Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1917 2 r SEE THE HARROW & CO. FIE USE OF IMPORTED LINENS. FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL MR. KARL HARROW t KETCUUM HOTEL. What Ate You Doing for Your Country? 'I'll. Ml I. mux I Im-i'm f Mwlll Hi nt I i l i of the ullioil nations lire fighting, they are not on the i.. ii ...I'l. turn ( food by tlx'""1 countries lias ll'ci .fore . it i ir.lnrt-.l. l!von before th. war It h'ik miirlw los nil o.mMimt .1. Tln ilirifi t nie i.inio iioiu fliunn w other ruillllrli'M Now this iliffei in.e l gi enter limn In' hrollliht 111 t I on Tln-i hut lull.' food inn A nieru a. ,l!:,. : I ' ll.c Slllio tlmo, Ill- ol;!M.Io IS.TI.I flol :illn'.s depend mi Amotion fur food as tlioy nae I l.,i..r.'. ii n.l Hi.'v uk us for it with a light nliirh hn I I'or 1 1 . 1 y they arc our companions i ii for .l. inori in y an. I ty. They air doing ...f..!,. ..I lllw :'i.' 111.- i lio f (Jiti!.,: .Hi.i I i iim in our '' Our I'r.itili'lll is 1. 1 li .'.l our ullles this H Inter t.v sending them .is iniii'l: f.'o.l x.ilue in Hi.' l.'H'.t p.nk. .(.:! p-odiiet All. i:im i. i: t.. ii hit h m . I. wi. ran of tin1 most concentrated nut rtttv lli'llR S1.U"1'. TheSO BIO beef. a n.l Kin:. i. . Ill order to ilo tins l.hl I It N"-S tlU'llt ailil IIIOIO of Other foods of mi nliiniilaiK '', ami to waste less of all rooils. i A verse will to ii'inrinber: Food r.u It nh thought. Cook 11 with ran'. .Serve J'.i-I enough. Mllki' IllMIIIOS llllO. S.ivo what we keep. Home-grown Ih best; i:t what would iipoll, I'un all the rest. Gossard Corsets That are rinht for you. First that it safeguards that price less posses-ion. your health, by carefully meeting every hy gienic requirement. Hy the inimitable designing and scientific honing the cor rect 'abdominal support is assured. They always stay in po sition on the body, giving with its slightest movement, and may be worn the entire day with absolute comfort. In a Costard oii-will never know that frantic haste to "pet out of yoiy corset." In the delicate outline of this corset is re flected the smaller waistline, attained by skillful designing, rather than actually expressed, and the perfectly flat back and hip lines. CossArds will render you a wearing1 service that alone is worth the price of the garment. Triced from. . . .$2 to $30 T1IIHH Kl. The Right fabrics . r For Fall and Winter Garments Wf ire showing most every fabric :ha: is in 'vogue for the :V.I sr.i vv;-:tr so.o-. &r. A e in'. :hi. :hfy xty the ';-: - ,r. v 4 ,,r;, w s::ons fcr gLJft lu Wili-w Tf(.A a r.?:..- ill U I i3m Wr-linl Mini V ia'I vi . s.::a for (fnfii! c..r. In CJO fC v '... :-.i.. !-. ;...:. th jirv1 Cmivu W ill.. vatin- :J. ir. an .i.4orimriit i.f color not to .4. ; . ' ve '.,t h yr l.t. tuch .n enormous Ioimiioss r :1 . :.: , u ,aii a". .. f:!ivl what 7Zf TO J"f Wool 1h V an.t lUut "rt- ;,U -A!' w,m1 m-n" wear eree In plain . .1 i wi.'.c !!: a-.I Wool .Ior- ii.l Ml-rlom I loakliur Kor l:eay stlUh street ilrossses. ,! '. i-.i-M 'r;'.:ery Kf.l. Marino Hiue It.tttleahip tiray, Arinv :.. .. - .''.er ri' hA.'o,, Inchi1! . iv. I1 - .1 S2.25 TO $3.00 y stNlUh street drosses, p It.tttleahip tiray, Arinv S3.50 AN1 S4.00 Sonic Good Values in Linens Spt cial Sale of Pattern Cloths All pure linen pattern table cloths, 72 inches: we are of feru g these excellent cloths, while they last, Napkins to match. 2'2x2'2 inches, the dozen J6 an.l 4:.SS 25c mat. h all sha.l.v of i.t.. ro rt 1 tnoivs t, ll.ira.l th :u.l 1 iihli'iu hisl Tulilo lVinui.ok i... s iil... spt'i ial. tho a:.l U1 l,rlT Tl, tl'.o iloifll Wlnio IWilh I'onoU weiiiht; ..i'oi- ii 1 at S5c 9Sc 9Sc i't:a hosw ... 35c I'llKiw Inrlien; at . . . . I'llMS, p 111' I'll llM.ptnmN In three tiuarter Rn.l latue le.l msos. in plain, hem an.l ii-allopoil, prtoeil S2 TO $12.50 ni:i sunns Mx9i-in'li Rheetsi at I2.V Sl)i-liu-h eh.-etM at !.:'. MxlOS Inoh shffH at l.t. Underwear for Stout Women We nre showiui vrr t-oiiiplete line of lir.lon nnt for itout '..ilie, in n'.sea 40. 4i. 4 The Kariin-iits r tnaile with li'Kh neck. Ions le,ei anklo length tmt.'h mvk. r!lw sleeves, ankle length, an.t low i Ovk. slofiM, ankie ier.pcth; l.-o low neok. elbow vleeie. knee leintth. Silk ami wool at $1 .rn.l l Wool at SJ.Vl llo.ny f'..-eoe4 ootton at....t;. l.lU-V vll.K AM WtHH. sn- u n: t. vhmk.n is e.i, h s!i re.-k. lonit sleeve, pants to inil.ti. ri'H'.iU" sies at II 40 (H,t vires fl.;. Me.lium weight ctton at.. Medium flee-e.1 cotton at.. l.iht weiiiht cotton t.... W hite silk I'.s'.e at lo the Winter -time Matron and Miss Fashion Says And furs it will be. Muffs and neckpieces of every kind to keep milady well protected from cold winds aa well as adding to the beauty of her. charm, for furs do possess that quality which enhances the ap pearance of the wearer. Our showing of separate pieces and sets consists of scarfs and muffs, of brown and white er mine, mole, Hudson seal, black, red and taupe fox, black lynx, beaver, Kolinsky, in cap, long and short stoles and animal scarfs, and melon and pillow shape muffs. Scarfs priced (IQ QP UJOKfl I u3 priced from tpO.JO TO tPLiOV) from AIo a hcnutlful lino of Fur Ouiim of squirrel, Hudson seal, beaver, Russian pony and river minx. In long and ahort lengths, full flare models, large collars ana cuffs; some nave the bot toms trimmed with bands nf fur. Priced from $3.95 to $125 SECOND FLOOR. $47.50 to $497.50 Beautiful Nezv Blouses At Little Prices In connection with our women's section vie an nounce the arrival of many more new styles hlch are boun.l to please women of every taste. These are of crepe, georgette, beaded and colored embroidered; some with new collars and buttons, sewn-in colors. Hand-embroidery dis;hes many of the new models, and. bvst of alL each model is priced very moderately. One very pretty assortment we are featuring is of at:n in tailored effects, with high neck, trlm of pearl buttons, tucks and plaits; just the waist to be worn with tailored suits. Triced at :.50 SECOND KI.OOR r -j I he Aairy, tairylike Beauty of These Evening Gowns Are sure to make the eyes of debutante and matron spark with pride. Rich, luxurious silks have been touched with the magic wand of fashion and the result has been truly wonderful. Like real Parisian models, they are filmy, shim mering and colorful. Just the sort of frocks for the season's social functions. An Invitation is extended to all vome nand misses to view these, chic models of tulle, plain and brocaded satins, hand-embroidered fades and panne velvets. Prices range frohi $22 JO to $150 SECOND FLOOR J r These Children's Coats are Good .Voir and for Wear Later on. Prices ranqe from $35 to $39 JO All the charming velvety r. .1 .k'Iji fabrics that look so well on children have Wn trade into delightful coats for the miss from I to 17 years to wear this fall and winter. You will notice that every one of these garments Is a bit letter than you expected for the price and not only that. It Is sensibly cut, soundly stitched and carries a certain style in tho cut and the hang. We are showing those In silk and wool velours, plushes, fancy and Sotch tweeds, in till the new fall shades, many In the emylre styles, fur trim med, collars and cuffs; others belted, patch pock ets, etc. SECOND 1'I.OOU r j Women's Coats icith that cozy icinter appearance Just the models that all women v look for in the selection of coats for the colder days ahead. They are warm and cozy, with plenty of style and smartness a combination which is of such vital importance to fashion seekers. The styles in this showing will reseat the very latest creations in good, serviceable coats at prices more moderate than pou would expect to find them. Come In and see these coats of pom pom. kitten's ear, bolivla, wool velour, silk velour. plush, Scotch and fancy tweeds; some with large collars, some which can be worn as cape or button closely to neck; novelty and plain pockets and belts; some heavily trimmed with seal, kit fox, taupe fox, beaver, etc.; some plain, others with fancy lining. Priced as loic as $6S5 and up to $18730 SECOND FLOOR t r New Arrivals in the Baby Section Children's Hal made of silks and velvets, plain and fancy designs; velvets In black, brown, ropen: silk hats in white only. Triced from 91.50 to S Children' 811k Stocking Caps, made of good quality silk in white, pink, and light blue, at 85c THIRD FLOOR InfanU Flannel Sacques, and Nightingales, hand-embroidered in dainty shades $1 to S7.&4) Children's Lingerie Bows in light blue and pink, 23c, Sic and &Oo r -J l i.N . .Mk? t :s Wool Yontjs hlg neck. long s!eee or Dutch neck, elbow sleeve, pants to match; rvcular sites tl.ii Out nies SUM T A O T7 71 f !7 'Kinn O 71 77 T A T O Ao Phone Orders nCyJlliVlJlliy I OrJliKulSYLjCy on These Speeials Rochester Electric Irons, $5 Value $iJ0 -Hotpoint style, six pounds, ten-foot, silk cord, swivell plug; a standard make, not a special sale item, at $4.50 Copper Wash Holler All copper. Rochester make, No. S sue; specially priced at jO A-lioMcw Irons, Sot SS l'nlcrsal make, three to set; priced specially at 14o Tolld Tcr, S for 2.V Limited to six rolls, not sold In case lots; extra quality paper; three rolls O for MtJt Wash IVwnt, SV Silver King, metallic rub surface, ir.:" 39c Hob White Soap. for SAo lover Kpg Beaters lOo Topcorn Toppers, 1 Jo and 25o Sidewalk (iiwtcr. ?9o For small girls or boys, steel wheels, drop handle; $1 r?j regular, at O-Ceilar Mop, .V Triangle shape medium site. ready for use; specially priced at , Clothe Dryers, $ Folds flat when not in use: plen ty hanging space; special price Tea Tot. 3e Seven-cup sue. dark brown eath enware; 5c value, f)n at dye Sa i or) ItonMers. $1.15 Oval shape, sheet iron, medium :ie. special at 79c 65c plen- SI eath- I9c t ii $1.25 4 I'nUerswl Percolator tS.50 Cold water style, heavy alumi num, six cup slxe; $4 OQ Kf regular, at VtJOv. Mounted Caseroles. $2.54 Pyrex Inset nickle-plated frame, oval or round shape, 50 Milk PaiK "&e Retinned. 12-quart size, with strainer spout: specially rTK priced at 4 UC Ckxir Cans, l.7i White Japanese. 4J lb. size; tall style, hinged cover, C't rTE? t &1.0 tiarbucc Cans Large size, galvanize, with lock cover, ten-gallon CO Kfl capacity PUV rjrn OA Co Near Cut Glass Sugar and Creamer Sets 7KP CAI C f Jv Ofllala Tour choice of ary on Uisplaizes: these are values up to Il.tO. I tV OflLL. Ta-elve dtffercrt shapes nd ay sold tn pairs only, the pair I4o -J Don't Forget the Christmas Boxes for Our Soldier Boys Gifts for our soldier boys in the foreign countries must be sent soon, in order to reach their destination in time. Make Xmas a happy day for them by sending little gifts that they can use every day. We have re ceived a very nice assortment of appropriate gifts, but our supply will be tested to the limit. So we advise early selections. Below we can mention only a few of the useful articles you can buy here at a small price Safety Ha .or. Comfort Service Cases, Ktiddy Hug. Manicure Seta, Jlimsewive. Klmkt-Hound Toilet Cuse. Khukl Handkerchiefs, Toilet Articles Rolls, Trench Mirrors, Photo Holders, Kluiki Money llelts, Iniher Itlll Folders, Army and Nuvy Rings, Men's Koek. Toilet Soups, Talcums, Shaving Sticks In Holders, Towels, Knit Mufflers, Tooth I'uste, Coinlis, Stntlouery, etc. , Gloves, Neckwear, Veils, etc. NKCKWEAU Sloek Jabots) of real filet laces, others of net with lace trimmings, a beautifo' ' s-ssortment. Priced at 92.75 to $7.60 I-ndltV White Wit. n Satin Collars, some lace trimmed, square, round and roll effects. Priced at 60c to 92.98 New Organdie Collars, in all the newest shapes, lace and ruffle trimmed, at 50c to 92.98 Ladles' Vcoteea of organdie, net and crepe, high and low effects, lace and embroidery trimmed, at 91 to $3.50 BELTS Just received a new line of ladies' wide black kid belts. Priced at from 50c to 92 VEILS 14111105' Auto Veils In all the latest shades of black, gray, green, rose, etc., at 91.50 to 93.50 Jtcady-Mude Van Html to Dnijie Veils, In round, square and straight styles, colors rose, blue, taupe, sand, black and white, at 91.25 to 91.50 GLOVES Adler Gloves for men, in gray mocha, tan cape, silk lined; s.zes IVt to 9 4, at ...92.25 and 92.50 Adler Gloves for women, white and black, embroidered backs, one clasp; sizes 6 to 7, at 92 IjmIIcs' "Kayser" SUk Gloves suede or silk lined. In brown, navy, black and white, 91.25, 91.50 Ladles' ContomtTl" Gloves, in ivory, champagne, white, brown and black; beautifully embroid ered backs; sizes i to 7)4; at from 99.50 to 93 KNITTED SCARFS Phoenix knitted silk scarflers for men, in pretty color combinations and fringe trimmed. Priced at .from 91 to 94.98 RIRIiONS AND NOVELTIES A new and beautiful line of ready made camisoles, budoir caps, op era bags, slippers, corset and knit ting bags, handbags; made of fancy ribbons and panne "velvets. Triced from 93 to 912 Wash Rib In ins In white, blue, pink, yellow and lavender, in va rious new patterns; priced the yard 5c to 30c Wash Ribbons, In 3 ''to 5-yard bolts. In pink, blue and white; the bolt 10c Blankets and Comforts That Will Keep You Warm and Comfortable Just the kinds you like to cuddle under when it is biting cold outside; made good and thick with Just enough weight to make them cling to and lean comfortably agaiimt you every minute you trust yourself to their protection. Made of materials that are absolutely dependable. They will, with a little care, serve you with comfort and warmth for many winters. At prices not at all to be compared with their excellent quality. Mlkollnc Comforts at 92.25 Good quality sllkollne comforts, large size, covers in Persian pat terns, filled with good cotton; priced at $2.25 Heavy CtHton Comfort, 93.50 Extra large size, heavy cotton comforts, covered with sateen and scroll stitched, mostly dark pat terns; priced at $3.50 Half Down Comforts at 98 Beautiful sateen comforts, with plain sateen borders, filled with . half down and half cotton, at $8 Satin Comfort at 91 Fine down comforts, covered with a beautiful washable satin, col ors rose, pink, gold And llue; priced at $18 line Cotton Comforts at 95 -Real large size cotton filled com forts, covered with figured sateen with plain borders; the thickest comfort for the money; at $5 $4 I'ln Id Wool-Nap Blanket at 94 ' Pretty large plaids, in large wool nap blankets, good assortment of colors; a blanket that will give good wear; priced at t, Cotton niankets at 91.95 I-arge double cotton blankets. in tan only with striped borders; splendid quality; J 95 Bed Pillows, pair, 91.50 up to 99 Automobile Robes, 910 to 927.50 Indian Blankets 910 ta 913 Mattress Pads 93.25 Comfort Size Cotton. 3 lbs. sewed. tor 91.25 Comfort Silkoline, 3 Inches wide, the yard ; 20c Soros is Shoes For Every Occasion Dress, Party or Street Wear. SOROSIS DRESS SHOES to match your gown. They are made over styl ish lasts in all the new shades of browns, grays, ivorys, champagnes and black and white. . SOROSIS PARTY SLIPPERS for dances and receptions. We have many styles in black, white and gold, beaded or plain, in pump or strap ef fects. Also cloth of gold and silver pumps. The style you are looking for certainly ought to be found here. SOROSIS SHOES FOR STREET WEAR can be had in high, low or medium heels, and the color you desire. The most popular model of this "class in the country today is a brown calfskin welt lace shoe wtih a medium leather heel. SOROSIS SPAT PUMPS in patent and kid leathers, with long vamps and high heels. These are new shipments and not left over summer styles. We have all sizes and can give you a perfect fit. Ask to see our line of spate in all colors of brown, white, cream, fawn and gray. New Leather Strap Purses THIRD FLOOR We are now able to supply pour every want In leather (roods; our as sortments of bagu and purses is the largest and most complete w have ever shown. Our showing of genuine plnseal. walrus, and pan ther seal is the largest ever brought to Tulsa. These were purchased before the increased prices were effecUve. Genuine leather folders 5c to 919.50 l.enulne leather bags 9,.M , 93 Seo the new fancy trimmed leather and embossed designs In purses At ., ......... ... w. w V W MnQC: PlrKFRS ARP HAPPY !' ' earned la much as 1 I which It received because of the fact IVlUaa ribrvcna Hnc nnrr I Mrn ,h), veteran John Sullivan, who that It was first used for food by the j reaitv doo not know how old he is. peawtnts along the roast near Carra- Onliiff to the Mar The? Are Now hut is reputed to be at least . has ! Rl eer. Ireland. ,,,,,, .... , I been making so much money that he! It Is a forked. redJish-browr. weed. .Making; s.vo n vtctk i m hign spirits this yr. (filled with murilate-like-ruhatsnce. The sea moss gatherers f Scltuate; the next oldest tnosser la Whert tken ashore It la spread out on are nil Kinlles this f.ill. The sewson ; Jehn Tatter-son, who is atvl.t I, but 1 the sand to cure and bleach, but newls bus hot 11 one of the best ever known! a vigorous, wrll-presrrved man, and 1 careful attention to prevent it spoiling In Ihe old town, with the price three! to N seen on the Kach d.tily with liiiics what It used to ho In former I hi wheelbarrow and broom. Wit mow, or Irish nrnw. is to re found In what seems to he Incvhausti- 5 1 a 1. 1 In ilia old iIhvn 11 mosser who got ! CoiilH 11 pound w 11 it well wit'sfied 1, 11. dually the pile bun Increas.d ''slio'i' Ihii war began until this season ii bus tiiiichiid H W rents, A I Ii-hhI one of tint moss gatherers ndmlM lliwl lis lis frequently mini (10 n work tho pMt vioit. Doiii hie quantities on Seituate leach. but only at certain places. It cltiigv to the rocks, but Is easily harvested at low tiltW. If you look up sea moss In the en cjcloprdla, you wtll probably fiuU it uuutr tlit name oX Carrturcea, a r&xat If a week of rainy weather harpers to come on, the wjrk of mary days may be lo-t I st son ore moss man lost titt worth of trosa as a result of the rainy weMhrr. Sometimes after rain the beach will be fairly slippery with trur for-1 lliglust Teak IVist o Roekle. I will lol:.iot entirely abolished were p- L "' i Mount Mitchell in North itber pre-llctions mad by the dealers. 3 rail ! Carolina -and sometimes Mount Wash- j . s:deraWe quantity u taken by the orewe-loa, for It has an important piaee tn the making of beer. It seems to settle the beer better than any other harmless substance, which has been experimented w:th. and is rommoul ippoed to provide the nnl. stirky fluid that has teen washed oil lwt jeor a larre amonnt of an of the wee. This er there has bea ciher weed usually called swarwek w f radically no loss from any rsnrae. I shipped to ltoston beeaus the tact XSltt svrtnd tUja1 tv?catf9 U 9ttwa4 feta d-scuvcrei thut it could sun the sea mess is washed In f reh used In producing lodhie, which for water, then nrted several days more. I n-.eriy was imported fioiu Furope after which it is washed again. Thelfar this year there bus been no drying and washing process causes it for this weed, but the mossers are'li pton In New Hampshire Is given as iu ;irsrn jin ie 11 me oeiicaie 1 04- orir.g found in the com ket. Much of the moss Ha no inane r-d gelat locust nini 11 win i' necued before the niiciie&t point ast of the ltockv mei-ts I mar- the season closes. Mountain Neither iiroa he bv Horiver that may le. they are well, several hundred feet the kllitude of roes to make. stlfied with tl. resniu ot their sittu- lUrney Teak in the Ulack Hills of in. tut a eon-In. era work. S"uth lvkota which . r.n ..,,v- A Cotlt Jok When Mr. Kllen Hutler, of Man chester, being about to cniKark at IVuFla. Isle of Man, fcr Liverpool, was asked whst nationahiy she was, be replud three times In a loud voice, "Herman." She afterwards said sh" did It for f.ja. but the magistrates fined her a guinea (f ai.d costs.- Lcodcn Observer, shew to be 7.J4I feet above, th set level, .it U a Prink. Prom fifty cents fl a drink will oe paid by New Yorkers for whisky the next three years. If predictions mad by member, of th Now York WiiOJe sile U.mor lalersr nasoeiatlon eorac true. That whisk? probably will b cld tx Ui ounce a4 Uuu trsMlac Miu4 Ha vp Item There. "Hav a good tim on yur vaca tion?" "A restful llm. Struck a place where one didn't hear a word about Kolf. stocks or automobile Orvat Soott! What wer you iailed lVb Heritage. " Other rrood things than - baseball team rem out of Chicago. For ln tance. the remark of the Herald that certain 11 r. Ia w U go awi to th agea "Hun-weft. Hun-honored, and ilua-aunc ;