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TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2.-, 19E PRESS MEN HAVE A GENUINE HOME Today and Thru Wc'n'day g AUTCRAFT PRESENTS Fairbanks IN 'tlie Man From Painted Posl' Old Chateau House Writers in France; Is the Life." Special "This ' Picture! TO THE KILLING LINE DAILY But at Nitfhta They. Gather Round the Festive Hoard and Spin Yarns. U'.y liKOIUIIO T. H V K. ) You c( uii tn n high, mouldy will'. ml ,1 heavy pate Is swung op n. Ahead Ik .1 fine 1 1 1 1 1 pnrk, Just a lilt the worse fur war. Ami then --the "lu;teaii cf your dreams, a mr. u1 ri thirteenth century I'liKtlp; yei tin' ncn on I hp mouldy wnll outride reads A iirrWan ( ImtPau." Ilpre I live. along with .1 lmlf iIoz.mi other Ai.nTirni) correspondents, ilur lnic my stay nil the Hillis'.. front Fiom tin. i chateau we start each mortili'.sf for t o 1 1 i'h over the M:rnc Aine and Kumme battlefields. Wo have already covered territoi v from the North S a to the junction of tlio HiMIhIi apd French lines, vImUIiik such war shrines as Arras, I'rolslllcs I'upiuinip. I'rrnnne. Albert, t'ontal minion. Uoiirt, the Hntt of War- lenrourt. sun the I'oiiere crater v here four hundred vniuii.s were Instantly destroyed lit tilt hlKgesl mining work or Hie war. Thin critter would hide a fair-sized villain church, tin certain other fortunate tln, wliLti the bombardment is lesn intense, our earn apeed toward the thel I crashes. Then we walk In tic r mmtinicatirg and Hiiipurt trenches, pick our way more slowly in the first hue trenches and finally tip-toe oyer the padded flooring of the hup?, nt at one tinie to within spitting distance of the CoHclie. r- rsGsJs - - S lirARST-I'ATilli NEIVS Screen Time: 11:30. 12:45, 2, 3:15, 4:30, 5:45, 11:30, 12:45, 2, 3:15, 7, 8:15 and 9:20 Prices: Matinee and Niht 20c; Plu Wur Tax Children Will Be Admitted to the Matinee Show for 5c Plus War Tax tJ. i,r -'ill 1 fen?. . 1 1 iiiiiinl DOWJAS fAiRBANRS 1 m ft rwur ntiN'tftboii piniiiia COMING THANKSGIVING DAY Charles Ray in "The Son of His FaSher" When y.e roturn to the rhi.leau p'K'h niuli', II ktamltj out in the 1iihU like an etchlnu, the tiurrotinriiii tree" hhirritiK inkily. Our car spips ami a HtitiHh orderly relieves u of our fur rol.PH and our ateel holiiit and Kim nask which we have to carry with iih each day. Then tirod, yet tingling with the thrilla of the day, we walk to tn c courtyard, where a n lid ciKht or an entire company of i!'Ountd knlshtu niiuht find refuse tip a half dozen steps to the receiving alon with t.- stone Htairwny, lt?i roof hiKh C'llii.n, its Mht.s of windows am) 01 tin mental atone nailery. Some iiiKhta my car turns in ahead and Cirant at Appomattox. Big w:ene In 'etnher 7. 8 and . No mutineeH. of the others, and this means I a'i kind of rioiiiPHtic animal from a cow chnuxe clothes r.nd still have time he- ' to a pony, a well as birds imd fish fir'-' ilmiar for a leisurely alesta In 1 r Bre served by other orderlies. Wo front of 11 hlirmu loir fire in n great I lm'. e roubinar dinners each evenlnu. rsm off the cotu tvard. Here I cas- i lasliuir iiriiuIIv from 8 until Hi The Hlrlti of a Nation." Convention hall three nights only, pe nally trace my daily (rips on maps lhat cover one aide of the wall, never falling" to exult over the opportunity to huve ren lh sacred spots .of fu turo civlliza'ion whilP the smoke, shock and excitement of battle, even the dead, are still nbout. Sonic eveti liics ve have to recover from ur.pleps- aiit thrill': the shelling; or a cross o'clock. The talk roars with the day s adventures huhiiiR only now and lhn one of the more inflective of us ihHcovets xome new crciiture in III-' mural menaKere. l-nst nitiht, after erv excitins: aftertiomi under direct fire. Irvine. Bach. Iler of ' t'olliei 's ut absolutely slill at dinner, with his raze s'.rivine most affectionately road iuat as we parsed it or a shower 1 tl montr tiin painted animals. It was of rifle Brenades in the fust line trench because some one's shoes, which yoj cursed roundly at the time, hud squeaked. Then, to steady our nerves, we usually smoke nreat deal and remain very o,ulet. or rad the afternoon's commnnluue and other bulletins from general headqJarters. r the latest New York. Ixindon an J, I'aris newspa tiers and maffazincs. At nlnht we find our rooms com fortably prepared for us bv the "bat men" t'r orderlies. At meals In the tlmlnK hall decorated by a quaint continuous palntlni? that shows every cvllent ho was onsiiitulatinu him self for still heiiiB amorit us. All at once his shoulders licann bobbing- up Hid flown hysterically "See that sweet-faced litt'e lamb." he pointed., "lie's noi only lenocent I ut he knows n-sone well he's innocent." Didn't we explode? Theavar makes atranye fun. AMD TODAY AND MONDAY FRANKLYN FARNUM IN "The Winged Mystery" A fascinating detective tory dealing with twin brother who are double One. enlists in the German army, the other tweart allegiance to America Schedule 10, 11:15, 12:30, 2, 3:30, 4:45, 6, 7:15, 8:30, 9:45 Admission Including War Tax Adult 17c Monday Matinee 11c Children 6c Tuesday and Wednesday Jack Gardner in "THE LAND OF LONG SHADOWS" THURSDAY AND FRIDAY "Rasputin, The Black Monk" The True Story of the Russian Revolution and Fall of the Romanoffs, Presenting an All-Star Cast, Including MONTAGU LOVE JUNE ELVIDGE ARTHUR ASHLEY HENRY HULL JULIA DEAN IRVING CUMMINGS HUBERT WILKE The Big. Attraction of the Year We were told stories of a haunte'l co'-ridor mid a jrhost-rld.ion bedroom on iJie second floor, floors Pattulo of the Saturday Kvcninif Test has the corridor to walk down, ami r . 1.. W-Hdo of the rhiladclnhia Public l-elsor shares the chamber with its vrfllnnta. If any 'if the headless men or ladies with atreaniinK hair walk by lilcnt, we don't hear them. The bit'.:', of airplanes and the ehu;:s!e f night transport motors flying up a tiearbv Kind In an endless stream make a lul- i laby that curries us to sleep as soon , as we are in bed. And In the mornines thes marve llous French October m rnlni;s: bn i fore, the orderlies tii inn us our army i.hoes newly oiled and befori It is time to becln winding our puttees, we are always awakened by the sportlvo swans in" our turning half-aoni-ersa'iltB until only their sterns are visible. On Sundi.v morniiiRS there are musty church bolls. On another mornins came a queer squeakliiK, from a sort of pruirle schooner that had larce black crosses on its skies and was preceded by a piceon toed. white haired priest with two al tar bnvs carrylnK holy banners, and i followed by a dozen sobbing women ihnd one In jit old man who had trou ble keeping- up with the stmllish cor tege. On htill another morning; a hob nailed clatter suddenly slopped, and there were several hundred chatter lr;r French infantrymen In their field bl;ie, peeriiu; over our moat wall. Hip early -sun sparkling on their bedewed In Iniets. scrupulous real estate agents wh 1 heek to rob her of her Inheritance. To clear themselves they have her srnt to pripnu on perjured testimony, and sh returns to her native village of Anne's Hrldjre, a branded woman, shunned by all her former friends. It in a fascinating picture adopted from tilt novel "Anne's Bridge" by Itohert W. Chambers. Alice Joyce. Vila graph's xersatile star, has the leading role and Is supported by Webster . 'jinpl'cll, I'vitiuid, McHilide, IJonel IJrev. and Templar Saxe. There will also be shown In th" ree's the ulghth eplsodo of "The Hear- let Itunner." The vaudevilln bill In- 1 el 1. dig file acts as follows: Kqullln and Maybelle. novelty equllibi Isis, Wallace find Hatfield, comedy sing ing and talking; luncaster and Small in their laughing" comedy success, "A Stormy Hour;" Swift and 1-a Mont, the dude and the wop'; the Diamond Wllliamg trio, novully musical act. TW. itT ) TT 11 rtl 1 lVIeJilEliS) U 1 Tuesday and Wednesday 1 n 1 10 Madge Keuinedy Celebrated Comedienne and Broadway Favorite Vj i Udge- Kehhedv. "Nearly larried In Her Latest Goldwyn Picture SHOWS 11, 12:30, 2, 3:30, 5, 6:30, 9 AND 9:30-PRICES: MATINEE AND NIGHT, 20c Conwmitliiom Eafll, Telsa MjjMs ONLY IDAY BEGINNING NO MATITEES m Dec 7 PRICES 25c, 59c, 75c, $1.00 FIRST TIME AT THESE PRICES crrrc ON SALE AT SfcrAla GRAND OPERA HOUSE RETURN ENGAGENENT I It Is altogether an evnerlence be yonl price, this life at the. American i bateau and our daily trips to tlv ikilllnK line. Tieyond price, too, Ip ! cause Hip experiem-e cannot be I bcnt. All of us are guests of the Hifclyh srovernment. Wc cannot spend a cent ic the chateau or on the rail j wnvg nnd boats that take us to and i from the chateau, not even for tost- n e nnii we arc noi n- hhuiib mm D. W. Griffiths Gigantic Military Spectacle 3,000 Horses battle nous, our status Is of invite'1 ! In the isltors' resisler at the civ lean one reads foremost American 'writers In fervent praises for Urit'sh Uiuhl and valor and pritish couitesv, I in hopes that Anulo-Pixon P.rltaln land America may ally to force peace limon the world forevermore, and iu I t.r.ivrs that the two nations will be united .n mutual estcm after tle war. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Friday, Nov. 30th FIRST ROAD ATTRACTION TO PLAY AT GRAND A. S. STERN & CO. Present In Association with Selwyn & Company The Funniest Play in the . Whole World Bv Salisbury Field and Margaret Mayo A comedy of life among the apartment dweller It's clean, it's human, and oh! it is o funny There Is Nothing Like It and Nothing "just as Good" PRICES $2, $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c Seat Sale Wednesday, November 28 COUPLE OF SCOUTS COMING j Turning their backs on the snow- capped peaks of the Itockies. leav- InK behind them the whirr of the ( blasts us they snap the snow thru; the crevices of the rocks, thousands i of feet above the line w here Nature has commanded all vegetation to' . .. cr.'fMiifr fi nil lla ssinir down by the huce waterfalls where tons of I rainbows drop from the side of cliffs j rising- from the valley of the Kstes j park country to points above the : clouds, Shep Hudson and Clement j Yore, trappers, bear nunters. guide, and life-long friends of the stlllneRs nt ih. mountains, are coming to Tulsa to tell us "city folks" what we are mUsing by pursuing our liveli hood In the congested portion of this earth. Hudson and Yore, two of the most famous scouts ami guides who ever tracked a hear thru the pine cone, carpeted slopes of the Rockies, sure shots -who believe that one way 10 help win the war is by conservation of lead and powder In ahootlnft big gnme; therefore bringing down their mark with one shot, have been asked to ome to Tulsa and address an audience at the Y. M. O. A. auditor- , lum. Thitf has been arranged, the u..,,.iiu nre com I n l' and Monday even-I Ing will deliver their addresses at I the Y. M. C. A. Smallpox nt i'olliiikvillc. rw-ii T tvaviT.T.R Okln.. Nov. 24. There are a number of cases of small pox here. Some who nave tne aisease have been very careless In their re gard of the quarantine, and the city manager has issued a warning to thoso who are breaking the quaran tine. The chief of police haa enforced the quarantine on some and It Is thot that from now on there will be no further spread of the disease. imoAnww. "The Fettered Woman," th Great er Yltngraph Itlue Itlbbon feature, which will -be the attraction at the Hrcadway thcner today, tells the storv of the college girl whose life Is wrecked by the plotting of the un- (?JJUu U h MIX I II II I I jf 5,000 Scenes SELECTED MUSICIASS Cost $500,000 Symphony Orchestra of 20 Exactly as Shown During Record-Breaking Runs in All the Large Cities of the World Decisive Battles of the Civil War Sherman's March to the Sea--Grant and Lee at Appomattox The South Before the War The Death of Ab raham Lincoln Rise of the Ku Klux Klan History in the Making Mighty Story of the Loves and Struggles of the Days When the Nation Was Finding Itself. The Greatest Story Ever Revealed on Any Stage SEE