Newspaper Page Text
FINDS DEAD BABY BOY CRAMMED IN HANDBAG Gruesome Contents Revealed When Detective Blaine Opens Grip. Dramatic Scene in "The Painted Doll" TULSA DAILY WOULD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1917 Ix'iul. Iyln facp down wiili its lit tle liluiidy lx'ly ( i n mined Into .1 sum1' (hciip hiimlli'iK, ft hiil'.v boy not mop.' I hoiirn ol I wns ycsti'iM.iy nfti'f iT.nn lirmiifht to the i i 1 1 1 rttiiti hi ly 1 ictcctivo ijpniwe rsi'illli'. wh i K"'r 11 1nvfHliu:itlon followliiK n ti'!i"ilnno ronvcrxitlnti with a wmniu' n-siltr; In Hie vicinity of NL'3 Smith Klvvouil, v.Mi'li miiIh'IIim1 Itifnrmiitl.iii .,i t'li' pf fi Ct tint -i mv.stcrimm lnn lvint; III till' ,V"',ll" I"st llrl'OSM tli .-1 ! t li'iin tli'' 'iliovr inlilrc s. Thero mm nothiru that would d;s rlosc a 'uo if: to who hud ill i n .loiicl the liifnnt and t!" opinion of physi cians who wen- r ill"d to view tin- hody anil wl o iinnoiiiii'i-d the- rhild ti"t ipci- than two days old is th.' only inians liy whlrh the poll''" can di'lcr iii i no- tho tlnip It was desert oi. Appearances of tho hody mid tin' Idoodv conil ition of the intei ior the hair, of the hodv Itself an i of a rlirty Mur-lt petl heat that wi stuffed: Irlweeii the huily and the sides , f tin ratehel lotd the polloe to adhere t; the theory that the child vv.ii phued in the line shortly after hlrth and tm nipdiately tulcn ti this seclmo d snot .Mill a h'ltldnied. The reinaiii i :,i e I ? iiilf h(dd at Mowhray iindertaKnu; par lors. With th .lisoov ci t,f it,.. Imrlv the poller ha vp within a week fmin 1 two nliandoneil hahies. The first dis covery ennip I'riday evening when a J-inonths-old irirl was f.oind lyinir .in the lawn In tho two hundred lilork on NVfst Fifth. This child was taken to n local hespltal. where It Is heirm hold rpniliiiK dlsposl'ion of the waif by cenntv offiol lis. i;f 5V's&a ti&fe ?ffj i FUNCTIONS OF COUNCIL RECITED BY PREMIER Lloyd George Explains Entire Workings of Proposed Super-War Committee. I Vox in gD'(ad T7'vT'r. le.te 1.M'.. Nov. 1 r Tlie hied council was the i ii"i ni in the liim. e of J his Is the fust of tho meat Russian art films made in Russia and Just imported Into the I'nited States. In "The 1'uintod Doll" Ivan Mozu lin, Russia's greatest actor, is In t lie IradmK role, with Tanya Ketner, Russia's most lieaut.ful actress, and Natalia Lesienko, Russia's greatest stace vanipiie, in the important female parts. The aliove scene shows ,'doKUkin and Ketner in one of the many intensely dianiatie scenes that run thru this i emarkalile production. "Tin- l'aiuted Doll" has eieateil a sensation in New Yoik and other liij; cities where it is now showing. Its exhibition at the Majestic todav is in first McrceniiiR in Oklahoma. "Joan of Plattsbuf g" Fi ni is Seized by Uncie Sam's Agents PULP FROM THE BALSA TREE! Xcw Noum; of Supply fr Piipcr In- dii-lry in Panama. i Those who are interested in possible new sources of wood-pulp for the pa per industry might do w.dl to Investi gate the balsa tree of l'anaina und : ndlacrnt countries. I The plant is known hotanically as ochromu lauopus. It grows more rnp-1 idly than almost any other known tree whose wooil Is valuable. In four years' time she has grown to be thirty feet; high, shadine an area fifty feet square,; having a trunk ten inches thick and! several branches between four and six. inches in diameter. Altogether there is at least a cord; of solid wood in the tree. An arro Could contain 7.1 of these trees. ' l'.alsa has several valuable iiiall- itles. It produces u brown -colored cotton-wool in grtht abundance, coni-i monly used for stuffing pillows and' muttresses. As the sods are very small not so large us cabbage or mu tatd seed they do not have to be re moved from the fiber for this purpose, thus giving it an advantage over cot ton. This fiber may yet be found ca pable of being spun and woven. It lias long and strong fibers in tho baso ill the bark, ordinarily used in I'Hiiania to make ropes. This use is so wide spread as to have caused some scarcity of the tree in regions adjacent to settlement. The wood is white, extremely straight-grained and' easy to work, and, while soft when green, it seeni.j to harden later. It looks like a fine source of wood-pulp If it could be obtained 111 sufficient abundance. Hah-a wood is used by natives in Panama in place of leather on which to sharpen knives and razors bccnunoj of the fineness and evenness of the grain. The plant would probably grow in Klorida and the parts of the I'nited Plates. It has Immense quantities of fine seed in closed in the cotton-like fiber of big pods; the wind easily distributes tho seed and makes it take up any new clearings very rapidly. Some of the railway dumps along tho canal are covered with balsa trees which have sprung uii since the completion of the canal. As the growing of pulp plants is being proposed. It is possible that tf!e balsa might be found a desirable experiment. It would probably spread over southern Florida rapidly. Xo (JrouiKls. "Since Cholly was run over by that nnto bis mind has been a perfect blank." "Why didn't he sue for damages?" "Jle did, but ho couldn't prove that he had been damaged any." The I'nited States government yes terday at New Vork seized (loldwyn's first comedy release featuring .Mabel Normaiid, and entitled, "Joan of I'lattsbu i g." Joe tlilligan, traveling representa tive of llolduyn in the I'outhwestern territory, was in tie city and while lure during the afternoon leceived a telegram from h.a company, stating that I'ncle Sam bad grabbed the "fil lum" during the forenoon as soon as it hail been released. The jnessage did not state the rea son lor the seizure, but it may lie sup posed that it was lucause "Joan of I'liittsliurg" showed too much of the doings at I'lattsinji .', v.' he re. many of its seines were h.ide. Kvulenlly the Uoldwyn directors got too much of the soldier lite in the Him to suit I'ncle Sam. either giving away secrets of the camp life or depicting bcenes . the government regarded as harmful. This is tlie first time on record, so f ir a.i known, where the government bus seized a movie picture and pre venlid its showing. Those familiar with the Goldwyn nolicv will readily acquit that fine company of any conscious intent to injure the nation's cause in any way. it was tho first moving picture com pany to offer to donate one set of each of its features as fast as they are produced, to be sent lo France for the entertainment of the Sammies in the war zone an offer that was immediately accepted by Secretary of War Raker. iloldwyn has certainly had hard luck getting the fair -Mabel on the screen under Its label. After she had flianoJ a contract with the company Mubr l jumped it and Coldwyri had to ' file a ilamigo suit of H.'" against her. This was compromised by her r-'tiirnins to the studio and going to work. ,, , "Joan of riattsbuig ' was her flist picture and had just been finished. Now it is killed. The loss, of course, will amount to several thousand dol lars to Coidwyn as all its production work Is lost. S J. S. riasniait Hlnmcil for Wreck. rTEKlAJ, Colo., Nov. 1 4. Failure of the flagman on the second section of the troop train wrecked near Coto paxl on Monday morning to place his signals properly was the cause of the wreck of the train and the death or three soldiers and the injury of seven teen others, according to the finding Inst night of nn investigation con-, ducted by W. F. Miller, superintend ent of this division of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad. Away Off. "So this Is a dry town?" "Yep." said the I'lunkvlllo dealer. "What can you give me'."' "Som'e near beer." "Got any near whisky?" "Nope. I tr'ed it, but it wasn't near enough to be any good. Voodoo Doctor Convicted. .MoAUJSTF.K, oKI,A, Nov. II Jim Harrow, negro voovoo doctor of (.'oalgate was found guilty of second degree manslaughter by a July in th? district court yesterday for the death of Tom I.ankford, mi Ashland ranch man. Matron- treated I.nnkford's pneumonia case with incantations, chest rubbings and doses i f "hor root tea." This "medicine'' jvas mm'.e by burning semi-decayed hog hoofs anil boiling them in iter. proposed ul j- ' of in iiiiiinii today when the fm !.n r iriiniir. II II. 1 AmiuIiIi brought the matter I . 'ore the house by Intel rotating Premier l.lovd George on the functions of the c mm d. Mr. Asquith asked tho in.niVr wliethei he would now st i'e the p'i -iisi functions 'f the Inter-allied -nun. cil and In particular of its military staft. Mhethcr It was proposed tliat ill" coiiiic 1, if ni advised by Us stai'f, Mhoiild have power to Interfere with and oMiride the opinion on a matter i of stralenv of the general stai'f of i he ei'iiimander-ii'.-chlef ill the fi 'ld ; whether the militaiy staff of the Intel - Hied council was to have intelligence land operations di imrtm"n's, or either 'of them, of Stsi own: whether the ultt iniale le-lslon as to the distribution : a ml movement of the various arniivs ! in the field was to rest on the inui'i'll or on 'ho governments represented oi, it. and whether opportunity would be given to discus the proposed a'rane , merits 1'iid the statements, made in connection therewith In the premiers Paris rpeech M-iuls Text of Agreement. premier I.loyd George In replying to Mr. Asquith said that the best way of answer-ills: the question was to read the actual terms of tho agreements between tho P.rltish, French and Ital ian governments lor t'.ie creation of a supreme council of the allies. The text of the agreement follows "First, with n view to better co ordination of th" military action on the western front a supremo war conn, cil 's created composed of the prime minister and a member of tho govern ment of each of tho great powers whose armies are fighting on that front, the extension of the scope of the council to other fronts to ho re served for discussion with the other grrnt powers. "Seccnd, the supremo war council NKW YORK. Nov 11. At midnight tonight the Frawley law. w hlch for over six years per mitted fen-round boxing bouts to bo helld lit I'censed (dubs everywhere In New York state, brcaiiie obsolete. After being on the Malute li ioks since July, ISM I, the Frawley measure suc cumbed to the Slater lull, a bob Ishlng i.'galized Ixnitn Ihrtiout the stute. which was passed dur ing the closing hours of the lull legisliino session at Albany. In future or until such time as some other measure may permit a revival of the sport In places W In re public lldlli .-sion Ices can be charged, glove contests In this state will be confined to char tered clubs under the "member ship plan" which w.o: In vogue hire during the interim between the lapse of the Morton law am' the luivciit of tlie Frawley meiia- in e. Hon and reports thereon to the respee. tnu governments. "Thlid, the general fluff and mili tary commaiiils of the armies ot each power charged with the conduct of the military operiilbitm remain respon sit li' to their respective gov ernmeitts. Supervises War I'liins "Fourth, general war plans drown hi competent Military authorities are submitted to tlie supreme war council which under high authority of gov ernment Insures Its concordance and submits If rued be any necessary i haiiucs "I'if'h, cu ll power delegates lo the i j supreme war council one pcruoiucu' i military representative whosi (X'-lu-I Jsive function is to act as technical I ' adv li-or to the council. j "S:lh, ruilitarv repres 'idatlv i s re i'celvel from the government and the I competent military a ut l.oril ies of thetr may meet at other places, according to circunibtanccs. '.Meetings of tho supreme war coun cil tuke place at leant once a month." 1'iilHiuift I-cnse Miami Hotel. G. Wells and Leonard K. Rob erts, two well-known business men of this city, yesterday completed plana to enter the field' in Miami, where they have leased the now Miami hotel, now under constriiclton, for a term of ten years. The new hostelry, which Is being; put up by a company of town build ers and capitalists of Miami, when completed Is to be a building of seven stories and li'il) rooms. Messrs. Wells and Roberts will assume active niuii- gcir.ent of tho hotel with Its com pletion and opening to tlie public, March 1. has for Its mission to watch over the general conduct of the war It pie pares reeomi: ond.Uloin for the con siilerat'.on if I ho govornnieiit'i and keeps Itself informed of I heir eveiu- .oiintry all proposal.!, tiKorniatioti aim documents relating to I ho conduct of tlie war. "Seventh, the military representa tives watch day by day the MtnaHon ot the forces and the mean" of all Muds of which tie- allies and enemies armies dispose. "Fighth, the supreme war council 1 Is normally at Versailles where tlie i( niiiinent military representa tives and staffs are etablbhed; they Human Again. Phe umpire, butt of Jeers and lokea, All Neason squirms. Rut mingles now with other folks i hi friendly te mm. Quality Same San Felice As Ever Cigar Now 6c A long it m potfttbl to do an wit Imvo kept down III pric of th Hun Krlic t'iir, no that it roilld l) rntniled it 5. However, It ricciiircj inqinrutivo for in to liicre lh price to tie. Taxntinn, rw material and waipn h advanced o much during the paat year that it ia no Ion ge r possible U anil San tlice at the old price. To llione amokeia of fine laite who rrcon tt in San Felice a clear of iimuual merit w auk (rur continuml patronage. It la un-npri-tsnry to Hale that tlie aame liliih aland ard of San h'nllre quality will bo maintained. Sin Felice Cigar now flc The Uelael Wem mer Co., Lima, Ohio Ad. Sunnyside Ho spital 1 RAINING T1ircpc SCHOOL FOUll Ul SCO This Institution Is now rendy to. receive fifteen more pupil nur ses. "Why not enter now and prepare to help out during this present wnr. tlrud nates of this school aro eligible for state ri'K iKtrutloii after passing state examination. Larue stationary X-ltay vorl fylng doubtful diagnose, llatci within every Olio' reach. t Address Communications, Rouleau Sisters OK V. Rouleau, R.N. KITF.RINTIOXDKNT Tulsa, Okln. EES rjPWJrtW 22 Revised Draft Classifications Class 1. (a) Single man without dependent retiitlves. ( Mar ried man with or without children or father of motherless ch ldren who has habitually failed to support his family, (c) Married man dependent on wife for support, (d) Married man with or without children or father of motherless children; man not usefully engaged family suported by Income independent of his labor (e) LnsKitiea farm laborer, (f) Unskilled Industrial laborer. Registrant by or in respect of whom no deferred classification is claimed or made. HWS trant who fails to submit questtonaire and in respect of whom no deferred classification is claimed or made. All registrants not in cluded In nny other division in this schedule. Class 2. (a) Married man with children or father of motherless children, w'here wife or such children or such mo'herless chlWren are not mainly dependent upon his labor for support I 'n '8"n there are other reasonably certain sources of adequate ""PPort. (ex cluding eurnings or possible earnings from the labor of the wire) available Tnd that the removal of the registrant will not deprive such delenMHrrleT,.'in without children, whose wife, altho the regis trant is engaged in a useful occupation. Is not mainly deponnent upon his labor for support, for the reason that the wife Is sk. led in some soeclal class of work which she Is physically able to perform and in which she Is employed or In which there Is an Immediate opening for her under conditions that will enable her to support herself decently and without buffering or hardship. (c) Necessary skilled farm labor in necessary agriculture enter prises (d) Neecftary skilled Industrial laborer In necessary Indus- '''"'ciasT-ta) Man with dependent children (not his own), but V. , f.,n,i in relation of parent, (b) Man with depend enrBrdedWor Infftr parents, (c Man with dependent helpless brother, Uifri. (d) County or municipal officer. (e) Highly trained fireman or poficeman? at ?east three years in service of municipal My it Necessary customs house clerk. (B) Necessary employe of I nlted . States fn VansmislHon of malls, (h) Necessary artificer or workman lr United sfateTarmory or arsenal. (I) Necessary employe In service nf i n ed States (J) Necessary assistant, associate or hired manager ot ieceiary Mrieultural nterprise. (k) Necessary highly specialise, ?echn"al or mechanical expert of necessary Industrial enterprise (1) Necessary assistant or associate manager of necessary industrial en terprise. whpge wife or children are mainly dependent on his labor for support, (b) Mariner actually employed in sea service of the merchant mar the United States, (c) Necessary sole managing contrplllnff or directing head of necessary agricultural Uprise. tdjNecessary sole managing, controlling or (Hrectlng head of necessary Industrial enterprise. ,,,,,, .u. Class 6 (a) Officers, legislative, executive or Judicial, of the United States or of state, territory or District of Columbia, (b) Reg ular or duly ordained mlnlater of religion, (c) Student who or. May 18 1917. was preparing for ministry in recognized Bchrfbl. (d) I er sons In military-or naval service of United States, (e) Allen enemy, (f) Resident alien (not an enemy) who claims exemption (g) 1 cr son totally and permanently physically or mentally unfit for military service. (h I'erson morally unfit to bo a soldier of the Lnited 3tates. (I) Licensed pilot, actually employed In the pursuit of his vocation. Member of well-recognized religious sect or organization organized and existing on May 18. 1917. whose then existing creed or principles forbid its members to participate In war In any form and whose religious convictlotiB are against war or participation therein. Try- Doarfs f or tihialt bad. It I I r S.S X VI Ail. Tells a Mory '. . Yf QmTiM back! D f Every Picture on't worry and complain about a bad back. Get rid of it! Your back doesn't ache without a cause and often the cause is weak kidneys. Perhaps hard work has put your kidneys a little out of order, or a cold has settled there. In that case a med icine is needed to help the weakened kidneys, and if it's kidney backache the chances are you'll soon be over it. The lameness, stiffness, dull, tired feeling, nerv ousness, dizziness, rheumatic pains, urinary troubles should go, too. Use Doaris Kid ney Pills. You can have faith in this medicine, as it is publicly recommended by Tulsa people. " ' The Remedy Tulsa Indorses SOUTH PEORIA STREET SOUTH MADISON STREET NORTH BOSTON STREET M If, China, 70S South PeorU stmt y.- "I w Mn. C. L. Brilton, 22 South Msdinoa, iys: "About W. II. l.e. frocer, 401 North Bonton itreet. (t. th fob greutlv troubled by kidney disorder. Tin re win con.tant thre. year. .i;o I w terribly rui down and hardly able to lowing Malemeiit on rVbruary 13, 1912: "Though I U,c4 .orene. and aching acro.a th. .iral! of my back. Whoa do my wurk. .My back a hod connt.ntly, nlifht and day. and rarlou. kidrcy r.uiodln, I auifwcd aer.M, from k.dna atoo,ii.,g or lifting, .harp pain, would catch .ue through lh. .harp p.m. would .hoot through the ..nail of my back I trouble for over a year. 1 he dull pa.a la my back wa. ...n, and I, wa, difficult for m. to .tr.i.hton . cou.dn't ,.ralgh.,u thcy e.,d up H.e,.pig .r Wnbl. and aha twhig P K.y01'.'': "My rem wa. broken by having to get up ererr little while. ihaklng the rug it seemed would nearly bitak my back, and I i, colored At y rent wan broken by the lrequent pagca J ucd -wo boxea ol llcim'i Kidn.iy 1'ilU and the bacitacn. couldn't do my wolilMg or aiiythiug which made m. lean orer. 0, kuiney aecretlon.. One bo of Uoun'. Kidney fills ZTXZ ocio'nally"1;!: 'I&y.'.i U'ki; When 1 wa. .iiffcring that way, my kidney, acted very, irrogu- .-. 1 "ul'"d '"t'm T"' 1 " ' relieved." lny, aou otiniea too free, and again the oppoiito way." the trouble. SOUTH LANSING STREET EAST THIRD STREET TROOST STREET ' Mra N J. Culler, 603 Trooat street, my: "I had a con- i it nr,i. ma ..nh i.n.lrt. .ire.t ..... "M. J- oyco,'l Ksst Ihlrd atreet, saya: "I ha used ,i.t, dull ache just across tho siimll of my back and a heavy, .Mr.. J. K. Hurria, 40S South Mrcet, saya; My ' OP(.,Hlon, (or , bll.k ,nd dragging feeling Settled in my hip, and loin.. Bend ng over back aehod and thro, bed ,1k. a too.haci... Homeon. would k(noy( J , hfy , flfd , remot9 h ,,, ""'f "A' Vrle'Vd to,d m'.t.U Kffi'lll have vO help rr.e turn oir in bed for I didn't have a particl. down pain in my back and to regulate my kldneya. At timoa i bought aom. I received excetbint relief and was so muck of aucngth in my hack. At limea, pain, would catch me over .light cold h.a made th. weaknes. extreme." .nihuued 1 have always kept iroao'. on hand nince." my kidneva that felt like knive. sticking Into me, and for . ,nprT a lev m -nente I conlin t breath.. My kidney, were badly SOUTH NORFOLK STREET OWASSO S 1 REET congested and that caused m. a great deal of annoyance. inllammulion of the bladder madj .-no miserable. I w alclc Mr. J. N. Hill, 11 Bouth Aorfolk sl'reet, aays: "Som Mm It. Dunbar 1 12 l'o ir"' jJljj ; pfn,1" w'th good ' all over end didn't feel likn doing anything and wa. nervous tin., rigo I had a painful stiffness and a heavy grinding ach. "iTnow" "this" "medi'lne will' prove of benefit to and restless all the time. Finally, I began taking loan's , the m. all o' my back. Doin'a Kidney l'ill. gave ma such anyone who nyd a eood remedy for bnrkarho and kidney Kidney Tills. The first few dose, relieved me and a boa r. Ili-f I now keep them on hand to n when needod. Oth.ra v.eaknM Do.u'a iidinv filial hav. alwojs giveu m. leJi.f and a lalf gave me a cure." Vi ' 'ho family a. well aa I have fouud Doan'a a line remedy.' wlico 1 nave been tro.ibled that wuy. .Doan s Sidmiey- J J r. mils Every Druggist Has Doan's, 60c a box. Foslcr-Milburn Co., Manufacturing Chemists, Buffalo, New York 1 -Li.