Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD', MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2G, 1917 OWCf.W-H-PECK ' O0NCX44Z OH. MARKET QUOTATIONS. HID. I elkla II nn (Laldton l lo Ciuhlng (T.iaa Co) 3 IS Corii-ana fit. I 1 00 t'orti'ana (J!i) 1.00 I trip n nj the woods were ablaze with Elpclr. Caddo ;""). D Soto . Caddo ,'5). Caodo (JJ.-5 Canada I.OO , 8 00 , 1 On . 2 00 ..3.00 ..3.00 , 3 33 I'enntylTtnli . .S SO I color anil faille plump and plentiful. Mercfr iblk).. 35 1 Af ter thlg H,ny ln tne mountains the route took them thru to the Grand 3 3 1 : Newrmtlt f.k.n xt :Canvon and homo hv wav of Rnnta North Lima!!.. S On i Ke, the run from there to Tulsa being ! the northwest of the southeast of 14- southeant corner of tin.1 northeiift of 13-19-8. The Magnolia Petroleum company is underreamlnjr at 1.2S5 feet on the Miller No. 2, ln the southwest corner of the northwest of 12-19-6. Tho Carter Oil e-onimmv No. 6 on the Crow farm, In the center of the north line of the r"rthoant of 14-19-5, Is jtood for 76 barrels from the Hiir tlesville eand after shot at a total depth of S.136 feet. No. C on the farm, located ln the southwest comer of the southeast of the northeast of the section, is drilling at P40 feet. The Twin Htate Oil company ts moving ln tools for No. 2 on the Lnla Hill farm, In the northeast corner of South Lima.. Wooiter , . . . Imltana .... Princeton ... Someraut Iteigl.nd .... Illiooi J 08 I made in about fuiir days, an average speed of 260 miles beini; accom plished. In all the trip It was found that the people are enthusiastic for the war and as patriotic as can be. t HO 3 88 8.17 3 40 1.1C 313 1 No Truth in Rumor There has been a rumor In circu lation for some time that one of the standard subsidiaries had purchased the Cosden A. Co. plant with its great production, but this Is absolutely de nied by -the Cosden people here, who make a! Interesting statement as to the cause for the rumor. Cosden Co. has of late been buy ing crude from the Magnolia 1'ctro leum company, which in turn Inn been devoting Its energies to the pro duction of fuel oil for the govern ment and has also been specializing oi. llealilton nnu Gulf Coast crude. There is a lot of high-grade dishing crude that Is therefore available, and Cosden Co. are taking all but 1,000 barrels per day, the rest going to the Great American Refining company at .Jennings. These wells were connected up to the Cosden line some three weeks ago ami no mention of It was made, for no oarticular reason but that It was a natter that did not concern the public tor was considered good news for mblloatlon. Another reason given or the above rumor is that Mr. Cos len played golf with A. Clarke lied ord and mado a trip east with Doctor Jurton at tho conclusion of the Kan- as City banquet. The management ero desire that the rumor be abso itoly denied, ns ' It has gone far nouglt. The Cosden & Co. plant could easily oisposcu or to tne .standard people 19-6. Hung on ili Wrong .Man. It is only fair to my that Will Tayne, crack writer for tho Saturday livening 1'ost, is responsible for the statement that gasoline Is going at a Liu- ,fl..A ...1 ,,,., M.f V.A 'tl i. J'ayne has wrlten most of the articles " "V V ""!"" uuwn Ql'AY J. M. Smith and others ha' e set the 6-lnch casing Tit 3.02C feet on the Hrock No. 2 in the i orth west, corner of the southeast of 6-19-6. The Magnolia retroleum company No. 2 on the Jones farm ln the south west corner of 6-l- Is fishing at 3,016 feet. No. 4 on. the farm located) in i ue norinwesr corner oi wie puuin- pertaining to oil and many have been misled by his dope. All agree that without any war oil would have been Is shut down at 6H0 feet to repair tin Denier. On the I'rowant farm In the north. west corner of tho northeast of the X-m.V,,-r.if-?."..?..?!i"'uh',rt of the northwest of 6-19-6 tho ships carrying export stuff have been obliged to go Into government service. l!r(iMivool, Texas, The Hurford-Hrinim oil & Gas Co. the Magnolia has a 300-barrel well in tho Hartles. Ille sand after shot at a total depth of 8.1U2 feet. The .Magnolia Petroleum company Is .drilling at 1.665 feet on No. S oil the Hunter farm in the northeuet cor Nos. 1, 2 and 3 on HloCk 21, Grand-! nr ot ,ho of 6-19-6. No Another Alxiut Duo. On the big school land lease at filial' l',,u,lun fit! jU. l',.u I '.s v.. an ytliue. as it is a hlir mnv. i n (','.,. t.,,. .v.. ... 1 1 .' '.....' 1 aker and has everything to make It and ready to drill in. It Is located view addition to Hrownwood, Texas, are each good for 60 barrels In sand found at 185 feet. Tho oil is over 3S-gravlty. " The Ka:tern Oil company drilled In their No. 1 on the Tiuifoni Ai Hrimm hdlding in Grandvlew addition and It Is rated as the best well In the field. Delayed in Shooting. The Cosden Oil a Gas Co. Is de layed In shooting the well on the Arnold farm in the southeast corner of 26-22-6, near Pawnee; 40 quarts of nltro was put in the hole and the well raved In on It. burying the shot. It will probably bo several dajs before the well is cleaned out. le best paying proposition In the "est. and were It ho for the war and e big taxs in sight would probably v declaring unusually large divi mds. It is said now to be paying . per cent with the stoc at $7.50 or ..60 above lir. The question in tho Inds of speculators is Just how much x may Iw required. In the southwest corner of the south east of 36-20-6; J'o. 10 Is a rig; No. 11 is shut down und No. 12 in drilling at 1,650 feet. llllHl-t,inl Test Npilllilim;. The Magnolia Petroleum company linn spudded No. 1 on the ISuoiiler fat .n in tli south wet coiner of the northwest of the southeast of 25-20-5. It will ti st the yuay field some dis tance north. A Splendid Trip. S. W. Parish and Mrs. Parish have (timed from a hunting trip on tho ur.B oi ri.oiia ami . ew Mexico YAM-! The Kox.ina Petroleum d evidently enjoytd this ouMng bft .,, v 4 the l.onir farm, in the many they have taken in years , ,hc southeast corner of the southwest . .. . nY"" eX.'"','f NhotSl but tn!iof 1S-19-6, is shut down at 3.527 feet I toat Mrs. 1 arish has never I for wn lpr 0. 5 is a location and No. ught much game to camp is that ' a js a riK i does not believe in killing and has,' The Magnolia Petroleum company ; taken an active Dart in ilion. ....uu- jr. f. ,v, a...,i. v. i,iK K.iuif tiuriog ine last ' years. As it was, the fir l7,""lm , a or three: Tne Twin State Oil company's No , . ' i ' , a u"e ''per ind sev- a on the lloke farm, in the center of 4 in the northeast corner of the north west of the northeast of the southwesti is rigging up. ' I The Fortiina Oil company is drilling at 1,960 feet on the Custer No. 3 In the northwest corner of the southwest of IheTiorthoaMt of 8-19-6. .The, Westerly Oil company's No. 6 in 'the northwest corner of he north east of 7-19-6 is running the 10-Inch casing at 1.250 feet. The ltoxnna Petroleum company is shut down for water on the Tucke. No. 4 In the northeast "corner i f the southwest of the southwest of 7-19-6. Its depth is 3,025 feet. The Magnolia is drilling nt 2,960 feet on the Tucker No. 4 in the Kouth west corner of the northeast of the southwest of 7-19-6. . The. same company Is dril'ing at 1,105 feet on tho Page No. 2 in the southwest corner of the southeast of tho of the northeast of 7-19-6. No. 3 In the northwest corner ot the southwest ot the northeast of the section Is drilling .at 2,986 foot. The same company is drilling a' i 1,325 feet on the McCroskey No. 4 in I the northwest corner of t tie northeast; of the northwest of 7-19-6. No. 6, 1 located in the southeast corner lo tho northeast of the northwest of tne sec-' tl is drilling at 1,025 feet and No. 7! is dulling at 700 feet. It is located in1 'the northeast corner of the MiutheaM of the noiiliwest of the section. ; The Gypsy Oil company is down; 3.1 Ou feet on the Page farm in the. southwest corner of the northwest of; the northeast of 7-19-6. corner cf the northeast of the enuth west of 17-ln-Sw. Vomer Iebiinon und Cox are still hut down at 1.325 fei t in the north last corner of the southwest of 6-ln-lOw. The Magnolia retroleum company shut down nt 600 feet for water on the Onnnda farm In the northeast cor ner of the southwest of 22-ls-9w. John C. Keys Is drilling nt 2,395 fret on the Mayer farm In tho south east coiner of 21-ls-10w. No. 1 on the Tilly farm of Keys rnd associates is drilling at 2.400 feet. It Is In the southeast corner of the northwest of the northeast of 23-l-10w. Keys and others are drilling nt 2,176 feet on the Gross farm In th routhwest corner of the northeast of ;6-ls-10w. Charles Pouglas and associates nrn diilling at 1,94 3 feet on tho Mc.Mahon farm in the northeast corner of the southwest of the southwest of 22-lu-10w. Same parties No. 1 on the Koprei farm in the northeast corner of the southwest of the southwest of the southeast cf 29-le-10w is a rig blown uown. u tho G. V. Graham farm I'ountns snd others are idiut i! nvn at 2,340 feet. It is In the northeast corner of the southwest of the southwest of til" northeust of 29-ls-10w. The I)alty Oil k Gas Co. ifi drill ing at 2.2S5 feet on the lU.-kersoii farm, in the southwest corner of thi northeast of Sl-ls-lOw. Hkelton and others No. 1 in ihe rorthwest corner of 31-ls-lOw 1s dc h.jed, the tin having Mown clown. 'I I'HI.TON- -The Gypsy oil com puny nn a rig up for No. 1 on tho 'Vrlcht faun hi die northwest comer of 8-20-S. Th" Mayfield Ucfinirir company Is Irill'n,' at 2.000 feet on the Ma field No. 3 in the southwest coiner of the nn'thwest of the m.rthefist of the southenst of 11-20-S. No. 4 in the northwest corner of the northeast of tho southeast of tho sectiun is running the 6-tTich at 1.767 feet. The Jennings Hrothets No. P on the Mayfield farm In the southwest cor ner of the noithwest r.t the northeast of the soutiiemt of 11-20-S I.; f.sliliiK for tools at J. 551 feet. Tho M.iy field Perilling company has a rig up on the Tinman farm in th"i Mirihivest corner of t lie nortlieis( of the northwest -of 1 5 29-8. Tho t'oleord oil company is shut' down at 262 feet on the Hud f.irm ; In iik southwest corner of the nu tli-' east of the northe.ikt of 22-20 S, bay in- mimed nil of the sands. Ihe Kawfleld test on the Klenilmt fain. In tliu northeast corner of tho soiithweri vt 81-20-9 is rhut down at 500 feet. nli:UAMi:C The IVvonlnn oil company Is uuderrenmlng at 3,600 feet on the K. Uulnau farin In the northwcut corner ot the tint thrust of 11-20-5. CONTINUED ON NEXT TAfiE Oil and Gas Leases, Supplies. Production, Eta VOn SALT! 20,0 JO feet 1-Inch cas inp pipe, 10.000 feet 1 'i -Inch new p'l'C, l.hOO feet new 2-Inch line pipe. 10.000 feet 2-Inch, 4-pound tuning, JO.OOO feet 2-Inch, 4 'J -pound tubing 10.000 feet new 8-Inch line pipe, 10. 0D0 feet new 4-Inch lino pipe, 6,500 fert 6 3-16-lncb, 13-pound casing, 1.600 feet 6 3-16lnch, Kp iiiu l casing 2.000 f!"t 6-lnch, 17-pound new car ing, 2,500 leet flS-liu h, i'O pound cas ing, 2.600 feet 6-lneh, 24 -pound ens. Ilig, l.OoO feet Sli-tnch. 24-pou'id cas ing, 1.0;n1 feet 10-inch, 32-pound cas iiiK, 1.200 feet t H -Inch, :!X-pound cas ing, 600 feet 12-inch casing, okla I. in la Pipe company, 401 North lios ton, Tuls.t, Okla. Phone isiij;e 6-14 4. Adv. pi:kso Albert Mitchell is the artist and inunnrer of the tjuality Kngravlng Co., 110 South Houhler avenue. Phone OMige 939. Prompt service.- Adv. Mtciillon lirillliig t'ctiitiiii-iors. Have for sale n cat loud of goo 1 Kcconilh:i,i! ranila drilling and spud ring lines. Also wire I'nes Oklahoma pipe com pa n y, 4ol North poston av" rue. Plioiie tisage 64 4 4, Tuls.i, iikla. Adv. Notice. Cont r.u tors end producers, all oil field teaming on and after liecemher 1 will be per day. ordered by com mitter - Adv. Wanted--Acreage- In fee. particulars to S. P. Green, Sapulpa, oklu. Adv. Addres'i l!u 616. Owner must ralso somo cash quick. Will sell 9-room house at a bargain. Address box H-13, World office. Adv. STONT. HI. Ill'-The Cosden oil ft Cas Co. has a rig up for No. 2 on t lie lteynolds farm, in the center of the north lire of the northwest of th ' in tu i iiiK in -.-iiu iu-.-i .ii mo i'j" . , . . - the last!K;l, fnrnl, , ,,e southwest corner of northweH. of S-lh-15. rst day slnP Iu,rthwest of 20-19-6. , rh? h-'s ;'' " of three Tl, Twin State OH oomrvinv's No . Kfoutid .to : a well on the Holhairi l TfEmFINlNG-BUSINESS. W. H. Barber Agency Co. Wc nrc always In the market for petroleum products In mr own or sellers' tank cars. Quotations H.illclicd on high (.ravily, cnsiiiglicuil anil lilendcil gasolliic in our own thermos cars. MINN 1 : A Pt I.l S, M 1 X 1 !S( )TA the innier farm, In the southeast coiner of the other duys resulted even better. .i. ii ,.f ,v, r ,K-; southwest of 1-16-la .-..,. io..ue ovorianu via lKla- rtl,east of 1-19-5, Is d.Ie in the Har in ( ity. Amarillo and Albiioovrmia i n.. v.. i.. t: ice to Sprlngerville. where the car;foe,: So. 11 is down 2.000 feet; No. 1 2 ',f lhp ,phi,st ""e uf , ' V Ku",h", s' "f Vleft and the rest of the way up ,s drilling at 1,650 feet, and No. 13 In 1 ,hf. ""'"ft0"' of "j18,".1?' , j the nuiuntalns was made by i at 1,300 feet with the , J 1,e, ',,"fkl,a,wk '"troleuni co.n--train. The camp was set at a-ho-inch Pny has ringed up N. 2 on the M. favorable snot nn,1 fYttA tho ! ni. ii 1 iM f .., i Vann farm, in Die center of the west , . . . . .. .. unit i j IIP 1141 1J LP IS I'll flimUIUlV I" I i - j.i - looked a lot of mountain scenery tiK the 5 3-16-inch casing at 3.095' ' l'Ve limih,'!XHt ot the "'""theast rpassed In the country. Tho v o i u ol 9-11.-15. nc r,f ,T,o m,ril-..i r.f i. t ' " ", u company and oiners 19-5..- No. 3, located in the southwest corner of the southeast of the north west of the section, is underretuiiing 1!. G. Goble has a rig up for No. 7 on the S. Harnett farm, in the center rpassed In the country. The ts were ro cold that a. swift-run-mouhfain stream In front of the was frozen nearly solid and ed again during the day. It was. ver, ideal weather for n huniiugjat 1.585 feet The B. HOUSTON WW. U. flBLC usion, Fib.'e & Co, titer AViv York Stock Ex Ratine and Chicago Board of 'I rati . Vault. fTtln and eottoo. i luliiidiiry (.'orki, New York and i etrtt, I.ibrl bMda bought aad rlvata wire. 'n faOl 118 Eait Tbird at, Yalta. Okla. Inland TtefirrTng company Is' drilling at 1.200 feet on the west No. (have tools in for No. 1 on tiie S. Por ter farm, in the southwest corner of the northeast of 15-16-15. The l-'ay Drilling company and others are drilling at 450 feet on No. 3 on the R. P'clds farm, ln the south west corner of the northeast of the 1. In the southeast of the northwest '"'" "r "'V corner of the northwest, is drilling at Lj"? Y, r co","a"y s No.,0 " ' 1.300 feet and No. 3, in the northwest . "I fl ".V '"."T ,l?",hwst . . i.. ...... u..,. .- v- vm m i m inv itui wiruni in me Minn ii east. Is drilling at 300 feet. lvef of -1-". Is shut down at 900 ! The Magnolia Petroleum company i .L r.-i r- .... is pulling the big pipe to drill No. 2,1. Jh, 1 '' ,Ga,rV",." 11 on the Meyers farm. In the southeast!1"1 d at 800tlf "n the corner of the northwest of the south- rt?V ,n ,,,e """thweiit corner of 29-j west of 1-19-6. No. 3, located In the ,.. ,.. x. I .,r.l,,.ct f .,,,l,Q-,uf la I ""' uioein u. i on i;ie K.. .I.II11..M . . 1 O 7 r. ..,. nn.l VTa I ln V. UIIIHIIK hi 1,6 1 u ivi i, ami ,.u, i, ill HIV i ., . . . . southeast corner of the northeast of , nlorl1hfl?r 1 't.hlfft """!heaBl lh .hnt th rtinn (a .lrtii. i 30-16-15, is drilling at jOO feet. Ing at 3,110 feet. The Ohio Cities Gas company No. i Grayson farm, in the northwest cor- "IDBERG, McGREEVY & CO. MEMBERS: nr York Btock Kirhan(. irogo Board ot Trade, w Orlnt Cotton Eichtnf. .s-Grain -Collon PRIVATE WIEEI P. HANLEY, Manager Phone 7200 it Third Strtat (Hotel Tulaa ) 1, Muller, in the neirtheast corner of the northwest of the southeast of 10- '19-5, I shut down at 1,575 feet for a 10-Inch nnderrcamer. Wilcox and ussoe-intes' No. 4 on the E. Graysem farm, in the southwest corner of the southeast of the north east of 30-16-15, is a rig on the ground. The 3-S fill company has the rig The noxana Petroleum company's ',M ,or " ln J- "owe Iil,.m No. 2 Skeen in the northeast corner I the.,t'en,p.r .f .,,he nort? llne 'he Consumers Relining Co. REFINERIES' AT CUSIUNG Sales Office, 76 West Monroe Street, Chicago Great American Refining Co. Petroleum Products 326-7-8 Iowa Building Refiner 11 Jennings, Okla. PHONE 482 of the southenst of the southeast of 11-19-5, Is a rig; No. S, ln the south west corner of the southeast of the southeast of the section. Is shut down for water at 1,608 feet. The Koxana Petroleum company's No. 3 on the Ford farm, ln the south west corner of the southeast of the southwest of 12-19-5, Is unclerreamlng the at 1,235 feet. The total depth Is 1,270 feet. The Ho.xuna Petroleum company is shut down at 3,035 feet for water on the George Haymontl No. 4, ln the For Sale 7000 Feet 10-inch Pipe -round Plain End Gas Line Dresser Couplers Ground at Collinsville. Sale in Ground or on Cars. Pipe in Good Condition. HENR Y OIL CO. (tiding, Tulia Phone Osage 4070 ye $40,000 to $50,000 for development work on some good oil leases; will be in Tulsa about the 29th. Submit your prop ositions addressed to F. H. Care Tulsa World northwest of the northwest of -31 16-15. Hutchinson and others' No. 4 on the B. Fisher farm, ln the center of the west line of the southwest of the southwest of 31-16-15, is drilling at' 900 feet. Murray and others' No. 1 on the T. i Richards farm, ln the center of the ' west llne of the northwest of the northwest of 34-16-16, Is drilling nt 400 feet. C'liF.VJ'XANn The Koxana Petro leum company has a 10-barrel pumper ln No. 1 on the J. Miller farm in the northwest comer of the southwest1 of the northeast of 19-21-8 at a total i depth of 1.651 feet. The top of the1 san.l was found at 1,571 feet. It was shot. The Skinner Oil company No. 1 Sklrncr In the center of the east half o fthe northwest of 19-21-8 is a rig. j The Prairie Oil & Gas Co. has a rig up for No. 37 on the Jones farm ln the center of the north line of the,' southwest of 20-21-8. Hex Davis is shut down nt 275 feet on the Lee farm in the northeast cor- ! nr-r of the northwest of the northwest of the northwest of 19-21-8 Is a rig. Purrs and associates have a rig up on the Shepard farm in the center : of the north line of the southwest of the southwest of 21-21-8. Armstrong and others have a rig up on the river bed ln the center of the east line of the southeast of the northeast of 25-21-8. It is No. 2. The Iler.ihey (Ml company No. 2 on the W. Purcell farm In the northwest corner of tho southeast of 2&-21-8 Is a 10-barrel pumper in the Cleveland sand found from 1,765 to 1,808 feet. The State Iinds company No. 2 on tho Charles Meyers farm In the southeast corner of the southwest of the southeast of 32-21-8 is a rig. The same company has l rlt; up on the ground for No. 2 on the Sewell farm In the s.iuthwe-st corner of the southeast of the southeast of S2-21-8. The Producers Oil company has a rig up for So. 29 in the northeast e:or ner of tho northwest of the northyest of 3j-1:1-8 on the ficwell farm. f.WVTOX J. I'. F.vans is drilling t 1.836 fert on the Mnrthouse farm in the northwest corner of the south west of the southeast of 20-ln-10w The Hock Falls Oil ft Gas company till has the rig up In tho northwest Itcflncrlcs Located at: Okmulgee, Okln. Oklahoma (lij, Okln. 'uslilng, Okla. 'emeu City, Okla. (Julnesvilbr Texas. Riverside Western Oil Co. "MARATHON GASOLINE" V 'ty Building , Tulsa Cosden and Company Eigh-Grade Petroleum Products TULSA, OKLAHOMA REFINERIES INC. 8ALL.S OFFKT; PIIOXK flSIS, Tl'I.SA, OKLA. The Acme Refining & Pipe Line Co, INSIST ON HAVING THE "ACME" BRAND V. G. Kline, Manager, Main Office) 2'JO Hotel Annex, Tulsa REFINERY AT JENNINGS Midland Petroleum Co. Marketers and Refiners Agents GIvXLRAL OFFICES, HAKHIS TIll'ST Iil'ILDIXG, CHICAGO STEWART PETROLEUM COMPANY Wholesale Petroleum Products LYNCH BUILDING, TULSA PHONE 6700 The Edward Soph Company 224 EAST THIRD ST. TULSA, OKLA. Comhlnoel Thermometers and Hydrometer. Complete Mex-k. Sample Itottlca anil Mulling Cuhcs ..Distillation uppa ratine. Vacuum luui)s for taklnic ens aample-a from vacuum linen. Ve arc in pee ilt Ion let lian Jlo large quim titles of Gaso line unel all 1" c t r o 1 c u 1 1 I r o el u els in HoflmrH' Oirs or II ii y c r s' Cor. Wire or Write l . H. D. GRAY Petroleum Co. (Inc.) SHREVEPORT, LA. Multe S0I-S-& Ward Ititlltlltit?. The Home Oil Refining Co. Phone 7MS M. A. ISAACS, Yleo-Pmeldcnt YALE, OKLA. HOIK O G.VSOI.l.NF, Italy and Homo Itcflncilcs GSOI4NE, GAS OIL, KEROSENE, ITF.L OIL fiOJ Koiilli HoMim INTERSTATE PIPE COMPANY DI.NlrlluitorH of Casing, Tubing, Line and Drive Pipe Send t's Your ltc-iiiitrciiii-nli by riione, Wire or Mall. I'HOXE 0.110 BJ5 I MTV LI II DING TI I.S., OKLA. Economy Oil & Reining Co. Producers and. Refiners "Economy" Gasoline l'HONE 1311 GALLAIS ULDG. ROXANA PETROLEUM COMPANY Producers and Refiners TULSA OKLA. Harry Itnyanl -- J nU" Petroleum j i J f Products llm Hllcy .lono .--,2 Harry Hell 33NCLA1R RUINING COMPANY Gasoline, Naphtha, Kerosene, Fuel Oils, Lubricants, Asphalt XI-:V YOHK 12U lli-oiiiluny CHICAGO Conway ItlelK- Continental Refining Co. Producers and Refiners of Petroleum Products liristoic, Okla. A. A. HnllcMoiK', Pres. Leon 1 lii-xciilo, ii-e'-l'i-i-e. mid tie-n. Mr. J. F. Campion Oils PltOMI'T m;i: u 301 Daniel Bldg. Phoae 5813. PAN AMERICA T J REFINING CO. TULSA, OKLA. ?tVi.ry first phone 6010 Sapulpa Refining Co. pi:i koi i cm ritoiircTs Offle-e ami Kef lneriie Sapulpa, Oklu. '. .1. UIASON, I'rewlilent t.l.OIK.I. S. IIOA(.l,M), V. . und Gen. Mgr. .. UII.II:Y I.I.IIVII Spe-i-lal Kcpi-e-M-iiniliic. Itoiim lltj. Hotel Tuljil International and Ardmorc Refineries iti rii:itir.s i.oe.vri:i at t i suing a.m-.khmoki-:. okla. GDM JtAL Oi l K i:s Tl LSA, SOI 4 i:TK.l, XATIOXAI. HANK lit ii. him. 1'Hom: iniiu Union Petroleum Company I .M'OH l I .KS AN It M MtKLTI It.S TULSA OFFICE PHONE 4409 MIDLAND REFINING COMPANY Eldorado, Kansas PRODUCERS AND REFINERS Wabash Relining Co. Ilefiiii-ry nt Hominy OFFICE " AND 8 HOI. LAX I) Iil'ILDIXG, Tl'I.SA. ALL REFINED PRODUCTS I'HONF. I.V1H y j. 1 Refineries at Okmulgee, lfiulcLllOnicL 0kla-' East SL LouU' XUVXJ.C4X1UX1U TulM 0ffice 6Q3m Gullaj9 1-H r f Building K 6l 111? L0. St. Louis Office, Federal 0 Reserve Bank Bldg. Inland Refining Co. "PRIMOLENE" BRANDS 710-14 Daniel Bldff. Tulsa. Okla. Southern Oil Corporation Petroleum Products 1005 Gallais Bldg. REFINERY YALE, OKLA. Phone 1'JiO We Now Have 250 TANK CARS In Which We Buy FIFX OIL AND HF.I INI 1 I'KODCCTS WE ALSO BUY IN SELLERS CABS I'llONi: 409 OrriCES CH1CAOO,' KANSAS CITY, TUL8A, ST. LOUIS, NEW YORK, ANDERSON '& GUSTAFSON Mid-Co Gasoline Co. , Casinghead Gasoline Manufacturers and Refiners TULSA, OKLAHOMA Thorp Oil and Specialty Co. CIIICAUU TULSA Phoae 4433 lor aircrades ol PETROLEUM Prod"c Geo. C. Peterson Co. Chlc'iltco, 20 Keiulh IjeSnllt I Tulsu ortii-e: 810 Dmilel Ulelg. In l lie market for nil kinds of refined lireiducm and fuel oil.