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TULSA DAILY WORLD, THURSDAY, SEPT. 6, 1917 3 WINTER QUARTERS FOR CIRCUS HERE John Robinson Shows Seek a Suitable Phoe; Tulsa Will Make a Bid. FAIRGROUNDS MENTIONED Four Hundred Horses, Many Wild Animals and Army of Workmen Need Space. usually gets what she goes after. Kight now the city of wonderful growth Is endeavoring to secure the permanent winter quartern of the big John Koblnson circus una" tentative plans are being made by a special Chamber of Commerce committee, headed by C.lenn Condon, which was appointed ye.-iterd:iv afternoon by Sec retary C. H. Douglas. . The John Itoblnson circus, which is one of the three largest traveling tented amusement enterprises in the I'nited States, is seeking a suitable location 'or quarters. Negotiations are pending with Hot Sprint?. Pine Itluff and Little Hock and with com mercial organizations In Dallas, Texas, and Richmond, Va. These cities have offered some inducements to the circus owners but Tulsa be lieves she can beat them all and not half try. Iiilect Site Tomorrow. The John Robinson circus is sched uled to exhibit in this city Friday I'nd the proprietors of the enterprise will bo here to confer with Condon and to view the Free Fair (irounds where it is proposed to locate the show, should present plans be con Mimmated. The circus men will be shown beyond the shadow of a doubt tlint there Is no other, city In the world so well adapted for their quar ters as Is Tulsa. As Is well known the show Is the oldest in the world. It was organ ised ninety-three years ago In I'tica, N. Y., and has been traveling continu ously ever since. It Is now trans ported on three trains of cars. In 1824 five wuKotia carried the entire outfit of the show. Since the early forties and until two years ago the permanent quarters of the show have been located at Terrace l'ark. near Cincinnati, Ohio. The buildings there are old and Insecure and two seasons ago the circus management moved for the winter to the Amerl cus, Cia., fair grounds. These grounds were used again last winter but can not be secured for the coining win ter months because part of the land, covered by some of the buildings, has been sold. "We are now a big show without a home," says Herbert S. Maddy, a rep resentative of the circus, who is in Tulsa to consult with the Chamber of Commerce committee. "Our season will close about the middle of No vember and we must speedily secure a place suitable 'or the winter months. "Tulsa looks mighty good to me and If my bosses view the city In the same light, when they come in with the circus Friday, I believe a satis factory deal can be m- We will Inspect the buildings at ...e Free Fair Grounds and see whether or not they can be adapted for winter quarters. Might Have Winter Zoo. "We will need stable room for over four hundred horses and must have good buildings for our cat animals, deer, elephants, camels and birds and monkeys. Wo must also have build ings fur our wagon and car making departments, our seat department, lights, harness and painting. All of our many wagons and cages are painted every winter. We will need a small hotel for our men and barns that can be made Into training quar ters for horses and elephants. "The circus spends thousands of dollars during the winter months out flting for the coining season and we must locate In a place where we can have the advantage of wholesale prices. We must also locate where feed for our animals and stock can easily bo secured. Fuel is unite in ' Item with us and I understand Tulsa lias a natural gas rate that Is second to none In the state." PRETTY COMEDY ON DECK TODAY "When We Were 21" Follows "Alias Jimmy Valentine" at the Grand. ALL CHILDREN LOVE "SYRUP OF FIGS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Give it when feverish, cross, bilious, for bad breath or sour stomach. I-ook at the tongue. Mother! If coated, it Is a sure sign that your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peevish, Truss, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act natu rally, or Is feverish, stomach sour, breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs." and in a few hours all the loui constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gentyl moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. You needn't roax sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love its delirious taste, and It always makes them reel splendid. Ask your druggist for a 50-rent not tle of "Califi-onia Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, enil dren of all uges and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle, lleware of coun terfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that it is made by "California Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempt, Adv. AMERICAN AVIATION CAMP IN FRANCE LARGE AFFAIR Nearly :m I.argv as I n nch ami I'.rilisb .Schools; laigincers Prove i:iflclcncy. l'.XRIS, Sept. 5. A correspondent of the Matin who visile I an American aviatii.n camp in France t:ur prme at. the number of men for whom preparations being made and at what hiis beer, oci-omplished. "A n ad eight miles long lvus been built in less than a month by i com pany of An.ericin engineers." ho writes. "Flying will beg-in p.Iout Sep tember 15. "The American Hehool Is nearly as large a.s the Fren;h and Uritish avia tion school;; and the camp is about 3.T'0 acre,, in extent." 7 Days Out let Sale 114 So. Main The first 10 men can buy a Wilson Bros, full dress shirt for 10c. The Union 111 South Main. As a chango from the crook play. 'Alias Jimmy Valentine," a delightful comedy-drama of English life, namely, "When We Were 21." will he the new attraction at the Orand, starting with Viday's matinee. There will also be a Saturday matinee and the evenins performances tonight, Friday and Sat urday. Tulsans have witnessed in the past four days the opening performances of the Incomparable (Jrand Stock company, undoubtedly the highest class stock organisation ever seen In the state. Not only are the perform ers real artists, hut the scenic produe 'lon ami every detull are on a par with the road attractions that are seen at the Grand each year. Theater goers have already become endeared to Cliff Hastings and Miss F.Ila Kra mer, leading man and woman ot toe company, and the other members of the company have their foilowlngs, too. The success of the enterprise is assured. The enthusiasm and s:r.e 01 the audiences at each performance give ample testimony of that fact, love S-cni's and Laughs. In "Jimmy Valentine" you saw crooks and detectives, ami got a elimpsc of prison life. In "When Wm Wero 21" you will se a bill entirely different. There Is a story an ap pealing one and lots of love seem . and a wealth of delightful, quaint comedy, with situations calculated to tickle the risibility of the most digni fied. The play Is by II. V. Ksmond and Is produced here under the direction of Harry F. Vlckery, by arrangement with the American I'.ay company. The first three acts are bill in tin; rooms of the young man who Is toe central figure in the plot. The last act Is a sitting room in the apart ments of an Interesting young woman nicknamed "The Firefly." The fur nishings for these acts come fr-uii a prominent local furniture store and are tiie very last work In that line. Mr. Hastings will play the part of "Richard t'arew," while Miss Kramer will have the hole of "Phyllis l-.ric-son." Harry F. Yickery will be at his best as ".Sir Horace I'iumlev, Hart," otherwise known as "Waddles." The part of Kara Clyncsk. "The Firefly," will be played by Miss Adelaide Mei nolte. Tlit r are many other odd characters. The fact that every seat at the Grand is reserved for both matinees and night shows makes it possible f-'r patrons to call up In advance and have their scats laid aside. It Isn't often that one can have a matinee seat re-erved t"r 10 or 20 c-nts and I then see a show such as those at the I Grand, but that is Just what Is being done this season. I ltett-r Than i:cetel. "The business this week has cx ! ceeded mir expectations," said I.. K. Powell, manager or the Grand, last night, "and the fact that it increases with each performance indicates tnai I the public Is pleased. We are striv j ing to give them more than their money's worth all the time and I am sure they appreciate It, Judging from i the number of verbal expressions I j hear every day." The Grand box office is open all day. Hc-ser. atlons for today's matinee ! or tonight's performance should be i made before noon if possible .as most I of the choice seals are usually gone by 12 o'clock each day. .v s' &xmza WOMEN COOKS NOW SERVE IN CAMPS EXCEPT AT FRONT Open Again We have repaired, reno vated and redecorated our CAFETERIA and will welcome our old customers and new ones too TODAY Y. M. C A. Fourth and Cincinnati Thousand lt place M"n, M iking Food More Appetizing ami Idslu'Ting Oct liy lOnummy. UKAIiQI'AItTKPS OF WMMKK'S AUXILIARY C" iKCS, HKIIIN'I) U It IT. LSI I LINKS IN FUANCK. Due of the resolutions which Kh" war lias wrought In t lie I'.ntisli army has been the admission of women coo!ts to tin cat.ip kitchens evcrywheri except in tiie fighting lines. Tiie fist women cooks In the T'.rit lnh tinny were employed in Auku.m. ISITi. at a convalescent camp, and six months Inter the formal recruiting or women for this work was Initiated. Today there are more than six thou sand cooks and waitresses in two hun dred ramps in Fngland alone. Women have also taken over the kitchen ser vice In all the Canadian and Aus tralian hospitals, and women instruc tors are being employed In the regu lar army schools of cookery. line woman who enrolled as a cook two years ago and who Is now only 22 years old has risen to the rank of superintendent and Is responsible for the whole service In a camp of 22.0uu men. The ecenomv resulting from ton employment of women cooks has been very marked. In one large officers' camp the daily messing charge was reduced within a few weeks from 65 cents a day to 31 cents and in addi tion a fund of $!00 was saved for miscellaneous camp purposes. The rate at this, camp Is now reduced to 18 cents a day. GO TO GALVESTON The Finest Surf Bathing in the World The coolest spot in the southwest, in the midst of all kinds of amusement. Fishing, Tennis, Golfing, Motoring, Fire works and Open-Air Dancing. Write P. 1 1. SANDERS, HOTEL GALVEZ Manager Ibc Best Resort Hotel In the Southwest WOMEN'S CLOTHES COST MORE; WAGES NO BETTER Itrcssniakers Forced to Tlti-l Oilier Means of Kniployinciit tn Italy; Shoe Prices Oiimliuplod. KOMI?. Sept. 5. While women's clothes have doubled in prici, the wage paid dressmakers' employes still remains about GO tents a day. The exploitation of women worici-rs in Italy Is being discussed. In connection with the recent strike of Paris nudin ettes, Rome's two most fashionable establishments, despite their uur prices, continue to pay thci M witig girls at th's rate, with three inontls' layoff In summer. As It is linposMlile for these i-irls and young women to buy food on such wixg'js, louny of them havo turned to worn as houm maids, where at least they yet tlieir food. One of the cnlcf difficulties of working women at present Is o yot shoes, for which thoy now have to pay $4 a pair for the quality that be fore the war cost them $1. Kalsn ltcglsl ration Discovered. FORT WORTH, Texas, Sept. 5. Chairman Wall of the county exemp tion board announced this morning he had discovered evidence o' whole sale false registering In Tarrant county. More than 100 persons In the second and third calls have failed to appear for examination and many of their notices- have been returned as "unknown," Chairmou WftU amid. . ' ' ' s ' $ H . Sk , .i.. A isiiii.... i... , , ' ..'i . 1 1 .im. m uiit iS ysfjl A CHICLE AMERICAN CHICLE COMPANY Dr. H. M. ROWE, Present of the American Automobile Association and Presi dent of the Automobile Club of Maryland, says: "I consider Adams Pepsin Gum a very efficient digestive agent and it is in general use in my r r . ji . yz. ramuy ror mai purpuc. Zi-A LP H LP 3 n .Ki THE BIG BUSINESS-MANS GUM In the Struggle for Wealth take care of your Health DOLLS AND OTHER THINGS FOR SALE THIS M0R?INU Die Red i'ross Workroom Will Sell Articlci In HoU-l Tnlsu Iobby. Dolls, clowns, teddy bears, trays and en, broideries will be disposed of in the lobby of llotei Tulsa tomoriow morn ing. The money will bo for the ben efit of he lted Cross workroom fund, now In u somewhat anemic con dition us a retull of the many, many 1-imd.some kits supplied to the engin eers im nmbulancers who have loft Tulsa for France. Mrs. Ic. .. .Scott ih y will be In ctvtrgo of the sale. Varn for helmets and sweaters wilt bo on hand the last of the week and the work of fci tiflng soldiers aguinift the binds of winter will ba begun again with renewed vigor. As another mark of our alliance with Franco, the lied Cross supply service department for the convenience ot its French affiliations, hns asked to have all workrooms count by the metric system In packing ami for warding supplies; and these articles will bn sent In tens and hundreds lather than In doxens. Corn Continues to Improve. TOPRKA. Kan., Sept. 5. Corn continued to Improve during the seven day period ending September 4, but th week was too con! tor satis factory development, according to the weekly summary Issued here by tho weather bureau. The report declares the bulk of the corn will not be safe from frost before October 1. other crops are doing well, the report states. Oculist Joins Army. Special to The World. t'Ol.LlNSVM.I.K, Ok la., Sept. 5. r.'r. O. W. I.udgley has Mieoetsf ully passed the examination for the dental rescro corps of tho United States irmy. Dean It. J. Rlneliar of tho Western iJertal college of Kansas City, Mo., has Informod Doctor Radg ley that his papers am application have been forwarded to Washington. It -vis two months before lioctor Hodglcy had the opportunity to take tho examination ufter he n ado ap plication. He epo(5ts that It will bo several weeks l.eforo he get his appointment from the secretary of war. Tniptsdnr Nabbed. CMICAClo, Sept. 5. A man who gave the name ef (leorgo Ham, said tn have obtained $20,000 In various cities because of Ills protenllons of be ing a captain In the nuartormnstera department, ha been arrested In At lantic City, according to word received here today. The man !s said to have secutcd $3,000 In Chicago, D. CAMPBELL, WELL KNOWN HERE, DIES IN KANSAS C TY Son of Archibald ( anipls ll. for Many Years Kesldcnt In Tulsa, Hurled Friday. Dan Campbell, former Tulsan, who during his several years residence here lived with his family at Four teenth and Boston, died tn Kansas City yesterday. Mr. Campbell had been ill of tuber- jeulosls for about four years and his death was not entirely unexpected. The young man's father, Archibald Campbell, was active In the oil Indus try while he lived in Tulsa. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon. Thousands Will Avoid Annoying Catarrh This Winter A l.l'ITI.F. I'KFCAITION HKillT NOW SAVK l'XTOl. AN. NOV. a ci-;. You who have been afflicted with Catarrh, know that with the first flgns of cold and damp weather the Ulwsiae will promptly return, and re main an unwelcome guest as of yore. Why not save yourself the suffer ing and Ihe inconvenience which your experience tells you la ir. atoie for you. Avoid the folly of waiting until tho disease has you within Its grasp again. l'ropcr treatment Is worth a great deal more right now than later. Ca tarrh cannot be permanently cured by local treatment with sprays, douches, ointments, washes, etc. Science has proven that the d'seaso is in the bloou. That Is why a thorj cour.-ve of S. S. A., the uiiKjuilled blood remedy, t'l-es so much good right now. This letnedy goes tJ the very source of the disease, and by purifying- and clc:ins 'lig the l.'Ioo !. eliminate the semis of Catarrh, anj drives them frot.i tho s. stem. Heijln th's treatment loday, and vou will Ic thankful for the wonderful relief you will enjoy this winter. S. 8. K. Is sold by druggists everywhere, and hus been on tho market for more than fifty years. He sure and get the genuine S. S. !-. Our Medical liirector will gladly give you expert medical advici alnjut the treatment of your own ciso, without charge. Write to day to Swift Specific Co., 11B-C, Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Goorgla. Kiiv,