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TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1917 0 lossip From Gasoline Row ager Wilson or service Truck ny sold a 3'i-ton truck to stone this week. k, Qllvoss & Boyson, tank butld- the oil fields, have purchased Service truck. Service Truck company re- two carloads of new truck lout Hday. Mllle A Coates of Hominy were dka the past wcck ana purcnaseu Itock for their auto supply busl- Hoininy. 11. a. nausman or btor Supply company mudo the Manager noscoe Homan of k-estone Rubber & Tire Co. wan Fa tho pant week visiting O. A. He Is from Oklahoma City. jl Jerome of Coweta him moved 1 ha ana will locale Jus ramiiy f ori. He Is' now associated, with rco Gasoline company. Iahr, KaHt Second street re- an, has let the contract for u Stick and concrete repair shoo at (fist Second street. The building fcf 40x90 and will be supplied p-to-date muhlnery. 0. Sammom, manager Carnation 'Sales compnny, returned from n tees trip to Kansas City Wodnes tvcnlntr. McLester, Charles Robinson I A. Shea, mlesman of Hatcllff Ws company, drove a Peerless og, Peerless speedster and Case imy cars over to Muskogee where Ht they placed thenars on exhibition at the Free Fair tho past week, J. B. Parker of Ratcllff Sanders company left Tuesday for the Peerluss and Liberty factories in Detroit and Cleveland to Biiperintend the ship ment of cars to the Tulsa agency. Elliott & Runyon, Miami auto deal ers, were In Tulsa the past week and purchased a Peerless touring and a fcur-pnKKcnger Peerless roadster of Katcllff-Sandcrs rompany, C. K. Todd of Cleveland was In Tulsa last wee! and purchased a new Cafe touring car for his personal use. G. . (Jlllette, an oil operator living at the Tulsa hotel, In owner of a new special painted Peerless touring; car, bought from the local agency. Manager Secunde of the Jordan-Ree-pitt company motored over to Blxby on a buslneNt trip Wednesday. Mra Ada fowler of North Main street recently purchased a handsome Km pi re chummy roadster. George Trumbly, an oil operator from Hominy, came to Tulsa loot ! of the Joy iiiesuay ana lTt ror home in a new Kmplre chummy roadster which he purchased for personal ui.e. The Tulwi Automobile corporation Is engaged In Installing new office furniture In Its present headquarters In the Lynch building. The Andre Bakery compnny has added a model 90 Willys-Overland standard delivery to Its delivery serv ice department. velvet Softness ihalf fuel rations the Two Power-Range Peerless ght you are at all times in convj nd of I Eighty Horse Power. bu only for what you use. The Loafing Range This range covers all ordinary re quirements. And your car perform with an ease and grace becoming a car of such class and distinction. Yet in this range the fuel consumption is only half normal for a car of such size and power. The Sporting Range This range gives you power and speed which few, even of other distin guished cars can show. Open her double poppets. You need fear no contender no road conditions. You, have a car that will more than hold jr its own a car of almost unbelievable v .t contrasts of performance. Or t: I- 4 et.ri demonstrate the advantages of two separate id 'itinct power ranges. ters $2340 Touring $2340 Sporting Roadsters $2490 1ATCLIFF-SANDERS CO. Auto Department it Second Street Phone 4338 CAVA A PARKKn, MANAGERS Good Territory Open for Live DasJere Mi. JI. H. Culp. wire of the field agent of Carter Oil company, Is now possessor of a new model 83, ftve-pus-senger Willys-Overland. J. W. Tldwell of the Southern Cor nice Works ha a new lllys-nvcrlnnd si xv. H. M. Wilson of Turley ciuiio to Tulsa lust week and went home the owner of a model 90, flve-passotigcr Willy-Overland. A. Nordhaus, manager Muller Tiro & llubbcr i'o., has returned from a visit to his former home. Sun Antonio, Trxns, und snys t lint while the amy encampment at Port Trr.vls makes thing lively, he finds business con ditions jiiHt ns good in Tulca. f'hnpple Bros, reo '.veil shipments of Franklins lust week and were sold out before cars were unloaded. Their sulrMiien reiort trouble In getting factory orders filled fast enough for present sales. Ijocul automobile dealers believe that if the war continues It will not be long until the government will as sume control of the giifoUno supply of tho country and pro-rnto the sup- Ply to risers, ir th's is none some riders will have to emit on account or luck of gas. Charles F. Lukln Is on a business trip In Detroit and will vlxlt the Hup mobile and Cndlllac factorlm before returning to Tulsa. C. W. Holcoinb of Charles Luldns Auto compnny was in lmr.'tnt on busl- ness two mivs the pant week. B. C. l'ryson of Bartlesvlllo was business visitor at Iuklns Auto com pany Wednesday. It. C. Mott. a Itiiinnotiile dealer of I'nrtlesville, was In Tulsa Wednesday H. M. Ooorh of Hlac-kwell was In Tulsa on automobile business Wednes day. As an example of the extraordinary demand for cars In the Tulsa market, Chappie Bros, sold twelve Franklins in twelve days recently and tho man ager telegraphed sixteen more cars Immediately. The factory manager must hae thought there was a ml take for he did not answer until later by mall and then raid, "Nothing doing jum now. jo ears on nana." It la announced that the Franklin company will continue the manufac ture of Its 1917 model during 191. believing In the popularity of the present model. Doctor Moore of Meyer A Moore, Wlnton six agency, accompanied by Mr. ixilard and W. D. Hall, went to Oklahoma City Wednesday on business In connection with the new North Tulsa blink, of which Doctor Moore will be an official. J. K. Hwlnder and family have re turned from a delightful trip out Into tho mountains of Colorado. They mado the trip in their Beven-pusscngcr I lay lies. D. I Woods of the Hayncs Auto mobile Manufacturing company of Ko komo, Ind., in In the city for a few duys vtaiting the local Huynes agency. Walter K rouse of Wichita, Kan., has purchased the Hobart garage on south Main street and took charge Wedncs i day. He Is plensed with Tulsa and I will move his family here from Knn- sa n soon as he can get a house. Auto drivers report that the Oznrk trail from here to Oklahoma City Is In splendid condition. The road from Tulfa to the othr side of Sapulpa is not so good, but J. II. Mahnker of inc w. C. NoitIh Motor 8ales company made the trip one day lost week In less than six hours with a new car. H. IC. Prooka, assistant salesman of the .ordyke-Marmon factory at In dianapolis, Ind., was a visitor at the W. C. Norrls Motor .Sales company the past veek. W. H. Wert, formerly with the Kan sas City branch of the Nordyke-Mar-mon company, has arrived In Tulsa and Joined the pales force of the W. C. fiorrls Motor Sales company. Charles E. Dent Is having tho Tulsa Car company equip his Marmon tour ing car with Westinghousc air springs ana expects to noon deport for ui auto tour In Iowa. Dr. M. E. Page motored "over tc Nowata last Tuesday a,nd found the roads In gDod condition. Vein Kogera of Colllnxvllle has ac cepted the position of bookkeeper with the W. C. Norrls Motor Sales com pany. Juiucm Cruminons and wife made a motor trip to Kansas City the past week. W. B. Kelly, representing the Tulsa Motor Car compnny,' drove over to Muskogee to the Free Fair last week and placed a new Cole cap in h auto exhibit there. rhe Tulsa Motor Car mm nun i exhibiting a- new four-nnsKeneer Fierce chumnu- roadster n-hir-h Juat been received from the factory. The Relby Oil company of Pawnee purchased a two-ton Pierce-Arrow u-uck in luisa last week. The Tulsa Car company shipped a carload of Kesnemer trucka to Wichita haii.. Jast week. C. M. Hurris, an auto don lor nt vni was In Tulsa Wednesday, purchasing Studebaker parts. He reports four- jeen cars sola: In last month. Mr. Bur rls was accompanied by Sam Snencer an oil man of Yale, who was looking ir a truc-K suuaDie ror oil field work. The Adams Motor Kales company ha received a new Nash valve-ln-head car from the factory. This Is the car that has been watched for by dealers and buyers. C. W. Welsh of the Welsh-McNulty Motor company s making an ex tended tour of NbW York, Canada and Michigan, and la taking In the big autumooiie manuracturlng districts. He will return the coming week. Patrick iloran of the Western Auto Supply company lu'-s returned from a hort visit to Memphis, Tenn. Frod Wormington, a Tulsa county stockman, purchased a Wlllvs-Ovor-land model 90 for his own use lust week. Thomas Richmond, contractor and builder, now owns an Overland road ster. Heatherwlck, Wagstaff & Beall, real estate operators, show their customers over Tulsa limits In a new model 90, touring Overland. O. Y. Parrlsh, manager of the local Packard Oklahoma agency, has re turned after a short business trip to Miami, Ok la., and Kansas City. O. T. Itoope, service manager of the Federal Motor company, has re turned from Detroit, Mich., where he went to attend a service managers' meeting at the Packard Motor Car company. Mr. Itoope returned with some valuable Information which he hopes will be of Interest to the many Packard owners In this vicinity. C Q. Wilson, general manager of the Federal Motor company, is spend ing ten aaya in tne southern part of the state In the Interests of the com pany. W. O. Lisajnon of Bartleavllla. Ok la. drove home Friday In a new series II Chandler seven-passenger touring car. John R. Knapp of the Henderson Oosollne company of Nowata, Ok la,, la the owner of a new seven-passenger model IS Chandler touring car. pur chased this week - from the local agnt, the edersj Motor company. . Beth May has returned from a thr Everybody Knows Valve-in-Head Means tit 0 Ol'nl m m SBBBr m mm r-mw mwr b.vv Confidence EVERY Buick owner trusts his car; he re lies on. its thoroughbred behavior under all conditions. Buick Sedan Everything aboit this beautiful sedan denotes quality and refinement. It has been designed for the family whose mode of liv ing demands a car equal to the requirements of ac tive social life. Pullt on a long wheelbase chassis with cantilever springs, it Is excep tionally easy riding. Its handsomo Upholstery, Its linlsh and complete ness marks ft with distinction In any group of closed cars and brings to Its owner the gratification that comes with the possession of those things that are universally admired and ap proved. Nothing that extreme good tasto could suggest has been omitted and the moHt painstaking care has been plven to even the small dotails. He has confidence that the woman at the wheel will find only safety and comfort in its easy handling, its positive action and im mediate delivery of power. Confidence that, whether passers-by note the car or whether experts examine it, the ap pearance will be admired, the mechanical su periority unquestioned. This confidence has come because Buick builders have produced a car which is gen erally accepted as a high form of public serv ice. Buick sense of responsibility accepts this public service as a public trust. Buick Prices F. O. B. Tulsa Inc tiding War Tux Model E-34 $885 Model E-35 $885 Model E-44 $1,381 Model E-45 $1,381 Model E-49 $1,631.75 Model E-50 $2,328.50 PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW Fred Shaw Motor & Supply Second and Boulder Ave. Company Phone 1849-2529 months' stay In Isssiaa. saa kins iha the Xew England vis rvet)o4 (a hi I'ackard touring car. Mr. I51y says the roads are fine, as well as the flsh iiik', and that he was well pleased with the performance of his car. Clyde Flckard of Oklahoma City purchased a slxteen-valve Stutx speedster from tho Federal Motor company tho past week. The i-'edcral .Motor company un loaded five carloads of the new series 18 Chandler cars this week. Glen Hcrryhlll and wife of Sapulpa drove ovtr Saturday In their new 3-35 Packard touring car. Mr. Uerryhlll has owned his new cur but a few dHs and is well pleased with his pur chase. W. A. Bourne, F. W. I). salesman with the Federal Motor company, has returned to Tulan. ufter a few days' business stay In Wichita and the sur rounding oil fields. The Federal Motor company Is expecting to unload six P. V. D. trucks the coming week. Owing to the government taking over the K. V 1). factory. It la hard for tho local agent to supply the demand for these trucks. Ii M. Dclllng, formerly chief engi neer of the Mercers Auto company, has Joined tho Saxon Motor Car corpora tion as chief Inspecting official, ac cording to a letter received by Man ager Jones of the local Saxon agency. Uo'lney Jones, nuinager of the Tul-m branch of the Saxon Motor Car corporation, was in Muskogee most ot' last week, superintending an ex hlbit of Saxon cars at the free state fair. V. B. Crawford, real estate dealer, is now riding around In a new five- passenger Overland, which he bought last week. A. W. IiOonaiM Is nhowlng his real est:itc customers over the city In a new Overland car. H. P. Pinlth of the Western Auto Supjily company and O. Y. Parish of tl-e Federal Motor car company made a tour this week to Miami, Joplln and Kansas City. The trip was made In Mr. Smith's new Packard touring car. . D3:tor and Mrs. Halm are owners of a late model Anderson touring car, pvrehased last week and of which Mrs. Haln Is Justly proud. D. Caspary, oil operator, and John V. Ptarr, well-known architect, have new motors of the latest Anderson touring models. The Hughes Motor company has re ceived several Andersons In the sport and touring models, which are reudy fur delivery. This Is the car which has self-heating attachments, making traveling in the winter time as pleas ant as In any other kind of, convey ance. Purdy Motor dompany received two loads of Iteos last week and has re ceived word that the Reo factory has nearly doubled Its former capacity and yet has to work overtime to fill orrteri. Treasurer Smith of the Purdy Mo tor company says he saw more old model cars In the east than can be found In the west and says some of tho f ld-fashlond first-make of Reo cars are still In use In Lansing, Mich. J. J. Barlow of Ollton was In Tulsa the past week and went home with a new model five-passenger Mrzwell, purchased from the Purdy Motor company. A demonstration of the power of the new Duplex, Stt-ton, 4-wheel drive truck last week attracted con siderable attention. The truck was loaded to capacity and driven up hill and down hill to show control and pulling power. Fred Shaw returned last week from the BuIck and Republic truck fac tories, where he has been looking after, some shipments of cars and truck te hi Tulsa agency. , Cal Wilson of the Producers Oil company Is driving a new Buick light six roadster. K. D. Hanawalt of theAtlantic Pe troleum company Is the proud owner of a new Buick light six roadster. James H. Gardner purchased a new Buick light six touring car. The Cosden Pipe Line company, the Carter Oil company, George B. John son. Dr. R. R. Smith, W. O. Nichols. Theo J. List, Cosden Oil A Gas Co., O. R. t'pp and I II. Margrave purchased 1918 Bulcks last week. Guy M. Davis, salesmanager for the Fred Shaw Motor company, reports that his company has received six carloads of Buicks In the last ten days and has that many more now In transit. The Fred Shaw Motor A Supply Co. reports the following Republic truck sales In tho past two weeks: Car ter Oil company, four two-tons and one Sft-ton; H. F. Wilcox. 2-ton; Cosden Pipe Line companv, 2-ton; Mr. Arbon of the Oklahoma Producing A Refining Co., 2-ton; Shaw Transfer company, 2-ton; Warren Caldwell Oil company, 1-ton; Smith A Weathers, 1-ton; G, T. Braden, two 2 -tons. Mr. Davis also reports these sales: Ton Republics for Carter Oil com pany; eight Republics for Shaw Transfer company; six Republics for the Cosden Pipe Line company; three Republics for H. P. Wilcox, and elev en Republics for G. P. Braden. C. S. Bowers, representative of the B. F. Goodrich Tire A Rubber Co., was In the city last week visiting with the Welsh-McNulty Motor company, local Studebaker dealer. He Couldn't Oill Uic Turn. Kmll Lentx Inadvertently made a bad break at the break fowl table the other morning. He told his wlfo that ho was going to sell two old sows and that he would give her all they brought over $120. He thought he was easily In the clear on this but ho had to fork over a 110 bill when he got home. X SI X JUUUUUU -I "' M.,..,MiM,,,.M., n.,.,.!.:,..,.,,,,,,.,,.-!.,, .t, mTTTTTT mi . .mi 1 Pll TV IT. jjThe Qualitq Goes Clear Through E"Mi'!Mj'i! Mr Five-Paserijjti Touring Car Three-Passenger Fleur de ly Roadster Sedan, 1095 Sedanet, $645 Value Defined You ere doubtless able to pay much more for a motor cor than the Dort price. But it isn't a matter of what you can af ford to pay but what you nave to pay. what you have to pay for the utility, aturdiness and performance you require. what you have to pay for the beauty, comfort and convenience you desire. The Dort typifies softd motor car value pleases the eye and performs consis tently. See it to-day. LON R. S1ANSBERY 610 South Main Street Phone 394 Krra iin mwn ev i..i