Newspaper Page Text
10 TULSA DAILY WORLD, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1917 GLENPOOL DISPLAYS GOOD ROADS SPIRIT Lewis Cline and George Reeves Address Large Commun ity Meeting. Thru n chance In the ncholule of mrplinuN on Ih proposition of v otitis $1,7110,0(10 on XowmlxT 0. for tin' purpoNc of piivlnjt ono hunJrcil mill's of county roiulH, the npi-ukt-ra Itmt nlKht went to CHi-npool. whore they Bililreswcd a nieetmK of elslu himdrnl perHons, hold In the hitch "ihool audi torium. The ineetlnK wax "et f'r SkUtook, hut the death of t hief W t. Rogers cnuxed a postponement of the meeting. Olenpool informed the speakers tht n place would t'e made for them on the program of the Ll-weekly literary society meeting. Murxhallini; an array of future t show the cost of ro.ols. Lewis I'llne, county clerk, told r.!enpotl that out side of the amount the putdii- servlie cori-orai.on there will pay. the total amount which will come from that city on the total ln.n.l i.iie for the twenty-five 'ears, on the present val uation. I onlj 1 7.500. lr thiit amount the township will get i mllia of p.iveil roails, routing approximately tin. 000 a n.ile. The xtrong point ha.x heen made at ench of the meeting that no town uhlp, except the one In which Tulsa ih Indited, will pay for Its share of the roads. Tills Is cine to the liUh valua tion of the clly and oi the put. lie serv ice corporations In the co.inty. That liolnpool people favor the If mie was evident from the applause which greeted the remarks of Mr. ("line lind 'ieorge V.. Iteeves. county attorney. Mr. Iteeves featured a point which has vexed many of the citizens of the Tulsa county towns, that of the belief I in to the towns. The fear has been expressed by some that a syslem of roads which would make Tulsa more accessible to the rest of the county would corre spondingly decrease the patronage of the other towns. "I Invite all who have such fear to wiile to any town they know of that interurliau railways and (Mived roads have been built to from largo centers of population, and find out whether their towns have been helped or In jured," Mr. Iteeves said. "I'aved roads, such ns It Is pro posed to build wilh tins bond Insue, will double the population of the county. This Increase will be general and not confined to Tulsa. You will find your property enhanced In value, at least doubly so, where one man Is now liiiiiilng eighty ucros of land Ibere will bo. two. t'onsetiuently, with double the population, the business ol the towns is hound to Increase." No meeting will be held tonight. Monday night the speakers will go to Sand .Springs. The Sklatook meet ing was postponed to Thursday night. C0SDEN CONSTRUCTION WORK STOPPED BY LACK MATERIAL TULSA HIGH ELEVEN MEETS BARTLESVILLE Hardest Struggle of Senson Predicted for Locals in Today's Game. hlcnl Im-iiIcm Concern Will Cciim- Manufacture of 1'arafflnc I'nxliM-t. The ('itsden refinery h;ut laid off about six hundred miji in Its construe. I lion departiiKiit on account of Inabil ity to ohtam material with which to ,'jrrv on that ti.w piiiinI rint ion ivnrk I under way. Humors have been In circulation about the downtown streets for several davit that the t'onden company had laid off one thousand men, but when a World representative culled upon the president. J. H. I'osden, yesterday, lie denied It except to say that Ills com pany bud been forced to suspend Its construction operation on new stills being built, which, of course, necessi tated laying off n large number of laborers ti ml mechanics who were en gaged in that work. "W'e hope it will be only tempor ary." said Mr. Cofideii such a .scarcity of material that we cannot get It. The steel mills are run. ning day and night on government or ders ami am unaldu to supply the reg ular demand. "We have not laid off nny employes except those who were engaged In the new construction wuik." Mr. Cosilen also denied a report that accompanied the other to the ef fect that his refinery would abandon the manufacture of parafflnu urtlclus, saying there was nothing In it, whatever. -nut ttiere is i(lppK ,.ft half; Shurtllff Meningitis Claims Soldier. CAM I' IKINII'IIAN. dkla.. Nov. 9. Vrlvate Vevlan Hob of Neal, Kan., d'ed here this morning fr-in cerebro spinal meningitis. Thlrtei u other cases are in the isolation camp. All are drafted mon from t'tmp 1'unston. Inspired. "Well, old man, I hear that one nf your poems has been accepted. Did you have nn Inspiration '" "I don't know, really; nut I am ccr tin the editor had one." Purity Market and Grocery Kurly this morning Coach C.rocey and ID picked men of the local high school football wpind will depart for llartlesvUle for a struggle this after noon that Is expected to show whether the locals ure reully strong contenders for the cha mploiiship of eastern Ok lahoma. The local team has defeated every one of ll.x opponents thin year and In addition the Tulsa goal line has been kept spotless, but It Is doubtful If as strong an eleven has been met us will be faced In the Washington county city today. A keen signal practice was held by the locals yesterday In their final preparations for the fracas abroad, liracey has drilled his team for more speed during the week and also gave a number of nnv plays. Kvery man Is In prime condition for today's game. Following is the way the home team will line up nt the start this afternoon: Hoop, left end; Carter, left tackle; Colson, left guard; Collar, center; Nlckson, right guard; McWII llams. right tackle; Woods, right end; Hendricks, quarterback; Captain half; Cramer, right fullback. I Smith's C. 0. D. Grocery and Market 211 Fust Scroiid Street Plionw 1648-SS50 ui:i.i (.oons fhki: dkmvkky reasonable pjuces CAN GOODS We find ourselves overloaded on canned fruit and vegetable. Prices quoted below for Saturday only: MOSCOW FALLS TO KEVOLUTIONISTS 114 EAST SECOND STREET PHONE 1702 WE DO SELL FOR LESS We have some Sugar 25c worth to a customer. Potatoes, per peck 40c Sweet Potatoes, per peck 33c Standard Corn, 2 cans for 25c Peas, per can 13c No. 3 Hominy, per can 10c Pumpkin, No. 3 13c Kraut, No. 3 17c Tomatoes, per can 15c Red Beans, per can 11c Gallon Cherries, per can 85c Gallon Peaches, per can 48c Gallon Apricots, per can 60c Pancake Flour, 15c; 2 for 25c Matches, per box 4c Navy Beans, per lb 15c Pink Beans, per lb 15c Lima Beans, per lb 18c Pinto Beans, per lb 15c 10c Bread for 8c Flour, 24 lb. sack $1.50 48 lb. sack Flour $3.00 Fancy Cooking Apples, per peck 35c Brookfield Butter 47c Good Creamery Butter 45c SPECIAL SATURDAY Sugar-cured Breakfast Bacon, per lb. by slab, Best grade of Hams, per lb., whole ham.., Fresh and cured Meats of all kinds. .40c .32c If it is Fruit and Vegetables, we have it; the largest line to select from than any store in your city. Come and see for yourself. Purity Market and Grocery Just Acros the Street from the Grand Theater (OXTIN'l Kl) KHOM pA!E ON'K. wire thronged with Joking, laughing crowds. On Nevsky l'rospekt, where yester day were machine guns and a'inore.l cars and Infantry behind wooden bar ricades, today were to be seen only the usual throngs of the populace. There was no excitement among them. Where armored curs had sped en route to tho winter palaco beforo tli attack flocks of pigeons fed In th street with no whistling bullets to disturb them. Among the street crowds there wns an occasional bandaged sailor who evidently bad been wounded during the night's fight. In an apartment u mile beyond the palate n shell, either from a gun of the fortress or a cruiser, had gone thru the roof. Apparently pent. It landed on a table in the living room but did not explode. Soldiers, grave but cheerful, were nrsuuiliuT control of various districts. They sat in barracks nt the committee room listening to complaints and is suing passes. The fusillades of rifles and the clattering of machine guns. j with the occasional boom of cannon from the fortress, or a cruiser which tin I continued until the palace Hiir-irtmb-ted had been supplanted by the I laughter and .shouts of schoolboys dm- ...!..... .1 ..l,iu..U l ion -a-ii it ooi v. in .wen aviiu itij 111 the plaza. Troops. Turned Hack. The Associated Press, was Informed that two detachments of troops, healed for l'etrograd in tesponse to an early appeal from former Premier Kerersky, were met outside the city by commissioners and persuaded to return to the front. The correspond ent also was Informed that tho mmles on the northern front had elected a revolutionary committee which declared In support of the con gress. A dolegntion from the eleventh nrmv which urrived In l'etrograd yes ti rdiy has Joined the revolted gur- tison. A h'rench officer, It is reported, was wo inded during the action. The losses of the workmen's and soldiers' organ isation are said to be one sailor killed and several wounded. The casualties nvnong the defenders of the winter palace are placed at about thirty killed nnd wounded. Apiwnl to Soldiers. The general congress of the soldiers and workmen's delegates in its proclamation announcing that It has taken over government authority says: "We appeal to the soldiers In the trenches to be vigilant and firm. The congress expects the revolutionary army will protect tho revolution ngalnst all Imperialist ntempts until the new government has obtained a democratic peace which It will pro pose directly to all the peoples. "The new government will take adequate measures to assure to the army all necessaries nnd by energetic requisitions from the upper classes it will also nmellorate the economic situation of soldiers' families." The proclamation concludes by urg ing the soldiers to prevent any at tempt by Kerensky or others to op press the new government. All the Holshevikl arrested at the time of tho July uprising have been freed. The cossacks on whom the pro- 2 cans Corn 2-1c 2 cans Peas 25c 2 cans Pork and Heans Stftc 2 cans Ited Means 2ro 2 cans (Ireen Heans 25c 2 cans Sweet Potatoes 25c So. 3 large can Hominy ....10c I-arge can Tnble Peaches. . . .20c Ijirge Jars O. K. Jam 25c Large bottlo Snyder's Catsup 25c boxes Matches for 25o 5 pkffs. O. D. Cleanser 25c t cans Lye 25o 4 large 10c rolls Toilet Paper (60 limit) 250 Dob White Soap, 5 bars for 25o Crystal White Soup, 6 bars 25o 6 pkgs. Salt for 25o All Flour. 24 lbs 11.60 48 lbs. Flour $3.20 Cooking apples, eating apples, grapes, pears, fresh tomatoes, cauli flower, celery, head and leaf lettuce. .V OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT All kinds of fresh and cured meats cut to suit you. FREE DELIVERY 212 East Second Street Phones 1648-3650 Latonia Race Results and Entries SATURDAY SPECIALS i Rogers & Zoller Market and Grocery Phones Osage 2187-2188 MEATS Spring Chickens, dressed, any size, per lb 28c Young Hens, dressed.. 25c Choice Pot Roast 17y2c Rib and Brisket Stew 12V2c Veal Roast, shoulder. .20c Veal Breast 15c Premimum Bacon, sliced in lb. pkgs 50c 901 South Main GROCERIES Prookfield Putter 2 cans Corn Hominy, large size can Pumpkin, large size can Asparagus, per can , . No. 2 Van Camp Pork Heans No. 2 Hed Heans, per can ltartlett Pears, largo can. Mincemeat, per lb (Juaker Oats, per pkg. . . , .Matches, full-size box . , , and . r()e . 2,"e . lOe . I5e , 15e . S!0c . Ifte . 25c ,20e . I lie . . fte WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Yesterday's Kesulls. 1 FILST HACK Six furlongs: Mell- lotus 112 (Kelfuiy), 114.50. J6.S0 and J5.50, won; Hee Une 112 (Connelly), $7 and $5.30, second; Dirty l'"aee 112 (I,, tinnier), $15.20. third. Time, 1:15. Ukelelo, Hasty Mabel, Ijidlne, Lady O, Clarice lUith, Hellmere. Doots, Ked llta V, Chnrmlng, also run. SECOND KACIi Six furlongs: Mar. tre 113 (llurrett). $22.80, $9. CO and $ii, won; Kleburn 116 (Connelly), $5.20 and $4.20, second; Ziudel 108 (Willis), $6, third. Time, 1:14 1-5. Rocoe Goose, Apple Jack, Vagabond, I.ndy Jane Grey, Clumsy Kate, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Darkey, Ulueracer, White Crown, nlso ran. THIRD It ACE Six furlongs: Azalea 109 (Murtln), $5.80, $3.50 and $3, won; Spearlene 112 (Connelly). $4.20 and $3. GO, f-ccond; Kdlth L, 105 (Wil lis), field, $3.80, third. Time, 1:13 2-5. Hroom Peddler, Choirmaster, Happy Hundley, Amellta, Little Princess, also ran. FOURTH RACK Mile: Queen Ap ple 104 ( L. Garner). $40.20, $1R50 and $7.90, won; Uasilius 105 (Willis), $18.R0 nnd $7.70, second; Fly Home 104 (Kclsuy), $4.30, third. Time, 1:38 3-5. J. C. Stone, Star Maid, Shadow Uwn, Hac, Marasmus, Alert Kxhorter, also ran. FIFTH RACK Six furlongs: Drad ley's Choice 124 (Kelsny), $7.80, $4.10 and $3.70. won; Fruit CcJe 115 (Gentry), $. and $2.80, second; Sands of re lOfi (Crump), $fi.70, third. Time, 1:11 4-5. Harry U Cane Run, Gallant jnf, Lightfoot, also ran. SIXTH UACF Mile nnd 70 yards: Rroom Sweep 100. (Kelsay), $5.10, $3.20 and $'i.90, won; Zlm 109 (Har rington), $5.40 and $4, second; Ed Gnrrlson 94 (Ouber), $8.40, third. Time, 1:14 1-5. Reserve, Schemer, Joe Ttersteln, Haby Cal, Running Queen, Fleeta P.elle, Thomas Callaway, Heau tiful Girl, Walter H. Pearce, also ran. SRVKNTH RACE Mile and n fur fring: Howdy 112 (Callahan), $20.60, $11.70 nnd $.40, won; Fleuron 102 (Majestic), $60.30 and $17.70, second; Col. Marchniont 107 (Van Dusen), $4 20, third. Time, 1:52 4-5. Nash ville, Iollte, Roan Spiller, Aldebaran, Duke of Shelby, Prince R, also ran. visional government relied, failed to support it. The reason is said to have been that the government could find no Infantry to aid these cavalry forces. The soldiers' and workmen's dele gates obtained possession of the tele phone system by a ruse. A regiment which the government believed to be loyal, was sent to the exchange to re lieve a disloyal regiment. Immedi ately the subsltutlon was accomplished the supposedly loyal regiment pro nounced in favor of the Bolsheviki. A dispatch from Ilelslngfors, Fin land, says that delegates from the Baltic fleet and army committees have resolved to adhere to the revolution ary committee. The revolutionary committee at Reval has occupied all the Important strategic points. OIL MEN AGAIN WILL HAVE CAGING LEAGUE Help Swat the Kaiser By Saving Wheat If each one of us In the United States uses one slice less of bread each day, we will snvo 150.000,000 bushels of wheat each year. Let us suggest a few substitutes for wheat foods. It. .1- 15. Corn Meal tile Kliugler's Buckwheat Flour 55c Flake Hominy, per lb ;..10o Hominy Grits, per pkg t.V Kellogg's Bran, per pkg 1.V 2 pkirs. Quaker Oats iTw Corn Flakes lOe Grape-Nuts I.'xi 5 lbs. Sugar (with your order) ... .."tic 2 lbs. Navy Beans (easy to cook) SSi Iirge Hebe Milk lc Small llel.e Milk lie 2 cans Hominy 2,e 2 cans Tomatoes 2.V Can Vegetable or Tomato Soup... Hie Large can Kraut t."e 1-lb. can Table Peaches in Syrup. . Hie 3 loaves Bread 2.V- IS pkgs. Macaroni or Spaghetti ... .2.V I '.Tic Calumet D iking Powder 2"V I 2 So K. C. Making Powder 20e ; (egg substitute) : Cream Cheese, per lb ,1."ie !Diy Salt Meat, per lb Hoe I Pure ljud (contains no tallow), I per lb I'Oc 'Compound Ijtrd. per h 22'.je t'n.-co . I(e, 80c, SH.HH Bob White, or Clean Easy Soap. . . .5e Itiih-No-More Washing Powder .... Oe Matches ."e I Vehn Svtup Kb', Flour SI..-.-i We sell Oleomargarine. Renshaw's Pla ne iKiigc ill'OI Main and llriskell ' J The Oish store v.illt Hie Culi Prices Tulsa will have another basketball league this winter among the em ployes of the oil companies. Repre sentatives of the Atlantic Petroleum corporation, Gypsy Oil company, Mid Co Gasoline company, the Ohio Cities Gas company and the Sinclair Oil & Gas Co. met in the Y. M. C. A. last night where plans were perfected for the organization of their lengue. The interest nnd enthusiasm shown by the various representatives Indi cates a very successful season. He cause of the number of companies an nouncing their intention of placing a team on the floor, It was finally de cided, In order to nllow ench team to play at least one game each week, to limit the league's membership. It will be composed of eight teams, and tho opening games will be played on Friday evening, November 30. The schedule for the entire season will be arranged nt its next meeting, which will be held In the Y. M. C. A. Monday evening, .November 12, at 8 o'clock. Butter Scarce in Berlin. COPENHAGEN. Nov. 9. The but ter ration In greater Berlin has been reduced for the winter to thirty grams, approximating one ounce, weekly. Fifty grains of margarine are also granted, hut the newspapers point out that war margarine is prin cipally water nnd has slight nutritive value. Food Administrator von Wal dow has announced that a special de partment would be organized to en lighten the people on the food situa tion. -This announcement evoked the comment from one newspaper that "the stomach cannot rend." Ktlltor Conlctol of Sabotage. GREENWOOD, S. C, Nov. 9. W. P. Beard, editor of the Scimitar, pub lished nt Abbeville, S. C, recently de nied iii-c of the malls, wns found guilty today In the federal court here on two charges, one of publishing false reports nnd statements with In tent to interfere military and naval forces, nnd another of nttempt lug to cnuse mutiny nnd disloyalty. If on like good music, go to the First Presbyterian church tomorrow evenini.'. Seventh nnd Boston, 7:30. Adv. Today's F.ntries. FIRST RACE Cluimlng $800; maiden, 2-year-old, mile; Jack Hill 104, Jean K 104, Jiffy 105, Crato.v 107, Parish 107, Quito 108, Doote 104, Relmoh 104, Tim McUee 107, Imp Omully 107, Tanlac 107. SECOND RACE Claiming $700; 3-year-olds and ups; mile and a six teenth; Beauty Spot 90, Kingfisher 97, Foxy Griff 99, Rhymer 102. Beauty Shop 105, Irish Gentleman 107, Elevlyn V 95. Lady Ward 97, 'Fair Orient 99, Dick West 101, Sa'ety First 106, Durward Roberts 107. Also eligible, Southern League 106, Tush Tush 106, Fairy Legend 105, Wator Proof 107, Indolence 104, Lucile P 105. THIRD RACE Claiming $700; 3-year-olds and up; six furlongs; Mary Bell 99, Arch Plotter 105, Phoclon 109, !Iinney 114, Nobleman 105, Lnng'uorne 106, Redland 109, Glpsey George 114. FOURTH RACE All ages, handi cap, $1,500 added; six furlongs; W. W. Hastings 100, 'Atlanta 109. Prince of Como 120, Solly 129, Arthur Mid dleton 104, Opportunity 113, Panza reta 123. FOURTH RACE The Queen City stakes. $5,000 added; 2-year-olda; handicap; mile; Kedllta V 98, Tanlac 109, Duke of Savoy 102, James Fos ter 104, Imp Spearlene 105, North Sea 108, Boniface 112, Tacola 113, Glp sey Queen 107, J. Walker 98, Jane Francis 100, Fern Handley 103, Lucky B 104, "Tex Forman 107, Herald 110, Sewell Combs 113, Free Cutter 115. SIXTH RACE Three-year-olds, handicap; $2,000 added; mile and three-sixteenths; Flzer 104, Guy For tune 109, Imp Faux Col 110, Manager Walte 121, Imp Arrlet 105, Dick Wil liams 110, Ranoher 116. Cudgel 135. SEVENTH RACE Claiming $800; 3-year-olds and up, mile and un eighth.; 'Jovial 93, J. C. Stone 10'. Fly Home 108, Yenghee 109, Money maker 114, Miles Flnlen 101, Imp Sansymtng 107, 'Olga Star 109, 'Lady Rotha 112. Bac 116. 'Camden entry. W. H. Baker entry. Weather clear, track fast.' I City News' 'in 'brief ' ' FRK1 r. BATES it critically ill In lo cal hospital. The Clovla club will danra thia (renin in the Knights of Co!un:bua hall. W. C. JUNKtNS ofKanaa City, who for ir.irlv wni connected with a local mukle com)iary un manager, win a visitor In the city yeaterdajr. WTI. 1,1AM BAILEY ia rcovrlng aftar a thre werka' HIiim of ararlet fever. Mra. lia!le. who alto haa bren ill, la out of the hospital. WR, AND MRS. J. A. FROST hav. ra -j moved to Miuknene, wrrre thev will roaldii wi'h Mra. Frost's mother, Mra. M. B, Ucujrhorty. To Join the Submarines. Billy Sunday prays thnt "the Iron cross he sunk deep In hell." Which I. ail right as a sentiment, but i. can not he done In that way. Ja !. House. Sanitary Cash Grocery 112 North Main Street, Tuha, and Home Gardens Phones 613-865 Phones 613-865 PROMPT FREE DELIVERY Trade Where You Get the Most and Best Goods for Your Money, and You Will Trade With Us. Choice Corn, 2 cans for 25c Can Sauer Kraut 15c Can Peas 15c White Rock Peas, 2 for 25c Can Lye Hominy, 2 for 25c Goodwin's Tomato" Cat sup, small bottle ... .15c Large bottle .25c Can Green Beans .....15c Polar Bear Soup, can, 10c Goodwin's Apple Butter, per can 15c Lippincot's Preserves regular 35c, . today. . .29c Can Peaches, No. 1 sliced 15c Can Apricots, No. 1 sliced, at 15c Eggs, per dozen 35c Rosedale Pineapple, reg ular 30c, today 25c Potatoes (fine) peck.. 45c Sweet Potatoes, (yellow) per peck 35c Celery, per bunch ...,10c Lettuce (fine) per lb... 20c Flake Hominy, per lb. 10c Hominy Grits, per lb. 10c Pearl Hominy, per lb. 10c Goldenrod Washing Powder, 5 pkgs. for 25c Bob White Soap, 5 for 25c 3 rolls 10c Toilet Paper 25c Palmolive Soap 10c Puffed Wheat 15c Puffed Rice 15c Black Eyed Peas, lb... 13c Speckled Beans, lb. ...11c Our own brand of Fresh Roasted Coffee special today 35c brand at .' .30c Lucerne Grocery and Market We are prepared to furnish a full line of bulk and pack age crackers, a superior quality of full cream cheese, all kinds of luncheon cheese pimiento, chili, roquefort and other high-class brands. High-grade coffees and teas; choice selected apples, oranges, grapes and other fruits. Highest grade Creamery Butter. Specials for Saturday Potato Salad, home-made, per lb 30c (We make our own dressing) Boston Brown Bread 10c Boston Baked Beans 40c (We bake our own beans) Mince Pies, large size, made of home-made mincemeat 30c We call attention to our very choice line of high-grade candies, in boxes and in bulk. Full line of penny candies for the Children. Bevo and Soda Pop on ice at all times. A complete line of cigars. New and Sanitary Market in Connection "The Store so Different'9 PHONE 7658 922 SOUTH BOSTON PLENTY OF Hens and Springs 9MP Backache of Vome How thia Woman Suffered and Was Relieved. Tort Fairfield, Maine. "For many months I suffered from backache caused by female troubles so I was unablo to do my house work. I took treatments for it but received no help whatever. Then some of my friends asked why I did not try Lydia & rinkham's Vegetable Com pound. I did so and my backache soon disappeared and I felt lika a riiflWnf-. woman, and now have a healthy little fa tmoy gin ana ao au my nouse wore. I will always praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to women who suf fer as I did." Mrs. Alton D. Oajus, Fort Fairfield, Maine. The best Remedy I nm. vi 'N. f i ir i m LYDIA E. PMEfflMra VMEMLE COMPOUND Thousands cf yQjaon hcroopccd this . Vlitftbriil ipsa inj it? LYDIA t.WNKHAM MIDICIWt CO. LYNM mam I "WW