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TULSA DAILY WORLD, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7, 1917 PRINTER'S INK IS 1 TULSA PREPARES FOR FUND DRIVE WISE INVESTMENT Y. M. C. A. Workers Will Swk E. S. Horn Addresses Adver tising Club on Subject of Vital Import. $110,000 Durinjf a One Day Campaign. 1 Wn i Xtttfl No community will liter Into the "Y. M. t A. drive fur f 3 il. 000. itnl) thru out the country ln-ttcr prepared for an active i iiinptiicn to K i uro money with which to provide for the Aim-rW-an K- .Uliers and their alius jlurnm the present'rminth than the n.-ven counties ndjiirent to TuIm. atif of w hich Hum citv a the headquarters. Thirty-five millions of rtotl.irs In the, coal ot by the V. M C. A. National ir Coiimil Work, and of th s total. Oklahoma In lo raiee $:."-, 0''0. and Tulsa' dictiii't til to nubi-cribe l3,i'0fl. In this diftrh-t the lampaitn runs for an entire week, from Sunday. So 11. until Monday, November 1J, lnrluKive, and final plant, are now being made at a of meetings l-eii.,: hehl thrnout the counties com irls.ntr this district for the finnl "grand drive." One hay fnmpaltsii. Tulaa will nn. It-Make to rau-e 1 1 10. 0(10 on a "Insle day. Ni-vemher 14. for Itji share of the V. .M. ('. A. work, for the various funds to he a pproprlntcd to the County t'ounidl of Ix fenw; th Y. W. A. llo!tH Home Fund. Boldler Ubrary Fund, and other pa triotic causes. Already the forty team captains for the local rnmpniKn have been conscripted, and that there Is to he no slacking Is evident from the fact that every captain received notice of )ils conscription with the patriotic Im pulse to "ko the limit'' and forsake home, business and pleasure to "put over" ths drive which means comfort to the American soldiers who are flirhttng In the trenches. Dun of the funds contained in the hutlxet of 1110,000 which Ik lo he raised Is Tulsa Is the fund of II.0O0 which has heen promised and will he irlvrn the hovs of Tulsa's only infantry organization Company now suctioned at Fort Worth. Texas. Aa chairman of the c.impalxn com mittee of the southern department. " .... Mjr i i . tr-iPr WALLACE RE ID AJnfcMoSTAOfc A FARAMOVAIT PICTURE m BENEDICT TELLS INSIDE DOPE World's Washington Corres pondent Recites Stories of Spy System. At the I'nlace. beginning tomorrow. Imrlnn ctoher southern In Torment Two Months With Eczema On Head and Face. Cuticura Healed in Three Weeks. "I had eczema first on my head with itching and small pimply and from there it spread to my lace The pim ples were red and later festered and continued increasing in numlicr. Those on my head formed scales Ixit all itelicd and jnevrnted me from resting or sleep ing in comfort day or niKht. 1 was in torment for nearly two months. "I was treated but not no relief and L wrote fur a free sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I used it with such satisfaction that 1 purchased cake of Cuticura Soap and a 1kx of Cuticura Ointment, and in less than three weeks 1 was entirely healed." (Signed) Lewis N. Hirshbere, 24 V Woodhr.v.k Ave., Baltimore, Md., March lr, 1917. I'se Cuticura Soap for toilet purposes, assisted, now and then, by touches of Cuticura Ointment lo soothe and heal any tendency to irritation, redness or t roughness of the skin or scalp. By using these delicate, fragrant super creamy emollients for ail toilet pur i poses you mav4revetit many skin and scalp troubles iircomini; serious. It is always a pleasure to use them. For Kre Sample Ksrli by Return Mail address post-card' "Cuticura, Dept. II, IUton." Sold everywhere. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 5nc. Relief from Eczema Don't worry about eczema or oth akin troubles. You can have a clear healthy skin by using a little renin obtained at any drug store for 35c, a extra large bottis at $1.00. Zemo generally remqves pimples, black heads, blotchea, eczema, and ringworn and makes the skin clear and healthy Zemo is a clean, penetrating, antiseptii liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and staim nothing. It is easily applied and costs I mere trifle for each application. It b tlways dependable. The & W. Rose Co.. Cleveland, O. which roiiiprlncs the slates of Okla homa, IouiMitnii, Texan, Arkann.iM, New Mexico and Aruona, K. Roger Kemp of thin city has completed pinna for the campaign in the department of which he In chairman, und every Mate hiiH HiK'iified an intention to raise lt budget, doing ItH Nharn toward the raining of a fund of $1,000, 000. HOW It 1 lllvMcd. a nu oti on held In Dallas. 11, representatives of the department announced that every stone would he turned to bring that department'! huilKet up 'ha 1 1.000. (ton murk, and thin Is to he placed In the country's budget of .tr,. 000.000, which In to he uaed by the National War Work council for the work among the Aoldlers of the war. ring niitioiiH. Tlfts work, which can not he unilerestiinatcd In value, 1h divided Into the following nei'lionm. Worl; with American army at home $11,120,000 Work with American army In France 1 1.594,000 Work with French army.. 2. II 4 11,000 Work with Itiuwlan army.. H.3or,000 Work with Italian army.. 1.000.000 Work with priNoncm of war 1,000,000 Work of other emergency nature , 3. 802, 000 TMal $.15.1100.000 The treed of this fund In every place tint It will he ex'pended .y the V. M. ('. A. Im ImprenHed upon the public by the reports coming from the in nips of the HoldlerH of every country, K. Holier Kemp, chnirmnn for th! southern department, will return from IiiiIIhk today, where he him heen mak ing finnl plana fop the big drive In the M ites comprising that divlHlon, and he will at once take tip the work of 1 1 Kiini.inir the Tulfta liiHlrn? cam paign, of vhlch he Ih chairman, lie will he HHKiHtcil In till; work hy II. i Tyrrell, vli c-chiiinnnti, who hi been attending to the mam of details con flicted with the work during the ab sence of the chairman, and both will he In a position to give any Informa tion desired aa to the special work which Ih to he curried on with each particular fund. BUY -USE - ENJOY GAS. MANTLES Upright or Q Inverted Best for LIGHT STRENOTH ECONOMY REFLEXbrand 18" two for "N?4WELSBACHM 3o2 ' firighten Your 5hoes With TTTTrrm Ulilr Takes but a few moments. Softens and preserves leather. Makes shoes wear longer. v 50 shines for a dime. ShinoiA Home Set makes shining easy. Genuine bristle danber. Large lamb's wool polisher, Ask Nearest Store BLACR tan win it iti vi'J - HOMtSFr MM f OJ I V V I l few moments. UL LA 'x m.i r 11.1 m&0 Habitual Constipation Relieved U you wko in tha moming with a bad ta(t in th mouth, coated tongua, perhaps headache, your liver it torpid. A torpid liver deranges the whole system, produces sick headache, dy.pepiia, costiveneas and piles. There is no better remedy for these disorders than DR. TUTTS LIVER FILLS. Try them just once end be eternally convinced. For sale by ell druggists. Dr. Tuit's Livor Pills inidde information on the (io.'rn ment's plan r' catching iipic. a ahort history of :ii 1'nlted St-'iioa Chamber of Conimere.;, and a siriiight-froin-Lhe-nhoul.ler taik 'i Jdi' i i u. l y an ex pert li that liiio. were fe.ilur-.-i of an exceptionally ni'.v.-.i ;m esMou i f the' AdvertiHlnic "luh of T'lli'a In Hotel Tulsa ycoteH.iy noon. ilalph Talbot w.u -lilrni:in of t'ie meeting. in lion r of the t-vrnt he nurprleed the member by havlns; hla Juxtly-famed I'ulace thc-ilar orchestra present. They plaved ,'veryth!n from Krand opera tu "The KalKr'i Kuneral March," the hitter being a patriotic medley. W. It. (lulbera.m wu elected to membemhip. It was dec!rtd to lsane framed iiiimherKhlp ertifn,at-ii, so that they can int to ,t am! aak for the cluL'a endorsement wlivn approached by udvertlamg grafters. SKM-kilalc !(( nrm. It wag announced that Krank Stork dale, noted expert ofl ailveni.-ilnir and aalemaniihlp, would be in Tulan, No vember 14, 15 and H. for a i8ric9 of five lectures. Nearly two hundred Hea.son tickcta were subscribed for Clerks. wlndow-dro.sers. adviTllsi.iK writers lind others outalde of l he A(l club will he InvlteJ to attend the course. Stockdale Is touring .he na tion under auspices of the, As.c:at2d Advertising Clubs of the World. Adidph Holt, field secretary of tho I'nited States Chambei -if Commerce spoke for five minutes, out'lnlny the scope of thu onranl.atuni and hew It has become the pulse af the bjslnesu Interests of Ihe nation, whh li the nov eminent can to irh an-l 'nstant y as certain the sentiment of those Interests on Important subjects. J. Hiirr Clbhons explain I the stiRir shortage, and predlctej relief within a few days. "The gro-cr who chara" 12' cents a pound for sonar. wien tt la buylna; It for J7.S9 a nundrrd, should be run out of town," Mild gib bons. timer K. Henedlct, ' The World's Washington correspondent, home on a vacation, delighted tho club with a recital of Inside details of the unearth ing of the Von llernstorff Intrigue. "The I'nited States secret service Is the greatest In the world," be de clared. "Man of the Hour." "I have alwnya been n Republican, and am one now," said ltenedlct, "but after ten months of close observation at Washington. I feci perfectly safe In Kttylng that 1 believe It was u Oodserid Unit Wilson was elected president; he Is the man of tho hour.'" I'.'. S. Horn, chairman of 'he vigi lance committee, the most Important of all the committees, read a paper that wns to the point. Amonj other things, he said:' At the outset. I wish to say that I have nn abiding faith In the power of publicity. Correctly used and under favorable conditions, it will perform almost any legitimate service for the human raeo, whether It Is the market ing of it produvt which sells for as small a sum an 5 cents or a govern ment loan of $.r, 000. 000. 000. To every merchant nnd every man ufacturer of Tulsa there should be carried this message: "If you are manufacturing or selling any goods for which there Is a demand or for which a demand can be created; If you wish to enlarge your sales or your output; if you wish to build up a business that will constantly In crease und become more profitable, the most certain method to accom plish this result 4s hy the Judicious use of printers' ink." i . Dally 'rwNNiMr TlrM. Of equal Importance is the medium of publicity to bo used. First foremost (and especially is this true In Tulsa where we have as yet no ad vertisers who can profitably use mag azines or periodicals of national cir culation) conies hte daily newspaper If a person reads at all. ho reads the dally newspaper. It is part of the everyday life of the American people. In on other way can you so economi cally and effectively place your an nouncement before such a large num her of people. The daily newspaper can best give the constant repetition that wears away forgetf ulness and forces attention. impending upon the field to bo covered and local conditions, the ad vertlscr can often increase the ef fectiveness of his newspaper cam paign by tho use of farm and other weekly publications circulating In his territory. It should bo borne In mind that the newspaper and period ical publications are primary adver tising mediums, and these primary mediums are the ones through which you make your sales talk und direct appeal to the public, llillbuards and street car signs are for general pub licity purposes, and may be desig nated as secondary advertising me diums, to be used to supplement the newspaper or periodical campaign. Must Ilo IMiinlfWM. Make your advertising dignified. Tho public does not caro to have any business concern "get funny," as It were. Unless the writer is extremely clever It Is unwise to attempt to pre sent the humorous side of life. Copy of a poetical nature does not tend to build a permanent business success and Is not to be recommended. Neither does the advertising of a "catch phrase," as a rule, pay unless this "catch phrase" is suggestive of either the article itself or the use to which It may be put. Kor Instance, the phrase "I-et the Gold Dust Twins do your work" is good because It couples the name of tho article with the idea that It makes work easier. The "catch phrase" which was widely copied some few years ago, "The smile that won't come off, is practically worth less from an advertising standpoint, because it neither suggests the name of the article nor its use. It Is doubt ful If one In ten persons now remem bers the article which this "catch on- CIGAR OB S AND ACCO:' Owing to the advance of raw materials that are used in the manufacturing of cigars and tobacco, such as boxes, tin foil, paper, labels, bands, wages, war tax, etc., the price of these articles had to be raised. For a long time the retail man has stood for these raises and has been doing business on a smaller margin of prof it than any other line of the retail trade In the city, of Tulsa the man with a cigar stand is pay ing high rents and higher living expenses than most any city its size, yet they are among the last to advance the price. y It has been the belief of many that the tobacco man was setting rich, but any one who wants to know the actual prof it any retailer will gladly give the information. In the future the following prices will be in force at cigar stands where they de pend on a legitimate profjt to live on: All cigars costing up to $33.34 at 5c. ' All cigars costing at over $33.34 up to and including $40 at 6c. ' All cigars costing at over $40 at 7c, 3 for 20c. All cigars costing at $50 up to $65 at 10c. All cigars costing $Q5 up to and including $77.50 at 11c. - All cigars costing above $77.50 to and including $95 at 2 for 25c All cigars costing at over $95 at 15c straight. Cigarettes at present prices.- r 5c Tobaccos, all styles, at 6c. 7c Tobaccos, all styles, at 8c. 10c Tobaccos, all styles, lie. 25c Tobaccos, all styles, 30c. 35c, Little Cigars. 5c listed little cigars 6c. 10c listed little cigars, 13c; 2 for 25c. 15c listed little cigars, 18c; 'two for 25c listed little cigars 0cf Snuff, 7c. CORE THROAT kJ or Toniilitis gargle With warm, salt water f then apply T 0" I"" n- VTCK5VAP0R1 5 phraso" was originally Intended to ml-i-.i-iuo Voiihir does It nav to en deavor to exclto the curiosity of the public bv nonsensical advertising. Tho shrewd advertiser does not n.auta i,ia a , i, m n r i,i i i on. He aims to secure full value for every dollar ex- pendod In publicity. l-:very. man to ...l,... nnn.,irlhv n ,1 VP T 1 1 K I n SChemCS are presented owes It to himself to be fortified and not to trust to Inspira tion at the moment no is aiiacneii, Amateur Solicitors. It Is well to be careful about refus ing "advertising" if it may be digni fied hy naming It as such to ama teur solicitors or representatives of unions and lodges. They often report their treatment witn some neai i me next meeting. Tut them off tactfully ie va,i nn TtlrilctilA Is sometimes an Afrnniii.. u-.annn iL-itVi these amateurs. It works out well in tne case 01 dubb ball schedules, scorecards, picnic pro grams and dance and entertainment programs. Treat these 'mediums as objects of mirth and say that they are never seriously considered. Men who V. n nla lls.n rmnost t lOTlfl tr UStiallV poorly informed about advertfslng schemes anyway. A curt refusal makes them think something la wrong with you, while a laugn manes mem think something Is wrong with their proposition. No comment on the use of space on theater or moving picture curtains, or advertising slides thrown on the curtain of moving picture houses, will be made other than to state that two- Viiia n. mor of the neonle In the audience resent the presence of this . m . I I . I- . 1 cnaracier or aavenising. imy nave to look at It because It is forced upon them, but the impression the adver tisement carries is more often annoy a nee than conviction. I There Is a vast difference In buying good advertising nnd buying advertis Ing that makes good. The former Is your opinion ot its worth; the latter is the opinion as expressed by the buy ing public. Tift yiiinrno Hint Oocs Xot Affect Ilcail. Kecause of Its tonic and laxative effect. Laxative Hromo quinine can bo taken by anyone without causing nervous ness or ringing in the head. There Is only one "Hromo Quinine." E. W, GROVK'S signature is on the box. SOc, Laugh When People, Step On Your Feet Try this yourself then past It along to othera, ( It workal ' Ouch !?'?!! xnis kind of rough talk will be heard less here In town If people troubled with corns will follow the simple advice o this Cin cinnati authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called freesone wtien applied to a tender, aching corn dries up and lifts right out without pain. He says freeione Is an ether com pound which dries Immediately an-l never inflames or even Irritates the surrounding tissue 01 skin. A quarter f f an ounce of freeione will cost very little at any drug store, but Is suffi cient to remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet Millions of American women will welcome this announcement i-Ince the inauguration of the high heels, Adv. CLEANSES YOUR HAIR MAKES IT BEAUTIFUL, THICK, GLOSSY, WAVY Thy This! All Dandruff Dis appears and Hair Stops Corning Out. Surely try a "Danderlne Hair Cleanso" If you wish to Immediately double the beauty of your hair. Just moisten a cloth with Danderlno and draw It carefully thru your hair, taking one small strand at a time; this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil in a few minutes you will be amased. Tour hair will b-j wavy, fluffy and abundant and pos sess an Incomparable softness, luster and luxuriance. Besides beautifying the hair, one application of Danderlne dissolves every particle or aanururr: invigo rates the scalp, stopping ltchinj and falling hair. Danderlne is to tne nair wnat rreen showers of rain and sunshine are to Depository (for superfluous hair.) Invigorate and strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimulating and life-pro ducing properties cause the hair to grow- long, strong and beautiful. You can surely nave pretty, sort. lustrous hair, and lots of it, if you will spend a few cents for a small bottle of Knowl ton's Danderlne at any drug store or toilet counter and trv It n..t directed. Adv. "TMKOlDR-ftlAMlTtr M HfsliJ ntMtUYrORMtN. 7 V !T.rn ...TV . . .X i ih - ih wrm Md Wolf tnpUILr -Taka aa alkar. liar af . V " " Ut. Sfot. katlallW SQID BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Stop Experimenting The, rlclaal Uemli bar rraerar Beree ' dl asp paints. Oaly depilatory wltk gaarast la eaeh parka. one's Friend Expcctcnt Hoihsrs - RCUIVES STRAIN I th loncaat, Mt cbotloali, abnom I aaaftlaalj toai antaa my f mt ih . i 7 , .t T-"f .V '"awuM. PatalnaHaaaaaima iM DaaAiramA i? akiiiIS aT. "om JKn taiMt sin, an, J4