Newspaper Page Text
.TULSA-DAILY WORLD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1917 OIL PRICE FIXING UP TO PRESIDENT Federal Jrade Commission f'itfuro Have Not B'-en Given Over to Garfield. LITTLE CAUSE FOR WORRY Hut I'robably Will IJr- Fair Fvcn if Wilson .Should De cide to Act at Once. T! . H. i il: !;. ,r ' t I: r if wh: if y tr the it. b'f,,; t th.; t, t,. link -1 -j. i, it t.' '' r it r.o" .-fj-r rh.,i tn hot . t a refined Lf'.- Ir.g to t,.ii-. r. ;,, r. I 'ri v. i,t. r . ! j J Klc J:. ifiirnr g II J'-'k ol )!. th: w of TJ. World. Ii.alo 't.f f',:.,-Mi.K frirr, ,' ruay fr-r ;r i,y t-..-- ' mi i-r Jiuriv! . t .. . ti- ...... ' v.ond r'-j,!.-, i.tu'lv .... - ' r aniiniiri oti . Ourfield Xornniin.-e tAjid with referi-nr-a- to r.e )r j,.., ,j . -V'V.,rcI ref.n.d tuff T I ri'tor I ,)i;,t ,. ;t.-a 1-r . ,i r. ,'. r lt..; !...(,.,., j trade C-,it,f.. :,,.:. r,' rxcur t to thi-m 'I hi f'il! wir.g .in.Mnn r' iron Mr :h,i..;i, (: "''-t fii.-jr.- j.hj,.-, r.J by i,,f. fed.-n-l trail.- c ,rr,rr, i--i.-n I.i,.- I,e-ri In the f...n'!H .,f ,,. ,r. f f, fv. i ar.n I..- ,,., .,,,, ., , , lmi r.M trf- to II,- 'i;-rriel,l ,.,,. vxf An uu ! .. r,-.) i..,.,ft tii.n iii-v dnoA tr.u? ijo,imi n. I' rrifiuf.j tun-d for fi., to Hi TitM Without Antliorlry. Ic 1 4 I he G-.rfieM .ori.rriit I' ifj'hrlty if. fii hi no ... i. i'.'nh i. iTi.t.i-i Man to I'4'" " "'-M-' ' do 'A'Hli .-if -f. x I ti N'l,.,ly i j j , .-, r - th.- ti.ii i f it,., i,. fi.!, i ij t ,,.,,,,,'t j,; tt U ;-!., i.K:..,n i-f.Ht fhii ifiormrr it.iti th;.t j.ri'.n v.ll t. flx,.,i II.C). ti-y. 'J'-ih-Hi f; iff. v. irnvrrirnrit f:l In. Jl."tr. ,r,i ( , a ,,.,. , t, 1(1 Van!nKt..n i,f fifty ,r n.urM )n,... I.iT.i.r.t r-fli,Ti rr.n v !o tli;,t J.cit .l..-tht-r rir.f;xiinc v. ill c.; 1..V..I nftr., it.;.! tiril , w)l,,,,r ,,p Hill ,f .r,huit.;.l V ho ,,t i fiof !ini'n, ''.'. Hi r,, n u:ti.,r Ity .,f law. It H not Tf aKr.nul.lft to riilpcf t th'it thr irM-,-i' tit v,lj, tiikir drastic iu'.iuri '.!;!, riot I ! x I'.j-r.n 'oiy. In tin-t-op,tr. nn'l rriiiiti-r lm rnj.-t f.r:irr.rM toKihr riml 'jht lf( f.i u IM,rornl.i... w l.lrh n only nn ifrwmM nrwl h.w rio lril m.i t'lM mi. I I am in, In,.., t,, , will ,lo thlH with Kiixollne, Out won), I rot mil .ri "J It tin- took th I, nil ty lli- Iioinn iiinL m.i,., m,y tinm," "It If irt.,oi.hil,fi. tn t. II will r, ilorio or ,.ti it will I.i- il,,n... M.iny re,(iH k.iy lmmi-illi,.yi whlli; ni:u,y ri" rtH c.iimiiv wll foiinm.,1, rt,y it w ill I two w.-. l n .it I. :ni t. f. re imy ttnti, ilrfinlln 1h ilc.1,11. i,,,y frv. r.t corr .-ii'iiih of npiiTToii 1m Unit irirm will !, hiKh, If ! lit mi. Ill") o,linori m 1,hmm1 on Hit! fair iiii, r.-.-moriii lii nilr id nn, li nn coj.n;r. bliil, im noli uml ioL-." VIm'iiii.Iii TrM.iM It.-fli-h U ii.ii. W'Afti. -l't 7 Two thou. nf fro"IM of tin- Mr t Wnn-onnln In fantry arrlw.t nr t,..iv. Toilny arrival Irnlu.lw (',,,,no John I". Join hlrn, I .tout. Co. til.-n W. tinrlo'k, Ma)M Willlnin r". Mi-hl. ('Iinrlf-n K. Urur k. 1'niil Ahn. rt. nn,t C'aitnln Nfv ron Vm. Ki-vi-nti-im tlmniuin, fivn liiirnln il t!Y,o,H nr- tmw lit 'nmp Mai: At tluir. (ill I'rcllilil ilnn,. SiiNM'mli'il. ASIIIN'IT' N Hfpt 27. - Iiutkin of from ! to I I cfiil.H , r hnn.lroil pun ruin on lr ,.! ii ii i I'm .l,',lu' t.s fi.'iii ik I i h"in.i fiiMH I,, ini. rsiaii 0. hllinitioim no tin, Al' Ills', n, Topfka K Santa r:iilrial. whii'h w.-ro to 1 1 il V I Ill" .11., lU.- t'OIHM I I'W, v, r., W.-ll- M'IH,. ml, .1 t,,,..y I IV iln- lm, IHtat.' i 'oiiiiii'-k.' ruitinii.'.Mnif until January 2(1 II. nt. MAJESTIC 1 77 K riUAXGLi: COIU'ORATIOS J'lilJSLWTS BESSIE LOVE IX "WEE LADY BETTY" A Romance of Casllc (Yllcily on the Isle of Kilcroney. Also a Triangle Comedy "A DOMESTIC DECEPTION" si iiisiui.-: liMio, -i. :t :t(i, Coming Sunday: "IDOLATERS" With Louise Glaum iYKIC Today in in iui.y i i:ti it i : i'ui:si vis i 5 rurs RUTH ST ONE HOUSE in "The Edfjc of the Law" A Sxs la ri-iittM I'i-ihIik IIiiii for I In" Miowing mi 1110 iinouiiur .-scnciinu': in a. in., limit, I,, 4, o:;i(l, 7 H::tO ami l. ALSO GOOD AKMI.NSIOV Coming Toninriiiw (Saturday) 'I ho of th MtiMni, " lln- righting Trail, foil ami MInn tuiol llollnuiiy. iii- mi 111: "vol th" is ni M.t n P J.X'M) DASIIINti l Sl l H t.lltli It la a fur cry from the demure role of Youth'" In "Kvrry woman" to that of a daring mountain girl who rldea, shoots and matches her wits against a gang of outlaws, hut that In exactly the transformation W'lilliirn I'iin'ri. lr:nl!r.if ruA." if'ar'li.K nt fh l.yin- ;- in In Tn.-ut.T 1 Airplane Ambulance I .4 Makes (land in Test I'AKIS. fc'-j.t j; The alrl.l.m U m, i, I.i run h .N I,, IiikI out f,, :,f ,iiiy in r.ifnt t.-stx I.i th I n. i ii ' ion of I. tiir I'hu.s miiiiic ,f ih: Krt nnlii.iry rttn rry nrut, who rfpr-Mi-ntl a wonrid.-l p.i miji-r .Inrinic th trluliH, or.tipylnic f,!i of Iho two htr'-l.-lK-rn that arc pln.:i j in ihu tail Lux of tti rniirhlne. It i proi,ot.v 0 ..nut th lt'l Ciosh l-ll.NIll(-,r,uly fin th h'.1i of Ho' foil' h,:i. iin.l ii'l,,,t tii'j i nli: of flying no 1 . i if I . r th.ui two hnn'lri"! ynriln to thut t),.. l"IIMlV Will h! 11 M C'llllly to IMT- ''Ivu tho I fro:.. EARP OBJECTS TO MERGER I'roirvl In Wur l'piirtiin-iif Against CoiiiIiIiiiiik okUlioniit ami T an. V. ort'l Ctpiltl ll'irrmi. tlJ( ftiriplicil lluildlnr OKLAHOMA I ITY. 8. t. 27 A (1 1 ii I o il I ,'in ral l .up to. lay b- nt I'lol.Kt to flio wur il' loirtiin'iit agairiKt tliu prop iMil imrrKPr of the I'kliih.'ina ami 'JVx.m troopN to tikf eff' t () lol,r 1. (in"riil K-'irp han Juki . ti.iii.', from t'ainp Howie, where h lnuirMl hm to th cxti-nt of th tn r Vvr lm hail limril waa to l, mail". Ir (iihi- the iiith't la niarlf. nnya t;n. th I Kurp, (iklahorna will lose t" nuijora and alx ciipluiriN who will ho I. -ft without roniMiiinila and will liase to n asaiir.l to thn l.riK.i'Ie urntur Unit. l n. Itoy 'Muffnian. It will iilao mean t'nit no rnloni'l will ho nun, i.'il from Oklahoma to taki th't plm-e of On'ral lloffiuai), who waa ri. i-ntly protnotid. ITIilav Ih "Mln-rty wy. Wnrl'l ( .III (tiin-.m. h I '! I n 'i I I" M, ul, lit. t OKI.AIIHMA CITY. Okl.i.. Sept. IV. Tim ntati r.iiinri! of ha.i 1r iKnateil l-'rhlav of thla wei-k tit " i-rlv day" for iklalioina. Memln rs of the ntnte and rouiitv r-ouni'lla ami ."IiI'Tm of the Kin.- will hnl, I a con -fi-n-ii'-e at 1,1m' ii 1 1 1 ") hulldliiK to plan for f ilure work. It Im expei-lt'd that I'liinklln K. Uine, ai-rrctary of tli" Int.-ilor, will arrive early enough In tin- ,1 iv to attend the n nfi'i cure. II-) will ih lti-r nil iid.lresa t nit lit ut iji- llllllltol llllll. n, n.:i, h, ::io p. m. lours of Long, lllgh-i-liiss riiiitnphiVH 1S COMEDY S AMI 10 TS. opening; of the gn-atost wi-wirm wrlal til ring I ho well-know 11 Win, Dun.-nii that occurred In the life of Mias Carol Itollowny. Vllngrnpli star, who will he seen here tomorrow at the Lyric theatur In "Tho Fighting Trail." Vltagraph'a bis; outdoor aerial. Miss llolloway's work In the picture Is a splendid example of histrionic versatility. ' lif new writra imtOaI, ton, or row ( J-'lar Ja ). i li righting NEW YORK PRIMARY WILL BE PROBED BY GRAND JURY Irn-Kulurillcs (luumtt In K. an .Noniliialint; l.'lwllon; Mil. In l'n Vli-lory inti-li il. Ni:V YOitK, Kept. 27 On arplira tlon of William M. lii-nntt. r.uuliilat.i for the mayoiilty nomination aualtiKt Major Jolm I'. Mit.;li'l In the Ui-piih-llran primary laht w.-i-k, .Sapnmi Court Juilpp Juxtivo fJoff today Isaued an order f.'aylnK the board of flirtion.s f i or-i r-i tifyliiK to the of atato the nume of Mr. Miti hcl ua the ltr,u nli, an i-iThdliliitu for mayor. JiiKlir-e ( loff Vnnoiin.-e.l that he will hiar motlona on Monday. An offii lal lour.t of the hullols .ihowed Mr. Helmet lcadiiiic Mr. Mitchi-I tonight hy 33 wnh the vot.ja In Ki-veial di.strii l.s yet to I c lrih'. .-t..d. The firat offi i;t . -ani.-iMM l.y lh hoard i,f ilectiona i;ave the mayor a P ad of 33. IHBtrht Attorney Swan announced th.-ro w.ll la; Krand Jury investinatlona of iilli-Ked liri-milaritlea In certain eli"' tion di.ilnrta and that h hud laKiied subpoenas ( jT election offlciula. la Siuiic I II us Our I'lirmy Aliens. A traveler at a unnll hotel In a hack yard Heai-oimt town of New Kiik land oniilaln.-il to tho rlerk of the Inn . ..iicei nli:K the food, the he. la. the rooir.a- In fait, there wua nothing In the hoiihe that plt-a,i-d him. When he fm. Kind, the old. long.heai'Ueil proprietor of the place drawled: "loving man, did anyone auk you to come lu re " "Nn, I don't know thnt they did." 'vnl, did anyone aak you to tday her lifter you came?" "No, I don't know that they did.'' al. they wun't " Manufactur er' llecord. Had (Jiiallly Hcrr. . John line, a young Mexican, c hargfrt w ith being drunk, w li"n arraigned in pollco court yesterday afternoon, made signs to Judge Kvans to let him know that he coilld not speak Kngln-n, T M. Maitlndiile was railed as an In let pri ler. After conversing with the Mexican for several minutes M irtin iliil'ilifrt.iod the Judge that ho ad mitted drinking several bottles of beer of very poor quality. Jlo was finod 110. Assaults IiaiiiiilrT Hrlvor. A. A Story wis fined $10 yester day afternoon- in pollen court on a 1 ctiarce of assault upon u laundry rtilver. Mwry testified that the i.kiij lry had rulm J one of Ins shirts and 'he demanded the driver pay for it. i When he refused he pushed him off ' the porch. The altercation occurred at i 1216 South Cincinnati. ! News, for the Soldier. i "We must get Uila news to tho front." i "only the most important news can go. "This Is Important." "What Is It?" "I'.an.-1'.ill scores.' Must la-mo Town. Alt ho he showed his hands which bore evidence of hard work in an ef fort to convince the court that he was nit a vagrant, Hubert lams was fined '?!' yesTorday afternoon In police I court Judge Kms suspended the , fli.e when lams agreed to !ie town. I locks mid Shoals. Is my chart," wild the sick "Tills man "What you "t.uess so. prctly nurse vry ikiy at II steer by, eh?" There's a dangerously che.liiled to appear c-v-o'clock. Hoof I lu ins. Pi re of urliiiown origin destroyed the roof of the Ani.-rlciin Incinerator : plant located In the r. nr of 1 North 'Mum. The alarm was received at ! 7 lit o'clock l:iNt night at the firo sla i Hon. steals Orn.inioiiis, K. Cl-irk was fined . l yestrrdav lnnillctoal r oui t when h uiiMnini'l In ed or in.. 1 nog 01 nanicni.-t orf of a mer'H balneal while his team tied ni-iii- the city market. Hi) with p.-lly larceny. far- wis W 113 l'l.i Mi'ighl M.irrliis Star. WASIIIMiTnV, Sept 2. Wlllard Mack, the playwright, anil Paulino 1 '1 i-.lei irx. the motion picture star, were mnirled here today. A Question. "Anyhow, poverty Is no crime." "And that's a good thing. Whro would ua poor folks get our technicali ties from?" I'lu-lr IVnnywUo Kays: "It I didn't like ollvea, i wouldn't bother about trylnn to lonrn. No ll.inlsliln fur Hint, "Why do you think he'll feel nt home In tho trenches?" "lie's a ubuibanilo." Life. JORY IN KELLEY CASE STILL OUTi Put to Bed at 0 o'clock After' Reporting Failure Reach Verdict to HF.U OAK. Iowa. Sept. 2T i Troupe's of a verdict In the trtl of Lyn Gore J. Keiley, charged with' the murlT of one of the eight victims' of the Yll!iar-. t munlrni ,.,...r.. a douo'J.j) tonight when after reporting' 1.1 l ' , 1 L. ...... . I l.j . ' -. - v . v mry naa not been at.le to arrive at a veriict, the Juron wero given perinliwuon to go to hed. Tilal of the Jtev. L) n George J. 1 Kelly on an Inilirtmer t churrng him 1 th the murder ul I1.vp...m t.n Btililnger, one of the eight vlcUnia of the Villisca. Jo, ax alavlnmi of 112. tK.n In the d.-Hlrh-r r,,,,ri I t'lgurlfiif pjonilnently in the elate I cats were a number of confeMiona of' guilt the little clergyman was alleged to hae inde. while or.a t. a- th. int.! tera u.aJn dfene waa tht h v...1 mentally IrreaponalhlB when he made I rtateraenta ImpllcaUng hirnaelf. VritiMn' Thforjr. i Teatirnony of wltneuiea for the' late waa Intended to ahow that Kelly! had ulked of the murdem on a train' and In hla home town of. Macedonia, more inan thirty rrMnutea to an j hour before the crime is ..nur-iiv ' kr.own to have been discover. I iiii,-iwi ana) leKllflerl that i he had ulroctiy Implicated hlmaelf In th crime on avral different oc- ' caalora; that he n no lie on intimate i detu.Ua of tho crime not generally kr.own. The Mate al Mt Roiiirht In how that he left a bloody tlilrt at a t.uui.c.i. Uluffs. loxa, laundry fchortly after the murdera. Tne defense contended that the irain lam reirre,j to tooK place a i week or two after the murders und j that he talked of the murders in i Mri-donia after the crime waa gen- ! '.-rally Known. , It unauc t-a.sf ully nought the admistdon of testimony In tended to connect aotocone other than Kelly with the murdera. In reference to the confession Kelly Ih al!"ired to have signed In the Iigan Juil mound 7 o clock the morning of Augiiat 31, lust, the defense intro duced as evidence the Menographic a-connt. of a conversation between Kelly and Ptato counsel, Including At toi i.ey-Genenil liayncr, which oc curred between midnight and 5 o'cloc k that niorninK- This conversation, which Included numerous iiuestlons by two prosecu tion attorneys, one of them Mr. llay ner, took place In the sheriff's oifi e. Kelly was iiuoted as acknowledging i guilt of the murders in a manner somewhat similar to that in his al- I If-.,-".! .lint:,!.,! uliilAinonl i.t f.u, hours later. In this latter statement, Kelly waa iiuoted as saying that "a voice" -directed his actions in killing the eight persons, while his mind played ever on "fcluy I'tterly," a text of sermons he had heard and read. Tho eight ax victims were found about 8:30 o'clock in the morning of June 9, 1912, In the home of Joe H. Moore? an dealer. Tho first persona general. known to have entered the house after the murder were a brother of Moore and the town murshal. Fight Slain in I led The eight were slain In their beds and apparently had been given no op portunity for defepse. as the testl. mony showed that at least seven of them probably did not awaken before their death. The victims were, Moore, 43 years old; his wife, 39; their four children, Herman, 11; Kathenne. 10 Hoyd 7, and I'aul, 5. and two children isting them. Lena fcstilllnger. 11. and her 1 -year-old Bister Jna, daughter of joe ;-iiuinger. .1. N. Wllkersnn, a private detec tive from Kansas City, Mo., figured prominently In the investigation of tho case, but his theories were In con trast with those of the attorney-gen eral's offlco and a bitter controversy resulted. Hentiniont In Montgomery county divided to a certain extent, Wllkerson addressed meetings on the sub Ject i'lid his utterances resulted In au un.suc"es!.ful IGO.OUO slander suit be ing brought u.,ralnst him by K. 1'. Jones, former state aenator' and VII-lis.-a merchant. This suit was brought after a grand Jury had rofuse.i to indict William I l liickie) .Mansfield of Kansas City, whope urrest W'llketson hud raided. A.few months after Jones lost the sinn ler suit, he and his son Albei t, a man of about 35, were exonerated by a grand jury of any connection with the cilme. When Kelly vas arrested May 14. last, after his Indictment, the bo culled Wilkerson faction immediately I'li aire interested in his defense and during Kelly's trial. Wilkerson sat with tho tlefeiuo counsel, assisting them. Kelly Is 38 year old and came to this country from England about 12 years ago. He is married nnd thruout the rial his wife sat near him con stantly. Kelly attended a theological seml'iary In Omaha, Neb., but did not graduate. He wns not ordained In this country, but had served con gregations in Iowa, Illinois, South la kota and, Nebraska in the last mix year. 1 Of Course. We suppose a Judgo should be doubly prepared to stand by hla con victions. 1 Bird men Also Eyes for Beaplane aloft after belli launched , .V :-U.- I-,'' ' yeJ-- '- .'- ' ' ' ' ; ' '''''' ' ; ' ' ' - Low Expense No Rent Don't Miss Today's Offerings at the Great FaM McFCtamciise Sale All departments have been refreshed with new assortments from our reserve stocks. Today's offerings are extra values. In Serge Dresses, Coal Suits ' . ' Fall Coats, Skirts and Blouses .Styles of "the very moment in colors that are the favorite for fall wear. SAVE Dress Goods Silks Slieets Corsets Waists Fall Gloves For Women and Misses. I Fighting Spirit of Russians Gone, Declares Traveler from Petrograd American Predicts Bolshviki Will Gain Upper Hand and Ruin Military. STOCKHOLM, Fept. 27. An Ameri can who has spent ten years in Euro pean capitals and whose position com pels him to lake the viewpoint of an Impartial observer, reached here today after six weeks In Petrogrnd and gives a pessimistic report of the fighting spirit In P.ussia and of political and Industrial conditions there. He myat "There Is no fighting spirit except among tho Cossacks and Caucasians, and that seems to be waning. A Cau casian colonel eaid to me, "there are no real fighters left In Russia except us and we are not Russians, thank (lod, hut Caucasians and Mohamme dans.' " The Interior cities and villages are filled with troops who refuse to go to the front. Young Russians of the better class are hunting --the su-eef.i of petrograd for men who are will ing to become officers. Since tno murder of officers by men has be come a (Tally occurrence only the most ferient patriots will assume the risk of taking commands. Troopg Mutinous. "The reports of open disobedience of troops at the front and deeds of violence committed by them are count. OKLAHOMANS TO BE TOLD ABOUT FIXING WHEAT PRICE Hoover Sends J. W. Sliortliilt to Slate Knlr; Address Will Ho Delivered Today FpeHul to Trin World. OKLAHOMA CITY, f-'ept. 27 That Oklahornans may know the govern ment side of the fixing of prices for wheat. Herbert Hoover has sent J. W. Shnrthill to speak at the Okla homa state fa!r here Friday after noon. Mr. Shorthill Is a member of the board which fixed the prices of wheat. Miners aivl (oraton Iiockcd. WASHINGTON, Sept. 27. Coal miners and .operators discussion de mands for 25 per cent more pay in the bituminous fields of Illinois, In diana. Ohio and western Pennsyl vania tonight reached a deadlock which apparently will not be broken pending announcement from Dr. H. A. Garfield as to whether there is to be 11 n upward revision of the govern ment fixed prices. I Illinois Protest Troop Change Sl'itlNGKlKI.D, III.. Sept. 27. Hi a telegram to I'reaiaeni wmon maae public today Governor IOwden pro tests against the proposed breaking up by the war department of Illinois national guird units, declaring such action on the part of the federal gov ernment would Impair the morale of the troops and would be a "grlevouu error." " s American Warships from the U. S. S. North Carolina. Extra Sboe Special 100 pal ra of ladle' and misses' dress and street shoes. All fine leather; (PO rj( today only at tDil i These shoes are entire sample factory line. ALL OT1IHI -SHOF-S Savings IS East First Street BOB less. Railway travel In many places, particularly in southwestern Russia, Is unsafe because soldiers loot trains, steal luggage and maltreat and even murder those who resist. "I sat in the war office at Fetro grad when the report was received of the murder of nearly one hundred of ficrs at Iborg and of the prep-ira-ttr,n of proscription lists tgainst of ficers in Tnmmefors. "Newspapers in HolsinKfors carry daily accounts of military deeds or vio lence and of the murder of officers and civilians hy soldiers, often ac companied by robhery. The govern ment has not dared to do more than announce that these matters 'will be Investigated carcfuify.' Ilolstiiikl Aseenilunt. "The Rolshvikl are gaining the, up per hnnd In Petrograd and are In creasing thiir strength In Moscow. I venture to predict their eventual s,i premacy. I know this means almost the elimination of Russia as a factor In the war and places the burden on America. "The government's utter poweriess ness was recently shown in connection with its exile of a number of 'aarn forces.' The Ilolchvikl took them from a train at Viborg and now ojay Sf-naing them back to Petrnirrad. ami I tho government does not dare to In sist that its deportation order be car ried out. "The RolshvTki's demonstration of Joy over tho fall of Riga, held In front 01 tne war ornce, was suffered bv the government in silence." Austria Faces Enormous Deficit Because of War AMSTERDAM, Sept- 2h Accord ing to Vienna advices tho Austrian finance minister has presented the 1917-18 budgt to the lower house of parliament, showing estimated expend itures of 22.169,000,000 kronen and estimated revenue of 3.K!0.000."0" kronen. To moet the deficit the gov ernment asks authority! raise credits of 18,000.000.000 kronen. The total wnr expenditure of Austrin-Mnngarv for the first three yea,rs of war was 27,893,000,000 kronen. . Spillway Dynamited. TRAVERSE CITY, Mich.. Sept. 27. Die spillway at the lower damn of the Honrdman stiver Light & Power Co's. plunt near here was dynamited early today. Tho loss was estimated at 150,000. It is believed that ene mies of tho government am m,nii. elble. Tcrewehenko Resigns. r.TROGRAP. Sept. 27 The news papers today announce the resigna tion ef M. I. Terestchenko. minister of foreign affairs in the new caJtinet of five, v Sessac Hayakavva in "Hashimura Togo" Adnpteil from tho famous stories by Walbu-o Irwin SoriH-u tliuo 11:30, 12:45, 2, 8:15, 4:3o, 5:45, 7, 8:15, U:30 Prii-ca 20:i Clillilren 5c. Tomorrow, Return Showing "The Barrier" TJy Re COMING SUNDAY GEO. M. COHAN IN yi KEYS TO I1ALDPATE" STRAW WORIJJ I1LM COKPOR.TION PRESENTS JUNE ELVIDGE AND ARTHUR IN "Shall We Forgive Her?" From U10 famous play jr Cluu-lea Saner j RATtTRDAY HAKOIJ) LOCKWODD VH "HAUNTED PAJAMAS' TULSA'S LARGEST POPULAR PRICED SlORE SAVE Men's Clothing Boys' Clothing Mcn's-Hats Men's Shirts Boys' Waist 8 Men's and Boys' Underwear DANGER FROM PINK BOLL . WEEVIL IN TEXAS PAST I'prootliu; of 105 Aercs of Cotton Bo llcviil to Have Kllmlnnted Hunger. WAFHINGTON, Sept. 27. After two weeks' work by 25 entomologists of the department of agriculture and Texas Institutions, it Is believed there no longer is danger that the pink boll worm will become established near Hearne, Texas, where It was dis covered in a cotton field-.- The depart ment of agriculture made that an nouncement today and said the en tomologists have gone to ten oil mills in Texas which received cotton seed from Mexico prior to the establish ment of the quarantine November 1, 197. Cotton was uprooted and burned from 105 acres within a half mile of the Hearne oil mill from which the worm is su posed to have escaped from cotton seed brought from Mexico. Presumptive Proof. "Did I shore last night?" "You gave us t.ound leusons to sup. pose it was you." f Grand Theater 115 East Second Phone 40 Evenings 8:15 Malioees Sunday, Tnesday Tliursday and Saturday, 2:30 September 27, 28, 29, 'The Incomparable ' Grand Stock Co Presents "THE ESCAPE' Hy Paul Armstrong. PRICKS: Evening, 10-25-95 50 Matinees, 1020 Keats Now on Salo "KICK IX" September 30; Oetnber 1, 2, 3. 1 '05HT1 QADWi -s-fmPATFUt Thompson. Mitchell and May Comidy Acrobat, year OthM Aeti and Photooisy,..."ihe Law ttit Fulled." Vuuriaville .... 2:30, 4:30, 7:30, 9:30 Ptctnrii 1:00. 3:30, 6:30, B:S0 Wtek Day Matintaa , .100 NUbts sad Sunday , 100 and lloe DAY Beneh D Last Times Today ASHLEY