Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER S, l&lf 8 r A 4 J t t j i f- 0fflC:624T OIL MABKBT Km. Okla.. .J 00 Hraldton I Cn.hlrf Tim Co) 2 29 Cnriii-an (It ) 2 on Comlrana (blk) 1 00 Elrtr. 00 UnryMta .... S 00 Cadti (US'). . . 3 00 tr Soto 00 Caddo 8). . . .8 00 Caddo IS1) . . .8 00 Cauada 1 2.1 QUOTATIONS. l'anna)rlnla . Marrar fblk). Nowrattla .... Corninc r ali1l North l.lma. . Houth l.liua. . . Wonator Indiana Prtnrt-ton . . . Snmrt . . Kaglaml Itllnuia .1-1 50 . 2 29 . 223 . 2 60 . 2 ST . 2 OH . i OS . 2 HO . 2 . 2 IT . i aO . 110 . 2.11 Heady for the Hirer Crossing Tho Rnxntm lias the mn.trrln.1 on the (round nnrt l till ronrty to nmke tho crowing of tho MIsNliutlppI river with Its )lg pipe line to Wood river, III. The crosnlntf 1 mnde totwei-n Kt. I.ouie and Wood river and It will only he a question of a short time until tho blK refinery fit the latter place Is In full operation. The proKrem made hoa bien mirprlHlna; In tlmse duya of tho i.'arclty of material and groat credit In due to Hlchord Alrey. general nuin airer, who, by tho way, waa oMIgod to forrgo the pleamire of miM-tlng Blr Frederick IUack at the dinner lam night on account of leaving for New York. Secretary Welsh In Town Eecrvtnry WelBh, who wan directly renponnlhle and Ib receiving due credit for the hlg banquet at Karma CUy, la In TuUa and In working on the pro posed merger with other aHaorlatlnna In the mutter of having a representa tive at Wnhhlngton who will reprMeti oli men In all matters of legislation. The Wostern Tetroleum Iteflneie oclntlon, of which he Is aarratary, took favorable action on this plan at a "meeting Tuesday afternoon In Kannno City and If a suitable man ran be found he will soon be given proper authority. Mr. Welsh via In turn a guest at the dinner at the Country club last nlolit and tirohablv enloved his din ner with more serenity thnn th ! j In Knnsa City, at which he was so busy looking after his friends. Distinguished Party Here Sir Frederick Black, of the Urlt!ari war mission, and A. O. Itedford, presi dent of the Btundnrd of New Jmihujt and chairman of the Petroleum hoard of the National Council of lx.fenso, are being honored In Tulau by officials of the Carter Oil rompnny ami wer the central figures at a dlnnur at the Caxm'y club last night. Tho speakers ns nrranged on the program, which was entirely lnfuit , In addition to the gumtH, were Secre tary Welch of Western Petroleum H flners association; Col. C. U. Douglas. Judge J. J. Shea, Horry H. RogorJ. Judge Dlggs, Eugene Ixrton, 1.. J. Martin, David Connolly, tleorge lllack and E. It. Terry. Another account of the dinner will bo found eleeuhero. Dry In tho Shallow Sand. The Roblnsoii-Henry Brothers New York Oil Co. have a failure In the No. 6 Karnoy farm In 25-17-14 In the 1,200-foot sand but will drill to Oil and Gas Lasses, Suppllea Production, Kti If you have for sale commercial or departmental leases close to drilling or producing wells or leases with one or two wells and considerable sure drilling territory, write us, sending plat showing adjacent drilling and producing wells, stating your net price. We will buy such leases If the locality Is favorable and the price Is right. Oreer Investment company, Room 226 Iowa Uldg. Phone 2160, Tulsa. Adv. FOR BALE One-half Interest In sixty-acre lease and drilling well. Close to good production. Reasonable price. Phone 6893 or "477. Adv. Robert A. McHlrney, Undertaking Parlors. IS West Third street. Phone 486. Residence phone 111. Adv. THE MILTIGRAPHMG SHOP rhona 1000 A nnounces their connection with the celebrated Amsden Studios of Cleveland, Ohio, who are nation ally known ns produc ers of Advertising Art. 280 Cintrnl National Bank Ilulldlng lnlil( - WU. R. HOUSTON Wll. u. rmLK Houston, Fibte & Co, Members New York Stock JC.V ihittige and Chicago Hoard of Trade Btnaaa, bonda. grain and eottos, BtandaM oil and aubaidlary a.'orka, Naw York and Boaton curb, I.lbartf bonda boughl and auld, private wiraa. TaUpboua 2401 118 Eaat Third 81. Talis, Okie. The niftiest line of Wall Paper in Tulsa. CAMPBELL GLASS AND PAINT CO. of Oklahoma. 311 South Boston, Phone 258 A patriotic duty 6h4 the Bafest investment known. We shall bo pleased to attend to details of subscrip tions without charge. All Issues of U. fl. Government Bonda and Bonds of Al lied Countries given special attention. STRANDBERG, Ifemberas Ker Yarn ei m;hih .Chicago Hoard af trsde New Orleans Cotton rxcUafre W-H-PECK ftSWCNC44Z the dttuper pay. Tho wll la locutoil furtheroiit north on the lenao. At AnffuiOa and I :i dorado. The fivnsv Oil company No. 1 Haz lett In the southeast of tho southeast. of the northeast of 6-2H-6 has com pleted a dry hole at 2.H50 feet. The Umpire oil Has Co. has k. ,1 lm K? 1Q .n rhn Wllsfin farm In the oonter line of the north east of the northwest In 8-25-6. No. 1 on the Wilson farm drilled by I the I'ralrlo till & Unit Co. shows a drv; hole at 2,930. It Is located In the southwest of the southwest of the southwest of 4-28-15. Kawyer and others No. 1 HlggloJ farm have completed a dry hole at, 2,260 feet In the southeast or the northwest of the southwest Irr'l 2-27-4. The Wichita Tuliru Oil company has drilled a dry hole on the southeust quarter of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of 1H-2S-4. It Isi No. 1 on the Walter farm. No. 1 Butln of tho Central OH com pany Is a dry hole at 2,988. It Ih In j the southeast of the southwest of the southwest of 1 2-2H-rS . Foster and others No. 1 Huder farm; on the southeaat of thu northeast of; the northeast In 2Z-Z7-H Is dry at B.OuO. A 100-barrel well In the southeast of the Doutheaat of the northwest quarter of 29-28-4 Iihs been brought In the Empire oil A Uas Co., No. 17 Ivo farm. Novella and othora No. 1 Bond farm In the northeast of the southeast of the south of 8-26-6 Is dry at 8, MO feet. Oklahoma, Men Take Iid. Bpaolal lo 'I ha World, RINOLINO, Okla., Oct. 4. Okla homa oil man ara taking the lead In operations In Parker and Palo pinto counties. Texas. A tl, 000, 000 con cern, the name of which Is not re vealed In tho dispatches, Is preparing to drill near the holdlnKS of tha Parker County Oil & (las Co. It re cently contracted for 140.000 worth of casing to be sent Tha Plains Oil A (las Co. Is drilling Its third well In Parlcer county and has oontraots for five morn, sutim of which may go to 4,200 feet. CttU County Murrlar, World Croak (-'ounty Huruau, 1 11 S Kaat Hoi Mn. HAl'l I.I'A. Okla., Oct. 4 Marriage licenses have bo'n Netted here to tnu following: Fred Hchuette, uuod and Phoebe Carroll, 20, both of New by; Edward P. Wilson, 42, and Mrs. Fnima Hulllvan, 30, both of Tulsa; Hurry E. Perkins, 21, anil Mayine do Vlnna. 21, both of Okmulgee; Wil liam Homes, 21, and l.lllln Hell Slm mone. . both of BrlHtow; Earl (ira voile. 21. and Ednii Cunnedy, 211, both of fciapulpa. A New PIH Lino Cinimny. The Humphreys pipe Line company has made application to the corpora tion commission for ii charter. Cap -J uuiiT'.'iiioii wni ua aovv.uuu. The first line of tho company will bo that built from Perry to the Bil lings field whoro It will connect up with the Humphreys Petroleum com pany well on the Nlel farm In 1S-28-2W. Morrison I DlNinlssed, World Crai'k County Ilnraau, , llOU, KaM Mobauli HAl'lLPA. okla., Oct. 4 Harry Morrison, churned with the then or nearly 1 1,000 worth of cigarettes re cently from a car In tho yards of the Frisco railroad here, was dismissed this afternoon by Justice of the pence J Harvey Smith following a prelim inary examination. Cn ek County lvntliiio!. World Crrpk County Ituraau, 119 U KaM Koton. .Al'CLPA. okla., Oct. 4. Enthused over the blue ribbons captured by the exhibits from Creek county ut tho state fair arrangements are going for. ward to convey tho prize-winning specimens to the Muskogee fair to be held next week, whore further honors pre expected. An I'xtenslon to the Welnuilller Pool I. M. Aloxnnder n. It. A. Wqod havo a 100-barrel well In the north west of tho northwest of 12-16-! 2 Mor ton farm. This extends the pool out a quarter toward tho northeast and Inasmuch as It Is tho socond well for Mr. Woods and his associates It Is es pecially gratifying as the first was a failure. This Is Mr. Wood's first pro- The Lee Leverlne Tailors & Furnishers TAILOHGRAM AO. 11 In ycur holidny plana, lncludo a hand-tailored suit or Overcoat made by us you will be sure of a satisfactory holiday season ns far as your clothes are concerned. And the wisdom of your decision will lonar be in evidence. Hand-Tailored Clothes represent Maximum Values at Minimum Prices. The Lee Leverlna tailors ft rum I so en East Third Hotel Tulsa McGREEVV & CO. PHONE 7200. J. P. Hsnlar, Mnt 111 Eaat Third Stiwt (Hotal Tula) duclnf well In Ck'ahonia and ha aaya thitt It lilm from Joining the Salvation Army. Much luck to him. It In the first welt that counts. A Fire In Cliosky Bottoms, Tha test of Klskadrlon llrothara In t-lt-K caught flra Saturday i. ig.n and tha rig and everything around tha well waa burned. Thla test Is a wild rat and had 12 feet of brown sugar sand. The drillers left for Muskogee Saturday night and requested that tha negro farmer on tha land watch the well during their absence. It IS said that the farmer visited the well with his lantern during tha night and It made a flow. Inasmuch as tha wall Is making 6.000,000 feet of'gas along with the oil, It bids fair to open up something in that vicinity. Allied Ilr-fliiTy ,n Otxrntton. The Allied refinery, which name cught t,j appeal to Hlr Frederick riuck, Is now in operation at Okmul gee. It Is starting with an Initial pro duction of 500 barrels dally which will rupldly bo Increased to 2.000. The plant has marie a record for rapid constructlon'and Is well sup piled with crude owned by the stock holders end therefore Is able to sur vive whatever may hHppen. Gasoline Plant Started. The Henry Brothers have started what Is going to be known as the Water 'White Gasoline company, lo cated In the old Colllnevllle pool In 14-22-14, and being the only gasoline plant, ought to hnve a good lot of ma terial to work on. The Henry Broth ers are Interested In tjie Allied re finery mentioned abova and are there, forh doing their bit 'or the govern ment. To Drill Im ii Test. - v flpflal to Tha Werld. RINOLINO, Okla., Oct. . Tha Treasure Htate Oil company has con tracted with It. L. Clark for a deep test on ItH acreage noar Alex, (irady county. Drilling Is to start this week. Contractor Clark has beenassoclatd with J. R. Brown In drilling a test near Nlnnekah for the OH Htate Pe troleum company of Chlckasha. Another fiood One nt Quay. Messrs. Redd, Donnelly, McBrlde and the New England Oil company have what looks like a 300-bnrrol well In block 2 4 Quay townslte, There was more than 40 reel ot sand, rne tm-ee first mentioned owners are Tulsa. sldet able plpaaura they aro mentioned as tho owners. Itlir f turns. The llenrv oil company lost a rig i by fire at 770 feet in depth when the 1 drill penetrated a hunch of gas In I their nrst wen in the nortnwest oi 10-3-8 lHage. MON'HJOMF.HY COI XTV, K N- S.S H. A. Durham hus completed Nos. 15, 16, 17 nnd 18 on the C. 11 Melundnr farm In the northeast of 2,'l-34-14 and thov are all wells of about 10 barrels capacity. The name, party bus completed Nos. 18, 14 and 15 on tho M iry A. Dobson farm In the southeast of 13-34-14 and tho wells aro good for 5 barrels, 2 artels and a dry hole, respectively. In tho eiist half of tho sotHheaat of 13-34-14 tho Kansas Natural MSns company has a 5-barrel well In No. la on mo t,. a. iucuowau larm. C. II. Plymouth No. 6 on tho J. II. Roper farm In tho southeast of 3-35-14 Is completed and good for 15 bar rels. ' In the southwest of 3-35-14 the Pleasant Hill Oil & Cms Co. has a 20- Imrrel well, 80-bnrrol well and a smnll gassur, respectively, In Nos, 1, 2 and 3 on tho A. Focht farm. In 3-34-13. E. A. Durham has a 10-barrel well In'No. 2 on tho Alice Weller farm. B. O. Perkins No. 8 on the A. Defen- baugh furm In tho southwest of the southwest of 34-33-14 is a 10-barrel well. On tho J. K. Black farm In the northwest of 27-33-14 E. S. Klley haH a 5-barrel well In No. 18 on the farm. The Marquis oil company drilling In the southwest of 6-34-14 has com- nleted No. 5 on tho Byors Building corporation farm and It Is a 6-barrol well. "n. AT IIK;(JS Thompson and Mtn- shall hnve a rl up In 33-10-11. Brad street and Poylo hud a rig up on the Hevler farm In the southwest corner of the northoast of tho southwest of 4-15-11. E. Tt. Menchell and the Topai Oil & Gas Co. are down 400 feet In the cen ter of tha southeast of tho northeaat o 14-15-11. In the northwest corner of the southeost of tho southeast of 9-13-11 Iho Dlxford Oil company Is drilling; at k00 feet. In tho southwest corner of 10-15-11 the Dlxford Oil company Is tettlnfr a Kood well In tho top of the, nm annd. I.von nnd others are rlnK'tmr up to drill In tho southeaat of the southwest of 14-16-11. Shaffer la rigging- up for test in 30-15-11. IX WASHINGTON t'Ol'NTY The Delawure OH & One Co. No. 3 on tho I.lzxlo Dick farm In tha west half of tho southeast of 86-20-13 Is a 40 harrol well. No. 10 on the I P. Campbell form In the south half of tho southeast of ::-,:-1 drilled bv Phillips and others. The Brokers Oil company No. 9 on the N. S. Holland farm In the west half of the northeast of 6-25-1 S has a 15 hurrel well. No. 10 Is also a 15-barrel well. AT HKISTOW J. flarfleld Buel well on the Jacob farm In the north west of the northwest of 27-14-8 1 pumplnx 23 barrels from tha Wheeler sand from 2.40U to 11,448 feet. Tho Iron Mountain company on tnoi Simmons farm is spudding In the northwest quarter of thofnortheaat of the northeast of S-1 5-9. V AT Kr.l.lAVll.I.K No. 1 in the Crow farm In the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of 29-17-10 is tdiowlnu a trace of oil In Bed Kox sand nt a depth of 2,047 to 2,07-3 feet. The well la being drilled by C. B. Shuffer. AT MOB BISON The Fortuna Oil company Is 1ukkI8 tholr well on the Altaffer farm In the northwest center of the ioithc:it quarter of the nu.-tn-east quarter of 5-22-Je. NOWATA COl'NTY The Ohio Cit ies Gae company has a 20-barrel pro ducer In No. 2 on 'the Hlddle & Mc Spadden farm In the southwest of 83-26-15. AT WiArKWKI.1 Th Blackwell Oil A Oas Co:'b No. 1 Moore farm Is flowlnfr every thirty mlnutea at 8,600 feet. It la in t-IS-la. AT CiAKXKTT The Old Dominion OH company Is starting a well In tha northwest of tha northwest of 4-80-14, AT KKIXYV1M.K On tha Pepper farm In 10-16-10e tha Tempi Oil 4k (las Co. has rln up. t AT UKIHUKD W. C. Scott has 2,000,000 rii well at about 900, feat In 6-16-16. AT Al Gt'ST.l, - K.S. Tha Big Chief OH company Np.. 7 Fulton In tha southwest of tha southwest of the northeast of 1-28-1 has a dry hole at 8,260 feet. There ara rigs up at tha following points: The Empire company No. ( Moyar farm in the northwest of the north west of tha southwest of 36-17-4; No. 18 Smith In the northwest of the southeast of tha north'eaat In 30-38-4; No. 8 on tha Klrkpatrlch farm In the northeast quarter of tha southwest quarter of tha northeast quarter of 20-28-4; "-No. 7 on the Hauer farm In the northeast of tha southeast of the southeast of 17-28-4; No. 17 on tha Brown farm In tho southwest of tha southeast of the northeast of 26-88-4; No. 16 on tha Brown In tha northwest of tha northeast of tha northeast ot H-25-4; No. 16 on the same farm In the southwest of tha southwest ot the northeast of lt-28-41 No. 18 on the Cunningham farm In the northwest of the northeast of tha southeast ot.J6-28-4; No. 13 on tha V'arner farm In the of tha southwest of the southwest of 16-28-4; No. 7 on the Martin farm In tha northeast of the southeast of the northwest of 21-88-4; No. 9 on the Scully farm, southwest, southeast, southeast of 9-28-4; No. 16 Enyart farm, southeast, southwest, southwest of 12-26-4; No. 17 Enyart farm, center lino east of the north cast, northwest of 12-26-4; No. 38 Paulson, southwest, southwest, south west of 2-2tl-4; No. 34 Paulson, south center line of the southwest of the south went of 12-26-4. IS KANSAS A 600-barrel well at 2,490 feet has been completed by C. B. Shaffln on the Robinson farm in 8-25-5. The Ramsey Petroleum compai.y No. 1 Dunker farm has com; lute-l a dry hole In the southeast quarto) of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of 4-26-6. IIOGKRS COfJfTY C. B. Phillips has a 6-barrel well In No. 6 on the Molly J. I.ovell farm. The Camilla Oil company of Tulsa has completed a dry nolo on tha Carl N. Btokes farm. It Is No. and lo cated on the west half of tha south west of 8-23-17. TG THE REFI i M ii INTERSTATE PIPE COMPANY Distributors of Casing, Tubing, Line and Drive Pipe Send I's Your Requirements by Phone, Wire or Mull. PZIONE 640 62S UN11Y BUILDING TULSA, OKLA Consumers Refining Co. REFINERIES AT CUSHING Sales Office, 76 West Monroe Street, Chicago Great American Refining Co. Petroleum Products 326-7-8 Iowa Building. Refinery Jennings, Okla. . PHONE 482 Riverside Western Oil '"MARATHON GASOLINE" Unity Building - - Tulsa EDWARD B. M1TCHEL ggSggg SERVICE PRICE QUALITY Phone' 5923 :::::: 514 Gallais Bldg. Cosden and Company High-Grade Petroleum Products TULSA, OKLAHOMA - MIDLAND REFINING COMPANY Eldorado. Kansas PRODUCERS AND REFINERS R. H. RE MICK & COMPANY Marketers of Petroleum Products NEBRASKA BUILDING PHONE 3233 KtLflNbKI&a INI GalnwrUI.. Ttiu ' KALES OFFICE rilONE 6S18, TCI AA. OJLLA. Midland Petroleum Co. ' Marketers and Refiners Agents GENERAL OFFICES, HARRIS TRUST BUILDING, CHICAGO The Edward Soph Co. LABORATORY. REFINERY AND GASOLINE PLANT EQUIPMENT Phone 6659 224 E. Third SL Tulsa, Okla. Geo. C. Peterson Co. v. Chicago, 14 Eaat Jaclr- BeutovarO. Tvlaa Offlrwt OppoidM Hotel Tulaa. la the market (or all kin da o( reflna4 prod acta and M oQ. EQUALITY REFINING COMPANY GASOLINE! FUEL OIL NAPHTHA AND GAS OIL PISTlLLATa REFINERT AT OILTON GENERAL OFFICE BUTE, ftOff MAJESTIC DLDO. OKLAHOMA CITY ELK COUNTY, KANSAS The Ohio Cities Uas company No. 1 on tha W, I". Metealf farm In tha aoutheaat of tha cast half of tha southwest ot 11-11-11 Is a dry hole. Personal Leaving for Tomptco. Hugh Robertson, representing a Mexican syndicate, la leaving for Tom plco, where ha ho pea to put over a big detU. at)4 from present Indications will ba successful. Howard Paschal.' prominent New Tcrk financier, la In Tulsa, looking over tha oil fields. R. J. Sharp left for Chicago yeater- ! day and will remain until after tha big i convention. Homer Preston and James Craw- ford, who have been showing a party of easterners over the property owned by tho Oklahoma Producing A Refin ing and affiliated concerns are book and found everything In fine shape. Tha party consisted of John and James Reld of Newark, N. J., W. C. Crowell and Henry Wk Banks Jr. ot New York, all of whom ara large stockholders. James Crawford la leaving for tha world's aeries and will meet his broth er Dave In Chlcaro and will doubtless enjoy a vacation which Is certainly oomlng to him. Mr. Crawford rays he will ba back when tha serlaa Is over. Hugh Hoevel, manager for the Crew-Levlck and Producers Refi ilng Company of Texas, which Is associated with the Empire, la In the city on busi ness. Mr. Hoe vol Is one of tho big men In tho oil game who seldom gets Into the limelight, but Is doing great work for his people. F. II. Leidiicker, genoral manager of the Leldocker plant In Marietta Ohio. Is In the city. He will make ar rangements before going home to re open tha shop at Bartlcavtlle, which was closed because his brother and his head accountant were drafted re cently. Rctliierle. Ixx-ated Ml OkmulsM, Okla. Oklahoma City, Okla. Cushlng, Okla. Ponca City, Okla. Economy Oil & Refining Co. Producers and Refiners "Economy Gasoline PHONE 1341 GALLAIS BLDG. ROXAfJA PETROLEUM COMPANY Producers TULSA Harry Bayard ' yfitw. n'f Pttroltum MHvi0ji Product. Jim Kitty Phorjl , Barry Bfll - SINCLAIR REFINING COMPANY GasoUne, Naphtha, Kerosene, Fuel Oils, . Lubricants, Asphalt FW TORK. 110 Broadway. MILEAGE GASOLINE CO. MANUFACTURERS A.D MARKETERS GASOUNE NAPHIOA n. cc.. iuL oil Phone 6o44 Continental Refining Co. Producers and Refiners ef Petroleum Products Bristoiv. Okla. 1 A. A. nollaatone. Pre.. Ioa Tberraln. Vloa-Prea. a ad Gem, Mgr. J. F. Campion Oils PROMPT fi ER VICE-, 301 Daniel Bldg. Phone 5818. PAN AMERICAN REFINING CO. ' TULSA, OKLA. Wality first PHONE 6010 International and j - Ardmorc Refineries REFINERIES LOCATED AT CfSUING AND ARDMORB OKLA. GENERAL OFFICES TC USA. 604 CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK BUILDING; PHONE 4800 Onion Petroleum Company EXPORTERS AND MARKETERS TULSA OFFICE PHONE 4409 Comsttainitlimi . Phone 602a Wabash Refining Co. . Refinery at Hominy , ; 2 ; J OFFICE T AND HOLLAND BUILDING, TULSA ALL REFINED PRODUCTS . , ; PHONE 4558 m Sefioeiies at Okmnlgea, Okla.; X 11U X Ci 11 V XXX U, xuba Office, 603-604 OaUala Refining Co. .0,H'e to Inland Refining Co. "PRIMOLENE" BRANDS ' 710-14 Daniel .Bldg. Tnlsa, Okla. Southern Oil Corporation Petroleum Products 1005 Gatlah BUig. REFINERY YALE, OKLA. Phone 1940 1 We Now Have - 250 TANK CARS In Which We Buy FUEL OIL AND REFINED PRODUCTS Wl ALIO BUT IK SELLSBS CAM PHONE 4B ornoxi cbxoaoo. kahiai oitt. ANDERSON lid-Co Gasoline Co. Casinghead Gasoline Manufacturers and Refiners TULSA, OKLAHOMA Thorp Oil and Specialty Co. CIIICAGO-TULSA Phone Ml tor t3 Criiet 1 PETROLED W rs&ut STEWART PETROLEUM COMPANY Wholesale Petroleum Products LYNCH DUILDING, TULSA . PRONE 6700 and Refiners OKLAHOMA OI1CAOO. Coo way Blilf. 315 S. Boston Sapulpa Refining Co. PETROLEUM products Oftlrc and Itoflncrlcat Sapulpa, Okla. O. l. hKXfiOS. President GEORGE S. HOAGI.ANU, V. P. and Gen. Mr. G. WILDEY LLOYD PpccinI RcpreacntatJTe, Room 133, Hotel Tnlaa ncro8ene ana Fuel Oil. J-TULSA tclix. it. louis. mr toes & GUSTAFSON