Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY' WORLD, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17, 1917 . 18 UK All KSVATK. i;i:.w, i.stti:. IHI(D)M "vWII-lniilt iiml Htlriictivi' fi room ino.lrni l.iiiijjnlow, fxccll.'iit Wa lton on North Yorktown. i it snap tit $,M) on terms. I.H its show ; on. .11.(100 will liny h fine home, hest loejttion in the eity. 1 t)) Mock SOIIlll. Very ehoiee .Vrnoiu inoilerii liniipilow. new ami complete; .10-font south front lot in 1(100 hlnek Admiral ; is it liHr-rain tit t'l.oOO on terms. .4.1!00 on pooil terms lmys a nice, new ami ntodern ,1-room Initifra low; fine well, canitfe, ehiekelt house, fi.l-i'ont phM front lot. excellent locution on South Xauthus. .fh'.OOO huys an atlraetive (i room hunalow in rooi repair, within five Mocks of hlisiness center. $:i,K.10 jets a nice ,1-room Miiij,m1ov. (.'nr-Hci'. fruit trees. .10 foot lot hi lliOO Mock Kast Ifoile Kxtra choice .10 foot vacant lot on North Yorktown is a snap at it-MOO. $1,000 buys a neat Il-room house with .10 foot lot in Kendall. EaisllsirwdDdDdl CdDo It T. l lOSTATI.. i.i:;ai,. ah 8 a X. 40 of 8. SO 8 8 liawaon Subdivision. Lot 1 on 25 l-ot 2. 2 4 Mama 4 4 Original Townilte. I'art Lot 10 K 70 of M .10. . , All 8. 7i 84 from F. alley. . , N- S8.S I S. 25 of S. 30. . . In. hi i N 10 lot a k a I'll.. in- (i.lSO 'JO, Seainan Ug. J.7.10 Six room two story house on boulevard; modern: easy terms. A re markable buy for this money. :t,M0 Kite rooms, sleeping porch, modern; frarae. new. nicely decorated ,H'd finished. Kasy terms. One of the best bargains we have. $:.!M)0 K'vc moms, modern, larjre basement, fine This place v ill sell quickly f this price. $4.7.10 I'ive roonu nd ba-eiiient, garage; hijfh and sightly location; modern: a imh1 home. $f.000 St-i-n rooms. sWpinsj poreli. parage for two cars and servants' quar ters; enclosed Jnvpway. Hardwood panptetry floors over all down rtairs. inchiilinp kitchen. 1 in il t -in features, mirror doors, nickle and plas trimmings, white enamel finish upstairs. Triced at least M.000 under actual value. Compare it with other homes priced at from 7,000 to $S,000, and you will see that I am right. You will have to hurry to secure this fine place, Call B. B. lecraft with (IDItellailhiccDinniffli HniiwsOnimeimtt CdD0 E.SnilDEPdClE IPlKdDPEKW FOE SALE til.OOti- I'nr ono of the most eoni lilou; hiiiui'8 In Muilc Itl'lKf; fight lnr(i' rooms. t-ciitHlstliig of living room, J A, IOI' 4 (lining rooin. kltrlifti, .inn ureaKrusi ;.. u( M 82..., ri iiiii, foil" sli'iplng rixuiiH, two rmths, s. 45 of ,N. ox..., i Imitii, nun''', u ml servant's quarters; X. 38 full hlKH liasemi'iit, lirHting plain; lOt'All .. . lOoxlf.0 fi-i-t. 10 1 v ' right-room home In J 11 .v the .Mspln ItHlKp illMtrlct. rereitloii x ,'j',nj N I nun, living rooin, (lining room, mini- ,vj of E. 411., en, 11111I nun junior; four large sleii-! sw. part ....... (UK I'ooiiih; first floor walls c-anvasHCil Hulan.-e 11 ml iiHiliteil; larK" lot. giinige anil S 12 lu.i'k o.ini'i. ,i'M f.iui.l tfrnm or . I'art I.ul v 111 roiiMili.r other property an part cf I unhase. price. $ IS, 000 New rlght-ionm liricK, iHht fruit; artistic ami coinpletti lit every detail; full size liusoment, heat of decorating, rhanilellers, heating iiliint aiiraife 11111I Hkrvant's ouartern. iiiiineil'.ato poHseHMlon ami eany termjA'j to reMpotiHihle parties. ' 1 1 0,000 A nii)t ciiiiiptete, colonial ' lioine, corner lot, 75x150 feet; Ka"e t)) iiml serviint'd quartern. A property xn, von euiuii.t clnplii.-iite for the nione, A 11 'today. I All x.Si'i0 -Kialit I'ooiiih well hiillt. All .' ulelM In everv iletnit' rtoHe In On! Alt the Hinuli slile; larKe tianement, fur-1 MBie, oak and enamel rnilHn. neauii ful decoratiiiK, the tnoHt expenHive pluiiil'iiiK and lih'ht fixtures; two man telH. larm- 1 InaetH, Rood term with Inl ine. thite llilKKeNHion. $h,(iuo Kitslit rooniH in Carlton I i.n e. JT.oOn six rooms, garage, idose In 11. South Car.m. $4.7.'0-Stx rooms, full two stone il. C'On)ii il.'ixhtK. I I. .Mm -Klve rooms, lwinlwiood poor, ennnicl finish. Karate and ser MHlt's ili:n ter.--; $l.i00 cash. If iii'i'i-. strd in iny of the above property "phone us for appointment. W'e do Hot itive the Intuition of prop 1 I'M ailvi't'd over the 'phone. If you a tv interested in iiuyliiK reslileiici property we assuro you we can show ou the hest values for the money. ILAIIR Bffi. I'nlty IUiIk. I'hone 1278. VACANT PK(0IPIElRirY $1,3.".0, 7T.X160 feet, Mornglnsslde. $i.2f.0, tiOxl.10 feet. MornluKslde. I'-.TiOO, Ouxl.SO feet. Mornlnic.side. ll.SfiO. corner lot, 55x125, Mornltig- slde. V1.S00, corner lot, .Maple KidKe district. $1,500, tiest coiner Kidxe. 100x150 feet. 1.050, for two of the best lots in the orcutt addition. $2,400, 100x150 feet, Orcutt addition. $1,650. two 50-foot lots, east front, well shaded, Hellvlew addition. $S'i0, choice lot, Orcutt addition. These lots are well located and are no. 1 values, and should appeal to a purchaser in every detail. All All All N. 70 All .4. 'ill Lot 1 anil E. SO of N. So V 'Jl of S iMt 1 and N il of H H, of K. 40. All W. .' is .10 .v 511 ; . . Ail . 7S VII N 3.1 S. 50 Part S. AD ". -J.l of X. X. ?j Part Part Part Miiail part ioa ry . . S E. 40 s, w. AO of K. 911 5, 0 W. 80 6 I.eia T.j 1 X. SO I'art l.3t J. 3 S5xl50 feet, lot In Maple 5:'5 I'nlty Bid. i'hone 127 PEDS CENT nC(D)ME Easy TfEffntTaS $2,000 cash and easy terms buys four-family apnrtment, with sun parlor, Murphy In 11-Door heds. etc.; rented BtJltlO nionthly; no llRht, heat or k furnished, l'rlce $S,400. $4. ono cash and terms buys 19-rooin home and furnlnhod rooms; close in on South Denver; four rooms reserved and balance rented $240 monthly, Full lot Koes with this house as well ns complete furnishings; $10,000. $.',000 cash and terms huys lOUxMO-foot In 1300 block South Klwood. with fine S-room house and (carafe; only $ti.000. $1,000 cash and $50 nionthly buys 6-rooin modern on North Denver, J00 block: full lot. etc.: a simp, l'rlce only $S,500. I.'.OO cash $40 monthly, buys dandy new five-room modern liutiKalow on macadam street, one-half Mock of Admiral Jitneys; good neighborhood. K1O0 cash, $40 monthly, buys new five room modern and KixriiKe. on tmvlnir. South Xanthus. Only $3,500. $"0o cash. $45 monthly, buys new five-room modern house, on puvltiK. South Wheollmr; cemented basement, sidewalks, etc. Only $3,850. $750 cash. $35 monthly, buys good five-room modern within two Mocks of Twelfth and Main, l'rlce $3,000. 1S00 cash, $50 monthly, buys two four-room modern houses on Admiral; rented for $55 monthly, would hiintt $70. Only $S.f00 takes both. 1.000 cash and nionthly payment buys fins five-room modern In restricted district on North Klwood. Price. $3,500. $1,700 cash buys a five-room and a three-room house near Tenth and Forest streets. $ 1,700 cash and easy terms buys modern four-room home. gantRs, basement, full lot. fruit, shade and cement drive, on Hottth Main stroet. for only $3,100. Could not be dupllcuted for $3,600. Only $650 cash buys furnlshiiiKs of dandy ( rooms and servants' quarters; i'lcome $120, rent $50 monthly; immediate possession. $2,000 cash, balance monthly, seven rooms, two-story, east front; fine, hlnh elevation on North Main street. Immediate occupancy. Trice $7,000. Truckaice nnd nil classes of residence property, easy term or cash bargains, too numerous to mention here, subject to your approval. ttffflfinag nnawsQinraeinitl CdDnnnpaimy INCOIirOKATKI) Room 12 Turner IIIJk., S05-A South Main. HDDS SALE Five-room buiiKalow. with bath and two laiKe closets, white oak floors In three rooms; two built-in china closets; Kood well and one 100-foot lot; located two blocks past of Maple Ridire addi tion and on higher ground. Phone. 3329. nitVK ' fall aiiiM lot "In Irving" Part fitirth Santa Fa avanua atreat paved anil aawar in and paid out; for quirk aala will tali- n0; iliii la north of the boulavard Her U Ini l.lsli. Phona 1714. 50. . 70.. WefiMnn IF(EW IBOdtcIs $2J9C'J3 Qn IHItiDimts In the hiKhly restricted millionaire home section. Fronting 144 feet on I'eoria street near Nineteenth street, by depth of 300 feet. Will subdivide into six lots, each 50 feet front, by extending street. Will be sold within 4 bouts. Out-of-town owner. dDflficBir Wamtei--Tmmis You can turn this for a profit within a week, . EsMirwklk WfflipflMlI & (CdPo Suite 601 Daniel Huilding, Tlilrd and Hoston, Telephone 69SJ. T1IK FIRM VOL' WILL KVKNTl'Al.I.V DO IHKINFSX WITH SnnbifflffllDaDini Traidls Maifecs HID)AL HdPIMlES If you want to get one of these tracts 3, 4, 5, G, or 8 acres the choicest acreage available adjacent to Tulsa, you will have to hurry, as your neighbor is not asleep, and they are going fast. Call or come to the office and we will be glad to show you. X Co WMGcSfl(Lll2 OWNER AND EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone 7182 313 First National Bank i.r.a.u I l'nlililid in Tim Tula lailv World. Otto: 17, 1017. World Publishing Com pany, Ptibliahcir OIUilNANGK SO. 1777. An Ordinance creating and antahliahtnf Svwrr IM.tri.'t No. 10 In tha ( itv of TiilHa Oklahonia, tits taina lining coin-poif-d of all of lllorka 3, 4, A, A, 7 8 and uf Kim Park Addition to tha I'lty of Tnlaa, tiklafaoma. arvording to tli'a raiorded plat tliareof: drolartng tha na reaitv of and providing for tha rou triutlon of aaniiary aewora In aaid aar (tlatria.'t, and declaring an enii.rgi-n.'y. BK IT (HIA1NKT BY THK HOAKU OK t'llMMIHSIOXKlW t)K THK CITY OF Tl'I.HA, OKLAHOMA: 8KCT10N 1. 'liiat for anltary purpotaa a tawar diatrU't, to be known aa Sawer IMa trie! No. 130, la harobv rrratrd and aaiah- halipil, gjid tha aama ii liarnhy daarrlhed aud dafini'd aa tollowa to wit: All of Hlorka i, 4. S, A, 7. 8. and S of K.lm Park Addition to tha City of Tulta Oklahoma, according to tha recorded ulat thereof. ftPI'TION a. That it ba and Is herel.v da I'lared to be naraniar.v to ronatruct tanitar) aewara, togetlier ulth tha nacaaary laterals, inleta, inanholea and other aipnrtenancea, in tha above aaid Sower liatrict No 130, aa de fined bv thta ordinanra, together with inch outlets and coiinecliona aa ahall be nacea. aary to provide a proper and complete aani laiv aewer a.vatem in aaid aewer district. The (ty r'ngineer la heretiy authoriied anil directed to prepare and present to this Hoard, without delay, sections, profiles, plans end specifications fur tha construction of said sewer system in said Xewer District No 1 HO. as herein defined, together with a com plele estimate of the cost thereof for said sewer district. HKITION ft. That an emergency axiata for tha preservation ot the public health and pafity by reason whe-oof this ordinance shall take effect from and after ita passage, approval and publication. PASKU nnd the emergency clause ruled linen separately and approved this lmh day of Ortuher, 11)17. APPKOVRU tins 12th day or October, 1017. i. II. SIMMONS, Atteit : KHANK NfWKIRp:, Lily Auditor. Apnroved - JOHN M MKSKKVK, City Attorney. NOT1CK Of SAt.t " of Lots and Lands or IMln.inent General 1017 Notice la hereby giv-n that tha (iennrel Taxes levied and assessed for the fiscal year ending June Ml, 1017. and the Installments of Special Assessments payable In 1st 7 and prior thereto, on the lots and lands described in the following llvt, all aituatcd in Tislsa County, State ot Oklahoma, are past due and delinipient, as to each of aiich lots or tracts of Isiul, In lb aggregiate amount set oppo llc the same in knld hat. ami that said Iota and tanda will he sold on the first Monday in November, 101 7, being November Ath. i V 1 7, for the said amount of aurh taxes and kpeclal aaseasments with Interest and cruallies, costs and fees as chargeable by law, added therein for non pa aieut when due 8il,l sale will be li.M on said data at the office of thn County Treasurer of Tulsa Count), Oklahoma, in the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, b.'lwren the hours of 0 a m and 4 p. m. and will be roiitiuued from day to lay between said hours nntil all ot said tola and lands charged will, such dellu aueuts are sold Kll PAl.TO.y foiinty Treasurer. Tulsa Count). Oklahoma. uM.iNQrr.NT 'or tkab ii Original Townati. Sec. or Kangeor Amount Hesrrlptlnn. Lot. Block. 'IStsx M IIS of W. 55., , 8 1 t SJM All All N. to All All , All All All All All All All All All All AH All All All All All K. JO All W. 45 of K W. 10 All W. 60 All All E. 02 YV. 45 l-ot 4 and W. 4A of B. 4.i r.. oo W. 80 of E 80. . . . All All Lot 13 and E. 4i. . X. 9 of 8. Hi All W. 50 All E. 40 Lot S and E. 40 of 8. 50 N. 50 All A All S. 40 of 8. 75 K. 9o of S 75 E. 10 of W. 50 of S. 75 E. 45 of S. 10 S 70 of YV. 90 YV. es ot S 65 YV. 40 of E. 50 of N 80 R. 100 of 8. 50 E. S5 of YV. 100. . . N 50 All All All all All .Wl All All All All All All 7. .. AH 8 5 of N. 10. . All 1 All 1! All 3 N. 48 4 9 52 4 All 5 All o VV. 0 7. 8 E. .10 7, 8 N. 50 5 -V. 50 R 8. SO 8 50 1 W. 70 5 8. 2d 1 ot 7 nil w. 00 of K. 35 7 V. 50 of YV 00 8 N. 15 of r. 50 Lot 7 and K. 60 8 K. 100 1 X. 25 Lot 4 and S 12 H 5 N. 87V, of 8 50. . 5 K. 95 of W. 75 4 K. 25 4 AM 8 K. 50 Lot 8 A V 75 4, 5 2 8 1 2 8 4 5 6 T 8 9 10 11 1 2 8 4 6 a. t 1. 3 1. I 1. 3 3 8. 4 1 2 4 5 a a l a 14 l 8 4 8 8 A 7 8 1 4 4 4 7 7 T 7 1 8 5 l. a 18 14 15 18 17 18 ft 20 21 2 J 2.1 24 4 Mayor. Taxes (or the fiscal year ending June 90, ! 8. 75 N. 80 of 8. 75. .. 8. 50 N. 50 N. 87 S of N. 75. 8 90 N 75 N. 50 N. HO N. 50 8. 50 50 .'O 05 45 Of N. 75. . 50 of W. 95 4 7 7 I 7 7 7 In 11 12 12 12 1-1 1 13 14 15 JK 22 24 24 24 30 84 85 85 35 35 85 85 30 86 8d 88 36 80 SO SO 40 40 40 H 41 41 2 44 44 40 40 40 . 47 47 47 40 40 40 51 53 58" 53 54 56 00 0 si 64 64 65 as 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 66 tit) 60 6 66 66 68 69 70 70 70 74 60 80 81 84 86 84 87 67 " 90 91 91 9t 95 95 95 95 95 97 102 102 102 102 108 10.1 105 105 106 10T 112 111 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 119 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 124 140 181 133 133 1S5 193 185 134 lid 18rt 142 142 142 143 144 145 146 146 148 150 161 151 158 138 154 184 154 155 158 102 168 32 20 40.91 8 22 87.1)3 .90 1 -ID 2 1 4 0 H5 8 l.rf 21.10 98.37 25 IS 69 .'.7 28 34 10 10 4 S3 15 01 2.56 .7S 20 62 l aj 66 35 1 Al 41 HA 3 63 101 26 66 67.62 50 72 66 50 50 72 39 16 ISO 22 24 35 4 82.2(1 85 42 85 42 32 2n 82 20 66 85 99 82 1.70 MWAI. 38 5 ' 8 40 57 " ' 1 7 4 00 2 7 ! 9 8 B .50 10 8 118 .97 12 S 15 8 8 4U;10 8 87 8 6.5038 8 9 It 040,10 11 II It 8 40 24 11 20 11 7.80 llerrv Addition. 10 11 1 HO.'. 12 18 1 214 8 H6. 22 4 25 4 8 HH 26 4 tloW 6 11914! 8 9 19 10 6 44 7 8 12 15 13 3 22! 1U 13 17 13 3 22, 18 13 5 A 18 16 10 4 6 21 Lot 8 and rt. 2 9 22 Bellview Addition. S .".ii. 4 X. 10. 4 8 21 10 part Tract 20 of Bliss 1 8 4 0 2.i.7i 0 11 8 05 1 6 8 05i 7 12 8 22 10.101 1 to. Lot 5 and N. 25. Addition. 48.471 !i 2 J2:ii 5 8 72.45 Buena Y'ista Addition. 6 1 8 0 11 I 5 6 5 20 .49 4 3D 24 15 40 25 40.25 8 87 9A AH St 62 87 98 C2.79 13 09 40.00 4 8. 'I 33.01 1 83 2 41 8 6,1 1 HI 8 85 14 40 83 81 80 91 4 09 4 51 60 38 4D 25 83.72 82 20 56.72 68 50 63 50 5-8.50 60 71 87 25 50 26 50 28 50 28 50 28 58 SO 14 06 13 00 17.92 20 85 24 85 113 75 115.92 10.45 65 204 17 1.80 12.82 41 86 17.71 8.85 56 85 51 52 27 87 888 26 115 92 2 12 .20 .20 .78 128.80 19 32 9 66 9 68 13 84 6 44 21.74 12.20 11 27 3.22 101.25 .90 .50 115 1.15 i 13 43 ! 77 28 ! 25.76 I 20.93 , 20 95 19.82 29 82 19 .12 17 71 17.71 17.71 16 10 16 10 25 98 4.22 I 2.22 ! 1 12 ' 1 12 ' 1.06 1 16 1.22 I 1.12 ' 2.15 1 20 82 20 74 06 1.12.02 110.60 64.40 T115 51 51 129 77 1.19 9.00 1 59 4 85 4 88 40 25 90 16 89 17 4 79 166.61 2 39 11 85 289 80 1 04 118 82 e 7U 108 04 1 56 85 80 19 80 69 56 85 64 40 80 50 307.45 1 5 7 9 9 IS 14 14 16 10 17 19 Rurgesa 12 24 22.54 19 61 27 87 16.101 29 3S 46.69 40.251 2H.6A 60.01 54.74 2.42 5 11 6 ..15 0 Hill Addition. K B7 6 I.ot 6 and all Lot 6 and N. HO 9 15 89 8 40. . . .10 ..19 0 4 6 7 9 12 13 14 16 16 16 19 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 8. 1 2 10 1M 19 1 3 17 18 Rurni'tt Addition. 2 15 17 20 2 4 16 8 4 4 4 9 9 12 4 24 I5 4 6.441 4 26 oh; 9 .SOI 9 .81 9 1.46 Bradv lleighta Addition. 9 1 2 I7 8 8 6 5 29 7HI10 6 u a 22 54! Brennan-Keid Addition. 8 1 14 40 Carlton Place Addition. 8. 25 Lot 6 and N. 25. .. 7 1 S. 25 Ixt 9 and N. 26. ..10 1 All 13 and 14 1 42 2 103.04,45 2 Central Tark Addition. 2 8 22. 3 2 5 10.80 6 6 7 82 20110 7 7 8 06 1 8 11 9021 Cody Addition. 1 9 6A 7 3 2 48.74110 3 1 12.00 Cody snd Iiolloway Addition. 1 16 551 8 1 2 12.07 1 16 10 0 3 Crosbie Heights Addition. 29.70,12 29 7SI 6 7 63.13 4 11 Drew Addition. 64 40ll 3 Earns Addition. 48. .10 5 8 Eastland Ad lit ion. 1.45116 I 15.09,44 2 1 1 - 1871 5 4 3 20.61 15 I 6 6 44 14 4 7 41 3 3 11.59 8 7 11 lto 8 10 12 82 86 16 17 II 85 37 48 4S 47 49 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 14 16 18 20 30 82 42 44 4A 48 50 62 54 14 18 18 20 22 14 SO 22 24 27 It 19 17 1 1 a s 3 8 8 8 4 4 5 6 a o 6 6 A 7 7 7 7 7 7 T 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 18 IS IS IS Foreat Park 4.(I2 8 8 22 12 104.361 7 6.44) 9 6 44 11 7.08(81 8 22135 8.2215 . 8 22 1 6 3 22 18 3 22113 8 22 20 2.58 2s 8 22144 8 2248 2 58148 1.93150 8.22116 8 2218 8 23120 8 22122 3.68124 1 6l!26 3 2213 8.22115 8.22117 8 22(19 8 22129 8 22-81 a. 224i 2.S843 2.5845 8.2247 8.22149 8 22 51 ' 8.22I5S 8 22113 8 22115 S.22'17 8 22119 8 22-21 8 22113 8.22i19 8 22 31 S 2223 4.51125 8.22126 S 8HII0 8 22113 8 22 14 aiillS 7 9 Addition. 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 5 6 A 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 T 7 7 . 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9- 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 18 IS IS IS 1 1 All less C. 60 Factory Addition. 20 1 1 S 1 a a t 13 a s i i a 6 .441 7 5 80(10 1 4 83121 27.871 Friend Oillette 74 00 122 86 ion an a 4 s Additloa. i 6 Fred Yeager Addition. 15 691 1 .61 3 .3. 48 so 7 a Gillette-Hall 6 1 16 10 3 1 6 J 56.60 2 4 9s 4 17. SO 12 4 4 t 26.06 12 S 6 t 48.47 N. 50 6 168 .47 W. 100 of N. 50. . . . 4 167 89 89 N 50 3 170 27 11 All 1 178 341.50 8 50 4 175 189 40 N. 50 ..1 4 175 91 16 YV. MS 1 177 64.40 Stolts Subdivision. l.ote 4, i and 6 174 115.92 8. 50 5 168 1 63 , Original Townslte. N. 50 1 184 68 04 8 60 2 184 63.01 K 100 ot 8 150.. 8 184 106 Ml 1 186 190 All 1 186 8 03 N. 60 191 S5 41 8. 50 ft 191 85.43 X. 50 ... 5 191 85 42 X. 50 6 191 60 94 8. 50 8 191 8494 S So of X. 70 3 193 69 13 F.. 86 8 4 19) 80.50 8. SO 1 197 94 89 All 4 197 189.86 8 .50 ft 197 82 01 N. 45 4 199 48.80 YV. 60 1 302 54 74 N 75 a 108 90 16 N! 52 of 8 100. . .. 0 108 14 15 N. 55 8 103 02.79 Abdo Addition. Sec. Range AmountlSee. Range Amount or or of or er of Lot. Block. MaTasLot. Block. 'ISTst I I 1118 1 1 '115 10 I 1 is!ll 1 1.1S 24 1 10 62.15 1 10 82 34 1 10 83,27 1 15 14 ft l.0 ft I U Holmes Addition. 7 1 82 081 8 1 9 1 82 0a19 1 20 1 37.2811) 3 21 3 8 J 67)23 1 Gillette Hall Addition. 7 18 161010 IS 14 IS 85 42 1J 14 15 14 71.451 Walla Addition. 1 ' 1 57 82 17 . 1 19 1 38 98 Oilleltr Hal! Addltlou. 7 18 37.931 5 19 II 19 83 121 3 10 IS 30 10 95 Olaas Factory Addition. S 17.711 Grsndvlexr Addition, 1 34 90 6 S Horner Addition. 1 I 51.621 1 8 Harbour Addition. 5 8 10.4710 a llackalhorn Addition. All lest 60(100 1 1 60x100. 5 3 S 12 6 1 5 7 1 931 6 7 Hodge Addition. 7 ft 48.471 S 9 5 10 28 98 Irving Place Addition. 4 1 419 1 1 2 3 .40 S 1 4 3 .40 5 3 6 a .40 a 4 4 .97 6 4 6 4 .32 9 4 3 5 .04 7 ft 8 ft 418 9 ft 10 8 1.93 10 13 13 13 119 19 It 14 11 1 26 17 12 18 It 125 S 13 4 IS 1 29 6 14 T 16 13 40 ft 17 8 17 1 .90 11 17 4 It 316 8 11 8 SI .65 4 31 ft 31 .64 Kirk wood Addition. I 1 193.041 T 1 8 49 7 21 8.50 .97 8 49 8 50 8 49 8.40 7.08 5 14 8.87 0 44 12. HS 8 22 3.22 12 54 8 87 2 41 12 07 161 8.06 8.05 12.87 N. 48. . . . 4 5 8 6 I.KtiAI.. 1 109 041 6 K. a. 10 10 18 22 21 23 - 3 12 20 22 24 ' of N. S. 45 7 V: 45 ft K. 85 of YV'. 70 1 1 1.091 Kirltpstrirk HaiflUs Addition. 5 3 8 20 80 6 4 29 60' 1 7 4 6 32 21 4 5 31,4 ,'. 21 0122 .V 14 05:24 0 24 MIIII K 20 81)1 1 9 0 8 22 21 A 8 22123 0 8 22 Lindsay Addition. 85.42 4 : 105. . . 1. 2 4 II 27 9 .10, 11, 12 I. 2 ') 7 9 23.85 8. 10 Lot 2 and all 3 All 6 and N. 12 9 8.88 Lot 9 and N.16 ..10 88.64 8. 83 ' I.ot 10 and ,N. 94 00 64.74 ' 193.64 40 25 II 27 1.77 25.21 17.64 17 64 28 98 19.82 41.86 87. H4 35.76 '83.00 07.62 23.37 8 05 8.05 50.72 j 11 49 63.13 48.30 20.93 ' 25. 7A tl 44 6.44 I 0.44 .80 .64 2.20 16.10 99.62 18 V4. . 2 4 13 13 20 S 19 5 13 3 15 1 8 1 14 YV. E. I. 2 16 6 88 15 15 Lynch 1 8 6 A 0 7 8 9 10 14 14 17 4 ft. ft. 0 6 8 II 4 08 8 22.641 6 t Korsythe 4 51121 o.HOl 10 11.001 14 83 14.33 6 44 4.03 9.60 13.08 75.07 33.81 II 13 13 12 15 17 Addition. 2 3 7 7 8 9 13 14 14' 18 4.50120 Maple Ridge Addition. 19.601 15 4 15 4 109.9415 6 4.831 5 8 3.24 . 59.57 6119 212.52 104.65 3.22 19.32 8.05 8.05 27 81 61.90 48 74 4. OR 9.66 81 40 22.54 85.42 17.71 1 45 15.99 4 61 4 83 1.29 22 80 6 44 8.22 9.66 6.44 6.44 8.22 8 22 8 22 0 44 8.22 8 22 8.22 3 58 8 22 8.22 2.57 1 93 8 22 8.22 3 22 8 22 1.68 1 61 - 8.22 8 22 8 22 8 22 8 22 3 22 8.22 2.57 8 22 8.22 8 22 8 22 8 23 3 22 8 22 8 22 8 22 8 22 , 8 22 8 22 8 22 8 22 8 22 8.22 8 22 8 22 8 22 8.22 15.46 5.79 8 05 S.15 35 78 64.40 119.14 45 OS 40 35 8010 36 14 81 76 38.63 40 93 80 44 83.15 84.31 14.49 65.85 14.49 54 25 43.63 33.54 74.00 88.98 48.80 33.54 .64 .97 10.45 .48 .40 .40 .94 .94 .82 1 19 .64 .97 1 89 1 15 a 25 3 25 I 57 3.90 .90 .64 Midway Addition. 5 1 9 6H 0 1 2 2 25.70 9 2 11 2 4 02 111 X 19 8 22.72 20 8 1 4 53.31; 3 4 4 -4 5H.I4! 8 4 12 4 0 44; 1 6 2 5 8 44 1 8 Miti-hell-Crotbie Addition. I.ot :i and X. 25 4 1 8. 35 4 1 - 6 1 43.79119 1 20 1 8.80 6 2 7 2 22.54 13 2 15 2 4 02,10 2 23 2 4 02 1 ' 8 . 2 8 1.61 8 8 Mornlngnde Addition. 8 1 8.22,23 5 24 5 8 221 1 6 2 M 8.22 3 6 4 6 8.221 5 6 Otol'2 8 151.601 1 13 4 17 61.48) N. 2 2 24 8. 2 A- 2 24 North Tulsa Addition. 8. 70 S. 70 N. 60 N. 45 . N. 43 8 Lot 12 and M 31.2 S. 1DO It f mil Is. 90 . . .' 8 ! 8. 90 I X. 50 . . ! k. oo . iYV. 50 . 8. 80 . . E. 40 of and E. YV. 85 . X. 20 40 ... Lot 18 . 6 . 2 . 1 . 2 .10 . 8 . 9 . 3 8 . 7 . 1 2 5 ft 6 9 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 Dawson Subdivision. S. 50 I.ot 2 and part. 1 1 2 1 16 911 3 1 North Tulsa Addition. 14.531 o 4 of 8. 85 6 5 6 X. 87 ft 7 9 Ill 12 20.93 4 50 52 40 45 4 12 S. N. N. 8. N. All less N. 50 . 8. SO .., X. 50 . . 15 X. 47 Lot 7 snd 8. 15 8 N. 25 8 YV. 212 t 18 YV. 42 of E. 50. N. 50 S. 50 7 N. 50 8. 82 8. 18 Lot 8 and all 1 8 6 61.18 18 21 21 19 140.10 2 117 971 4 140.541 73 1 21 Lot 1 and X. 25 3 19 30 31 21 22 22 12 25 81 84 1 17 19 22 24 10 20 10 13 6 4 a 4 Leal 8-8 10 10 YV. North Side Addition. 4.181 2.74 5.79 3.641 4.19 4.51 10.95 4 51 1094 6 12 All 5.47 6.47 Oakdale Addition. 22 80 11 13 2 18 21 2B 7 8 15 16 9 11 7 All Lot ft 4 80 ft. Oak 4 83 26.90 12.07 12.88 8 10 10 and 8. 60 of 1 8 9 10 VY. N. 4 4 8 YV. E. YV 1 14 ft 7. 8 2 16 ft 6 - ft 7 W. 9 9 N. a 3 8 10 45 of E 45 14 16 10 . ... on 1 a 23 "i 14. 15. 22 ra of E. 45 15 27.16 28.62 28.66 79 48 88.641 8 43 19.82 18 69 2 91 18.09 Grove 81.50 167 44,10 X. 10. . 6 48 80 87.03(10 9 Owena Addition ft 10 Addition. 4 4 ft 6 IS 19 81 33 24 . 26 38 14 81 81 87 Ys 34 85 W. 85 3, All 88 8 42 YV..70 ., 100 of K. 5.64 87.881 6.44 22.641 90 14 and 15 2 . 8.22! 5 6.44 8 15 16 . . .10 14, .. .18 13 6 .10 45.081 8 S2.20 i!98 4 8.22 2 8 3 a 8 8 11 14 14 . 17 17 IT 17 19 20 21 14 26 27 26 29 81 81 81 85 87 42 46 45 1 8. 4 26 90 82 34 24 8i 8 fc. T 0 a 4 a 5 7 9 It Mi; 15 I 20 22 24 40 70 I 1 vv. 8. 8. 13 11 20 I :S it it 15 I 1 6 9 i'" 8 V ' ' 8 Geo. 1 Oak lawn Addition, 2.85 8 17 .7115, 6, 7 8. 22,29 823. 81 8 22,30 S.22 10.4717 24 8.061 a 18.66 4 6,6 ' 10.101 8 1 61 ,805 8.05 8.05 2 25 1 28 1.26! 3 38 2 25 2 2 2 26 2 25 7 10 11 II 11 II ia 13 ir 14 14 14 6 78:14 4 Park Hill Addition. 11 71123 11 7121 T.i a 11.71 4 11 71 21 It 71128 12 79113 12 79114 13 79I6 I 61; 3 1.6l 4 1 1 t 10 180.8j 67.62 108.26 1 08 20.68 6 82 6 31 27.87 24 01 5.16 37 71 8.22 8.22 8 22 12H.80 85. 83 43 47 19 82 86.04 92.20 28.98 35.42 2115 4 02 12.88 9.02 1 0.95 3.58 14 83 18.68 11.27 9.02 9 86 85 42 9.66 9.86 25.76 9.83 9 83 8.70 2 25 I 40 4f s lot All 7 I A V . . 5 12 I 31 6 15 13 16 6 x. : x. : All 10 11 3 2 2 IiFUAIi. "161114" 1 All'l 1.6112(1 i.aijaa -l oris 1.61:20 1.6 1 1 22 1.6180 1.6I32 1.29114 1.291.) 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 Hiverview Addition. 24 15 2 2 67 62 87.621 0 11 Seig Addilijn. 8.05 Sinai's Addition. 4.181 2 I 8.H7 7 1 S.87 1 3 South Side Addition. 5 4 19iU8 6 28.9047 6 16 68100 10 2 427 11 13.22 113 and 113 K. Staiisbcrry 3 100 20! 4 144. 90 2 4 Stonebrel'er Addilion. 1 02 04! 90 lota 7, 8; of 8. 10 O 6 8 10 12 Addition, 8 8 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 , Lot 14: Lot 14. 8 79.731 9 01.16 lit 77 2s'ao 17.71122 1 54.66! H 28.98112 22.64115 67.02 4 07.02 7 8 26.15 41 . . 15 3 3 8 6 5 0 7 7 8 8 8 IA I.ot 21, 8. 80 Lot. 22 9 I 10, II, 9 66 27.55 51.70' 22 72 58.78 I 8.22 6.44 40.09 54.74 I 8 22 I 3.54 i 24.15 9 06 ! 2.42 2 09 8.22 8.22 8.22 3.22 8.22 0.44 8.66 3.87 12.88 62.77 16.91 80.50 151.34 30.03 193.20 90.16 25.78 24 16 96.t0 75.07 41.80 24 15 16.10 60.64 6.06 25 40 40. 12 11 3 18 12 IS Stuttsiran Addition 4 03! 2 8 Hui set Addition. J 681 6 : Townley Addition. 20 74 2 2 25.211 Turli-y Addition. ! I 3 1 1 1 I 10 3o; tl 8 14.40 N. 44 45 and N. 12 of 62 6x140 liutwccn Lot 7, 206 mid 2 4 5 4 7 4 8 - 4 T 'I'. Addilion. 3.2.20; I 8 S 4 II 4 12 4 YYoodlawn Addition. 9 200 9 200 7.27 34.47 16.74 18 35 17.71 64 40 61 18 8.05 ' 9 40 22.64 12.88 6 44 13 89 48 90 87.0.1 20.93 9.66 19.32 80.94 72.48 117.06 19 0; 6.04 3.58 7.73 19 82 4 19 4.51 4.51 4.50 16.10 38 98 6.48 6.48 9 209 Y?air Addition. 6 1 Irreirulac Tracts. That XV, 8W, X. of Bit 8. West Tu'xa, and E. ot Frisco Hy. 3 210 I.esa Ry. II 10 13 West Tulsa. That 12 A. off of S. tide of K. XYV. 44 fiW. M and Lot 3 Less Ry II 19 13 SE. 'i SYV. U HE. 14 Less Ry 1 9 12 5 10 12 10 12 J 19 6 14 13 3 I II 10 I'l 14 10 18 20 22 24 14 1'. 7 8 14 22 24 11 7 25 40 to 12 17 26 90 82 80 4 6 8. 36128 8.32 Perrvman Addition. 63.151 i 8 90 8. I 28 of E. 80 1 4 4 6 A ' Pouder-Pomeroy Addition. 4.02 1.01 8.41 1.61 106.26 e " "O 88 64 90.16 6.44 5.63 16.18 10.47 32.54 10.51 30.86 1 78 ' 8.05 6.44 6.44 16.87 82.20 41.86 61.18 41.05 87.08 8.43 85.02 t.82 14 70 16 21 40.25 25.70 1 8.05 4 8.1 88.84 3 20 86.42 8.22 8.23 ' 3.22 451 4 44 39 79 8.05 8.05 3.25 9 01 8 OS 8.05 80S . 8 26 8.26 8 26 3.26 3. Si 3 25 3.25 as 2.35 8 15 4 10 13 17 2 10 22 20 37 12 14 26 80 SI 44 4 6 9 11 15 22 26 86 19 41 8 5 9 12 25 27 29 81 S3 27 39 4 19 80 98 46 47 14 19 84 87 89 43 47. ft' 7 9 11 17 9 17 1 4 6 6 7 8 s 9 9 9 10 11 1 1 12 12 13 12 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 15 12 24 25 29 29 92 89 88 88 84 34 85 86 85 86 87 S7 40 41 . 41 41 42 42 42 42 43 48 49 48 48 44 44 44 44 44 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 40 46 - 46 44 44 46 48 46 47 47 47 ' 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49V 49 60 60 West Tulsa 25.76 32.20! 97'lt 1.29 4 . 1.931, .0 o .64 lilr 61 9 1 91-111 8.70,11, S 801 6 2 90, 4 .97115 7.56 1 .971 .97 5 .871 7 .97 8 97lll .97' 13 .97146 .9411 r 96,19 .90121 .94123 .9d'il3 4. WIS .97112 .97 8 .97113 8.22126 9.01 12.1 1.12110 1 2S17 1 29ll4 1 9330 1 6H47 .9l 1 1.9:i!16 2.25118 2.28'20 1.13131 1.2987 1.81 1.9.1 .97 .971 .97 .97 .90 47 6 :t 7 14 9 5 .90111 .90 K. .97 16 .971 8 97121 .97125 .97)27 .97 9 .97113 .97125 .962 7 871 .97 .96 .9d .96 .97 .97118 .97 21 .97125 .96185 .97 .97 .97 .96 .96 .94 88 40 44 4 6 .97119 .97126 .9712 9630 .96 32 .96 .98 .97: .97 .97 .97 .46 .90 .96 .97 .90 .97 .97 .48 .96! .48 .97 .97 .97 .97 .96 .90 86 98 2 ft 20 84 46 48 16 30 35 19 12 1008 1009 1910 Town. 8 5 0 . 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 15 22 25 28 29 82 82 83 83 83 84 85 85 85 80 86 87 89 41 41 41 42 42 . 42 42 42 48 48 43 43 44 44 44 44 41 45 45 45 45 45 46 45 45 46 45 46 46 46 46 40 46 46 48 46 46 46 47 47 47 97458 41 43 4 0 8 10 16 6 14 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 49 50 60 ir 1 61 1 til 1 l 1 til 1 ri 1 ',1 1 Ol LSI ! .29 4.29 e'0.9.1 1 74 8 H7 a 87 16.73 28 00 2H.90 4 h:i 2.5ii 85.43 01.19 04 40 82 20 77.26 17.71 V0.93 28 9 25.76 22.54 109 48 135 24 138 40 84.34 206.08 212.52 24.9s 11.27 20 00 2.57 21.07w 8.05 8 5 10.47 85.42 12 8s 9 AO 7 89 5.15 4186 4 I SO 11.1 14 . 45.08 .92 1.01 4.83 8.22 16 91 12.89 83.72 88.80 94.44 87.97 52.2-1 25.76 .(Mi 1 9 1 1.94 101 1.93 3 25 ?1 9l i 25 1 29 .9(1 .96 .97 .97 .97 .97 .97 .97 .97 .90 .9il .911 .97 .82 4.51 9f 3.64 8 22 1.13 1.61 9T 1 29 101 1.61 .97 3 25 2.31 1.13 1.2U 1.29 161 .97 .90 .97 .97 .90 .90 .9'! .97 .97 97 .94 .97 .97 .97 87 .94 ' .90 .97 .96 .94 .97 .97 .97 .97 .96 .97 .97 .97 .97 .96 .96 .90 .97, .97 . .90 .90 .9A ' .90 .97 .97 .97 .49 .90 .90 .97 .97 ' .97 .97 .49 .44 .48 .94 .97 .97 .97 .97 .80 Mooit'i Addition to West Tula 01 IS Tina 1 38 1.98 61.18 8.7 161 j 161 84 16 18 20 22 24 10 14 16 IS 3o 21 94 36 88 10 1 Riverside 11.37 .97 18 1 9829 7.081 5 1 61 7 1 61 11 1.98( Addilion to 1.291 5 3.87 15 ,6A 19 1.81 21 1.81 35 ,6S27 .65129 1 81 1 81 1 81 .66 1.81128 18125 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.82 1.82 181 1.81 1.82 1.81 II IS 17 19 21 28 95 37 39 81 a Weil 11:27 .97 1 94 1.61 1 61 1 81 Tulsa. 1 39 a 67 1.81 1.81 .66 .66 .65 1 83 181 3.19 1.81 181 1 83 1 83 1 81 1 1.8J 1 70 l.St 1.81 8.07 181 1 81 ea.ta CONTINUED ON NEXT FA0K