Newspaper Page Text
n TULSA 'DAILY WORLD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1917 Z . : ; 1 f : Society r.VSirz KEYN'JLXS. When tv.- fri-i.J should lock up . h crels mi) ej .'..ii.te truly n'l : rmr.d um merits. Pit u.ey o' her : The i.u rceent- a!i-fiar for IVldsy. The KU':.Ah cHl. will enterf-tin with an uitormM "'; 1 rl'!;i' tvenlna;. l- i.t n.: -r II t hur.ur if' : ' a-.'l All a k'.'H ' i"i " Intere-' I .Mat;, r: ): .Vr i. y. MuM'iV. ! rriarrn-I H'.i.t n ti erir . i. ;. Wn!).(r!.n eve-Mr. K. Mr i,'r" ''iris "Wirli Yn , 't v i; ' r j- i J W A'"i ' M.- K.i ir v. '. r. . i t.e f r: xh -'ity t'.ai ef M.e- !t. rt;i'jk'MT -f Mr .r.r.e:t lv. I I'l'AM h of tr.s ' itv. h' were trie J;er r. 1 1 l. -n.' . 1 1 ' 1 I Formal announcement hu been re eelved of the marrlaure of Klu Imo gens Johnson, daughter of Mr. and ;!m J. C. Johnaon. to Mr. L. 8. Weiat at the home of the bride's parents on Tuesday afternoon with the Itev. J. It. lill officiJidn. The houw deco ration, which were simple but effect live, were carried out In pink and .white with palms and ferns aa the Narks-round. M :io CaJlwell sunt; 1 I,ve You. Truly." affr which the r.rd;l f.ji!f a'o'.d unatteMee) while Trie frwn.jny d read. The bri'le w Kji cnarrmnK in a r-.wn r-f wmre. .it.n with pearl trirnmiDifii and cur r , .1 u hou'i'jrt of white r.H4r!.ui ard ;,:. of the valley. Fi.';oiiif the ceremony a reep':un wan hel'l dunne will :. i;t'r.t refreshments were served. Mr. :,r d Mi We. ft !-ft that fvr MAi'-'-r to r the .e- '. ! ,. :.. , .vfr ' Miiii'i. f r i. ( ua-. r wtiiin ..- ;;! t? at l...rr- to fr:-.-is h-i-. :.'" .Mr. ,: ; :n ' ' ' ' ' f ti.- J'.'um ' ii i or ; .:. . fcer brother, Joel Wolfe, who la In I training at Cajnp Bowie. Mr. and Vn. C. O. Wliiterrinrer and famtlr ar existed to return 'home the laat of the month from a 'several weeks' vacation spent In Col 'orado Fbiim,. Muss Gertrude Win ; terrlr.rer will remain there to attend Colorado coller this winter. i l.'.t. rt II .! M,f, : .in , ' o w o . It- . .M--!.o,l.M ch ifli r I Tii d'i,l'! r.i a ri-re- !. . "l' h' tor ' ' ( :;.; ' '1 'oiii' ed vtith ro--0uii ar.'l !-ro. carrir. lit .ink afirt On.. rol'T ' h-in" ; The V:le ' rr '-Mi and Jo.'-lv if. j Ifov. n of whi'e n.k rn nr.fl (arr.. a! b'JU'i'jt o' ln- fiiM-l.'ix ;i:i-I !;!. of t'.': . ..:; M ' I'orolh', Hiriiii-. ton if l;..i.'T. l-a . 'hi- r r. )'". ai' in.) a.', in wf.:t ar.'l iain-l p.nv , Kllarnv iw M : . vrn fill : of ( I'ilv. n .rnth-r-in-law , of ihf Kro'-ni. r .J uh I -f man A rerej,ti.n foi:owil 1 1. ii-r'ninriy, il ir. li.K w hii h l!.-f r-frhfi. t.t w-r-srril, .Mr ar.) Mi- 11 H.ikc n- nldtiiiK Mr. ai.! Mi- liTmtf Mint H' tifu lt ip a radiiat- of Ki-ndall rol lt'f in U. oi'- fl-artmffil arwi Mr Murray a t'i a di. if K.wr'h Jol Verw!'. kl.i .t :j'-rs uf 4'hl'MK- b' !- f-iflty Mr a rul Mm Murray Rft j Wnlrii'i-iLi f. i i :i a for S' il- an'i 1 t'hi' airi w '-'-re they will Send ev- j eral m i, f.r- ( fir nix. t this cllv t.i prt!iai'- for Mr. .Murfa' !- i pnrturt to oik of tlu laijc? eniiriip-l nritp thr. f;rt of th- i'W t.( tak-olniri- of th'- ar V. M. C A. work U.r... J t . i. 1 .. -r '.' r!.i.' ,-i : ; r . t-. t.- i:.! -1 r. 1 t. ir- :.iy i . . . ii.. f .. a. ) . r n!H ..t a dowri-t- ' i !.(''. r-.. Mr. . r . .'.!... i ' J i ".r. i .ij.c M. A i !.:t K i orr. ' lv. !:..', T.'.-o. K"iii iaror.'-r. I .... r ., . x M.t v ia r-1-' ' ': ' k l.i. J-.r.oOp. J -.;.; !'., ai l.r ).i '. r.A. . Mr. and Mrs. Krxik Gretr have Jui ireturneJ from an extended trip In th 'aiit. VS'h.le away they were gucaU of Mr. and Mra. Harrjr binciair ki their summer home In Great .Neck, IO rig Jul&nd. f 7r I'earl liurton, who was called out of the city on account of the lil-r.-n of ht-r father. Mr. 1. A. Irae t Hr.'k, ukla.. has relumed. ,i.a-..i.ic h.o much in.provti. Mr. ;.r.d Mrs. . Ci:.e and chil dnu of J-oi.j,- i'lu'b. i ll., have ar i.w .l fur a f...rtr.ii-l.t it with Mr. '.ut ' h ns. r, Miss J -! C.iMr.e of Jl h.ast Niiiete-nih t'.rett. I tl.- T.e .-:rioah iluiiiin niM be horns at a ti unni I a. I t o' riven on I f -f thofi l-ar.i; fvr toeir various schools duriiiif tf.o n.onlh. Mi'B r;.-ork-.a Ar'hir. in ron.o.n) w.Mi t.r vr Ml root r.-r . Mr p. J. Mi-a-t.r.i a.e ..;::e ..'-f!.iy f'oio M'.i.i'o i. l ol. w .: th-y l'' 'i Vir.tirr for . pan ( : x we-k. Mrs. A. Aif.'.ir and mn Jam"" ire -x-..-1ciJ t" arr"... !h- lah'. of rfila '-'-k, l,a:r. n.oio;"l thrj in the Ar'.li-r far. The faihoii'- ur.H of the T'.'d Prop ) ity will f1ve a bT.eflt bri'ire party at the Kika c!i.b on Vedne-l.ny, Kepiernber 1?, at 2 m. Thoee wich ln? to make r rvatloiin i all Mra. .. V. 1'wyr or Mit-s Mary iK.raMoe. Mr. and MrP K A K-ln. lave removed to tKir tiew hori.v at S14 t-ania Ke In lrMiii; IMare. Ma.' l Wolf 1 ft y-Pti-nlay In rumpany with ti r imlf, Mr. John Wo:f-, for Fort Worth, I-xa, to vip.t The M-.w-op N. fhel. !rr,ma and Y Snl'low arrived today Ij'im their home in Mexl'.'O. Mo . to r- ime their tta Mj.K in the Tuloa. public m hoola. rnenjp will tlad to hr that Mi 1 H. I-arraO'-e of 59T i?outh Aton. f.o wan in at a lo' il ho-jiital. In convalf.ncir.y nicely. Mip rorothy Heaver of IleaVer. I 'a . ih hi ap a K'i-Kt in the home r,f Mr ami MrM J K Henr.ef-. 1101 jv'Utn l.i cnne. f r several days. ! Mi km Martaret f'.ir.niiold h )urt Returned from 1'l.i'a, where rne pp-r.t the papt three months studying jia:.o with Alexandre J'.abb. J Mrs. f W. M!'-ir- of 3dl Pr.uth Kripro lft yet rday for a fortniRr.t a ir-it with rlatleg and friendg in Kl- , dorado, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. I'.oblnson Uive returned from foloradu, where they have l.ei-n vipl'lnic for the. paft BIX v, reks. IT EWKOWIX7 I ' High-Class Tailored. SAMPLE SUITS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT UNUSUAL PRICES $25 to $27.50 Tailored Suits $19.50 Women's aiul misses' high-class tailored suits; navy blue, man nish sere and diagonal .serge suits. These suits are plain tail ored or trimmed with military braid, coats belted style with large two-way collars, good two season linings; sizes 10 to 14. Regular ?2o and $27..'0 values, Friday and Satur- Q1 Q KA 0J.OU New Fall Sample Suits $24.75 High-class hand-tailored suits in exclusive models and in the new fall materials and colorings; sizes 10 to it. Special for Fri day and- Saturday w94 7 at New Fall Sample Suits $37.50 Included at this price you will find the latest novelties in fancy velours and imported mate rials. These are samples of the highest quality and exclusive garments, strictly hand-tailored. Special values for Friday and sQ7 ( Saturday, choice for vO I .0J You Can Iluy the Same Garment Upntaira for Less OTICi: Monday, September 17, being a re ligious holiday, this store will be elosed all day. TImtt's SalNfiK-lloii In Sh'llK lirrc. Klnir Quality Always tlx- llcstj l'rlit-s Ukj I.Of-l. ritnv nsii Cliunni'l Cut for pllcltiK, Hi Cropple, Older size, lb l'li-Hh HalUiut, flno fur Hteuk, lb J-'nnry Kat Salt Mackerel, each ' Heiiltlo Salmon, lb 25c 25c 30c 18c 25c , Tlic Ilonanzi tlub men er.tertainrn l-i m iiiforin il d ini'ir.B p''f!' at llu- I. . r. r1 laiilOMITI ti -I t.-i..i.. Mrs. J. It. Marr of Checoth. Okla.. is here an the eut-et of Mr. K. A. JH1I , cf 71'J Ho'th Klwood avenue. Mr Q K. Fox will entertain at t o'dok dinner on Sunday evening to . toaur out-of-town ruetts. Mrt. A I'.. Tron.a-s hr.s returner! fnm a in.onth's wO'iu-o H;.-nt In vati ojs pilntx In falifornia. Mt, James . Kei.von has as her r -lest during thlK wt-ek Miss Je-giC i Hndreth of imaha. a I f. E WKO WIT7 1LJ SAMPLE STORE SIX'OM) FLOOR llOIUSSOS ARCADE M1LD1SG i:u:v.rtii DECORATED EATING IS OLD raUtrf-t4 Are) t N-w: Am lent Ito maiiK Mail Tlnni ITr-t. f'ari . It at pears. are no new thlin under the pun or under parl. x irtlfi''ial litrhtH. t,. l,e more acouri.;. The aniient I'.omanp fif the decline )iad them; but whether the Icoman raliuret wan resporajble for the d- line or the decline Ironrht on th rabnret hap not been figured out. That celebrated wine Mint, Hornic mentions a port of cabaret In his tini", and the eiant Peirnnlus' Arbiter had compuniep ut siniterp ana aanccru the bami'iets Riven by him. I'etro nniP explained. In the case of the hiindosrr.e l...y who was employed to pins "Master, I brins thee ruby wine, at tbe close of th feajiUnK. that he wlNlied to tl.e ears and eyes of hip nucHtH as well aa their pnlntea. Such may have been J'etronliiH' In ti niion he did not i hnrce his k nests m, niuch per head for his meals and puch may be the Intent of those wn now operate commercial cabarets, tbo they cbarne a healthy tariff fur pbMisinir the ex'.ra senses. At any rate, about all the sense,, n normal person has are .ng;ar:ed If not titillated by the combination of fond and frnllc, pound and color. Kven the sense of "touch" Is not forKotten the waiter nttends to that, the waiter nnd the fair brigands of the checkroom. There are not wanting snailmpT cyu- , les thi v existed, too. in ancient Home who allcRe that the cabaret taken one's mind off the food and the food takes one's mind off the cabaret, ie that nn inferior quality of either or ! both may be put over. Hut out upon 1 such BC.iffer'! The purpose of this diKpuisltiiin 1m to show that the cab- lart-t. far front heim an Invention nf the decline of civilization, may nae a certain utilitarian value In war time. I'rovidod the appeal to the other senpes Is siif ficebntly stronit to ills tiact atentlon from, cabaret diners ran be made to subsist on very ! little and on 'cheaper cuts, nt that. They may not. like f'uKene Field on a certain occasion, demand only tin oiatik-e nnd a few Mini words, but they will be satisfied, perhaps, with , a durable filet minnon and sometliini? wet. With an eyeful of prancliiK corvphees nnd an earful of rairtlme; with an Intermission for wrlKUllnB , around the Tour In n fashionable dance with a companion lizard, tn habitue can boMnade entirely happy for several hours, nnd the filet will be almost ns good as new nt the end of a perfect day. Thus food will be conserved for those who need food in their business, and the cabaret patron will never , know that he has not eaten anthinit In n lout; time except a hunk of cold (rrnvv nnd two boxes of cigarets. 'hicano News. ChUdren'B I A ) Shoe Jl '.-Uyj Department Mezzanine I Floor Irwt n . School Opens Monday Buy School Shoes Today J I Children's h Shoe J I Department I Mezzanine JS. Floor J Expert n ,J Fitter 8 in sjP Charge. .lV The opening of school brings again the ever-puzzling problem of children's shoes. Yet a great many mothers tell us that the problem is much simpler since they bring the children here for shoes. In the first place, they buy a better shoe for the boy or girl than they have been accustomed to get ting; while perhaps a little higher in price, the shoe gives twice as much wear. i Those mothers find that the exacting care we take in fitting children's feet helps solve the prob lem, too. Our stock of children's stylish, stupdy shoes is so exceptionally complete this year that we are going to hold a "School Shoe Week," from the 14th to the 22nd, to demonstrate just how we are prepared. ' We Are Sole Agents For "PLA-MATE" Shoes For Children. "PLA-MATE" Shoes Are Sturdy Shoes For Sturdy Children.. i HELPFUL HINTS TO HOUSEWIVES I Conduct' fcy AUNT B-USAJI WHKN you buy at this bg market you can bo sure of the foods yAi select. The customer satisfied is our first consideration and everything we sell must be competent to bear our strict guarantee. rt Ribs of Beef, J5(J choice 20c 22c Chuck Steak, cut from choice native beef, lb , (round Ftcef, fine for lonf or hamburger, lb CLERK PRESIDENT FOR A DAY As far .- active work was con cerned, Kudolph I'rster, executive ! eh i k at the White House, was "boss'' I of the 1'nited States the other day. The president. Secretary Tumulty and "Tom" ltrahaney, ussistant -0 i Tumulty, wore nil away. I"h president and Mrs. Wilson ; were "somewhere In the Chesapeake'' on one of their favorite yachtlnpr trips ! In the neip-hborhnotl ff uld 1 olnt : Comfort, while TuintiltV and iira i hanoy were In the north on short va i catlora. Hew to Clsaa Old Prffm. Pirsffio tht bat beroms siieln tars Ofs Is rsr-Biof nd prrerTin. my ts j clDed and rod. Mny tinit it cn b . rltsned ith tnih In cold wster. If Uu j daei tot rerooT all the dirt. pei4lit, of the l'r.ited Sisiei department of " iisllore, het the pinffla to bodinfc d 1 Uin It thru two or mr tnii ne (iUeed over s funsfl. Mr this !jer of bi,rtiet oelion or ono ISickaru of theeoth my mfd t Ursmer. One uir,ir. to ul:!ciit ontiisrily, km if lu poraffia atill is on lean heal is tbe .trainer ma recorwed by heatinf the lot and pourlnf off tl.e hot liquid thru atraiiirr. Bam Baked is Dooih. -To tba K'iitor: Lait winter I aw an In quiry about how to oako a bam ao that it will hare a hard truat on it. 1 am not t rook and not a woman, lul 1 can cook meat, and hama. I am a butcher by trade and when I learned lha uado it w ditferent lrom what il la now. A man had to learn th trad from oi.e end to th other, aiauj r.l. rmf making ana". tcndin ahop, clranir.g caa itHS cookli. ham a. tic. 1 iil k'iv )" herewith my reeipo for ftmi: To bake a ham (imoked) MaVe a dough of flour and water (nothing lr ao It can be rolled out like biicuit dimith. but mak- it Have thr. duuih. rolif 1 out about aa Tfghth of an iach thick and lay your bam. nnd down, jn th iVungh. Have the d'iuih lnrire mour.h ao that it will romplrtely j eor tho ham. Yon ran -leanon with garlic 1 or apicea oier th top of th bam. Iio noi u too much garlic, ai 11 will be loo atrong. and it aiiould b rhoppad (m. Now fold yuar dough over the bam and preka tngathrr o the jutcea alay in. s hak in a uiodcra. oven on hour to three pounds of ham. 1 not roiuoTH th crust until tlis ham ia cold. or boiled ham boil on hour to threJv pouuda of ham. Put en the tir in cold water, utherwit your ham may crack 'open. lo not allow the water to boil, for that will maka the ham dry. The water ahuuld only imnier La ham from young hoga. The beit weight ar from nine to twelve pnunda not heavier, l.eav in the water until the ham ia cold and you mill line a nice, juicy, weil-cooked ham Henry W. I'lmaa. A Lemon Hint. If lemone are ilightly. heated before th Juice ia ueeied out of them you will hae almost twii-e at much juu t ai otheraia. Removing Paraplratlon Stalna. Staic.a left from perspiration may be re moved by aoaking th garment iix atruug ta.t water belor waibing. Bright Braaa Knoba. When braaa knoba on brdateada become tarnUhed, remove them and boil them in vinegar. Wipe dry wiih a flannel cloth and they will be aa bright aa when new. To Cool Foddlngs and Saaccs Qaickly. Itilo large bowl filled with coad water drop 4 handful of aalt and th last of soda, and aland th diah containing th pudding or th aaucs In the preiarod water. Thev will cool la una third ih tim uaually re quired. ' To Whites Concret. Conerete 4nd aton alepa and walk that hav become dlicolored and dingy nasy be whitened and mad to look clean by arrnb bing with th following mixtvre: To 4 gallon of warm walr add 4 quart of lime, a handful of aalt, and a cupful of baking aoda. Mis writ and irruh th iiirface with 4 broom or bruh dipped In this aolutlon. Bottles for Trnlt Jntcei. Save every drop! There la at ill 4 lot ef fruit ta be garuarrd, for uot of th grapea. appiea, crabanpiee. para sad jnance nea late, and if tne houaeaife la preaaed for time or her jelly have all been filled, the juice it.ay be put up in boti.ef and convertei Into i'l'r afir the rontenia of thole gu-cf hav been conaun-.ed. Small-necked bottiec for v ia patting up fruit juice ran be tealed in the following afae a cot'on atopi-er, preaa It into the i.eck of the bottle and leave it during the t'.eriiiaation or boiling period. To eri tie. aet the tottl in boihnr-hot water ap to tbe neck, and let it remain fur 40 minute at 4 tesiperatnre ef 15 degree F. Then remove the bottle, iriiir.eliatet)- preaa the cork, which Laa been bated in the even for on hour, into the top' over the cotton, and dtp the top Into metteil wax or paraffin. Cooking Dr ed Trulta and Vegetable!. 'The paialab-.liiy of dried fooia dependa largely upon the mmner ia wb'ch they are prlarai for tervmr In the proceta of dry ing fruitt and ven'rtahle mitt of the water It removed. Thit water inuit t supplied in the proreiia of preparation. The beit way to aacoiriplikh thit it by toaklng the produett teveral hourt, rarh at over night, befor they are cooked Tbe product hou!J alwaya b cooked in tl.e sater In which it haa been soaked, otherwise much food malarial will be lost In cooking dried fruits and vegetables thd sloe'er and loner the proceta the be'ler the results. Ihe lorg, alow roking-tTot only males a mu b mora plump arw sractiv looking produrt. bat 9nd better tia,o. 1'irev-tions for eookir.g dried fruila and vegetables are suinniArugil by Mite Addie 1). Itoet of the I'niveraily of alisauuh college of agriculture, av follows: 1. Wish the product 'I. 8nak several hours to replace the water which haa been dried out. 3. Cook tlowly eeveral hours. 4. For fruilt use si little water as poiaiblc and Snly 4 little augar. 5. If it ia a fuit which haa a flat tawte a!d a little lemon juire or a little cream of tartar. 9. Chopped nuts may be sprinkled in stewed frait fir variety arTli te increase tbe food value. AppU Butter Without Cider, (lood and butter la often made without the ue of cider. Knourh water la added to the peeled and sliced apples to make 4 this af pie tauce anJ thia it allowed to cook vary t'owly, or tinimer, over 4 low re for s or 4 hourt. llrown rather than whit augar ia uaually vi-ed, being added when the cooking ia two-thirda done. Th augar which settles at the bottom of I arrelt of New Orleans molaises Is excellent for thia purpose. A pound per gallon is usually autflclent but this amount ia a matter of taate aa ia alto, th amount of cinnamon, allspice, and clovea t be added when the cooking ia don. eeeeeeae Feach ButUr. Put the peaches in a wire baeket and dip In boiling water a few aeconda vntd the skin tlips test by raiaing peachea out of water and rubbing the shin with fingera then dip into cold water and peel and pit the fruit. Well ripened freestone varieties ar bet. Mash the pulp and coek in Ita own juice without adding water. If it Is rather coarse pat it thr s colander or roars wir sieve to make a batter of fine texture. T? each measure of pulp add one-half measure of sugar and rook slwly and stir frequently ttntil the product la of th desired thickness. The mrata of several Ut may be cooked either whole or In each gallon of but ler. While still hot park In sterilised jars r glares with tight-fitting tepa and tterill- like apple butter or cover with hot paraffin, eeeeeee Garfield (Peach rinm) Batter. This is made of two-thirds plume and one third peaches. Pare, pit, and slice the pachea, and if th plum ar freesioa, remov lb pits. Cook the peaches and plums together slowly until eoft, and nib thru 4 colander or roeMe sieve. If the plums are clingstones, boil them with the sliced pearhvs until soft and rub the pulp thru a colander or alevs. T each measure of pulp add thr'fourths measure of sugar, cook slowly, eeeeeee Apricot Butter. Apricot butter may b mtde in th same way as peach butter. . 'AIRPLANE CAMERA EFFICIENT It Can TaUo .'0 Kxixmurc With Only One Ixmtliiur. The frreau-st work of the airplane Is to locate the enemy's strongholds and batteries and then map tnein. The multiple airplane-camera, whim the allies are uslnir an American in vention, by the way. can map tbe I'trman lines with truly marvelous proficiency. Where, In the first part o the war, artist observers were used to make pencil sketches as accurately and as quickly as they could, now cameras such a this one are employed t.i take tliousnnds of photographs at the rate of one a second. If necehary. One nultiple airplane-camera de scribed In the I'opular Science Mommy is capab'.e of 750 exposures wltn a single loading. The ecret of this great capacity lies in its use of ordi nary motion picture film. It is con structed much like the ordinary film camera, with the exception that the turning of the film for a new ex posure is accompllsned automatically by the action of a set of gears. The camera Is placed on the air plane so thnt It will have an unob structed view downward and sllrhtlv forward. One pull on tho flexible cable, connected with the operating previously exposed film, sets the shutter, makes the new exposure, and registers Its number. A spring Jn stuntly brines the lever back Into normal position "ready for the next picture. This happens so swiftly that It Is possible- to make a continuous record of a lli'-'ht. In bomb-dropping the camera is capable of takina; pic tures of the bomb In the sir and at the very nttant of explosion. ' - Her Idea. "T saw some wild turtle doves ifi mnrket." "They must be very convenient," re. marked Mrs. Kcwlywed. "Why ho " "I suppose you can serve them ai turtle or as dove." 99 The- Kpworth league of Urace M. K. "hurch announce a special meeUiiK for .Mondny cvenlnif, September 17, at tbe church, coiner Trenton and Third iiiiicvib. in ii xi ilu ucpt-u - III uu . . ...1 - " 1 1 .. 1 I . . i . .. J . I .. 1'iro'ui, aim es wtuuat iimiuiuuii ia extended to all sU angers. The Kpworth leaaruo Of Ornce M. K. church, 1-iist Tulsii, corner Trenton and Third street meet every ttub bath evenln at 8:45. Stranger are wclcuine. Come auid worslUp with Us. Useful (rift (tlven with every 14 and tfi hat Saturday, September 15, from IB a. m. to S p. nt. Anna M. Itoulcau, 106 South Main street. While at the Fair Visit Booth No. 2 and See Our Exhibit of PIANOS and PLAYER VOCALIONS and " COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS An Unusual Presentation of New Dresses Offering the very latest style con ceptions. Fashioned of fine qual ity serge; also silks. Wide and throw-tie belts; trimmings of Bul - garian embroidery, braids ami but tons. The new effects in 'collars and cuffs are especially attractive. One lot of satin and taffeta dresess, all colors, including black : retrular $35 sellers. For Friday and -Sat urday, special at $15.95 One lot of serge dresses, in blue and black; Peter Thompson styles; regular $12.50 dresses. Special Fiday and Saturday tlQ at WO Other styles in serge dresses and silk dresses from $14 up." New Millinery, New Suits, New Fall Coats, ISew Blouses Pollack's Toggery 217 SOUTH MAIN I lam Sincere! Stop Calomel! ) Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone Listen to mcl Calome sickens and you may lose a day's work. If bilious, constipated or headachy read my guarantee. DARROW MUSIC CO. 109-111 East Third St. Phone 61$ liven up your sluKffleih Itver! Feel fine and cheerful; make your work a ploasiire; be vigorous and full of am bition. But take no nasty, dangerous calomol, because It make) you sick uid you may lose a day's work. Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver which,' causce) necrosis of the bones. C'aJomel Into sour bile llko dynamite, breuklnir It up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cram pin a;. 1 .Listen to me! If you tvsnt to enjoy the nicest, gent lest liver and bowel cleantsttiK- you ever eiperlenced, just uke a spoonful of harmless Iodson's IJver Tone tonitcht. Your drtUKlst or dealer sells you a S0-cent bottle of rodson s Liver Tone under my per. sonal money-back Kutirantee th i each spoonful will clean your sIurIsK hve? and that It won't make you sick lMdson's Uver Tono Is ri ,iv. medicine. You'll know next , L" bu l wake up fee be sweet u, bKw5, 'iutr f h W"1 KA Te- Jd,a wi. "topped entirely here, Mmo,