Newspaper Page Text
10 In the Oil Fields CONTINUED FROM I'AOE 8. Asl.Y The (Junker Ml romiinnv tin thi Mri.wii farm in tlia tiiirlheiiHt of tlu tiiirtiiWPHt of IMe HcitiinwPHt 01 U-iM-6 will I'MiK Imck ami ulnxit tli'J u I I wind. I'hu I'lviiiinilli (Ml riiniiinny lias the thulium oil the kiciiimiI In IIib miiitliwcm linn of tlm niirlhciiMl. iimtrtor of i-11-6. No. 1 wiinc fin in In the anuth- WCsjt Of III!' KlllltllWCHt l.f tilt B'llltll- en. mi ,,f 2 1-21 -ll Is a rl(. Tin' i kliihimm Ml Air Keflnlnii 'o. No, I 1'iilili K fiinn In tho miuthi'iiMl of ilii' Moi'th-iiHl nf 1 tin northeast nf $ii-2l-H im hI, ill il.'wn at 2,07. Jnhn Miirkhmii Jr., No. 1 Ciiney town farm, In tin- nnrl Meant 'f mil I of tin' norlluwiwt of 29-21(1 Iri . 1 1 ii t. down for a crew ill fH0 feet. Tlii- tit-pay (ill i'oiiiiniiy. No. I Ca aeytnwii fnriii In the noitliwest nf tlw (im-lliwiwl of the Mntilliwent of 27-21-f, Ih Mtnit down for b new at 3,05 ft. vi:s'n:ii wildcats ti moi. rnae Ml (ins Co., No. 1 Hill Imway flll-MI, III III" KolltllWl'Kt (if til" KOIltll- womI of IIh- northwest (if 11-23-13, In fmliliiK at 2,120 fi'i'l. J 1 1. (lllli'Hiilc, No. 1 Plttnnr farm. In a.VLT.-IHw, I flnhlnit t l.20 feet. 'I'lic ('len (HI A I Inn 'o.. No. 1 Drake fnriii, In -27-lw, In drlllliiK nt 3 . T A II feet. Tlii" Ml Hint I'etinloum noiui'imy, No. I Clay farm, In t lit iiortlii-aMt of the iiortliixiM of Hie Hontliixint of 2-6-7w, Im rotary drlllliiK at 1.H0H feet. The National Ml Hi lUt Co. No. t Lovelew fnriii, In the nortliwost of tlio northwest of tlw northwest of 14-7-lw. Ih iIiIIMiik nt f. C 0 feet. ; Mtlll- It Th Curler nil romimny, No. l Mai-Icy farm, In the lenutliweM of the. south went of the "out heiwt of 7 22 3w. In ilrllllnir at 1.804 feet. Tim Kin-low Ml company No. 1 llnr liytn farm, III the southwest of tho soiilhweat of tho HoiithweF of 7-22-3w, In drilling nt 1,200 feet. The Itoxaim Ml company No. 1 Hi-hroeiler fnrm. In the. southwest of tho NoiithweHt of tho southwest of 8-22-3w. In drllllnir lit 2(i feot. The (ilolw (Ml A Iteflnlnir Co No. 1 Hcnoi-ko. In reliiilldlnK rlf Hiiil will move In rotnry In the southeast of the noi i 1,1'hhI of tho northeiiat of l-22-4w. I I IMIH ( Tho Oypsy's fUiuni wnv No. 2 In the mirthennt corner of the farm In ilrllllnir deeper, nnn Mi. fi. which In the aernnd location from the KoulheiiHl corner of the south lino of 11-20-4. wan In tho nnnd yestorilnv nt 2 . 3 4 Ti feet nnd wllL ptolmlily u : lllllo.l In lllll.IV I The Kintilrr'a No. 2 on the Peter 1'aiilNini f'li'm mndc 4.R00 hirreln In 2 4 hoiirn on Kimday nhd Monday. It In In the southwest corner of tho aciifheiint (lirirter of 2-24-4. MlllMIS The . Wilcox tent In II 1-1 6-1 2 on tho .f-io lowln fnrm loo'is rood for 90 lull rein in the (llenn naml found at 1.7H0 feet. On the Henry Ailunis farm In 21-16-12 Mr. Wilcox ria.x A hole full of water at 2.6 Ril leei. The tent on the Anna Mae Htldham fnrm In fi-IS-li lookn arnml for 125 Imrreln at 2,070 feet. Mr. Wilcox han epiidded In his test on tho Powell imm In :i()-lti-12 nnd moved In a riK for a tint on tho William Atkins farm In 18-I6-II. MOW T'll (. C. (1 raven and others of St. louln have completed No. 4 on the townnlte of New Tannhn. which la show-Inn for 6 and 7 million fet of Kan In tho Umt I'lty mud. This lumircn nn limply nupply of n for the new town and will likely land mmic inn m i fact u ii mr cntahlHliiientn. AT JI-'.NKS The Aetna Ml Oan coiiip.iii , No, ;i In tho northeunt of 1 is-12 on the Koliella Fee, In drlUK in l.iUrt feet, having recovered tools h'.H in the hole at nhoul l.fiSO feet. I' I'KMXS -The KoMinn No. 1 i ....o,., iui ..r t i.u .'i. 'in i.iriu in im- in' n'i ..- iniibciiMi of the northeast of 30-17-3 I-. in I m 1 1 -i ill S.l i j leei. Wl M" Ol" It I'M. The Manchu i la I ,v (ins Co No. 1 Young in the son i heist nf the smitlieast of the l o thM-st of 30-10 I4w Is drilling .It I ' i feel. silWIItillK The Sinclair ml i;i r,. No .'t llinn.ih Mitchell In I 1 7 V is iIi n and pUigglm; at 3004 f ,1 ,' The Smcl.ilr Mil (ilii Co. No :i rtoi U. il m 13 -IS 6 cast s lish loi; foi IooIh M lit I II OI DI PI W Tlie Sinclair ImI ,v liiiM'n. No. I I l iwkuis in fi -1 7 S ill iIIiiik ill I. Mill fi cl. CtH'IM.TOX The Amber ml ,om pan No. 1 Cain farm, in ."-JI -3w. Is di-llilm at l.ilSO feci. Personals J (" II. Wllhurton. wllh tho Interstate Itefinlng "oiiipan. Is here from S: pulpa. I. . liynn of SI Inils. brother of lien ISviin. In In the city. Mr. Ityan U o prominent oil man of SI. l.ouin. II V. Thomas, genrnil niananep of the l-Vistern ( 1 company, Is here from Puffalo Mr. Thoimia In one of the Iiiom no in i in-nl oil men in the bin game and has a world of friends uhi-i'vicr oil Is produced. li I. Peeler, who is associnled w i 1 1, the Colu-mcys In (California, was In tile city yesterday on his Win to Ard nwre and i ects to be back again liortu and will look over the field. C r:. Kins of the Wabash liefimnii eoiopani; (s l-nck from Chicago and met .scleral experts while there who heartily approied of id. ins now under Via hi the Wabash concern and there Hill be an Interesting story shortly. m W T.i I bell of Philadelphia, brother of the famous wilier and lec turer. Ida M Tai hell. arrived In Tulsa esterd.-iv and Is looking over the field. Mi. T.irholl Is of Hie opinion that tho go erniuelit Intends to set the price for refined piodm-is and that wo or three cents will be taken off the price. Mr. Turner's optnl-nn carrion great weight, n he has been in close touch with the alt nation for years. lie in Malting Ills eon, V. Scott Tarbell, now of Wichita, hut formerly of Tulsa, who' linn recently brought in n 100-barrel well nt Harnett, Knn.. and in there-fi re on the high road to prosperity. lloirors Is Held. ftlM'cisl to The World. PI.AIJKMOIIK, okla.. Oct. 15. Hill ltogero was brought to tills city from Tulsn. lie Is held in this county on a charge of assault with intent to kilt. Tho charge grown out of a right lis had with a man named Pert Iniw noii near Tela la recently. In which Pnwsnn wnt lindly Injured. Itogern Is being held In tho lingers county Jail pending; a heurintf, YIELDS PER CENT NotliliiK In IliiMliuwn of tlm ('iniMiiijr to Ao-ount for II llwviit llcnvf Icliic. A man protnlnent In the affalm of Texan Company ny that thero In nothing to account for the decline In thin company' stock, beyond the Ken era I weaknenn In many Induntrlal and oil nlockn, with which It may have de clined In sympathy. The hunlnenn of the company, ho nayn, In natlMfactory. Wall ntreet, however, leann to the be lief that the company, which ban been a llliHial dmpeiincr of valuable rlKhtn In the pant, may cut molonn lean fro ipiontly In tho future. Kor tho flncal year ended June SO, 1917, Texan Coinpiiny earned more thnn f IV.riOO.OOU iipiilicalilo to the Ifi5, 600,000 ntock oiilMtandlnK nt that date. An 113,87(1.000 additional ntock wan offered to ntock holdcin thin year, piiyablii In Innlnllments. Hie new ntock will participate In dlvldenilH after January 1, l!)IN. The amount of ntock outHlandliiR will he $, 3711, 000, which will reipilre, ut tho prenont rato of 10 per cent annually, 0,U37,&00 dlvl dendn. An the cumin" for tlm year ended Juno 30 hint were $1 9,724,11211, there would he on the banin of thene enrn lnKn a marKln of nafety at $12,787,026 over the dlvldendn. The ntocH nt the prenent price of about 1R2 yleldn more than 6.1 per cent, which In above tho iiveniKo of oil ntockn of the game chinn. KoIIowIiir tnhle nhnwn tho yield, on the prenent offerliiK price, of nomo reprenentntive Htnmlard Oil nnd Imln pnmlent nlockn, on the hnnia of their lant divldendn: ' Annual dlvl- Quo ilend tatlon Yield Wnndnrd of Cal...$l0 210-220 4. 11 Standard of hid.. 24 660-660 3.6 Standard of Ky.. . 16 326-340 4.1 Standard of N. J. . 20 476-480 4.1 Standard of N. Y. 12 228-228 6.3 (llilf (III Corp. .. . II 186-360 1.7 M Id wont Iter. Co. . 4 134-186 3.9 The Standard ()(! noli nn a rule to yield lenn on the hnnln of their ennh divldendn than any of tho Independent ntockn. Thin In accounted for by the ultra-connervntlnin of their policy In the payment of divldendn and the In i Kf percenlaKe nf earnlimn Hint are turned hack Into the proportion, which renultn In the payment of HiiliHtnntlnl extrnn from time to time. An officer of Texan Company nlnten Hint both Kionn nnd net ejirnlnsn for the three mnnthn of July, 'AiiKunt and September were lni'Kcr than ever bo fore In the hlHtory of the company. After allowing for war taxen, cimiliiKH nt the prenent rate nhould nhow an large a perceiitaxe thinear on the In creased ntock nn ofr the year ended June 30 last, when more than $35 a nlin re on the $66,600,000 ntock then outntnndlnK wan earned. Wall Street Journal. M'lXTI.ATOK.S SHUT ltJSITIOM Hiiylng iii Mcllcf ;vcrniiiciit Will (ilvc Out Another llllllon of Orders. Ijiiko npeciilatlve Interentn have changed their ponltlnn In the Mock market, and tho buying nf lute linn been better than the nclllng. It In figured that the government inunt noon give out nnolhy billion nf ordern nnd that the Influence nf expanding and rlnlng markets In -Imdnn must he felt here. Whatever the weight of taxen, there ran be nothing but pros perity ahead for I'nlted Slates Steel nnd llethlehem Steel. The government will advance $10, 000,000 for tho llethlehem Steel s Pore Itlver Ship & lOngtue Co. to erect n new plant nnd build the submarine destroyern nt Siiuantiini. In llonton harbor. The government will own the plant, but the work will he done on a cunt and percentage, hnnln. Wall Street Journal. Negro l,elslntor lle. SI i It K V Kl't ' K'l , Im.. (K-t 15. Pun. -an Hill, negro, aged 72 yearn, who held the distinction of having served a term as a member of the l.ouhdnmt state legislature, died yes-trd-i In Monroe, according to tujo graph advices received here today. Hill served as a member of the gen eral assembly directly after the clII war. lie was once caught by a com mittee of citizens during the recon struction period, hut succeeded in talking thnn out of inching him.. Official Injure,!. riti-ii i nn. oral OUU. Okl:i.. Oetn. IS. Miss Martha Paves, county superintendent of pub lic Instruction, and Miss Shaw of Marietta were Injured recently when the car driven by M iss Paves was overturned on tH highway, ljoth were pinned under the car' and were unable for some time to get out. Their repeated calls for assistance brought no response. With hard labor they finally extricated themselves. Now Wallers peMit. Sprrisl in Tho World WAlr K.ttS. Okla.. Oct. 15. The supreme court has affirmed a ruling of the corporation commission which ordered the Hock Island to construct a passenger station in Walters to re place that which was burned over a year ago. Tho new station .will cost about $12,000. Plans for It are ex peeled to be made soon. Manv Horse Sold Special to The Wur'd l.OCO. (ikbl.. Oct. IR. Within th pust tlilrly days approximately $60. 000 has been paid for horses In Stephens county ' by buyers represent ing the government. WANT APS Ksifli3 jtiniJl EimlI(iMrDiiDiilllInn One lent a word fur all clasifiratlone. minimum amount !.' rents, i-arept persuusla and mi'rliroiiial. which are two rents per word, minimum i-hargo 'JS cents Your credit is good it vim own a ph ne, ewi-eiii (or per son.ii. furniture for side end position wanted advertising, which la rah Out of town ads are cash with order. Two rents per word for all ads ordered mia-classified. .EX! --- Theme G000 CLOSING HOI KS. All want ads must he In World ((lc by S p. m on day hefor ad is to run. MAI.K IIKI.P WAATKll. W AN IT IE ID) Want man with car to aell real estate. Eaflw. E. liirirlia Cjt. 101 PI Iss Uldg. MERSKNOKR BOYS are earning 84) per month or better el Western Union. TEXAS CO. STOCK BETTER THAN 7 TULSA DAILY MAI.K nKM' WANTKII. -. STOCK SALESMEN WAOTEHD Hood men can make big money, Our poorest salesman In muklng $100 per week In com missions, tlaferencen required. We want Rood, strong men. TTradlcBirs fill -amdl QSeflfiimilimsj C, Oklahoma City. Okla. 8TKNO(iRP)IKR for gemr-d offb-s work mutt h first rtsni in punctustlnn nnq li'lttr wrlliiif snd nnrmiit from ilrnfl; hook-bnttiilii-t iMirii.iir unnveiiMry, periusnvul liiialtliiu iinl utrnl-f rsiis to rijhl indl vliliisl. Writs or plimn ConllmuHl H flulo K Co., llriituw, UkU. VANTM A younf man with hlryrln to rol. ItK-t in In rnhldiinrs district ; cood oppor tunity for a, lirlflhl yotinv msn to rorts fthrftd. Cull l bumunM offlrt TuU Daily Wonld. WAOTE Ijiborers; good wage and bonus. W. C. N0RRUS ' Frisco avenue and Frisco tracks. WANTED-EipKrlVni-ed b'qnkMer; ona"?" miliar with iiino Una and raflnim ftcronnta prrfxrred. Answer In your own hnndwrltlni, atatlnf aalsrv expftctid, rafortnt-ta and f I ifrmnrt. Artdren Hox 4SII0, car World. j iVATri Fnperienee-1 n frlianleal ilrafia man and rliemlula: alto eminrisnrsd m rlianlra; Jodd pay; sli-ady work; rtratnt plant- rximrii'in nri furred Aildrcaa tl I) Srna, Box 191, ( I'tlllll . Kan. MRS and women wnnlnj to learn tht barhtr trails, good pay. lilraiant work: wa miar. antra iwnitlnn. lulsa llarliar colls(s, 117 .souin notion. KXl'KllirNC KI) porter" wanted ;"""rolori(T; uiuit hsvt (nod rafsrrnraa: liieliatl tab rr paid to riglu mon. Apply to Huporior Con- leruonory. W ANTKD -Tiny for dellvnrs" trrvli-n 'and" to assist In slurs Apply Wtlaon, Mai-lan-rt Wilton, till 113 Katt Hnrond atreet. VVANTl'F.r Man to keep time, also keop maU set hooka ; familiar with ronatructlon work. Address ho 4'JI7, rare World. I.A'ifFH' and lurn'a milt rlesnfd anil nrrased, 75o. Amerlran Cleaning A Tailirliia; Co. Plione 1 7S'i. Join Iht Army Iterruiliiin offirea at f)V lahnma Cily. Tula, Mutkofea, C'lilckaiha, Ardinora and Knid. WAN'TF.ll I.aliorera, liermanent employment. Apply ParkrrsbiirittJtia' ft Keel Co., Klwood and Kaly trarka. FIVR men or linya" wanted to distribute clr- culnra Tula Mcn-nntlle Co., at Third and Ciiii'lnnati. VA XT Kb Two "youiwj men to drlva'oiniVlfl teama. Call phone 6022 between 1:30 and Id :80 Monday. . WANTKl) An expeiieiiced man with car to sell real estate. Kdward K. Ilarretl, 304 ttlisa building. . OIL corporation deairea elerk Tamiiar witH nurher ayali-m, Addresa boo 4'JS1, cars World. . AVTrr A good boy "for alum wo"r7 Hsuer Auto Top Co. 324 North lloulder. VASTF.I A K"d baker, good salary in the right man. Mitchell brothers, Jenka, Okla. WANTKil Two ekperlenretl houaemen. Ap ply to lloutekeeper, Hotel Tul.ft. WASTKb An esperieni-ed groierv boy. Cafi 700 Park, enSiier l.awtou. WAN'TRl) Off Ire boy Apply thlt lo'jri.lig. Spm-tator. Third and Petrolt CAHPKXTKK I" build ' arrreni, Apply at 1J4 Miinth MadiMin. FI II NT Ct.AHd alteration" handi " 14j Eatt I'ldrd. tnlle S. WASTKb Elevator boy ai Hotel Tula. Apply at engine room. WANTF.b Hoy over 16 yeara "of g. Model laundry. J K.M Al l-. 1IKM' W ANTKD. WASTKIV-Young lsd typist for three hours eai-h afternoon, cleri cal work and dictation. Addresa 1'. O. boi ltiOD. YOl'NG ladv atennrrapher.-capablo . or doing almple alficc work; glvo reftr-nres and salary required .in firal letter. Reel), Uox 4255, rata Worla. . . WAXTF.D T".pernoeS "stenographer; good sslary state experience; also bookkeeper capable of taking hold of Important work; state experience, salary and reference. Ad- lrcs Uox 4JSII, care World. WASrF.I Experienced stenographer within the next two weeks, steady employment. Call In person, room t Culberloon building or phone SSH7, W ASTt li Young-TaJlea to learn telerbnne . L-!.V!-V work; no expertenc necessary. Apply 300 Pioneer building, or call Miaa Benger. Phone Sunn W ANTKD -- A ladv coo "for-smallTuncle room; call immediately at 118 Aouth. Bos ton None bul experienced need s?p'y. WANT!!) A genii neat appearing girl for noutework servant a qnaiter furnlahed. 17. . South boston. Phone 3.SJS .'. LXIIKS' and men's suits cleaned ami pr-saed. 76c. Amertren Cliannig gl l4ilnrir Co Phone 17S2. WANTED Two colored dishwashers" to"'he1p in cafeteria Apply to matron, fourth ri..r I'inii... kulliline WANTED An experienced seamstress and two experienced maids. Apply to House- 'e'per. Motel Tnl. COLORED WOMAN for "genernl'"VouewnrF; aiod servants' quarters, l.iol houth Nor folk. Phone 1320. '.S"TV'D While' woman", general "lionse work, good sages. 116 North Denver. Phone 0V. VAN.TFD OlrT or women for housework, some washing, 3 per week. Apply 601 West Ninth. ' , M Ml) lo do hnusewoik In private family. - Apply at 1210 North Chrvenne al once; good wagea. V STF.D t'ompelent colored girl for gen eral housework. 131 South Boston; phone 3HIH1. WANT competent French Instructor for two people; prefer native; evenings. Phono 60HH ' WANTTD Olrl to "rare for lo children a? ternoona. Call al r.'3 South Detroit. W ANTED Someon to car tor baby ly week Addre-t box 13SS. care World. WASTED Ten taleeladies at Tulta. Mer cantile Co., at Ihird and Cincinnati. WAN1ED- white lrl fiw general outo work. 163S Admirel: phone 6267. WANTED--Hcllthle girl for general bout- work. 716 rouih titlvston. HAN1Kt A ro'.orid girl for general houte woik 1163 North Main. W A"TF.D colored girl for general house work Call 8117. WaNTKD Waitress. Brady "cafe "" PFNTl FM t!f " wllh 8400 or" t00, would like to meet tunit one with Ilka amount In -to some kind of buslnrs. Bos 4.100, rare World. OAPITtl.lfT. '41. ' worth" 8160.0O0." wniild insriy widow or girl; hnnoiable. 8680 Uiaua street, 6aa Francu), ..... WORLD, TUESDAY; OCTOBER 16, 1917 MTC.VriONS WANTED. j f llftM I'J.ono to (4,000 yearly wllh prssenl emploj era in fir yeara dtmonatratna I have hrsina and fthilily. Asiitianl treasurer and I rharga of credits and collections of large fhliago firm doing bualneta all orar United Slates and. Canada, oiperlencad taflaa mtn ager; want to lorau la Oklsbom reason for desiring change. If yon waat lira wire and can offer reil opportunity addroat 4J7I, cart World. . BITTTATIOlfWAKI RrprAbTlrTrter"; a."i7?l ye.ns' esperleiiea, Mlasnnrl and Oklahoma, Or can handle general office work In farm loan or insurance. lUforennes. E. X. Wil son. Colorado Hprlnge, Colo. WAVY, position wllh producer or oil com- pan, ten rears with one corporation In re fining gasoline and plpa lino department; efficient, ateady, married, hav family ; age Sft. Hog 4au ear World. WATJTKrv-reriiraneiil position by first-class civil engineer. (Iter draft age. Will go anywhere. Addresa 0. T . SOS Katt UadJaon avenue; phono 7Pi, Iola, Kan. intilTI.Y r.icoiunended fishing ralet of butler, dniret position, flrst-elaaa, Kng llth. prlrsle family. Phono B0U7-J. 1606 Hnulh Unltjmore. V A KTK I -Posi tlon" b com f ete fTtWomiin Vs lloutekeeper In Tults bv NoTember I. Ad dress (Hid JCast Commercial alitel. Spring field, Mo. VANTI:f)--Po"sitlon, aulo'meehanie' wild nine yeara' experience in repairing sum and all electric uppllanca- can give reference). 0. O. Kldd, Auierlllf Teias. 5l0 I'lerce., YOPNt) man. inarrled. with three yeafs1 auo-ri-Ksful legal eiparienca, will accept com mercial position at once: good refuronce. Ad dress 4'.'0, car World. POSITION WANTKb Kxnerleneed mtll- wrlght anil carpenter oil company pre terrcd; good reforencea. Bog 4iltf2. care World. 1U011LY recommended tlsltlng s1et or but ler; flrat-clasa Kngllah private faoiily, Phona 0007 J. lf05 Bouth Ualtimore. SITUATION WANTED Cemtnt finished and concrete foreman, open for poaltion. Box 4275. cars World. W'ANTKI) Office "position by woman with ten yeara- experience in auditor a oirico. Phone 4001. 0(O K or housework" b competent white girl no isunary. iiate vest oi referenco. cra Worldj POSTHlN Vantad by practical nurae, ax perlvncail be) of cily reforeneea given. Phone 788(1. riRBT CLASS-roTofcd girl wishes position for general housework with room. Ad dresa Hoi 4303. car World. Rfcr-AlRlS'fl, remodeling, building: best work! lowest price; estimates cheerfully furnished. Phone 6 SRI, ask for Engman. VA PP.RlF.NCKD lead" burner open for posT- tlon November 1; prefer acid plant work. Addresa boa 4286, car World. MAN 'AND WIFF.'agw 85, wanrwortTVIfo good conk and hnuaekeenert man all around mechanic. Phone 1301) It. YOl'Nd MA.V, experienced' driver, wants "job as rimer truck or car driver. V. 1). Heltle; phone 472. WANTKl) Position by atenograpber about six yeara' experience; three in law. l'uon 631. Ct'Ml'ETRNT ete'nographer desires position at once. Phono 3ilU4 between t and 6. WaKTRD Nursing, confinement rases pre- j ferred, roference. ('hone 705S. GAHPENTKn wishes repairing. HoIliaTTk'ono 1653. . WANTED Poaltion by motor mecbanlo. I'l.on 6835. WANTED Poaltion by competent woman s bookkeeper, "hone 4817-J. WANTED Permanent position by youngTaify stenographer. Phone J782. WANTED A posltiua aa P. fi. Z. operator, xnerleneed. Phono 60J3-J, POHlTION-l-Collectlng." 2o8"ftoulh Kanoska. IXST AWI FOUND. PRFPARK for eold weather by having tho old msttrestee renovated and recovered and mad like new; all work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Sanitary Mattress company, phono 6449. FO0TnOnnodgi tnd LewliTlargo-r"Isl( easing, rim and tub. Call at 40U Kenosha svenus. FL'XIKD oak dining ebalr left by mlatako at lion louth F.lwood, may be claimed by ioeniuico.ion ana paying ior to is aa FOUND About 6 months eld female lis.-. Drown stplta terrier, call at 2126 Fast Admttsl nd pay for this ad PARTY who exchanged hata at Wonderland theater please call at Wright Clothier snd ask for Oeorga Maya' hat. LOST A" diamond bar-pin; liberal reward if returned to Room 426, Mayo Bldg. l l'BMKlllil) HOOMB rtW KENTV ONK la raw furnlahed sleeping room with large closet, esgentlemen preferred. 315 Fast Fighth; phone 078. Keferenco must be given. O.NK nicely. furnishceV large front room, pri vate lioins, adjoining bath, close-in, suit able for one or two gentlemen or husband and wife, both employed. 114 tail Bixth. Phone 1819JL J ROOMS Sea us if you want nice, clean, comfortable room, neatly and newly fur nished, hotel service; price reasonable. Phone 7V40. 626 Ks.t Third, li id-West kotos. 1HFFK nicely f mulshed rooms for light housekeeriing, garago and chicken yard, light, get and water free: $10 per week. M. 8. (Irahatn, J'hone 5fl0. FOR RF.NT Large furnished front sleep. ing room, electric lighta and eonvenifn! to bath cloie in. Telephone 4001. (01 Mouth Jloolder. - LHIIlT housekeeping room; balh connecting: on car or jitney line; no children. 11 Couth Norfolk. CeJl between 8 snd 6 p. m. Phi.n 2n Klt RKNT Furnished ttire rooms, two liorrhes. well, nautrr snd garret, modern. clean and well furnished. 233 West'enth POR RENT Hcaiitifiilly furnTsKenronl room adjoining bath on south aid; walking distance. Phone 747T Wt,R .JtKNT Thr r.. aniT hathTfue. .... , . . ..... ... l li it had complete for housekeeping, south aidu. Phone 8071. I. RQ furnishetTlHiuth rooms, singl or in suite, wun an modern conveuincea. B13 South Main. WELL furnished houeeVeeoing room: mod ern, with closet; no children. I'houe 4074-R 1339 Admiral. FOR RENT Two newly turniisVcd light housekeeping room, ir.oaern, Iront porcn, lli'J4 Admiral. NICELY furnlsled fronl room with running water; gentlemen only. 416 Si Kaat Third" Phone 8606. FOR RKNTFuriitebcd rooms for liejbt housekeeping! and sleeping. 217 North Boston. TWO furnished rooms for lixht-houseSeen Ing; also unturnisnaii rooms. 436 aorta Del i oil SLEEPING room in stririlv moS'eru houi1 adininiiig balh; private entrance. Phono 4629 R. FoR KENT-'-Hoon.s ckise-ln, between Third and Fourth on Denver. 819 bouth Leu- er I AlY wilT slisre two rooms with lady, Terr reasonable, for company. L'6111 Rest Fiurth FOR RKNT Beautiful sleeping room, steam heal, close In, gentlemen only, Phono 7720. Nil K sleeping room, modern, very reas; enable, breakfast if desired. Phone 43l K F0H "HKNT Niruly furnished room" for gentlemen only, south aide. Phone 4019 J, NICELY furnished room lor aleeping- gen tlemen only. Phone 663(1. 411 West Brady. WANTF.D Whit girl for general" hou" work. 826 West Twelfth, apartment 8. Sl( r I.Y" furnished modern room sttiniuing balh. t'esm heat. 611 Ponth Boulder. ONE " beautitnlly furnished "housekeeping rooirt i-jo soutn nosion. wjou j. KICK sleeping -room, Vultahl "for "two " men". In modern nom. jni sons notion. L.M.OK pltasani "room with heet" gentle" men: connecting bath. Phono 6198. 6SV. larg aleeplrg" room, clot In, modern" for one or two '!Jiee.rhono 4603-R. iKSlRABLK southeast 'sleeping rooaiVSorl block from car lino. Thon 6S65. FCkNI9HF.1V" room for "llcht bousoliieplng 1 "t Eat Klxth. Thon 8716 R. DFsTRABLt" e'oxth sleeping room; on or two gentlemen. f" Month notion KlFLY furnUhed" front" "room," aultabVe for two. clo In. 820 South letroit.- rARiil ODSialr room la modem heme.-for two- 93 per week. Phono 1179. ST.m'lSO room ior gntlerna only. 806 pterin v neyenno. rnon iai. FOR RSNT Thr atodera houtkeplog rooms aiu nouMi asaaiaon. WAVTED Refined Udy for room mat. Bit etih Vouoit, pkoa . FCRNIKnL'D ROOMS FOR RENT NICE furnished front bedroom to onrrled rouple or two young ladle- iadlel eoo uao dining room and kitchen U desired. Phono T767. A," DESTIttRXV nwly furnlned room oa south, elite In nplvatA fsjnl V. fOf On Or two gentlemen, walking diatanoo. Piioo T67I ' FlSfc two-room furuiihod houtekteplnf apartment, with modern convenience. AJto on singl room. Inquir 627 North Ckyns. I im K EAT Bllcale furnished SlPCDIUg room. private entrance, ftdjomlng bath, private famllw S in cnh r.h.tnna. FOR" RENT -lrgo front room, private noma. large closet, iirepiae, imuni lighta. 716 South Klwood, Phono 7793. VofntriST Front sleeping room for gen tleman, elan in, private entrance, ad- Joining bath, private bom. Phone 8287 i NICELY FURNI8HED bedroom 00 lecoiTd floor for gentlemen. 84 60 per week; phone 4H77j 616 Hooth Cincinnati. SLEfcPINQ room" for " rent with bath, on paved trel, on block from car line. 1219 Fast Burnett, nhona 1118-J. Y i tj ,-1 1.' 1 . '.i. . ." k. ,l.,.l. I, mwuvrii bviiiii mgin, via". w..,.w, two singl beds, lo gentlemen ghing good reference. 812 South Cincinnati. FOH RKNT Room lri private borne, bath enrooted, furnace heat, walking distance, on enr lino. Phono 6462. TWO desirable light housekeeping rooms for rent. 403 Kast Bixth. Call between 2 and 6 In afternoon: no children. FOR HUNT Modern southeast ileepliig room, aujolnlng bath, for gentlemen, walk ing distance. Phono 6905. NICF.f.Y furnished sleeping room, an)olnTng nam, gentlemen preferred, ozu stl Fourth, phon 8244. FURNISHED room'-?or""llgrn housekeeping to men and wlf only. Apply 1106 Bouth Boulder. FOR RENT Nicely furnlshed""Two-rbom mod rn servant' quarters to whit people only. Applj 1106 South Boulder. lu pleatnnt rooms for light housekeeping, rent reasonable. Phone 6924. Fl'rlNlfiHEI) bedroom, private home, wit'B II conveniences Phono 481. FOR RENT" Furnished rooms, strictly" mod: arn. aouth aide. Phon 8071. ONE light housekeeping roam" for rent. 424 North Detroit. 1'Hoiio 1220. NICELY furnished east front leepTng roool for rent. 430 South Detroit. Cl.IAN airy front room. strictljTmod'ern, for two entlamen. Phon 8268. VERY desirable aouth room, grata and" mantis', un uiumere. j-iione zuiiu. HLKEPINO renin, 93.60 per week. 766 SontE Detroit, phono 7227 R. FIRST-CLASS aleepin ng room for gentleman. 638 HotiClncliinnti. YOCtftX man wants roommate. 1816" SoutE Klwood. Phono, 6091. ffltF.LY furnished room ior rent, jentTeraen prferrdPhono 7333. TWd light housekeeping rooms furnitlicoT. 1307 Bouth Detroit. NICF.LY furnished south "room tut on"per- on. 612. Bouth Main. TTVO nioifern light houtekeeplnjj roooint. 710Bouth Mayball KICK sleeping room In-epartniont at 2lS iVest Kinfh St. FOR' RKNT Unfurnished rooms. . 436 . North Boston. ONE steeping room in privito bouieTThone 6781. KlOELY" "furnished sleeping roora.'uOS South Detroit. WKLL furnisKedT bedroom ncar bsTh, closeln. Phone J295. . NICELY furiifshel room In modem home. Phone1804. ; NICELY furnished front beuroom for renL Phon 5988, . . . TWO light housekeeping rooms al"ol0 Wes"t ration. . 5N"E "nicely furnished room. 503- S"onth Elgin. . DNR modern! houseteeping rooriT! "Thono 8S2. FOR RKNT Room over gnasgs. Phon 768. FTJRNfSHED ROOMS to rent. Phone" 6768". uxrunxisHEP rooms fob rkxt WANTED Three unfurnished rooms or rot- Inge, modern, by couple wllh two chip dren. resaonahl. Bog 4295, carWorld. FOR BENT Two largn rooms for light hnnsekeeping: unfurnished, house modern. 1 S3" 'Fast Jefferson. TWO or "thro ilean, newly decorated un- funiished room. 1321 South Kockford. Phone 87:i2. . TX'O unfurnished rooms for honaeleeping, two closets, modern. 1607 Ksst Bixth. IIOl'SKS FOtt ItKNT. WANTED To rent, an eight or nine-room hnus. if two-torv or six. or several rooms on first fkior, must havs garage and close-in, nn children. F. V. Keynnids, Koom 1, ul- hertson Bldg. Phon 8837. FOR RENT- Fiv-room furnlahed" irTonern honse at 1616 Kast Jefferson street. Call at 804 Bllts building, phone83 FURNT8HED eight room houso for"-gent, 9135 per month, or would consider sell ing furniture. Phone 8724. FOR kENT-Troroom house, furnished." -Call Pric' grocery, on Third street, bo tween Lewis and Grant FOR RENT Furniahed" fit room modern. bouse. 1116 East Jefferson. 1'nons on. '.1114 llliso Bide- STRICTLY modern four-rooiTTiouserTor renl . to psrty buying furniture, reasonable. 14 ortnKorKroa. FOR RENT Five room. mBddrn unfur jiithed. no str.sll children. 1634 East Fourth St. FOR RENTt Fit-room modern house to Dsrties IVying pert of furnituro. Phono 6144. - SERVANT'S quarter to exchange for laan dry work. North Wheeling. APARTMKXTS FOR RENT. FOR RENT After Novemner 1, half of new private homo, three rooms and incloseo. leeping porcn, evrrvtnuig new ana com nleie roference reauired. Phone 5717. FOR REi'T Nice spsrtment, closs to school, good location, desire to sell furnituro, rent 860 tier month. Call Pbons 1661. FOUR ROOMS new'furnlture; spsrtment for rent. Cell tlr a p. m.. a w "est sum. NICELY fnrnlshed tbree-room apartment" phone 3880. 1619 Admlrsl. , ROOMS W ANTKD. RoXTSrSThre adults wsnt thre or four neatly furnished modern - housekeeping room'. In good neighborhood. Private homo preferred. Will be in Tulsa Friday. Ad dress box 429JL car World. , WANTED To rent fiftnishod room by r" fined young couple, on south aid; refer. ences Addres bog 4282, crWorld. WANTEDlty October i, furnished room by to young ladies: with private u traice. Clot in. Bos eP59t WJorld. TWO young ltdies employed " want-Ifghi boiisekeenlng .-noma on aouth side, close in. Call 6914 after 6:30 p. m V AUTLD" TO RKNT Light houseVeeplTni rooms, must b clean; prefer east pari of town. 4294, rare. WurhL WANTED Ono"or" two unturmthed rooma by refined lady. Phone 5343, between 10 and 6 o'clock. HOTELS AND ROOMING nOD8E8. IF" 'CONTEMPLATING" th puichst. of o tvpowriter sk for demonstratJiui of tbo Underwood. ll ia speedy, sdTjat snd ilub1. Underwood T)pewriter"rC'o, 810 Katt 8ccopdstrct, phone i45i TEN-ROOM priato rooming houte for (1.000, ."00 rsth, bslanc gtti per month, hous and furniture new, house rnls for 975 per month. Phono 7929. Sever Prewitt Noithrnlt. ; liOTKI S and rooming houses; any pan of th rltv: cash or term: big or little. Phon 6091. hi. J. Glass k Co., Room t and S. over Palae Theater. Foft THUBV8T "rooming hous"hsrgs"iu"s In tho city call the hotel and rooming nous L. It. Place, iihcne 2609. ALLTSOS""Roily"""Compa"uy" aiir has th rooming house, large or amalL any here. leu 4J4. TWifrooming "bousee for sale" Ceil at 161 North Boulder; phono 5747 J. SMALL" South stain rooming house, close-in"; better lttoday. AlllMin, 4744; TT ROOM rooinTng houso for "sal. Phono 899o PRKSSM AKKRS. Hl88KlT.ASStSS"of Tort" VorthT"T7; 11 maker of gowns and street druse, rhono Satl8 J122S South Boston. 8EWINO of all kinds done; dresses," mlts and blons: work guarsnteeU. Mr, llsrt. Phon 6893. 410 West Ninth. . HlMPTITCHrNO at 813 Soiitk Bo.ionT operator with two years' experience la this trwn; Phono 4532. SKlVTMl of" sll "kind " Prices resMn"abVT work guaranteed. - 801 Bouth Victor. 8KWl.S'0 ef all VlndsT Prices lessoasble. S0 Kerttt KdweesU WANTED Deslrabl south aid iocuon ir studio; five-room furalr.d prltnn wllh lrg living room or offlc suit. What havoyoul Bog 4172, World. WAffTfljCA rpon.lbU party lo board boy 8 yar old. Phono 6U7-J. MICELIjA.NK)rL WANTED Serond band Burrough adding machlxi. itoU alas, condition ana pries wanted. Addr Box 4309, care World. OLD CLOTHES KmOHEST prices paid for men old cloth Ing shoot. Phon 4964. 16 Vt North Mala. Flrt RALE Winchester hsmmerlcsa pump ahntgnn, 12 gauge, in fin conauion; sisu one 1013 tent wllh fly; bargain; also nave soir Turnirur ior nil, t. a. Phone 419. 1309 Sooth Elwood. WANTED To rant or buy oil tsnk wagon. Phono 8256. Creek -Choctaw Oil A Ua Co. Flo! B .rCE Th Ir i eon p iec Anstflan gold" band chins dinner set, half doten cut glasa tumblers, slumlnum tes kettle, Isrg osl ensmel rosster. 288 West Kleventh. 1YPE WRITERS for rent; Remington Moo" arch snd Smith Premier, IB por month, threo month for 17.60. Remington Typo. wrltr company. Phon 898. . KETS mado tn ordar, gun and lockimitning, welding of broken part or iron: repairing of everything. Jsroba Novelty company, 818 Katt First, phono 726. WOMAN'S raincoat sn"3 green suit; siss misses 18 or 86, eleclne vibrator . with attacniuente, reasonable. 238 Weat Eleventh street. - MEN'S AND LArjir8'ultcTeane"d and pressed 76c; overcoats clrsnrd tnd pressed 7.1c. Premier Cleaners snd Toilorn. Phono 6'i88 POR ICfi-'Chesp, extrs weTTliulU port- able corrugated Iron garage, emple aiso; must he moved qulclt Phon 6999. FOR"8ALEDftlry and 4a head of" cattlo; aix n.ile north of town; ssl on October M Chrli Cook. HATFitNITT" HOSPITAL Babies boYrTed or sdonted if desired. Mr. Mllroy, Outhrio, nk. LEAR'S Transfer snd Baggage line, phon 6111; will movo your furnituro for so much money. MAUUIf.ES for rant by weak or month. Singer Sawing Mscbln company. 111 Esit Second. ARbI you going to buirdTw money on mill work, uih si can sav you and doors. Box oa, j-are noriu. 1'1'Rfl for sslaj $1"!6 set mlnTiTUt then hslf pries and good as now. 283 West Eleventh. SEVERAL-bsblelfor sdoptlon. WriTHiT ro1115Esst OliVA OuthrlSLOkls. KICK green tomstoes 75 cent per bushel" 817 houth Peoria, or phone 6808-R. OVERCOAT for s,l. stxe'f. Ion;, hesvy, dsrk coat, good. 283 Wst Eleventh. XTlsOl'ERADE costume for" rent "all kl.ds". (ll 84S4-J. - FOR" g'nraiiteedrcement work, phono 3066 . or ,913. , FOR expert plsno movers, call Lear'Traaafs'r lln. Phon 6111. M A8QCKRA I)E costume for rent, sll" kinds. Csll 2434. i FOR SALE St window screen, mad to 111 SOikO, (oojlghl. Phonl9-J. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter. Ill ft Sowth Boston, room 6. WANTED To "bur an invslld chair. Phone 124 Souths Nogsls, f ANTLD Hecondhsnd-"furniture for own use. Phons 257S. (TtKiD-MINK" FURarcolIaaT 'oonditlon'. Call 4020. - FOR S"ALEBlMkrfcbdlrt7Thon 2021 R QtlLlS for ale. 233 "West Eleventh. BUSINKSM PERSON Aids. OLD CLOTHES Highest prices paid for ton's secondhand clothing, shoes tnd hsts. I'lioo 2585. A fcNAP 100 feet Trontnge on psvedTstreet 'with nsvlng paid; also sewer psld; by 140 feet of Irsrksge; only 18,600) paving d per cnt Income; terms if desired, t'llery, kuito 303 Ohio building. PAFUl hsnging snd psinting don ress onable, beat of leferrnces, sll work guar anteed, t. S. Sutherland. Phono 481 f-R. W"ATTIin--To rent, from threo to five of- rn room connecting. W. V. Reynolds, Room 1. Culhoruon Bldg.f or phon 8i(37. HIGHEST csbh pric paid tor man's tcosd. hsnd suits, coats and trousers; also bay she snd hsts. Phono 8448. I SPKCIaLIZE in Isundrying crap d cha dreatet snd silk shirt. Bid West Dulutk. Phons 4692. HTiTHLflT cash pric paid for man's aacond. hsnd suits, costs and trousers, also shoes and hsts. Phon8467. . FAt'ERTMl ria psinting rstiiustes cheer- fully given; all work guaranteed. Phono B36T. r yiRlT-CI.AS8 psperhsnglni ana" painting. Phon 5349JL. H. etogsdlH, Vtt BOY and stll ollles an prodnctTonT Bsnkston e Fry Co.. 846 Robinson Bldg. EOitK "decors'ting, paper hsnging, psinting' snd rsdistor work. Phons 1968. FORRENT Desk room, us ofTelephoneT outsid room. Phon4068. LTlAR 8 Transfer" line will move thst piano for 3. Phono 6111. ' Bl'SlNKSS PROPERTY.' F()U 8ALE Small snburosn grocery stork snd fixtures, geest -locatlea and special opportunity to some one wishing to stsrt into tho grocery business in small way. Also have a Toledo computing seal (good a new), Elgin coffae mill and cheese knife. Phone W. A. ' Rsyson, 7442, Chamber of Commerr. . WANTED To lense sits and"Tbu.Ilillng" at least 100x50 let for gsrags 'snd sales room; muat bs on South Main or Boulder; will consider any sultsbls lot, owner lo erect required building. Addres bog 4288, car World. - - - FOR It K NT Small gronnd floor storeroom, oa Third street. Inquire IIrmn Tailoring company. 817 South Boston, or jihons 2 174. FOR SILK Restaurant 'doing good busi ness, feeding 200 to 800 people a dsy, two- yesr jease. 218 West Kirnt Hl FOR PALI Two-yeir less on new corner building, suitable for dray store. Csll IDA Esst Heeond. OFFICE room for rent in'Burkhsrt "building IIS South Cincinnstl, phons 720. OIIj WKIJi SUPPLIES. PIPE AND CASINO FOR SALE 1,400 feet 10 inch 821b.; 600 feet 8,0 28-lb.; nesr Yale, Okla - 8.000 feet 9 24 1b. ; 5,000 feet SV, 18-ib. ; 8,000 feet 6 inch 201b.; 5.000 feet b; 5,000 feet stsndsrd 4 inch; 8.000 feet tubing and rods- 10.000 feel 8-inch line 1.900 test; 5,000 feet 2-inch line 1,200 test: 10,000 feet 1-inch. All mate rial need but in first-clsss condition. Prices very reasonable Oklahoma Haivage aj Sup ply o.OkmirlgcLOkl. Phon 1580. OIL LEASED for tale; 505 acres In one lease, four well, 100- barrets per week production; 80" acres In another tract, lin barrels per week production ; 80 seres In snother tract with no drilling, sll in No wata county field. Will sell ang part or all. For further particulars see or write M. t. focrest, Cam. hell hotel. Nnwstq, Okls bTEEL storsgs, seversl esclt, nOP-barrel, 700-bsrrel, 1,700 barrel, 2,000-barrel, 5,000 barrel, stsndsrd lonstmitiou, second, hand tsnks, lirst-rlass roniliilou. sll ad lscart to New Orleans, st bargain priros. Wire or write Rosenberg Rowan comnam O.I. o. ,.l. a. I 1 ' FOR SALK Two carloads long leaf yellow pine, new atock. 13"xU", lh feel to. 80 feel in length. Apply Ambursen Constru tion company, Reservoir Csmp, Rt. 4. Okla homa Cily.Okla. SIP8T Veil st ones. ..'ofiOeet'sli IncFTollir tube suitable for welded gas or oil lino. In tflr.t.U AnftttlnM Si..l U-.l.ti.. - pany, Beaumont, Texas. i.i.s tor at; su iirst cis.s 10,000 to 40 -000 barrel capacity ateel tanks: real bsr- Gins. Walter A. Eelnlcker Supply Co. St mi, Mo. FOR 8 VLE Two c'omplt te"Vtrin"gs''o?"xTa"nl'- srd loots. In i condition, reonuble C. C. Cfcorn, 41J Daniel Bldg, Tula. Okl FOR SALE Steel tnki,"t0. 1,000, 1006 barrele capacity. K. K. Roth, phono 8368. WANTI.ri Good National drilling msehln. mast b In good condition. 616 Unity Bldg fell KALE String of 28 pound f u: tech casing. Fheat nt'SINESS CHANCE8. T (El Una TTD)iinElla wIQUn m Mw Mm WHn esUirss Aim OpiPirtainilllly fl fflsU ' MSo & Live BonsJiiiKBSS Edsirc finn TTIHIE PPBTlUFwlITY Th DiMrlot SaJett Manager ef Tha International Rubber Company la here for the purpose of aelecting; a man or firm In the olty to act aa their dealer representative in the eale and distribution of Gates ilalf-Bole Tires. Thla appointment hog an earning value of from" $300 to $1,000 per month. Only men who are enenretio, wlde-axva ke business-getters with ex perlenoe In handing- men aa well aa In nelling will be considered. Yawn SDndPimlldll Ac3 This la a real buaineoa opportunity If you are the right man. The Dlntrlot Sales ManasTar will have full authority to make the appointment of the man who la ts secure the sale rights In UUg territory. . e If you feel that you can qualify for thla territory, and are prepared to han dle It either independently or In con junction with your present business, a private Interview will be arranged for by the Company's representative Mir. Z$nou"Bs Lfflawsirall District Sales Manager, car QMffiIlnoiinn& IQatleU giving your address or phone number. AH interviews will be handled confi dentially. - YflflE New Tork . Chicago .. Denver San Francisco ,. MAIN OFFICES AND FACTOniii' i . FoltSALL' Nsw gssolins plsnl, very beat inschlntry and piping, gs enough to msk 1,600 gallons, contract A-l; haa lost started to run; party will sell for $180,000, pert cash, balance benksble pspr; only partljs meaning business need apply, desl must be consummated st once ss seller used money shortly. Address Box 4268, car World. BROlfER or private psrty wsnted who csa , form a pool among a few large Investor . to build a ,'actory in Tulsa whioh will esrn t.'iO ner cent on" 8200.000. Thousands of Sor cent snd mors. Particulars to responai ' party only. Address box 4201, csrs WorM. ' . FOR SALE High-class safe, seeling cspscity nearly one hundred, on ilsin street in Tulsa, Okls., and right in ths business cen ter of the town : doing sn sversgs of 8300 per dsy; no better location in Tulsa; good reason for selling; will take $3,000 to hsnd I a, bal ance term. Address box 4286, car World. -PICTURE "Til KATES for sale, Broadmoor, Kansas Cily; $6,500. will bandl samer $1,000 cash and $1,000 month eagh. ! $5,00 pip prgsn snd mschiue, 800 rspsciey. I Ad dress J. F. Wilson, Surkut building, Kansas City, Ms. A. gold mlno for some hustler. W'ANTED":Thre men thai ran tnrnlah good" reference, by a larg concern located .in Tula) you must bo sbls to Invest from $500 to $1,000 in the company; theas posi tions pay a good sslsry; it will psy you to lnvtlgst Box 441. car World. FoR" SALE In I'oTurado Springe, an nstab uanea garags Dusjjfus, equipta with eleo- trio charging plsnt; agency for popular car; plenty of business; good reason for selling. c litre reasonsoie. Apply io a. aa. roa East Kiows street, Colorado Springs. rice ressonsble. Apply to A. M. Foss, 740 fVVILirBrji'" good lesss " must be doe to pronuri.-on or will drill for interest. . Nothing but elesn proposition will be coutidered. Will lit st Hotel Tulss, Wed nedsy snd Tbnrsdsy, September 26 snd 27. H. B Hines, Nowsts. Okls. OIL lesses," production" sod shsr ia oil produri.ig and lefining coinpsnios bought ! snd sold on commission; investments of $200 snd up solicited. Sterling Investment Co., Incorporated, 805-A Sonth Alain street. Room 12. . LT'NCII ROT.MTor ssTc71cTy"uTp7dTTne best first-Has location. on Msin street; tills 1 a bargain, pays over $IW a week profit; will take $1,500 rash to handle- act at once. Address Box 4266, cars World. Ll'.NCH ROOM for sale; nicely squlppeT, ths best firsl-clsas lorstion oa Main street; this is a bsrgsin; pars over $100 a week profit, will taks $1,500 cash to handle; set st once. Addresa Box 4S6Jcsre World. FOR RENT Four-room house, gsrags end on scrs of ground, corner of Twenty-first street snd Peoria avenue, for $30 per month. See Rnsa t. OmhI AU Klr-t vflAn-l ntH- Phone 21(!0.. UC'SINKSS offer; right man "caiThVvs Jusn" agcrrent of money-making business snd m.ill lrteret if satisfied; will best sny salaried position. Addresa Box 4202, care World. BAKERY snd lunchroom : no competition In bskery; established snd psying; $700 buys It, $330 rash, balancs monthlv payments; snap for aomeon. Red's Bsksry, itounds, Okls. FOR PALE One 191T tonr!nir s good s new, $300;,sns Hsynes five-passenger $450, muat b sold touiorrow; will trsdr on real estate. 'hon 6892. - -LFASFof 640 sere in ectlon2"21070reii- wood county. Will sell or tsk Interest to tisriv who will drill woll at once. Hugh W Dri'pel. Madison, Kan. FOR RALE Stock oT"grocefles and fixlurJ good location. Apply to W. A. Rsysoa. Simmon building. Phon 7442 olK'AM 'LAl'JjUrT fST" sal st a baigaiu. Csll or phon Williams Bio., Broken Ar row. Okla. TVFNTY-TnRI!ETl"ARRECproJuViTon for sl Address thla otflisBox 4299. FOR SALE Studebsser seven-passenger; trm. Phons 208SJ FOR" E.CrTE Five passenger Dodge, good ss new. Phone-4844. . WASTED To" "bur good psying business. . 4278, csrs World. roUlTRT AND I.IVK STOCK. FlJfJ "ysllow Jersey cow lor sale. 4 Tears old, s fresh In January. E. P. Haley, four snd hi hxlf miles west of Osiwe. FOR " 8AI.I Fiveyssrbld cow and calf, -heavy milker. Fourth snd Qusnsh. WANT ths ssrvic of msl Colli, sable and whit, atjpnro, Phon 7938 J. Fim- B AI,K Frsuch" pooaiercbsp: CsTl during school hours. Phone 86f,4. Fll HALF Vry "fine tsirmg parrot; sxtra largo esgs. Phone 64.'.S R. BOARD iSlD ROOMS. F1R8TTLABS lsrd "and room fortwi 1107 ttoutk klsla, Phono 2671 J. BOARD and "room st ii? Kast " Serantk St. Phon 1022 J; also tab) hoard. ROC4" AVDffARTortwrntieme-,' is modern bona, 'phon 6699, ftOARO AND ROOM tt TOt fenfTlesteB.