Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILYAyjORLDi FRIDAY, NOVKMBKll 23, 1917 THE TULSA DAILY WORLD ommt. ciiv and rniTNTir tavkb I'l.hllahed l,v World Piihlnhing Compsny. FTi.KNK I.OKTO.NT. ."... .' Kdllor F ' I.AHSON fl'ialneae Venegar Ol.KN'N CONDON Managing Kdllor liAltUY K IH'DSnN.. .Ailvcriialiig' Mauager atiVllhit OK TIIR AI'IHI Ili.KhiAU OK CIKCC1.ATION8. Entered In the lul.a fu,i Office Second Class Matter. 'II IK A.'lhH.I. DAILY OK 'I UK J I I.KA 1 A I lA I HU'W.A'1 ION AM) hliNoAY WOK 1.0 HUl i 111. MOM II O. AS : 19,552 Tola' I'ally Circulaiinn iulul Net I'aid Atiu li.iih ('irrul;.tirn Amt;i1U' N,e 1 mil . . ........ I. II I. u, 'ii' k. Cm uliiliiin T I K Ttl.Ss DAILY .olil.l. worn on .tut Ii do aiilciniily tw IiIM'i' MU! Unlit Is iiii) In tlin . . . .ei,ii . . M.bbi .... Minuter uf 1 . f 1 1 1 K ,ur that tho Lent ol ano',1, dru und iiellt f. , K Htl.I.OCK, ( ii i illation Alanagcr. Sum. ill. i d m il awnrr. tu hi'iere ine H'i S 1 I eav ui, ll'li K W HANfK, N.linv I'nbll'. M;. n.fiiiii i ' n e.plna M.iy 1. l"i. (iX')IS(illl'iillN THICKS, fly Mull Only D.ULY AND bi'NDA t. I ) tnt.niie One Tenr lii,ii gia Month U 00 J hrea. Months I 0 Olj M.ii,lh 1A MA ONLY. One Yi er Htl Months lliri- Months HUNDAY ONLY. One Year oil Months DAILY AND SI'SIUY. V.y Ci-ner In Tulna... .IJ tents V 1 1 no on f 00 i uo 1 1 no 1 2 1 25 f J 00 1.00, OK 1 IIU AiSMIl IA I Kl lilr.Sd The Associated Prcm la eiclinlvely enilM 1o lha, uiaa for r'puh,i'aliuii uf all newa dia-pat-iwa credllel tu 11 or nut otloiwiae credited In Ihu papir end . the Leal '" piililisln , herein Phones: Airi)epTrtnu'n.s, GOO') RCBKLLION 'My critwn r i tu f n fine niitl fair' ft niri n(iil f.irhrr ' I hit f. iii.ii lull a ii y w'wh liu r.'xiu.fht Hill! t lit') Ml III) t Uu . J: ' ts ll.'Uil I I' Millet UU, k W I)lilM fil low, 'Wf ci' ig'il 1W 1hi fal.iciim.ii.' ' Auw tJ.f t,i-,t it i'f iihh It mm ii Ii t hi gr'tvt I I.Miw, nn.l 1 c.i tu in n ml ft i a ml, for tnv n'. I fi' kuiH--r ' iMinrtM lien tut tlii'M wilfic in v nlihT mi t j Jl,'rc' t Inntl lot I'Ut nivc u Ii. rn i f 11 tin1 ru.iiMKill r lha Lai t r Hrti. rrrwn prin r wits hit i Mill ici nlii i Kindly 1" '. Iltl. hi tutli to tno 1 klH'W." ai'tl hltukt llilll And f'.id W'lf 111.- day, of li"i tia wnlulfi lul mili Thtll lh knmr flutlrrrd !t und ho ! him tmf tu dir llllt h'H rniHii in in if linn'l It'll unw hull U'.'l tl.f h.-irt uf in f aiaV'"'t unj. why? li t.ill.a nf w ar in hiti rt v il hi) and 1.6 hw la of hift htitMifc-th tu l ikf Itnt his Ut all lif and hf uiMin't kuoiv hut Hi.' at i ng uf a tullt-l'a like. P tlmlliim pnawa al tht muI tit uip an I thin' ot Iiii rriiAii j.rinin t'iy And mv ttrnii-tt ruld in tin- aiua of drulh, und tiurslt arp thu thllii 1 kay. 1 j'liii with the gni'f Im n run I trriiif n'.rn vhu rhall"na-t tho kairra ' ri;ht To Itnild hia juv on Oil (.'nivi-a of cura. We shall rmi in bur wrutha tu Hintc And tliis in thr tt'iiia' r rhu;l nak uf him, t' riT'i ua thi rinson whj t)u- :! ys iinit.1 fall uii hia ituttltff ifld. tut lit'V r his tin h must dii' I - hdk-:ir A. (Iiint. Save tlie w.iste. I fio it. UomiiLis! . 15n lit-J Chihh will Mr. Asiiiith, It will be ihmtcIvciI, lias coniH. .'lilt Isn't t lie Kaiser a lilt off In 111 fxliortatluiiH? We tlmt It wum AUuli lie whs mnri'hltiK forwnrj with. . 1 As n furthrr ihk', rouiplcto rrfutii tlun of the theory thiit there's nothing In a iiatno, thi-if'H Mr. Thome. 1 . AUmpsiile the linn of the Marne In I ctircnient now H.iihIm the rabbit of the Hit inxizr.ji ilatoaii. A.'othir lukiii'.r inn:t be In sli:ht. The 1 til litt ms are bcinnlm; to chiile the ulllew for not rttitiK' there faster. J Pome women lite naturally built for xhort skirls while others Just (.'l it their teeth ami fare forth. I.os Arii;.'k's will pi dry In 101. This will throw oti'n i will fiehl fori s group of ambitious bootleggers. Some may have harbored doubts that th roiid bond election would suc ceid but they had never travcla-d over Tills, i county reads. Where there's n will there's a way. The kaiser and the sultan decorated a iich other which was the only way either could ever hope to be decorated, There Is net'iim: like sptcilving. A swain advertising in tho Springfield (Ohio) Sun wants to meet a'fiiat chiss w idow, with a good home." The vulture of Columbus has be come the cooing turt'.o of OJin.iga. I'rovltig again that consistency Is only lor little men. 1 "farmers Are I'lowing." screams a headline in an exchange. An extra ordinary departure from tho conven tional occupation of the farmer. Kansas must be lonesome. The state touchers' association hasn't passed a resolution condemning the tignret for utmost a week. 1 Making due allowance for every thing, It Is still a good bet that If the Austrlans ond Ttiiffsiann were left to fight It out tho Austrlans would get walloped. Habit Is strong. 1 Our idea of prcTgrcsslvcne.its In the erentlo art of safe blowing was dis played In the act of the gentlemen who robbed an iron strong box in "Little Africa." lielng unable to track the box they picked it tip ond carried It with them. 1 . You, perhaps, have noticed It that a doctor will tell a nervous patient "not to worry" and then send in a bill.. tM ini V I.OSINti. Onrc inure (lermany has achieved a tntlllnry vletoiy that Is a politlenl fiillure. Kveit If Venire is hk.'iIii ont raKeil by Austrian oi'i-iipatlun, there enn lie little rejoicing in Viennii or llerlin. 'The iiiirpoHK of the Hermans' IiIkIi column ml has ftfileil; Italy will not nllaiH-; iieaco lian been lirtiUKlit no nearer by this supremo effort. Two main results of the Italian of fensive were clear; It has fuse, the union of the allies ami It has left n Kreat Teuton army with Its back to the frozen AlpH. The Teutons won u victory, thanks to the ileinora Ion of part (tf the 1 t.'iii.-i n army, but it has left them In u ilariKerous position, They illil not set out to rompicr Italy, but to win peace. Thev have fail ami they Know tin y have failed. The aboM.' of the situation is not based on ltrilish opt I iiiIhiii ; it is niiiile after tcailiiiK u number of t S r -mini papers ami u'cikIiimk their evi dence of the impi e.-riion made by the I t:i ll:n campaign. The military ex perts exult, of riturse, but political eyes turn ttway to look for i i nter promise In Itussia. (in the luiulitesl day of the advance Into It aly Ilie Ber liner TaKcbl.itt in jtlicaily mure con cerned with l.elline's offensive hall with that of Vttii lliielow. t'an l.enine hold out uiilil agreement lias been reached? And If alludes to the neces sity for nscertainiiltT the views of de tain countries l:iterc..ted in the w.if. mentionliiK llr.iil and Haiti. "We can only hope that In the meantime Krri'ii!'! ami Korniloff will not con trive to enter the winter palace with the assi.' til nee of machine Kims' ll is not too much to say that the (Jerinrin press is more stirred by the apparent openint,' of a road to peace, Until by the crossing of the Alps to victory. In Vietulfi. on November 1 I there was n mass meetini; of fifty thousand people; they met, not to re joice over the Invasion of Venctla, but to deuinii,! that the central powers should recnp, nie l.enine as tin. ruler of Russia and make peace with liirrt The Italian lampulun, in fact, hav ing failed tif Its political purpose, in notbiui,' more titan a sol tie from a be sieged fortress, mid a sol tie that neither strenifthens the position of the besieged nrrnles nor brlnr.s relief to civilian population. The ( people now do not want victory; tlfoy want peace and food. Significant vital statistics are Kiven by I.eipzlKer 'olk Zfitunir. In Leiiizit,' In thejnonth of September there were ! ) S births ami 711 liiiilhs, not counting army casiiiil tles, whereu.s in 1914 lilrtlm exceeded deaths by 65 per cent. The llreslitu heultli report Is better than this, but Hives the Information that out of ti(4 births 153. or 25 per cent, were IlIeKlt iiuale. HuiiKry typhus lias been spreadint; to such an extent that It has called for of ficliil 'denials of tiliirmliiB figures limited by rumors, llerlin goes tinwasliej for lack of hot water, owing to the coal shortage; from the same cause Hamburg newspaper offices close early In the evening for want of Ras; the dyeing Industry, pride gf Ger many's commerce, Is suffering so badly for the same reason that thirty out of 34 llerlin dye works aru to be closed. The Italian victory cannot ease the economic situation, nor does it seem to have favored political unity anywhere except among the allies. The grow ing dispute between Austria and Hun gary and Hohemlii dally conies nearer to the danger point. The appointment of llertling as chancellor has raised storm among the tiernmn parties which may reach a crisis any day. The Alldeutscher Klutter Is furious; the chancellor. It says, "Is stained with guilt as no other chancellor before him" und "secured his appointment by means of a mortal, political sin." The Iteichsbote) reviles htm as a Ho man I'titholic; other papers see In this a hope for making better unci of the pope. Von Tlrpit. seems to take this view, "tiernmny has an Interest In the pa p:il see being rend. -red more secure," he sntd lu a Campaign speech'. Not that tho father of submarine piracy openly ifdvocates peace; he h is abandoned his hope that laigland coin be Kputios versenkt, but looks to the permanent annexation of Itelglum as an alternative menace to Kngland. "The Idea t li ii t submarines would prove a sufficient protection against l'.ngl.uid wits u great mistake; some effective cnunter weapon was bound to be discovered," therefore Cermnny must annex Itelglum. Tho military victories of the jay seem propitious to tho old pirate's new scheme. Hut th Ccrninn people are nwakening to the fact long recognized by their enemies, that nllho C.ermany can still win vic tories, stie Is steadily losing the war. 1 I Abe Martin Why not conserve th' home guard by tin .occasional autotess Sunday?' Hud's aunt made an assignment t'Oay, huvln' tpent ull fer love. Rippling Rhymes I iiv WAI.T MASOV I Nwjittir W'lnda. t"" triti.Ui art- ad and bloat, No- Tmrlfi Kinda am mid. n,. and abjuldrra co-ak. whan u ar old I nam in md a furtiddtiif hat" thft lima .-old mm' I with thrt Wilillif tunr 1 yiur could I, ull .Tunr in. i..i'. aiii,i ai d aanu. W hnt wmt.i a leimn an liinw 1 raujli, and atimmar hlTa thn awit; ovfmbor. mo, i half md half-It's nnh tt rulu tifir hut a i... .-n l. atxad hai weutic r he may iuf..i inrhapa Villa, the bandit, Is now appearing in. inn win ,,,,,, ii,,,,,., ,,,) ,),,,,,, ,av on the battlefields mounted on a white ii!'"' ' 1 '"' """i''r riffk 'a mule. "White Mule" has made flght- " l,7t, ""ii- and I Ii,- , t ,lu,.; tha.liiu men out of many others besides ke k off th, ,.J,,-. I I i, ,, , , , fri( ilful ,-...t ; ,1,, ,,. ,. , , ih, I hied, mv hik-i, v team mil, mul fruat. I've iiiicflf ;i l,in-!l euhl I niitl.' hrw.llia i new i, ,i-t il,,,,, like aider i'iireaK Uiuhk' ,l,e ',,,, ,,,, a,,,.,.. , 1 1, ' l.lklllte and :,. lu l.ile mi ha Illil lule'l. f I I.' lli.llui i mill dope iilid pills, an I I fir my I'htisl ; lh diuiririst roniea, lth h-g Leu' hills, until I . inn,, ,t r. -t I have fie .,:,al, dai, I half lha' mill mi, I sl,.; 1 M il,,, ,u, ,B all Mn, He- umMii tluit'a kho'iI aa wha-iit. I aV iiw dime i liar urn i.j a s a f a i i W.ii ',1 ( .u.itiil Mureiiii silt ;mi'h. II 1 1 1, 1 lit 1 1, a: ' iKl.A Hi .l A fTV. Nov- uf.- Sec ictii v of Sen,. ,, I,. I.yon has Issued Ilie following charters: I i in k In ,in Lend ,V Zinc Co., Sulphur, capital, if ll.'i.linil, liiciirporatiirs, 1 1. C. .Nations, . J-;. Wells, V. C. White, SulpUiir. ronV'stic Klectrle Lighting coin- puiiy, Tulsa. i.'ipiUil, Jfi.i ; liicm- ptuviliiis. I;. I:. Kians, A. II. Kvaiis, C H. I'ristol. Tulsa. The I M iiiuright Hullding & Iinn as sociation, 1 t-ii 1 1 1 1 ight, capital, $ii(iu, IKM1; Incorporators, Aaron lirunirlght, (' !. .Ma istiiill, .1. (J. liennctt lirum ilght. lan ky I'ov I ul - Zinc Co, .Miami, K. Sullivan. .1. S. II irlford, .1. I.. Haw kins. Oklahoma Ctiy. The Westminster oil & das Co. of I'onca City, Increased its capital stock from jr.O.tlOtl to $l!un,JIMI. 'I'll" National IVnltn crs company t'f Indliina iiiulifici tiwdo business In the state. The company's capitalization Is LKH'.OUO and 20,tjuu will bu em ployi il in the state. I Hid Wars on Vice H al to 'f'hai World. i:.l), Okla.. Nov. 22 As the first slop in a drive to make Knld a "spoi lt sh" iTty Lessie Thompson was fine 1 JK'O for maintainiLiij a house of pros tilution. 7 I I v I I I -4 'I'll I : SOM)li:U'.s LAM' .MLSNAI.i:. (Hy "MACK") ('n a lonely veil, lu a 8t range, far land, liy the rump fires fleam o'er the shift ing sand, lie wrote his last message to the girl ho loved, And waited his orders, his heart un moved. "lleloved," tie wrote, as he leaned near the light, "The time has now come when I, too, must fight. "Others have gone in, stout-hearted and brave, "And found that the going led straight to the grave. "It may he that I, when I answer the call, "Like thousands of others, will go but to fall. "If thus It should be, and death Is my ptift, "Then heed my last words, Oh, love of my heart! "Ami remember, they came when the vision was clear. "Of the probable end that was loom ing so near. "He strong In your sorrow; extend -tho brave hand "To suffering others in the war stricken land. "As duty's loud call was the beacon that led "Your lover to far lands, his heart's blood to shed, "And made him, unmurmuring, to answer the call "And valiantly" go $ where thousands must full. "So, duty well done, your own heart will ease 'And bring to your sorrowing a blessed surcease. 'The cause is worthy our great sac rifice, 'And peace, wrought by service, will ever suffice. Tor the days we had dreamed Were ours to be "In u vine-wrapped cot, our' children at kneo. "Thus, living and loving, we'd serve the dear (!od "To the end of our days, and then "neath the sod. "Ot our own green hills, we d wait the great cull "That - summoned us home. Thus dreaming, and all "Tho dear visions we had, made life Beem sweet "And worth while to tread by untlred feet. I "Dut destiny moved and vemon came in. "While Peace hid her head and dem ons of sin "Enwrapped the fair earth In turmoil and strife. "Robbing the world of the worth whiles of life. "Dutv has led mo In this path of right "And your smile, my dear, with Its un failing light, "Is the star that encourages and holds "Me true to the pathway that duty unfolds. "It's the path we chose, dear, na pa tiiots trus,- "That vour 'man' should tread, to be worthy of yo.u "And the flag we both loved, emblem divine. "Of tho land that was ours both yours und mine. ! "Now. whatever the end that that choosing brings, "It never can rob us of alf the swe?t things "That have made or our uvea one grand, sweet song, "Nor hold back our union 'mongst th' angelic throng. "Hark! Tho bugle. The call Is now tinging, "And bravely I BO. ' heart all singing. "For I know you'll be brave under the weight. "Whatever the' end, whatever iie fule." 1 OKLAHOMA NOTES llils HctMlng nrralli Under the heud of light fiction migazlnes. the Weklwa Wampus ac knowledges the receipt, of a copy of the Mixer and Server, the official pub lication of the ilartcnders' Interna tional league. " i illu. McAlester News Capital They're Trul skying to Disaster In order to have more time to fight 1.. Il..lulinl'lb I itoisheviki aiiii. ,iia lllioir.ll ,s, an.5 ,iuipin. 1 1., j nave lormaliy aeclarea tor peace witn the central powers, is the construction the llartlesville KxHtiilnor gives It. in tares ine pro-Kaicr prisoner who lands in the. -1 uskogee city Jail. Several have taken oaths of allegiance 1 Ill fnres the pro-kalscr prisoner following a liberal , ii-,.,,-. -i leather bells In the prisoners. The prisoners committee on patriotism has adopted the follow ing declaration of nrliuNples: 'I'd hell with tlic'l.aiscr, lull liiirrnli for I'ni'ln Sam. If you speak III of anyone In tills jail, speak It about die kuistcr. If jtiu arc In sympathy with ;c munv, you slioiild Itr ilieru figliling, not. here talking. v A tacriiiiin s. y it :t I Ii it't' Is. lower down than a snake's ls lly; at least we think so. If yon tire looking for trouble, wiv soiiit'llilng against the A inn lean gov trniiicnt. Anyone nof liking, the hImhc slate im ins, just tear thiin tlovt ii ami you will gi I u reward. '.Mcinhcr Tlial I'ox Story? Tulsa is gutting ready to spend about J2, OlMI.Onii in roads so Unit people can drive Into that towi(aud spend their money dining the days when roads Into the other towns aro toe dusty or muddy for comfort, says tho Oklahoma 1 City Times. V.ut i he other half of the "Jiydra headed" monster, tlis ally Okla hnniun, advocates the same procedure for Oklahoma county. 1 J Cily iXeu-8 in Rrief FDWAKI) MAfTAiaOART haa - returned from a trip to .liirint.i, Ohio. J. K. D. KHM-'KKH, n ell known oil rhan and refiner. ha returned to Hart leaviUe after n rouriln of tlaya' May ir. Tulaa. TtKCAI'SK of the almr-nce 4 Itunriplal JuiIro '1'. 1). Kvana there waa no aeaaiun of puliee ronrt ye,sterdnv morning. ' T1IK WOMEN of the t'nited Preahyterinn ehtirrh will hold a holiday hnur in the allow winilow of the Frii'k ltaud Supply atoraj, Tues day H'ternooi). - I JOE KENTON, aeiri-tary of the loeal1 ex emption hoard, will leave for Kanana City thin morning, where he haa been railed on business. Uu expeeta to rutmn to tliia city wilhlu a deck or ten daya. , AT THE uanal Friday meeting of the board of rity comtnissioncra thia momma tlitr- contrai't for the purchase of several thouaand fnet of fire liouae nroliablv will ha. awarded hv the ritv fathers stpvf rni enmpaniea are In the rare to aeHl proiliii't and the juircessful one will be se lected thia morning. THE DRAMA I.KAt'.l'E, a well'known or- paniratlon of women who pursue, the atudy of the drama, will petition the proprietors of local theaters and picture houtee to precede eiuii performance with the singing of the "Htiir Splaiiaia-d Manner. i hia diatom Is followed in many cities and ia an inspiration of patriotism. IF IT IS found possible the awarding of the eontrai-ts for tho laying of mora than f.'iOO.imo worth of asphalt paving will be let thia morning at the meeting of the board of city commissioners. The lilda for thia work were received last Tuesday morn inir and if -.the enaineer's dcDartmcnt com plete iia compilation and report the awards will be made today. I). T. ri'NXINOHAM of Crib Biding waa taken o Vintita yeelerdaty a)ftcrnmu by lieiiiitr Sheriffs Bowling and Hlggma, where he was placed In a atate Institution there. According to altaches ot the aheriff'a office Cunningham recently become con verted to a creed of uew tno! witn ine re sult, they say, that be became mentally un balanced. J J. rniCE, a private In Company C, 111th regiment, (engineers), wno nas open con fined to a w aru at a iucbi noapuau, wuv leased yest'rday following an oporatton. l'rke. Joined the engineer company, wtncn waa recruited in this city, but recently re turned to Tulsa to undergo an operation, which placed him In a critical condition for some tune. He will return to Camp Uowio ae soon as he la able to travol. PRIVATE, funeral services for Alts, the 4-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Herndon. will be held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the residence, 814 West Inde pendence, because ol the fact that tlcain was due to inleitliiinvdis.'iiife. Interment will he made in Koie Hill burial pars, wnere friends who ao desire uiuy be present for the last rile of burial. AT TEMPI. T ISHAKU 1322 Sooth Chey enne, a special t riany evening aervico w,,i l held, known as the " tnipty beat rvieo" tontfciit at S p. m. Kabul J. a Menkes will conduct the acrvleea; K.'T l. si iiarton nf Rostnn avenue Methodist church veill deliver an addraai on "The Value of an Ideal." Saturday morning aerviiea will lie held at 10:ln. All. irrespective ut mem biranu or church affiliation, are moat cor dially wuicotue lo these services. ALLEGED RIOTER STAUNCHLY DENIES "STATE'S EVIDENCE Private f.'rovcr Hiiiiis IWvlurM lie Rcfusel Immunity Offer Uecauso Ho YJis Xot Guilty. SAN ANTONIO. Texan, Nov. 22. Private Urover Hums, the last of the defendant negroes to testify in the court-martial of tho tS neToes of tho 24th Infantry chnrged with mur der, mutiny nnd rioting, us a result of the uprising at Houston, Texas, August 23, flatly denied this afternoon, not only his participation In the riot, hut also tho testimony of privates Shorter. Ixive and Peacock who pre viously had declared Burns was among the negroes who, left camp. Shorter had said he saw lurns In tho column of marching negroes; Peacock aid ho saw him on San Kollpo street the night of the riot and Love saldi he mw htm coming back to camp. Asked why, in the face of this tesrtimony he persisted in his denial, Bums declared he had been offered immunity by the board of Inquiry at Kort Bliss the same as the threo negroes referred to hut that as he had taken no pntrt in the riot he refused to attempt to clear himself. Tomorrow the defense will place on the. stand several witnesses for corrob. oration of evidence given by defendant negroes and Saturday, the prosecution announced, it will be ready with sev oral witnesses If the court cures to hear them. In such event it Is be lieved the trial can be concluded Sat urday night. Button liaises Mutton, ' "Way out In Grea'. Bend, Kan., lives Pr.f Kd -Uutton, raising lambs on his lawn, which some day will be mut- ton. ., - -a'. UNITED STATES WILL ATTEND TO ORGANIZER Francik's Effects Seized and Literature Found; War rant la Issued. John H. Whalen, Vulted States se cret service agent of the department of Justice, yeMerday seized the bttg gtige and personal effects of'Westine Kranetk, the Austrian 1. W. W. organ izer who was arrested several days ago by l'ollceinan Carmlchael. and '"J h'"n eI" th elty Jail since. n priuiii aviu inni wits sworn out oy Whalen and francik's baggage was exam,ie(. The government agent de clined to state what-Jie found, but he evidently found enough to determine ., : i. A 'i !" t " f na. .f"r held to the fed he notified the i"'iif a... iioi.i ii i vi i tor tile govern- hands of otheri'"7"1 " .'. u",":, "u v.. euiiiBiariceji o. release hint. I liml Inciinilniiilng Kvlileiuse. The'raid on I. W. W. lieadiiuarLera at Augusta, Kiin., Wednesday, may prove n valuuble one in obtaining evi dence against Kraneik, ns the officers who conducted it announced thut they found Incriminating evidence agulnst a number of I. W. W.'s w ho are oper ating In Oklahoma. " Since Kraneik had admitted" that he Is a national organizer of the de struetionists, It is believed that facts will develop from the Augusta mid that will be of great benefit to tho government in Ki ancik's pruereutlon. It Is very likely that u. warrant will bo. Issued against him, charging him with violating the federal army draft Oct und companion .legislation, .appos ing tho government's tfar measures, fomenting dissension and trying to imllify the efforts to raise the new army. The penalty for violating this act Is severe and In no ease tan a fed eral prison sentence bo escaped If u conviction results. Is In City Jail. Kruneik has been spending his time In the city Jail haranguing- the pris oners and when they will listen to him, making speeches to the officers, defending himself and protesting his innocence. Whalen took possession of his pa pers and literature and will hold them until hm ease Is settled. Since IVanc.ik's urrest and the "tar and feather party" bv the "Knights of Liberty," I. W. V. activity In Tulsa seetnc to hav' subsided considerably but the government und city officials and the Homv Guards hfrve not abated their vitrl'.a.iift. They aro on the watch for nr.y suispitious move on the part of the destructive element and the first rtep toward dlsbrder will be nipped. HOME GUARDS ORGANIZED IN FORTY-FIVE COUNTIES Staio rire Marshal Says tlmt Depre dations Against Property Have DiTeasI. World Capital Bureau, Hl'2 Campbell Building. , OKLAHOMA CltY, NoV. 22 Home guard organizations havo been com pleted in 45 counties in the state and others nre arranging for organization, said C. C. Hammond, state fire mar shal, today. Mr. Hammond was placed In chnrge of tho organization of the guards by Governor Williams. Ho has made trips to several place In the state during the past few days, where he arranged with the home guard camps for work that they will be expected to do. It Is the observation or Mr. .Ham mond that since the lirglnnlng of the organization of these home guards thut depredations havo decreased. Kor a while fires were frequent, especially .vhen the cotton ginning reason was opened. Since guards have been placed around Industrial plants ann otner precautions taken the fire list has decreHseiT Such a condition ts also being aided by tho full co-operation that Is being accorded by owners of these establishments. Deserters Itaik to Cninp. Special to The VVorld. " CLAKL.MO U K, Okla., 22. Wednes day army officers from Fort SHI came to On rem ore for A. B. Grant and J. 11. Pesuza, deserters from the Mis souri national guard, stationed at Fort Sill at the present time. The young lgen dressed, in their khukl uniforms, wore apprehended by county nuthorl t'er here n few days ago. They wtVjo passing thru this city on top of an east-bound Frisco passenger train bound for St. Louis, Mo. One of the nitf had deserted before. Missionary to Lecture. Fnerlal to The World. CLAltlvMOKK, OklrH. Nov. J2. Mrs. liiller, from the board of nils ilons. New York city, under tho aus pices of the AVomnn's Auxiliary of the local Episcopal church, will lecture In Clnreniore at the F.plsoopal church Friday evening. She will discuss the missionary work being done by the organization sh represents. Buster Bro wn Shoe Sale STARTS AT 9 A. M. THIS MORNING AND ENDS MONDAY MORNING AT ll A. M. Boys' $8 tan Buster Brown bootees for servlco they have (J A Pfj no equal go at '. ilVxatU Girls' $6 Buster Brown English walkers, special until FA Monday ijrjratjl Children's $4( tan spring heel School Shoea, gfj V u Final Cut on Mens TURK BROS. OVERCOATS FOR ALL THE MEN OF TULSA Here's a great exposition of overcoats ; styles for men and young men; sizes to fit every' build; prices to meet the limits of every purse; patterns to please every taste; tfuality you can't equal any where ' ' Belterj? some with full belt, others with half belts; Chesterfields; motor coats; ulsters with big warm storm collars; fur coats; fur lined coats; separate fur collars to fit any overcoat; almost no limit to the variety. Grays, greens, browns, tans, b"lues, black and mixed pterns, $15 upward. Courteous salesmen to .help you buy. Matf&rs II' 212-14 SOUTH MAIN I Woodrow Wilson Is j j Excused From Jury J Duty at Sapulpa SAPl'LVA. Okla., Nov. 22. 1 Superior Awl'je Gnylord It. Wil- I 1 cox had just instructed the court I clerk to call the mimes or ine lurors for the first term of the tribunal to bo held In this city this morning. "Woodrow Wilson," culled out the clerk) The courtroom crowd craned their necks to catch a glimpse of the venireman when -Jie should stand up. "t Bvciiswri Mr. Wilson this I morning because jt Illness in the i f-imiiv" oatd the liiMtre and tho I crowd giggled. J i The Woodrow Wilson whoso I I name wm called, wag not the J I distinguished president of the J I United States, but the owner of t a furniture store. New nnJldlnic. for Mlnnil. Special to The World. MIAMI, Okla., Nov. 22 Ground was broken this week for the erection of the Kxchange building nt the cor ner of Nor;th Main and First streets opposite tho new seven-story hotel thnt Is in progress of construction. The Kxchange building is being built by Judge liainer and associates of Okla homa City. Ttds will make the second five-story office building for Miami, the Hancock building on Central ave nue now bohig about ready for oc cupancy. Miami Is rapidly taking on the aspects of a city with many build ings from three to seven stories each now being erected in tho business part of tho city. t . . - T.timlwr Yiml Sold. Special to The World. OLA It KM OH K, Okla.. Nov. 22. Tho K. K. Woodi and the Minuetcnka Lumber companies of this city have lolntly bought the local T. H. Rogers lumber yard. It Is claimed that the town wduld not support three yards i on a paying baMs. Children's $6 Buster Brown pat ent leather with white kid top. lace or button dress hoes go at $3.65 Boys' $5 "Buster Brown dress shoes, English last, until Mon day morning they PQ go at DO.OJ Shoes and Bootees Closes Saturday Night. TULSA'S LARGEST SHOE DISTklBUTORS kx Brother s --" s-'l EARP PREPARING FOR DRAFT Muskogee Doctor Selected to Aitl lis Assembling Information. World Capital Human 812 Campbell Building. OKLAHOMA OITV, Nov. Gen. Aneel Earp unnounced today that Dr. Claud A. Thompson of Muskogee had been ordered to report at Okle homa City at once to ossist in tho preparations for the next draft of men for army service. Doctor Thomp son is of the medical reserve corps. Adjutant General Karp said today that he would try to have ull copicai of the questionaire In the hands of district boards by December T. Treason Commieslon Proposed. PA HIS, Nov. 22 Utuis J Mnlvv, former min'ster of tho Interior, In troduced In the chamber of deputies today a bill proposing that the cham ber name a committee of 33 members with ti view of sending M. 'M.ilvy be fore the high court on the charge of treason. OKLAHOMA HOSPITAL A modern hospital has fireproof pro tection for its gucBts and provides laliora lory, X-Hay and anperior nursing service under skilled personal supervision. The entire co-oriliiintcd service is under the immediate direction of a Kesjdent Physician. Ask your family physician if he would Ignore progress in his profession and place hajplpsf loved ones in a fire-triip or In any hospital without coordinated service. DR. FRED S. CI1T0N, Pres. MISS H.C. C. ZiECELER, Supl. West Ninth and Jackson fts. " Osage 8990. Infants' $1 Buster Brown ::" 65c shoes to close out at Extra Special $3 gltis' flJO-fiC English walkers go. at POU3 Children's Puss-ln-boots and felt 'house slippers $1.50 1 grade .special to morning QsX shoppers .....' tfJls 318 So. Main St.