Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, THURSDAY, SEPT. 13, 1917 TO ASK WILSON FOR EXEMPTION Two Hundred Persons Not to Accept District Board's Re jection : of Claims. THRU WITH PONTOTOC CO. Sixty Tulsa County Claims Denied and Claimants Are Certified as Ready. Over, two hundred appeals will gp directly to Preside.' Wilson from . tho appeal hoard of Exemption District No. 2, of eimtern Oklahoma, accord ing to Chairman It. F. Sclvally, who states that many pertons who are dissatisfied with the refusal of hlH board Jo grant them exemption have signified tlielr deteniilnatiui to go to the court of last resort Many of-these appeals are '-ased on flimsy pretexts, but the uppealants are bent on exhausting every rtc-urcu the law gives In order to escape mtll tary service. - Assrirluted Press dispatches yester day stated that there are now about one thousand appeals pending before the president and Provost General Crowder is engaged In investigating them, preliminary to making recom mendations. lirrors Must Be Plain. - General Crowdcrt has made no statement as to how these appeals will be treated, but It Is regarded as vir tually certain that he will give tho district boards the benefit of the doubt In each case and refuse to over rule thctn unless it is plain that these hoards erred. This has been the policy of the ap peal board of this district. It has acted upon the theory that the local hoards, .. being on the ground, ac quainted with the persons asking ex emption and familiar with the facts, Ik in a better position to decide these it a tiers than the district board and it lias refused to reverse jinleHh the MAJESTIC teg' 1 Schedule: 1 2 2. St. 10, 5, 6:30, g tinil 9:80 p. m. Miitliiea l )t' Dvenlug 20c. - Children Se "The Nl'NDAY AND MONDAY LOUISE GLAUM In "iOM)KX Itl li; KATK" TRUE BOA5.DMAN . -5TIMGARXE" Kfflem. Company- MARGUERITE CLARK in "The Amazons" A force comedy adapted from the piny of tho sonic nanio by Sir Arthur1 . Wing Pliioro. Also a beautiful Travelog "THK COLUMBIA HHJIIWAY" Screen time: 11:30, 19:45, 2, 3:15, 4:30, 5:45, 7, 8:15, 9:30. Prices 20e; Children 5c. , ' TOMORROW JACK PICKFORO and LOUISE VJIOM THK STORY NliiT WKFJt DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS IN "DOWN TO KARTH" STRAND WORLD PICTURES CORPORATION PRESENTS CARLYLE BLACKWELL June Elvldgc and Arthur Ashley IN "THE MARRIAGE MARKET" WhUaln Story of Modern Now York Mfo WIUi Hoturt-Throhbli J Incidents and nig Hung for u Climax. SATURDAY HAROLD LOCK record Indicate clearly that injustice has been done. Pursuant to thla policy, the num ber of straight-out appeals sustained by the district board sitting in this city can be counted on two hands. One exemption was granted yester. day. It went to B. Dyer, a Tulsa county man, and was on a dependency ground. Dyer Is engiieer in charge of the Pioneer Oil company's com pressing gasoline plant lU Hedblrd. The record showed that he hud a brother engaged in this work until sometime ago when he lost the sight of both eyes in an accident at the plant, rendering him helpless. He was married. U. Dyer took his place and in supporting the blind brother and his wife. The work Is said to be extremely hazardous. Pans on Sixty. About sixty Tulsa county appeals were passed vpon and denied and tho appellants certified .for service. Most of them were in the county outside the city, tho several from the city proper were in the list. This was not made up yesterday on account of the bourd's desire to rush to com pletion the consideration of appeals from Creek, McUin and Pontotoc countlis. It will be. given out today. The largest number of appeals yet disposed of in any one county was from-Pontotoc county, where 192 "ii peals were denied and the appellants certified for service. A number of extensions were frratit ed farmers yesterday In order to give them time to harvest and dispose of their crops. Those went to L. K. Cook, John rt. Woods and H. K. Carson o Purcell. All have large crops to handle and assured the board that un less they wore given time to harvest and dispose of them they would Buf fer total loss. Kach was allowed until December 1. Scott Hendricks of Hrlstow was de nied a similar request because his crop Is only thirty acres and tho board thot he would have plenty of time In which to dispose of this. . The county attorney of Creek coti.i. ty was asked for additional Informa tion on the appeals of ltobert T. Pate of Shamrock, K. O. Ixnlgerwood and Abraham Jones of Brlstow. All their claims are on dependency grounds. Made Mistake. The appeal of James A. Olffen or Creek county was settled by the reeoru being returned to the lower boaro, which notified the district board that Olffen had been exempted by It aim that the record was sent up by mis take. Travis Hawkins of Milfay was on. TODAY ONLY FLORENCE LABADIE IIK.MT1FIL AND TAI.KXTF.I ACTKESS "War and the Woman" A Timely, Patriotic nml Thrilling Piny. And A I.IVKIiY COMMDV CARTOON by M'MAXIS . TOMOKKOW AND SATIHDAY , WILFRED LUCAS -IX- Food Gamblers9' If Yon Are Interesti-d In the High t"ot of Liv ing , You Will Want to Seu ThiM Play. TFF.SDAY AND WKDXKSDAY MAE MARSH in "POLLY OF TIU: C1KCIS" I.VRir TODAY Showing an Kpisodo of The Further. Adventures of Sllngaree I'lilitled "ARRIVED WITH THE ENEMY" I'aeli Kplsodo n Comp'etp Western Story In Itself, lilnek Hill also plays an important part In this episode, fighting with tlio early- settlers In Uio bluek country of Australia. UNIVERSAL SCREEN MAGAZINE SHOUT SKIRTS AND DF.EP WATKK" A Joker Comedy. "IN THK CMTCHKS OF MILK" Comedy with Max Aslier. Last Day AND SATURDAY MF in "THE VARMINT" BY OWKN JOHNSON TODAY AND FRIDAY WOOD IX "BIU TRKMAINE" lnally granted exemption by the lower board, but it later rescinded its action because it decided Hawkins was not entitled to the exemption on the ground of exemption, as he had claimed. The revocation of the exemp tion by the lower board was sustulned. Morris E. Mockley, superintendent of the Cosden company's caslngnoaa fas plants in the Cuslilng field, locat ed at Shamrock, lost his appeal. Ills exemption was urged by the oil com pany very strongly. Other Creek county appeals denied were as follows: Merrltt F. .Shehl, Roy I,undon, Henry 8. Hlnkle, 'Ainerk H. Ijiw, Emery McLoron, Shamrock; John 8. Groom, Crowson; Clarence It. Uellcr and A. 8. Strickland, Urlstow; Irwin Johnson, Tabor; Jim Coyle, Hoggs; William Mudluke, lopew; j. MorriM, Milfay. A caso of considerable interest in McUiin county was the appeal of Hor ace Tralnie Wltherspoon of l'urcell. of C. F. Wltherspoon & Son, cotton exporters. Strong Influence w.i brought to bear In behalf of this ap plicant, who swore that ho was not a, member of the firm except as a sal aried employe and that his wife, to whom ho was married lust Heeemcei was wholly dependent upon him for support. T. H. bwycr, banker; Robert W. Murray, cotton dealer; Harry Hammorly, attorney; Kay C. Smith, banker, and M. E. Humphrey, grain dealer and miller, nil of Chtckasha, wrote strong letters asking fof With erspoon's exemption. Humphrey's letter developed a clash between tho exemption board of Mc Lnm county and Mr. Humphrey, who is a member of the exemption hoard of (Irady county. The McIjiIii county officials strongly resented Humph ley's action In "butting into" this case, as it was not in his jurisdiction. They filed a letter with tho district board, fllgned by O. CS. Moore, chairman, T. C. McX'urdy, member, and Hugh Moone, secretary, In which they de clared they had given Witherspoon's ease the closest attention, had culled him before them and told him he wus not entitled to exemption. 1 hey in dicated very strongly that they thot Humphrey should attend strictly to the cases in his own county. The record seemed to show that nhllo W'itherpoon registered in llc Ijiln county he formerly lived In Ohlckasha, and that Is the main head quarters of the Withorspoon Cotton company. Some months ogt, how ever, Yifj went to MclAln county and leased a four hundred-aero farm, which ho placed In cultivation. He alto owns a half-ititereet in a two tract near Purcell, hut suhl he had not paid anything on It On account of the prominence of Wltorerspoon's connections it is said considerable feeling hnj been aroused both In Gradv and McLtln counties over his possible exemption. Must Go. Tho district board settled the ease by denying the appeal and certify ing Witherspoon for service. Leon Fletcher, Purcell grocor, also lot-t bis appeal, alongr with the follow ing: Kwing R. Parncll, Henry C. Do I ley, John M. Clounoh, Howard Cushion, Pink E. Phillips, Thomas E. Hawk, Leo M. Houdrtuu, Eddie M. YVntson, Floyd Martin. John 11. Wyn ess, Alu.llU8 li. HlaiH'liard ( Purcoll; It. W. I.everridgo and Edward Y. Mush burn, cf Wayne; Lowter Johnson, George Loper and Hoy Harnett, Mays ville; Thomas I,. Cherry, Hyars;Diek M. Hopkins and Christopher C. Hop kins of Llnds:iy; Thomas M. Reeves H. A. Dunning, O. H. Tankersloy, J. E. Garner and EIN.n 8. Vlser, Hlanchard; Ucnjamin Cook, V'oshlng ton. The hoard will devote today's ses sions to appeals from Urady countv district No. 2, Love, Johnson and Murray counties. Pontotoc county appeals denied and certified for service were as follows: Kenous Vertman Cooper, Charlie An drew l'ate, James t'ruison, Hardy Young, lale West, Fj-unk A. Keith, Georgo W. Turner, John KlmbeJl, Ar thur O. Johns, Douglas Drown. Kv rrett Peyton Perkins, Simon Clark, Om S, Sloan, H. T. Carney, .loo Henry Hush, Wililam D. Gray, Abner Harris, Sam Mitchell, Grover I'-yron Gear, I'errv H. Hunter, ltobert Ellis, Henry Drown, Hlpomer M. White, Henry Clay Snodgrass, Martin Harrison Ijince, George Kiley Chapman, Thomas S. Helm, Arthur Russell. Jos eph T. ltoff, Guadauloupe Coustarrs, Roscoe C Gilinore, Oliver Salle, Frank Townslcy, Nonlis 1'urnecher, P.obert I Scroggins, Charles H. Jen nings, ljoe Cunningham, Phillip E. F:lchman, James M. Gurley, Omer C. Mcr'arland, Charley Chronistor, Sam uel II. Gill, Allen )I. Woodward. Hon Courtney, Wirt Sheehan, Arthur Jones, uiyae S heeler, Emmet E. Faulkenberry, Franklin Talbott, Lu tlier Irwin, Wallace Jewerel Watson, Roy Nichols, Robert E. Lung, Ilagan Underwood. Robert E. Simmons. ! Maamon IVinlels, Paul E. Anderson, warn m. Ray, Charles W. Gorm, Ceorgo M. Dean, Ell S. Martin, Thomas K. James, Indocey Smith, Deverley Sales, -Wllliam C. Hracken, Charley Hritton, George S. Higgs, Pat Purnctt, G. A. Palmer, William It. Steedman, Harrison Perry, Jesse L Sweetman. Arthur Null, Willie H. V'yrick, William T. Chamber, Lloyd K. Wilmett, Tom Adcox, W. W. Trout manw Panlel Webster Waller, George vV. Elkityt, -Jim barnes, H. R. Hulsey, in Franklin Horsey, Hert E. King, Luke Penrod, Clifton H. HurRt,.Paul Jones, Cleveland Harris, Ieonurd Summers, Will Hyatt, Amenlo Mar engo, John E. Rowland, General F. Plake, John T. Allred, Robert I Yarberry, Ievl R. McFann, William Alford, John N. Huff, William M. Phillips, John Rockwell, R. R. Rogers. P.obert Wilson Owens, Lone Rodrlgez, Albert W. Duran, M-lton Allen, Joo M. Cope, Olaf Myrlck, Delmer Mc Mlllen, Ben, Franklin Mulllns, John W. Chadwick, William O. Proti, June Fawj-er, ' Noah Davault, SheriSan R. liethrage, Henry D- Hlnsland, Lomai Correno,' James E. Whltworth, Sam uel Taylor, Charles Turner, James Henry, Solomon W. W. Morgan, Leon Pinley, Charles T. Humphreys, Jess J. Hunks, Orel Daniels, Alfred I. Tee, Ruel Joseph Carroll, James R. Rar ton, Joe H. Stunfleld, Arthur 6. West, Ftaiviutl A. Reasley,' Jasper Andrew Jackson, Erman Tlurnett, Turner 1'erry, Gabe Chaney, Iuther Cablo, Andrew .1. Copeland, (Tiarles Palmer, Ltvius C. Kenyon. Horace'- Reynolds, "Mrrtln Ramous, Ellis G. K"ion. Ar thur rass, Alby Orlfxin, John Hurk-ha-t, George T. Cooper, Luther Say. lors, John- P. Whltson, William H. KetchuW, Willinm L. Eaton, Pete Anderson, W. 8. Wude, Tom Ouln stRilh, William.. E. Turley, Robert E. West.-Jeptha K, Whitehead, Isaac If. Henry, Lee P. Ransey, Clarence A. Jones, Corey E. Littleficld, James. W. .Tones, Wick Adair, JCmmet O. Hern, Other Gray, John Moore, Thomas Puller, Bamuel - Peters. William Foars, Pat M. Manning, Jone Baker Bishop, William N. Castlehorry, Al Kemp and George Herman Hall, Arrested for Speeding. ' " P. K. French, a local automobile salesman, was arrected yesterday by a molorcyclot officer on East Second and charged with reckless driving, Mr. French with a companion was route to the fairgrounds and did not realize he was exceeding the speed limit. However, a 10 bond was posivt for his appearance in police court. ORDERS 150 MEN . TO BE PREPARED May Be Called Before Board Monday; Stenographic Aid Is Greatly Needed. Convinced that a largo percentage of TuU'j net quota, of 30T men will Iks ordered to points of mobilization following tho receipt of a letter now in transit from the adjutant general's offb-e ordering these men to be for warded to Ciunp Travis. San Antonio, Texai, tho local exemption .board yes terday ordi red approximately 150 men to "bold them wives in readiness to depart for the draft army. A telegram was recciviil yesterday by tho local exemption buaid mem bers from Adjutant General Horp slating that the official order for tho call of the next perc ntago of drafted men hail len mailed from Oklahoma City and that it would contain tho number to be called for this portion of tho quota. May HcMrt Monday, If tho order Is received today It Is probable that the men will be ordered to report at the local exemption board's office next Monday for final lorn motions. Whether the entire party will be sent to Camp Travis in 0110 shipment, or whether It will be di vided into lots as was tho rase with the first 5 per cent, was not known by the members of the board. Jn tho event that the call for the sevond portion Is of any moment, the monitors of tho board will find it dif ficult to rush the men right out, ns there Is a shortago of much-needed stenographic workers In the board's office, and without such assistance the entlro work can not possibly bo accomplished by tho thrco members of the board, unskilled as they are in stenographic work. "We need tl.o a.KIstanco of employ ers of stenographic help," declared Ir 8. DeZell llawley of tho beard yester day. "We are giving our time to this matter because called upon by tho government. Wo nro provided with no fund with which wo may hlro such assistance, and we must rely upon the generosity of patriotic peo ple to .insist us by placing at our dis posal, for a few days at least, sten ographers and others whe can oper ate typewriters. Without thorn w must go over the work slowly and with only the asyl.-uanco of sten ographers who pre bu.'llv engaged in othei offices of the city hall." Were Certified Dink. Tho nnnicsvOf those persons to whom "blue" cards wore mailed yes terday, advising them to hold them selves In readiness for orders to en train, were those certified back by tho district exemption board as persons readv lor military service. They con tained tho names of persons who made no claim for exemption; those who mado claims which were disallowed and those who appealed and their ap- fieals were disallowed by the appeal (oard. The exact da.v on which the next contingent of Tulsa's quota will b called, together with the number and the destination, will be announced to the local board members upon today's receipt of the official order from tho adjutant general's office. Immediate ly the additional cards will be sent to those who will bo Included from Tulsa In the second portion sent from Tulsa, and all will be advised to hold themselves In readlticf-s for further orders to report to the local board. GERMAN YOUTH BEING HELD Arrogant Altitude of Prisoner Cuuses Police to Institute Investigation. Whether John Ems, a young Ger man, confined in the city Jail is a spy for the kaiser or only a migratory worker as he claims is a question that the police department and John A. Whalen of tho department of Justice are unable to solve after several days of Investigation. Ems was arrested last Monday by Patrolman Francis on West First while he was trying to dispose of a pair of field glasses. Francis exam ined the field glasses and seeing that they were of unusual quality began questioning him. Ems told him that he wus a German and was 2) years old and was a driller by trade. When the officer usked him if he had reg istered he grew arrogant and told him he hadn't and didn't have to, whereupon he was escorted to Jail along with tho glasses and two hand bags that he had with him. A search of his grips were made at the station and a camera, a wrench, an automatic pistol, -x flashlight and pictures of shipyards, ships, also a notebook containing data concerning trips he had mado over the United States. Whalen was called In by the police and Ems declared to him that he was but 18 years old and was an Anierican-born German, his home be ing in Pennsylvania. lie Is being held for further Inves tigations by the authorities. Punkuilk Paragraphs . ...... ....4 (t!y GEORGE BINGHAM.) Cricket Hicks borrowed a book last week and has set In to cultivate his mind bv fertilizing It with good litera ture. Crlckot koeps his flngej right on the place so that he won't lose a word of It while looking around. Rax Harlow has heen reading in some old novel where a prince trav eled thru the country disguised as a man. Fletcher llenstep has been con vinced for a long time that life IS Just what you and your wife mako it -: t MM THURSDAY. IS REMNANT DAY! Today we offer a fine selection of short lengths in all kinds of piece goods On Sale Until Noon at ONE-HALF PRICE AM; mum BUSINESS GIRLS CLUB PLANS PATRIOTIC WINTER PROGRAM V. W. C. A. Organization Will Divide Winter ltetwee'il lilhlo Study mid War Heller. Tho HuBincss Girls club of the Y. W. C. A. met Tuesday nlKht In the home of Its patroness, Mrs. W. 11. Peck, at 915 North Denver, for a social and business evening. After a picnic supper on the mwii tho club laid out plans for the winter. It was decided to carry out the gen erul policy of the association, concen trating on two features. ltlblo study, which will be led n Miss Cora Glendennlng. will receive a large slmre of the attention of tho club. The patriotic part of the pro gram will consist both of a study, of current history nnd an extra effort to accomplish war relief work, both I" the Red Cross workroom am) knitting for the Nuvy league. Meetings will bo held every Tues day evening thruout the winter. F.MPKF.SS. Five excellent interstate acts open the new bill at the Empress today. William Morrow & Co, bead the bill with an episode called "On a Country Road." During the playlet several numbers nre offered, among them b ing "Egypt In Your Eyes," "LaiK and the World lJiughH With You" and "The Marriage Hells." Special scenery, which lends an additional charm to tho act. Is carried. The Knicker bocker Four, a quartet of good-looking young men, has a new repertolra of songs, nnd a vein of comedy runs thru the act. They will likely be tho npplauso hit of the bill. others on the bill are Waimun Merry In u violin and piano offering, Zizka At King In magic and mystery and Ed wards & Louise In a vaudeville sur prise. The bill carries the manager's guarantee that it Is good. A new epi sode of "Pearl of the Army" will also be shown. Shows will bo- given at 2:30, 7:1.1 nnd !) p. in. LYRIC. "Arrayed With the Enemy," at thrt Lyric today. Is the fourth of "The Further Adventures of Stingaree," by E. W. Ilornung, produced by Kalcm and directed by Paul C. Hurot. CiiHt: "Stlmjareo," Trno Moardman; "Howie," Paul C. Hurst; "Harry Siiinmerfiebl." Harney Furey; "Mil dred .Summerfiold, Eilythe riterllng; "Hlack Mill," I. A. Williams, miiu inerfleld, a new settler In the back country of Australia, in building a homo in tho l ush, waiting to be Joined by his wife. Ho receives a letter from her saving she has sold their property In town for J5.000 cash. "Mlack Hill." a brutal bandit, while ransacking tho cabin, finds this letter and udds a few lines to It. Ilo then captures Hummer field, and takes him away. Mildred, the wife, arriving, finds this letter, which demands J.I, 000 ransom for Summcrfield. und It Is slgnd "Htingi reo." Just about this time "Stingaree," the gentleman outlaw, and his partner Howie run onto the cabin. Mildred does not take him for an outlaw and shows him ;ho letter. He at owe swears vengeance against his Imper sonator and takes Mildred with him In an effort to reseuo her husband. The party Is captured by the tnounieii police, who expose "Stingaree" and Howie to Mildred as bandits. However, the police also set out to reseuo hum -merflold, giving "Stingaree" nnd Howie a chance to break awuy ironi tholr guard, Attacking "Mlack Hill's' stroughold, the troopers are overcome and taken. At tho pleadings of Mll dped, "Stingaree" undertakes to lead a party to renew the attempt at ,r-.i-cue. After a thrilling encounter 'this Is effected, nnd "Hlack fit If and his gnng arrested. In the confusion of tho victory "Stingaree" and his pal slip away und the troopers are dissuaded from following to retako him ny tho pleading of tho grateful wife. Civil Service I'xaniliiation. An examination for post 'lco clerks and carriers will be held at tho post office In this city on October li, 1917. Age limit If) to 45 years on the date of examination. Married women will not be admitted to the examina tion. Applicants must be physically sound, and male applicants must be not less than 6 feet 4 Inches In height In . bare feet, and weigh not less than 12& pounds without overcoat or hut. Grand Theater 115 Fust Second Photic 400 F venlngs SMS Mallnees Sunday, Tuesday Thursduy and Saturday, 2: ad SF.PT. 13-14-13 The Incomparable Grand Stock Co. Present "A BACHELOR'S ROMANCE" Dy Martha Mortem. PIUClvS: Evening, 10-25-3.VO0 Matinees, 1020 - Keats Now on Sale "He Fell In Love Willi His Wile" SKIT. 10-I7-1H-I9 CITY WILL DEMONSTRATE HER PRIDE IN SOLDIERS! Plans Coming on for Dig Patriotic Dinner and Rally oil Sat unlay Night. Promises glow for the success of the big patriotic dinner and rally which tho county council of defenso Is planning In honor of the lioys who will soon leave Tulmi and Tulsa county to join tho national army. Sat urday Is thj day set for thu celebra tion. over 250 Invitations have been Is sued and at the M. C. A. cafeteria they are planning to put on the llttlo pot ami tho big pot In order that the soldiers may be well nnd worthily fed at their first army meal. It is especially urged that ull the city turn nut to Liberty suurc, where after the dinner, a Idg demonstration will be mado to demonstrate to tho new army men that the city and coun ty nre justly proud of the quota of men which they shall tender to I'nclu Sam to fill up the ranks of his new army. Govcrror Williams, Hon. J. J. Mc Graw, chairman of the Republican state committee and Gabo Parker, commissioner for the five tribes, will come to Tulsa especially to talk to the national army men. ('. E. Iluohner will explain to them how ibi v are to go about making the best of the wonderful opportunities offered by the- association buildings at tlv) cantonments. After the dinner members of the c ninty council of defense will talk at Liberty square and there will be much patriotic music by the Tulsa band. PLAN'S XF.W A I.VTION Itl'lt.DIN'Gtt Conliact l't for Four Structures; Will Accommodates 1.10 Men I nch. (by Stuff ('nrreHpoiidrnt.) Fol.T SILL, Okla., Sept li Au thority for the construction of 11 additional buildings for the aviation school has been passed here today. The contract has been let to the Sel-den-Mreck Construction company and work will begin immediately. The new buildings will it, elude four bar racks with accommodations for 1.10 men each, four officers quarters, ad ministration buildings, store bouse and garage. I'npabl telephono bills for the month of September are past. due. If not paid by ti p. in. of the 15th, ser vice will be discontinued. Pioneer Telephono & Telegraph Co. Adv. EMPRESS NEW SHOW TODAY Charming Comedy Playlet - WM. MORROW & CO. In a Rural Fplodc "ON A t'Ol N'THY Kt)D" Masters of Pun and Harmony KNICKERBOCKER FOUR Some Singers of Nome Songs Comedy Sing fog mid Tulkflig EDWARDS AND LOUISE In "A Voiidcvlllo. Surprise" Clever Musical F.ntertulners WAIMAN AND BERRY , In a Violin und Pluno Offering Dost Mystery Act In Vaudeville ZIZKA AND KING In Comedy and Muglo NEW EPISODE OF "PEARL OF THE ARMY" Shows at 2:.10, 7:l. and t p. m. ItaMcrve Sits First Night Show Phone 3U2U. Vaudrill and Plcturta Without Apoloflas Today Naw VauitavtUa and Flcturca PRINCESS KAH LET.KA World'! Oraateat Meutal Marvel. Sha Anawara all Quaatlona. Four othar Acta aod tbotoplay. VancevlUa .... 2:30, 4:30, 7:30. 9:30 Plcturta 1:00, 3:30, 3:30, 8:30 Waak Day Maalnaaa lOo Nlgt.ti and Sundaya . ..-..10o and 20c llTffll iL x ! Good t Taste You will find it In CfflW. the new, noiwntoxicating beverage. Hops! That's It. See how familiar that taste is how snappy, wholesome and rtf rtbhing. Try a bottle. v frorrm UcMK V fl At all daces where good drinks are sold. This picture shows wht k't like. Remem ber it Then you will know when you are getting tha genuine C01VA LEMP Manufaaturara 5T toiita CERVA DISTRIBUTING CO. W. D. Biyao k Co.., TUiaa, oiu. tv tv li Look For The Label f