Newspaper Page Text
4 TULSA DAILY WORLD, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1917 THE TULSA DAILY WORLD UU,li ASK IMl'-vnV I r An ixihange looks upon the ?.: ; Transports BRAIN AILMENT MAKES HIM KILL Rippling Jihyrnes Hy WAIT MAhOX tiVYt UI. 11 r A Ii lo. l 'A'.' ! I- T I .K l.i'HI'i . . . t t, ( (,; i s i o'.i.o ( nr .'i I y pa I' Mi I uiu.r V ' 4tf 1 1 - -1 1 1 r n.M.t of iw tior Fefgu"n a np.nirg of ii ii. f ,r T'-'.i" tl' 1-,, li ItiMU.U a It Wild Of If.'' tho .',,,. I Oax. of Known. .tin.'- ha.'l' I a .r.g demagog who r.i !. y the I ii Hi popiji' e !' hi r j I .'.'nit r t: ; r 'I to f hn q ia .1 f a' c, i...',m n's Ii ,t i; , a.'.-. M',':..r r,..n ' ., . ha t.'.r',' oj a. on. T xa. jh r.ot t reA) for ii. ru-l .' a ' ha 1-i raion m ;o. ,T'i I,' ,fi. l.-.r .f.'l.m Hf 'J .: 'nei Lf, mrm aft4 .re.- r.i. a- e i l'ar gt:! a"! 4 a. a-ear- Btal letir -il. ' I". !.'-. 'a4 '-'.l tl. t'.(.t ta ar.7 ; i.l in !.. 1 . :. p. k-afl . .' ,1 ' I! ' .!'., k i W r r I" I'- ' " A, It. !, At li I ' I A 7 I'. ) 'II i - k '.' t " i I ; i i; ;.;.- r' r.H of J 'ir !.,', i, Work of Tom McElhany in J ' r fcf.1 ,- if.'- .f t : of fj..i w.f I ty 4 "The Escape" Best Acting He Ha Yet Done. j. w,. I i I : ''. -- 1 1 -if i k ( . ir ; . -J : u r. i fr -i t r . j -. i ,'i f-f ! l.'l. H k .Ml ' . . . .i.-J MURDER AND SCREAMING' .1 Melodrama Mixed With an Ab-; r i r it A'i k-1 Story Deii'hts Theatergoer.-. F-lu, ft a ( f f' ).., f rr.i.M : All I ) pai tniff.l n f ' ' lil-l H M I i Mtl'.'. N T. . .i J v. , 1 ;i h.' ' . , i '.' . . 1! - . 'i' (,- !.; ..!., r '' ' ', ' . ' t i.. n, or of t ;ii.n''. 5LL i ; ii.. KIlMOKnC. 1 1 1. 1 i. ii 'i f..i. ,,1.1 Ail ini,"l I '.I'l I i AI net I fi y I mi '.0 'i ilP gH'i f nt ii ' ' .r ,i.- 1 , W'.f .'J . ,. i ;.. I,. I . I i I l U hut Iml'il 'In Ihuk II. luh.v.'l In Anil ! A nil fin !' I" lie i I, j k 1 1 !. Anil In tlii ' ''! ' I lln in' III v.inl'1 w li . ii,li .r f M'H t IIIM I It'll lr', i nil ftn'l r.-.j.'il I I'. '.'1 Ml Hi lit 1 1 II I I i il III ' '"I-1 ' I '" V lin mi' l" I'l'l Ami 'II II nil. in"' Vi llli I, III", ii' i.'l ii iiful ilm'lif 1 In. nun il ItMlli ily t. y 'Uk .,,.l. h it If I I limi'lillnii'-'l fcMi I'T I'i'K i" J'' Nimii-nf.niii"! l' l"l'lt'ii' l'l J,-r lln i Ii mi '"il' I ai 'I Whirr inirn iil n l"a Vi oo. 'Ihn nun wl"i haa li nt l.i-li)i-'l I nil ruin nf In lfa ma'l' llrnrrliii Hi Ii- II"! a linn Inn . in, HailiKil ami l.i.lliii-'l ! 'urn And I." "I"i a'im.a t'l il"l 'if llvra.lll II." l'-'k.K "I 1.14 !". AD'I '! ni 'il 'I' '". 4''.l I. a '" 'i ha lli'i'i I'.niKi.t nl if... ft (,jr fiit I I 7 I,; t.-lir A 'ii'-t All Of Hai.lj t' ii I'lKTin ,o-IH-of !.' Fir h. W liribK.i.i el.i M-fvi'f U blifioat 101 l.a'l l.f"i Tf.irr tiiia lo My f"r I'm't'O VII. U- l " '''! !" tvtr 4'1- k (... of 4t f vol j'lori ai.d K't tia .i'n I'. 7 '-fr i (! nrvl'i a! Kojt oitl.. tnaa- ilium l hfiythinij bul V4l. iilac toiy i'l ii. ri bin) i-iiMi lm'.e .ri n l.l")'3 iiiUmmii. r. Iloncur, Mill. 'i t'-iiiK n itoIiiI'I tion ii'i-, U will b kon.i 'A h it diffi cult lo iiUhih Hi fiiil'if) I'f woinikii jffiiii"' on tli" ll'i'ior Ii.kukI. ' ..... - - Tm (ointy i on.riiii.aloiii'tn of I'ol :i'A ii loin in louni, Kiiii.iH. mlvwtlHi! for l.l'I'i on "fivn 'ofor'Ml i-omiflti tin. Ii" Win tiil'H. Mioro tli.m likely. A C.i-rn.Mfi iii vai i.iiiiri li i larm It In i;i fltjil.ln that Mi" lint''-! HUitti ulioiil'l liii'f Kolli'ii hoi. I of l .i'l luiin 1 1 1 i I ' 1 1 1 1 doi iiiiii'iila. tun onr.iiiiiii:. ve il Niy. - Tin, Tni'k:i ('iipll il, K"iiif lime iiko, CHtJi lillrlicil llin fiii'l llml tlm rii.ili'Ht IhiiK In H'" worlil to oik.uiIzo wiin It liiulii uiiurlil. Thin fi't Vi.xn i-mIiiI). IIhIiI'iI, hi'W"'Vi-r, ln-for tlm "Imne ilry' lllW VH'Ilt Into I'ffl-l t. Ali'Xiuiili in of UiimnI i, Vlrlol lit of Hurili'ti unit Soililn of ilii'iM-i" nro H V -Inr: .y.iin'li " I lAiimi ii ilo liiivi ii In I !( pmt I" Hi" t f"" " "f Ft ii I . I Uiw ivi'f. Hi"' pint llH'V Iiiivc Im ii kiim'li ii K i i MHt Willlllltl HiirfiMI'ii. A I la n r i' ini'iitH limn lii'i'ii pi! frrti'il wlii'ii-liy llir A in' I I'-. i ii ho'iIji'I n In I 'r.ini n will n'iri i I'lil lit inn of tin.' worl.l Hi'i Ii 'I'lniH nil ol' .lii li'i In riiiilliiiiliiir llin ir on llm uthIkiii fldlll ll.lVC In II H'llliilril. - uli',1 1 i.n.'.t lt Arn- All II ''l l"'''l I lll'l III H ll.itlill II II I tl ! I" I I'M 1 II K Hon. Iir WIIIipIiii' Iip wlH'ii hi' x Inforiiiril It I.' .Mi T.'ioo, ;.H'.r,. 10 '.", for : 1 11 I.M I. O'l i . I to tfil: ,f, ,i in Iftlli'-lil:'! of liil- I'.'it iilorj? uiih Unit hi nut, ,r Ij, ut hi, in ir. hi l ..i 1 1 M h' r I i;' It 1:. ' a). an rnfi HP t'.. w! a I .;. ti, , ,ii that t,a . rrioro', I: th I, Ii -lo i.;. in tiv? ;i ;.l' r; t " lr. forriK-'l It t,- hi:. 'I'l for Ha ol,- It : an i'-i Fpl.J 'r.'",rv t'r,;.t iI.ito is r,o'r.;r, m a nan.' A tin.' f on; u aoi'- 'O 'f ill" IX (,'f NOI w ti o .v 111 a r g ii ': aira.r.H tri,H K'n'-ral ar.'l j,'.. ilar be! iff. Th' who ",n t' O'l t h t hnory ui : W Iioj'jil.l JttWIjiJ. b or- -mm Mtock,) ,. w hJ hile bt.l W.rjfd r,il hounile.l l.y Inrortori I. "' ,' iek-r-. i'f.m thtv Jin! riot n.aJt,. th proper tru.v.rii; in !- i "'"' . were flven rfVrl.r . ..7 i.hii'9 in tr.f t-rinie place ' n Hi . oi.nt of the larite cat caii" ! lor in ' The Kuctpe." the nw attruc-i tion which opei.e.1 Thurfrtay to run I th htl.,r,ce of the week, jlrectori v u K'-ry h-ul to ewuy the role of Jerry I J ag'-e. Sow the play, or rather the I awry, wouid rali flat were it nofr the fact that Jerry iet kllli-il lr, v Kt killed twire yesterday, firbt at the matinee and auin last niKht. j Another lUd-kln Illnii I ik that, you doir!" vella Tm All of wi,li:h . t uf. lr, ii, K lo a J. " t a ,;,a i .1, 'I y the hoomli. i; of t In- VS' i n -i oiui. rr r ,a ii f,.i u j.i noriil ruitlon from aorriH piirty not y. t name.). 'I'li. 'K'. two in. ii ho'i t.ik ther,njvM too' i i loiiKly. Tl.o only thlr.K t'-iiO'iH iil.oot it to I he i vui'lay Itiztn la the Sh(' w pirn -hi-.l hiiiniliatlori that he f.eli U' iiuw one ' Wit hout a J.i hiho. And not ot kiltw fa' t. .':V r i,(.t V'.ry f ir. up to 'he what 1 1 OOpH i dill 1- Ml' :'!'' ',','iin -lioiii wan nrre"',l n Kan 1 'rani it'.' rec ntly. for t limn w-lrie of thme men ran hold the offl'e of I rnt'ol ritaii'H H'liator and utter vile thii.t'H that wioil'l ra iae hli ri r r -t for aiilit.on were he riot prot."'t"i l,y the a-iin titlty i f I, ! off!. -e. and that au nt hi r rniin of MiiiHi-r ralili'-r I, it eTfll biroKkn'e i.m remain tin- hi.v! of the . rntoi til or a i.ik 1 lt- the while he low no pportunity to j-lve old and trifoft to the nation'a lo.-inli-s. The -xp,lblon of Mr. Ii I'o'.li-tte from the H"r.:iti. h.-m h.'.jn iiekd, arid the time will r ome whi-n ChUano a rnay r will rl hm deM-rt-i. HI 1 IVfi AT lI'lMi:. It la with pi. ai um thnt we -arn of the d e t' 1 m 1 r, at 1 oil of the ( Ity to piir 1 hate the materlalH for Ita new con "trmtloti woik from TuIk.i d.-uleia There la an urnli f 1I111I. hh w-II 11a ful-l.-i' Ioum, fiflinff fimonir; a irr. iit riifiny people that you can alwayx tet a little j H'lvaiitaiv.' In a trade hy patronl.inK people Twiiy from horn"-. If It wire not an lh" ffrnt hnnlne- of cataloK inaklm: u-lil' Ii haa made kiii-Ii Iri -m-ndoiia etild.-a would die a natural il.-iith. The malla aid clnttiri.'d with thi-ao pri'ti'iitlniia voIuiihh atid their advent Into lh family rlrrlea inennH 111 ii 11 y thrlllliiK houia Fpenl hy the fe male aeillon In thi'lr peruaal. Vrt, aft'T nil Ii ald anil done, those who look In olhi'i' ritiea for their pnr rluin. n rarely Miln one c-i nt over what th.y 1 11 1 1 1 hiivii ti iiiiMirtrd at home. The phlloMophy of keeping pri.api'iily lit homii dull not a (f, 'it them until that day whlrh finully I'oini'a when th. y Ki'l their eyea op. n to thu fin t that they are payliiK Kood pi lee for And hi a lid. we'll h"t the wine wu a hum J'ii, yua. l'olkn wh il Kood wine. Alwaii have a That Ih we Hiippoae they do. S'e hn vi-ti't aeen iiny kooiI wine In a long time. Quite a Ioiik tirii.', In fait. ' 'e've been a lot of near-L'-or, tho. Have drunk aome of It, even. And were Homewhia diH.'ippouilcd. A HM M l 'M il VI I 67 A'eu-8 in Brief A'lT'rllNKY H II i.AShMll(.K la on a wi'tlTa fiiliiiic liu at Catena. Mo, In Ilia Uaika. I'R I'KAKh lll'IH'IN left yritar.lay lot a ten rlavii' vImII lu her iliter, Mn. W. K. I, 111 ll.:ner. K V. MIl.l.KIt, enminerrlnl bajetit fnr the Wnlialh. la III hi. l.ouil atlen.lui a 1 1 a f fie iiffl'.-ra' llieetUlg. 'J-'tlKiiR W f.SI.I.AM) if I'rmr anil llwiijan.ili F Vanatla uf iuuva enhiteil at thn army re. 1 ultli.if atnttuii ).',t.rilu - r If MIllUUU., dnielnr of rlevrliibm.-nt Hie l rii.-.i liiii-a, ama iluwn fi.1,11 M. lniii )."(. ithty la luok uver kiihk iml n bit ml tra. k l.ii'ilti.ilia. -I- MUH 11 II KAMII.TO.S ami lU.irliler I'e'illft lnive retiiriK-.l h.i.iie frnlll l.lilnl ailn ' S.riiiiiH, Mn. bhrra they npeut the latter j'Uil of the milliner. , AT THK Chamber i,f Colnrnerea cllreetnra' mee'lni; to'lat a utierlal rum nut t ee from thn l.lutlH ilub will r.nne liefnrn the direilura to -"''I rijc'-t t'rJarwoiMl A L'a.lrwoo4 i:i:jt;.-i;j... KiiAxrin j. kiJ' A lift ill virion ef the army ifi-neral t".ur riaa t,en created to handle alt ! v.i. ji,,... '"HH.eta M-,.. .i,,:B , ,r,e iSiumeni of 1 .. i'l fc. n,; bupplieb to Kuropu. Hr if - I thru the hram ot Mayee Maaee d,. J. K-inin. a.iM!aiit chief oflu. tt.m a... k.. .... . - ." . at .ft l-.m I,.. .1 :i.a ui . .l , " """'eill.ll reriiiiiu- i,l,.,i,..i.t,on tervj.e wiij, 10I. Chauii- J le-Mtce. made famoua by J'.obert Ser-t,-y I. li 'Ki r. of the riuartern.aMers , 1 ire. orp". im, hi- chief aaaiatam. The new At both performanrea tho member "rvi.e win nave direct Nup.-r vision of of the company not on the ataare at! ail jnovem.-nti, of HUpplien f: 0111 pointH the time crowded the entrance to I 1., 1,.,, u,,,! emouHaiion aim 1 wiinem ine cru-u-eil murder, "hhoot I "... ,,,.,, nr mo v criienrM 01 a, 1 ai 111 v , iiiin u,'i n roe tin u.,,M,.r..i ..r t tianwporlM. HE'S NOT A SLACKER BUT NAVY DESERTER Jasper Stokes, U. S. Prisoner in County Jail, Wants His Iicord Straight. Jasper I). Ktolen, a United .States prl.'Oner, hem; held in I he Tulsa coun ty Jail, in a ati.'l l.'r for exact ncHH. He In not u slacker, hut a deeerter. TIi.lI'h the word he aent to Culled Ktafe CommlsMioner J. II. Wllklus yiHterday. trie ui'tora, with a hias, aa Itrry tur'ud from hl. Fquirmiiiif victim. Th audience liked it, too. altho they did not realize that It lan't the lot of everyone to aee a real, live dramatic: director killed. Vick took hla medicine like an old-Umer, tho, but what he Raid to hla impromptu audience when he Rot off ti.e can not he repeated here. The play Is distinctly an Armstrong offerini?. Like "Allaa Jimmy Valen tine" it la alive with crooks, clown trodden heroines and unexpected situations. A linnet" nt Ijist. fine of the outstanding fentures is the iictlna: of Tom AlcKlhany, who plays the part of Iarry Joyce. It if Tom'a first lltf opportunity since) "Jimmy Valentine" and he la surely t.ikiriK advantage of it. flrand patron wno nave necn Reeinir him as a but I am no slacker." Bald fitokes; "J'mller, office hoy and all-around aiioer Juat a deierter from ih. ru...i un.i,.J. ' w.l ? 'ruun" "iiper navy." It was wondered what prompted Stokes to make thn confewlon, ann-e hm d. HiTllon from the navy Is a Ki-eatcr crime than that of being a slacker, if he deserted from the navy after war was declared he Is liable to court-martial and the death penalty. It la prob able, however, that hla deaertion oc curred before the decb. ration of war, Inaiimucli aa he registered In Kansas June 6. JudKe Wilkin said ho was familiar with Stokes1 case ns ho had Kotten it from officers. Htokes came off down he;e after hn reifistererl and when called to the service failed to respond. Kansas authorities had him arrested. but later they asked Judpe Wilknia to teliase him, aaylnK the military au thorities would handle him. The I'OllltliiKMintiee Iir, l-,.wp .fnu.,,1 !to order hla disehaiire until nrrani'i.. mi nts were made for turning the de serti r over to some accredited military officer. This wns not done and Htnke numerary, had begun to wonder if he was a real actor or just a "fill In." IHrector Vlckery muat have been aav IfiK him for "The Escape," as Mc Klhany la making a distinct hit In his preaent part Miss Klla Kramer plays the part of May Joyce, who runs away from the aqualoc. of her tenement home arid becomes a social derelict. Khe la not lose uncomfortable, but leas degraded than her slater, played by Miss Mary Knos, who remains respectably wretched jn -The poverty she was born In. The woman who 1 scapes from such surroundings at the cost of her chastity la not only physically but spiritually better off by comparison. That ia the central theme of the play. Vampire Scenery. The scenic creation of the Crand's master artist, James Johnson, in the second act, caused fiiuch favorable comment. It ia the uptown apartment of May Joyc. The futurist Idea is curried out to tho last decree re l,,L.. 11,. 1. ilh lli.'in niftlle nt wal Inral their Hi 1 1 f Im ll ileslro to freeze Out tho Jw, irtaure roneerniiif inmuiuy C. ill "The iieW'i." old. w lii 11 he I'iiiiik was up, to mn." W ntiMUer will Ills r. llili la lit 11 11 end. - A VI. hltn iindei taker ll 11 noil ncea he haa lecelved the name ilal.'S iind wllliln a few dava hopes to have hla few heiuae In opt 1 allon. Thus, It would appear, h" Is wlnhlni; the en 1 11 0 town n IIMIe haul lui k. - We urn liifiini d that I'ev.'t il run piCKHIncti ixpect to V ImI 1 the western bailie front In Trance If cmri ess inl Joiirna next mntith. Wliai Is meant la "the batlln rear." They have no In li'iitl.ui of mesnliiK nriuiiid the front. flei mans have taken the bin vests of the Heihhiiia ami left them to In view of the lait that tne Keibl.uiii have hern el, living nil r'lin fier, we liiuii'lnr they are Inoi.t m i'F uaiil to It. ll.irlli svlllo bontlcne'cia mo repoited to be aroused because a iiieinher of that fraternity tipped the offlceia to the location of four tl1.111s.111d pints of vhlaliy. They have avtiKht to bo Uroused. In fact, they h.ivu 11 pet fee t light to be mail. Hecause of the Into uticrrt.ilnty of the teleiiiiU'h, we believe the recent home men hunt. The city has some building In do, and It la wi ll that they have de,J,l,. that local flims can aupply them the In ed. d materials at a belter advnntas'" than foreign bl.l.leia. The city ought to keep nil lis money at homo na far ua pnebihlc, else Imw call It urge the clilzens to do likewise'.' Kvery big bull. ling that goea up In Tulsa ahoulit be a mnmniiiiii tit to the nblll'y and enl, 1 pi Isn uf home liiluii and home cu ll 1 prise. The loan who would shun local facilities In erecting a lug work would il. sei vo aclsm. Likewise the 01 Kanl.atloii, if HU. h 1111 mm ex I'll, that would go away from homo Willi any favoia while tlepeiiiling on hn nl c. ml 1 Hi ui Ions for Ita existence would he. Wollhy lit Colldelnlliltloll. Tl ade lit lioine. - . K Ni'nllh Tn'm: I. I Ih'lilry. t, Cur I. lei of a pretty fall' story l i.m,,, .,r,g , ,u,,n, lia.rell; llerrarn Vulle that aboiil. the ( lerinan horn citizen J and Mna Itni.r IVm Willla, ruhinyilia, and a , . . , . . 1 1 iiuiuaa r. niyine auu hh vtriBi..ia. ifled lilntea who apoko to Im I ' I Till.' ei. Ol Vll V r..rtillin. .till... .,,M. the American forcea thusly: "When ,(, f,vrji,iy '.itli Ilia u.ain ullae ai lik ed," wild t he j liihtinia 1'ity fur the meek en.linit Se.lember 11,,ll"r I.I mo r.'puri wuirn irarneu 1 (lis lural uffiee f tdi-rilriy . 1 he mum offirn on tho Way back nod look up tho l''l 1" appliranla with thrae a.r,)iaiii-aa . lil.aA liatl lltui niu'il. Ii won man i ISAAC DKN'SON nl K11LI an.l R n. Mar- ri. k of Haiuilpa. Krim-n affiriency men, ji;ihn'd thru 'I ulna yei.tir.iav on iheir way Inline frum Kanm lty. where lliey laive been nil alrlke matter. TCI.SA I.riilKIt ANS and cluirrh men are Inukiiift: f.irwi.l allh latere! In thn roinlnf ; t,i llin eily H'lliilai' of Kev. Anilreaa Hard el j Hi. .I.ihn'a l-aiuli,!! LulhernfT ehureh. hauaaa I IIV. Il.l fl elltl IIBTU Wl.l KlUirM Maik'a ."uu.l.iy a.linnl an.l .1. 'liver the oiuru ln acrniun and t'veitini; lecture. Till' UM CKOSM I111I lonai ulib'h nava been t-ipi'.i.'il fur ftinun time Itnvn itrrtTfil jn.l may lie hml at h. ailiiianer, Knurl Ii anil Main. Siilio riluiiir memhera wlie fnil.-.l In 'Ive their k.l.l 1 ... may have thn Kr.l l'r.111 magaima fur the cuiruiit muutlr ly ralluij al head nnarteri. - t F1VK VKN were aeeeptnl al thi loeal navy re.i niliiiK alalinn ye-lei dnr for aeivir.'i a 1 1, r.i rlana finin.'ii They will be aent frmn hern .Yl.11ut.1v 'Ihey wern K A. t'al.lwell, Tnlaa- V A. I ana. Tnla 1,. T. White, t amiliell. Mn .1 C. Whitehead, CuinphrJI, Mu anil A T. Ilurliin. (iwao. .MAUIIIAliF: IJt'KVSKS were lnue.l yea l.i.l.iv lo ll.nrv 1 S.war.l and Mr 4 Milium ami I has been held In Jail here Mnec his' minding one of the settings eirnir,-i.i arrest hy deputy marshala Homo daysll,y V,llllam Fox In his Valeska b'ur ugo. I rait vampiro productions. As the government pay only JaOl '"llff Hastlnga as Hr. von Kiden, reward for the delivery of deserters onwilv wiaa the aiiplause of tho fair from the naw to either the fhicntrn I aex hy his ability to make lnv In ine ium net wnen .Miss Kramer comes on .is a nurse and finds that her i,n of Hie Cnfled ilntea who apoko to hi I jul koii ah. ully after hla enlistment with 1 you get the I. ci mans lit sc father, "better atop nt Mccklenbeig or New Orleans naval statlona. ol'ri cers aro not eager to take them, as there Is no provision made for ex. pensive, nnd Die faro to either of these two cities and return, with the ex penses Incident to the trip, would tat up the ihO reward. It la therefore probable that Stokes will be treated aa a Flicker, given a number nnd aent to the armv In France. -Thin Is the practice being followed as to alaekera. They are rushed at once to the regular army without being sent to training camps for "aeafioning " Thus they get to the trenches quicker than they otherwise would had they retritered or respond ed to the call when made. folks." report thnt "the lltitlsh navy haa re cently accounted, for eight and pos sibly nine tier man submarines," Another funny thing about th' war lis that th' higircr th' grass grows th' l.l..l,..r l,.itl.. I'.i.tM V.... I...I.I.I. Should be changed to rend "nine nnd lncr ,,,, othlnV th'nt loses Ita pep ..onalbly eight German submui Inca." I like a pair o- white cotton stoi Un's. Abe Ulaitiit I SrttiA L T my SV07ASH I I t tm 1' a III K I 1""fri - - a-iv iv , - , I ! ! I f I W a I 1 tllVA I I I I Am il VIV I a.-, tutaticea aa the tiiaui utii.-e llltill SnillOI, lioyi nf Tnla liefan tllia week tu ,'''k. wink 1 tint will help tliem tu I'Bv exi eniea. Several nf tliean .letiiuioln have I r. a.-heil the itate fta. rniiluyuieiit ulfinv In I genet ml. I ho !'" ilium In find pa.ea whetn Ihey run wnrk l Hours efil rveinni nun an Iha'ilay on Satni.lii) a. I alii for juace m J -fn'ea pn pnndi'iBle. TIHtr TIIK KlMiNi: and jenern.ity nf Knrl W Sinclair uf thn r'v'liange Natiunnl bank, every nielnlier uf Ttl!ia aniluiiance i-ulie pally luiw itnliuiied at t'niup M ilia. i.. 1., Ii to luv.i a k it it 1 e.l waul helmet fur pi nteiii.m atinmat Ilia tel.l nt Ihn wittier. .so far levanty ef lint It'll men have hern ftiip-iiit-tt and the tt'inalmlir will l.e anda anil fiirw.'iljed a qiiirkly B4 .uil'le. aa tho linn iany may la uiilrn-d nhtuad at any uiuiiieiit. THE I.OCAI, ClIAl'IKIl of the Nnvy leairno made 1 1 4 ftrvl alupment nf kntlled I lint iiii nti. tu national henl.,iBrtira in Wa--h I 1 11 e I ti n ilnrili Ihn week. Ilefnre being purktsl hfur fthlpnirhl lite naiuienli were ttivuiBteil nt I tills leai'tir li. a.iii:irti'i a and lilt hided .-i.'M duielt ivteateri, lune rlnfeit luilffl.i-. five ami ems hull dm en wrlt:l, en anil elil- lutif dttielt helmet and two pair nf Soeka The nevt ilitpment will bo made ahuut ThBiikfuiTing tuna when II It Imped tu have il.!iil: tlm number uf naiiueuta aeiil una w vek. Approves linnil Issiiik. Witrlit Captnii Miireait, a lit 1 ainpii. il Huiiilii'ir OKLAHOMA I'lTY. Sept. 27. toriii' Freeling has approved boml IsbiicM aa follows: Haskell county, funding' bonds, 131 100; t'nddu eouitty. building bonds, $1,200; Kiowa county, build lug bonds, 1700; lityan county, build ing hunda, ( 1..00. ORIE WEST, SODA JERKER. STARTS "BEATING BACK" (JiiIIm farcer ns II r Itiinner to Rr- come 11t01110l1lle Sali-Mnan "No More for .Me." Oiio L. West, young Miami soda jetker caught In government officers' net some days ago when lfo was ar rested with "rasey" Jones and "Hill" .viayneius gang or whisky runners, has already begun "hcutlnu bnck " lie has accepted u position as iiutomohllo salesman for a Kansas City concern with Kansas und Oklahoma as his territory. "No more liquor Introducing for me," said West yesterday. "Fvo had all I want of tho gamo and will try to make my living honestly hereafter." West was tempted Into the liquor game by fancy wages offered youmr men who will engage In driving liquor curs $70 a week. it wa.1 his first offense, he declared, against the laws anil will be his last. W"st didn't rellHh the annellallon of "Lefty" given him by the newspa pers. 1 niiven t any police record and that's not my name." he said, "and I wish you would correct It. Business and professional men like the type of clothes we picture here especially for men of their profession. They found out they no longer have to go to a tailor and shoulder all the worry and disappointment that usually go with made-to-order clothes. If you are a business or professional man, and value your appearance, time and money, you will appreciate the type of clothes we offer you. $20 to $60 Knox Hats Immm Clapp Shoes tient is her own brother Larry, Cliff somes me soonest love scene on record. He makes more love In fifty wjiins man irus ever beforo been heard on a locil stage. Hut the folks woiiiu ime nun better IT he would get rid of that German name. Cliff, yiii know, is so much of an American that me cmer nay he whipped a grocery man necause the lattef got in a stock or sntier kraut. If you love excitement, good acting, pretty scenery und thrills, don't miss 1 110 l'.scape." An finer Mock pro duction has ever been aeen here. If anytolng It Is better thun "Jimmy aieniine. SEE SOLVES MOON PUZZLE New Suite? Charters, Wo id !! Capital Hiirenu. 812 Camphell lltlildinf. OKLAHOMA CITY", Sept. 27. Sec retary of State .1. L. Lyon today gianled the following charters: ltiirns Producing company, Tulaa, capital, ItiO.OOO; Incorporatora, Henry Sielnberger, 11. C. and II. K. liuins, TuImi. Wonder State Petroleum company, Oklahoma City, capital, $100,000; In corporatora, Frank Knoprs, Miner Sherwood, J. K. Offutt, Oklahoma City. The Ollt, in Oil A das Co., Ollton, capital, $;(), 9i0; incorporators, Will iam .1. llussi'll, H. 11. I'uyton. K. V. rAbshlre, Ollton. Hen l'liiiiks Oil company, Knld, cap ital, 132.000; Incorporator;., O. J Klemlng. Hen tt. Feuquivy, linld; K. L tlotlfrey, laihoma, Feppera (i.isollne company, Knld, callpal, 1 2 T . 0 1 0 ; Incorporators, II. II. Chnmplln, Until; C, C. and N, U. Fcp pera. Tulaa. Tho Terrlokla. Oil A (laa Co., In ci eased capital stock from $ 25,000 to $100,000. Astronomical Discovery Wan Made by Former Mlssourlan. I'rof. T. J. J. See, an eminent Mis Hourlan, who Is now government as tronomer at Miire Island, Cal., made his visit to his homo state the occa sion the other day of the announce ment of one of the moat Important as tronomlcal discoveries in 130 years. Professor See, who Is visiting his mother, Mrs. Mnry See, at Mont gomery City, wires to tho world )h pause of the puzzling variations In the motions of tho moon In Its orbit a mntter whirhhrm caused students of the lunar theory continuous study for sixty years. Two years' ago he gave otit from Missouri the can so of universal uravl- raiion, tne law or which was dlscov ered by the Illustrious Sir Isaac New ton, but that great man, after years of closo scientific Investigation, wns not ihlu to solve the problem. Solved Newton's I'rotilem. In the former announcement Tro fessor See told that the electro-dy namic vftives of the aun are the force of gravitation In the solar system. The existence of gravitation hud bean known since Newton's time, but the ' w hy wos a problem. Professor See now tells the astron omers nnd the world at large that tho pvisslng of these electro-dyrvflinln waves thru tho earth Is the cause of the fluctuations In the moon In Its orbit, and tha.hls discovery will en ubln astronomers to calculate the phases of the moon and Its action under rertnln conditions with twelve tlglea tho accuracy heretofore possi ble. This Interposition of the enrth as to tho sun and moon, according to Pro feaaor Pee, causes tho electro-dynamic waves of the sun to undergo circular refraction In going thru the earth's great mass to bend out of their rsnirae, and, In being so bent dis persed and somewhat absorbed. The) weakening of theae waves In this way, he says, causes the fluctuations In the moon's motions In Its orbit. Pcrfivtn Iainar Theory. 1 Trofeaaor Silo's latest discovery not only makes more accurate the calcu lations of Luna's motions, but con firms the professor's previous dis covery of the cause of gravitation. Professor See says that no Irregu larity now remains In the moon's mo tional large enough to be seen In the transit circles used by astronomers and with the previous mathematical development thru the energies of Newton, I.aplnce, Hill, Newcomb, P.rown and others, the lunar theory will be entirely perfected. Thesenew discoveries have been re ported to the Iloyal Astronomical So ciety, London, and to scientific so cieties in Purls, Stockholm and Edin burgh. v Professor See will soon publish In book form the result of hla-researches on tho cause of gravitation and on the fluctuations fit tho moon. Load HcKistcrs .Meet. OKLAHOMA CITY. Sept. 27 .Meeting of good roads enthusiasts will be held at Woodward Tuesday of next week to consider the laying out of a road connecting Oklahoma City and Lamar. Col. The proposed road will connect Geary, Watonga, Wood ward and Guymon, In the northwest ern part of the state. At Lamar It will touch with the Santa Fe trail. This, it Is believed, will make the shortest route to Colorado Springs and Denver. The road will be a branch of the Ozark trail. liaises Hogs. COLLLVSVILLK, Okln.. Sept. 27. Dick Bentley shipped 78 hogs raised on his farm near this city to Kansas oiy. The shipment of hogs will avmage better than 200 pounds each. I pS n I 1 You Know It's Right If It's a CHARTER OAK For seventy years CHARTER OAK Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces have been the standard by which all others are judged. Auk your mbther or her a or anyone who has used a Charter Oalc The experience of othtrs is the cheapest you can get, and home folks will always tell you that the name CHARTER OAK Is your absolute insurance of satisfaction. " If your dealer fries fo talk you into buying another make, write to ut, CHARTER OAK STOVE & RANGE CO., St Louii, Mo. "THAT'S THE POLISH"1 rr U m SHbE POLISHES 10 -BLACK-WHITE-TAN- Q FF.Dalley Co of IWbrkjc,