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TULSA DAILY WORLD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1917 J3 rcuptfOfits: offKt eooo V neuoiNct i -4-500 JAII.Y TIIOT. I H"f)it;ility Ik cne of the tilings I I whiih the mer enjoy in Hun I world, a n the fruit of which he I relishes In the worhl to onine. I Kroin 'The Him; of luM I.e- I I Musky." J Tlw t nlrndar for l-'rlilny. Wmion's patriotic r;i!ly In innl.t"r luin of hietli school. June AiMniiiK chant ni'iua meets at library. Si. ha Crotto cian. .it Kile' iluti ballroom. i Lofting chili melting in homo of Mrs. Hurry II. Hovers. San Souct ilub meet with Mr' H I Seltz. ' I'hl Ielta. The marriage will culmi nate a romance of schooldays. Wliillicr School. The Patrons'-Teachers' association will meet, thin evening for the follow ing program: l lano Mrs. W. H. Hlulr Hecltution (Iwendlno 'NaKh "Amerl''u". .Suih and Seventh tirades Mediation Clayton Kurly Iteoitation Karl Imrney Vlnhn Iiorothy Card Addresses hy members of Liberty loan committer. Song "Star Fpungled Hanner" I Puncheon. M'liteitnin informally ut luncheon IIS. Al'.THCH C. km Kit w:11 this afternoon to honor .Mrs. Moore JJorM't of Sherman, Texas, who is the Kiicwt of .Mrs. John A. Owen. Mrs. lrset has been the honored guest t ninny d"lightful Informal affair ince her arrival the first of the week. pinner PartT. A dinner party for eletn lnul Mr Pon A. Hnxter an host last evening at the Country club. : The Irving School P.itrons'-Teach- 'erss' association recently reorganized h eln t.iig Mrs. I.. K. Waggoner, pres ident; Mrs. H. H. All" n. vice-pr esident ; j.Mrs. C. K. Reynolds, secretary. Miss I'rancc Hunter, a leather In the n hool. was elected a Inenihi r of the 'executive committee. These officers. 1 together with the principal. Mr. J. H. I llrown, and Miss Hunter, compos- the ! .. ,.e i. ...Vw.l ril'l unit) l Oil l 111 11 l ' 01 in bi ihjwi. ! following the election, there were talks on the Liberty loan by Kupt. K. ; nl.erhotzer and Mr. J. P. Kvers, and ;a program by chiloren from the va rious rooms. The association antici pates a very succcwful year s activl- tua. quired place of. residence, on South rtmln.i r..nn fra Dnvle's mother. Mm. M. B. Nennard. is quite 111 with i.... A a 1 . r t , n I In a I IllUIIISIltlll BIIU is m ...-. - . local hospital. Mrs. II. R. Kilpatruk was hostess to the young matrons of her card club yesterday afternoon at her suite In East l.ynne apartments. Two table were formed by the membership and the prlie of lingerie was awarded to Miss Julia Jergison. Luncheon was set on the card tables. Me Tiber pres ent were Mesdames II. J. Wltz. Walter lUriamati. Hunt. F. I- Plttman. Scott. Hugh Simmons, ami Miss Jergison. Mrs. A. M. Weaver was hostess to matrons of the Art. circle in a de lightful meeting. Wedneaaay afrer- r.oon. The club has resolved itself Into a knitting unit of the Navv league and will devote the meeting time every to weiks Into making knitted gar ments for men In the navy. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Walker and daughter, Miss IMen. are home from a month's trip to Wahlngton. Balti more. New' York and boston. Miss Rhea Walker, who accompanied the family, remained over In Jopnn, Mo., f'T a xlslt with her sister, Mrs. J. Wesley tiround. I Punkville Faragraphs 1, 1 .wi v - r ) ! M 1 ' mm- 1 I Mr. Fernand Pe iueldre arrived home yesterday from Chicago to re main until the first of the year. At that time Mr. Ie Oueldre expects to return to the city to resume his studies under Madame lireed, u well known tutor. To Marry Nutiinlur. Miss Beanlah Yarisellns, daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. H. Vanselbm of pona City, and Mr. Wlliiain Kdwards. also of I'onca city, are to he the principals of a wedding on Saturday winch Is of considerable Interest in Tulsa, where Mr. Kdwards attended Henry Kendall college and was leader In if hletlcs. The bride spent two years nt iklnhoma university ami Is a member of the Heta I'hl sorority. Mr. Kdwards Is a Hi thar.y chapter, Westminster guild, will meet regularly this afternoon In the church parlors. The meeting will be called promptly at 2:30 o'clock In order thut those who wish may attend The patriotic mass meeting at the hlgn school auditorium. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ieslle I Ioyle have faken a suit's In the Hi ck apartments on Carson avenue, where they will be at home to friends until they can secure possession of their newly ac- Mrs M. Kahn of liaHas, Texas, wtto has been visiting relatives In this city for several days, will return horns to day. Miss Blanche Kahn, who aoconi panled her mother, will remain Ov for a longer time. Homer The Famous Contralto Is Coming Mon., Oct. 29th Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Rogers and little daughter Kvelyn have returned from Washington, where they went for a visit following two months spent with their home-folk In Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Hex King, who long have been residents of Tulsa, are mak ing preparations to remove to 1IU worth, (ikla., where Mr. King has been transferred. The Misses Nell and Kate Melvin and Mr. Tom Melvin have returned from the east, whera they attended the funeral and Interment of their brothi r. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Ford and daugh ter, Miss Vivian Ford, of Muskogee, who motored to Tulsa the first of the week to visit friends, returned home yesterday. -AT- Convention Hall "... VM)Elt THE AUSPICES OF THE Apollo Club To hear Homer is a privilege and an opportunity which every music-lover will want to embrace. It pre sents the unique opportunity of a direct personal ob servation of her wonderfully beautiful voice for com parative consideration with her historic .Victor Records. Attend the concert and hear her rich and colorful voice, beinK particularly careful to observe the individual characteristics that so plainly identify her renditions. Then come in and hear the Victor Records by Homer. You will be instantly convinced that on the Victrola her art and personality are brought to you with unerring truth. It is this absolute fidelity that emphasizes the suprem acy of the Victrola, so firmly established on a basis of great things actually accomplished; a supremacy readily recognized and acknowledged by the world's greatest artists who make records exclusively for the Victor. There are Victors and Victrolas in great variety of styles from $10 to $100. We'll gladly demonstrate them at any time, and tell you about our easy terms. 417 So. Main A. J. OK1PR. MANAGER Miss Jean Pringle has returned from a visit to friends in Cherryvale, Kan. Inirlng her visit in that elty Miss Prlngle was honored by hw friends with a scries of pretty soelat affairs. Miss Katheryn Houch of Okmulgee, who has been the guest of Miss Jose phine Irwin several days, will return home today. Mrs. L. S. Barton and Mrs. William Blake will go to Oklahoma City to be In attendance ot the performances of grand opera. Several from hero attended a lec ture at the Bounding Billows school Saturday night. The lecture was on temperance and during the course of Ms remarks the speaker drank a pitcher of water. Atlas Pe'k says one good thing about a home-talent audience is that they applaud whether It is or ain't. Jeffersm Pollocks has had some pictures made of himself and has given one to his wife. They are so natural yo'i can almost hear his watch ticking. Hew und Mrs. J. V. Abel and family have removed to 91 S South Boulder avenue, where they will soon be at home to -friends. Pr. and Mrs. Charles W. Day will leave on Sunday for New York, where Doctor Day goes to attend the National Dental association meeting. Mrs. A. F. Kneale and Miss Kllia heth Kneale are at home to friends at 9D2 South Cheyenne avenue, where they recently removed. Dr. Kvelyn Young has returned from Oklahoma City, where she visited relatives for two weeks. Mrs. Charles y. Noble left last night for a visit In Knnsas City, during the gTand opera season. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gillette will go to Kansas City for' the grand opera season. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hemlnger and little son Joe have gone for a several dflys' visit In Dallas, Texas. Menus for A Pay. (Tulsa Morning World.) BHKAKIWST Stewed peaches Wheat cakes, stuffed sausage LUNCHKON nisiiue tomato soup Creamed codfish with baked potatoes Cookies I H XX Kit Kscalloped salmon Baked sweet potatoes Wilted lettuce Bread pudding The Hlffrroncv. "What does our dad ly do?" "He runs a street car." "Mine does. too. but he don't nl-wav- catch It." Hoi-Ida Tinies-Fnlon. Jtjy ilk 'fx W COATS AVliy arc we soiling so many coats and suits! This question is asked daily. "Vc are carrying nothing but high class styles and materials and we sell on the plan of low profits and large number of sales. You will find this lino complete with select styles, embodying the best of materials in plushes as well as cloths. We will be glad to show you. Special Reduction on dresses rest of this week. Hats if others ask $10 we have it for $7.f0: if others ask $5 we have it for $3.75. Parisian E Phone 5190. 116y2 So. Main. Upstairs. (OVER WONDK11LAND THEATER) City News in Brief II RS. J R BKSTII.K il B operiUT pa tient in a locitl hospital. I PATRICK I TOY ' r imed iuperriior of roidi in lln'i township yeiterdsy by the county rommiftMoneri. C. R. TETFR nd WiilUm BriIroe of Muki(?e were in the city yciterdsy on bukinrn. ilR AS I j WRH Trl.xKI.E9 R Mt'RPHY of IMS South Detroit announce the birth of kti eight-jKoinii dsujtbter, Anna Louite. FKR.NAND d Oueldre of the D Oueldro tndie arrived In TtiUa yettarday from OM rafo to remain until Ihn'tirit of the year id the intarcit of lh holiday trade. P. A. PISfiLER of the Standard Car Con itrurtir.n company, whoae headquarters la in St. Louii, la io Tulsa for few daya on buaineis. Tha vounx tODl'a elaaa of West TuUa Baptint rhun h will give a o-ial Friday , ..... i - '.OA l It.. k..rK Th. nnKlii. ' ii invited. T. K. FREVCII of ths Charln I.uVini Auto company haa joined the other tnemhera of tha aviation corpi for training- at Anitin, Teiai. I - WiTER R. JARRETT. aecretarr of tha atate board of pharmacy, and Paul Weslfall, prominent drug'iM of Oklahoma City, spent yesterday in Tulta on buaines. g MRR. MARTHA Griffith and Mra. W. P. EckeU of Kane. Penn., ars viiitinf in ths homa of Mr. and Mn. T. II. Jouci, 9U2 North Denver avenue. TR. THOMAS M. It ASKIXS left lat night for Chirago to attend a five daya j ton or me long-reni 01 .orin American aurgfona. DIVORCE DECREE naa yesterday (ranted in Kiiperior court to Fannia K. Cox from B. CV Cox on the grounda of grota neglect and drunkenness. I WIT.T, MEYERS, a shite man of AlaunnJ was srratrned hefnre .iunc;e John II. wn kins. United States commissioner, yester day on a rharga of transporting "dope" drugs. Ilia hearing is set fur October 23. PAI'L C. YAT.T.TNODIOHAM. despstrher of mails at the TuUa poM office, has been transferred to the new snldier'a post office at Camo Pike, near l.iltle Rock. Ark. Val luitlighsm formerly was a lieutenant in tho ' .xmansaa national gnara. KEV. OF.OROE V. Tauhman of T.nne n.Bfh TbI fi.rm.rtv hl.lfir til Klr.t Tliri.. tlan church, this cilv, will arrive thia morn- in? for a week's stsy, during which time lie will ho entertained in the home of Mr. and Mra. Frank U. Walling OFFICER JACK Johnnon of the Wichita police forca yesterday turned J. l Walker over to tha TuUa county authorities, mak ing the trip with the prisoner. Walker ia charged with tha theft of $105 worth of oil pipe. A COMMITTEE of fiva made up from tha local Y. M. C. A. iict?d as hostesses to forty girls of the Draughon'a business college yes terday afterno'fi in the club housa at blf) South Denver. A program of rausio and gamea made up the afternoon. Forty girls wera preaent. J D. 1AMS. tennis champion of Tulsa for two yrart and in the scouting department of the trvpvv tiil company, has been pro moled and placed in charge uf the field work in the Ilealdton district. He has Riuveii, to Ardmore and opened an offii-e there. II A. I. ARSES', chief enforcement officer for the government in enfori'ln the liquor law in the .Indian conntrv, and his Mukoiree deputy. Charles E. Carpenter, were in TuNa ycntcrday on business. Mr. I.arsen's terri tory covers 41 slates, there being Indiana in every atate In the union except seven. I INFORMATION charging emhexilement was filed in Justice McDaniei'a court yester day against .1. A. Howe. Ha was arrested. arraigned and after pleading not guilty to the charge of taking $47 from ' Ma ' em ployera, the Harvey-Young Ml company went to jail in default of-t")0o bond. , ' i - i, Ltl U HUT yesterday filed iHnn for divorce from l.oren Flint In the superior court. They were married at Sand Springs in August. 191(1. Plaintiff asks for $.0 a month alimony, $ji for allorney's feea and the restoratioa f her ttiaiden aame, Leila Gllbreath. w ... CI.xfDE TINOI.FY ani tome other en thusiastic durk hunters have just com plete'l the erection of blinds and an addi tion to their clubhouse near Yerdigria ata tatiu in Kogera county. Tt Is a limited cluh and the nnunbera antieiate irea4 tport during the neit thirty daya. FOI K HUNDRED 'attended tha musical and reception held at Kendall college last night. Thia la an annual affair given hy the faculty member of tho college to tha downtown people. Following an Interest ing musical program In th auditorium a re ceiving Una was formed of-lhe faculty and their wlvoa and the remainder of the eveulug was apent lu a social way. F. B. HOWARD of Oklahoma City, atata auditor, la making speeches for tha Liberty loan in Rogers and Craig eonntlea. II has been making a sort of whirlwind campaign during tha past three days and haa been se curing great result. II will arrive In Tnlsa today and probably hav something to say so na emsaas vi luisa oeror re turning to hla poat. CHESTER M'KKOJf, who spent a short furlough her, has returned to Camp Bowl Fort Worth. Tataa, to pot qji tha final touches of tha training II is in th corn- any of angiaaara. whim was raised la laa. ana aaya that all ot In boys or an i loos to gat somewhere and do something beaid train. Ha is of th opinion that tha engineer will go to Franc oarlj lo tha prlng. JTDOOE R 0. ALLEX, Crack aatlonat attorosy, was here yesterday, bringing monsy to Toady Htaawattl. tha nil-blooded Croak octograortoa, wk live tkra Bail frees Jaoka. Judge Alls took kar ripply of Mo otkr wtattr otlls. ToMy't HEMSTITCHING On our third floor. You it find an expert oper ator for pieoting and hemstitching. New Location . SHEETS AND TOWELS A complete showing of sheets, pillow cases, linen, cotton and bath towels. MKZA.S'INK FLOOR Week-End Shopping Attractions in the Various Departments Economically Priced That Suggest Saving, for Friday and Saturday Attractive Skirts Priced at $5.95 We are showing some extremely clever styles In novelty woolen skirts in plalrig and Mtrlpes. Curments that are well tailored with upecial care given to every detail, in suring the proper lines and correct hang with a full that adds grace and style; every new feature is included in our showing. New pockets, belt effects, gathered backs; others full pleated styles in all sizes. If sold in the reg ular the price would be $7.50 to $8. Your (JP QP choice today, continuing Saturday, for nf0tjO -w W W Smart serge ureases uepricea at $14.75 New Crepe de Chine Waists $3J)5 Several smart Myles of good quality crepe de chine waists In fleeh and white, high neck, convertible col lars.' Shown in both plain and tucked models. A range of sizes. Triced special at REGULAR 4. 60 VALUE $3.95 A Showing of Clever Millinery at $5 This bright new showing of large and small shapes Is especially interesting at this price. Many models that feature Ideas shown in the more expensive lines. Priced and tabled special $5 Women's Smart Velour Hats $2JS5 Colors, green, rose. b:ck and blue Velour Sport Hats, large and small shapes, finished with wide bands of grosgraln ribbon. Priced special . . . FORMERLY TRICED UP TO $8.50 $2.95 Extra Special for the Week-End The Kind You Expect to Pay $18.50 For This selection of clex'er serges Includes some of the season's smartest models In good quality of navy, black, brown, beetroot ind plum serge. Dozens or attractive mooes in this collection. Triced special $14.75 v.. Knit Goods Knit goods have never been so attractive, so be coming and pretty as we have them this season. Beautiful yarns with blendings most unusual in sweaters, knit caps, hug-me-tights, knit legglns, infants' knit sets, bootees, Jackets, skating scurfs with caps to match. Come have a look. i Patriotic Stationery, 40c Box for 33c We have an unusually large department of fine box stationery in the very choicest note paper with envelopes to match, attractively boxed at popular prices, but as a special offer from this lepartment for the week-end we are going to of fer a box of fine linen finish stationery, "My Country" with U. 8. crest, the regular 40c box, Friday and Saturday for 33c Week-End Handkerchief Specials . Indies' Embroidered Linweave Handkerchiefs with colored picot edges; regular 25c values, Q special week-end price AiJC Ludies' Embroidered Crepe de Chine Handkerchiefs in assorted colors, rolled edge; our regular - Q 25c values, special week-end AOC Indies All-Linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs, hem stitched hems; our 25c sellers, special for f rf week-end; priced XlC From the Silk Section Fancy Silks In pretty bright plaids for children's dresses; our $1.50 quality, special for (S-t Qf week-end selling, per yard XoOtbt Velvet Corduroy In quite a number of very desirable snaaes; so incnes wide; our IZ quality, special for week-end, priced per yard .... iirmiuiiio $1.59 JEWELRY STKHI.IXG SILYKK BAU PIXS in a big range of sty!-?s; thenew shirtwaist pin and others. A spe cial lot for the week-end special 9c STKRIJXti SILVER RINGS ith the black Jade settings are a popular item; also the same style of ring with the cameo setting is a new novelty. Spe cially priced at 60c LADIES NECKWEAR The season's creations in organdy collars and col lar aiyl cuff sets. These come in a big range ot styles, (long rolls, square or round, lace trimmed, em broidered and frilled. All new stock values worth from 65c to $1 each. Week-end specials, each ...50o Linen collars and cuffs for the tailored suit or serge dress are very popular. Several styles with the laundered cuffs to match collars ...35o each. Cuffs 35c pair. Week-End Specials From the Hosiery Department. Ladles' silk hose in a good quality with lisle top In black, white, pink, sweater rose, champagne, maize and navy; also a good range of fancies. These are easily a good value today for $1.25. Regular sizes. Week-end special $1 Fiber boot silks in a good selection of the wanted colors. Regular 56c value. Week-end special. . ,47c Children's hose In a good lisle bluck and white; all regular sizes. Specially priced at 25c $3 JO Broadcloths for $2.75 64-ineh Chiffon Uroadcloths in full range of good fall shades; sponged and shrunk; an excellent value at $8.50. Special for week-end seeing, fyt per yard Vse I 0 v., BUY BLANKETS NOW OURS ARE DIFFERENT Blankets used to be looked upon as things one had to have good and all that, but Hunt's blankets are beautiful things. They are luxurious, soft, with fine wool spe cially woven in white, yellow, rose, blue, lavender, other colors," and sometimes pat terned in matching shades. Most of the blankets are kept under cover so the stock is immaculate and instead of" prices being high they are conspicuous by their mod erateness. See them on our third floor Pot ton 1 Kn. tn 4 . estate, which is under Judge Allen's pro tecticn, is worth $100,000. Tha government re-ently increased her monthly allowance to $l."0 a month. TIIF. UNIONS of this city are responding (n force to the appeal of th government to buy Liberty bonds. Th. carpenters unloa I has taken $3,000 worth and tha workman, on th new Firhang bank building sub-' scribed $2,500. Practically every union in I town la considering the largest amount j which they can afford. The tradea rounrll ! aiado a purclf se of the first issue and will ; probably Duy s pan or in aecona on. I.F.TTERS from Camn Travla. ' Tataa. bring th new that lonelsoo Robertson, of j Company L, 8ASth infantry, and Clarence' IVynn of the Second battalion, depot brigade, have been appointed corporals and both as- , signed to apecial service. Letter atlao say . that It is intimated that a number ot tha ! drafted jnen "may b sent to Camp Bowie, j Texas, to fill up sonn vacanciea which have ; fcenrred In the ranka of th national guard, i dome ot the troopa now at lamp lrsvis may be sent to Mineola, L. I., in December. Two Are Company. A Baltimore mother was much dis tressed by an Incident In her house hold that seemed'to Indicate a tenden cy to cruelty In one of her offspring. "Oh, Harry!" she exclaimed .'How cruel of you I Why did you cut that poor worm In two?" "Well, mother," answered , Harry, "He seemed so lonely." NOTICE We will take 100 hanging baskets for storage this winter. No old wornout baskets taken. MAXWELL & CO., Florists Kl N. ELWOOD PHONE 4149 I1ARGK8T GROWERS OP WT riiowiais amd njurrs vt TLl HA. . , , . PICTURES OF QUALITY By the Leading Masters AMERICAN BARBIZON DUTCH EARLY ENGLISH VOSE GALLERY America's Oldest Art House, Boston .