Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1917 THE TULSA DAILY WORLD ornciib city Ari cwstt J'ait.k. Puhluhed hi Wo 14 Pubtuhir.g. to upl"; KtOKKR "l-OKTO.H . . . . . f.' itor CI1A8. t liK.NT Manag.' K. O. I. A Rhus Hui'D'M . .n.g.f OI.KN.V niKI)'t.S M.',,,,. K'lltor HAKR Y K. HL'MOK Adveril.lng Manager il.irbrr of the Aadil Uuria. of Urc Halloa. a. Maroad C!a Millar , i.Urri.(lon Prtcea: It Vail (Jul I'M! Y A.M. HCNUAY, one ye.r " I'AII.Y ONLY oaa 40 ML'NaAY ONLY, out year -W DAiLT AD bl'NDAK Br rrrlar Tu la 10 came par a. Al'LOT (iaXTLA'iin.V . . f mkiiu; i hist; aiu.i i: i..rin. It was' credited to Napoleon ho said t i a- right way to begin an nr rumint was with shot nriil II, mi l that logic could follow lifter. This; i ilimni i niTnirtT nil in nrrti i ir ppnar ie i K on rA KU WhU btUAM t Us, WALT MASON) I I a . . . . w . a.iav hra-w. init io tho McionUini. al.j.viir mountain, round ma .l.nd. with after all. Is nil thrit th! att-miit of eolriMi. (rand lha' blueprint. be.ia (frmin rllpInrnKtintH to JtiMlfy in tirm H-r I ha lived role happy w.ka ..... . . I fin Id n I nn.e snern: 1'vo gaird (rime of Helgiuiii amounts to. At upon it,. ,,. ,.,,,,d peek., and never firet they took thai right to Invade i.hd to nmli inn. 1 li.oa un to. Ill... .. . . . . .. . . mighty hllla, by which mm 9tn like midrfea I.elglum a a matter of course, a mat- ,,,,, m ,' , ..,.. J tT that no one wiulit dispute. r riinl;.d rldice. And I a!on and ena UNHYPHENATED AMERICAN The Coming of the Day When the United States Would Per mit Only One Flag Was Predicted by John Doyle O'Reilly. they begun to hunt up excuses nn'l .1 hfe, ye.. all tliv other U.nrt.1. ,-e.f. In choir, and manufacture provocations for an ll't keep i.r. ...i.bil.g W l.eiie er then ImiI upon Total Iiailv ( irrmatiort ,. ' ' Total :t I'aid " I J rim.o ll ir wa ut a al.a Dual Ai-rc liaily np. ulaiion ) J7 Kivillxeil world an'l provoked a norm a i,m or thouldrr " And with al 'n- Aii K-l I'aid t"i''t JiroH-at. Hut thflr ffoita huM- and, and oth-r il'XluU .l!y. 1. H K. J1'lllo. f lrriUll'Jfi li anajer of lha tli ra waarit.jr "l Ilia inc'inta.n alw. Tu.aa Hrtu. Uim dub ' i.aih. n i r ti-cn i)f fi.iiil and Ihflr rlinp ..d ai.'.iln ...i. hiil, And h. r, in thi. aa'ira fround lh'y lahor mn uma who do ii. : rh)ir.inf, for Ood afnd un ptaee, and keep red ' miscarried. Tho the Visrllant hove In Mrife away, Hut ahould It tome, God nend ua imht. ahe rhanKed ht-r course and put ul to aea. li-avinK allusion to hlM own niKKnanlmlty ua a oniuTor In the linen: "that Mitor kuiK e'er spured the connuered foe? 'llow mui h of mercy did Htronf; I'iuh I aia ahow When untfulHhed Tuna at ner ieei iay prone ? The German trumpet ranif iihove her moan, The clink of L'hlan spur her trmplea knew, Her Arch of Triumph spanned their trtiimnh. too. I Not thus, ( houth' when thy proud head wn low, FRENCH HOLD LINES . IN FACE OF CHARGE Two Hundred Germans Cap tured in Fighting Around Hertcbise District. ON" THK FUKN'CH FRONT IN O H,i'nvrt hi" fate , ThY paaalonate heari laid open to the , KHANCK Sunday Kopt. 2- All day O IK llly to ma rate. ' " today the GennanH tried vainly to di- men and steel! Her captain afterwards explained that " " - . v,. ik.,. vi. i.. ti,i ih vintnra odBfi me r rencn rrora ine uosiuona h. .11,1 ... K- littl nor th niun. -"J . :. , .... . .... t-4 .1 . The land is dead that dare not face fravntlc siKnala made by iU occupants.! , ..... . ,, ,,..... I but their Inc-eanant efforts resulted nothing to do nut pui oarK honored on me oay , i nere wan nmiuim u uo , ,.ui m. i.rutal show abased thine honored I only In Increasm tneir already n When foreign danger threats the U shore, where OHellly hid out for 1 tt"UMe" ln",c " uasualty lints. The French, who i There was do flmal7 tl.a a.ota timri,i ia ,ti,nds out lust un Mark as ev. , Ilul 1 irua to Iht bft of uir anoal'lifa and Ix-lirf . hr.l.r it, 11. K BnUu-h. cirnJaiion ii.uarr. i" no wonrti-r !hi y thot It proper , rtai.d. to common weal aaribad and aaorr, to it Ihia 3rd da, of hrilmhrr, 1 if 7 . W lliif Wh.tHaora. N'rar, J'uhiic iSaaiJ Mj .-on.n. iiwu. .irrs .luna ' (K 1IIK AHHOCIA I K.i) I KKhlH 'lha Aiaoriatad t'n n l i-ielaiir tiLad lo lha uta for rrpubhr anon of a1! crrdltad lo It or no! oll.rrwlia 'f:dll la this papar and alio Ihr Ural paai ub iiahrd hrtaln All rifhta of rauubliral'iia of rriaJ dapatrhra brrrto ara aUo rao -cvad. ijrn at huma thfr no thrir i. ., ..... . .i.w u .i v. n., n ,a. fill IhA fain') l.rrf.r Al hAina U "'rUDK mTQ Wiry tflttl )limfl Willi iiiiiiKri biiu toom. 1 a. i.iiro to crush . I' rad haif a. "ar.l. thay d J. nly In increasing their already heavy iiKiuiltv lists. The French, who dls- L."L: '. .I".... "2. .."""'".arant turned from JUchmond at the ' Hayed such dash in their successful from a German viewnolnt .. , .l rirlit.".ua rati-a. and hand oil nralrala I.) ,,, wi.-ir way lo un on- .,. ..... ... .... ,.' very Kate!" The closing lines of this spli-hdid au- thority than f-imanuel Kant, h philosophi ,-. Kant aaid: "Kcixe the moHt favorable opportunity for urtl tiary usurpation of authority over a Phones: All Departments, 6000 jiieiKhi.orinK p ie. The justifii anon mi extenuation or Ine use - defend: . came to him from rather Mc- ne """-r trp, ".-..w. ...... ...... . ,lml,v rln anu airiva lor inmiir warfra ii . amr. ....... v ai.i, i.u.iu iv. 'jhu.. ... . . ,. .. . .... )'' t. for th'V win. taught that i.rln- " 'an .all hi lul,r i.l.v .null ..... t.L.r ih. .v,t K... Ihi. Larlt r.i.u.l!a anothor Ww fifcl- J lnl" lny "orK. Jiepuoill.. mis my rtple lonit before by no lesn an au-'j Z ' ' .. . ' '"""'r" n.mra a; to le,1(j . roru wnaier, lo take rum on. Attain THE KIDDIE TOUCH. F nvrr tool J' miaa thaia to: Th.-il ah. ..ii. want lo kih Ihcrn if: That hoin. o ii i.l I,, to fcriin a t'lae Aa it ha for w.-i-ki' 1 rn-vi-r il.i.l fa. h l,al) guiii Would l,'ii.r ro.if.d in e nil thi- whilo And 1 alinuid i-arn to f". on mina Tha tiri..aiiri uf their rl.irki, Mot fiornr ha j-i-ri a .aM of !oorn, Aa' an a tiimlilr toi:l. Tha vary waili hava aaarua.1 to ak for voiraa taat warr atlllad . For w.i-ka I r I'.okixl at I'.fialy rh.iirl And trod tha wondarirx. aifu.aky ataira. That oakad: wari haa ti.a laujfhlar (una lly whlrb n on re wrra tlini.i.ll T nad to think that horn? n l.ooka And rhaira and thing and rory nooka, A dining room wh.ain to rut; A aoft and dony hid; I tin. I thot ho'ni v'4 i.i.liiri'H rnro And lukiiri.'a for fri.ri.U lo al.nrr. And roara so'ldlna h, tha aalfca Thrrron Ihr hoin.'7.i!k a trind Hut oh, I know init'li -liff.iaitt low; Wealth lifter ran a hornr i-ioIoa', lloniM'a not n p ar., of book ai.d i hairs And Ihir.tft In fino army Hut Initio, la Itttla rhililran'a wilro, It'a kpldir kl.iira, kl'l.lla aimlta. And kld'liM laiinu-r, nn.l tin J")a That brij(litrn every U'. Tha hnma thai waa an bright and' gay When thev wera hero With Ilia to (day boat all ft s lela.lneaM when they left. Thr neiire atill wera thrrr; In .,a.-e reiiiiilnrd the aalf aama ehairs. I trod ra.'h nljcht the aeif aama aiatro Yet evetv room aeerned Krnn mid rold Any ovary wail tanned bare. Hot oon tha pta.-a will lintf airain With ail its od tinto awing aiain, Hoon ever) thing will rlanii nii. t moro The rl.arm It feeeinrd to lark; Moon little fei't will rare the ataira And litlla voire bknbh car. And home wrll oon ha homo onrn mora, The kula aro back! UMJAlt A. lil'KST. Jloovi't Ire! Have the waste. fiuharrluo to tho Ited Cross, Bnve yotrr money. Another rail for IJIu rty boni vaT;haset s will bo mu1 Boon, 1 It Is the prevailing ImpresMion that the crown prince Is yet in the vicinity cif Verdun, altho nobody scouts to un derstand why. 1 Wheh ahe qulta worrying; for fear nomefhlnt? mlRht happen to hlrn while he Is down town the honeymoon 9 officially over. 1 We view with horror tbe announce, mint that tho supply of slmrlnn hints has been cut off by the war and that canary prices ara soaring;. 1 Had twentieth century iiutomobllen been In Vogun durlna: the period that hoop skirts were tho prevailing tyle we Imagine a seven-pa.HHenirer touring car would have been some shucks n point of floor aparc. The nnnounrenirtnt from TVrlln thnt the president's; m'.tt" to the pope has not yet been terelved by his imperial majesty Is taken to mean that Wllhelin hasn't finished perusing the document. A ten yenrx' airo column In tho Ok lahoma City Times says: "The racing proKram provUles for six runnlna; and two harness rares dally." That re minds us thnt I'rlnce Kieelina" wasn't atturtiey-Kvnerttl then. 1 The Cleveland '( ikl i.1 Leader an nounces editorially that "thero Is a lack of interest In the pennant winner of the national base.liall series this ear." All of which goes to show that the Lender doesn't know much about It, 1 They are endeavoring to make tis believe thnt tho women Inhabitants of the little Greek Island of Kano are not allowed to talk, They will have a hard time convincing; us that tno women don't talk. They may not be allowed to talk, but that's Just about as far na It goes. 1 A youth at Chattanooga, Tenn,, has been bequeathed U, 000, 000, It bclmt stipulated, however, that he must marry within one yenr. Kasy. Kasy, Indeed, A man with that amount of money should ho able to mnrry three or four times In a year. 1 The mayor of I'arsons announces that he Is going to stop the practice of turning In false alarms to the city flre department. The mayor ahoulrt be careful. Should ho carry out Ills threat the erprlpment may become so ruBtod the horses will not be nMo to move lfvAlien a fire does break out. 1 When Senator Gore wired a con stituent that lie crmxidf red Ills line pram a good Joke and that ho laukthoj quite happily at tho communication, the constituent further enriched the telegraph company by sending an other telecrnin to tho effect that other rood Jokes were tin tho process of formulation ami that It la beginning to appear that ho tho senator would "laugh his fool self to death." of the art of force will come much more easily n. Kra.efiiHy when the deed is ooou than It one bin to think out con urielng rea.soiiH for biking this M. p. to fust hear thru till the objections that ran be made against It. Kesjie. 1Mm show of audiclly In a statesman lends biiri it certain seinbi irn e of m wsrd ronvi! tlon of the justice of his 'Hon; anil once he has n"t so far, thi. god of suci i-ms Is his bent advo cate" This Is thJ German .f i-. in a nut-h'll, and they have put it in prar tl'e wherever the might of Got man funis hiis been able to each. MOW M V A UK KIMIWLS? day, and allll ha fleah and . I.erry Wongm. 1I7. by l.n.rge Mattnew Adatua fleu" . . ... I. ... . 1 . I.- . a . ... r.-li.ill.. i.u a.1- i.t.l. 1...... .-.I loom initn H oilllillKlll lo a vuin- r i ii ii or ui ueare io learn me i.m., emi nw i.ti.c a., .a .um , .... health, ove mar monwealth; I City XeicH in Jirief UKUC UI war. . uuic nwz wnn e,in iivvi 11. " rr - . . . . . The man who penned these stirring, the officers of the Gazelle was Henry To te:"h,'he '''"" to 'e tr"'K !ie.e" J".hnJ"jy"":'H.eJ"y' Wh,r i-V,t!ra'".Wl.U.."! Zl'0""' armies, nations, noble, royalties. attack on this strong point, proved themselves equally tho masters in Its lefeiise. They submitted' to the most vigorous bombardment while consol idating their gains and remain un shaken in morale by the thousands of shells which are continuing tonight to fall on the conquered terrain. During tho operation two hundred Germans were captured, including ." . o. 'Ta"C- l-"n": .!., "lV"Jj?"dlS? r"e'Ar. ?ald at wUh ail their feani "- J n. S o jiT7.iv! IMtiuiiH ill ,ta iruilllfn L I VtT rilUn. w ' " uic v. t n t, unru- l . - - fanciful fictional character of the 'nK of the tablet to the poet's memory r" u! . u, JAMKH KIN.; l.ltKV of New York my . pages of Scott or And yet at Hull. I1 EuJ,'V. monarchies arc --- 'LrJi,! "rWr,f, '.'"'i With Olteilly on board, the Gazelle1 Without u harrier and without a H.U.I'll HAUNKI.l. arrn.-l Lome !..t week that ' " remembered not for rri.-H r,.r,.i in .,i,.. wui... I thr...... .O-. ... .. . . .. . ,tVn..l V. ,u ...1 ..... I l .. ..... ,,, .1, o.... " ' ' - . ..... . ...,.,, Fni in j:n iii.-ai,. ,....... ... inn ..ionn imi iHTint , ... ,,v,. a it.... a. K. Mi..'... ton t. to. n..... I.1..I. e. . - .... .... . ti.jr.: ."i ii i-ii I I cr.lUlll The New York World cxpie-HM'. pressen smpriee because a report of the HllnoiH bureau of criminal statis tics shows that only fi per cent of the population of that stato Is arristerl ii linii.i lly . nil only j,,.r rent is con victed of crimes and misdemeanors. The reason f.,r Its surprise at. this small allowing is that Illinois Ih one of those states where the making of laws to regulate jictty matters of con duct has developed Into a crane. This Is the legislative policy wlili h gives ten opportunities for breaking some kind of n law to where one existed before. It Is the kind of policy that Wiiakcs the average citizen who seeks to respect the law uncertain every day of his life that ho will not te called to account for the infraction of some ntntute he had overlooked. I'nder these circumstances It la pass ing strange that the strength of police forces should not need doubling and Jails enlarged. The reason Is not he causo these, petty statutes ale not fre quently broken, but hecniise nooody expects a great many of them to be enforced. They remain a dead letter on the law books until occasion offers where one can bo invoked to satisfy some jietty grudno. They were not even passed with the expectation or being enforced, but because some politician wanted to placate a bunch of sealoua petitioners back home by Hiving them tho appeal nice of what they inked for. Illinois is not one whit ahead of Oklahoma on that score. .( w a rook ...... i. i k. hi. i,,. .i x-1 . , i were oungea to put in at ine uritisn ' ", " ia .tp.'ted bun. thi hut for the high type of American lir,r, or J, h.i.,.,. i, ,h,,f ek Loin a la. wee' mimita in California. iti,.11Khlri which h i r....i in v 01 wl- 1,eler". t u thot best - - ImJ i r iTr . '"fed in to transfer him to unother ship at aea. k..Y I. (iWYfcs ,,.,r,,i ,e.t,i.y from 'iH 'Ut.. "? ,h,M -'"'""ry and for the TJle gaI,phlre, u i4(,lon .hlPi llounJ a ... atiou aoent , 1 ai Ik. aorlherri pure iiieals of patriotism, duty, hu-'fr,rn Hombav to Liverpool, was siir- .ne-in.iy equa lly ami r.aternlty which :nal(.u, anil ,r,te,y w'aa taken on rom i ,u : ., ' h" wntI"K8- a"', board. From Liverpool. Olteilly H Tii r U't . , ! shipped a. third mate on the Homhay liri. , i, , ktyn'l"f ,he '"J.of Hath. .Maine, and after a cruise, of tributes- paid to his nk-mory a few HHV.r!il ,hu mViIi. i, II Utl.f S HHAIiK.S In. r. tnmed from ev.-ral we.ka vaiallon visit ri.-k, Mi. h. l irioutes iiaiu lo ins nvmory Se. v rk r. i , . r, "rn"1 ,' " i , k! i ' .U"' " at I'hlladelphla on November 28. lhf,!. "--a. ..w,.. lv ia ...'(..' IIUI l'F , Ult: J', "" "' ""k'-ry . sum of the unveiling of a bronxe tab '. . . ! let to his memorv on tin.' CbliMaf Malm That If Was I Id by i the Ilo-Ho Hlrd. Naturalists doing field work in China for American museuma pcker un an egg of the Phoenix the Funa- juat two years after the date of his ; Whang or Ho-llo bird. It has Just ninnies passage on ine iiougoumoni uaen mountert and placed on punm. Of one grand Federation Jlke our own." EGG OF THE PHOENIX FOUND J also were taken. The prisoners de clare the French artillery preparation reduced, the effectives of the German companies holding the front lines to forty men each. The French now occupy the north ern edge of the Hurtehlae plateau and hold nil the observation points. Tho French Infuiitrv engaged m th5 victorious attack' advanced with ir-. re.sUitjblo dash. The airmen particu larly distinguished themselves In this operation, dewendlng low enoughto fight the German Infantry with ma chine guns and also wiping out all the gunners of one of the German batteries. P M lUliroi K of the (i.if Pipe ! '.V "'"v.r"" v of '' hi' .iVIVI,- V" -r?'" f"r t,,e Australian penal colony. His view in the museum of natural history h. r.a....,.i . i.. ...u' aniiivrs.iiy or his death. The fir.. ni n.. 1..-..11... ..... ... . 1. .- ... . . - . ,, - ,. ..... ....... 11 1 v... 1- 1 ...... mii.inia iu ii.-n-iii in .-.-w iuir, r.Aii mi nation ana com- a...,o , .v,aho. .Mo Jr MrJ r .'lu I "h .himself before the I nited States dls- I-arlson by the museum staff have re- Mt l.ri.l.KV W IM( M,S haa return. d 1 la rge gathering of the not bles of Nev V'n our ' to, ,i,1e out fir PI-ers 1 sutled in the decision that disregard- At;.' fr..m a ih... i.... - ,..,.... ... ' ... " Ml naturalization. Ir.g popular legend, tho nimense eas. I Generi SENATE WILL DECIDE VALIDITY OF ELECTION ...iiniaiiu, iors ami l ennsyivania lunn or men who had known him and .. . - t1e.Tr. Auffl..uln.lli.n !........ -.1 ... ..I...... .1 ,1.11... .. .1 -1 vi t-imi iv jk . admired him. among whom were M..n. "l JUM" ,e ,J neiny was me i ".T".". 1. . VJ. '' -I- aV'AI It TO Till.; I'Alt.M VAX. While we city folks are hankering after 6-cent bread the farmers are worrying about the government's min imum of $2 a bushel for wheat. What they fear Is not so much that the price Is too low. but that the control board will not whittle down 'far enough the prices of things tho farmer must buy. If he is to have a minimum price on what he sells, he wants to know anout the maximum price of what he has Lake and Halamano, N, Y I -''"''-... ir.iirr rn ir n a. - ---- - ...ii... . . month' M.i.niri. ii. W J io.. :who had helped him In his f,.nn. c. ior anu owner oi one or me most I n.. a!n iti. rni'd Hie l nl of the week fimii i escape from the Australian i, ony ami wno had assisted in bringing ' ... i him to America thru hi Id n 1 linrl s- TIN, Texas, Sept. 3- Attorney iil i.oonev held late this afier. Wlthln Ii-bs than ten years from rorty I,m'-' ,ne "ze of the ( gg ot tne noon that the senate must itself de- prehlstorJe ostrich. l youung-. K. J. iMII.V;H. allorn.v of Oklahoma! Influential newspapers in the Cnlted tp 1 xU f"KH" ,",r'cn "re In exist- from ttates the Hoston Pilot and was not fn,ppI ,OW"r,i X .n,.U!"'"m" 'n only president of the Hoston J'ress ' 'j n't,,ri ,a'es' t,,,t ,.hl" ' h,e only , ailed aw 1 rilll nut liuil t hu rl bit nniii.n o a... I, I Ciiy, ... . v.itor he,. I,., aigb,. roming ' '"7.. I'"!. "ea. : ing the offi.-. of president of ,he ! ""me,,m nn ou n'es, "with the excep- - i un ir n .ji-ti ' 1 1 ij . i !-.. ....ik. b, ..v.a v u na HUIV l-AW 1 is iAiV II I HIT Inori M.pu. h..., I.c a Iir ' '""l effected his escape. Not ' i f . , ' 0t, V. . du .mwd. ia doubt wns expressed by any of the 'a'"0'"' I'npyrua club of Hoston. 1 i , . ' . ' ev.!1 IIH.v'A lili.r;.rir olnl. lenl n,,.K.. I friends who kneu him ..i,i,..r ..... ex'Muaive literary club that numbered 1'IIK t'n' NTY C.MISH(isKHS of TuIns ooallv or ihr,. hi. , i.... ... .... among its members Henry M. Stanley. -. . tin ii inn n i mi k.i. mm ill... ... rtilinfi.- la, mi tfulBiw ul I ,u en i.lh.iii . . ... DilVIIisf ailiuurjiti YeatrrdAr. 1 know .of no on. " ai.t.1 ii., Voung, the hlatorian; Itobert O. Fitch, c.iiwin f. vvnippiH, ine iiCKnors. v u'.w vii.--iiiinm(h of TuI-a son ally or thru his writings as to" "",un memoers nenry .m. Stanley, i-.'t i.Hl.y at iho rourthouaa, I where John Hoy).. O'Keillv' would 'dward Kin'. , Charles Kyre Hascoe, ed ih. ..hi-duled meeutig J 1; J""? , Francis II. nderwood first f"l,tor of - were ho alive to express himself.' l.Pe A,l'int'? Monthly; Alexander said Acting tiovernor I tiolidge of the common KM lltlKF Wn.I.lAM M Cfl.IOI.'LH wikl alliiid loilay'a anting of tho aupremn oourt al I 'kluhi.iiia City, where tha suit brought by Attorney Ui'iiiral Kreolmg m ou.tur pro car.lliigt uf tho atlonff will bo heard. KIitfAlt I'KNTDN, nriaiilent of the Slato ve.ii'raiioo ol at frwen park litis , lu.lri cvli-biaiion VIOKItlH J. I.OCII, lorn in Huaai and for . vi ral ji-nri engaged in Iho oil bumneas in Tulaa, jmii rday filed a petition in the United Hut., eouri at Muik.ig.-e aaklng for dual n.lurulliaiiim p,-iH-r. Mr. Lie b noioe t Am.riia in miii IMtKHIUKVT LYNs'llLliVKK of the Okla- '....r'- '.!.",'.' M"ul."'r,-7, , 1,1 ; ho prophecy that the day would hoin. City t attend to .'sue d. tail, in, !rom0 whn A merica, "tired out and to opening tho Williurton iu.tiution the third . ,nuln'lllt wltn npr squabbling popu we.k of lino month. latlon, would put her foot down with f I a will and tell them all Germans TUB KUKK UAIIV l.lMf; 'will b, opens. ' French. Irish. Orange-"You have the f A. At! We I eh. hiiniaiia a'elil I P.? HOW there H Only OlIC may havo disnp- Uean Howells. Charles Gaylord. Ir. fJeorge H. Lorlng and scores of other who has mote sachusetts' Ideals of Americanism than John Hoyle O'lu-illy. It is a wonder. hor. aha innk. ! f ii I thlna thnt liulr.,. ...... ..I.. . .. ... ! ren park, will apend tieUy at l ituhurg i years he could have made for hlm.i"' the men " ,hoBe uay who were -her. ih. cued Work.r. of j ,r , Pp i ,ll n n I Uuiil, h !llu'rlo" literature and art. And .1. .1 sr. co,.clud.., . twu day.' IT. " ."" Lfr1' 8 farming all of them. O'fteillv was the suuesman " poel "best beloved" of the disciples of lit- The man who was bold enough In i 7;itue a,monK J'" his day to twine the green and the 'Wends Wendell l'hllllps Henry W. orange colors above the building In i .7 , " J1"" which his paper, the Hoston I'llot, was , VlV"" d,0.11 ' ,"'.m"', ,f who,n published and to call uimn his coun-l' ld h,K.h trlhut-'s ,to trenlus as a trymen to forget their religious am. j P""t and orator and to his unoompro political bickerings, and who ventured "llH'nK Americanism. one oi nis greatest poems wob "America," which was read before the Army of the Potomac In Hetrolt in 1881. General Grant was present and heard the poem read, and was moved out of his customary Impassivity to sayy: "That is one of the grandest poems I have ever heard." I'erhaps It was a poem especially after the heart of the silent old warrior, or perhaps he was flattered by the poet's cifipriii il contents peared lis discoverer wns a peasant In the province of Honnn,Chlnn, who one day found it sticking in the bunk of he Yellow river, and kept it as a cur iosity, treasured it tus the egg of the logon lary rnoenlx, which Is still ners of Chinese decor Two Imperfect i V A. Collins of Heaumont aa senator the Fourteenth district. Col as chosen at u sjicclal election bv .Mr. Ferguson as governor. perfect," the land Is supposed to be anti-l-'eigiison. The objection to tho election haa been tint it wna held on too short notice. If Collins Is pouted, his Vote may have an important hearlnir on the impei. ch men t proceedings. v. i;.friiiiiu!i-i. . . . - i - t- ........ . nu. wealth. "Immigrant, or native-born I .'V??e" V' ' .K.?"".'... ul,a.m Adams, j revere .1 bv desig truly exemplified Mas- ".'"Vi.' " " ? ",.,"' J."l,',,,."! "1"n- The fossil shell was filled with ilr.nch W6apons Into imagining thnt """ 11 '; ""on"' waier wnen it arriver at the museum 1. 1. ,.i,iin h nn..H or Infantryman Sllll a Klflrniiiii. v Happily the military authorities have not been misled by tho results achieved by the big guns, the bombs and the various mlssle-throwing Flag to be raised In future In this country and thnt Flag is the Stars and Stripes," would have taken no eiiulv- Nortil attitude In this day towards hy phenated treason or hair-splitting dis ilaJura ohoiMd he brought in Iho clinic promptly upon the aligti t rat iliddi-alioD uf any iiiuLepu.iuuu un iiicir pal u I A I.I, rMN-'lrriF.H doing Itrsl Croal work .".IiIhm. .ml o. "?fi"r ,. a iylty ""p whatever name he might lug In the woikro.Mii at 2 :io o clo.-k thi. ' 'Ind it masquerading. A lover of free afternoon. The bu.ineao ol this ineriing i. (loin and a foe to tyranny. John Hoyle se an Ion la evlng lerday afternoon from the Mowbray rhapel . I wlth ,l" tno fervor of his fiery Celtic Mr.. Clark, who had been in the employ of tempera ment thnt the democratic llin ta.utlmaetern Hell 'IVlevhoiie company for hopes of the world were anchored to tho pant in year.. )evr a niotJier. father. ' a m.Hi. ih.,i k.. .n.r,.l a.. Iwa brolh.ra and three aiatira. . . i , . I afternoon. The bu.inoaa ol this meeting i. (loin and a foe to tyranny, John Hi urgent and plan, uf unportanco will bo hid. j O'Kellly was above everything else rUNKItAi, MCimAlrl of Mr.. M.dge . Afml,;ri, T,,1','11 ?1T"! W'1 Clark of Mouth roreat took ,.lr. ye.- I ho , ;,',d h.' adoption belief tlned to enfranchise the nations. Thnt i.k-ioiv imiiii i... i..... . 1.....1 I waa the doctrine he preached untir- .i.unt phy.i.-al director at tho Y. M C. A , llngly, as a Journalist, aa an orator and rnved yreterday frura l.oul.villi Ky. Mr. las a poet. ii... ii ua. ueeu in iKnuavnio lor two year, and haa been thoruly trained in the lik. 10-neva achool. lie will be .a.i.uut to K. IWirn In an Irish Castle, John Hoyle O'Kailly was horn In a renl Irish castle, the castle of liowth, County Meath, Ireland, a pllo of stone centuries old, dating from tho days of O, YanThurn, pliyait-al director Ml IX DAY", I.ONI1 IKiNOItnn k, "h'ao" M.imlnv anil "i.ll" .lav wilt ev ll.. ...... of tho V M. C A and ihi .pirn of putnotte 1 1 ' "Hh d I. icy, for he was of a race i.rnls which It ia to bo hoped America ha of landel Irish gentry distinguished In her new oldi ra. now become known a. : us Soldiers, prelates and wholars. He letter' .lay, l-.r it I... bevn designated a. prew up amid historic surroundings the lay to be art apart lor all who wiah to . j ... to buy. And wo don't blame him for wriln Mr" ,0 lh"lr wl'li"r ,rl'"J"- A -I" v., .. "'' ' " ,. , .. 1 1 ,r i-uil .omniittee hereafter will bo m the lobby ! ,,oth i Irish patriot and an Irish Iliat. However, Senator Gore nnn I f the y M. C. A on Miuulay evening, arid ; poet. His home was only a few miles other agitators who mini if est a keen 1 "r'" 1"us,, " r""" """ remember 11. a boy. from the hill of lara In one direction concern for the farmer may as " " K"nc """ take In their signs. Tho government I RAILROADERS WILL STRIKE Is going to protect the farmer both , ways. It hns rlven him roughly a ! . ,. . . . . .... . K.I.. M. & ). Men llae Askcil for raise of M0 pep cent over previous . . ... .... ...... i, i . i. . i "'I liicrcaiso III Wiitfi Itcfusiil. prevailing prices for his ch ef prod uct, and now It Is Pioinlscd with tin. I WICHITA. Kan., Scjit. S . ViftrT.,. ii.- .h , Cftl,,amX, or ' was likely to cease, to be primarily a trifle more than two quarts. Two j rlf0,na-n. d the good work which o Yfl.liroTt'nVye'k "r'";'was initiated before the war at Hythe Z ff w 15" r,hin'hOh :"0 1,lHlt,V- and at regimental rifle 0?" ' and - things ancient China did rot invent, i I,al!dd at lne. many ml,11kt,ry No sclenliat has ever seen a bone or ' Mc navf h'n eKUlbl shed bnln2 remnant of tho biped which laid,11?. fro,,t 'P r ranee, where selected ovloda like this ono from the mud of !P,f",e.rM and P,,,!" l.'f "r. fTCes .haV! Yellow river. It may Ik- imagined that ih'fi" 'iKh,t n'l 'hat was to he pot out the traveling naturalists had some 1 "f lht' B, rvl,' weapon. The result has difficulty In acquiring it for the l'Pe" ",1(lwn ln the account we hear I'hoenix to which It was lo-allv at- of tne wonderful rlflo practice made tnbuted stands In Chinese art and tra- l,y our troops In the fighting around ditlon ns the symbol of Immorality Hullecourt, reminding uh of the stories and resurrection. Farther west one tblt URed to reaen 118 during the re of the legends of the bird has been tiT-at from Mons of how German mass that every five hundred years It flew , attacks withered up under the fire of out of Arabia old and decronit to Hep. opolis, and there on an altar burned Itself rind rose from itajiahes young ar.d Isatiutlfiil once more. No lnul symlKil for the China of the present hour. our Infantry of the old army. Fxcttso for Wotting I'p. "What's a mixed metaphor, Hill?" That's a new one on me. Let's go) over and ask the bartender." anil from the site of tho battle of the Hoyne In another direction, the one the ancient seat of Irish learning, the other the grave of her liberties. He took to the Fenian movement that be gan to rrystalize In the early sixties as a fish to water a movement that cul minated In its usual complement of in formers, executions and convictions to Written greatest of assurance that prices j n,,1' e t,lat ""'y wl" Ko out on a strike penal servitude. When only 20 years things he must minims, w ill be r.e.i 1 " eunes.ia morning was given down to a much lower figure t har. K"risa City. Mexico & ( irlent railroad that. And action already taken to-1 "''"' ""'b'ht by union shopmen. The the of age, a trooper In tho "I'rlnce of Wales' Own, he was arrested for "fo menting treason," tried by court-martial and sentenced to death, a sen tence which was afterwards commnted to twenty years' penal servitude. Sev eral years of his time he served ln solitary confinement in the Knglish and consumer must both be protected by the food control scheme, or else the result of tinkering may be an In jury rather than a help. lit Oklahoma and Texas will be In volved, they said. ward control of prices on coal sugar i "''opmen recently demanded a wage and other article, wouid Indlca',,, ,at ! !m.irbd:,,,:u;:.. "f tho government Is both able and will- .ilred men will go out in Wichita, union Irg lo re. hem its promise. 1 ro.lur(.r ' leaders decla led. Several other shops prisons at 1'entonville, Millbank, Chatham and Dartmoor, from which ha made three desperate attempts at escape which were frustrated. In 1868 hn was deported to Australia, in the convict ship. Hougotinjont, to serve out there the remainder of his term. The story of his escape Is a thrilling n. ' He was placed In charge of a band of convicts building roads thru the Australian bush. One day there) rode Into camp a Catholic priest a Father I'atrlck MeCabo, whose "parish" ex tended over hundreds of miles Of the bush country among tho convicts and ticket-of-leave men. To him O'ltellly Abe Martin Parr? - " i fine good thing about fellers Vhat like C fish - they never cripple any in dustries when they lay off. How some women kin sit on th' front porch all forenoon Is th" leadln' mystery in more'n one neighborhood. I'lagnmit Injured. H. A. Knapp, Frisco flagman, was seriously bruised and narrowly Miami J losing his life yesterday while watch ing the day parade at the Inter section of the tracks and Main street he was struck by a passenger train and knocked lo the pavement. Ho was taken to the Tulsa hospital where his condition was pronounced as not sen. nis. I our Kllliil In Wreck. SAN ANTONIO, Texas. Sept. 3. 1 0))nf ,,le(1 a rl,p,rnt Plan that he had IOIIULK T Tvirnrt. noiitr-irsior a. wni . . ....... .... in view to tas.e to tne nrusn, nide out for a certain time until he could make a boat and take his chances on the open sea. "It Is an excellent way to commit liiiclde," said the priest. "Don't think Yf it again. left me think out a plan for you. You'll hear from me ngnln." Hut weeks and months psed and O'ltellly did not hear from his clerlenl friend. Then one day a stalwart man stepped out of the bush, with an ax on his shoulder, and walking up to O'ltellly In the convict camp, he said: "My name's Mngulre. I'm a friend of Father Mac's and he's been speak ing about you." Then he unfolded a plan which had been formulated to take O'ltellly off tho Island in the American whaling bark Vigilant of New Hedford, Maine, which would Ve cruising In those waters In February it was then De cember. February 18 was the appointed day. O'ltellly. after ninny hairbreadth es capes and untold hardships, finally put nut to sea In a small rowboat. The Vigilant was to pick him up at a cer tain point Hut ln some way tho plan Thomas T. Tygart, contractor. 45. wns killed nnd three otljer persans serious ly liiluri.l in an automobilo collision late tod ly near tho idly. Tho driver of Tygurt s car suddenly swerved to avoid another machine, lost control, and the accident resulted. Fight on Strtvt. Mack Hath, received several knife ruts and Hill Fincher a broken collar bona huat night when they agreed to disagieu on West First street. They were arrested on charges of disturbing the peace. Mill Organise Sunday School. Garden City, tho new and flourish ing suburb of West Tulsa, will on next Sunday organiso a Sunday school. Tho meeting will be held at 10 o'clock, fol lowed by a sermon by ltev. Ii. 8. June. trlMSl Job, From the Ijunh. Tho Culler Smith and Tlatil.s have employed me to roller the bill you owe them. Tho Impecunious On Voit aro to be congratulated, sir, in obtaining a peiuiuiiciit position, For the Blue-Jackets a. 0 ill 115 kwaaasar m aSaaw k. m- MM AT -aw if Our boys In the Navy enjoy their Bevo. The Navy De partment has put its official seal of endorsement on this triumph in soft drinks, py allowing it to be sold and served on all Naval Vessels. Ashorei or afloat, you will find Bevo a palate-pleasine, refreshing and nutritious beverage. Just the thing to take along for sail or cruise auto trip or camp and for the ice-box at home. N Bevo the all-year-round soft drink Bevo is sold in bottles only, and is bottled exclusively by .Anheuser-Busch ST. Louis g BRYAN & SUTTON 213 E. First St.. Phone 22S Dealers TULSA, OKLA. 14B