Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WOULD, SUNDAY, OCTOHKK 28, 1017 LICENSE INSPECTOR CARIER VISITS TULSA Aula )h n You Auto Mat Joya! Cort" Tire ,tl J 'nil I I I I'll' '' W :y.n 'liny Mippi' A'll'i 'I lin I, Mi. nil' inn 'l f,,. ju v .4- 4ti ' ' - W ft S'' ;;,VPt-' "M Mesclcs of fhc "1 X'lVy. ';vi 21 I ill (V I 1 feivM i rm , i ,, iK i i,' i. i i,i . i .in, i , i i i i ,. i. I ,tl Mi lit t M I, ,., I .j .1.1,. ... I . , t 1 . .1 .1 I, I' . I r&Xi w&r -ViA e; "r,?, I'Mt'i;.', i. !T.k,,.".-1 fLLtXmum MtjXiul mm liSs.fflll,. li mmamm n 'J 1 ,1.1 I . 11 . .,1 . . I, 1, 1 iii, 1 , 1. ...1 1., 1 1 .1 , 1 1 I, 'Ilit. 1. 1 ... . I'. .1 I 1 . In . j I'l t . Mil M, .' tt .11 I ,, 1 I I lli.i: ,1, , 1 1 I in. 1,1 ... 1 .1 , 11 I 1. I II ,l I ... 1 II '! . i.'r , ,1 . .1 , 1.1 1 1 1 VI II HAN MANIJI ACIIIItl II 1 om cas is au 1 0 riiur.iii ss r V li I'AKIx ..I I.11. i.l TiiIi.ii'h lUr Klii'n III llii'' It III Mllit ilirli.H III llil'i 1 1 1 I t Iff lilt' Stlltl!, I tit 1 1 K i.'t" (..1 1 1 1 1 . Ill'l It 1'i it Audi Mi l P i- 4 -t 111 1 1 tit iiv .. . f il... ii ri in 1: 11 1 is 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 ii k 1 -1 t.r 1 1 1 it . II ..II I. I.. I III., .Ii . ii I mi ni 1 nit' . . . 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 .1 II, ilr.lii In .1 II 1'iiilti'i', let ill. n hi I tttiiiiiiK'T imi HfY MM OH IU.AL.LiiS J LIBERTY MOTOR PRESIDENT Hill) Mil IIMC. IN ULIROIV, PREDICTS BIG BUSINESS 1 1 it. . I t It III H.n N I .1 I III. I I'll' ll.llll M 1 III. I. 1 1 . . 1 1 ti . 1 1 I mint- M11. I' m l,t 1 Ml inli l I 1 .111 11111I '.ii t , 1 nit 1 ri.t . v i. mi I, It 1 nl, If I hi, 1 1 1 I I I'u it,.,i,,, .1 I ills I III I ' iii I'll : I 11., 1 1 1 , 1 1 i.l In 1 1 11 1 n ill. 1 .1. ,1 1 III. r 1.1, ,'i 1 1 .1 Ml pill I. . , I I l I . II. I I. I II , I I"' . 1,1 ,. Ml I' 11 I, - I . I I, 1 I V ,1. I I , , I I, ,1 I , i , .hi mil 1 ,,lul 1 ' l' 1,1, .1 1 ' .1 ii., 1 .11 I' 1 1 1 .,. , 1 1, in,,, ii ' 1 1 1 1,,, 1 1 1. I 1 hi. it .1 11.11 1' I., 1 1 ,, 11 .I. 1.1. 1 it .it. 1 ' ti 1.. ,1 1 1 n n 1 Ii. v I 1 1 1 1 il II. i' , 1. .1.. iii. .Kilo I11.I11.I1 Ii i.l 1 l , 1, 1 II. .1 II I. I'll III' o ,,l I , 1 il t HI It II. II. 'V I'll II. It III, lit. I . 1 . . it ..hi. 1 i.f 1, iii ii.i,, r.ti 11 Il 1 1 .1, 11 I In, ;.. 1 1 lli',' .'.I I t it tt Ii, ' t fill .111 Ii ' 1 11 11 1 li'N " 11 1 1 ' . x , ill, , l f in t 1 1 ,1 , , , -ii ti In., I i.i -i tn, .1.11 .1 1 It i't! f .. 1 ; .I.tli ,i,i", , 1 1 1 ' . 1 1 1 in. 'i tin, 1, 1 ,.f i in 1 1 l,l,,i lli,.. .111' .,"' t n 1 1 ,.f 1 I i.l 11 1 1 , ' I I. I 1 I .'I. i, I Ml I I 1 1 lit",' I I I ,11, II.. I ..,.1 I V ,.l I. , 1 ll,. .1. ,., I.1I1. tr- linliKii'iiil mill I 1 1 in 11 1 ' 1 11 1 ( iiiiiliiltnit nil- 1 I'lnluy I J t ' il il III ItfJIil lit'. I. I'l II', I li'il I tin III" I'llllllt' lill'tllll'tlH I i.l . .... I . I .1 K'lli'l'll I t llllft I'l lift' lit I 'll In I ' ! Ill , 1 1 ,11 1 I'll 111' I.l I Hi 1 1'.. 1 1 I f, .'III I V, I 'I'l'Ml- i.l lll'i'iuj I liii, I'tti'li, n Hit' l.lliily Alt). I.i 1 '.1 1 1 , 11 1 -itr 1111 i.l i.i'' 1 mi, Iii 'I ini .nut In. ml linn tilt' t'lllti"! 1 11, ..i.ii ,':,iii.i 11111.1 i'nn .in 1 1 1 1 ' i 1 1 11 1 1 y luitt't 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 tt 1 , I 1 11 "i in , 1 1 1 in. 1 hi ni t'. 11 r in ili i s .in., lli.' .'! 1.1 '111, 1. 1 ifi I In Kt. 11 iiiniilii'i't ' ..' ;n in . i tin Ii ttlll I'U ll.t 1:1 I, I'llllt f t.r lint "i'it . 1 iiiiuit 1.l1ir " ,. I ..liit' 1 1. r 11 11 iit't'i'i'mt llm il.iii'i ' -t 1 III l.t 1 ..inliii'l II iliinily, Til'' I til,' . 'H i-i'lll t'.f 11. 1. .lit' ti.l'.l 1 1 Inn ,,f l.ll'.l- I 1.1 . t II '111 1 1 In 11. I't I' t (Milt', II II. I . 1 ,1 I ., I 1 1.' tt 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 In' l il' 11 III II I In' I ill 1 11 mi i' iii,, I I I't 1 I , 1 1 it. 1 1 ill ..i '.l.itm v tlit 1; 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 'in 'I in ilt' i ni'w -' 1 ', 11 1 ! tti -. i;t'l'i nut t'li'tti'i fli't'ti- I. n i'l I II'' j . 1 1 inn , .111,1 I'll 1 ! ' I'll.' I ' 11 1 . I it f I :l i' ,.1 i.l '1 1 111:1 Mill I II im, , milt ttili mm,. ,iv.,i 1 Mi'iiivi'lt ,fy fitf- I 1 lilt .llul .n, Ii will h. in. in ili IiiihI- . 1 1 1, 1 : 1,1 1 in t 1.1 mi tii 1 1 1 Ii I hit I.i 1 .',i I , tit 11111 11 I I .. lit t inn I' 1 I 1 tut' will' it l' - I,, f .in t iill Mit't l .mil 11 1 iinilutiiii. .'Hltl lilt' l l.l, .111 IM 11 t.f tilt' ,'i f tiiai Ki't, I till If l'. II II III' 11 If Ml. 1 I'l ,1 '.llul .l,f 111 .1 11M 11 1 in 1- .it I 111' Ml It- l'h I'l 11 1 fn Ii til . I'lll Ii ;l 11 11 1 ml in fix II I ti Ith. .tn; ill lllf 1 Mill I t'lll l.t .i MIIV lr ii . 'iiImiih li!it"lfs Hi'irr llm firm nf I lif f .1 1 . " I It I lit I flf 111 III'll lllfi't'l lillNlllfiS fl'llilltl'ilt I .11 Jl ft' lllltllthH h f, , -, tin fli ff ! liltil'llit; r.nllilli' . nr nn iilli'M lu n 1 in tlnii I itir, imniulii, Ini 1 I til t.i'l.'un )."I',H li.n (lt Il II j 111 Iml I't' ti Uldl'i'l Iftl lit tlio POlllitt.'iril. j HI..I i',tt I't-niii 'iit IttiMii, n.h ituturtilly 'lli,, 1 1. 1, .11 -. 1 i.i I n ,1 i.'ii Hi win liiivn tin' iiiiffi I'in'f ty 1 ho rail Iiiii.i 1 tit 1 ( x lint' Sitt "iU, 11 i-litn 1 1 1 ,'iilt Atltlo innn Hit' iMitlfilnl anil itliil I'lill .,lfi"tt.i. imi.lf I't. 1 1 li lit 11 u, , iitii nig liitniltlii'l llli'ip Itt lltitllllli; limn l''',.'t in i tii. mi ! iliiinllnii In tlif w : itfjiU ilufn nf luif- I 1 1 1 1 H rin'iininii utt 'i It 1 1 11 - In tifit nf o'. I'i ' 11.I1 l ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 , , 1 .ii'.l ilr i't in it , 1 1 1 . II .( I'.-t, . 1 , 1 I 1 1 . I I , M . I'l I t 1 .1". 1. I ' M.t,'.m. I t I I V ! ' ' .11' i. l.-'l I I .'in . ,1 I iii;l .itt.l 1 , t ' , ; 1 1 ... mi t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I t I t t 1,1 1 Ml l i.l t .'. . l.t ti II .. 1 1 1 ' 1 ii" ii' . 1 , , in 1 1 , mi. 1 1, .! ' 11 1 ml "l . l , . t li . Ii li t.l li.'i .. m I If 1 11 'i.,.. I tin I'. I.'lf In I i'l,..' I" Ml" -I" ' ' 'I t'llt t II 1 1 111, , 1, inn .1 1 .11 in t I'i- 1 1 1 hi ' 1 1 1 li.n. I1.1 I it. Ii :i I In 1 1 1 ,11 f uiit 1 In 1.111111 li I 1 . .1 1 hi 1 lif 1 1 I l ' ml. 'Ill 1 ..iiiuin I Ihf I lit 1 In ; 1 hi If 1 mi I 1, 1 111 In .1 In I.ii i, I x . It n . .,1,1, in '"' I IHxl l I'll I III I l I I l I'l Is I 'l 1 I ' lif t n liff ni f viti l 11 " I Stf,lKllll! "f llii' In in 11 i'i;lli'i.( i Hit lux. M llilxxiin il:int.i mill , M I'l'lif il If llm :uiiniii.'.il(''si , I II tllillliMiUil IlillllilU'tl ; I Itt It. Itl:ll IX . Ml IHXI'll I I Xl'ry f tf- I'll ,t. ...11111 n( Hill .1 lllililf 1I.MI1 In III IM I" .1 I.l III ;l 111 M X X ill'l 1:1 tl.l fttf lllll.x- i utlii'in 1 itt 1 1 1 mi 1 1 f tli" I'ixi lu,;li ii'iilnlf-t Inn ixinf tti'il .l.nH'l of iii.'in ' 'xxnt I'fttt.fii I'h in. limits. 1 .ml Ml. mli r I .i.l ni i'l'- I'finu nflf If nut nly Hiirii-' I 11,11 h I In.. 1 liiiM.ii,l lif lliikii' ln n ! 11 .lux 1 hi x hi. It 1I111..M 1 1 It 1 I . I If'tl Mi:. I ftir Wi-HIK .,ii.i'l t ..... .;.i,t..ic inn Ml.ntix. 11 ti n u t :i . t ti ft' i 4 xx ,'ir M'thinu unifr- M I; Mn 1 t; I il s s I'l I lit 'I I tlif iil.tiii.ililli- 1. unit. it i.n , .1 1 1 . ,, . . I .' 1 II in. ! i; t 1. 1 11.I in 1. tint 1 l."t x, '- ' ''' Mii l.t, , ... I ',, ( "I lm "m.,1, lli.' , , I ll : ; ix I'X tlif I I I It.' I If.'l VI. I ill,.." llif I V f 111, 1 tl'.f 1 ll.tll.l ' I ' I'.i-tl'fll.i I, I . 1 I '.' ' XX f I'll ,',M. ,M t; mt'i 1 i't,:i' I It.K it In its thtli t l.,lni xxill iftnU t.l If ll'lf In t'lki I'.l I 1' i'l till' lillHIU'vM In fill. t.11 I.i ll.Xftil hfl.lfl' I'i Inn l. :il'i 1 if l.iitMii; ilflix in If k mi :i 111:1 ttx f.tts .is th.-x r.iii h.'intllt' n, thfx mux lift In- intfi f ntilt't'iilf'l x nti ,111 iii.iluhtx t.t tiltl.t.n i'mi'i. jiitft' .'if. t- h.ix,. I'. f t ...... .'iii 1.mI.m;HV t,t ifi'ttit tin' .fiifi'.i 1 1 u 1 ; if nn j O "vx".: .in luv:t .t, t'lfit i,r,.lt j - it lli H .!, l I ,'i 1 t'XX 'II,', tlif 1 1 11, fnl ' 'III M ,1 I". l..-it 1 l',f ,l . .1 t' ' ' n 'tx u ii ,- IB W f mm II --- til ami mwa "Follow nature and you van' I fail." "Royal Cord" Tires are built on natural lines on lines analogous to the. human anatomy.-' And following nature so closely, we know that we have built right. The muscles of a cord tire are its layers of cords. The muscles or cords of the "Royal Cord" Tire are built in layers into the anatomy of the tire just as muscles are placed in layers in the human anatomy. Study, for example, the muscular structure of a human forearm. (See illustration.) Note how the muscles are laid, not lengthwise but diagonally in opposite directions. Note also that the muscular structure is not made up of merely two layers of muscles, but of several. Cord tire construction is of two kinds. Jtuo layers of heavy cords laid diagonally in opposite directions; 2 many layers of many powerful little cords, the layers running alternately in opposite directions. It is nelf evident which of these two forms of cord tire construction follows the laws of nature. The "Royal Cord" Tire is made up of many layers of many powerful little cords, the layers running alternately in opposite directions. And that is the principle upon which nature builds the muscular structure of man. Having that natural construction, the "Royal Cord" Tire must neces sarily have the same muscular resistance to stress and strain from all directions, which is the physical attribute of a man with well developed muscles. The "Royal Cord" Tire being built on nature's lines, gives lowest mileage cost; gives marvelous resilience and flexibility; gives that service which has demonstrated its supremacy among cord tires. United States Tires Are Good Tires The five types "Nobby", "Chain", "Royal Cord", "Usco", A tire for every need of price and u;e. FOR FREE ROAD SERVICE CALL 'Plain' TO POLM TIRE SERVICE 7th & main street 3 The Auto Trouble Solver It you hvn ny prohUtn or wlh ny Information tout your utonuititl. writ u nd we will be ploaeJ to answer you undor this htling In Surulity'i paper. APUKKSS AVTOMOim.E KPITOU (Copyright, 191. by Frederick C Quorrllch.) t hf Information nivon. The mr you Itnvo li.ii a huli-tonsimi niiitsntio. IVssihly von hear n pp.irk .lumping nt the --nfrty-srark P. hich woultl lie n rlli-kln souml. If thw (a so, then jvur spark-phi points are a li tt to too far ap.irt. or oiip of the si'cnmlnry wires is broken insiite of the insula ti. n. t.oonvi: it nAi.i.tiox ixmm.i) ...I i: Soxorv WlntlMonu llrnkc I'listi'iilns of Military MoiiMor. After three days search for an 4 i ' k t x I t l ',' .' . ' .1 f," .1 llt'l'M'i.ixx,T nt ar. x ,'l ti.i' ' i i t xx i, I't i'."i - , it., x It.-xx I" tlfiiM n.ti'.i In i -t'l't'tx ft . i,.M .;'.,. 1 ". i i .1 xxli .r u nit .tn-. The fnl " n' i li'.-'l in V'Ut'l ,, It 1 1- N ill . ..I", I't . tx II:, Il X .' . t 111' 111' I it' j'.'tx .'1 .. I I t .1,1 I , i" I't"' 111 I". Ill .' i'l .".t, "i .!,. ,1 pi,, ,.. Hi,, xti.iiv.'t.': . f ll ,' ,' I i'.l. I "''t'l' i'l' .l ilii,',,- I'1' 5...HS It. til. -I 'f i ! ,i . n.' i n- It. . .-I' . i 'i"..iM - ,'f ,llf (,.,,':'l ..:'.'i,t's l,,.i I'.itr't; tin' sunn' I,,'!,' XXlP, ''le t I ,' H:t'..' It't s.'p.'XX .'!' f. 1 i' ' ,' I ,'.'t l'f. I,.,' it.' of ptsloii I 11,'xxi'xri 1 ',.t ',, per r.iini'.ti' pi-i i x.,.'. in ;i r.i.' nf tl Itiflt ... ( 'k f iuit .I'.t-nl l.t I 0i. texttln li. . trt ni nut ,' tt I' i!,i .1 ...... xxi'.ii ii 4 sii,,,,f it f.i'ixN i. ..Oil .....i..,.i n ,. ..,. tix,,, i,.,k tin. .i.n.-. I lr., in iii.x kIkx.x ,iv, tin ii ir tlte tmv nail to the tioOilycar ueronaiilli-al flelil ... . , , x.'init...., t .-t t.itni "., ' Sl In.'t ,,.,,,,:, Wlin in tl'o v.i'i "' i hol.v loultt this iwuse the trouble! The bic ban pot nway during ft I .x'.ti'.ltt it, tin is iif, I nt II 4i v T,,, kii,, ,.,,; is ,.u,t t.i to.' I'lm-IVDil uluuil.t I do. You would think terrifte slorm which piiswod over the , , ,i l-.n -,'.,ixn i .it I i1'1'' I.'.': I'm ininnio , , ti,.n ..f the . I'linplim sfiexv on the i tl;t the man who put 111 the new tube nymtt nei.i. iossiiir ana w nipptnp tne ix, -I p. si, mi s i , i' .i,l nt I .. i. ,'. hi. .us , ii. -.t.'o of (In- tuner emu ntnt Us sl.ilt. Won i in, I.' .in. I i :" in. li .xlin.lit mo- I'mMi-K txxo or ihiee fine pt'ifk puiu'li t.n is I'stiLl ,u i I lil I'..'! sop. txx t'l ill ts nn the stl:ifl. ot perhiip-t I i'.ti lert p.'r niu-'.tte in I 000 fx'X'olu i u.'iik pin' lltni'.ile Q 1 luio a UU.'t t ), model i stepped ;tt the fitst ttre place, boi.tcht I.', sxs'oin I ; ,- ti t '. in en-; i lew tune, iin.i itfitt U put into the nine .st. ppt-d mi the road and I could tire T ...,t i... u.,...l. I r,l.,.. tit, it it'.i.i.i'i six. it'it ixlt.i ...... ,o ,i... .i ...... I., , ,.a it,..,. i, ..n' i .ni it .i i Jtit.ti ttiin.'ii.rrt l of Akron sn.nk. but found h t tin- lnmi h id put In another tube and it also ' pot ' "haped b.ic SO feet long and 22 feet motor i !.. .i t i, i -.,L',ne s.,tt ihrt um i- I PTxn find noth. In tliameter was locaien tun reiurneti l'!,e ttre. winch I earned as a escaped military kite balloon helinKlng .i.e. p..t urttt. and when 1 took to the Ooodyeiir Tire Huhhor Co. Ohio, the bin shiisiiko- r' !,l knvixv that it would rot work It balloon about until It broke loose this hole Is the trouble. K. J. J. ; from Its moorings. l he balloon ills- Hilo A VhC smallest hole In the fabric api earra at a neistii oi i no miies. i inn f!-il',ac. xlll help to prexeut the slip- I of the sin e will svnetallv pinch the mere oeeti mi o.cupam in ine nasKet, pii'ii lr tlte cliinipum sciew m k , ititie. ana n instue paten snoiitu oe '"r"'" ..-..k ..o- i-h.. t.t. ,n,n itvo. tuttin n little shellac on thi;piit ovi It The man who put InJliO'Culty would have been experienced In i i; i i iivni m si nun ,i Miiiiu mur mim iurii i! im Aslt About These Two Types oi ExMc Batteries $30.75 sit: $33.50 They'll Fit Ninety Per Cent of the American Made Automobiles The ',Ko,, Starting and Lighting liattery is the original I'nit Seal battery. Vlvtra powerful -oasy to eare tor and ivpair. Battery Service Corp. 4 IS South ItouUer 'Aone 7S9S I I . 11 VI V. M U. K BATTERY SFRVIfT tbeemls xx III help, as xxill p.'itlnc a fm tube should have known this and hove , bringing It down to earth within a few punch mink on 'the "tUe of the screxx . 1 tulvi.ed ou to bay the Insitle patch, i miles Word came from Salem. Ohio, If the trouble Is mostlx bei auso of.altlio some ttte men hesitate in advls-' nbout sixty miles from the Ooodyear the platinum points pluip.g. it ma be' lug customers to buy extra parts. b-;'eld. that the tramp Iml loon hud been lli il tlio condenser ms become- dis-1 cause uitinv people believe they do so located about six miles from that city, connected oi bioken down. The pin-: In order to make extra money. : It was discovered by an olil-tima pose of the con.ieiwei Is to piexent! I have A l!M ( ear. i balloonist. Dr. W. T. Thomas, who the spat km of the Interrupter points, j Inch has nixen me excellent nerv-j achieved notoriety some years ago as 1 would baxe an xpet test and repair be. but recently I find It hard to nkVfl. ; balloon pilot. tins i the shifter lexer s.'it of sticking. lj " u I recei'lix spilled some ol llie so- i '" ' . " ' " luti.ut out of nx 1'iitteix and put In !' ' " helped any. What s.ive .lisitUed water. The battel y , '"""Id l " "' 'f tn,s w'at woikid on the self suiter, but It nevr is t'.ie r.-mexlr. S O. K. K.H.S tullx .hatsed vsn I put some V- 'lie that if ou will clean. i;csi, ,,!. m the batleix. and what, the Ml on the shifter lever, which, act,! snould I i'v ; ' ' r'l,l,t the lexel of the floor-; A. You must nexer put undlluied b.vird. with s little kerxxsene and then acid into stot-axte battery ii can.' droo of oil on it. that the dif-j however put i: a solution of -wbout . ficulty will disappear. The top of ot e ixart xheut ca'.lv pure sulphuric ' "s lrvlsMj' bcome it liltU set to foui ot water. 1 would ful i o that U sticks I the hatterx. without Muitf nv of v) There r a number of holes tl-.e pivsent solution wuh this solution ok.tit the sl.'S of pinhesd in my top. owe a wveiv for the next three or Is there any way to stop up the: tour weeks, us-ii the acid solution in1 What causes them? I keep pla.- of the t'.led wsier Ivx not t! top up stl the tune, sod brush it j atieivpi to uux the sell and water j uuits often , ,.' i ( I t know of no way to fill up the ' Th above is reaUx- a nkeV.ift ws holes, outsi.le of OMtienttng a pateli I : of rr-m.-xtxt; the mtstake xou mad lix 1 w them, which will make a rather j rot tintuexl ate'.x tsktr ;lie tst:erv to : i;ns;ghtl,r repair. Ths holes ar proh. bv.terv exivtt and hvi:-.)t it Md ably .Jus to sxm on mutXlnK a uH'! w,;h the picper ;utixri i or c".arcl ta the car. while It ts tn ' To do the t-ht th:u row. xtu will n-otlon. hve to take t?ie ba'.terv t, the Kt?e; - j g. After starting my engine, when' ivan ar.l h. hun po;.r cut e pres- It is cold, and sometime when going e-t eVctxite i!tion ten rs-.'uji a MIL there- is sometimes a click, i ft' l with an e-.t'.ryiy rew at- mg sound tn th engine, and ths e-n-j iter xxhich tV.e b.;tenr mv bs gnen a tire also seems tx skip a little. l' I :,m clxatge To isiir out the sxlmion hare huntext tr this, but cannot find; ! he w..l hae to use cut the p'.Ales. as tt. ss tt never occur evsipt whsn th : I ij t. ISsMeiy s sii-.p'y tumid t.; .-gno I cold and is pulling the oaf, ton -e ,'x,.;.-.eit. which mav be at or on a hill. What do you think It ... . ,. ,, . . 1 . Illl , Xl St l-s e..;: i"i xt t wi.i tx'iitvi xn v.;ia v . k i.sxt m is i ( te l'Utes r .; sxn brn ho iatxv car. xttm A Thetis ar so many pl,-s ftvm x,v I rev- Ox . l nsU inta'shivh clicking sound Cx.uld come j IOWA ROM) lTlt()li SVSTKM. Ilouiils of Sti t rxUiits i:niinT f(., ,, Work Si.iic llljilnMiys. In I.iwu, where motor cars are inor-j mimermiH per capita Hum in any other Ktato, 11 new system' for looking after the hiuhways Is being tried out. The itflcial (it'Mn of the Lincoln Highway Association decrihes the .pian as fnl lows: "A gt neri'.l improvement of lov:i reads Is expected :is a remit, of th I'litrol law now In effect In that state. I'tnler tin. terms of the legislative, en actment creating the patrol system tho counties, thru their boards of super visors, ore empoweied to employ mer for the one purpose of working on the lonla. They vwlll have well-defined rectlons to care for and will be fur nished with tools and equipment I t the county. "Tho muds will be dressed :.ftef every rain and at other times as thp l iny need It, ruts, niudhnles, and vvatff pockets climnnted, und the road sur face Kcuerally well maintained. "As some ,lme Is renuired to sociirs and equip tho road trews In tha dif ferent counties, the r;.ad law xi not not he worklnjr to Its full effectivenesi until next sprlnR." t'nnioiiflaue. "Cnmouwlnpe. why what la thai?"' Ask Mi' Salina Spreckes. That's vx'.ien von spread the paint on thick. To envvr up tho freckles. JUST SAY 10 YOUR CARACE MAN TAKE MY LEAKY RADIATOR TO "KLONDIKE" HE'LL KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN. Klondike Auto Radiator Repair Works Teh-phone T40, Twx-lurt ecn West first St. Tulsa, Oklahoma. rKx iAUsrs in TiiK ut:r.iui; or i?ni- TOUS, AS TANKS l KXll KS AM UMIS Recognised "W Know How" '4Qul.t7eT7FaiU,' I : t-r s '.. . l w. ;,'j.t-i 41 n.- it uiu xv x-. v .. u.-vj. a. n irmu