Newspaper Page Text
J ,.. TULSA DAILY WORLD, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1917 THE TULSA DAILY WORLD official citv Axr roirxTY paper Published by Worldl'ublithlnjCompanv. . fcl'fiKNE l.OIUON. "itor V. O. I.ARHO.N Basinets Msnsgar OI.f.N.N COMMlV aUnaglng fcditor JIARHY K m iiKO. .A-I.ertliii,g Ventger at UK it of fn'K : Ati"fF TTCkeaU of CIItCCl-ATIONS. EnUred tn th. Toll Po.t Office as fieoond ('lata Matter. Tmrmftn. urn? ikrr'mroS r THK 'ill.HA IlAll.Y end HI SI AT WORM) KU 1 HE MONTH Of btiPftM Mill WH: 19,410 TUI t'eltv rircolation SS2.J17 Total Net I'aid ?o'ii2 Average luiiy Circulation 1B.410 Avmge hfl Paid I, )l E Bullock. Circulating bienager of THk TL'J.HA lAILY WUKXD. being duly worn oh oath, do iwiir ml above stalna-tit It trot to th. bees "f knowledge and belief. . H r. WU,OCK. Circulation Manager, fjah.rrlbed snd sworn to befor m tint )tt day ol October. 1I7 WILLIE WHITTMORK. Noty P"bilc. My rnmir.ietii.n ejj.jrceJnnl lJ& h f MHC R 1 PTI OM I'UII.KS. Hy Mail On! I'AILT AND SLNIMT. li,metie On Yeer Kn Month. 0O 1 hr.e Months 1 0 On Month i KA1LY ONLY. On Yer Mix Montht Thru .Month! SUNDAY ONLY. On. Yetr fcii Mjnt In HAII.Y AMI HI NHAY. Hy Carrier In Tult l'i Cer.u ''"J MEIMt"oTl HX ASSOCIATED 1'KBKH Th Attorleted Prut It eiclutlvely entitled to th me o( republication of til news iredited to It or not otherwise tredlted In llilt paper nd alto th lo'il pnbllthed herein. All tigktt of republication of special detpelebee litrtln trt eita rcterved. Phones: All Departments, C000 foreign r 00 II 00 (if) v.ou t 15 1 4 i 00 1 00 Rippling Rhyme a Hy WAl.T MASON OM IKXi TKAV. Gradually Jim country Is waking up to the fart that labor should not b blamed for in erratic thing that have been done In ita name by Irre sponsible agitators who have sought to hid their ifullt behind a labor organisation. There la hardly an or ganization catering to the welfare of the working man In the nation In whose membership there ha not fil tered more or !" of the anarchliic clement, tho i'n who deem nothing .worth hllo that &om not condemn the government and all exlatlng lntl tutiona Thi-y have the Idea. Ix1 cause many thlnga aa now constituted are undeniably wrong, that the only rem- J s (n ner mlldeKt tones, and. elv Is to destroy all preaent thlntra rwrtlnK, "he keeps ugetlng. Ol H HOl'SK. play at our house and have all wilts of fun, there's always a gtune whi-n the Kiiliper Is done, at our houso there's marka on the wulls an' the stairs, some terrihln wratches on some of the chairs, ma cny that our houso Is really a frltfhl, Kut pa and I imy that our liouao la all right. At our houw we laugh an we sing an' we khout. whirl all the chairs an' the tables about. I ransle my pa an- i gn mm down too. he's all out of breath when trie riL'litin' i through: An ma says that our hou Is surely ' a sight, But pa an' I any that our house la all right. We An' An' An' An' An' An' An' An' lie I've been to houses with pa where I had To alt In a chair like a good little lad there wasn't a mark on the walls an' tha chulrs the stuff that we have couldn t mine tin to theirs. iia said to ma that for nil ot their toy wouldn't change places en give up hla boy. They never have races nor raswles nor fluhtH. Coi they have no children to play with at nights. An' their walls are all clean an' their curtains hung utralitht An' everything's shiny an' right up to date. But na nnvs with all of Its racket an' fimi. He'd rather by far live at our house with us. lly KI'OAR A. OUKST. and take a new and different start. They are the apostles of destruction. Unable and unwilling to siand by their convictions an Individuals, they seek to make lalir unions reHponMMe be fore the public and to use the labor ing man a a tool to accomplish their unholy purposes. Along tn the days following the declaration of war there .were a great many people who be lieved that laboring men as a clam Vwould not support the government, and It wa expected that strikes and lockouts would hamper the nation's ,actlvltlcH. This waa the presumption seized upon by Herman agents In dis tributing their money around to keep alive what dissatisfaction they could. I'.ut the time hits come when two things have come to pass. The secret ervlce of the United Btates has made such revelations as have enabled the public to trace seditious activltis to their true source and motive, and to hat ezterit they have come to absolve labor from any blume a. to disloyalty. Also the laboring men themselves have itiiiie to recognize me ae-magogs in their midst and to curb their activi ties and disclaim responsibility for heir vagaries. No longer can the odium of disloyalty attach to labor. No longer run tho consclencelem pro pagandist riso up In union meeting and glvo thocuo to his followers to voto any kind of resolution ho recom mends. The laboring' man Ik, of all men, true to the Stars and Stripes, and lie Is not to blame for tho fact that his fidelity has been douMcd. lle sldeei the way ho has n)onded to he selective draft and to the purchase of Liberty bonds proves, as a speaker said here the other day, that there are no more traitor among tho working cIiihh than among any other set of people. 1 (ta'UiIxT Da). The cool ctolr Is sad and sober, she makes rue heave a tear; while leave are falling she la recalling the panning of the year. I hear her say ing, "The year la decaylng.the flowers are dead and gone, the ruse and lily; the nights are chilly and frost Is on the lawn." I hear her sighing, "The yea rl !ying, and man muat blow his loll, muxt make a payment on winter rainment, and slate that's nick named coal." I hear her calling, "The rain Is falling and freezing on the moor; cold winds are heuding this way; the sledding wvll be tough for the poor." Iter voice Is dismal; a grief abysmal never decH.y and mouldy bones. My life Is sober; It'H ri.itir..l I IH nl.Af it m utiimn mi, nil will ta.u: the winds are savlna. while' round n.e plavlng, "You're next: All flewh Is graaa!" My winter's coming when I II quit thrumming a lyre for a leward; In all my fooling and fuetlve drooling there Is a minor chord. Hooverlzc! Have you purchased your Liberty bonds yot? Tulsa made a wonderful showing during tho butt IJberly loan campaign Let's outdo our own record. 1 Fpeaklng of "food hogs." how abou thoho Kansas farmers who refuse to sow wheat beruusu it lb bringing only 13 per bushel? a Is tlie world slipping back or plod ding ahead? A rivco meet tut l'iirons. Kan., has been culled off because o luck of attendance. I . There was n time when they fei' coal to hogs ns a tonic and creeled houses out of walnut logs. Hut that was some years nun. 1 I City A'eu in Brief During the past few weeks It may have been noticed that the IMoneer tel ephone corner Is not o congested wun stalwart swains as was the condition some time ago. Or before a pollce- sauntered uround that way. Arresting five or six of the youths. Escorting them to the hoos gow. Where, after some delay, they ex i.uted satisfactory cash bonds. Kor their appearance In police court the following afternoon. There Is nothing that will dampen the ardor of a street corner xio... so mucn as me "i'i''" -Ilccmnn. Who has been Instructed to make an arrest. A glimpse of the steel burs. And a couple of frowns and grunts from the desk sergeant line a disastrous effect on the nerves of thoso boys. THK MOW rAKTY. Opinions ore divided as to the real objoct and mission of tho new political party to be formed at Chicago, accord Ing to call. It la spoken of aa the Na- tlonol party, a-nd la expected to bo an amalgamation of IVmoerat, Progrcs slves and various other elements from different sources who are favorable to whnt Is known n progTewilvo politics. Is la figured presumably that there la to bo a general realignment of par ties In tho near future, and that this new organization will be ready to ab sorb tho radical elements fromru all the present parties who, of course, a libel ul sprinkling of moderate Social ists and perhaps quite a number of Hcpubllcans. The Inst named people, however, seem to be last and least In the calculations of tho supporters, the hclef plank being apparently the teat of stalwart loyalty to the administra tion ns tho prliu-lplo recommendation of the member as to undisputed Americanism. Now, such a party as this may have a mlslon to perform, and It may not, and thoughtful peo ilo will be much Inclined to wait and see what develops. Hut when It cornea to patriotism and loyalty, both to tho Flag and to tho president, theio Is no elans of peoplo which deserve greater recognition than slmon-nure ltciuibllcnns. They ure the ones who have enabled the presi dent to curry out nnwt of his pur poses In tho fa oo of serious opposition within his own party. If tho objoct of tho organization Is to gather under ono bunncr tho cream of the loynl citizens of the nation, there la no use of a new name for It the old name T . I.I I .... b.n.fa till niirmiuAa Y -,-....- I... 1 ,t,. l'rll,l '"I'"" -.. jn.i' cm lie ionium in mwi u- , . 0ii, , . . .. .'find oto Pcniocrnta and Socialists to knock." ll uht or no rUht. It must .1 ' ... It will he remembered that the Judge turned the boys loose. With the admonition not to do It gain. During the course of the trial some of the prisoners stated they had stopped at the corner to meet some friends. Hut that these friends were of mas culine tendencies. So after three or four days. The court exonerated them. After the caso had been dismissed. Ji-rir.r. R c ai.I.K.v. mtionsl Cr ! to rut j . wtt is Iht city ttT.ltj from Mut-: koca on butiBMt connected with hit oIi't. , 1 MR. AN'D MK8. A. I.. lUrbiton btrc re- i tornrd from Ihrtt vrkt' motor trip to umti la Illinois and Indiana. I JOE ABRAHAM, well-known rotton man of Briatow. tl t'-tutlnett iitor in I ul-a yeaterdar. OEOROE E BROWN 11 ytrda Tor Oklahoma Cltr lo attend to butinett in terttta. I ELIJAH HOI.MER of Broken Arrow was dltrharfrd from euktulr jretterday by I nited ttalei (aimintoner 1. H. Wilkin on s cbarf f introdueinf llqoor. ATTORNEY fHIARi.EB F. Runytn of Muakoze wti among visiting lawjert her eatrax ttndio( aiotion dj in lb dia tnct court. M. C M'GREEVY of th firm of Strand bert. McUretTt a Co., haa returnrd to Kin- i taa City after few daya' butineaa titit is Tu'.ta. THERE WILL b a melln of th retail ritar and drug men of rb ciit at ft o'rloek i 1 1. 1 ereninr in th aubttory si th Ketrhum bolel. I 1 FTIED E. W0OI4ON, former member of ' the Y. M. 0. A. ataff and now connected with army work at Camp Howie, waa railed home today oa account ol th death of fall atep- fathar. MIRS CHRISTINE 8AI-SMAN and Charles' Bradfield, who wer nnlltd in marriaic Sat urday evening by Hrr. A. E. Wettnn, paator of hecn.d Pretbvleriaa ehun-h, have an nounced their wedding te friend. W. W. STUCK EY hi ton for a few daya' buainMa trip to Kantat City. Mr. fcturkry, who formerly waa a reaidaut of Tujta. haa ditpoaed of bit farm and It moving back to thia city. I A CALL FOR 73 neiroee and Mexicans for rai-iroad conitruction work near Hhatluck waa received yesterday by th etttt free em ployment bureau, Wtfea of 12.60 a day with board at 5 s week waa the aasnraoc given. THREE KXLISTMzInTS war mad yes terday at the navy recruiting station. They ware R. H. Henrr and J. O. Adkiasion, Red Kork, and J. . broukover, Uniontown, W. V. I.ONO IELAYF.I) repair work OB th boiler In tho courthouse heating plant canaed oc cupants of th office to shiver yesterday. It will require two watka to bav the plant ready. I THE FOLIOWINO teachera began their new duties yaaterday In Tulsa city schools: Miaaea Katherina Kleinkneukk of Newton, Kan.; Pearl L'ba,)!)!!, Monett, Mo.' l.oueiia Hrhloeman, Terr Haul, Ind., and Nellie M. Dean of Parry, Okla. THE OAflE of John Lynch, charged with stealing ten pair oU women's shoes from th American tipret company's wagon, was transferred to U auperior court yesterday from tha court of O. td Warren, justice of the peac. DV.PfTV RHKHIKT8 from Paw hunk a took back to that citv with them two man named Mver and Bennett, who wer brought bere from Sapulpa Hunday night. Thev ar wanted on tha charge of having robbed s store in hlklatoolc, Juat over the Tulsa county line. WHILE ALL OFFICES la th city ball will remain open today with an Idea of serv ing tha public having business in th several departments, many of the employe will tak advantage of mayor' proclamation setting aa a hi It. be admitted the Wisconsin peiMin did consldeiiible It nocking. 1 A Stlllwnter preacher has been pas tor of one church twenty years. Tho parson should be pretty well ac- lunliilcd with his flock by this time. 1 According to thu telegraph Berlin's account of yeaterday's buttles was brief. Well, thut's not strange. Ber lin, evidently, didn't have much to report. 1 A woman beauty expert announces thut "being graceful la merely a task." Krom the amount of gTaco goncrnlly displayed, It 1 a Uuik vt gigantic Vroportlons. It Is evident tho Berlin la not aware tit tho prlco of Amorlonn hogs. If It lind been there would have been no objection to the Krencli officer calling captive Germans plus. 1 Admiral TirplU. author of U-boat 'ruthlowncsa," Is uoted aa saying that 'on account of political rousons It Is unwise to sot a dato for tho collapse fit England ns a result of U-boat war fare." Ho, huml We understand per fectly. 1 A Hartlesvlllo paper hn.ii iwHabllshcd the fact that unless tho Mato legisla ture g-ets"buity and raises the pay of county ofleers thero will be no candl date for office. There la one paporithe purpoto of nominating township that doesn't know what If talking nbout. A long aa there are offices there will be candidates. could easily Join forces with tho niot patriotic organization ulretidy In exist ence. As for the Democratic party, held together aa It has been chiefly by the personality of Uio leader, a;id con mining within It the nowlbilities of a greater diversity and dissolution than even the Hcpubllcans hud In 1912. there Is every reason to look for It to spltt Into a thousund fragment) when ever the presmiro of Wllsonlan Influ ence und iHitronage and the enthus iasm of the wir are removed. If the un-Amerlcan elements are to leave the Democracy and the loyal people are to gather with them In the name fold, why la It necessary to get a new name nnd a new organization for tho pur poseT . The Kanso fltato Welfare board will take steps to protect tho hotel help. While they are at It tho board might ns well go a little further and nee If they can't do a little somothing for the customers. 1 fApeaking of camouflage, says the Chicago News, thero Is the) powder rag, whereupon the Kansas City Ptar takes lsnuo with tho News, claiming the Windy City organ Intended o ay "chaniolsflage." 1 My, my. how time docs fly. A Kan sas paper reprints a story that ap peared twenty years ngo. The story call tho faithful populists togothcr for One of the boys was talking about He admitted he one of the girls. had a date with When an acquaintance BRked him why he didn't tell the Judge about it. The vottth said he didn't want the court to unow he associated with that kind QI people. 1 All of which would make us pretty mad If we were tne gin inui nu mo date. oliday, and vltit th Mus- kog fre state fair. Thar wlU be no meet- atida today Tretty dern mad, indeed. AHNOLITFLYJ A WHISTMV IN Tim TALU The forest leaves are turnln' from ureen to gold and rod. The flowers havo quit their hloomtn an' tho cllngln' vine Is dead; The soft green moss o' summer 1 lookln' sort o' gray. An' tho days are growln' shorter, yea. shmter, dav bv day An' old Jack Frost Is comln', he's al most within call When you hear the qnal a whistlln', an whistlln' In the fal. 'Tis time to mk the cider, an' pui the corn tn shocks, Most time to sell tho turkeys for wlfo to buy new frocks; An' there's no time to loaf or fool, a task for each new day. You can't depend on l'rovldonce to crib vour corn away. For old Jack Frost la comln, he's rurely within call When you hear the quell a whlatlln' an' whlstliV in tho fall, The days seem sort o' solonm who. darkness comes on soon. An' one don't feel as clipper as way back there in June! An' klndor close seems mother, who died long years ago Is that her voice a callln', a callln' soft and low? For mighty close seems heaven, and close the angel'e call 'Bout the time the quail comes whistlln' an' whistlln' In the fall. William F.lsworth Fowler. tug of Ui board of city comoiltlonera I TIIF. "8MOKJC8" war on W. H. Sboat la tha city ball and at the fire atations yeater day. The city lira marahal haa aaaumed new retpontlbiiitlea; mat oi oeing u inner oi a baby boy, the event orurrinjt at the Tu hospital where Mrs. filinat ana th baby ar in the beat of health and sulrits. THE 0FFI0E of eh waterworks depart ment waa a busy plsce in th city hall yes terday, aeveral hundred belated water con sumers appearing to pay their water fee be fore the 10 per cent penalty I added. All billa not paid before the llth of the mouth are penalized 10 per cent. E. BEE OLTIIRKY, highway commissioner of th Tulta Chamber of Commerce, will lesv today for Manhanttan, Kan., where he aaa been called at a witneta in a cat which ha attracted the attention of th rourt ther for tha past several yeara. While In Man hattan ha will visit friends and relatives. A MEETING OF tne ladiea' auiUliary to Temple Israel will be hrtd this afternoon at 3:110 o'clock at 182V Houth Cheyenne. Tha program of the day Includes trie adoption oi conttltutlon, election oi nnicera anu ouier important matters. Ail m.mb.irs ar urgently requested to attend thia meeting. F.LffEY CHAMBERS who waa caught by Special Officer T. E. Brenta last Saturday aa ha waa com in thru Rogera county with an automobile containing five eaiea of liquor, failed yatterdty In bit effort to make bond, and was remanded to jail. Chambers, altlio ranght "with th good on," yltaded not guilty. TULSA WILL b th first city In Okla homa to send unit of nurse, was th report Am- ; fx aum, mmm Inn n T n n n niies oews iMHMMklattaa AN OPEW LETTER TO THE PUBLIC The very structure of our economic system with its foreign tributaries is now in the throes of a virtual upheaval. The commercial economy bqard of the Council of National Defense has as sumed control of the prices on wheat, coal and steel. Now the board is engaged in efforts to conserve the wool supply of the nation. Over a year ago we predicted a wool shortage and in a letter to the garment and clothing manufacturers of the United States, dated September 4, 1917, the Commercial Economy Board wrote: "We are facing a serious shortage." To quote further from this letter: "Immediate action must be taken to assure, if possible, an adequate supply of wool for the needs of our army and navy. Consequently this board recommends that, insofar as possible, cotton-mixed fabrics and fabrics containing re-worked wool should be substituted for all-wool fabrics in the manufacture of gar ments and clothing for civilian use." v v Remember, this is the voice of the Unit ed States government! Gentlemen, the facts are now before you. Nobody can tell what the future holds for any of us. This muqh we do know now: Our present stock consists of clothing made from all-wool fabric. While our stock lasts you have the op portunity of providing for your future clothing needs at very much less than you will have to pay later for inferior merchandise. The advantages of this foresight should be evident to everyone. 223 South Main Isabel Trust Dissolved. NEW YORK, Oct 8. The Woven Isabel Manufacturers association, charged by the government with vio lating the anti-trust law, was dis solved by United States Judge Hand with consent of the defense in tne federal court here today. The govern ment alleged that the association con spired to monopolize and restrain made yeatcrilay following th meeting held In the Red Cross room in th public library. Mrs. Jana E. Delano, head of the nnrslng WIIiD tXMlKOI'SIS. officers. And tho meeting was held behind the closed doors of a warehouse A sea of blossoms, golden as the glow Of morning sunlight on a wtna- rocked bay, Heneath the breexe of this rai autumn day Heaves In soft undulations to and fro. Like incense floating o'er tho marsh below, Come fragrant odors of the late- mown hay. Heyond, In harmony of green aim gray, The graceful tamaracks tower iti lately row; And wading thru the glimmering waves with song Vpon his Hps, a fair-haired youth I see, Who swings off the saffron blossom-bell. Hack roll tho years a melancholy thang, And 1 behold In sea-girt Welly, Theocritus amid the asphodels. Clinton Heollard. ..rvlre and I ii Myrtle Hatch addretsei tha attemblv of nurtea. Plana war made by the nurses present to give a portion of their tlm to th overseeing of th cutting of surgical dreatings. FltOM TTI TO IXKXMOTlVE Washerwomen II nd l'loosantcr Occu pation (leaning Englnr. The Newsastlo (Fa.) washerwomen who are said to be fleeing their posi tion of honor behind the washtub for the scrubbing of locomotives In the railroad roundhouses cannot realty be blamed. There Is not much satisfac tion to a sensitive artistlo nature in the laundering of shirts and petti coats, of luncheon cloths and lingerie which people not any bettor than yourself will not hesitate to throw Into the tub again within the week To sink Into the vernacular, what are they all but so much Cit7 Wneieas, thero is a positive achievement in cleaning up a locomotive. You got It all dressed up and It has a hundred ulacea to go to. Tho whole world stops at the railroad crossing while tho work of your hands goes roaring by: little children In country roady stare bewilderedly at this mad thing that tears thru their vision once or twice a day; women with tired faces wish they were riding behind It, and no mo ancient horses are still afraid of it. Even the motor has to wait for It to roar thru the gates. The fireman and the engineer and all their sooty roou are the only reckless spirits left on the road, traveled buccaneers who think nothing of going to Chicago, and to whom family life la no tnrov thug chain. Who would not prefer the nollshlng of their huge steel horses to the starching of children's dressua for that upstart Mrs. Hi own T Tin: FAKM1CK. "What ceum ?" "The Hussion uiiuib " Matter Enough. ' broke up the grocery ly- situation was too II once was considered a rolllcklnx trick To speak of the farmer as being 'hick." The farmer has money, the farmer has lands. He Is the employer of numerous hands. The best of earth's product he has ror Ms tneais, . He owns quite a bevy of automobiles. If he Is a "hick" then I'm teiiing you, son, I'd ak nothing better than Just being one, i trade in woven labels, hangers, tabs and similar articles attached to hats, underwear, coats and other clothing. The defendants named In the govern men's dissolution suit included about thirty Individuals and ten corporations. Her Investment Tloldexl Twentyfold. It ED W1NCJ. Minn., 'Oct. 8. In 1911 Miss Edith Kasaing, then super intendent of the girls' training school here, Invested (3,000 lit one hundred shares of Bethlehem Steel. Recently she disposed of the stock for 860,000, y according to word received here. Miss K a Ming now Is superintendent of the Pennsylvania state school for girls at M organza, 1'a. TaU U Monday I Save That Overtime on your books because your book keeper is ten cents out in his trial balance. Put in a better day's work by using a Remington Accounting Machine (Wahl Mechanism) in your Bookkeeping Department. You will then be able to keep a perpetual balance on your ledger. You will save all the overtime you now spend for rechecking. Your bills and statements will go out promptly and you will know that they are right. Send to us for printed matter which will tell you all about this latest Remington development our new Accounting Machine Remington Typewriter Company - (iBcorporattd) J - 217 So&th Bosion Street, Tuha, Okl&