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23 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I " ItKAli KSTATK " m REAL ESTATE FOR SALE It KM, KSTATK (" REAL ESTATE FOR SALE JtEAL ESTATE FOR SALE " It i:L KNTATK " 91 KKAIi i:sT.TK to IIK Wj KNTATK 90 I FSTATK Ml KDAI, I.NTATK BO Qsklk Sal TULSA DAILY WORLD, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1917 Wm (QMfidk J East front; five rooms, hath ami Karate; two blok from school on South Lawton, renting for 140. A good income on $2,8DU. Pon't miss it. Kast front, five roonm, hath, fine location, time Mocks Horace Mnnn Hrhuol. NolhiiiR like It for $3,600. It's ynun for II.Ouu down. Kuy it today, tomorrow It will be sold. New east front bungalow, five rooniR, bath, Kurrounded by pretty new homes. Five blocks from North Main cur line. The price is only $3,7U0. Let us uliiiw you today. East front bungalow, five rooms, buth, naiBRe; rents for $34. Some in come on J2.6U0. iJown puyinent of J 1.000 will handle. South front two-Rtory home on south side. Five rooms, slcepiiiB porch, UtMcnient, fircpluce and numeious otlfrer attractive features. It's new and a bargain for $5,700. See us about Ibis one. If you are reully looking for a bar gain in lots, we have one on beautiful Jasper avenue that will be sold for from $100 to $20 less than any lot in that district. Lot surrounded by beautiful hi men. This is a KEAL UAKUA1N. 325 Unity Building, l'hone Osage 7S46 TTOMDBt IGO-acre improved farm in Okla homa county, want a home or equity in five or six-room hoiihe in Tulsa. SO 5 LOOK 1IKRK! Will take a (food car, no junk, on a four-room modern and a two-room modern, best parts of ("rosble Heights, they rent for $70 per month. Cull GEO. FMLMG Eswestaeinift (Co. 430 obinson I:ld. l'hone 4030 NO. 1- $300 -nh and $33 per month buys SIX-ltOii.M TWO-STOltY HOl'SK on Admiral boulevard, in pink of condition. NO. 2 $2,500 $;"00 cash $2.r. per month buys SEVHN-KOOW JKtl'SK in Kendall, nood well, plenty of fruit and (jaruge, lot "il .l.'i0. NO. S- $6,000 Nine rooms, eaft front, South Balti more, best to offer in new house on south side; smue terms can be had on thin. CALL with OKLAHOMA INVESTMENT CO. 42C Robinson Bldg.. l'hone 4030 New or alteration work. For esti mates phone Osage 6329-K. Wo. J. StummerfesIS 1617 South Quincy, Foot corner, close in on west side, nine-room house. I 'lice $9,100. l'lione 1 534. M. J. GLASS CO. nRoms 2 and 3, over Talace Theater. 1,1 BRA UY APARTMENTS. First door west of library apart ments, three-story brick, rental $4,500 yearly, for sale on terms or will trade for Tulsa, property. Phone 1534, M. J. GLASS & CO. CLOSE-IN COHNEH. Seven-room house, west side. Price $5,000; $1,000 casli will handle this, l'hone 1534. M. J. GLASS & CO. Over Talace Theater. MORN1NGS1DE. Five-room, furnace heat, hardwood floors, lot 10x160, east front, built-in features. lYire $7,000, half cash, l'hone 16(4. M. J. GLASS & CO. Over Palace Theater. CROSBIE HEIGHTS. $3,500. on Olympla street, on the pavement, full basement, lot 60x140. Terms, $1,000 cash. l'hone 1534. M. J. GLASS & CO., Roojns 2 and 3, Over Palace Theater. EAST FIFTEENTH On the pavement, four-room modern. Price $3,000, terms, l'hone 1 534. M. J. CLASS & CO. Rooms 2 uii Over Palace Theater. ID) You Wmft dl Lsunidl? Sixty acres one-half mile from Weleetka. Every acre tillable. All bottom and second bottom. Will loan $2,500, five years at 6 per cent. Will accept good Tulsa .property. One year's crop will pay for the equity. Price $4,500. PHONE 1979 15-16 TURNER BUILDING Still offers you investment buyers and home builders the great est opportunity of securing a LOT at a most reasonable figure. REMEMBER this ADDITION has only been on the market one week and ONE-FOURTH of same has been sold to the most conservative buyers of the town. We hope to have a number of nice homes started in this addition within ten days. Don't forget these LOTS are being sold at $275 and up, without in terest and no taxes until 1920. TEN PER CENT DOWN AND $10 PER MONTH. Only two blocks from good school. Come in and see us today. Co Rddik REAL ESTATE, RENTALS AND INVESTMENTS PHONE OSAGE 6691-4042 808 NEW DANIEL BLDG. One acre close to city limits, a fine tract; $500. Two acres in same locality, half cash; only $850. Five acres with small house and good well, right in line of rapid development; one-third cash. Price $2,600. Ten acres well improved, northeast of city. This is a mighty good buy for $3,000. Twenty acres subdividing tract near the city; $4,000. Seventy acres, a dandy little farm with good soil and good improvements, 15 miles northeast of Tulsa on a good road; terms. One acre with five-room house, well and an orchard. This is just across street from Maple Heights, a highly restricted ad dition. Price only $4,000 and $1,200 will handle it. Five acres southeast of the city, near a drilling oil well. Price $60 per acre, half cash; southeast of Kendall college. Four lots on East Third street, all lying together; will trade in on improved property; $650 each. Rooms 210-211 Palace Building Phones Osage 4670 or 552 wimeir Lesmsag9 City Must sell at once, his beautiful brick home, which Is just being finished, and is willing to sacrifice for quick sale. This place has large living room, dining room with French door connecting, butler's pantry, kitchen, two bedrooms, sleeping porch, double garage, basement with hot air furnace, tile bathroom; beautiful light fixtures and decorations throughout. This place is a brick building trimmed in beautiful white stone, large con crete front porch, locuted on a very desirable south corner lot in one of the best residence sections of the city, if you are looking for a real home at a sensible price, it will pay you to see us at once, as this will not be open very long. Can make you reasonable terms. Brazil Htmdtoim PHONE OSAGE SOU 330 CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK ELDG. 1 fiSM( Close in on Baltimore; this is one of the most complete and up-to-date two-story residences that can possibly be found in a close-in home. As you well know, most all houses close in are old and out of date. This home has nine large rooms, large living room, dining room, den, sun parlor, breakfast room, maid's room, modern built-in features, beautiful mantel; upper story has three large bedrooms, large closets, closed-in sleeping porch, oak floors throughout, large basement, furnace heat, laundry room, cistern, garage, servants' quarters, beautiful shade trees, walking distance to the business district, high school and all churches. If you want a real home call and in vestigate; price $10,000. 'JesaHaas & Tffw511egff ROOM" 12 CULPERTSON BUILDING PHONE 4306-6492 Sanfic Close-in south side corner; seven-room home; two five-room houses; rents more than $200 monthly. See us this morning. This is a real bargain. M3 tew CdwnmpainDy PHONE 1979 15-1G TURNER BUILDING TTHnire Blbclks SuHtfhi of Jrkwmts Yot A4ft2a4SiDi Finn E&sft Pirinift Lft Just the location for apartment building or small family hotel. Walking distance, very convenient to transpor tation. Only $39500 Nece3ay You can borrow the necessary money to build a small hotel that will pay the owner $500 monthly. Would Thh Be Good Business? Don't phone just come and see us, and talk this over. We have many attractive propositions in homes, apart ment sites, residence lots and business blocks. IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN WE HAVE IT IF YOU HAVE A BARGAIN WE WANT IT M PHONE 1979 15-16 TURNER BUILDING FOR sal; Immediate IPssssiiini Six large rooms, enclosed sleeping porch,' large - dry cellar, garage for one car; fine 50-foot lot; J beautiful native shade; south side location; seven blocks from courthouse. Do you really want a home? Geft Bimsy 3Mw M!hw & Company f PHONE 1979 15-16 TURNER BUILDING ffitiasflsnss meir We have a fine close-in business corner, 70x100 feet, that can be bought at the right figure. Call Tih Jofoim E. Mailer C. . 18 WEST FOURTH PHONE 60-1 w E CAM 1P1E T that we have made money for others ; that we can make money for you; that throe are still many bargains to be had in Tulsa. That you can make your money 'arn larger returns in real estate, and be absolutely sure of it, than any other line of investment. We ask a chance to show you and you will be convinced. $500 buys a good lot on a good high location in a mod ern district. $700 Choice lots on South Utica street. Terms. $850 Best value laft in Eastland; fine high lot 50x140, surrounded with fine home, on North Zunis street. $1,250 buys 50x110 feet six blocks from business part of city; sidewalks in; cement steps leading up to top of. terrace; sewer all paid out; front paving over half paid out. This lot is worth at the least, $1,500. $1,550 Not far out on south side, a good lot. $2,000 Best on East Twentieth street, surrounded with finest of homes. i $2,500 Close in on South Elwood, lot 50x140. $3,000 Three very finest lots in Bellview addition. $5,000 gets 400x140 with 4-room house; well; garage, and good orchard. Some terms. This is near Swan Park addition, on the boulevard. $3,500 The best 100x140 feet in Morningside. A fine high corner. $7,500 for nine lots with fine peach and berry orchard, near Swan Park addition, and adoining Terrace Drive that fine new addition on the southeast of Bellview. $G,000 Close in southwest part of city; 8-room mod ern bungalow; basement; garage; well; nice decora tions; east front. This is a good buy. $4,000 Close in in southwest part of city buys a 5 room modern cottage with garage and well; driveway; shade. Terms. $.3,500 With good terms will buy a brand new 5-room modern east-front bungalow; will be ready about Decem ber 15, just in time for Christmas. This property has good basement; will be beautifully decorated; lot is 50x150; one-half block of car line; one-half block 6f jit ney line. $1,500 cash; balance terms. $1,500 A C-room modern classy bungalow on South Elwood. Good terms. $2,850 buys a 3-room and a 4-room frame houses; good well, on a lot 100x140, near Kendall. A bargain. $2,200 East-front fi-room house; good well and barn; South Forest street, Forest Park addition. $500 cash and $35 per month. $2,000 Close-in 4-room modern house; $400 cash, bal- ance $35 per month. $1,500 East-front corner lot with a 4-room cottage; good well; corner Thirteenth and South Quaker; $500 cash and $30 per month. $1,800 buys two cottages on one lot in east side; good well and garage; houses rented for $33 per month. $600 cash and $40 per month takes it. $2,000 Good 5-room house, newly overhauled; electric lights; two closets; pantry; screened-in porch; large bathroom, but not connected up; will be ready In about ten days. $500 cash, $30 per month. $4,200 gets a 17-room rooming house; rented for $115 per month. This is a big interest-paying proposition. Some terms. $5,000 Brand new 5 rooms strictly modern, with hard wood floors; fireplace; beautiful decorations and expen sive fixtures; good cemented basement; garage; drive way, and a good well; $1,500 handles; terms easy. $G,250 A dandy South Cincinnati home close in. Some terms. Quick possession, as owner is leaving Tulsa. C UMMINGIAM Room 210 Palace Building. Thones Osage 1670-552