Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1917 HON. DICK MORGAN OKLAHOMA'S GIANT Congressman From This State lias Made National Repu tation for Progress. HAS AN ENVIABLE RECORD Initiated Civil Kiglits Hill Pro tecting Soldiers While in the Army. J'y il.MKK K. ' i K N I I ' I T, ( Win lil WiiMiliitiinn Correspondent) W ASHINOTON. ii, t. I'l. Hun. 1'irk T. Mot-gar.. Ki pulilii member if emigres from lli,' 1 : i v 1 1 1 H Okla homa district, is (inc of Ilia' Hill con- Hllll".lvi' Statesmen of till! pl'I'Sl'Ilt i -(ingress. Mr. Morgan 1ms served Iiih district fur en years iiihI will no ilonlit see inn n y more inn of wrviiv. I nlikc n great iiinny (if I hi' 4 3 ." ini'tnlu'i s of the house nf i -n 'i-i-iit:itirM. .Mr. Mor ten n Is not content 1. 1 sit lil ly by hii,1 merely vote on smiii1 other number's bill, I iiv lip foster Icc-islstion, pro motes progress, and Initiates Inw. It l thing In congress for nn lnllvl,lunl congressman to ini tiate ami moccsefully carry thru to the presl lcnt's siiMint lire new and far reaching im-iisiii i'h of law. Yet thnt 1m the, proud record nf thin versatile Oklehomu member. A Crowning Vli-lin-y. IiIh cfl'nit nf really construc tive legislation was thn initial fum ing an,l mtioilu -lug in the lower house nn the seventh of lust August what Ihi known ns thr I'lvil Rights toll, pro-1 tcrtug the sol-licr mill seamen from' civil suits in court during their sciv-l Ice in the pr-ont war. This law J wss HKs. il two days ht'fore adjourn-! !r "4 r .v-?'---, : ' J . is . M". jjf rt J 1 .'.,'16. M ..r an , ' .. . .1 imJ NOTICE TO SICKWOMEN roitive Proof That Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Relieves Suffering. Brldi;ton,N.J.-"I cannot ipealt toa bijrhly of Lydi E. Piiikhara'i VrgeU- blo Compound or inflammation and other weaVnenseg. I waa very Irregular and would have ter rible pains no that I could hardly take a tep. Sometimes I would be eo misera ble that I could not sweep a room. I doctored part of the time but felt no 1 l.S" 'j -A chang-e. I later took Lydia E. Pink ham's Vefretahle Compound and noon felt a change for the better. I took it until I was in jrood healthy condition. 1 recommend the Pink ham remedies to all women as I have used them with such good results. "-Mrs. Mii.kord T. Ci'm Wings. Sii Harmony St., J'enn's Grove. N J. Such testimony should be accepted by all women as convincing evidence of the excellence of Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound as a remedy for the distressing ills of women such at displacements.inflammation, ulceration, backache, painful periods, nervousness and kindred ailmeuu. "No Medicine In 4 Years," internal Baihs "HON IMI'K MiildUN" Him ltirk T. Muri'i, tiklilioui., ioii.tnir-- l)V I "ri;ri'Nniiili. Ii iMit nf the elra .vo-'ioii, ami w in a (lowtniiK li 1 1 1 1 fur Mr .VioiK-in. Ill s'alliiR fur (he lull on the f loo i of the hoiiMi-, Mr. Mm u in in part Haiti '''I'o oinlile u lo Min tin. war, our nllhlTl nit il, l.i- pf 1 1 rii-tit 1 liOMili.l. W r prl.-. t lli iiiimI fit 'I'hr .toiinf unit vi.iroiil tti n liool of Ihr rtninti) i. t-.tllrtl. tiki lfi lii'M Ihp .lr,irie".( ,'li i,!ly. in-ti-i-l.Tlunlly iiriiill). givtt ' lh,'.ii III' tir.t ijiiipno'tit nlt.iiti4ii!t' Wti traiu Ihi'm fur lli rt In.k ii-furp them. t k to mikr tloMn, min for miin. 111 I'lTlor to 111' mliili .111.1 .r.ltllrn llf Oil ernny. W id ihim forth to Initio I'lKin thir rf fi. ii,-y. innrifi. ttilr fmtittiiti lh'-ir liriti-ry anil ltiir lu-roiHTii ,lpi-n.l . ili,. f;it,. nf tiltinn iinl nut tin- (it of thi. ri-i itilir it too,-; for llir il'il of i-'ir .olill-i. mi i v:,i:,,r. will ili'tt'Mtiior lh d.'.liit) of tli na tion! if lii ,.rlil So fir a. poill'lu tin'. turn it id la r:i,wi.l ol an) rn- oiinlii in.- at tinm Tln-y M.oulii ! irn ti'i,.,t fiuin nt'oyinr.'. nixoi) aiol i-ni-r:.rii'Tiiit alnit al' iimalM afinirn. 'Iliiir Iinaririil n 1 1 a 1 1 a. l)i-lr liiiiiiiri 1:1 tn,".tv llir wi'lfiiri' of til, i r wivri. i lii. Irrii anil mli.r J.o.miI. slioiilii ni lia a tiunlrn nun Hull, to 1-trart ironl tlinr ffflflnry im lut'lli'! anil li.'llllcn So ai uik lujiii of ai'tinc ii' lu mil '" 'r iriiniMi to irnli"t lli- int-ii In lh"ir r:vil riliii. r1u:i, lli,- nik ru-Siil'-il in military ii-rw r.' IUii n oil u I 'ill ill. lie ha alway.i sio-nl fi r tlmse things hlch hrlmc to the plain people the nmst cnniforl". !iinir horn anil reared on a farm, ho Kmuvs thi farin- r'H neeil unil he m ew-r ililvinit tleep Into hlnlory- ami reman-h to enahlei h ill to hetter th conililionn ,,r the tiller of the No. effortM aro no less put forth In heh.ilf of the man who earns hiti I read hv ilmly toll. lie him ever heen the frleril of the wane-earner nml n Htlckler for nn eisht-hoiir day. He was an advocate, nf the Income tiiA and voted for apeclnl lnroine n on corporHtlotis. Ho pupported the kov ernment control nf railway clnugen i.nd uided In Kettlmr leniu'latlon for iial'ely opplii-nnns. He Ih a xtrnim ml Vi.eate of mid i-OiiiIk. for election of I'nllod states Benator.i hy the people, ih a eontervatlonlKt. In fnct. Mr. Moritnn, In ndditlon to pottim; thru (ona;reRH more than fifty Individual tneiistireo heneflclnl to the Hiale of i iklahom.t, nnd In addition to hundreds of private) pension hills, hus supported every rnnntrurtlve menmire BLEACH YOUR DARK SKIN Have Soft, Fair, Clear, Brignt Complexion leioje tlic tolittltba in till; yearn. Mr. Mnrssn was hern noor. but of honest parenl(?e Klonf the banks of the whi.umIi in Jndlaiia, a section of country we like to sssorlnte with Dan r he,-1 and other famoiiK orators of tneir time. After working hlH wo thru w hool In' was admitted to the bar, nnd after priii tirir.B for awhile In Terre Haute nnd !-rrvln- a term In the Indian" stiile li'itlatiire took Horace Oreely's advice ami went '"west to grow up v ill; tiio country." Mr. MoraTun Popular. An eiiloiiy about Mr. Morgan would he incomplete without mention of hi ninKl etimnhle wife. She Iibm hared ith her hushaml in I. nth his pnlit cnl ii i d reiiKious w ork. She In H most ml in iru die Hiid 1 li i i inlriR woman, also ii native of the llooeier Blute. Phe la ' ( ply Inn-rested In every branch of church work, but more particularly :n prinmry depsrtments of the miii day sch nil. Phe Is also Interested In mlM.iionarv work, Hnd has been Identified with both the state and the ration lr an official capacity. 8he y one of the most popular mli-iiiber of ihe eoiiKrtMsionHl colony in W'ush Irilton and enjoys the cpy anil it trn tlitlomil and historic environs. There ale thnusands of men called In I he draft who had bomrht homes on Ihe installment plan or monthly payments, ami without this bill. Ini tiated by an Oklahoma concrmsnian, nil would he faced with the probabil ity of not only losinir their homes. tint all their sa vines therein for years past. Too much ciedlt cannot he riven lo Mr. Moirhii for Ids most excellent work for this law, Inspirit, the pro tection nt home of our soldiers as thv fiKht our hattles in a foreign land. KishkiiIc Iji'gul Ahiliiv. Mr. MoiKaii Is not only one nf the hardest worker In corvress. but he Is one of the foremost vdvisers. He is a member of the Juilic.nry committee, which Ik a committee second only to the ways and means coiumiitee. nnd in many ways more Important limn any other committee in the house. Ills continued service on Ihe Judiciary committee is a marked distinction and recognition of his hinh ability ns a lawyer, lis well as a worker. It Is doubtfi.l If there Is a member nf oomcrcsH at this time, with the pos sible exception of Cannon and Mann, and a few others who liacc served r more than twenty years who have more to their credit for results ob tained than Air. Morean In hi- ten years' service. I'll r federal trade commission is to lay reconuized ns one of the most important adjuncts nf this kovern ment. it was ConKressman Muriran of Oklahoma who Initiated tiie bill that finally passed and -created this creditable arm of the Government. Mr. Moruan. whim he first came to conuress In 19n;t recognized that the trust question was one of the Kreat problems of this country to yet be solved, and his careful study anil ad mlrabli, research which enabled him to draft the bill is nn HccomplMiment that all Oklahoma, can well feel proud of. His work on this bill, and his tire less and successful efforts to finally Klve the country the rural credit law, will place his name in the foremost rank t constructive statesmen. 1 first sawf Dick MorKan in April 1SS9 almost u third of a century rko in tho city of Outhrlc. shortlv after the territory of Oklahoma, which then comprised only the rountirs of l.ocan Cnuadian. KlnnfiMl,..r ,-i i MANY TULSANS TO ATTEND OPERA IN OKLAHOMA CITY t ' I.ft'IEV MrHLlTOn Whe iinc otipoille Mallia In "Faunt" st ualauoms cujr toniiht. Scores of Tulsans left last nlM anrl others will leave today to atlend the two nlKhts of yrHiid opera In Okla homa City by the Chleairo (Irand Ojiera company, Cleofonle Cainplnnil, mi t-,-tiir. Tonight "Kaust" will he presented, with Nellie Melbu and l.ucien Mura tore in the principal roles. Tomorrow nliiit the attraction will be "Lucia d Ijiinniermoor," with Amelita (ialll Curcl and (iiacomo Klnutil featured. The entire scenic euipment, sinping ensemble und properties of the Chi cago opera company will be used to ;lve the two operas a complcts pro duction. lot, tore down his fence And when he started hack for his lot ho was mot wnn n Kixsnooter in the hands a ENGLISH WOMAN IN MISERY 40 YEARS Tried Everything Here and Abroad But Got No Kelief Until She Began Taking Tanlac. iuiiiiic lias reully worked wonders in my case," said Mrs. Miuy Higlns, M'J North Ochoa street. Kl I'aso, Texas, recently. Mrs. Higtiln is u native of Knirland und was visiting In Aherysla City, Kouth Wales, when war between Kugland and Uermuny was deiiared. and has manv rnlntivea and friends on the battle front. for ulmosl forty years," continued Mrs. IIIkcIiis. "I hava Indigestioii and dysncusla nnd .liirino- the past three years, especially, 1 have men everything Imairlnuhle with no results until 1 got Tanlac. I was ad vised to have an operation, which 1 did, for what was said to he gall stones but 1 continued to suffer. My stom ach would cramp and bloat something awful after eating and even' liquid diet did me the snme way. My suffer ing was awful and 1 got so I was actu ally afraid to eat anything. A few years ago my nerves seemed to give way und I huve been unable to get sufficient sleep and rest. "While in Kuropo on a visit 1 tried many Kngllsh remedies hut neither the medicine nor the trip helped me I was Induced to try Tanlac and now after taking four hottles I can truth- iniy say i leel better thun 1 hnve In l la. . . desperate man. A call had oven made 1" 1 ny years. My sleep la for the soldiers. A mob formed, pick I , , nn' ' re-strul and. oh. It is such a I Time -Added Virtues ! !: iiuatiian, K ncf s ier , -i, ....!., .i i'ayne and Oklahoma, was opened. In' those days w hen a dozen men claimed the same lot, some perilous experiences were forced upon claimants. I remem ber that n gambler Jumped the lot nf a poor fellow. The iramhler led a hunch nf hoodlum-) und bodily picked the. poor man up and carried him off hi. T. Morgan climbed noon n stool utol b(l,an talking with the crowd until the coldieis could arrive. Dick nt that time was as fine u looking man as could be molded. He had long raven black hair nnd a black goatee und his sooth ing words of Justice quieted tho crowd until ihe soldiers arrived and then, led by Dick .Morgan, the crowd gath ered up tho effects of the gamhler. threw them off tho lot and carried the poor old man hack amid cheers. In those days and for vears after ward IIilU Morgan was recognized us the leading lad lawyer of the terri tory and his practice bcforUm I'ntted Slates land office excelled that of all other nttorncys in the territory. I lick Morgan renrcsonts all that a true I'epublicuu should be, but ho has never let politics warp his judg ment or change his views toward do li'l something good for his consti- relief to be able to eat what 1 want without SIlffeTlnaT those ler,IM ,.!... afterwnrds. 1 feel very grateful and am only too glad to tell others about the medicine that has done so much for me." Tanlac Is sold In Tulsa exclusively by Roy Octman's Rexall Drug store, Quaker Urug company, and Puritan Drug company, under the personal di rection of a special Tanluc represen tative. Ailv. (Being about Golf Clubs and Cigar One golfer risks his garne on a club of ill-seasoned wood. The other chooses a club fashioned from second growth hickory, time seasoned from 4 to 5 years straight and true. Like Golfer No. 2, we place our faith back of time-curing, the greatest single safe-guard we can give your Owl and White Owl Cigar. For every Owl and White Owl Cigar has been time -cured in the leaf for many long months. That is why the Owl brand name is your safest guide in buying cigars at 5c or 6c. Try both Owl and White Owl They differ only in size, shape and price. (J THE MILLION DOLLAR CIGARS il Best & Russell, Branch of General Cigar Co. Inc., Tulsa, Okla. fhi. Vr. A f' writ.. Pr rrc.l of rk a, f:,,,: "I nail aipi.n t: at il- ur of ih 'J Tl I. I'li'lJr' ha ctirH mv .M,n:r coo - li'ilmn jrvir. to,h 1 uffi'r.l Sure Mav '-. I fin lut.r nru la-trrl mv klnill of pat.'nt ilicli -in or putvatnc My heiilth I It fi..-,:..T.t u: i r. ,n. , t 1 I iiv.r ii a : : n.iiii..u l-n.-M, f'ni Air. run, !. f. i..t hthir.; l i-.or mrl;!a t, refill i i-i-i - Hlt' fmi-ij thai u"l or a.-,,; ' ' . "-I ''' IT-TIT.M ' Ik, ni.irn. -ia u.ith oi i:iai l"'., i'ii. lin-,1, ii,..tii . n n ilrann-r r t-n.o ,i ill ih hr lnt,-(,tilie. Ki-.l I'V n.irinai It f I.. I ft 1 it. g I..V , --a-lii.pti.' w.-in mi.t JOUi'-l w!.- r,vii trt.y anaVi t i, roilfflili rt fr.- JuM try Ulack ana White Ointment (for while or colored folkal Armlv n. ! illie. ted on Isbel. to face. neck, a'rms i or hands. It in very pleasant to the! f kin and haa the effect of blenching I lark, sallow or blotchy f-kln, cleaning tho skin or risings, biimis. pimples, blackheads, tan or freckles giving you a clear, clean, bright complexion, making you envy of everybody. You might jutt us well be attractive with I clear, bright complexion by using ltlack und While Ointment. Sold on a money-back euarantee. onlv 2Sc keen. Inirlli- '! ps r 10 In) by m.ill. or 6 boxes 1 Hut I-it..iil I II. Agents, apply for territory and tknr hialih : t-peci.U deal, lis liack and Vhlte Oint- I ment sells fast. Address Tlough . '. 1 liclilical Co., Dept. 64. Memphis. Tcnn. Sold in Tulsa by Peoples Drug store, and Kronumy Drug store. tr.. '!' i!' ! r.'-ir f.iti -tiiit'i a--loi i rnii- iai!l. ha-"y ami rnfi.l,l i' T lt d -.i pal I,. !,,r Hi,, .into , ,if ihP h t,il , a''. nit tin. i-ni.lctly ire.iif i-, r a pi t Th - J. H I. i.- i.l. ,. ir.iiu,-.s l.y riie, A Tirr.'ll, M. P. e( N. Vert, h.. i a "in',-inii, uu tnrm! l.j-1, n,i ii 1. row I. , -nil -himn anil rvi-ia :i, I ! Key I; 1;, inian ctriiarar it, 'ln.. I'll, ho wiil citi 11,11 frr on r iiot rn '.;,-rr.ting t-M'iii. 1 on ill f )j.-- iH .r-,1 Wii Vn iif 1 1-. I.n u I'iiIi :o Ir 1 ft.i K"i. 1. nt - - AiH. When Itching Stops There is one safe, dependable treatment that relieves itching torture and skin irri tation almost instantly and that clcanscj ind soothes the skin. Ask any druggist for a 3Tc or $1 bottle )f 2emo and apply it as directed. Soon ou will find that irritations, pimples, blackheads, eczema, blotches, rinKworrr and similar skin troubles will disappear. A little zemo, the penetrating-, satisfy ing liquid, is all that is needed, lor it banishes most skin eruptions and makei the skin soft, smooth and healthy, Ihe E. W. Ruse Co.. Cleveland, Q. T-'CViaipognd. iWilrralUmMia loan la ul di om icnm, bmwi ooaupt, imohm Lt.iurnwii)i iuiuico tAuaein.iK Small Pill Small Doae Small Prtcai f'i!ii'WITTLC fkjr gIVER FOR CONSTIPATION hare stood tha test of time. Purely vegetable. Wonderfully quick to banish biliousness, headache, indigestion and to dear up a bad complexion. Gaouina btart nature PALE FACES Caaamlly lodiralo a tack ol Iron In tefaa Olood Carter's Iron Pills WUl balp this roodirioa 99 "SPA 1 S Dame Fashion says uear spats. We are prepared for the call; assortment is complete Price S2.00 ri7 $3.00 K I AND 1 O $3.50 W MW iocation 311-313 St)lTH MAIN 8T. tu nry or for his fellowman lie was pit-sent when the Uepuh- iican pany was horn In. the old terri tory of Oklahoma nt lt. first conven tion, held In lie no Cltv. now etinct but nt one time a formidable rival of .1 Kc no bet jre tho llock Island rail road built south out of Caldwell, Kun. lie has been active In territorial, state anil national politics for almost liulf a century. In politics he appeals 10 ine iicttir siae or man. Helng to tally temperate and logtcall re' ligious 'and conservatively open minded, he not only receives the unanimous support of thebettcr class hut is highly respected for his clean character as a man of absolute sin cerity. "lie doesn't mix much with our crowd," said a saloon keeper In the early trrritorial d:ys, "out he Is sin cere, .ind a conscientioiisiy good man." And he is. He Is honest, he has sin cerity of purpose, he Is a tried man, not an experiment; he Is qualified for public service, and la recognized in Washington as u deep-thinker and profoundly capable exponent of con structive conservation ol all things for the betterment of the country at large. His ability In congress has heen rec cgnized by the leading newspapers and magazines of the country, am! his scrap book is filled with eulogies from New York, St. louis, Chicago and other metropolitan newspapers, as well as Colliers und other miurazines. He Is a credit to the state and the nation. Can Do nig Tlilmrs. Mr. Morgan Is just the sort of rep reserta :h e Oklahoma needs, and his ten year s service In congress places him in a position to do things for his slate now, that-would require a new man n quarter of a century to acquire. While his past record is an enviable one of achievement ono that insures Ms name In history I predict a fur ther hippy political and legislative career for Mr. Morgan, and with a change in the administration, he would become Fimiiltaneously one of the leaders of bis party In national legislature and In national policy. Inasmuch aa to far no formidable candidate has announced against Mr. Morgan in the primaries, It Is quite certain ho will be the Keput.lican nominee igain next year and will ru turn to his arduous duties In Wash ington for many years to ome. And this is as it should be! Society rhones: ' Office 6000; Res, 4500 DAILY TIHJT. f I i J Chit of your adventures in time, t I i ii Z a ,'eaJ'rK and friends, - .1,1 liii- irni I of the free j n..urs mat lie around the edges I of your days, you will build, at- I I most more than from the hours I of routine work, your life and I the Joy of it. Anonvmoi.a i i The Calendar for Monday. Mile. Henriette Ctopath lectures to .lusam Art ciub at Hoslon Avenue I x-v. ciiurcn. Twentieth Century club meeting in home of Mrs. Trank K. ShalJcnberger. Crown Seal Chautauqua meets at li brary. .Mrs Hubert Krey and Mrs. J. E. I lersol are joint hostesses to .eedle-ci-aft club in the homo of Mrs. Krey. T Arnold-Scott. HE "marriage of Miss Ora Arnold and Mr. K. Scott, both of Tulta, which took place Thursday. Oc tober 18, at Carthnge, Mo., is nn nounced. Mr. and Mrs. Scott ure i spending a brief honeymoon in Kan- ens City nnd at its conclusion will be i at home to friends on .North Chey- j enne avenue. 1 MAJESTIC THIAXfiLK PKKSKXTS ltOV STKWAltT IX "THE DEVIL DODGER" A IStory of a C.njiiblor, a Preacher, a iirl, Iive and thn Old Vsl vY0U EVER BEEN 11 TALKED 1 o AXD TIIKX "HIS PRECIOUS LIFE" A Hip Snorlln' Koystoncl Doors Open 12:30 SCHKDri.i:. 12:30. 2:1.1, 4, 6:45, 7:30, 0:15 TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY "BABBLING TONGUES A STORY OF HIGH SOCIETY 99 AND ITS GOSSIPING ALLEN D. ALBERT TO BE HERE WEDNESDAY TAKE "CASCARETS" IF HEADACHY, BILIOUS AND CONSTIPATED Best for Liver and Bowels, Bad Breath, Bad Colds, Sour Stomach. The oomlnaT of tie Sunbeam tha naar baby should be ft happy time for the ex pectant mother. She should help nature by the daily use of Ua safe, paostratlnf sternal preparation, "Mother! Frtand". Hy It rr-pilar ma tbe braasu are kept In good condition, the tendency to mornluf Ickneaa la aeoldad. The abdominal raua. elya relax without atraia waaa baby la bora and the crisis la aaturaily one af laaa pain and danfar. Te neglect the M of "Mother lUflnd' for a sltuyla alcht ta a mistake. Sand or phone to the druggist for a bet tie today and write for raluabla free book. "Motherhood and the Baby". Ad droan The Itradflald Karulator Co., tK. A. X6S UUntf Buuautg, AUs-BU. Ua Oet .a 10-cent box. Sick headache, biliousness, coated tongue, head and nose clogged up with a cold always trace this to torpid liver; delayed, fermenting food In the bowels or sour, gassy stomach. l'pltonous matter clogged In the ln- test nes. Instead of being cast out of the system is re-absorbed Into the Mood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue It causes conges tion and that dull, throbbing, sicken ing headache. Casearets immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and pole sons In the bowels. A Cascnret tonight will surely straighten you out by morning. Tfcey work while you sleep a 10-cent box from your druggist means your head clear, stomach swet and your liver I arid bowels reirulue for mnnfha AAm a- - Allen r. Albert, noted civic expert, and former president of the Interna tional Association of Kotary clubs, will arrive in Tulsa Wednesday to spend several days making an Investigation of Tulsa under auspices of the Tulsa Hotary club. He will be the honor guest of the club at a dinner In Hotel Tulsa Wednesday evening at 8; SO o'clock. Mr. Albert will not arrive until Wednesday afternoon so the regular noonday luncheon on that day has been postponed until evening to ac commodate him. llotarlans ran take guests to the dinner by making arrangements with Secretary Clevo Uruce In advance. Mr. Albert was In Tulsa shortly after his Induction Into office as the international president of Rotary. He hns been a Tulsa booster ever since and was a strong supporter of A. L. Farmer of this city for international vre-presldent at the Kotary conven tion In Atlanta last June. He has studied some of America's greatest cities and his recommenda tions for civic improvement are being carried out In scores of communities. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will be given over to a thoro Investi gation of Tulsa s past nnd present Friday night Mr. Albert will make his report. He will tell what In his opin ion is wrong with Tulsa, and on what lines the city's future development should be laid. Members of the Ro tary club will Issue complimentary tickets to this lecture to persons Inter ested in the subject. The meeting will be held at Convention ball or the high school auditorium. President W. A. Vandever of the Rotary club announced yesterday that seventy-five Rotarlans would re port at. Liberty loan headquarters Chamber of Commerce rooms Wednes day morning to devote the day to a final drive for bond subscription. Miss Georgia Archer was hosiers to a party of thirty Friday night when she entertained the I'hilathea class and young men's class of Tlgert Mem orial church very pleasantly In honor of the new I'hilathea members. Guests of the affair were Rev. and Mrs. II. 1'. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ernsbcrger, Misses Zula Shepard, Eunice CJimtcr, liliKiheth Itreri. Ixirene Brush. Ha.el Wolf. Helen Hulse. Lillian Bowles. Jessie Webber. Mary Adleinan, iela Mcilec, Krtna Hurst, Anita .Mclaugh lin, Mae HarVey, Hurley Thomas, An na Knoerr, Orble Kerr; Messrs. Ev eret Adams, A. Anglin, W. A. Dorris. L. n. J'runh, De Ijirue Ilaker, A. U. Clark. U A. West, Kelley Kerr, Charles Simmons, Fred fpohier, Ch.irl s Shurtlcff and C. U. Markhum. The girls of class 15 of First Chris tian church, chaperoned by their teacher, Mrs. Melton, formed a nut ting party, which journeyed to Tur key mountain, Saturday afternoon. Young Misnes of the number were Misses Ruth Knepper. Thelma Har mon i:ra Taylor, Maude Drake, Doro thy Newklrk, Mildred Hardy. Zella Courtney, Hazel Drake nnd Vera Schneidei. LYRIC-Today A UKJ DOl'BI.I'MU'ADF.K ' v'of HI "THE LOST EXPRESS" Also IIELF.X (.IliSOX In "THE END OF TIIE RUN" A tiold Seal Railroad Feature AI.JSO GOOD COMKDllCS ADMISSION' 5c AXD 10c Members of the Musical Dozen met Saturdify afternoon In the home of their leader, Mrs. W. O. Williamson, for the regular musical study which was of Edward Mucl'owell. Mrs. ?uul Jones and baby daughter Will leave during the week for Ada, to Join Mr. Jones In making that place their home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W Dillanl have taken a suite in the new Urockinan apartments to which they w(Jl -remove snoniy. WOMEN TO AID IN BOND DRIVE HERE OONTINl'En FROM PACE OSK he would go Shaw made the officer do liia duty and "buy a bond." Army of Liberty workers say, how ever, that they have not found every citizen of Tulsa aa patriotic aa they should be. These workers .are com piling a list of people who can afford and refuse to buy bonds. In some citlea these names have been pub lished and the local workers are urg ing that Tulsa follow the example They feel that there are but two stands for people at this time. "For America or her enemies" and thev feel that those who can but Ho not I come to the aid of the nation in its hour of peril should be shown up so that loyal Amei leans will know who I they are. Several soldiers have re ported some startling statements made to them by people who were asked to buy bonds. At least one of these In volves a person In public life. These Br.!u . " in.ves,lKa,e'1 and w' fed with federal authorities if found true PNEUMONIA Firil call a physician. ' then begin hot applications of . lull. fcOurt i W KomT WW Mr. and Mrs. H. J, Connolly will re move to the new Drockmau apart ments shortly. Menus for a Dht. (Tulsa Morning World.) BREAKFAST. Com meal Fan cakes M'.NVHEON. Fea 1'uree Creamed Asparagus on Toast DINNER. (Meatless.) Spaghetti with Cheese Baked Stuffed J'otatoea Combination Salad Custard Fie Kggs EAT CORN And thejCmoicest WAY IS Post Toasties Masiroil's Rnssi30 Gypsies Six Paopla Muiieisni. Bingars Dancers Tour Other Acts and Photoplay. "BDKUOHT'S LAST RAID." Two Good Comedies. VsnddVllls: 2:S0 l:S0r-T:30 8:S0 Plrtnraa: 1:00 3:30 5:30 8:30 Weak Day Matinee jo0 Nights and Sundays 10c sad too X GRAND THEATER 115 K. Second I'lioiio 406 lOveiilng 8:15 Mnllncc Sunday, Tuesday Thurs day nnd Saturday, 2:30 October 21, 22, 23, and 24 THE INCOMPARABLE GRAND STOCK CO. Prcsenua "FINE FEATHERS" By Eugene Walters "DRIFTWOOD" October 25, 28 and 27 I 1 Gas Mantles differ, not in looks, but in TjT X A era i aV ine Dest .tor light V I strength -economy-are ' v ( 'ytieldlacfe GasMantles 1 Ppright or Invert! J I V "REFLEX"BRAND.l8.,fir35 Ok4 mSBAffl;'l3W25V