Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, THURSDAY, SEPT. 6, 1917 0 0FfC:6S4 WH'PECK " f?SDENCS2442 n . U.lUxa, Onnnylranla , Mercer (bU). Niwrailla ... Corning Caball North Lima. . South Lima . , Wooitrr .... Indiana Frtncotoa ... Honiaraei . . Ktacland lllinoia Kan. A Cm., .f 2 00 lir.ldton 1.20 Cmhing (Teiai Co.) 2 25 Fortican (It.) 2 00 tonirana (blk) 1.00 Elcclra 2.00 Ilenryalla .... 2.0Q Caddu (38).. 2 00 la Holo 2 00 t'a.Mo 3S).. 2 011 Caddo (32) . . 2 00 Canada 2.23 $3 50 I 15 1 23 2 .60 2.57 2 OS 1 08 2 80 1M 2.17 20 1 10 2.12 Mystery Deepens The KiiHollno well recpntlyTpporlou h completed by Clinton brothers in 33-17-13 unit Hftc-rwarda rlaliucil liy the Oklahoma l'etrolunm & (ianoltne Co. on account of a break in the line, in more than ever the Hiibject of Inter, est for the reason that the break in the line wuu at leattt fifty feet from the well. When discovered the KUHollne had nhnwn no surface indication and evi dently the KUHollnv had filled the water sand and worked 1 1 way over to the Clinton well, which aeenis un ulniobt impoMiiblc circumstance. There have been KHSolme wells In all the oil fields, one of the most noted of which 1h In Hutler county, I'a., ti.i n nuiull but exceedinKly intcreBtiiiK well ut the southwest cdije of the CuhIiIiik field mid many more in the Vyonilnn fields. There is a well at Mineral Wel, Tcx.-ih, reported by the owners iih niuk InK pn.s and keroseue, but the fra ternity has been somewhat skeptical about the latter and la looking for other causes than naturul one. Several years at;o an explosion that ' plowed the around In great furrows occurred in the ferryman pool on a rount of gas seeping thru the water nand from n gns well located a half mile away from a tlilllliiK well and this K'l". fltidiiiK n vent where the well was drilling, caupht fire with the re 'MjU-ltor iioods for I.cxs Money" When he begins to study style he appreciates the study put into our kind of clothing and the thought and time put into every line, curve and seam of our special suits for young men. For college, university or school, here is the correct clothing to put the stu dent in the right place as far as "outride appear ance" is concerned, and the "outside appearance" is what we are all judged by at first. The first im pression is generally the most lasting. Suits from $15 to $35. Fall overcoats, raincoats, suits. Our new fall hats and shoes are awaiting your inspection. 116 SOUTH MAIN WM. R. HOUSTON VM. M. FIDLE Houston, Fible & Co, Members New York Stock Ex change and Chicago Hoard of Trade Ptofk, bondi, grain tnd coltoo. Standard oil and aubaidiary i.'ockii, Ntw York and Boston curb, Lilitrij booda bouihl and auld, pritrat wirea. Tlephou 2408 118 Eaat Third St; Tulia, Okla. Attention. Oil Men Humble Oil company well on Sler roan leuse Is biggest well in north Tevns t 3,000 'jarrelsl. We own acre Hge ckse up tn this big well. Will se'l or consider drilling proposition. Phone i.s before you come; It may he foil before you read this ad Must act promptly. Knight & Allday rinom 1R Knight Building, Wichita Kails, Texas. Vhone 477. STRANDBERG, M'GREEVY & Co. TULSA MEMBERS With Iraanl wtrt lartlc to alt of Ilia principal ntarketa, wi ar In poaltloa to (It anraerllrd ierTir In the titration of ordcra la lha listed stoeka and all ( lb Standard Oil and Independent oil atonka. Bpiclal attention (Wen to future oa tracts In grain and cotton. J. P. HANLEY, Manager 121 EAST THIRD TEXJTT (HOTEL TUEtA) sult that the greatest explosion unuei ground ever recorded occurred. It goes without saying that if there Is much gasoline In the water sand Just below the surface, It becomes a menace on accaunt of dunger ut fire und yet may bo pumped from wells about to be drilled, as hereafter oil men will be on the lookout for same. Extension Showing at Towanda The big news from Kansas for the day comes from Towanda, where trie Wichita-Augusta Oil company Is unit ing on the Ceorge It. Plmpkins farm In the southwest corner of the north east of the northeast of the southwest of 25-2G-4. The test has 1,000 feet of oil In the hole from sand found near 2.700 feet. It Is No. 2 on tne farm. No. 1, a dry one, being locatea in the southwest corner of the north east of the northeast of the southwest of the fectlon. The well Is Important Inasmuch as It is some distance from the present proven production In tho Towandu field in the north tiers of township 26-4 and hIso Is about two miles northwest of the Atlas Petroleum company test In 31-26-5. The possi bility of either a new pool or an ex tension reaching from either ouu n these points is good. l)ry holes around the Wichita-Augusta test 'are quite distant and are as follows: One In the southwest corner of the northwest of the northwest of 2.1-26-4, dry at 1,600 feet, and one in the northwes. corner of the southeast of 22-26-4 at a total depth of 2.878 feet. Wells ar drilling in the center of the west line of tlie southeast of tho southeast oi 13-26-4, In the northeast corner oi 24-26-4 and one In the northeast cor ner of 23-26-4. Now Hlgs at Anxuvta. The Citizens Oil & On Co. No. 1, Taylor, northwest corner 25-27-3: Kmpire No. 6, Skii'T, northwest corner southwest norihejiM 35-27-4; Produc er;. No. 6. Smock;, center east line southwest 2-27-5; No. 7. same farm, center rorth line southwest section; Kmpire No. 6, Martin, southeast cor ner northeast northwest 2-28-4; Ohio Oil No. 1, P.cttom, norlhwes: corner southwest southeast 14-28-4: same I company. No. 4. Shreever, rentei east half so.ithwest 14-2H-4; No. IS. samel i saint' i fnrtn .., n.. .,.. ,.,! .... hulr southwest seclion'; Kmpire JCo. R, '"''own, but at Inst reports the well Kirkpatrlck. center north line south !waB ''rilling at 3.420 feet with noth half mrthwi t sniith.:v i -.o.i. v ,. Ing more show ing. 1 he sand was pire No. 10, H.uskins, center went line northerst southwest 17-28-4; Empire! No i , l.ove, northwes crrner south west northwest northwest 29-28-4 ; Kmpire No. 2, Chance, northenst cor ner, southeast northeast 30-28-4; Kmpire No. 3, Graver, north west corner 17-29-4. New rtlsrs nt I-'Mnridn Prairie oil c,, Co No. 1. Mnn son multicast corner southwest 8-25-4: Kmpire No. 1. Kowler. south wrsf forner southeast southeast 1-2C-4: Kmpire No. 3. Abratwm, northvC8t corner southwest 1-26-4; Oil and Gas Leases, Supplies. Production, Kt3 Tor Sate One comnlete string of Standard drilling tools. Address box 1145, Bartlesvllle. Ok la. Robert A. Mcltirnev, Undertaking Parlors, 15 West Third street. Phone 458. nesldence phone 191. Adv. The Following Big Oil Proposilion Will be made to some good, re sponsible oil driller, who wltl furnish the entire drilling equip, ment to drill on a lease of forty acres. Oil now being found with in one mile of our lease. The proposition will lie a 60-60 per cent proposition, each party to get 60 per cent of the earnings of the well, and all other wells on tills forty acres the same terms and conditions will pre vail. Address box 6345, care Tulsa World. Casing and Pipe Immediate Delivery 9.500 feet 8 -Inch casing, new; 7,000 feet 4-Inch pipe, secondhand; 4.000 feet 2-inch pipe, secondhand. Immediate delivery for cash. Mid to day for all or part. Address Box 6346 Care World TOE HULTIGRAPHING SHOP Phone 1000 does multiple-typewriting and does it well. We will do the fllllng in, matching, signing, folding, inserting, seat ing and stamping If you say so. And we are equipped to do It fast. S86 Oantral National Bank Bnlldlnf . M ulUgraph-U : KAXIAI CITT New York Block fiftianfa. Chicaro Board o( Trad. New Orleaoa ColUn Kxrhang. MUSKOGEE TULSA, OKLA. Empire No. 22, Paulson, northeast 'I'niu iionnwesi souiucast i-o-. No. 2, faulson, center 'ouih lino southeast, southwest section, Carter Oil No 10, irluin. su'ithvani corner south vest 10-26-4; Kmpire So. 10, Cnmilos, enter southwest snuthonst 11- 26-4; No. U, mine farm, south west corner north -ost northwest southeast, section; Rm;iire No. 0. Kn, rcrtheast corner pout h west 12- 20-4; empire No. 1, licwi. bouth wet corner northwest 13-21.-1: Km pire No. 6, cr nter north lire north east northwest 14-26-4; Prairie Oil & ftt No. 1, loscr, northwest corner southwest 18-26-4; Empire o. 7, ritlkcrson, center northwert noithwest 4-26-5; Kmpire No. 1, Thorn p.-on, southw4 corner north west t-;r.-5; Victoria Oil A tfcia, northwest corner northeast southejt 4 f ; Kmpire' No. 12, Anderson l.ortheast csiri-er northwest southeast 7-26-5; Kmpire No. 1. Houston, iouth esj; corner southwest 13-26-6. ;r;o Sljors Itnck. feorge 11. Myers Is back from Wyoming where he has been since last May and brought back with him about 10.000 acres located all iivi'i the state. Mr. Myers thinks thern will be numerous new pools uncovered and found the climate very delightful during tho summer, lie understands the leasing game and has a geological education havlm graduated from Ok lahoma university In 1913. Robert 1 Imler accompanied him on the trip and remained to look after tho legui end of the deal. l'ranli Iit-wls Is Hack. Frank Lewis, distrirt manaucr for the National Supply company is back from Atlantic City and from all ac counts had about the best time of any of the bunch from Oklahoma. He' developed the art of riding the waves like a nattve and enjoyed tho surf Immensely, lie Is welcom-u back by the bunch who have had to remain at home during tho hot w.i ther. Charles Nelson Here, Charles Nelson has returned lro n Atlantic City and is glad to get back among his friends and neighbors as he found the big crowd at the summer resort not at all to his liking. He did however find many old friends who are in the oil business In Mexlt'i. and In New York and with these had a most enjoyable visit. He is looking fine and evidently tho trip has been a great benefit. ftypsy-Cnmphvll lln.s Showing. The (iypsy Oil company test on the Campbell farm In the southeast cor ner of the south weft of the south west of 21-17-5 hail a showing for Zy 0,000 feet of gaB from sand found !at 3,321 feet. The depth that the , ,,, . . , ... - , ... - urni went out o" tne san'.i is noi the Uartlesville. Sinclair Filling Station Open. The Sinclair people have opened tho new filling station on Kast Second and a swell placo it is. Young ladies an: in attendance and within a day or two they will be all lit up in uniforms. The Innovation will attract much atten tion thruout the country and it Is un derstood that the Sinclair people arc using girls all over the United Stat.i. A Klno llahy Itoy. fJ. W. Carney of the Producer OH company is giving out 26 -cent, cigars to show his appreciation of the fate that he is now papa. The new ar rival Is a WVj-pound baby tioy born on Iitior day. Mrs. Carney is the former Miss Hlack, daughter of John T. Hlack o' the Producers Oil com pany. John In-kin Hack. John Ijirkin returned yesteron from New York and put in two weeks at Mount Clemens where he reports seeing William Kartiil and Howard c.albreath. Mr. l-arkln's family Is at a Canadian summer resort across the lake from Hurfalo and with them he visited for a few days. A lry One U'ct At Quay the Magnolia Petroleum company, instead of having a dry hole, as was first thot, on the Stocker farm in the southwest corner of the northwest of the southwest of 31-20-6. has a showing for a fine well. The hole Is full of oil and the boiler Is being moved back to drill in. Mrs. lHsisqiiot HeiKl. Mrs. John I.ebosq.uet, wife of John Itiostiuet of the Osage-Homlny oil company, died at Little Itock yester day following an operation. Mr. hoMpiet will have the heartfelt sym pathy of a wide circle of friends in Tulsa to whom Is known as a man greatly devoted to his wife and family. AT fSAIHIKK The Carter Oil company has completed the test on the Dively farm in 24-22-4W and It is a 40-barret well. The Sinclair Oil & Gas Co. Is mov ing the machine from the Fricken schmidt 10-barrel well In 25-22-4w, Just completed, to the UouiH Windle farm in the same section and will drill. The Sinclair Oil & fias Co. has a rig up on the Eliza Scliott farm in 2-22-Jw. The ,CjtiadrangIe Petroleum com pany is building a rig on the Har rington farm in the southwest corner of the southeast of 9-22-3w. In the southeast corner of the southwest of 29-22-3W the Sinclair Oil A Gas Co. has a rig on the ground for No. 1 on the Staorkel farm. The same company has abandoned No. 2 on the Campbell farm in 30-22-3w at 860 feet and has a rig up for No. S. Champlln and associates No. 12 on the Heggs farm In 24-22-4w is drill- ! Ing at 825 feet. The Oklahoma Oil A Refining Co. No. 1 on the Ravage farm in tho southwest corner of the northeast of the northeast of 29-22-3w is shut down at 1,290 feet Kowler and others No. 1 northyte in the southwest corner of 8-22-3w ! a rig. The Quadrangle Petroleum com pany Is shut down at 1,710 feet on the Harrington farm in the northeast corner of the southeast of 9 22-3w. AT CAimi'H Tho Amber OH com pany's No. 1. Bruegernian, In the northwest corner of the southeast of the northwest of 4-23-3w is a rig. Tho mme company's No. r Cain, In the southeast corner of 6-71-3w Is dowi l.oi(6 feet. Tim Ambers No. 1 Clack, In the northwest corner of tho southeast of the southwest of 6-21-3w is shut Jown at 750 feet. On the Covington townslte In 11-21-w, the Kowler and liordner test Is shut oown at 876 feet. The barter Oil company Is fishing for a bit on the Morley farm in the southwest corner of the southeast of 7-22-3w. AT QUAY The leum comnanv No. Magnolia Petro- 1 on the. Btoeltot farm In 31-20-6 has all the big pipe out ann is getting? reauy to drill In. The drill Is a foot in the sand at 3,211 feet and the hole is nearlv full or fluid. The V. ;. Skelly No, 1 in the north, west corner of the northeast quaitei of the southwest quarter of 1-lit-i is material on the ground for a rig. The Chapman it McKurland No. 1 on the Cantrell farm In Sl-20-6 is a rig. The Magnolia Petroleum company No. l on the . W. Mytr farm in 1-19-5 is drilling past two strings of tools at the bottom of a 2,700 fooi hole. AT rl.i:vrr..M Tne fiypsy No. 3.1 on the ,T. VV. Swan farm in t-1-8 Is a 15-barrel we'l. The h-imc company's No. 2 t n the The National Supply Co. OF KANSAS Dependable Service satisfactory to the customer is the first prin ciple of our business. Branches located in all principal points in the Mid-Continent oil fields. NEW STEEL TANKS are hard to secure, but we are prepared to name you attractive prices on cutting down and re-erecting tanks of all descriptions. Write or wire The Standard Boiler & Plate Iron Co. NILES, OHIO or . J. KEIM, 501 BLISS BLDG., TULSA, OKLA. Consumers Refining Co. REFINERIES AT CUSIIING Sales Office, 76 West Monroe Street, Chicago Great American Refining Co. Petroleum Products 326-7-8 Iowa Building. Refinery Jennings, Okla. PHONE 482 Riverside Western Oil Co. "MARATHON GASOLINE" Unity Building - - Tulsa The Pa'rkersburg Rig & Reel Co. Rig Iron Outfits Wood and Steel Tanks PIIONK 1101 208 Oil I0W nilLDIN'C. EDWARD B. MITCHEL ggggfjgS SERVICE PRICE QUALITY Phone 5923 :::::: 514 Gallals Bldg. Cosden and Company High-Grade Petroleum Products TULSA. OKLAHOMA MIDLAND REFINING COMPANY Eldorado, Kansas PRODUCERS AND REFINERS R. H. RE MICK & COMPANY Marketers of Petroleum Products NEBRASKA BUILDING PHONE 3233 Emropfiire lt. Gaiucevllk. Teiaa OFI'ICIC l'lIONB 0818, TV I 8A, OKLA. THE UNCLE SAM OIL COMPANY KANSAS CITY, KA!. PRODUCER REFINER DISTRIBUTOR of Oklahoma Petroleum ITie Pioneer Independent. TULSA OFFICE, 417 FIRST NATIONAL UANK HL'ILDINO. Midland Petroleum Co. Marketers and Refiners Agents GENERAL OFFICES, HARRIS TRUST BUILDING, CWCAGO The Edward Soph Co. LABORATORY, RFF1NERY AND GASOLINE PLANT EQUIPMENT Phone 6659 224 F. Third St. Tulsa, Okla. Mid-Co Gasoline Co. Casinghead Gasoline Manufacturers and Refiners TULSA, OKLAHOMA Van final? furm In 11-2P-S Is good for li barrels at a totul dc til of 2.41 1 feet. It Is In the northeast q'.i li ter of I he c ctlou. IX TIIK OS.;K The Sinclair oi! iln.s Co. s ppuil llng No. 2 on tract 10 In 4-21-10 No. 2 2 of the same company on tract 90 Is drilling at 2,4'jo :'et. it is m 4-21-10. AT PI Ki:r r Pit lltlK tho Sin clair Oil tias '.'o. has spudded No. on the Koch farm In 4-16-lt. AT C.Si:V The !vpsy Oil com pany Is trying to raise the rasing to undemuMn at 2,795 feet on the Squire Wilder farm tn 21-21-6. Oil Well Supplies TULSA, OKLAHOMA IU-flmTlin located at; Okmulgee, Okla. Oklahoma City. Okla. CiiKlilruc, Okla. i. .....n rliu riLi Economy Oil & Refining Co. Producers and Refiners "Economy" Gasoline PHONE 1341 GALLAIS BLDG. ROXANA PETROLEUM COMPANY Producers and Refiners TULSA .... OKLAHOMA Hurry Bayard Petroleum Jim nilry I'hnue SINCLAIR REFINING COMPANY Gasoline. Naphtha. Kerosene. Fuel Oils, W . m m m m m Luuricams, Aspnau NI-W VOIIK. 120 Ilromlwaj. Continental Refining Co. Producers and Refiners of Petroleum Products Brislow, Okla. A. A. ItollffUnne, Pro. l-ron 1 lievonln, Vlcc-Prr and Gen. Mgr J. F. Campion Oils rno.MiT fciLi(vicir- 301 Daniel Bldg. Phone 5818. PAN AMERICAN REFINING CO. TULSA, OKLA. quality first PHONE 6010 International and Ardmorc Refineries OKM.UAL Ol'IlCt'S Tl :iSA. ULU.DI.NU; Union Petroleum Company til'OIlTFUS AND MAKKKTKIUS TULSA OFFICE PHONE 4409 Constanfniu Phone 6020 Wabash Refining Co. Kofliierjr at Hominy OFFICE AND 8 HOLLAND Ill'ILDINO, TULSA ALL REFINED PRODUCTS rilU.VE 4558 India ho ma RGfiuill? CO. 8t- LouU Officef'Federal Ro O serve Bank Bid?. Inland Refining Co. "PRIMOLENE" BRANDS 710-14 Daniel Bldg. Tulsa, Okla. Inter-State Oil & Refining Co. Refineries at Yale and Drumright Office 20 li West Main Kirtyl, Uklnlioma I lly Southern Oil Corporation Petroleum Products 1005 Gallais Bldg. REFINERY YALE, OKLA. Phone 1910 IVe Now Have - 250 TANK CARS In Uhic.1 We Buy FL'fc'L OIL AND UFFINKD IMtODLCTS we also but in sellers cabs imiom: 40 orrices chicago. kansas city. tulsa. st. louis, new tors ANDERSON & GUSTAFSON FOCO OIL CO. i. E. WILLIAMS, Wultn M.n.f.r. PCKCHA8ER8 ALL KINDS KKFINED PETROLEUM TRODt'CTS. Thorp Oil and Specialty Co. CHICAGO TULSA Phone 4433 for all Grades el PETROLEUM Produch STEWART PETROLEUM COMPANY Wholesale Petroleum Products LYNCH BUILDING. TULSA . PHONE 6700 Jack It yen Product nnrry Ih'll CHICAGO. Ctmway Mile Sapulpa Refining Co. PETROLEUM PRODUCTS OI'IUt mill Itrflncrlcs Supulpn, Okla. C. J. M:SOX. PrcHidont C.IXmC.i: S. Ku.I,ANI. V. P. mid Gen. Mirr. (J. Wll.liKV I.l.flYI) SpiMlul Hi-i'Q!Wiiliulvi, Itiioni iaa. Hotel TuLta . . .. i w r , i. i till .11 u UHIjA, 604 CKNTItAL NATIONAL UAXK lMIONU 4H00 Gasoline, Gas. Oil, Kerosene and Fuel Oil. TULSA Refineries at Okmulgee, Okla.; East St. Louis, HL Tulsa Office, 603-604 Gallals TULSA OFFICE prolac.r, B.fln.r. Mv. JOS OAI.I.1AS BLLO. kittn. PHONE - - 602 Koni 'flc,: rrttki!u, p..