gentlemen only. Phone 6966. LTGlfV liousekeeplug rooma, only 83.50 "120 .North 1 tioenix. S'OR RENT Sleeping room enaTgarage, A I dreaa 6292, care Vtorld. KlCE eleeplng room in private borne, gents men preferred. Phone 4011. PI. RNISHEri room for gentlemen. 737 South Iinnver. Call Monday; Fl'RNISIir.H "rum for gentleman, bath af joining. Phone 6786. U South Elgin. TWO modern light houaokeping rooms. Phone seal H, 808 North Boulder. OARAGE Turufslied for'llgbt hjuaekeepiug. 1412 East 1 1 "(Ire, phone 8928. Tit CT1 FULLY fumii.hed n room. lst ncik-hborhood. gentlemen only, phnns 6096. FOR kEXT One "room for light houseleep Inc. 424 North lietrolt. Phone li'JJ. ITSIRllLK front roim, steam "Tieat, ail Joining balk, ell Scuta Boulder. REAL ESTATE FOR SAfE-Oil and gas lease u King fisher count), four deep teat V. ells being drilled, leasee wlthlu mile of lest, 60s per a re and up Address J. C. Srliolriuau,'is'.er. Okla. '.',5o0 ALL rash wllV'buy one oVlhe best five room modern hoinee In Tulsa; located in fine block on north aide; shasle treea. good aell water, about ten bkoakt out. Phouea 5'jrill 7(177. lM M KflUTE poasnaslnn; "three room modern at a snap price,' $2,000 with $700 rash; this is good location, pavnd street, close in, and a bargain price. Phouea 523(1 7(177. BEACTIPt.i. residence lot; east front, lo cated in Maple Park addiiton; will sell for bargain on a quick deal. Call 76s,1, or 47H3. AN"l'K"D-ToTu)' five oi six on south aide, can pay cash for property worth tne money, state irxetlnn and price. Address KKK 1104 South Huston. DANDY esst front five-room modern bunga low, practically new, best block North El wnod; $1,000 with $l,6O0 rash. Phonua f.2:tn-7(177. SOJTlt 'incinnail.five room joolcrii b ints' low, full aised lot, $4,000, terms. 1'hona l'Jt M. J. Olaaa Co., over Palace 'heater. $Vio C.sri7lmmdTata poasession, new five" room bu'igalow, basHmenl, bnlance llko ret.t. Phsil.e S04W Welsel , Parks. FOR SALE New four room modem houso ou paving, eaat side; $2,000, $500 cash. Phone 62. FOR SALE Tandy five room house on pav iug, well, lot 50x190; $'J,900, $700 cash. Phono 62. A RK XL liome, oak floors, east front, base. n-ent, heat residence seition. Wetzel A Parka. Phone (1049 WHY f. rent; light room diijitcx houie" f . 1. 2110. only $701 r.ish handles this Woti"l A Psiks. Plinni nt4tt. ritMTU SIDE", "sis room" l.ungslow" base ment, cistern, all up to date M. J. (Haas k Co, Phone 15:14. Over 1'slsrj theatrr. llETVt FEN Fifth' anTi'slttTt. North 1). nver" residet'Ce lot, $1,100 or paveiuent. PI. una 22 19. V IS TTTlfKiM bungalow airiclly modern, $2,800, $700 caah, balance like rent. Phone A4lflt FOR SAT.K Six room, modern, close Irs; givs good deal, terms, owner. 49'JH, care Vorld. FOR SALE - Desirable lot. auitabe"for one or two houses, close In on aoulh side. Phone B595. FOR SALE Six-room vningalow "elose"Tn" can give good clear owner. Addresa Box 40.18 care World. OOOD lota for sale or trade, north of "Tulsa tracks on 1'tira end Trenton; terma. Phone (1993 nr Box (124 E.LEUANT five-room modern "Vungalow, "beet block North Elwond. $3.6O0 with $1,600 cash. Phone S2:i-7(I77. FOR SALE Nice sis-room cottage, can giv immediate 1,oeeession. Call at 1114 South Frisco for price and to see house. ni. lots west of Nowata, near some amal, oil and gas wells, will leuss or toil at Phone 2804. TflfcFl' ROOM house for sale" on easy terms. in ijOtt.nara addittou: will trade, l'hona W. I , 61. FOR SALE flood Tlve-roorn cottage on norlfi aide fj.o.iu. i'hone 8381. i'oK SALE Eqdlty on modern house East Aiimitai; close In. I'hone 4828. M I S ' KI.LA N KG t -i- C.i IX the Witard. 6887. for better dr cleaning and dyeing; vou will be aur pnsrd; we will make that old auit look new. ilea 'a aulta spotlessly cleaned and perfectly pressed $1. Ladles ttiita or coats si iff. i.auirs lancy work our specintty neep tun ttiory clean, aend your stags along with your aarmenta. wa is 111 elenn Hum free of charge (Uennnn flags barred ) I-IAMOND for ss'e, alx carat diamond soil laire ring, ladies ulnliuiim settinc. el.-h-. sn ail dlai-ionda in thank - price 11,100; good targain; no drains. Address box 0290 for appolntutonl. TIIR SANITARY Mattress Co will rtake Buccial nriee tin reouverlns and renovat- Irg mattresa for tho month ot September we mate au gradea ot niattroaaea to ord wti make all sradea of inaltreaee to order. Phone 6449. OLD CLOTHES. liTQHEST prices paid fur men's second hand clothing, alioes and hata. Phont 1685. FOR RAl.E One National caah register, aix- driwer, electric or hand power, capacity f 99 98, good st new; also two four blade electric celling fans. Addrets Woolateiu Mercantile Co. Fourth and Felix, Street, Joseph, Mo. OLD CLOTHES'. - HIGHEST prices paid for men's sld cloth ing, thosi. Phont 4Wo4. 16 it North Mala. FOR BALE OR RENT Concrete mixers, hoist, bbw, rig, wheelbarrows. R. T. Court ney, 16-1 Denial block, phone 646S. FOhnfAlK The following Uit-hand golf rticka, one driver, one boffy, one putter, one mashle, ona Jigger aud ona nlblack; these clubs are almost new and will aell cheap, phone 6000 Charlea T. Dent. SrOflRTIX'S TTnlveraiTKewacell whera Tue bibliopole and newsmonger givea you pre eminence of service and quality In terse liter al ute; pay It a visit and be profitable. TVPkAVRiTEkH FOR RENT Remington. Monarch and Smith Premier, S3 per month, three months for $7.60. Remington Typcwrl'er company. Thone 896. FOR SALE Concrete mixers" hoist and road building machinery and toola. Wylie Broa. Co., 826 West Grand arvenue. Oklahoma city- FOR SALE One concrete block machine with five hundred palntes, half price. George V. Capron, 212 North Haaadals street. CHAI'Kfl for sale st 4 cents per pound, St the Itynum farm, four n.lles south, one rrlle east of Maple Rldga addition. W. T. II y mi in . FOR SAI7E at a nargaln,Tndian motorcycle with tide car, 1V17 ruodoi, 120 West Sec ond street. I'OR SAl.K One set ofTigar fi'lurea cheap. Inquire Layne's poo! hall, nnder 1'slaco of Sheets. ii I U H F. ST rash price paid-for men's aecond- hand suits, coats and trousers; also buy shoes and hats, Phone 6446. FOR SALE Garden hose, M0 feet lialfTuTli almos. new, a bargain. Phone 6794. FOR SALE 12 window screens, tnede""to""fli 80x90, ton light. Phone 109-J. alERClUNTS Let Lear's Transfir handle, your freight. Phone 5111. "One VE nljl snd ssll oil leases snd production. Bsnkston Frey Co., 848 Robinson Bldg. FOR SALE Roll-top desk and chair. Phoue 6283. TO EXCHANGE. KR BALlTOR TRADE Moving picture fouT- film, ona hour show, nailed The Lure of New York:" exclusive state rights of Okla homa, Louisiana, Texts and Mississippi; In cludes front ind display aud other advertising matter; this picture ran be rented for li a day or fifty-fifty ; -valued at $2,000; owner engaged In other Duainose and can't handle, will sacrifice for $1,000 or trade for a roads ter ear, diamond or farm land; only been ahown In four towns in Oklahoma; a big money-maker for man or woman who can travel. Addreaa 710 Bradyhoto (1KNKR AL" merchandise, steck elean, wfth buildings; doing $40,000 b'isinesa year; etmplete; invoice $0,000; clear- will trade lor 80 or 8C faem, well Improved, In right scriplton, location, price first Utter. Hot 9d.t,Colllnaville, Okls. Toft TRAliE 119" aciea wotl Improved land for Tulsa realdenct property. Call EST TLLSA lota lo trade formulae resi dence. Phone 1S.S4. M. J. Olaaa A Co., over Palaeo theater. FI KMSHEU KOOM8JTOK ItJKN T. "FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 1461 Eat Third. LTO'lT housekeeping roolut. 480 Jiorth Boston. 8I.FEriN'Q room adjoining batu7SoS"" SoutH Frisco, NICELY furnTsheiTiedrouin'lor rent, aouta espostire. Phone 659. SI.Er.l'INO" room for jrenf! 710 North VlaTTT ItOOM for"rent;c!ose in; fl6 South Tjetroit! KTOTLY furnlstied' rooms. ?20 'cBt 8-con.l ONR s)eepln roora Phonjs6744." TWO nlrt sleeping roorctT f hone 884lT Sf flEPTyrTT-oomi for ladlet only. TSone (Sir. Tn'O sight housekeeping toouis. Call 6739-H. R E ALE ST A TIC TOMIE5 FdPE SALE 8-room modern close to south slrto) school, price $3,000. Cash pay ment $1,000. 5- rnotn Minirnlow four blocks from the Palaco hnllillnic. Price $3,000. Cuhh psymont $2,000. 6- room locntcil on l-'lftecnth street; harttwoml flnorn, Jecorntlima new. IVIceJ fur few days, $3,000. Cash $1,000. 5-room new bunirnlow eaat side, poswfxslrin at nni'o. Price $3,150. Cash payment $i00. 5- room North Klwood, east front, aleeplng porch. Price $4,500. Utvej terms. 6- room new Inrtmiilow, east front, ready to move Into, located on south side, finished In oak, built for home owner. Kur quick sain has priced this place for Jii.L' f0. (Jlvo terma. T-room South Cincinnati street, east front, flnlHheil Inside white enamel and mahogany, oak floors, laundry room, poHHesslon at once. Price $7,000. 8-room close In on South Boulder. This la snap at the price, $8,800. 8-room southeast part of city, now ready to occupv, located In hlKh claxs district. Price $8,000. Cash payment, $2,000. room bungalow South Hoston, larafw living room, high lot, nice lawn. Price $4,600. Corner lot, located close In, hs one (-room and one 6-room house and store bulldlnir on tho same. Can be handled for $3,500 cash payment and terms on balnnco. Price $8,500. MEN JSAREETT Room 208 Robinson Kids;. Thone 1887. Res. 13 .11. Modern four-room apartmeut," ' 520 South Cincinati. TTliTKE MMi EL MfiDQeir C0 18 West Fourth. Phone C04. 0-room duplex bungalow, practical ly new, pnpered, half block car Una and povod streot, Kood well water, about IS blocks out; $2,500 with $1,200 cash. House would cost that much to build now. Ao Co TItampini Icbhq (LDo Annfdl Room 2 riantera National Rank Rldf., Second and Main. I'hones 6236-7671, SNAP $3t5ffiJJ EHJS Six-room modern house, close In, Kf.od location, fine Investment Owner leaving city and wants to aell glva l'OHfiolon at once. Oil us for ap pointment and wi will show the property; will not give location over phone. Sea mwn - KAKKETTT Room 20S Roblnron Bidg. rhone 1887. Res. 1358 of Mapla Rlde and Mornlngslde homes see aBWMi i& Bwiniinn tld Jtoblnson Illdg-. Fhona H5, t I HATE an elegant home In the north sids ' fur tale, consisting of ten-rooms; this Is certainly a pleasUnt, nice arranged home: you Call i 111 have to aee It to at predate It. ma at 7688 or 4788. Foil SALE Il-irt is your South Itostoa home, located In ono of Ike beat blocka. ' eaat front, aeven room and Bleeping perch, baBerrent and garage: 10,500. Let me show Ola on. J, C. hWddin. 216A Suulli Main. Pliers 6601. A O0OO acre "oT ground" ard two room houae, dandy barn, located In Park Place ' addition, east of Maplo Itldge; this will mak sn ideal chicken; aome good Ckltlvnted ground on it; price only $l,8u4V. terms on $800. Call 7583 or 4788. IfOR SALE A good five room house, close In, on paving, two blocks from school, tlose to jitney car line, rent 830 ft month; would consider s good light ear; prioe i 7MI. Cill and ste me st 12J9 Eaat Ifcdit FOR SALE By owner, flreron-n cottage. modern, eaat front, full-sixcd lot. gsrage for two cara, natlvo shade, well soft water. Phoue 892). i'l E-ROOM modern only seven bloekt out on! dandy lot, now renting for $4O0; sale price (2.700 with $800 caah and terms. Phone 6236-7677. m:hau .. .' (Published in the Tulaa Tjaily World, Angual 29, 80, September 1, 2, 8, 4. S, 6, T and 8th, 1917. World Publishing Com pany, Publisher.) NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND , CONTRACTORS. Blda will ba received at the office of the City Auditor, Tulsa, Oklahoma, until S o'clock p. m., Monday, September 10th, 1917, for the construction of a Sanitary Sewer in cluding laterals, connectiona ana other ap purtenancee for Sewer Histrict No. 127, aa created and established by Ordinance No, 1714, passed and approved the 18th day 01 Julv. 1917. Plans, profiles snd specifications for th construction of said sewer system and ap purtenancee have barn adopted by the Mavor and board of Commiaaionera ot taid City and ara now on file in the office of the City Engineer. lilds mast be mads upon the official pre posal sheets of the City of Tulaa. The right to reject any and all blda la re served to the Board of Coinuiiasiontri of th city of Tulsa. Oklahoma. A certified check in the turn of five (6) per cent of the amount of the bid will b required from each bidder. All bida will be opened and considered bf the Hoard of Cominiswionert of laid City at a -meeting of'said Board to be held in the City Hall In said City at 9 o'clock a. m., on the 11th day ot September, 1917. Any and all partiea intereated are hereby notified that they may appear and protest against or object to aaid propoaed improve wenta or any part thereto, or any matter or thing In relation thereto, at eaid meeting ot the aald Board of Oommiafilonara on the IltA, day of September, 1917. H, H. W'YSS, City Enjineer. Sealed bida will be received by A.1C Lyona, Secretary Creek Lodge- N. 226, A. V. A. V., car ot First Stat Bank, Briatow, Okla., until 4 P. M. Monday, September 10th, 1917, for th construction ot a two-stor brick Vasonlo Temple, in accordance wills plans and specifications which can ba ob tained from Layloii Ii Smith, Architects, TOl Majettio Building, Oklahoma Oil v. Specifica tions require a deposit of $25 for pi sua ancV apcifictlont and a certified check of 6 pe tent to tceonipany all bids. Owner reserve right to reject any or all bida and waive aayi torthalltiea.