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TULSA DAILY WORLD, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1917 NORTHWEST SAYS SHE'S THANKFUL? Sitters of Secretary learning Red Cross Nurses es A pi an rat Expr:.-?- for f Tu!-a. IT AFFECTS S1 10.000 ACRES W... Jiar.k'-r-i in Farm Belt Ue A'nt.s for $20,- .r : (.' srd sci r : to . of i .' iMt i . s w of ' rri Tht r for In hat a .' clc In r.i 'r.e J.'r ' a v., ,; .:.--. f ' f t; ter):o rv;e of tne Agr.--jlt-jfa ar.g' u. o..g of 'k iar.o;r.a. I ttbli t.'.! I. llllt J Stales Cpart.'ftt.t cfj agrl' ult-.r bar.kera of Wi,',lai(J, r.y ' telephone. trra; h aril ma:!, a-, embied & rpr...,r,tat. body of fmarKiers !ir.l fim exers In trim city 'A'l;;f-Ii to confer wi'h J. 1J. Berry. i -.. M -.Loua-h, O H. Ior. M ar.d i. :. Iii;.ic. ipr:.tin i the . Tij!j Clearing Hou ati'i rei- , tlv to for f.riahi.i.g t.ose woo1 K C? J j,J t v' jimjr- I Fii - a ' ' ja !A SAPULPA FAIR VISITOR MAY DIE; Sn..nnt e.m t. .-.feu for th! COUNTY FAIR DIRECTORS i'wJS id M.r s.t m li.. TO ENTERTAIN FRIENDS und people visited the grunts Sat- urdiv. whi.e lt.n'4 ij4 taru the lurrjk.;. ytfctrr Aa . Iwrbr Jy :ran-d a rrT4 cr r Jolljfkatioffl and I Tul- This KtcuibS at Hotrl Worr.ah u tains Eroken When Taxicab Hun Wild on Exhibition i to ih f:nil d-ty tf th Crtk c ur,r ; A j i4 rc-Tion ovr til uocm of JaCK fre f.r. It. a Mn. a Cr-k tun ltt ourth annual Tu!n county fre nil aay na w.e ar&. a cr.e- fa(r fc ,d t ..d th; Imw pjrt. MUCC t.C-n tarrMl tng .,k , n,.. Grounds. ' "rr'! " -"" in.bT m officer, and dlrtctom of vtratJcna to a acore or m.Te of r.u)1.- j " n mn. ho by their loyalty and i J f.ircrounds and b-jildirnra. which nrr Introduces Booz. in Ei.K.::on on the iZ pace fj-fc.i-ht fceaia with Charles K:rr.-y RACE RIDER TAKES TUMBLE I ?i:"un'H. w,lrmM 1" Vd!- i i Hotel T'j!i f the .ford of Okmute. aa tor. TM'ir 7 ;---', n,... .wh S I p,rw van I A?k That Another Man , Senttnced to Death. Be :1 t.-ct. The ,0 eorted Tirst U-rt time in heau. Ejr.r ! The every meeting mill open with a din- Th V. . Krr.n.a ar.d Katherine tite I'.'i.'.-t Iji-mirr v.,,1 n In ' rnr y frna!! luxun- hf '.Mlern 1 r r-r, r.n J if.-)- j-r;aririr tr.!r w;ic in Kran-.e I, No More Hot Blins or Sweet Cakes ' 1 1 1 1 Hoover Mav Try British Plan Here it V.o'lwurd, Ki;., l.e de1r tf m,w wfi-.jt J'et.-r. 'J -. r. ron ar.'l ! ''ur.'.i-t. At the ioee of the r.frrtr-e followiMr o.:li.fJ ivard. ir.i iuim ' iarirr rl' H'vx.f' Uon i.H'-t i furriuh (ufffierit j money to fmrrhmu- the hal nd-d , for ;ji.jmrii-ii iiant)riir thru t onrd .'-.'r,-'-'l 1,1 one r-;.r--ri:it: e ' In 11 tu 'it V " orr.e I'kI 1 r. j h to hit .U i.t of te r fo-1 1 '1 to lyju'i) pr in t.' k for'h that )ferhj-t 'V lloo. ! vr h ar.r.oor.rel hm intention of worrir. In hafnory with v-ry trsule. h9 In r-.. from enh of the four hanxk In Wood ward, to i ariown an a central hohrd. The ri.ripi,-rti of th .o.,rd are John J. '.frl'h. 'r!:ic'i Lank; f H. Mar tin. Central Kit:, hank; I I rittne. y,tm N.!ionai t,cr; 1'aul Ia bauKh, New rut.r l.Hrk. It waa deto nated Ihut application of the arlow county batik a for thia p'.ial fjnd from the Tuina 1 urlr if Hours uaao cialion ehiiii he made thru the central board of Wood a aid. Li-o-i n don of .Mr. Wilnon unanirnoi a vott of mania Haa ten- , -nt to aeie'i ir- repi enlatne of the Tulaa ,) I. f.'i. iiou- aiaoc :i,n for tii journal am-, ata forth h9 la a ho eip' ta to rue hm rd.i-u err 1 d out to th M'.n I'lt.njf from the "J'rt'lnh ftaker," a r.'jn.her of fj Jlwri, llk r lio''ot SAJ'L'LJ'A. Okla.. rpt. 1. Two had wcurrei at the fu.r1 arounda thia afernoori. A till, driven oy Irri Iluh'-.'U-d. ran tn.ncii on the n-idaiy, gtrntli a t!era'h pole and thn rror;.cd imo the crowd knock ing Horn V. I' hAr.don. of Kha-n- x). I'r. 1r oo1 A: l"ndrwood rra ur,A vr-,l , .i'rl l lilrl '' of r-v-cretary t j ih ;.y of Kap u: 1 a rt; th e moU tt.o.t At i,ri,i;...... . .i.......i i,v,..,i,r. I Four Tur-. with Ei:tif:c.r ir.- K-.e M.r l-k wiw hroker.. L.. ' . 1. ... w 1 mne moiorcj vr - Asil Man Injurt-d. j r,y John Boland. Ward Ehy aecond. Prar.d'.n. an ar-d man. wia run i Boh I rr.l.ard third Hoy Mea.cham' over ar. 3 tAdly cut ahoot the head ' motor went b While It m thot h ie:idxjprl internal . h -a force iri-ri How the ma h ne ha; pened will continue tomorrow and wednea- to be on the KTounda la ur.eipiair.arile. day. lie a rope had been stretched a"r': th ertran to the midway and auto- J Hll.KK COl nMOBinj.f MIA :wj had tten forbidden to enter. ; Ioi.-i corcroi of hi moton-vcle af-I Two HuiMlrM and Jive ter ne had raj t ired second rt oney in a rwe. Irwin Hurhlett fell trom hl machine. The rlden cycle, tearing alonr at a hirh rate i aepc-d. crahcd Into a bystander ho hei oen the second and third won M-cm i mctiey. I 'inker l' e noae-waa firat under th Lap in the three-eights mile ron. S-..rlv ar.d t'af.Tr followed in rcr I-a ile won the fo-r atd or.e-ha!f pted to be prtent furlor.r rc in Si seronds I'.ra 'cnd. After ha vie? !. ten-m.le pec-.a a-ito race in his pocket, a me Ww t'P coKticr John Boland of T-lsa. In a Mercer, the rac was won try l-.v St iron a Hudson aiT-r.x In. 1J tfi:nute TT. K. Pod'r. drrUn a Ford, wis firtt m th fue-sr-ile ra'-e. over . lii'.'k. Made-mell and Cfcar.d-J Arrest of alleged a'.ackers In eajitern ler. i ' "Mr nrne" Booz. I'm Jrom t Chlaro," fca id a well-tailored Ijrer.t who appeared In the I Trjited SS-l'a rnarithil's office in t the federal building yesterday t and r.ahed hl card to deputy J. I J Moran. Just In from Chicoro, Mr. Fooi?" smiled th.e deputy. "JuKt arrived," svud the v.s i'or. "Well. I iruesa we'll have to iXe you ta for l.itroJueinu." said .Moran, lauKhlr.jf. It was Ir. John Taylor Boot, a Chi'-aa-J attorney. He 1 In the c.iy i.n leTid bu."inand it called him to the marshal's offic. But Mr. Booz wasn't taken la." h' tranacte1 his husinei, foed, smiled and departed. ,i SEVERAL HUNDRED SLACKERS TO BE TRIED AT M'ALESTER SivHaI Grand Jurr Will r'onrcrie Sen- j U-mbor 2T; KkdiTs to Mo AJTaiKncO. or the directors. reprtntmr 1 arrested here and there In this sec- aecuon of the county, are eat- ,ion ,,r th stat. who failed to reKster. It Is not known how many com plaints wereefiled before the Cnlted Suites cnmmiMiiioners in the other cm of thiK district, but it is virtually i certain mat ine ri'imurr ui iiiiii.m-iiLi to be returned will reach Into the hun dreds. Most of thse caR. it is thot. will be transferred to Ardruoie nnd be tritd immediately, as the rettular term there begins October 1. If this Is not done the cases will likely be continued to another term. Deputy Marithal J. J. Morgan has been busy since returning from his vaca tion issuing aixl serving subpoenas. Oklahoma, counties Since the relcctive draft reistrat.on June l will make, the docket of the coming ttrm of fed eral court at Ardmore one of the heav iest orrVec rd. according to fndicat.or.a. . Uenen T,c ad a good spurt and I ,A 'aTir . 1 ? , l T.ikc rd to racin?;''ler" fepte The Old Standard Grove', Tatelc. chili Tcnic la euually valuable as a "Baker a rur-imond f r r nr,':r.g for fa.e interect'.rg forc.Aj,t.f.j j l Ho-, is ar.d nine h-uhoid . I-'---- i."i 'i iur m:i'. 01 one pouo'i O to ; t,r fcn .f. i.t .mir.4- . n t.tlv te r fo-rfl dicutoi ! m.A .1 ... . ... " ,1 trt-ad whlr-h rial hoi )een made toi at least twelve hours Mr. 'lorinot. or. of the appcu-iie-. of fern for the bcrougn it Maryi I or., tailed at tl;e defendant ! Miop the da'e name.l and Mrs Bjr r,l who nerval him -with a Hov.s loaf without weighing. He put jt 00 'he scales and found it to I an our.c nort The other loaves In the shop he f 'ind to be nw. I efen'iant on oath said the breS'j wa taken out of the oven at S IS Knirlisn are dls- caxer of violation of the ' Breaid and cke ordinance i;.'-rt as follo. At Iale r-t (irljr court. I.ier- 0' I John Wateraon. '8rat Ho:nr stieet was flr.d 2''s for esposing bread (or fc...! h. h had bn r:,ade for ! than 1 : h 'ir At the f-'irr.e cotj- V1eirs I'.ef.'arr.iii K) k' c ti Hon, I.'i. were fined t, and t' r.;. -in 'iter of i t.- of th r hot s vui, f.tjid I'i for a similar of-a'fer.-. in I.In itt the bread h-lo P The manMifer i f the I' f.n.'d to finl rut with th or- their.'lef for the bread the tn-ccswiry form hutrlng the rail. Injuring him ser-loiiely. Aa rvpri men who had here Thursday Men Mill lipase snpulia on a Special Train. Wer Cr C"!' Bareaa. 1 i i l.llt HobMC. r-ABLLPA. .Sept. 17. Creek exemption beard No. I will rnor nize the eaalern distnet i the 2 ui from 'of the county together tht , one of the young nf ra . r,y the Bristow boarl been named to leave wdn'v night and the contingent with the scor.d draft l in leave here cn special train at because It contains the tonic properties of expected to return several hundred in- d ot rr.en t It i n r. A AT-ctii-nl that thii nnL!i:rv ill Ke fno,t.J ur,ei- ir ! 1 v ! General ToniC v... i . . .v. . . . ue.ll-kr.own auOf.c aji.pi-r: 11 lor i.i ijurui.pri . , ....... . of disposing of the Urge number ofViUMr. 'i n. '.v . slackers that have been rounded up. I . This will include the four hundred I-AX-MJS An Improved or more sditionisU who participated A digestive li'luld laxxtice. cathartic in the Ada and Pontotoc up-land Lrver tonic. Combinoa strengill rising last month and perhaps 75 or w-ith palatable aromatic tate. Locs one hundred others who have been'not gripe or die,:urb stomaxli. hoc. contingent, wtas badly injured Fmday 12. id o'clock p. m.. over the Kr.sco night when he fell from an auto. j Thursday for Camp Travis. tath curve that treacherous t?pot ! p.v. V. W. Armstrong- cf the In the fvapulpa-Kiefer road, was the : Methodist church, south, held a special scene of a freak accident late Satur- j srtrice for the boys, who are going day that recited In Injuries to a - over there." last night. The O. A. B. number cf young ieop. A Hudnland V. C. V. organizations and auxili-; siiper-ix. driven by Bernard Hughes. ! arks as well as the fraternal oraera son of Wstrlc-t Judjte K. B. Hughes. J were well reprsented. and who wia accompar..ed by Aubray ' K"-a.r i and the M-ea Archie and rtri DCPP'Dn MAkTQ RnNn U L. wwwr-iiiw 1 certificate Mtatinir when the bread was rr.a-le. Had mui h b n done there would la-. been no offen e. i ..... Z3 irnere.i (j uttlvitiej In behalf of north a' xt ''lii.o.yi In a Idltion to toe of the fr:aiii.. ji.atitutior.a In th.s an-j i s-ctor,s of the vi!li,tn f" wer noli,) i.i'il. aoL-nwsia ! Wood I. rra. e, was pies'-rt. iri ..iln k Mr Wilwin, direc- I f..r ' l!it;g lo Thomas i' ior 01 ni'ii.i',1,, ,ri,-i. v inceiit. ' V 1 I 7-' l'K"i; B i.t nr. jncrtM n. u, strict ag'-rit, Hliliwuter I Okbi. I . I.. ;outiSw-ll H-ritint) i state marketii g board Oklahoma i .t.lty; W. I). I.e'.non. county ugenL dinar ron cmnity. J. J Bunwrd. 1 county ageiit, Blils county; J. V. ' Nw, roiiiit) agent Txa count) ; ' Jl At. Ji.iir,r, iigiK-uitural and indus trial agi-M, Haiitu 1-e syhti-m, 'I. M Jefl .rdi, bKri- ultural ag'-nt inssourl. Kaii,.a Texas la lay. ,t. Ixiuia, i i.t -giikii, iigri' lilt iial and 11.- I'rlM-o l.nea, and iiuni- a 111. Mi Btng'ey fined defendant 40s. on the flt". summons and 2(ts. on the second Ida td. costs on each. A Ifker . -. u f r m I c u & l T... ... poi.i court for sll:nr sponge cks Carthe.l Burnett, Helen B.l hardson 1 l t, t surar. An analytl-nd rrothy and Martruret Hennage. i cal cheimrt gave evidence that threllcft the road and pl-inaTd down & Ytwvver y ""L cr'1 ,"r ln ' " p , n-'"f'n'"nnt. 1 he irachine 1 sUckcr; Says It's Spite Work. Issued by the PolbTOian Is Charged With t. f-'alr.t s-iinriio-ai! rit.ot on lulv 1 been made Pi 'led riot I I o.-ii-a 1 that or, 'Irtsa' d ead w hl ll hud 1 1. -ant 1; hours, an guiitv. Mr (li ni, .t slated tha l iy In nuei-iioii he bought a loaf j at thy defendant's shop w hi. h Waal warm. He cahed the attent.1.11 of 1 th (!femlant s wife to the f.o ; that1 the loii In 'he wlrdoar were row and warm. .She. said the mn had shone n th. ni for some time, and; 8vral conf'-cti trft't wvs th rau of their being 4 u-er. summoned f warm, lie men poir.te.i to io.iv.-s on sucri Uiu.ks bi the ciutiter wh.h "rc also warm, and she said she had Junt t.aen them rail of the wh.dow, and they wer ., 1.1. jwai'ti fr'in th same iam as th K. liagl,). war ro.rtion issued by the trade. and that a portion of the sugar waa cntair! in the cornflour Ingredient The dcfn.t, nts baker said that the brown sugar uw d in the sponge cakes was twice as swet as white sugar. At BawenstriH police court a con re 'loner was fir.ed 10s. d. for ex- ff pastry and Kcilea cake sugar for sale. At ieus five confectioners were j nneii vary it. ir amounts from 20s. to 40s. for uwng jam. 'Im.on, and pre serv.d fruits in larts. i-n dustrlal .,,er,l erous otbi ia. J'.. ni es,-r t, :,.. ciuImI eta i .t!,.,. li i. lOttu rs In his oplnb n. 1 ,v had While I.. . Wui.neili.h was pi .sent , " "''' "r 'l:ht '"'; as 11 rprSMi-.ti . fiom' th. 1 ia- fend-11.1 s wife at fift said th, bread hor-.a H ,' Clearing House aasuca- - came out of the oven at 7 o"' lo. k. b-it tloii. I-Mward t Je-nU' i.. vlfe piehi-! I.e. self and tatd debt of tlie fouthwest ':.-" rve lank I "'ll"lk 1,1 ln" moiiiltig. snd ileoik- Witzer-.hoffev. aio-ln'Miii l cfenilant s: Id he had studied cashier of the National bank :ak'-,g I read from war flour and were present f 1 urn k1iihorn.i 1'ily si.i:ceedf in maklnir son, which I ollowlng the completion of i.eo- wo-jM b warm 12. It or 11 hours tiutio iS loosing to th pm- oseu loans after "rc.r,g mad. On belt g aworn. number of short. pl y spcei hs ! be iid the w ole of the I read reen weie offered. Including thos by .Mr. ! '-y v'r Jonni. -.viiM out of th oven l.lar r.f Tulsa and .Mr Wilson and Ibefoie 4 .1. m. Mr Vincent of htliiwater. j Mr. I'.lngley was f.r.ed fl. with 1 ""'S I'lrecior :s.,n made the mate, j Id. rost on em h surumon meet that urordin to -ji-e)s le- f. J Warren. .112 High Bad, r.nod-i-enlly i on pletei) by his department I may., was 'immoni at Hi West that ther are about ll'',0o0 si res of I Mini police court for making and sell Inn 1 sv .liable for wheat in thla dis-, Ir.g a Vork-h'r ten-ak and currant tint in ixcess i f th seed wheat sup-j loaf, both mad of bun dough sn'l ply. He also stated that the pr. -o- j containing less than half their weight dent of the I'fiin-I hlatH thru th , of w h ut'-n flour The cha rg s ga,nst at-r l. ult ii al il j.1.1 said that the 1 the currant loaf was dismissed, tut sta'e of Oklahoma n il I, exper t. 1 to i he was fined 10s for making the te.t v.w eisrht hundred thous-and nci ak. moie whe.t this ai than was sown! Th-..s I'urtls. Seven Sist. rs road, in I'.-l'. Mr W'll.-'.ti mail It very (Tot "rihsm. was fined 4ns. f.,r using pla'n that his ar tmei.t w ill be v i ry ! I read for n'her pi.-pss than for glad to be of ser-.n to the banker a , rr'fVnu cnminptioii and I O (is ':i ns the thruout this i ") Irtr Jam. lemon, and pr-. dis'rl. t. . ufn. was that the bra was too John J r!e;!.,rh was . h'v n SS'stale f r human ror, sumption, rhaiir.-iin if the rr.ittisi- and J 11 n Krn'av at Marylebon. Krr.est A. J-.( as e. re;Miy. j Burrcll. 7 New stre.-t, isorsct snusit. r.-rs at Blackburn r offering for saie maids of honor. Bel- sandwiches, chorley rakes, cur rant sjuares. Jam pasties, to all r,f which ..imrt hir.g had oei-.r. aided af- righted Itself Kile. Broken. I fug-he su't-iin'-d a broken r'.h and broken ut-th. K nr.aird had three ribs rmashd and Mif I-orotry Hennag? s-jffered a broken left arm. ' Those who have travel. d the road declare it wis a TToraile that thj entire party was not killed. Shortly befor this accident a Win ton car owned by a res,dnt of Kiefer went oxer the bank at the same spot bui the driver was not Injured badly. JOCKKY BOB MINUS TO TBI AI. Cn-ek Onirity Pree'entor Will AS That In-atli Penalty pa- ImfKssctl. Worl'l f'rk ro-.:r.! liursio. I I ' 'i :ll Hob.r,ti r-AI-ri.I'A. 'ikla . f-'ept. 17. Cnuntv Attornev- rirl I.V.c.eK I n . . 1r.V. er the mixing of the dough. Two t f 1 Piie is. .1 . .. .i. had ben up be-1 a !gr to have murdered vi,u n... the defendants, who fore, wer. find I T.h ca- h i.nd others Ids v h, the ndvovate's being divided bctwe-cn the who'., the d fendants. Joe Del Beccaro. former member of the Tulsa police and fire department, arrested Sunday on a charge of being a slacker, executed bend before L'Ulted States Commissioner J. H. W:l kir.s yesterday in the sum of 1500. Dr. C. A. Marshall was his bondsman. "I m no slacker and U s a'.l spite work on the part cf my wife." saTd Joe. She told me at Oklahoma City some time ago that she was going to make trouble for me and she doing It. But I'll prove out all right." Joe had been working ln the oil fields at Eldorado. Kan., until he re turned to Tulsa Sunday. He went around to the police station to visit old friends and was promptly arrested as a slacker. I was SI years old the 2Eth day- last February." said Jre, r rove It bv half a dozen the f Of A nominal fine of Is. ar-h ws lm poi I n nine oonfec; loners st Ply moinh for breac),s of the order. A 'i.' rlntendent raid h vtsl'rd the re fri shm. i.t houses of the defendant and saw Jam tarts or custard tarts for .'.lie. YOUNG BANKER HAS TROUBLE to rine of kd!yille at a dance on th n.gM of I'e-!ruary 10 at the home of -Mrs !;. Boyd In the east part of j.artrr.ent me i -.. 1 given n oeatn penalty. Bair.e-' trial began this morning ,.. the d. strict ourt and In eximinins the Jurors rhe prosecutor asked each whether or not they were opposed to capital punishment. Hcl.los at Sapuliw. Baines. w ho has been nut of lad f.,. ' Commissioner VNilkins set h.a pre- scrne time on bond, came in today , limlnary for September 22. from the fairgrounds where he had! 1 ' ' be'-n riding each day in the running races. He has raced on ail of the big courses ln the country and is well Known to the turf world. Testimony brought out by the wit nesses put on the rtand was that Ba.nej and his Trother attended the fiance and became Involved In an ar gument with "Blaekle" Joe Hobbs. J State's witnesses said that Hobbs had f struck Baines over the head with a 1 stoveplat and that he then left the elnn.e and went to his home, which was only a short distance from u- th day of and I'll a dozen ree ds. The records of the fire 'depart ment, when I was a member of It. will show my age; so 'will the poliee de- records and the records or the Knights of Columbus . And tne records cf my marriage when I bought the license will also prove It." Joe is a Catholic and that's the rea son he has not obtained a divorce from his wife. They separated some time ago. triH XnfiiMUhl Air., rncy ohj.-cos HitKirts as t.u.irilliin. Blrhard Kt!r.hor'. young Snpulpa banker, drafted for the armv and scheduled 10 go to the f rent Kjobr S Is having trouble with the Creek na tional afouicy. Judge K. C. Allen, of Musikug.e. in geitinr the iattor to ac "pt h's final report nr. guardian for 'be Aijt r. v mtate in Crvek rnin-.iv nrol the are that I'ncle Sam'Kene win smi n'm to the training camps wi'h his guardiaroshltj matters still on. set tied Jidc Alln and his ass-istant Jar-! C. Davis. wr In Tulsa last i T.iKht. returriing from Sapulpa, where hey fjel exceptions lo St'-ii, horn's 'cp'Tt and ohlete, to his UHnir al low, d credit for ext.. nd'turea nmnnnt. nSs 'infX t l! J Jl - 1 ' Th' Au!ry children are Crk i-swVsv if f t. "f ,r" government and their yJ l ft t'Jy l""'1 "&""- I'.ecently he was re. ''yZZ'tj. fr&ti&ZeX U VV . Jiidge A H n yeK'crdnv filed a f" etftJSHCJ . ' br.t.rt w-ith the ecmty Judge of fctifiU AvKVs?ie' p-- ;''r"l eounty. obW-tlng to the lat- 1 ' .. v Hear Two Shols, Shortly after he returned and the dancers heard two shots fired in tno yard. The rfext they knew Raines stood at the door and fired tnree more shots Into th room. Horine. I the man who was killed, dived thru 1a window- and h's body was found on tne ground outside shooting. Dr. Amr Avrv testified Bs-nes told him he had shot Hor.n. The trial promises to be one of the shortest murder cases on record. A jsirv hJ been picked by noon and the state rsted Its case about J:80 o'clock. Counsel f.Sk Baines said the testimony jv'iuld be completed within an hour and the case will go to the JuVy some time tonight. SLACKER Family Coffee Drinking is a habit easily given up when one changes to INSTANT P0STUM If Coffee Disagree b it . rH feww Jl n M Make the Change Blblo at Icngili Pivuliros Youth's Corret-t .ge. Pob Jackson, young Bixby negro arrested as a slacker a few days ftgo by government officers, waa , dis charged yesterday by I'nlted States Commissioner J. II. Wilklns. Bobs futher. EU Jackson, auc ceeded In showing to the satisfaction of ;he court tht Poh wao not old enopgh to register. He brought In the remnants of the famllv lllbla from which th birth records had been torn, and from which Martha. Bob's 11-year-old sister, testified that she aome month ago copied the names of the children, showing their respective ngea, lath did not rsvgteter June S because hla father told him he was not old enourh. After his nrrest, his father told Commissioner Wilklna he waa certain hfs son was under 21. but he would not swear to It Board KcLs Cootraes). Wnrld Cm'UsI Burns. e 1 2 Campbell BuiMing OKLAHOMA CITY. Sept. IT. The state board of affairs has let a con tract to Weller & Hcardon of Enid for the construction cf a ward building to the Institute for feeble minded. The structure is to be two stories and basement and cost $24,000. An appro print ion of 125.000 has l ci made for It. It Is to he completed ln 140 days front September IS. PF.1U1Y DY AT CRFKK CO. FAIR Sooiv-sa of Fair Has SuriMtssxil Hniics of Officials. World OrseV fontitT Ruresa. 119 Fait Hokion. SAl'lIA, Sept. 17. This, the fourth day of Creek county free fair and race meet, was Derby day. In pur suance to a proclamation Issued by Mayor A. K. Boggs. all places of busi ness closed at noon. The splendid rac ing card aerved to attract the largest crowd which had so far passed the gates since the fair opened and all reo ords fur attendance have been shat tered each day aince the exhibit opened. President John F. Egan said today that the success of the fair thia year had surpassed the hopes of th offi cials and directors In every way. The race meet, the first that haa been held on h new ly completed track, will be continued dally until Wednesday and The Lee Levering Tailors Furnishers TAILORGRAM No. 1 ALL-WOOL the IDEAL FABRIC for men's rjothes. Why be satisfied with sub stitutes when you can be sure of the ideal? ; The suit or over ! coat that we tailor shortly after tne f()r yQU CarrjeS OUr warrant of ALL WOOL and you can depend upon that guarantee. Hand-Tailored Clothes represent Maximum Values at Minimum Prices. The Lee Leverlna Tailors Furnishers East Third, Hotel Tulsa. EMPTY PHONES 117-117-675. NICHOLS THAXSFKH STORAGE CO. Iron lockers for household goods. Automatlo sprinkler aystem Just Installed makes fire Impossible. Yip cava th largest Moving Vans In ' th city and can stor goods cheaper because we pay no lent rUONFS II7-11S-873 Society Women Use Xeic Wrinkle Remover W 4 : 4 PRE-EIVIIIMENT Standing Out Boldly in the Lead; at the Head of all Music-Reproducing Instruments is the Victrola And true to that lead in mechanical perfection of the instrument Victor Records join in this "pre-eminence with the production of the artists' gifts "True to the Life." No instrument or Records available give as wide a range in your selection of the rare tal ents of the masters of music. Victor artists represent the utmost in the talent of the modern school. Our concert rooms are always open for your entertainment. Hear the Victor Victrola. "It Makes a Difference Where You Buy It." 417 SOUTH fSbs7losicG. !AIN ST- A. J. CRIPE, MANAGER Sine ths discovery that a solution of or dinary asiolite and wrilrh Basel baa a pe culiar effect spoa wrinkled aklaa. It baa bee learned Ilia I many prominent society women all or-r the country bae sard this simple bom treatment wllb crest success. Ths formula ia: powdered asiolite, oa u a re. diaaolnd In witrb kaiL on half pint. Uao dally a a wash lotion. Th bmrfirial actio of thia waah la felt at one. There a aw agreeshl refretlflng aanaaiion and feeling f eibilaration. Flab hinrsa and all wrinkln ar immfsltaMy af fect cd. and the skin soon becomes firmer and more youthful litoklng. Ko one need I hesitate to gat taa lagreiilrsta at lh drag store and make, tsa rameay asraclf. for tbr are no harmful ffreta whataTer. -AJt. Complete line of Painters Supplies. ' CAMPBELL GLASS AND PAINT CO. of Oklahoma. 311 South Boston. Phone 258 O Wherever the Soldiers go. there youwill find WESTERN UNION Particularly in such changing days as these, it is good to know that Western Union service is being , continuously lengthened to meet the new conditions. No matter where the soldier boys may go, you can depend on Western Union to reach them quickly and at small cost-so elastic is the service so universal. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. Drfj Utltrt SifhtUuirt 71ntj Tramfimd h Win A Man'B Drink Thai Won't Hurt Your Doyl rAI FoMtatus Sc Tastes Like , V .CIN FIZZ arrMfairnaanifn sVB MOM-MICOMOLIO The GIHs Uka ML Tool At FonaUIn) 5c Tastes Uk A M FUJ