Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1917 12 Oklahoma University Star Holds Giants to Two Hits; Scores Shutout !S00NERS POSSESS iPatched White Sox Team. PVmIKpq Win nnnhlp-HeadGr ?WNfcb HKibHtb HibH LpAcin ike- - im WCQJCDfi I FAPJIF i TRIED BACKFIELDj Defeated by Crimson Hose t -t i i . T 1 I . . ill iii-uium tuiwi., i vvniie uiams DreuK lvuij T-. T. H'. eirs 1 ) ' an . -. k ..i 7t. 1 !.'. h..f- Km I H" J -i li.. .. . le". li i itr ) . J-U . in i ,n : .1: ."tl fr 'l" Htad? LL't of Eatttr With ;.':' Ptrc entire of -317; aiitf Adams Ti. . i' u-j t.ii: k .'. ,.r i r -- re-. 1 i T k I ' 1 u.i . " iu.t i f : :-- . i . :: r r l . ;.: : w li-il r J'r w - .' r CO-, i-- r.T.k)' -'.': t!''.r,f .ci--'.: " e pi-.. -f '; ' - ri-..'. J'-escf :-'h Z:" " !;-".-- j. t- '1 Mrr. , ..; . ... :, ?.t Bt Ix . I r.k .'.ii it L v.4 of ....rjr it.-r. i! 1-uUO.-. .a j tri t. ju.triu'i . t-r. tit-,:m-i in t'ytki fi.. J 14 7 jeiT'' 4 rov o .t -A a of 24 .u-I. Ir.- 1 Grralist Series Yet. j 7' r--.----rj: t z 1 U- firv ; ! I ii- (!- ifi Urc'-vj -it,- i-f lb ' l oiVri SUU, ttr bm4 pip-jlar VrT. : Wlar NkiftkJtJ I'Vlv U-ta. On ' ;.' U- f fart. trams' uitii-U mjv f(UAr of uir ImJl i "'"1 Uu( all-in-jLU srr trt'-lttf j i Eennie Qwtn lit? Good Ma i tenal From Which to Build Up Gol Machine. SPEAKER CUTS COBB'S ! MARGIN TO 14 POINTS; UNDERTAKE HARD SCHEDULE; Illinois Must Be Met October 13 With Little Real Preparaticin. Eu?h Five Runs to the Good; White Sox Have Two Rest American League Pitcher.;. Schalk, Weaver tnd Collins Re-t for World's Series; Timers Shut Out Washing ton; Indiana Win Two. V Vrrrk X.tiuoa!. . Uc! x"-,rm l f,-r "' t The vr j tT-.d.-t a f.-jsi:.-. i::oki u tio'i hive liuiii. :'.-.e I Tr. F;eiJLr i ci.:'.ir.: down Ty 'Cltf Ik'.-jnir U-J ir. U. Aiiirican 'J'i-.t. t r.of Jif ikl av.T.i.-. s r-'-'"-'i .Uiiy ih,w only fv-jrtt-en l":r.'.s .rur.g i omf. ar-i v::.i .1 a r-K Coi,i i:trii; .S.i -vges li.c.jd" gin. en of "V'- j i . k'.i : n.. . 1 'V. .Spt ---'A'i:b thr- in f.- . t.'i'JI! (.'tt.r,. ur of 0;Mr;r ,f Ucq Wlstv fVx In-- n-'-'-! rr -t cf fcar-.-J- tj-.uei to draw from Cobb in i CiV :-rv. fcvrjr.jf o-ji, tn tytM : "'-f l-.i-.n. in ijth & :ht c o.-.-.g. He hu 103 run to hji .Jr.- .Vw yi. rt.r-f.' o',r wjurers a to to:r.:t -:. .? credit, a Jesd of five over the Geor- i r.eutrtkl :.; and th 5- ti rwr ouT !i'r r-ht'"' jthwt. rian. obty Roth of C;e:ii. l a l d &':' q-.otJitjor.j of the j rofew-jna! t'om of 21 letter n.en r liir. three ton btuea to his tot..l, ' m AB f I'll A V-.!on All If I'O A. ."r.lM,,.! 4 'J 4 I !i' i 1 '( 0 ::. i r..i, t r 0 0 ! I'l; 112 7 t -' ..'.! 4 1 i . J.V. 2 1'' 1 .'fi-'j; 1 r, 4 'I i I. If 3 b 1 0 .' ' '.' .;. t! 4 ij ! ' .h.Men.rf 4 10 0 .'r. :r-,M, li, 3 u 5 i : r, St) 4 113 Ki't-r.-n 3 H 1 '1' S 2 t 3 i ii. 3 I a i e 3 0 4 0 k'.-jp a 'j 1! oti.iigi 3018 Ti.t JiJ s', Tou: 3'J e 27 1 t -. 5 14 n w ri vv 0 .r t:4. Orr.aha. .1(1; Cun- ;-.: J'Mfth. -ti. G.imore. Ft. O.a; man. his . J! 2 I . r ir.y-: i-n ' . t t-'."-, i f 4 . . i ; Z.:atJi ill I r-.- : - ! I ' '-. v i ,v . .. IV' !!. .' i . - (jwM.'.' v 1 '. On.'. I i '. '. A-i.'..-v ; i V - 1 . i i ir : :t A" . ft - -ll".'.l r ... n i. r J !'. . ' ' k ' .v li -k: fr-fj-' ui. i r. IV f 4.' i . '. r - ' t; " w .' - ft:il a alii ',' " n ; t4K. il IV 1 ' 4 4 iih-l i i T -.1 I 1 1 i i: i i i f i i : I .if if rni.I r. ' . i.-r it ti; 41 . : vi 'f k -. v. I v 4 -.fc.'d l. i2V L4-V li ? f' : i l i t i. i ' 1 C I 1 ( IV 1 V I 1 i T U i'i. Krit Orrri. .21; '.iH-r.fkr J'.pijr.. .z. w in. J-li. .;:-. Her.ry. UuU:Jinon. :: , l;'jrri. Jor.n. .1 VI . r.lf iUfiffi pr-Uclptir;jf la li or '.or (f4i; ea m'.ed ay.iord.r-l to an.e'l rv.r. jr Ifarrie O. Vfur. I)- Vfoir.ea Aov-rria, H jl.'h.r.n-'n't. L M'ir.ea "-iti'.-r-n!, Jo , Uokie Ir.i.rjt-e a r r. ,... i '- c&:y v-" t-"-e retjrr.-4 to Son trlEfir.f it up to 4S. ar.'.O'.ir th'e -h' nav i,ir-in,i-.r ... i '-e rei h.te of the Sooner ;-jad tmrrji-.e, ig rresj-:r,i u-i.Ui.n to e..-niit:n the frerrth of ' tjrm sucleua for another foot-'and 1 fj.r in the lead In sacrifice hit bal:) ti., fjl , K01r- j, baj! tim, ;tirr wjt! C5. i'ipp of New Tor tooi a tonw-tp V.'hile tl,e Wh:te rV-x are- More than wxr men have hown tip the lead In homerun wiU toon ith for reguiarly ani from thw fcine. Ietroit remiaina out In front f.eld win come the airrfpatioi whi'.h.Jn team ba.ttir.g- with .2ZS. orV wh-r the Amtri.1'" boUl 14 r.axne of the sthool in Ladir.5 batten who have played In ,'lver, the adtantae In defenrve pla-irir. the Girja have it on thm 1 7 vo h . , vi ' ' . r I! 1 4'. I . T Hr 0 1 . 1 1 . t.. fc.ui t l-.-.'-.-i ' rvv-r li-i ' '.'( i. v 1 f 111... 11. . t.i. tl. 42 7 4it 2 4 -. r-.' r t. i..JII, - V ' '.? V ' ' '"1 0 ''. r ' O. ''. i. I'j -.. 1 14 . h tt f 1 tw i n I 1, N.l.f ly r.jtvu v.j 'v Jti. Jooi.n ... iii'K'iTY oin. I'-iiter. Wi'.hita . . . f.aapar. h't J'M-ph H.. I. J'.i-.ln il tr z. Orita ha 4 .21 24 .44 42 .It .44 2; ..11 ..42 W. 22 20 2S 1 1 H 21 22 22 21 2 1 It 12 12 I I II H 14 1.74 1 1 - 1 17 i 27 24 3 5 ,)n ciff-r fivr. .c1 st on the NvJoral in jfet- tn ! have ''t.Ktr'j KrO iy0 rt(,n 1 hotton i 11OO 00 4 h'.Birrsrr: Kjtn, hrtlolrj. lltnip'-r, ';rrlnr. 2. Kro:i: rrrori. K. tuilirii, J'kidO, Hthljrg 2. H'll.i'i.; ; t'tjk mil. Jai-ai-jn, ih'rtn. 1 S"lt; th(Kl,, ti.i, lluorr, iiut:itii ; - fclu'rn hai.i.t l.rihol'i. 'iannir, Scott; baa on, off Brri t. olt Mk)i 1; ilrurk out I Hfiit 1. br Mim 4 I'mpirei, Uinen ai hiidebrand. Tirr t. 1 .27. r.ra. rari th Nariona'n It k on the Arn-r i-ar. In . I.lrr a tr-am Di't of whom are ex it ban dr. !' a harn, Ae-ikiant Ctiu t-aif of thehr club's games I (obt, l.tro!t, .272; Speaker, Mea'.ham. a rnerr.b.r f the 111 Koiar-h. Chkaro. .210:' Veach. iJelroit f.ffitD'-pl n w.rfi-- , , v , . i-kie, w ajnirjrMn, 9U: j-iarrai. - ' " " ' VIFiClaflU MUM' Vrlnia I ' i t 1 o (i I . work U Harvard. While the-e he did r.hia. .201; Jacknon. rhi'caao .29; rot iro ojf for foothill but rtudied Chapman. riir, ot . " pamii jj:a5 -j y Tr.e oir inre. Mea.ham u workir.r far rj.ore 2.2 'r.)y thre or four rf the Arr.erl'-an ( hajni-',i, f ae evr part!'-!pn-d in Tt b!i; .-..... Aitho it m admi'td the American !a-Me p'.a Ixrtter ball 'han to, the National. Oian'ji ran r "' in j'-rn lr;ra they ha ve 1 Oklahoma, university in the 1 ett hj j - -- i;;i .r :n Tne p&rr.e wh'le r-l.rr.r . Rowlaril ,.f ik. "'I I . k ROUSH HAS CINCH ON NATIONAL BAT HONOR I v nite K'ix ha r.ever i-ir,irM!.v.i , hlrnw-if a a !-v!r,r. Clium euoorlor. ny in anyway T'f yo'ir favori'e of th Team S landing IUkbl Ifk4lrr ii -ki i ! r. a f livi. ' out. ,i kg' i .f fi . f a I'a Ka ' r-w I. ( r ..." tf Ml iv.. 4 if U .'i J v f -t 1; . ki ." Ill ' v a ii n i" a if ff '. K .)-'' i 4 l.i I H II )' A I -... ?( 1 ' j ; r.iu.i-f 2 I-.. I ; j I, l..!.'y''l. I I ' O 2 I 1 1 a M I. f 1..' kJT'l I .' 4 I). tf'.t VatC'iaaJ Laju. W I. Irl I I f. ti'IK'i h , .'7 1 Kf.a a li 71 .Ml, I Ula Aa.r-.':an lkjo. W I. I-M VI ;ii r.i, - 'A iih i 17 IVV -. Yk 4 r 'l .'.'. . I'f.i a 7 '. 4 4". Ml U.oia W. I. 12 7 .', l 74 1 In 44 H I'M 4V'i 4'0 4 a 4.i KihtM-n F'oints Ahead of Hwrnsby; Four of First Six Pitchers Are Giants. Whi th" hr" a.1 iXz"s P'"--' part:clf.atir.(r in Tht than IJ or more rmn rati armrHinr m c. i , h . n V. , . u (n - - .11, . a... w . . n ' 1 I. v. " in -i. i.on i. a r camwi rum per game: Oklahoma, university in the l ett s-hape ; o. porie. Ocotte. Chicajro ...47 Nver haa phiilips )'md up a a ' Kaber. Chicago ....27 contender the So'j.--rv1Ie S. Coveleekie. Clevel . 44 Lo'idermllk Cornea Back. NEW ViliK, hr.i 22 .-.St. lAiuit dfKt4 N'r-w York lir h.-rr l-.iiay, 4 10 2 ar.d 3 la 0. J.i;u'rrurK rr.akir.r hia return t'j tha in tlie hrron.k (aDa kiiut out the wttii four h;t. e-ur.d Biiudib I'ra'.t of Hi Louis turned bil ankle kll'imc . I-ird bale in the arroiid Kame and wag lorred to retlra KIK.Sr CAME, arore: AB H I'OA.Ji' T ma;iri Wiul. Numerous ator.f-a -ae drifted Leonard. Boston Info this camp concerning the prowesi Huth. I ion ton two and you will firi aome neutral-jef the Chnetlan "team. Rrartj,, Ayeri Waahingioti eame or no practice irarn. pen f'tn laya, Iloaton in rriirir tn tA. nn rri r--a t.t,v liaabv. llr.vl&n r;-ar.u is a tam have ajcaujrht napping during the opening 1 lluwll, Chicago , V.' I. 01 7 4"J 7 7a 4'.2 17 1 3-'. ii VI 472 (iamiH Today iik i-fci.k.. i l.tiiar-' eai -i mrnitf r. ba.r I 4 fv ilil 1 1 1, c I Kla.k it 12 7 12 In r.' ti . Ml ''i'i ii ' 1 ') llbM J-kkBrt'ut j'.f CiK .'f. . i. '-r i K ; hfi. y.i.'' M.a Ibir Tir.i. oi. . . -.t, u .t t. I ! . f Tk. Pan - ha'.i - ' k ri.,.k . , ll.lU1 if W i.i't.4 ' A.f.l'l 1 I. .Krfi 1, A4ia . (lairi,. ((. i.ii TvU i iii k 1 f 4 I I ' II If l i A ' ff'1 If li.l U'.i I'riuk aitd Wi J .'' I h. a . r . tw V l.aa. !. v'f 2 ; j a; Mr OAMK I 2 'ihi'i ii 1 j ii 4 v k t t II ll '.lie' I 4 1 1 o ;v. a: f, 1 2 ' vf.'.l' Hi 4 ij I'i I- a i-ua a f 2 t 0 2 I ' ' I." ' "i 4 111 fit iiefr, 4 1 0 il A b.k l.p . - . . . li.a! ii 10 7 I'' idr.r V . . iil.r .'in.ij'-r'l.p .a,v AH If !'' A I 0 Xktl'Tkl Liafua. Itvki'.n at Kt 1 ."! Id..' ;!,. I - ii i i'i I ln.a4li .a a'. l.i-k(V. Jv vt.'k ftili.u.:.4. Akervaa Iajaa. N'g l-j. n k I .fl . ii IUhuUs YtHtirday !-..! ( ii.' r.t.atl II. ..II. U l.ik... ) llvkU.n 4. 4 1 ht 1-vulk Natl' Lk-i. 1 i 4 I 1. .('' 11 2 '' I'H'it.-;!. 1 1. 4. llr..Ua 2 H l.yj.k 0 (a!ltd, Amarlran Laagu- fi-iiai-a I NVkitui (Inn II 2 J. I inlk.i. ..i ia 1 0. 4 .'I. . ul b 2 tPktt.l f..r Wk k. llli'i.l r.,r AM n I r ti.itn.Kk : llilik'l. ('Li'-art'i hutnnaik Hunk, tail I ..Ik. :ki i ; IlllKo.f. t . 1 wa ha. a Tuli'l i In fif'h ia In tigl.' fi.'i') I'.'J I'll ll 02 fc 27 17 IS'I HO 4 i. 'i'i oo - 1 li, VW.H Melkle, i'a.krll, fl 11,1 k. liltk. Mkikir. 'aikrt, h HVllllable, Ailrliin May Iti-llri'. AI'KIAN. Ml' ll., H I't. 22. Adrian colli k probulily will rente from Mil 1 1 1 tr a ri Ititi-rcoll'-Klal'' football rotn petltl'iii this fall. truly rhviti caiull-iluti-M fur tin. proHpM'tive eleven re purtecl , wliin prai tii " was ordered. The, ' J Uik ij " linlil'leil but one vet itiiii. Adrian will conren- I in the National league I'.ouxh of fin' ir.ria'l with an average of 212 has an eighteen point lead over Roger llorriHby of Ht liois. who In aecond In bat'lrg. Three members of the New York club Kauff, Hums and Wiihoit re among the ten leading batu-iH. Kauff la th.rd with .3')k. ! I'.jrns of New York, the leading s'-nrer, tro-ight hin total to Vi and il'aiey of rut.-burgh Wicreased his 'nark in biiw Ktealii.g to 4i. The Ireeord of twelve homer uns hung up by r'ravath of 1'hiiadeiphia remalna 'out of danger. Ireal of t.'hl'ago ron 't.r.ije, to the way to the aacrl I fi' e hl'ters with 2. (,'inrinnaii, 'leiailifiK In team batting, has nn aver iu'e. of 2tif.. Tin- averages Include games of Wednes'lay. Iv-aiJIng bat'ers who have jilayed In half Un-lr club's games: llniikfi, ii;i-irin;itl, .342: Horneby. Ft. I.j!n. ,2-'l. Kauff, New York, .SOU ; Cri.h, IMP'-Innatl. .205; liiirtu. New York, .!')2; (.'arey, I'ittKburgli, .J'j7; rune, St. I.ouiH. .2S; Wiihoit, New York, .Z'jii; Smith, .St. 1.0U1H. l"'i; Wheat, lirooklyn. 2'j5. - ladl'it' pitchers participating in SI or mure gam'-s, rated according to carn'-il runs per game: ). Anderson. N Y. . . .34 Alexander. I'hlla . . ..41 Hi-hupp, New York. 3 2 n-k-n-r r'-iriir pr-rcer.tage than the "r.rte F'.x. the eact fiirur. , j 2'1 agalnnt .2:3. there is rvot a greu ..-.-r.-r.-e wn'R the pcrr of the reg'iSars who are moat l:k"!y to part.'lpate In the world's er4 ar compared. X'A the followinc table: Whit Srx. f.lania. J Collins, rf 24''riijms If J12 M'Mullin. .-b. ..2t7Thorne. rf . . . la : I", r-.jliins. 2b. Jack'xin. If . t Kerh. cf . . . jflandil, lb .. . Weaver, tn . . lR'-halk, c ... game, and w hen Central, Kingfisher ! Johnson and I'hrlppa team atp off 1 n the field they will face the regular Sooner machine. And then the larger teams are due to meet the Oklahoma boys. On Oc toUT 12, with than a month In which to work off the superfluous avoirdupois ard to work the kinks Out of nld ahfinka. Tternte will 27;toberton. rf ..259 I the team to rrbanla. 111., whrre they 2'T;auff. cf ... .jrjkiwii; meet the .ouadron from the fni- verwty of Illinois. Then from the arctic clline the Poonerr will take their wiiithward flight r-nd the following week will loosen their ravage on their long and avowd enemies, the Texan Ijong horns, at I'allas, Texaa. Kendall G-G.bcr 2!. '.Vithctit rest the Oklahoma tenm will meet the Kendall college nrre- Waah. .37 .25 .22 .46 .34 .44 W. FR. 2S 12 1.55 15 11 1.75 It 14 1 5 1 14 l.2 22 11 15 7 2 01 20 8 2 02 21 12 2 03 15 4 2.1 1 21 15 2.15 -notion. If Auk iu.3rj ' t-lnith.rf 1 l'rau.21) lien-.milt.rf DAVE ALTIZER HEADS AMERICAN ASSOCIATION 4 llalec 3 firr!er,M 4 liump Up 4 Totula 30 1 ("arnprf .'1 -'-kin'h,k.i 1 i M Hiael.Sb :i pip.ib 0 l.emar.lf 1 ii k rf I) wkir.2b 1 .Ntmam'r.c 2..Siiakey,p i tlendrya 7 27 12 Sn.nlUood.p 0 li'i'llliooley 0 0 0 0 S 1 I 1 2 1 1 1 10 0 H S 1 0 1 AB H PO A. 5 12 1 .21 'fclm merman Jb 23' .2 . OHet'-her. ns, 275J. Smith. 2r .224Hen!og, 2b. Ilolke, lb .. McCarty. c. . Rariden, c . .2r,4 .224 .234 .277 .27? .271 1'errltt, New York. f'heney, lirooklyn . Fallee, New York . . Vaughn, f.'hlrago . r-'i I 1. elder, fin ... . trate on bneketbail, a a veteran team Toiiey. Cincinnati . 'U'ackurd, ht. iouls. .32 .21 .31 .40 42 .40 .24 W. I.. KH. 8 8 l.7 27 12 1.78 20 7 l.5 15 7 1 NO 10 2.07 18 2.17 23 1 3 2.20' 1 17 2.27 24 15 2 32 9 6 2.1'J a Is the Only Kind We Make. You Can Find Your Fall Suit or Over coat Here Priced at AND UP TO $40 JIY ORDERING EARLY YOU GET THE REST SELECTIONS THE AMERICAN TAILORING CO. II. DAUNKLL, MANAGER 110 South Main Phone 4989 Akaumlng that the at-ove will be Practically the regular lineup, it is found that the White Box will navel an advantage of five points In right nation on the Hovd fiMd on October neid ir ihorp should be his i;ia.rt op-1'- 'r nBJ Maved havoc with the poncr.t hut would be outl.-m-ed by victorious Kendall team of 17 j.o.nts if I!ol.ertwin should be the.'';r nd at present they are not k-elci-tlon, rr,d there Is little doul-t that . f'arcd. Ijavy will be the boy. In centerf eld M'e-sourl '00k the Uicon In the '"le h will r.avc an cig of two points , game with the Oklahomans last vear over Kauff. and In rlxht field Hums -but they have bei--n hard hit t.v Vara Former Major Leaguer Makes Way to Front in Senior Minor League. Jave Altlzer, cf Minneapolis, a veteran of the majors, batted his way to the top of the American associu. tion !Lst with an average of .324. ac cording to unoff.cuU averages includ ing final gaVnes of th. .i.,.k. last'flt'td W(esday. r,.rnrri;,t of Co. . trilled three polnta behind or '-w iork lops Jackson of Chicago by three. and predictions give the fitt'n ai-gre-t"atr.n an edee over the Columbians In their pnntMi ar 1 v . X4iM,...i e-ni.i At firxt the offensive r.dls again u- November in ha. a.a.'a .'. vor the o.ants. Ilolke beir,s ,.Ven.the task of obtaining the goat from pomts better than fj.indil. If Herzog the Kansas unlvertf'y tAm In Law Ut ll r.M.t V .Pa'?and ,hr,,e' r'n""- '"hancr, for the Oklahomans d ,.,. he TJi i"n W'" .'.'""' the k-ame are away above par W i 1 have a'dvanT' ' r ! " tnPy w'n th" last W III rt-U m lh. ,11 irrnn.. !! V. r?i "..t... too ui.t.,-... Tll I.C O.II points If J. f-'mlth has to cover th lumti him. Uremsen. the first base star at St. Paul, who u to Join Ijetroit, finished the aeason with 57 iminn i. i hla cred.t and 110 run. Massey, of I Totali 33 7 27 12 trinttHl for Shankey in eigldh. J Hatted for Smkliwooil m ninth. Hrore bv inninga : St. liui ( 100 100 110 4 Sew York 000 OCm) 020 2 Nummary: Rum. Khotton 2 I'emmitt, Hale, Kckkter, Iiemtr)k; error, 1'ratl; two bake hiu, Pratt, Jlendrvi; threabkka hit, lierber; nolen bmra. Smith, Vcwiter; Iiuii on bl.' off ShHwkiy 5, off liavmij.ort 4; tru'k out. by Shaey 6. by cinalloid 1, by listenport 8. I nipirek, Coimolly and , Nallin. Time, 2:06. SECOND GAME. The fore: Ft. I. All II I'O A i. Y -hntton.If 2 2 1 (III ainp.rf U 11 1 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 11 0 6 2 2 0 0 AB H I'O A. Auktin.ltb Kitnth.-f 4 I'ratl.'JIi 2 l.avan.2li 2 lletnniitt.rf 4 ran. I. -mi. lb 3 Severeld.c 4 lii-rlier,(.a 3 Louiler'k.p 3 After the R.-izorback triade nn N'v Ke-. none sack. The ompariKon be- vember 17 at Kort Smith, Sooner ,,een We-iver of the White So, am , 'V, fo, v manses rarm- ri.tcher of the fllant, shows that the' "s, Manhattan, Kan. Stories American leaguers will have 21 non.t. ' e"'lr"1.,.'r' from th" haunts of yokels of the f this infield los, to the OianLi h.r,rrl"n''- but the dominant spirit of up w hen Zimmerman's cl'.ut-1 ' " ,,a-tv """" combined with the 'lie bitter Much o Is made lug ability is matched with that of .VtMulbn. who probably will take care of third for the Sox. Zimmerman Is 4 points better than his rival. AVhcn It come, t0 adzing up the hitting pow er?) of the catchers, cither lUriden 01 McCarty have It on Schulk. Harlden by 47 points and McCarty by 53. To oppose, these bat'ers both have excellent pitcher,. The .following ti'ble shows that the White Sox fllng irs look letter than the Giants- WMITB SOJT. GIANTS tjcotte ...1.55 Anderaon I-'aber 1.7 5 Schupp , Hue-sell 211 I'errltt . S' Ott 2 11 Bailee . . I'anforth ....2.27 Henton . Henz 2.30 Tcsreau Wllllums ....2.72 Iieniaree arirlimeiit there 1 ...v.. .nr cu.o on the tikli- .1 7 .1.85 .1.8.-. .2 17 .2.72 .2.75 .2.88 HYATT, CHATTANOOGA, SOUTHERN CLUBMEN Ham" Hyatt of Chattanooga led the Southern association, which cloned a week ago, with a batting average of .336 a ten point lead over Munch of Atlanta. Ma nearest rival Covington cf Little Rock led in total buse .hitting, having stretched 1C4 blows to 257 baaea. He mada ten home runs, 21 doubles and 21 trip lea. He also excelled in scoring with nlnctl runs. Hyatt scored 88. John son of itlrinliiKliain won out over Gil bert of New Orleans for stealing honor, with 39. Shcehan of Atlanta piled up 54 sacrifice hits and Rratchl. of Memphis, boomed his home run record to fourteen. Atlanta, the pen nant winner, waa firat In teambatting with .270. Indlntr hatters who played In half or more of their club's games: Hyatt, Chntanongo, ,S3; Munch, Atliinla, .226; Vlck, Memphis. .J22; Knlriley. Naahville, .820; Aloran, At lanta, .?0; Covlngtoru Little Rock, .80S; I.unte, Momlle? .297; Kills, Hlrmlnghatn. .295; Kdinondson, New tirleann, .296; Thrasher, Atlanta, .291, leading pitchers participating In 32 or mora games, rated according; to earned runs per fame: O Walker. New Orl., 35 KobliiHon, Lit. Rock 44 I'erdue. Chat., 14 Hill. Hlrmlngham, 42 Robertson. N. Orl., 38 Smith. New Orl., 32 Homier, lllrm.. 38 McCall. Memphis, 39 Kills. Nashville, 33 Hressler, Atlanta, 44 W. 18 23 1 2 20 14 1 18 13 25 la 10 1 10 13 8 14 13 14 14 IS En. 2.00 2.01 2 06 She I'avcd the May. "How did pa act when yotj asked him for ny hand?" "Very goiitle and courteous. It took me completely by aurpiiae." "I told hi 111 you used to be a pugilist." personal equation of Mr. t-enjamin Owen make the fans confident that the Sooners will return with the scalp of the farmers. And Then Turkey Pay. The blll-of-faro for Thanksgiving day Is a family quarrel In which the Oklahoma Agglcs and the Sooners will participate aa the prlncrpals.'Thls game will climax the season. The final show will be staged In Okla homa City. At present there are only seven veterans back In uniform with which a nucleus can be formed for the 1917 team. The older mn who reported are McGlothlln. VVIImoth, Graham, Johnson, Graham, Durant and Mc Iiermott. With Graham Johnson nt quarter, Graham and Mcr-rrnott at halves and Scivy Davis at full snd a eocoBd quar tet possibly ponslstlnrr of I.tistcr at miartcr, Ttow Johnson snd Spot Durant at halve and Wllmoth at full, the proposition of a first -clana back field does not look at all bad. T,lni Is Weak. Much difference of opinion may be had as to the flower of the line. Few men have shown up In the practlclnp with exceptional ability. Vp to date Mi-Glolhln Is In the line, Brown Cheadle and Deacon are all working hard and they may be the answer to Owen's prayer for line men. The pivot position will be a bone of contention and will be contested for bv Douglas and McCall. With the present outlook the Poon ervlllo Is expecting a great record from their present aggregation and with the sounds practicing every morning and evening things aro looking brighter around the Boyd field. pressed him for scoring t'0.'';""" I'rott. tii rber; thre'e-ba.e hit! Minnear.ol. honors with 106 ririv-i.. ..... , home runs enabled Rcalls Becker, of Kansas City, to bhow the way In a total hitting. He made 176 hits which net hirn 259 bases. Hi record includes sixteen doubles and eleven triples. Honors In sacrifice hitting were re tained Dy Hronkle of Indianaiiolis. 1 I'erkin'h.ta 0,.laiM-!,3b 4 I'i pp. Hi 0 I.Hiniir.lf 0 Virk.rf O: lessit'r,2b Oltu.-I.c -4I.ove.p 1 tllenyrix t-U.lOJI.p Totalt 29 8 27 101 tn... a , 1 1 .T"tl 81 4 27 20 THsttid for Lovo m emluh. btnre by inninga: " 000 000 021 S .New Wk uoo 0()0 ,0 o Miinimary: Runs, Sin, Hon. I.aviin. (ierlier- ........ 1 r-Himii 1 Ifn. s 1U1.1 1 1 1 .... K'.. on balls, off I.ovo 2- 4, liy I.ouiji-rruiik 2 Connolly. Time, 1:40. ktrink out, bv Lot Lmpirei, Nal.'in aaa vL-ia.,7Jg" BUnk Waahlngton. WASI IMi'luN. ,.,.(. aa.-lletroit mail., t two straight from Wa.hingicy win iiing 4 to 0, hhniko wutuiu-hiuJuliiiion. i ne icore : who made 31. KanMs City clung' ',0 5"hU- A" " r0 A IWh. firn place In Zt ff $1,i average of .263. Indianapolia the Ck.lib.rf 4 I r.&e( b the bottom pennant wirmer, was at of the list with .247. Leading batters who played in half of their club's gamem Altizer, Minneapolis .324; Demmitt Columbus .321; Kirke, Louisville 318 Eecker, Kansaa City .317; Anderson', .Milwaukee .310; Kabrique. Toledo 301; Glenn, St. Paul .2S3; Wise, To ledo .232; Maseey, Minneapolis .291; Dresncn. l'aul .290. Leading pitchers participating In 33 or more gauies. rated according to earned runs per game: ILowdermllk, Col., Lillingim, Ind. Heche, Iiuisvllle. Davis, Louisville, George. Columbus, Griner, St, l'aul. Daw-son. Indian., Thomas, Minn., Main, Louisville, AR ll.l'O.A, 3 12 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 Total! 81 8 27 11 O. W. L. ER. 49 25 14 1.81 36 20-8 2.19 35 16 13 2.29 43 24 11 2.40 66 16 10 2.55 6 16 11 2.6 3 15 14 2.67 12 21 28 2 72 33 16 2.75 An- CnrilHlo Slar Con!i-i Haxkcll. I.AWRKNCR. Kan.. Sept 22.. tnnlo Luho, former Carlisle and Syra cuse university football star, will coach the Haskell Indians this sea- eon. Lubo was placed upon Walter Camp's second all-American ' eleven In 10 In the line. Gus Welch, an other Carlisle football man, who was originally slated for" the Haskell po sition Is In the officers' training camp. Lubo Is a member of the Mission tribe of California. Having a 1.00k. "They told me they had two million tons of ore In sight." "Did you see RT" "I don't know whether I saw It or not.N They took me out and let me take a peep Into a deep, dark hole." Olil Stuff. Autumn goldenrod la yellow, 80 fallpoots now declare! 'Tla a matter any fellow Can determine. If he care. . Cobb a Financier. DETROIT, Sept. 22. Detroit sport writers have concluded that Tyrus Cobb Is earning something like $50, 000 a year. In addition to drawing a salary of about $20,000 a season from the Detroit baseball club, Cobb is interested in several business ven tures, including a motion picture company. He has signed a contract to distribute a certain beverage thru southern territory this autumn and winter and it Is claimed that his In. come will be In five figures. A few other Interests, such as bank stock, real estate holdings and advertising royalties, help to swell the Georgian's bankroll. Routs This Week f Monday, KcpU-mlier 21. I Nate Jackson va. Denny Mc- Nell. 10 rounds, at Oklahoma I Citv. Willie Jackson vs. Patsv Cllne. I f iv rounos, 11 new iork city. I Johnny Dundee vs. Terry Mc- I Govern, 6 rOAinda, at Pblradel- I I phla. ' 1 Tuesday. rVcptrmbiT 85. I t Johnny Griffiths vs. Al Doty, I I 15 rounds, at Akron, Ohio. WrdheeKlay, S'pt sihcr I Bryan Downey vs. Goats DolS, It) rounds, at I Salle, 111. , I Thursday, September J7. f I Gene Delmont va Hal Grove, I 1 jo rounas, ar. jiuason, wis. I sieve j urien vs. Fi I 10 rounds, at Hudson, Wis. eai-h,If 4 1 1 0 Uiee rf Heiliuan.rf 4 14 O Kosi. r 3b Kllis.' 8 111 liMnrk-.m 2b Jounx.lJb 8 0 I 2Shanka.s Miia,e,o 8 0 4 7,A inamii h.e thakke,D 4 11 4 Johmon.p Totala 35 B 27 11 Hrore h innini-i r),',rnl Onq nni nnn 4 Wkuhinjton non 000 ocltl o ulllmry. Runs. Hush Vin i-i.. tr.ii. man; houivrun, tobb; itolen btei i'bb 2: baaea on ba 1. off Kimiii. o 1 7! trn.-k out, by .lohnsun 8, bv Khmku 2 Um pire. Owena and Kvam. Time, 1:35. Indians Win Two addad two more gamei to ilk winning alreak today taking th.. first nmo 3 to 0 knd tha'.d in 11 inn'm-n hv 2 to 1 FIR-ST GAME. ' The score: rievel AH.U.PO.A IPIiila milnni (iranev.lf 8 l' 3 Speak er.of 4 K.nh.rf 4 Harm, lb 8 W i,.t, 2b 8 Kvaiu.ab 3 llillinjs.o 8 Bujby.p 4 1 11 2 2 0 1 0 1 Oilainioaon.rf oiOroTor,2b Ollodie.lf O'I'a'mer.STi 2 .Slrunk.ef 1 liiWin.ks 0 MrAvoy,, ujiayior.p ToUIs ItU-.iffin s i 1 a., uatea 1 1 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 14 0 1 8 8 0 4 0 0 0 0 . . I Totals 86 7 87 M TBatted for Xaylor In ninth. 1 Batted for Orover in ninih. Seoro by Innings: 91'."1,n , 000 050 1008 Philadelphia 000 000 0000 buminarjr: Huns, Wambsganss, Evans 2: error; (liapmon 4. Kodio l'almer; two-ban hit. McAtoy; homerun, Kvans; stolen base. Roth; baset on bolls, off Ba-liy 3 atruci nut, by Bajhy 1 by Nkylor 1. fjmpir,, Moriarlty knd 0't.oiighlln. Time 1-80 ShX'ONU UAME The score: Plevel. An.H.PO.A !Thil. AB.IH.PO.A. ". .ii o 1 u jamieson.rr a n 1 0!Hrover.2b 0Bodie,lf 0Batea,3b Otnink.ef 2Shannon,as lil'ioinch.e 1 Bush.p 3,Snbold,p 0 6 1 8 0 1 0 1 8 13 1 a 0 0 0 8 0 P 0 4 1 0 0 1 1 4 1 11 0 8 1 8 0 1 0 0 Chapman, ss 6 8 K.uli.rf 8 Kmilh.rf 8 Harris, lb 8 Wganss,2b 6 Kvaiu.ab 4 HUlmgk.o t'ovelei e.p 4 Totals 85 6 3aTs Score L lnnlnas: Cleveland 000 001 000 01 I Philadelphia 100 0O0 000 00 1 Summary: Runs Orkney, Speaker, Orover. errors. Chapman, l'lctnch a. Bush- two bask hitk, Harris 8; threebes kit, Strunkl struck out, by Coveieakis 6, by Bush 7 by Beibold 2 bases on balls, off Coreleikfe L off HntW 2, off 8aibold 4. llmpiraa. O'Loughlln and Morlarity. Tim, 2:02 ToUl 88 4 88 14 Tennis l'laycr Haa Charm. DETROIT. Mich.. SeDt. it wh.k Farmer I Molla njursted, the tennis star, played Is. k here recently, spectators noticed aha, Hilly Mlske va Battling Levin. 1 iwore a heavy pendant of a njkciillm. a 1. a .. v , . ' A 1 irk. x. . . . mnj, aw rummk, av new lorn City. I anw tuorwegian athlete ad" I l-Ttday. Sepu-tpher S. f mitted that the article came from tha I Harvey Thorpe va. Kid Mex, far east and wna supposed to brlna" I It rounds, at Denver, Col. joodlea of good luck to the wearer I Fran key Conley va. Willie Fin- t .Mlaa BJurated also carried another tl ley, 10 rounds, near Chicago. charm on her travcla It la a atone. I .eJ"ck HUlo?a Sp!k Keller' I wr-ahapd. which resembled an In- I 10 rounds, at Milwaukee. 1 !dian hammer-head. The rock weisrha ! a.Fk.r",lk,r Ca,'ahan. v- veral pounds, and a cautious nvJe! I Mohr. 10 rounds, at New Tork I tlgator learned that Miss BiJrSJi ? c"y: Kenerally allow, .omeonti , , , , ,mA fny ner Bultcajle for har