Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, MONDAY', NOVEMBER 12, 1917 ANNOUNCEMENTS. MST AXI EOlXl) HARE Strayed or stolen, on sorrel mare; weight 1,000 pounds; age p. one dark sorrel horse; Wright UOO pounds; sge lii; blind in left eye; both branded. Phone 1J888. " PJ.RELY PERSONAL 8 SiVERA!, bahlce"f'or" isdopiion. "Mrs. Slit roy, 1115 Last Olive, Guthrie, Okl. AUTOMOBlLESr AITOMOI.1LE8 H)K JR.'J.E 10 ETjlCI. I.igiit Six for'sale on terms, $100 down, balance monthJy. Wingate, 217 Ens Se.'ond. Csdip lanpfflfflfiims Dodge touring car, good; Studebaker 4-cyllnder touring, 17 eerie; Stude baker 6 cylinder roadster, 17 scries; tcrinfl. MdDtl(D)IP Co. Boulder at Seventh rhone 4816 tHANDI.Klt Light six, Tike new, perFect mechanical condition: bargain price: demonstrate. Phone 4'3K. tllANlil.KR Kor sale," wire-wheeled Chantf ler chummy five, good condition, late model, $1,000. l'hone Osage 287 J. JjAVlS For sale; 1918 lavis automobile, been driven two thousand ruilet; (11 parti guaranteed, l'hone Oaage 21)30. 6' 1' IT Klectrio for aale, slightly used, . a condition, at a bargain price; for particulars, call 5903 and day before noon. f RAXKI.IN KOAlS'lEU In the beat of condition wire wheels; we can allow you that this car la a good buy; come and ace- open Bnnday. The Meyer-Moore Co., 61. V Month Main. rhone Osoge 8450. foill'" roadster for sale by owner; 1916 Ford roadster at a bargain if told today, l'hone Osage 3408. FOKDci Kor isle. Ford roadsters and tour lug can; taken in exchange for Haxwns; r-exons completely equipped, including self atarter, lights, demountable rims, Hyatt bearings, Continental motora, Kxide bat terica; only $385 f. o. b. factory. 'Call at 807 South Moulder. BOl'Monil.K roadster, late mo-el, in fine onditinn, priced right. Auto Salvage, 216 Kant Second street. p EfAYNKS seven-p frnger, good aa new, ell or trade for real eatate in good location, l'hone 4712. j fil'DSON Sl'l'KR In perfect condition, five good tires, wire wheela, spot light; eee thia before you buy; will demonstrate. Km t til 3 South Main, ask fur Spooner. l'hone Osnge 3-t:S0. Sf AXWKI.I. roadster for sale, in lirst clean condition, l'hone 7:178 or call .at 119 T South Kigin, Oark Trail (iarnge. WITCIlKl.Ii, 1017 seven-pss-scnger; thia car la just n good a new and nils live nrariy new cord tires: will ninke good price will takn vour old car in trade will demonstrate. The Meyer-Moore Co. 615 South Main, l'hone Onage 34H0. SCRII'I'S-UOOTIl roadster, good condition", $?, terms cash. A 80, euro World. Ueffl -Caiirs nn TcEirinmts 19 17 Jeffrey, enclosed, olso sum mer top . . v. $850 19 19 17 Apperaon chummy $750 16 OldHmobile roadster, newly painted ....$675 16 Chalmers light 6 1650 17 Mitchell touring $550 16 Olds roadster $650 15 Jeffrey touring $400 14 Oakland ...t $150 SHI Easfl Smi VEL1K forsoleor trade for light car- big six; In fine ehape. Call 918 South Main or phone Oaage 5513 K after 5 p. m. jor demonstration. TELIE for aale or trade for light tv. big ' 1 -I .1.11 " 1 O U.ia Six, in line snape. vmi o --vun. or phone 6513 after 6 p. m..for demon . atration. AUTOMOBILES. Al'TOSt'PPLIES AXI) REPAIRS 11 T1RK8 l.'sed tirea, tuba, rliua and parti. Tula Auto Exchange.409 aet Second. WE HAVE "repair parte for the following makes of cars at less titan half of factory coat: C'bm 40, Dodge, Maxwell, Emerson, F.lirore. Thomas; Krit, PulIman,;Moon. Keo, Knox, llaladay, Ohio, Little Uiant, Abbott, Psige, Tribune, SJtoddcrd-Liayton, Peary, Michigan, Peerless, Marion, Jackson, Mar rnon, Pope-Hartford, Oldsmobile. Courier, I'ackard, Flaudera, Oakland, Auburn, Ap pearing Mitchell, Allen, Saxon, Cole, Hup rnobile, Pstterson, Cadillac, Chalmers, Buick, Overland, Velle, Studebaker Chev rolet, Hudson, Dorris- Henderson, King 8, Warner, Vulcan; Bosch Mags., coils and ' uaed tirea. Auto Salvage, 216 East Secoud. WANTKD .VUTOMOni I.KS 1 4 USED CARS We buy them, any condition Auto Salvage, 21S East Second street. BbsRiTATJarRobis- LIGHT HOl'.Si:kEEIlIX IK)MSH ADMIRAL," 1221 Suite of light housekeep ing roonjSj - BOSTON, S., 1225 Nicely furnished modern housekeeping rooms. Fhone 8683-J. ITOSTONrsO., 902 Nicely furnished House" keeping apartment; private front and hack entrance; no cniiaren CHEYENNE, 627 Two extra large light housekeeping rooms; modern, electric lights; good location: also one housekeep ing room; walking distance; oil car line. ClNCfSSATfTN-. 407 Two furnlsned "light housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water; no children.P1ion 6973 R. fjiJLUTH, W., 816 Ona lighiousckecplng room, modern. EeTROIT, N, 436 Llglit bouaeteVplng roome forrenj EETROIf, 80.. 1218 Two ftirnliTieTliiil housekeeping rooms; front and back ent rance, connecting bath; also two-room house onfurnished. EASTON, EAST, e two furnished rooms for housekeepinf fLWOOD", 8.. 1301 Furnished rooms for light housekeeping, newly furnished and modern FLW00D, N., 612 Two modern furnished light housekeeping rooms nicely furnished, private front and bark entrance, very plesnant, no children; also gersge for rent. El.OlN," 8.. 1422 Two large furnished houekeepJng rooms for rent. FlFTlt, E., "l6l5i-Two rooms for light housed keeping; reasonable Tent. Phone 7869. FRISCO, 8., "518 "One large loom with creened porch for light housekeeping in ttie hack. HA 8K E LL, W.. 7 H Furnished rooms and cooling privileges: all rcodern. BODGE, E., 1346--?rwo upstsTra ligrii bouekeeplngroms.Phone 1473. JaCKSON. "8., 711 Twa housekeeping roomSjiiochlldren. Phone Osage 5250. KENDALL -For rent, three-room furnished or unfurnished: first house east of Urant on Eighth street, Kendall. EXWTON, 8.. 108 Two nicely furnished housekeeping roonsa ap atalrs, modern, bo children. EORFOLlC S7, 11 Light housekeeping rooms, baht eonnectlng: on ear and jitney line. Phone Oseg2296. BEVENTB; W7 116 Housekeeping moms; good water. . f ORkTOW.VrN., 61 Double room (or llghl housekeeping. Phona 4461. WTLI. 8TTAREEeautlftil five-room lungs low witli rwiponeible eouple amploved; reference!; west (Ida. Phone Osage 4427 R KOOMS FOIl RENT FfRXISllTD 17 AramUETE., il6HIFeir"furnfsheafront bedroom for rent In new heme; close In. ATiCllEAWi2f8rca Wga ileeplni - room; act and cold water; aa car line. BOARD AND ROOMS. KlKl.MS (IK i(KM Ft'ltXISl!i:i 17 ADMIRAL, 1647 For "rent two' connect ing nicely furnished rooms,' bath, In nki modern home, for three or four persons, gentleiiienprcferred, l'hone 2886. ADMIRAL, "E., 8302 Room' with kitchc-l privileges fur rent. l'hone 4HS0. bUCI.UEK, N., 51 One newly "urnisheil sleeping room connected with bsth, for tine ortwo gentlemen. lhone78'Jb. Rr.ADYi . 4111 Two "nicely " furufshed sleeping rooms in modern home; ptival entrance: suitable for two gentlemen. rXTtXT'TTF, E., 154C Sl.eping iuom1n private family for two gentlemen; board if desired; one block from car liue. BOril.DKR, 8 , i lO'i Nltely furnished Foom, gentlemen. J'hone Cejia! 2S08. BALTIMORE, B 1446 One' des(raMeereep ing room, close to car line. Phone Ossge ASUS. BOSTON, S., 1504 Cicely furnlsTSed soutf eaut front room for refined gentlemen. Phone 71ti3 R. BALTIMORE, S., lBii Front sleeping room adjoining balk, private family; gen- tlenien only. Phone 8710. UOC'LDF.R, N., 618 For rent, sleeping room, strictly modern. Phone Osage 4;66. BOSTON, S., 621 Front aireping room, modern home, nicely furnished. Phone 951. nifiYEKSB; k;; o03 Kicelx furnished sleeiiinr room with two clothes closets: suitable for teo people. Also eleepin; roon. with kitchen privilege; no children. No. A, Kntherine epertments. C.y riXNATir K . "424 Two'HSFeTy-f uf n.ihcd sleeping looinK; v. ith board 11 de-.S'r-d. . C1(V:YLKSE7"S77"T2 Nicely furnlsKTdUe room, to blocks f r ni Main. Phone 774S. ' CHEYENNE, S., 9206ne sleeping room for rent, hot and cold water, suitable for two gentlemen. Phone 8BH5 CHEYENNE, 8., 518 Well furnished suite of sleeping rooms; suitable for either la dies or gentlemen, consisting of living nd bedroom. CHEYENNE, N., 715 Rooms Tor rent, some thing nice, beautifully furnished, well lo cated on car line,) in private family; call and see yourself. Phone Osage 2862. CINCINNATI, SO. 503 For rent; firat claas sleeping rooms; call 523 So. Cincinnati. CARSON, 80.. 1101 Well furnished room in modern home, connecting bath. Phone 7071-J. CHEYENNE, 80., 917, Parks Apsrtment, a Isrge and beautiful bedroom; everything moderate; second floor; south side; call Sunday afternoon Osage 4234-J. Cincinnati. ' 8., 417 Nicely " furnished room for gentlemen, in modern home; pri vate entrance CHEYENNE, 8., 400 Nice room, close in, for one or two gentlemen; references. Phone 6694. DENVER, 8., 745 For rent, well furnished room for gentlemen, modern, largo closet Phone Ossge 4019-J. DENVER. S0.p424 two sleeping rooms, for foursiiienPhone Osatre 4ti80. DENVER, SO. 615 For rent, nicely fur nished sleeping room, also garage. Phone 8295. DETROIT, 8, 706 Two furnished rooms for two gentlemen only; south aide; close in. Phone 0age 7227-K. . DETROIT, 8., 501 Sleeping room lor two gentlemen, $2.50 each. DKNVI K, S ,- 119 Nice sleeping room: con-vni'-r.t to bath; gentlemen only. Phone OyT9 79.'i9. fT.CiINT S., 1 1 1 For lent, niieTyfiiinishe3 Sleeping room; south and west exKisure. Phone Osage 3209 R. ELEVENTH.' VV 611 NicclHrp) aleeping room: strictly modern; only best -eople need apnlv. Phone 0age 41f)6. ELWOOI), 8.," 1301 Unfurnished or fur nished rooms, newly papered, electric lights andmodern. , ELWOOI), 8., 419 One frout" aleeping room"; also suite of two rooms with two beds. Phone Ossge 4H87-J. EIGHTH, W., -16 Sleeping room, man and wife ortwoladiea. Phone Osage 4129. F7AVOOD, N., 833 irge front bedroom; newly furnished; good size closet: lady or man and wif-i Phone Cedar 23H9. FIFTH, v""4098ieoprng room-for rent; priv:itflhome. Phone Osnge 7207 FOURTH, E., 1435 Two furnished rooms. FAIRVIEW." W.", 18 Modern" furnrshed room. FTTRNISHED ROOM and aleeping poeeh ad joining bath, In modern home; private en trance: suitable for three or four gentle men; close in. Phone Osage 5905. FRISC07S., 819 For rent, one large front room, partly furnished, close In. Phone 1777. FOURTH, W., 725 Room for ona or two fentlemen, connecting bath, seven blocks rom Main, two blocks from West Tulsa car line. FETSC?T"75o., 916 For rent, two nicely fur nished front aleeping rooms; moderate, In private home; gentlemen preferred; close In. Phona Usage 6 UUTHRIE, 8., 7f)2 For rent, two clean, nicely furnished bedroom, convenient to bath; desirable location. Phone Osage 5183. i HOUSTON, 8., 917 Rooms, two large aleep ing rooms, suitable for four gentlemen; private entrance. Phone Osage 8988. Indiana, t leoi Fdr ren, aix-Voom modern house at corner 8outlTrenton. EAN8INO. 8., 719 Furnished room, two gentlemen, private bath, alectrio lights, with stove. Phone 7012. I7AWTON,"S., 14 Nicely" furnished ileepTnj room for two gentlemen. Phona Osago 89r4. CAWTON, 8., BOS-Two large sleeping rooms, reasonable. PJbone Ossge 2467. MAIS, N 620 Two modern light house keeninr rooms In basement. STAIN. 8., 811 Room for rent; gentlemen preferred; outside entrance. Telephone usage S3. BAIN, 8., 821 Nicely .furnished sleeping rooms, close In. rnowe oi7. MXlN,"80. 1715 Furnished rooms and board for one gentleman; private home, also crage for rent H AYR ELL, 8.1911-Two furniahed rooms. MAIN No 820 Large front sleeping room In " private home; private entrance; gentlemen on I y. Phone 8 9 76. 0XYV.PIA, 8., 422 Ideal aleeping room In private home for couple; breakfast if de aired; walking distsnie. J'hone 4627-R. OI.YMPlI, No." 2 4 Large, nicely" furnished aleeping room for two men or two ladies. PHOENIX, SO.. 18 i Four alceiy" furnish ed rooms with board, KSCKFORD, 8., 918 6n sleeping room with or without board. THTRD. W., 617 Lovely sleeping room; prl vats entrance, five blocks from Main street; all modern conveniences; gentlemen only. TWELFTH, E, 2lA One nicely furnished roem for rent. Phone 810JK TOTRTEENTH. W ., 8 1 7 South front sleep wg room for gentlemen or young couple. Pnone Ossge 4108. Ptrlctlr modern home TlfiRD", W.. 816 One sleeping room, eon- tiectedwltn tatn.rnoneB7Bi. RllRD, WT38 Nicely furnished rooms, close la. XANTUH8, B.. 615 Bleeping room, adjoin ing bath,' also a garage; call or phone ELEGANT sleeping rom, modern, noar bath, for eouple or tadlesi Fourth street, west of Owenjjark. 629Norh Tacoma. FOrTIENT TwoDeeutlfully Turnlahed extra large bedrooms, eloaa in, on car line. rnone 2839. PLEASANT front sleeping room, aeparate an. trance, to one or two employed people, walking distance, on South Main. Phone Ossge 2147. ELEOANT Irani sleeping room, south ex posure. In strictly modern privste home, nine blocks eui; lady employed. Call Osage 6081-J. Sleeping room In private home suitable for ana or two gentlemen. Phona Osage sen FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; private nome, close in. mono paga. TWO furnished aleeping rooms; private ent rsnre. adjoinlne- bath. Phone Oaare 1100. FTR RENT Bleeping room; suitable Tor ona or two gentlemen- dose in; private home. PnonOjssjte8509. FUR FEST Large, completely modern room In gnrag"; either furnished or unfur nished. 124 North fcunls. Phona Oaage avon. kooms rf nxisHKDia ELWOOX)S.0raTn7ura5iai rooma newly panerel; modern; ana block of litnty. wan Bunaay aitcrnoon ana Mon 4ISV, 61LLETTK, N., 80 Four unfurnished rooms, modern, new home, beautiful placa. BOARD AND ROOMS KiKkMs ith" 'nit aim ttt MAVBEi.l., So., 124 Board and room for two gentlemen. Phone Osage 6151 R. BOARI. AND ROOM for roung'lsdr. Osati 1082 J. 'ANTi:i 1UKIMS OH IlOUI 21 ROOM Young man of good chsrscter de sires a single room In a private lamiiy: must be within walking distance ul Fourth and Main. Rox A-82 businessrvice! Ill ILIUM; AXD t'ONSTllt'CriNU 24 CARPENTER A non-union carpenter and gas stove repsir man wants snisll Juba by hour. PhorfW 4534. riRIILTNO CoNTRACt'WA'TRU-Stsnd'- ard tools; heated near llakrll; can move iu at unca; will consider proposition to move onvwh:re. Standard Drilling Co. PlM.i.a 1741 fliE best cisterns sre m'sde by W." II. .Small, 74rrSouth Boston. Ossge 4319 J. FLOORS-Surfaeed by ' hand or electric aander. Phone 5551-J, ask for Welsh. DKKKSM AK1NG .MIM.INP.RY 21 DRESSMAKING For first class, rail at 525 South Main strict. Telephone 1070 K. Dressmaking, sewing, sii kinds. Mrs" Harper, fhone Osage 7041. DRESSMAKING and sewing ot all" klnda" Phone Ossge 419. fjRESSM AKElt Want to male dreMeTTiv the day in private families; chic styles and perfect Hues; also remodel hsts to latest Idrss; Mme. Durand, llotol Detroit, l'hone 4540. DRESSMAKING and altera.iun wo'rV; guar anteed. KatherMie Wells. Phone Osogo 4 t5A K. MRSr TAYL1)R DressmiAiiig and designer"; iirst ciass wort guarantee. 103a bontQ Msln Phone 60K9. nEMSri'TfHIO and picSting carefully done; Mrs. Perry, 834 So. Yorktown. Ossge 47H8. HEMSTITCHING At 8 ft Buuth Boiton"; operator with two years' experience in thia town. Phone 4232. SEWING By the day. Phone 416 K. 8EW1NO "of sir kinds. "Prices reasonable, work guaranteed. 80J fcfuuih Victor. SEWING of all kinds done; druies, suits and b!onses; work guarnntred. Mrs. Hart. rnone OiVa. 41U West Ninth ffPIRELLA, oorsetiere.' Thone 4480. SEWING neatly done; ratea reasonable. Wrt. Stevens, phone 6758. K'EW YORK "dressmaker wishes few cus tomers, prices reaaonable. satisfaction guaranteed. Room 27, Detroit hotel. Phono 4540. 1'AINTIXO AXI) PF-COK .TIX 80 PAPERING and painting estimate! cberrfully given; all work guaranteed. Phone 2387. KKPAIlUXfJ AXlfj.KMOI.KMXf. 31 SEWING MACHINES Repaired; parts and supplies lor any uiacftine. 1'uoue usage 4783. OvIlPLoTmNT? IIKI.l' w axtkij i i.i: aft BOYS Two high school boys for psper ' routes; iniitiue circulation manager, World. DETECTIVES Reliable detective snd flinird service. The National Agency, Big icart, okla. . ELEVATOR BOY' Wanted at Hotel Tulha. Apply at engine room. FARM HAND Eperienrir d, wants" job oil in nn, wun wile. M. Arnold, 40 ortu Boston. Elllfflllnny ExpiifffljiiieiEciIl AcClIDIID-anDtl Man capable of taking charge of of fice. Excellent position for risht party. State references In first letter. Address Uox A-49, cars World. MARRIED man wanted to drive Ford truck. Hanty Messenger Service. MECHANICS First-class mechaiifcs wanted or will rent out repair end of garago. City Garage, Ada. Okla. MFN Wanted two young men to manago newataud; must have rash security. Apply to manager Fred Harvey News btaiiil, rris-'O station. PRESSER wsnted clesner. anil good joT) for right man ; give reference and ex perience. Apply Pawnee Prsesing Club, Pawnee. OVIa. PdDKITIEK WANTED) Highly experienced colored porter. Excellent salary for the right man. Apply at once. 119 S. Main St, SEWER laborers, fifteen more experleured . laborers wanted. Twelfth and Trenton. Take Bellview car or O. U. T. Line JA'NITORS Wanted, colored janitors at new Sinclair Oil company s Dunning, ruth ana Main. Call early. Ask for George Hutchison. CANTED Pour noat-nppearing young men who have had selling experience, to travel with manager; atraight aalkry; also one crew manager who knows how to handle men Call Mr. Chns Schaf!Vr.Tiilsa hotel STETXifDTEAirS Wanted" good teams and men to unload lumber Monday morning, corner Boston and Brady. II FIJJV AXTKD FKM AI J5. Sir IRLS Wanted, four experienced aervice girls. Apply 205 East Third. IIOC'8liVORK Competent eloroed glri wanted for general nousework, good wages, good room, must have references. Phone 6182 HOUSEKEEPER, white, sleep home, no "chil dren. (123 Soutn Uoston. . HOUSEWORK Girl wanted- good servant's quarters, permanent position to right parties- two in family. 1515 West Csuie ron. PhonejOsage 6C16. HOUSEWORK Woman wanted In smslt fam ily; must be good cook; one accustomed to Jewish cooking preferred; references re quired ; good wsges. usage ooua. LAUNDRESS wanted at 820 South Frisco for Monday. MAID WANTED At once to do-shampooing in beauty parlorPhone Ossge 8411. fiAlD Good colored maid, must be goo3 cook and laundress, good monev for right party. Phone 1427. 1824 South Detroit. ffURSE An experience? nuraa for two chil dren, must have reference, good wages. Phona 2447 SEIDENBACH'S, 11 BOOTH MAIN requires the services of experienced salesmen for coats and dresses, also waist salesgirls and stock girls. APPLT AT ONCE. WANTED Four neat-apranplng ladiea who have had aelling experience; good salary; ninst he able to leave city. Call Mr, Chas. Behaffer, Hotel Tulsit ' WANTfit-rretciaee ssles ladies for ready: t-wear store. 217 South Main; unex perienced need not apply YOUNG LADIES Wanted to learn tele phore work; no experience necessary. Ap- p'y suu l'loneer uunuing, or can alias oen- ger, phone 2B00 LA 1)1 E 8 wanted Tor bat checking. Call phona 4711. Ask for Joseph. HELP MALE Oil FEMALE 430 FXRM WORK Married man wants clearing or fermwork this winter and to ahara erop coming year; prefer eotton crop. Answer, Box A-80. care World. OFFICE man wlthX-l ie7eremes, wanta po sitirn as office man or other clerical work In oil fieldfBox A-71, earVorld. FOHTl'ON' " by youri'g married man ; good duention; willing. Will consider any line; reasonable salary, Phona or write J. il. Miller, 14 North Lawton. 8608. HIGHLY EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER Woman, man, capable of taking- charge or office in ladles specialty store; excellent position for right party. Reply giving references in first letter. : - 'BOX A-Jl, CARE 'WOULD. H0t;8EW0R K Good man or woman for general housework Apply 1714 oOnlh IJenvsr. Phona 1288. employment SA1.KSMKN AM AtiK.XTS 41 ?.irEr?MAN wanle.1; oil; for biggest and hft oil proposition; 88,000 acres of oil land, partly developed; owned, not leased, In center of Wvoining oil fitlda. Address r W. Ho.-I.woll, Ualrsburg, HI. SITVATIONS WAXTKl) M.I.E4S BOOKKEEPER, MALE Wanted, po'U'on oy expert bookkeeper and atenographer; best of city references. Address Box ADO, cam World. BOOKKEEPER If you're looking for a bookkeeper write Box A-F4, care World. HA.?1. Good on bread, esses, pies; out of iltj. Box A-otf. csre World. ClIAl rTkl.'R " lie, .res position-ilriviiig prl vate tar; ran drive aud care tor any wake. Phone Ossge 618 J. CARPENTER A nonunion carpenter wanta work bjr hour. Phone 4534. WANTED Position ss lease foremsn. by ex perienced men; 20 years' experience. Ad dress Box 58, Boynton, Okla. 6'1'Ov'ES Gt our prices on stoves Before yon nnrehsse. Jaroba Furniture company, 224 East First street, l'hone 7070. U RN ITU RE Five rooms "of household-furniture for sale. 829 West Golden. WANTED position ss housekeeper for wid ower or manager email rooming house. Box A bl. ear World. y Financial. l!jfXES Cl'I'OHTlNITIK8 41 CAVK on Third street forjsale, Phons 5620. GR'K'ET.y FOR SALE In offering ths best lotaUd rocery in city, atock and fix tures will invoice around ft, 000; doing a business of 81,800 to $'4,000. Phone 4008. 0ROCER7" For sale, "" auburban grocery. Phono 182. HTWCTRy 0loin grocery; d atari.! a;id a moneymaker. Only fl,5ou. Plione 8780. Restaurant" flood paying, Weil located; 82,000. Phone 8780. TWO LEASE Oklahoma sfialio-v field: si-il.-n half interest for well. Fred Pfendler, Mini. ogee, Okla. WANTED 80, isn, i10 "acres land"" In the Glenn pool field with 10 to 25 barrela production or would consider property adjoining smsll production; want fee as well ss oil rights. Write O. E. Graves, 28 Vindicate Trust building, 8t. Louis, Mo. 8U-ACRE Have valuable 80 acre oil lease near 300 barrel wells, w HI 1st for one eighth interest in first well, mut be drilled soon or will sell. Address Box V6, Red Fork, Okla. FOR h'ALK or trade; a good paying busT nets; net prbiit $250 per month. Phuue 1 iiB.1. 2,000 ACRrTtPWautea. 5.000 to la'dW acres of oil and gss leasee in KentifVy; also Kansas and Oklahoma wunled, to be ginrl rilling at once. Indiana Oil & Pro -1 m l ion Co. Prest. Jesse E. Force. 1 East Washinplon street. - DRILLING VHOPOSPrToX Tiil give Inter est in block of leane in Creek county for a well. Address A-71, care World. HOTELS ROOMING HOI SKS 45 MAIN, N. Cafe on Main street in hotel of fifty rooms, have contract for Frisco meal tickets; reason for soiling, other business; price rensonable. l'hone 885, or address 1 NorthMain. ROOMING HOUSE For aale clearing $400 per month; M. M Burroughs 205 Hotel Annex, Tulsa, OMn., telephone 6489! ROOMING HdUKE For sale; sinuif room ing house doing good business ; phone Osage 8UH7 or call 304 ',4 8o. Kenosha. KOONING liOL'fiE Bargain in seven rooms; vory desirable location: reasonable. Bee Luthv, 640 Robinson building. Phone (lute 47?0, ROOMING house, good paying, close in lm- mediato sale, $850. Thone Osage 8049. BRADY ANNEX rooms located at 1 8 We!t Areher for sale; doing good business. Phore 2008. FOR HALE Good; closelu; $1 800. Phone 87HO MONEY TO ItOAX riIA4TEIjS 46 DO YOU NEED MONEY f 1 1 I We loan you more and charge you less on furniture, pianos and diamonds;; weekly or monthly payments; all business strictly confidential. 200 New Ault building. Phone 6S8. MONEY TO LOA)x$l,000T-l,8d0, $2,800' privste money to loan, three years 8 per cent. Cleves F. Bruce. Phone Ossge 5254, 820 Kennedy B-ldg. REAL ESTATE LOAN'S EASTERN MONEY TO LOAN. No commission; 8 per cent Interest placed promptly on good securities. A. C. Thomp son. Planters Bank Bldg. Phone 6238. TTmnnTsw. L'llln-ited amount of money to loan on farms in Oklahoma; 5, 7 and 10 years In teres:; payable semi-annually ; nulclc service. Moorel.ead lxn t Investment Co., 200 New Ault vjiimn gi'none tsaw, MONEY on hand; arm and city loaua, one to ten years, low rates, ample or all sues farm loans anywhere and Tulsa Improved property. E. A. Lilly, 211-212 Texas plU- Phone 641. TTrTOTJ"waiit a loan for 5. 7 or 10 years on buinesa or residence property iu Tulsa, principal payable at end of term. Interest semiannually, also farm loans on same tern. a, seo Greer Investment Co., 226-227 Iowa Ouiiding. 1'nons zisu. LIVE STOCK. IHM.H. CATS. PETS B3 COLLI E PUPPIE3 Fine pedigree-! all white and eaoio ana wnite. Ji you get a dor, get a good one. It will eat no more and you will be proud of it. Kendall Ken nels, in Aenann. rnone usage o:oo. LIVE STOCK AX1 VEHICLES Si ATGOC'D pair of heavy work horses for sals. PBOtiC ussge lOVB. dr. At? TluMfl luripr for ali l)inrnii--hii n.I. 1 . t'. aianagsn, lentn and viuaud. i'one 6028. O0WS lor sale, two yonng registered Jer scys. John V. Lass, il. H. So. 3; former Huitchlson pla-e. JERSEY "COW For sale; call 1044 So Roekford, ng n an nans for aale; $l50, a baigain. Phona usage lia. fEAM S Two team) good, one team good horses, three sets harness, three wagons. Yi elsh-McNulty Motor Co., Heventh and Boulder. Tulsa, Okla., 103 East liobson, Bspuips, uxia. POt'ITKY AND SUPPLIES 55 BTTt'DSC'anary" Dlrds! Phona 2449-Jf. 604 East rirtn 81NGLE-OOMB red cockrela for sale al College Hill farm; these birds are specially i . j i i . t JCL 1 l.u-I w . ninti, uuilf uu vigor; we have cockerels not related to former atock nurehased here lost a lim ited nnmber of theaa top notchers. Phoat Osage 610U-J. "T-esnalTroTetyT HOrSEIIOliD GOODS 61 HEATING stoves, wsnteo,-to exchange new r eecond-haud heating stoves for sec-oond-hand Ice boxes and refrlgeratora: we buy anything and sal) everything; what have you to sell or exchange. Phone 8584. Diamond Furniture Co. OTYMPLTTS.." 204 Eirlit rooms: good. nev lurnitur, stoves ana rugs; new sewing machine; half price; must ba sold In three asys. usage lieu. MUSICAL INSTHl'SIEXTS S3 PLAYER PIANO for sale, cheap, in good eon altion. Call alter p. m. 105 West Easton St. PIXN'O for sale, good upright piano, cheap, pnone ussge 24o THETiAVY gets the owner and you can get hla $75 Harvard (Carl riacher make) guitar for $35; 1-1 condition. To be seen at Allen k Thsde, 110 Booth Kin. OIL MACHINERY SUPPLIES 63 BOII.rTftS oO, 166 and -12J " horse-power boilers, complete, Hartford inspectioqj be low value for quick ssle, terms. Address A-70. cars World. CABfNM for sale, 160 feet 28 lb casing. BOO feet ao to. n casing; in wasnita county, Okla. Address A, csre World. PaSINO For aale atrlng of "t -Inch Im pound casing; atrlng of $54 Inch 28 pound casing. Phone 801, ' fiTACinNERT Ona 80-Inch br W iWlathe; ona 28-Inch' bT 16-foot lathe: ana 18-inch bv 6-foot lathe; ona 14-lnch by 8 foot planer, Immediate dslivary. K. A. Flerson, Yale, Ohia. PTPfc For alala New and second hsnd. all aires; flrst-elasa, for quirk ahlpuent from Houston stork; also large atock steel tank pistes. Consumers Supply company, Hous ton), i PERSONAL PROPERTY. "OIL M ( IIIM ltr cil'PPLlES S FOR HAI.K Ona 1-lnrh polish rod clamps; one -lnra rierry casing ueau, lourway; one joint 10-inch pipe; 1,058 'eel 6 Inch No. 17 rasing; 222 feel 2 luirh id Hue; one 6s Inrh disc B. H packer; now In well five miles from Tulsa: one 110 barrel steel tank; secondhand. AJdreaa J. D. Beyer, Tulsa Hotel. OFFICE KltmKEQl'l I'M EXT 0 1 S AFE One larg,j tin proof lleri lng Hall Miru for aale. 41$ Drew building, l'hone 235. V EMtlNG APPAHEIi 67 OLD CI.OTHE.S. Highest prices paid for men's secondhand CK'tniug. suoos aaa nata. none .mj. OLD CLOTHES. Highest prliea paid for n "r's old clothing, shoes l'hone 4014 It North Msiu. SirsCEM.ANEOl'S VOK SLE 6 GARAGE for snl. 10sl6s8, new steel ga rage, cheap, l'hone buAtf. WANTED TO Itl'Y ! BABY CARRIAGE Wanted to buy. reed. In good condition. Address P. U. Bos 872, West Tulsa. INVALID CHAIR" wanted, eeeond hand. Call 82 8 Houth Boston. BL'iTS Highest eaah prices paid for men's second hand suits, eoats ard troussrs; alse shoessnd hsts.l'hone 8467. SOri'H Highest cssh price paid for" men's second hand suits, costs and trousers; alsj buy shoes and bats. Phone 6446. CLOTHING Wanted Beat rash prices' psld for aecond-hand suits, shoes and over coats. Phone 65(16. WANTKDOld false "ie."th;" don't matter" if broken. 1 pay $2 to $15 er set Mend by psnyel pot and receive ehe-k by return mail. F. Tcrl, 403 North Wolfe atreet, Bal timore, Md, WANTED To heaTrrora owner" who haa a lot for sale; wlk pCy rash;- Box AH7. PRO?ErVfYToTECr EX CI I A X (J E A I'TOMOIWI.ES 10 AL'fOVOBlI.E For "sale" or trade on house and lot, Empire chummy rosdsier, wire wheels, prnctlcally new. Phone 4151. "exchan;e heal estate ti H10II-CLAB8 FARM 400 acres, near Cha nute. Kan., a highly improved and well kept up place; on a nig paying hauls; val ley land: psrt In alfalfa- clear of debt; cash value, $10,000. Will trade fur elly propertv or good oil proposition. I'llery. Ossge ot)9. TRADE for automobile, seven-room residence, two acres. Box 647, Drumright, Okla. WANTED To trade good real eKtate for good" automobile; nothing but cars represented in T-.ilia by reaponsible people sble to give adequate service; no )unk, Andersons, Oak lands or llx,ie Flyers considered. Box 4.-t21 core World. GOOD five-room house In Corpus OhrlstT, Texas; will trade for Oklahoma property. 1830 South Quaker. ixm SLE OH EXCHANGE 7a TTARHER SHOP fr ssle, twochsir, Ht. Joseph, Mo., or will trsde for a vacant lot In Tulsa. Box AS J, csre World. FARMS VOK HEXT 71 KATHKRINE Apartments For rent, new three-room well furnished modern apert- nisit. No. 8. Kathrrine Apartments. Phone Ossge 14H3-J. Call alter 10 a. ni. FLATS AXI) APARTMENTS 75 APARTMENT "for rent, four room furnished apartment. Call 2018. I7a T I M F. R, W .," 2 0 Five room new mod: ern apartment. Apply 2 to 6 p. m. bun' day; immediate possession. FLATS IT'HNISIirD 76 NINTH E., 12 Five-room modern furnished apartment close in- phone 7870. ROOMING HOUSES List your rooming houses or furniture for sale with us. Osage B41B. SOl'TlI SIDE "or rent, a nicely furnished three-room modern apartment: around floor: close In; no children; references. Phone Osuge 1818. HOUSE IXlIt KENT 7 ADMIRAL, 1218 Four-room house. Phone ri13-lt. DETROIT,""!!, 601 Two-room house fur'rent"! ('all 501 South Detroit. GUTHRIE, 8., 1101 For rent, Ave rooma of seven-room modern Iwuse, partlv furnished, to resnonsihle parties. J'hone Osage 749U. HODGE, E. For " rent, six-room modern Iiouse. Phone 751-R. HOUSE for rent; roomers pay the rent; for tiuvmg tne lurnilnre; easy psymenla: inr niture new. AddressMox A-88. csre World. LOMBARD For rent, in" Lombard addition", five-room house and acreened-in hark porch; good well, also eity wster at back door; garage with paved floor and drive; rents for $30; good reference required; right party can be permanent. F. C. God win. Phone X-15. SECOND, E., "lOOl For rent six room mod" ern house; corner South Trenton. MR. OIL MAN Double house of six rooms or more; close-in; modurn; for two con genial parties. Ready by November 15, at 814 W. Twelfth atreet. Call Monday or Tuesday. TWENTY-FIRST and PEORIA For rent four-room house, sera of ground, $30 per month. Phona 2100. 614 First National bank. WANTED At once, place to work for room and board. Phone 8892. FOR RENT New five rooni Cungalow, all modern conrenleecs. rnone Osage loH3. FOR RENT Three-room furnished spsrt- ment; three blocks from Main street Phone 5857-J. TO RENT Two-room house, also basement room.' Fourth atreet, west of Owen psik. .y norm iscoma. HOUSES FURNISHED 78 IIoTvCP. E, 1 308 Four looms;" modern; fnri'lhed; for rent. Phone Oaage 2483. LEWIS AVE. For rent." two-room fur niahed bouse, three blocks esst of Lewis avenue, esst of fairgrounds; $15 per month. OFFICE AND DESK HOOM . 79 WTffDOW BPACE Wsnted," sinairwfcaow apace for sxctuaive -.lueny oona art gut snop; prefer milliner store; rent must . . nn .l!l, 1 1 J v De coesp, vow uiuiwiw niuf., Aum City, Mo.; profits are to ba Invested In Liberty bonds. STORES AND WAREHOUSES 80 FIRST ST, W, 814 For rent, business room; long term lease; brick Building; large space, equipped for bakery, suit able for general business. Bee John V. Kerrlssn 425 Roblnon Arcade. WEST TL'ESA test location" for "first-class grocery store, room 24x80, In new brick block; business phona 6644; residence phone 4X20, MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 81 EEWOOD. S.r66J OarageTlar'ge "cemented and brick with water and electricity. Phone 6578-J. TWELFTH, ' fc., 82 Large modern garsge lor rent, rnone oeuo. XaNTHUB. 8.rli New garage for renf. 816 South Xanlhus Ht.. or Phona 1772. WANTED TO RENT 81 JPATlTMENT Wanted Apartment oiTfouae furnished or partly furnished, three or four rooms, by three young gentlemen. Box A-64, care .World. WANTED By young married eouple, two or three light noueeteeping rooms; win Ing to psy reasonable rent' permanent any kind of references ran be furnished If Interested Address Bog 288, Tulsa, If you have folks at home that want company, thia Is your chance. WANTED four or five room house or In res or four unfurnished rooms. Celt Mr. Tsy elor Jt9"ge 4"54. FIVE or six rooms, wsil turnisned home, for lmmeoiate occupancy, good neigh borhood. J. D. Beyer, Hotel Tulsa. "ItEAlTE-nV-fEF ACREAGE FOR SALE 8.1 240 ACRES tor sale, best rsncn proposition in Tulsa county; 240 acres 4 miles south east of TuUa, high clsss Improvements and all alfalfa land 40 acres now la. fenced and eross-fenced, for $22,000; possession Jam ary 1; Iitius. one-third cash, balanc ing time. See Ruas L Grant. 614 First Jistlonsl Bldg. -hoaa ll0. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 llEAfiE IXHt SALE 83 1-6 ACRES fur ssle, sullable to cut Vn five ana iu sere irecta, lor iuu per sere, one third cash, balance to suit; this Is a snsu, will sell for $250 per acre. See Huss ., Grant, 614 First National Bldg, Phone 2180. ISO ACRES io'r ssle, seven mflrs from Tulsa, mostly in ruttivstion, a iirsi class larm lor $50 per acre, terms, ooe-helf cssh, bsl snce to suit, and pbsaehsinn January 1 Sre Huss L. tlrsnt, 614 First National Bids'. l'hnua 21110. 90 At'RKH for sale, seven" miles from TulssT good improvements, good water, nearly all In cultivation and a real bargain for $i5 per aire. Nee Rnss L. Grant, 514 First National Bldg. l'hone 2180. 155 At'lCKR ifor aale, beam if ul rountVy home in Orarks, 66 seres land; house, 12 rooms, modern, with all oity conveniences, solid Msek wslnut finish inside, big spring furnishes waler supply; land In orchard, alfalfa, grains and timber; four acres cherries; resson for selling, want to go to France; price $15,000, part cash, no trade. Dr. 0. F. Perkins, Rogers, Ark. HUSfNEKS PROPERTY 84 ONE up to dale lunchroom for sale; reason lor selling, sickness, we will reut building. Phone 7210. R'tAL ESTATE l. 1st Jour property wits us we nsve tne uuyers. H. N. tflley, (V), 821 Robinson Bldg. Phone 8381. THIRD, E.," 1828- For sale." a dandy three" room house, porches, well and cistern. Phone 8216. WITREt.lNll, 8"T 8. Immediate possession of five room house with breakfast room, electricity, dsndy bssument; price $3,500, J 1,000 hsndlss It; proprietor Uvea at 106 outh Elgin. EAST HIDE Two" "three r'ooni houses" on "east sice for $2,000; good terms or will trade lor larger house. Phone 878ti, EAST K1DK SNAP Good eight room, "mod ern house; well, fruit, full sise lot; esst side; $2,760; $400 cash, $40 a month. Osage 62 Tulsa Realty Co. EAST SIDE BARGA1V duo J four room house barn, well; possession immediately; east side; $1,650: $500 rsah: $35 a month. Ossia 62. Tulsa Uealtv Oo. ELWOOD, N. Five room bungalow, modern, nicely decorated. Phone 6482. FOTlRROOM COTTAGE Good weM of wster; price $1,660; $400 cash and $35 a month. IIODOK. K., 1208 r 1210 -For ssle. $1,550 will buy a five-room house on Jefferson, wster and gss, rents for $30 per month; this Is good stuff, must sell. IIOPKR for sale; four-room house with n'e-t chicken yard, on terms. Phone SII4H. DOME Nice close in eix-room home on north side; $1,200. Phone Ossge 6040. HOME Good five room modern home, hsse- nient and garage- price $3,n00. netsel Parks, 20rl Aull. Phuue Ossge "040. UOUHK Special bargain, good six-room mod ern house, corner lot ousiu, goon location; $2.1.60. Wetirl A Parka, 208 Ault Bldg. l'hone Osago tiO.u. HASKELL, E., 121 Seven-room house, In- rinding sun room and lireamast room; gooa bssement; $H0 per mouth; reference re quired; us children; owner will be on premises sfler o'clock Mondsy morning. (IOME for sale bv ownei. very desirable six- room home with new sleeping porcn, souin side four blocks from post offire. Phone 408 i-J; no agents. NEW 6-JtOOM lUINCiALOW Kiwt front on North Cheyenne, for Hale by owner; LaHomont, fireplace, built-in features, won of neat water in city, chicken house and lot. larRO go. raK; the bent buy in Tuluu for $5,000, lewi commlMHion; ternia, one-hulf cuah, balance eaiiy. CALL AT 1220 N. CIIEYENNK OWKN ADDITION Seven-room house, latge lot, terms, only f4,'oU; vs.-ani ioi in saiue Igock, $100. Phone owner, Osage 7231. SOUTH HIDE Five rooms, sleeping por.-n, bssement, nionern, close in, warn 10 sem priced right $(1,000. Phone 7147. REAL T:i?rATE List your properly with us We hae the buyera. K. N. Riley Cn821 Robinson bulldljig I Phone BIISl. FOR ""HALE .even room strictly "modern bungalow; doutilo built throughout' large bssement; garage for two cars: god well: lots of fruit; hlgh-clsss light fixtures and could not buy lot and build house for the monev; $0,000; half (ash. balatn't to suit. Sre Run L. Giant, 614 First National binlidlng. rhone 2100. Poll SALE Five-room, sirTrtly modern new bungslow; closu In on suth st sld.; for tV.'60; $600 cssh and bnlsnca less than reiit- po-session right now. See Ruse L. Grsr't, 614 First National building. Phona VI 60. WEST SIDE For sale, four-room bouse; $1,200; $800 down; Immediate possession. Phone Osage 66111 404'. WANTED Three or four-room, unfurnished house at once. Phone Ossg 1521. FOR SALE Fifty-foot lot, email house, bam, one block ot car nue, iwo dkjcss oi scnoua, $000 down terma. Phone7051. EOK 8ALF. My" five room modern home, oak floor turnout, garage corner of Utire and Jefferson; $8,600, $1,200 will handle It. For appointment call 6 (286, T p. m. to 11 p. m. I-OTS FOR 8AIJ. 80 MM. OIL MAN, do you want ona of the best lors'ions in 8tonrbrsker Heights for a home I 1 have one 150x140 and a comer, wth all improvrn-.nnts, that ran be bought right. This overlooke the rlvrr. For price and location eee Wimbieh, 245 Holnnson r-itiming. -none nn. Brllv Hl-.'lE. Mr. Tnveslor, do you want one . ... I . . . ..I Qn.,ti. U..1.1.I-. tnv Ol ma we., wniiuu, wu u...M - - - an Investment or home I If so, I have it. Full tiled lot, east front, beuutiful shade and within four blocka of Cetlolio church. This is worth the money' asked. Priced at $5,500. For location and further In formation sea Wlmbiab, 245 Kobluson building. Phone 1714. EQUITY "for sale at" cost In deslrsljie lot ; two two room houses. Caul at 1420 South Park. REAL ESTATE 0 nmidsiffl-ciLASS reseidienci-, pnPEKT' 140 000 10-room residence and ona of Tulaa'e best homes. All oak flnlahj two baths hot water heat Lot 100x140. The ground alona la worth thia money. The Improvemente cannot ba duplicated for $20,000. 135 000 A new, hiKh-clasa brick residence, tn a beautiful location; large basement, hot water heat, living room, dining room, library, breakfant room, four bedrooms, aleeping porch and two batha. A corner lot, garuge and servants' quarters. The most complete residence In the city for tha money. 125,000 Nine-room brick residence, finished in quartered oak, and one of the most complete homes In the cltv for this money. , $20,000 A close-in corner lot In the business district aultable for a prU vate oil office. 01 $15.800 For a close-in brick apartment, renting for $2,780 a year. Juat In front of the growing business district. A good investment In every detail. $11,600 Eight rooms, east front In a hlgh-clnss residence location. Large living room, dining room ,sun parlor, four bedroomu, bath and private shower; basement, heating plant, laundry trays, garage and servants' quarters. Priced for quick sale, and cany terms. $10,600 Nine rooms, five blocka from tha courthouse. Juat tha same as new and worth the money In every detail. $12,600 Nine rooms finished In quartered oak; full-alie basement heating, plant, four bedrooms and aleeping porch. A beautiful location In Morn-1 lngslde. $g,000 Eight rooms, hardwood and enamel finish; most atractlve deco rating, basement, combination furnace, easy terma and a bargain at thia price. j $8.800 Seven-room east front bungalow; oak floors, old Ivory finish, neatly decorated; garage, and very close In. If Interested In business prop-1 erty or the best residence property In the city, we laiet a large list fori your selection, our experience in Building and aelling property placea In a position to snow tne best vaiuea 525 UNITY BU1LDINO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS FOR SALE 84 SF.AR corner Pearl and Eighteenth; re elected district; lot 60x180 feet; shade, fruit treea, beautiful building site: only $H00. Will trade. Phone owner flOliU. VACANT lot on interurban line, easy pay ment. Phone owner, Ossge 72:11. LANDS AND FARMS FOR SLE 87 kViit.t. MtuvuitTBf rmu $10 rash and $5 monthly, no Interest or taxes; nigniy productive iana; Close to three big markets. Write for photngrtiphs and full information. Munger, A-126, N. X. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED REAL ESTATE 89 HorSE WANTED Which Is to he moved! Will pay cash or will sell; close in; full slie lot, for $400. Osage GOoO. REAL ESTATE SO UJimdlcEir Vaflnne Five-room modern bungalow, on full-size corner lot, base ment, garage, sleeping porch; best location in the city. Price $3,350, $1,000 down, $50 per month. EALIFF SN PHONE 553G IBsQffanfiini. Owner of set new modern apartments will sell cheap to net purchaser 25. All leased. Address box 149. Want to exchange set of modern apartments, new and in desirable location, south side for business or good residence property. Address box 1459. (GH Dtoi Wi PLEASE EXCUSE ME I only wnt to call your attention to tha follow-! Ink" baiain: $1000 A working; man'a houao, three-room", plantered, comfortable, ' close In, west aide; only $100 down, $20 per month. $3,400 A five-room house and slopping; porch. Rarage, etc.; high! location overlooking- Country club. $4,0,00 One of the beat buys we . have, five large rooms, aleeping porch, basement, finely decorated. on two beautiful lots 100x140; fruit and shade treea. $4,600 Two houses on an over- slsed lot 60x192; one house haa eight! rooma, Including- two sunrooms; : . the other haa four rooma, both modem. Just completed; basement and garage. The two will rent1 for 105; truly a rare bargain. $5,760 A beautiful house, six rooma, eunroom, basement, on ona of the highest polnta In Irving Place. $14,000 One of the swell homes, Maple Ridge; can't describe this, not enought adjectives, will use one, however "magnificent" Everything connected to make a perfect home. $2,000 Five acrea very close In, a. bargain; owner aaya sell ao here's a, chance for a great Inoreaae In valuV atlon. Call MiIiuo n vES-inniii-II : CnDiiniiy B. B. LEECRAFT, 430 Robinson Building. Phone Osage 4030 with 1 tor your money. rnONE lltlj f ; f I Mil; track AiE and industrial FRISOO DKI-OTror ssle, ' 70ilD0-foo truckage; close In to Frisco depot, for V (Kill. This la a bargain. See Ruse L. ('runt. 614 First National building. I' lions 2160.