Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1017 to I QFncE.e24i I rL- - Ma WJH-PECK, ' tSWtNCE244Z ul'in IiihicIm ilitily. II Ik 2-1 teel In, (In- (ni of l! 10 hiiiiiI licing fournl at J . I .. 7 feel. On MARKET QUOTATIONS Kin 1 OkU.. 1 1 i- tii.n C'nl:in (Tela Col fi'i'ii ( ) Cm!"!!)! iik) Kic-trt Ilf.:r.l .... tndlo ,'Hj... Hi' Solo I kMo ;). . . mi'.-t () . . Cnnida . 1 2U 2 3 '. 2 no 1 oo t(H V O'l ou 2 00 2 oo 2 00 2 'il J I f 1 1 1 .lllllljt Mi-Mr ibk). Vow tl . ... ( on Irif . . . . I ilti-ll Norlli l.lniK. . . Siiuih ilm... WoiKlrr hi'llmt rriiiri toa . . . iMmt .... Kugi.lld Il.n.ll. , ' 2i ; , 1 1'O , i ' i , t Jf 1 OH I , 2 :io , 2 , , 2 IT I . 2 4D i , 110 2 12 I fit fllNlpll'tt'ly IIHMIICll OS Jit III" pre i ni lime, iiiwl friini now mi new iiiirlii'is will In r i r'fi i I iy 1 1 t li'iiiv, Si-i rv I : f . vvllii Ills liccn in.'il.inK ii hpliMnliil flnht for tin' ni'V.' oi-ici ii ! y i Hon, In f I i h k much ciiciiiii'. Iff I llll'l j.'l of llli' 1 1 t T 1 1 I II lllllt III' lint ttl'W hci'llf' 'I III r' I- II I H'l'II I H I n of till! rirlif liuiii Ii Ah. Inirhy miule u won liol il ii'c iuil in. secretin)' of 1 1 1 iiiin lli'lri:l iIiiIp ill Al llhl(o(;ri .'mil It 1 1- peiilci; liio'i' In Tnlsii us n'l irliiry of ll'C l.l'.V Oil IIO-II'S II SSlll - i.i I Mill. Export Oil A tiu:i i t ! ni' ri'fiN.'M w.'i" in oiilYri'iiri' i'slinl;i W illi I IVIi o-.-i;iii Im.iiiiJ ill New York InoliliiK 1. 1 :i i -:i ! in t mm' ni of hIiI.i.i'IiIs of i;:iH"iii'.' fur fioii The I'li'iiiiillt'i' wH 1 1 : ' J Hi, of ioiimIu'I.s of 1 1 Western I'c- tlollMllll U ln-iiilctl hi t-ecrclii r c;iicil i irini't's' n illtiiill lltlil iVIls I't psnli'iit II. !. .lumen A ml ' .1 Welch. 'I'iiIki wil l repre- , I !: ( onsliiiillii, W. II. I Ins- o M'll. I llolllilH All'IMII mm i'- prim' l, oml it til'CM wlllimil k.i villi? Ilnil if there is kiI"K t'i I"' ii I iMilJiiHtmi'Mt hlllpplllg rrKHliltlOllH, tlllM l-OlllliilU''' will fit lii il t : 1 1 Ilic mill I'liiillimnl' fi lit Ih Inlii n cure of. Ho the or! llllH H 1 1 1 1 1 - till' lll'Sl of It oil account of until., pinni'ilmit'-il I" tin- I'fli-il t'lint 1 it'll tc mIimiii'Tm mil- I Mix" III" Mioit route .iti'l l:i.r ti t All into- - Slid i ( lili'lil. I .1. U. I fill. IIOI tllVVIsll'fll Hull's !li;IIKI- ViT lor III"" KrftnlilK roni- t -t tlS llli'l Willi n Iw'l ill rl'li'iil i'S- j l.'ii'.'v moriiinc in 'liiriiKu wlinh may imiisc Ins ili-olli. Mr. Hill wiih iininu K- I 111)- ii . ultra M' Mini itrrhlriil.ill'. i llrni piil :i n volvi'l'. vvllii ll 1 I m I '! Mini iv oiiihIiiI liim lii'nr tin' luiiit II'1; MIIH llllllli ilioti'ly tllkl'll In ,1 llOhilt.ll :i m Kivrii tt"' I'l'sl imssililc 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 i -ii'iTitmn. Ili' liinl only uri ivi-.l In i ' 1 1 i i : l ;i i till' Ml v III lil-loli'. Ililii'l-f imiili' tln trip oifil.iml with .1. II . ( ":i II plirll. HSMStllllt lollllllKrl' of t III' U' City lit of tin" (!i'inral lli'-j fining fuiiiiui n . iiml pxporti'il to I lor I'liirlnnatl. Ills will- liml ii. oinp.'iiiliil tlifin on tin' trip from KaiiHiis Cny ami to Iht Is i-xti mli-il Hit' Ci pm l of llntliim III iihIiIiiuIom. II. 'iiiiv, vvlni i I'pri'si'ii I ni llio I'.'isionlM'.'til on n at tin- riTi'iil hi'iirim? in V iihIiiiovIoii. Is lurk ami mi v h Unit "'I'lii' oniloiik Is pi iioiiHi lit; for a lili- liil mill in'on of llii' iiii nun' tax anil I'M'i't , pnif in tax laws. .Imln Slo'a ii pin-. ii -I'll fin lln- oil pi ml ui'i'i , i-. Mrlmwi'll for tin' khu nun, uml Npnl-.i' fur tho iiianiilai-tiiri-i'H of jjas- - olliir I maili m a t m iimi'iit aioii tlm 'lini' tlial . i 1 1 . k. 1 1 : 1 1 1 plants woolil in,; 'sell for lis mnrll lo, lln ir plnl'lts WollPI anniiinl to In Uiiit vraiH. thus sliovv Inn tin' KM'iit ni i'i . .-II fui a llln ral , illow.nni' (ni ilopi I'liii tiini. Tlir dill wtii'n pasisiMl, was inli-mli'il to ihim '.ilionl two dlllioii ilollnrs ami all ii j; i ii that o h flnallv i.ihsril it w.ll inisi M dllliiil . 'I'lii'li I.; mi lnpr for i'oiikii.'sm pasini; a mori lilral law, l it t on tin' aii' liki'ly In inik" Il in oi i hi i iiiKint than now." . n 1 1 i s 1 1 1 1 1 ' i Is ilnc ill Tulsa tomorrow. Ill ov iivmiimI, Tl'X.I-., lll' S. .I.isi' llainoo of AnliKori' is now in I iri vv I v noil, Ti', wnii I'. II Aloil row of St l.oals. a iliii'ilor on tho I li-.'o r.iilioail, ami lin y ai" saiil In n lutt'tiilinu lo put ilo'.' n a ili't'P P's! in lin iii'iinlv of l:row nwii'l. Tlio d ip Mils hiinlo ill .Mr. Alorruv-'.. -"i h. I rar. i n iln W. 1 Low f ii ni. Miinh of I'n.ivnu I, niiUnown parlios ai" ill'illiin; ai admit l, nil foct ; Hand's .mil I titnii,"i, who air ( 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 i : st mar iiwi ns foiiinl a i.nnl ..iniwin;: of oil i I Drllli il Hi Vet. Th" l'i oil'n ( i n oil uoiii)any w ol In hoi i In'ii-t i orni'r if tin' nout hi-iisit of' lln inn 'In ,'iHt of 9-lli-ll wlili h Is No. '1 on l It llrh'Mi fit rin Iiiim not yot dion li'llli 'l In . II Ih flowing lit lln- rati of from Ion to liarri'U daily. OSAdM Th" Oklahoma Nuliufil r in h I'onipnnv In rU'iinilli; 'nit lit J.xilj fo't on No. .Ml In tin- NotiihweM cnrinT of the mi ni t tii-i si of 5-'.'2-IJ. ' 1 Tin n.i hip coiopany No. 29 in tin'! Imrlliwo.'t roi nor of tlu mn thiHst nf 1 K 1 Ih rniily to spinl. I Tin' Loxami I'rtroli'iiin ninipmiv .No. 100:1 on III" I'fiil'T looatloii of lil lIH-IH Is (Irillliiif lit I.70D fi-i't. No. loo") in lln saino Hi'i'tlon has Hpindloil ! iiml is ill 1 1 1 1 1 m at .?i)(i (Hit; No. IUU7 is a ni;. Tho lloxai a I'ptritmnn rompmiyi lain Flint No. I n (1.1 In M-'.'S In nail it; is a 40 l.aiH'l woll at il lolal id'pth of! I.Ka.' Ii-i't. ' j Tin' I ml la n Ti'rrllory IlliiminaliiK i oil lomiiaiiy In ilillllnu; nt 1,401) fi?t 1 on No ::o In tin. noiitliwi'it ooriii-r of' 1 1 yi i. Tin- samo roinp.inv Is ri'.'uly to spinl ! No. In iiii' inn Ihrast rni ncr of ih ! Mi II I il I'll si nf lln' HinitllWrsI of I .'(-2JI-I 0. iii ilm inn Uii'iist riini'T of thi'. norilnv -si i, tli" nnitln -iHt of L'lt- ! L'l'-I'i. lln' Lo.ina U ilnllltiK at l.iiOH' foi l on No. L' 107. 'I lii llariihl.ill oil ronipany .. In fi'i I cm nor In tl is ilown on No. I In Mm noi tlicast t Ilm .sonthiNiHl of Bfi-L'ti-lii. Hoiuhwoit i iii of lii I not niiiki' a wi II i pi I ; No :! on tln is i"tiiipi'lil ami tlio rani" farm Is lii'ii-tfi'lt hvinpathv "f a wlili' rlrrlo of lrii'inlH. la-fori' K"ini! Willi the (ii-n-ral lii'finlnK i'omiany six inonths :nvi Mr. Hill was inainiKiT of tin- IoihI offii'i- of tin- I ind-rw oml Typi'W ntir roinpany. w hirh pn.sltion In Inn) hi-dl for iirri or four vt-ars. ami tln'rrfori' 's veil l.nown to evrrytioily In this lit.v. ( 'iiuiiiKtcc on .Mrnidrisliip .Moris. T!t coiiimitiiT on iiii'IiiIu'ImIiiii it I xn fin't dm it ,vi iml will !" ilrilli-il d I I irvnkp Kmli h fa i iii I is a wi'll. No. I on Mat-linn. Aiiinm: arrivals in llrnwnwood iioin To I. -a linliiid' lln' following : I'. Iv a I l''i I ) ir.'rv 1 1 i iTr. J. K 1 1 1 in in a ml 1 1. I '. .Mnr. Tim I inliut'irii laisl of M. I. mils. ("liipiin'iilH nf pol i oli'iiiu ami Ki piuilucls mit i.mlrr i n I'lidarno If loiitml to pnliit.s rait of St. Louis, dnt tin Italtimoi i ohm. which fur nlklii's an ranv mild t without loiii hlni: lln' Mlil-t'onlliipnt oil ami i'ihh imini'l- j Plltslmrisli. Is kIiII taking hhipiuonts Man r is lis 'Hill . K. s; i:. !' ii tl t Ii ni hold u most cut luiHlnntli1 tnm't liiK lust it ik 1 1 1 with ail almost mm plot" ii ttiMiilmuT ami iniii'h i'lii hnaiasm wis ill.spln.vpil iimlcr 1 1 d'Hil'-rshlp of 1 "rank Louis, rhiilrmmi of Haiti iiun inllliM'. It Is iloiihtful if at any limp the iiii ithh of thi now ora nlr.ii t ion dan 'HrlhT (.noils for 1,1-hh Monrv' nnili'r lions. ri'iliiiu roiull (Ions ami rfHtrlr fi t liistaiu'o. ii pHiinit Is Ii' These special suits are all feathered out with the newest kinds of style. Some are unfinished worsteds, showing a tar tan overplaid, not so loud as it sounds. Plain fabrics in attractive tones of green, beautiful browns and new blues and fancy mixtures jfalore, but never before was fit so important. Your size, model and fit are here. 116 SOUTH MAIM STRANDBERG, McGREEVY & CO, i:kjjhkh3: fitw York Stork Kxrhnf. rhliftgo hoard of '1 rie. htw Orleiiii Cuttou t.xchiif. Stocks-Grain -Collon TBIVATG WIRE! J. P. IIANLEY, Mouaoer Phone 7200 121 Et Toixd U'tnt (Hotat Ta!u To? niilroil similar tothi" permit 1 1 1 : dv tdr l''risco on sin punmls of housi--holil tiooids into Tulsa. Tin' situation Is likely to I'haiiifK nwr ulscht, ,in snini' n tho roinls that have Iutii roni;i'Hieil iiml hiMf apparently thrown up Iheir 1 amis In despair are luakimj heroto i ffoi is to driiiK iiluiiil a dv ti'r ooiuli timi of affairs. Imp il lam l i'sl nl l.iu lu'i . TI.- Snojlair Oil (li.s Co. has mnid' i 'i.t inn for a I lots. m 'iiiul ' test In I ne i pnti'P of flip lion h west of the himthwpst of 30-:'"-:!w for No. I on the W. Wlmllet farm. Tills w ell is about tin i i'-nuai ti'i of a nille siiiithvv est ot the linpiri 's No. II lloffnn Ahii'li Is proihu-lmr from I.Tniii foot pay :iml should the Smi'lair vvll i nine in qood. It will i.i.iko ipine a produtinK' area for that sand, it alie.ily having I reii i xtrmdvl n uth dy I ln l.irtei -Siiithweslei :i No. s on the IMvelv In :i-J !- Ivv. Tlio I'lf Well nt M iild'svlllo. Thn IiIk- well at I'. u llesv ille. re volted lat week, is ti e National Oil i'i I lev elopiiiPiit t 'a. No. 4 on the I'en i Ih hiletorki v farm in the lioiili- e.iKt nVliPT of the northwest of the southvNi'st of the fonth-vpst of 1-2''i-IU. It is Rood for 'i'.'.O daiels from th'i! I'eru hiipiI lit Oliii feet. It was lrill"d In - feet. Tde Otwenn limp III thil well vas found from .131 to til? feet. snullie isi of I I -'!;-1 I tde Imliaii T.'l' ii l in 1 1 1 u 1 1 mi 1 1 1 o i-oinpany has a tit: up for No. L'ort The iii'l:mnti o iomiany No. 4 In the Kinithui'Mt euiiii r of the iiouln east of the norfhvveKt of the loo-tnencr nf l.'i l'i.-ll Is dnDlmr at 1.71)1) fee!, 4i) feet In Hie .Mississippi lime. Tlie pi'iiv O'l ,v (Jiisi'u. is innvimj 111 tools u.i- No. .11 in the smitlii'iiyt (on. er in' die siiiilhwesl of the mmth e: si of I I-'.' 7 la, No. lux in me soiitdwcHl corner of the y.oulheisl of the h.iutlivvi ii of ilm nmiliwist of II--7 1 II is ill lllllll; at 11011 feet, 'I'd' imlian Territnrv I II u in inn I i mr Oil iiu'iiany Is Kpiiidlim; No. :i n the i i iiHt i I 1 1 1 1 i-ast line of the south iaa of lie northwest or IX-L'7-II. In Ih" southeast roriuT nf th' luirllnait of the souihiiist of the i.irlliMisl of i'il-'.'7-tl Hie farter oil ei nipiiin is illinium at 1 .7 .In feet. Tin name I'unipiny N'o. 3 in the .snutheasi ei i hit of the suit Invest or the houIIi i ast of ih tini est of ;n-:!7-ll is a lie. lilllllllllK. The AI iss Oklahoma Oil company is drillliiK at 1.7011 feel III o. 4 in t'tf ceiitei- nf the west line of the north-vvc-,1 of ,h" southwest of IM-IM-M. The Tidal oil company No. 7 in tho si iithwest of the southwest of 11-'.'4-11 Is showing for n well from l,6 ti! feel to l,i;i; tiet and will de shot. The total depth Is 1, 77.1 feci. Tde LariiHilall Oil company Nn. 2.'! in Ih" nmil'wesl corner of the soulli easf i,i' tde iolitheast of 16-4-1 I Is drlllinj; it 1.000 feet. lia rn.'.ilall and Sonne are 5 SO feet on N'o. 10 in the rorrer ff the nml licast of east of ..".-LM-H. The I'lullipB I'etrolruni lias a tin up for No. 4 ,u west orner of the HOutlnvest anutlvpKt of 1-25-11. TMe Mine rompany Ih drilling at 1.710 feet on No. 23 In ihe southeast corner of the northeiist of the norlh wei t of 1 1 -2i-l I. s drillim; at noi t I he Koulli- lonipa ny the north- of the All. R. HOUSTON WM. U. FIBLI Houston, Fibie & Co, Members Saw York Stock Lx' change and Chicago Hoard of Trad fttorkt, fcoadi, rraln tnd roltoa, Pitrxltra til n lobfidUrr ,'uckt, Mw York ! Boalon curb, Llbrtr bili baagkt 4 old. prlrt wine Tlphon 1401 111 tut Third St. Viln, Ckl. A I'fftiliiir llniHiiiiiu. : rn i'i ill A. Itlrd's No. 7 In the south pi:-t 'f "&-2S-X 111 the ilui;r vvar; to ?.'-'" feet and the .sand waj npp iienllv dry. They were uoitiR to adaiidon it soiiipllme later hut! when the tools were lull. It Wa . found Hint Ihe hole was filling up I with oil. The well was shut and i f Inn .nl 7. durrels tde flr-l ' 4 doiii-H ami UO lu nis the wi'oinl. I'. M Mlskcll Itaik. 1'. ,l. Aliskell. neneiiil imtmiRer of tlio l.inpne liefyierles. Is duck from I New York, wdere he vlKited the homo oftiee of the li heity iiilerests, and Is of the opinion that oil is due for a! sud. leu raise In price. I "l e.iuie near vvlrlnu you last I 'l l ' liny, to this effect, dot 1 see you had. the collect dope," Mild Mr. Alwkell. ILXKTI.I SMI I.KMOMI l-KIIOXS: The KMHtern Oil company hn-i u 100 darrel well in No. 12 oti tde Arch I'oin farm in the center of thp north west of the northwest of the north cart of '.'o-'.'u-H. The Kastcrn oil comp"iiy's No, 0 on the Arch Corn farm In the center nf the oat line of the iiortlivveit of th" sou Idea ft of 23-JJ-14 is com pleted at a total depth ol 1.005 feet i tul il Is a : darn 1 well. Tde Kasiirn oil company s No. 1 on tde Arch I'om farm in tho north i ast cm ivt of the northwest of tho houlheast of 23-2i1-14 r it 10-liarrel puii.per at mi 5 feut; No. 2 in the northwest .ornei- of tho noutheust of the section is pond for 100 Inurels ut HH I feet; No 3 In the center of the west line of the northeast of the southc'ist started off ut 100 darrein H'.'i t'eef; No. 5 In tde Bouthvvmt col tier of the northwest of the Honth viM is a Hfi lii'.rrel well lit !I!I7 feel; No. 4 in the center of the north line of the northwest of the nout heist Mariod off at 100 barrels ct I.IMID feet: Nn. 7 III tho northwest ccrner of th- k ni I ln: st started off ut 100 darrrls at !S7 feet; No. 8 in the cen ;pr of the cast line of the west half of the southeast Is n 10-bajrel well at SISS feet. No. ! In the center of the easit line of the southwest of tins southeast had an Initial capacity of IOC dnrrels at 976 feet: No. 10 In' the .sou tdr lust cornel- of tho Kouthwpst o'. the southeast started off at 100 bar rels ut 94 feet and Nn. 11 in the centel of :ln southeast of the south west of the Noiitlmast started ut 100 darielH ut 9X0 feet. a - ye- &i 'S 't f- a 1'M,-1" KvrT t -. in 1 1 1 1 in ini Oeprrliht Ilart BohaSatr k lln Get Qualityin Clothes It's Guaranteed Here The Home of Hart Schaffer & N4arx Wright Clothing Co. spin Vint: 'HI. Id" Shufltr well in the southwest cm tier of 'he southeast of the south east nf ?ii 1S-7, Is spraying oil from Hit Tucker vand. The last reported depth was that it v is .11 feet in th'i smiil and had S.imO.oOil mis. The .spiny nf oil Is estimated at -0 liar rels daily. VAI.I! The I7ypsv Oil company sliot No. i on the II. Jones farm In i-l'.i-ii and it is Kiod for 100 dnrrels in s;ml toiiiiil fiom J.l;'l tn 3.15S feet. The total depili is 3,1.14 feet. The Atlantic fell oleum corpoin llon In drillui); M 2,000 feet on tlia Miirtlv Slict;iiiiii No. ," in H-H' i. I'OXTIXt Kl) ON SKXT l'Adi: Hit' Man mil in ul 4 u.ilin. The Mnmioll.i well In :V.'-1S-S. Ih now drilling at 3,0 1 a feet w ith n.ith ltic shoiin nt this depth. Whether the Tucker dan deen passed or not Is not known legalise ide foruiiitions are riinnliiK Irregular with the forma tli ns round in the velln in 1-17-7 unit eveiiil stn:ill sands have deen pasaed. .May liiK'iilo In Tnlsii. M. D. Sampson of the Sampson Oil C- Urease i'o. of Wichita was In Tulsa yesterday and may decide to locate a i pl-int here. These concerns are a urea', help In worklnR up the by products of refineries and every ono should be welcomed mosi cordially. Oven -onio by lias I iiincs. Harry lOarnest. nn enislneer of the Oklahoma Petroleum A- Oasoline i'o.. was asphyxiated by t,s fumes at that eoni'iany's plant at (slenpool yester day. Mr. Lamest, was only l! years of .ice uud was u single num. Kiineral urra'iKonietilH have not yet been Unfilled. Oil Leases KortheMt Elk county. Kn . iii rouiu.'l liy ma clm lo three d.'pp tent weitt now drilling. An unumial iiinruiiiiii u l,uy ft rinliiiiiitl tt't at f mrf ml low vi"' uf t J 7 per nrrn Offer iroort fur f, tlavt onl. Ii. P. DillO'i, t'lianut. Kin. Drlllcil Deeper. The fushlnit Oevelopiuent company drllleil Its well in the northeast corner nf tile southwest of 30-17-7 two feet deeper Sunday afternoon anil the pro duction wns not helped to anv extent. It le N'o. 1 on tho W iley Hensnn farm. N'o. 2 is stilt a i Iff. Letter Than HrM Lcporlcd Tho llnrrls and assnclates No. 1 In the southeast corner pf th northeast of the Houtliwest of 30-1 7-1 & Is butter than firt leported anil Is now rated OIL AND GAS Leas ii, 9nppUi. Production, Etc. I'M It SALK iO.OOO feet 1-Inch pipe. 6.000 feet 1 ' -inch new pipe. LoOO feet new 2-inch line pipe, n.000 feet :'-lnch, 4-lionnd tubing. 30.000 fept 2-lneli 4 H -pound tuhlnir, 40.000 feet new 3-Inch line pipe, 10,000 feet new 4-Inch line pipe. 6,000 feet & 3-16-lni li 13-pound cn.sliiK, 2.000 feet 6 S -inch, 17-pound new caaltiK. 2.500 feet 6S Inch, 20 pound new crtsliiK. 2,fi00 feet 6 'S -inch, 24-l'Oimd ciislng. 1.000 feet X V, . hicli, 24-pounrt cnninif, 800 feet 10-lnch, S'.'-pminil cnslnu, 1.200 feet 8 -inch, 28-pound cn-sinc. f0(J feet 1 2 (j -Inch csslnif. Okluhonia J'iyo roinpany, 401 North Hoston, Tulsa, Ukla. I'liona Oiiaga 6444. Adv. Attention Drilling Contrat'ltirs. Have for sale a carload of good secondhand mnnila drilling and spud ding lines. Also wire lln. Okluhumu I'lpo ooniPHiiy, 401 North Hoston ave nue. I'hiinc Osuse 644 I. Tulsa, Okla. -Adv. An experienced geologist desires position with an individual or com pany. Kxpenses and percentage ot the profits desired. Cash salary not considered. Address Box C-32 World. Adv. NfcTW I.OCATIOV Ttobcrt A. M. Illrney, l'"uticrnl f)l rector. Motor Kqulpnient. 821 S. Main. I'hones Osngs 456, rtes. 191. For ivballow field L-ea tiee Fiissel nian. M'lione Osage 32(3. P, O. Llox 451. Adv. W. H. Barber Agency Co. Wo uro ulvYuys In I lip market for petroleum products In our nun or tellers' tank curs. Quotations Milltiictl on blsli fcravltv, caolns'icail mill blcmlctl tunollne In our own tlicrnios cars. MIXXKArOLIS. MIXXKSOTA . t : " ; Consumers Refining Co. REFINERIES AT CU SUING Sales Office, 76 West Monroe Street, Chicago - Great American Refining Co. Petroleum Products 326-7-8 Iowa Building Refinery Jennings, Okla. PHONE 482 Riverside Western Oil Co. uMARATH0N GASOLINE1' V Ity Building Tulsa Cosden and Company High-Grade Petroleum Products TULSA, OKLAHOMA EmmpniPvB REFINERIES INC. Hcfliicrlcs Iiocatcd at: Okmulgee, Okla. Oklahoma City, Okla., Cashing, Okla. Poiica City, Okla. (ralnesvllle, Tcxaa. SALES OFFICK PHOXK 4I8IW. TCIJSA, 0,JtLA. Midland Petroleum Co. Marketers and Refiners Agents GEN tit AL OFFICKS, HAIIKIS i nt'ST BUILDING, CHICAGO STEWART PETROLEUM COMPANY Wholesale Petroleum Products LYNCH BUILDING, TULSA . PHONE 6700 The Edward Soph Company 224 EAST THIRD ST. TULSA, OKLA. Combined Thermometcra and Hydrometers. Complete utork. Sample Mottles and Mailing Cases ..Distillation apparalua. Vacuum l'urupa (or taking gwH aaniplca from vacuum llnca. The Home Oil Refining Co. ni ?e i i v GASOLIXE. GAS. OIK KF.ROSEXK. FVVA. OIL. M. A. ISAACS, Vloo-President yam:, okla. . iiohco uasolixb Katjr and Home Refineries 502 Koulh Bonton Tulsa Boiler & Machinery Co. MACHINE SHOPS AND IRON WORKS We SpcrlptUe In All Kind of Stcl Taukt , Tl'LSA, OKLAHOMA ' INTERSTATE PIPE COMPANY Dlhlrllmlors of Casing, Tubing, Line and Drive Pipe Send t' Your Hctnilri'iiii'iitM by I'liono, Wire or Mall. I'HOXr 3 1U 6i. I.XITY nilLUIXU Tl'LSA, OKLA. Producers & Refiners Corporalion Successors to Economy Oil& Ref iningCompany ROXANA PETROLEUM COMPANY Producers and Refiners TULSA OKLA. Harry Itnyard Petroleum flm Itllejr M.onc 552 . Jack Ilyaa Products - Ilarry Hell SINCLAIR REFINING COMPANY Gasoline, Naphtha, Kerosene, Fuel Oils, Lubricants, Asphalt Ni:V YOUK CHICAGO 120 ISroadnay " ' Conway Hid. Continental Refining Co. Producers and Refiners of Petroleum Products liristotv, Okla. A. A. IlolliKtone, l'rra. Ia-oii 'l'licvciiln, Vice-Pros, and" Gen. Mirr. J. F. Campion Oils inoMiT'si:uvici- -' 301 Daniel Bldg. ' Phone 5818. PAN AMERICAN REFINING CO. TULSA, OKLA. quality first PHONE 6010 Sapulpa Refining Co. PETHOLKVM pnonrcTs Office and Kcflnorle Sapulpa, Okla. C. J. Hi;.SO., I'rcHlilent GEORGE S. HOAtiLAXn, V. P. and Cen. Mur. O. WILUIilY LLOYD Soclal RcpreM'iitatlve, ltooni 1S2, Hotel Tulw Intcrnational-Ardmore Refining Division Till'. OHIO ( II IKS (iAS CO. 0M'rathi3 ivri:i:x.vrio.AL ui:iim:kv akomoim'. ltKiixi itv Ciitlilntr, Okla. Artliiiorc, Oklu. (General Offices 431 Kim tli Clirycnnc Plione Onae 7400 Union Petroleum Company rXPORTEKS AXD MAKKLTTEHS . TULSA OFFICE PHONE 4409 Midland Petroleum Co. MARKETERS AM) REFINERS' AGENTS Kansas City I'lnatiee ISMb. CHKAt.O J Ian Ih TiUHt Rlilv. TulMt Kennedy Hldif. Wabash Refining Co. . Iteflnery at Hominy OFITCK 7 AND 8 HOLLAND BUILDING, TCLSA. ALL REFINED PRODUCTS PHONIC 4358 f J 1 Refineries at Okmulgee, l HQ i sl n o nid A7a Eaat s Tulsa Of t ice, 603-604 Gallais Refining Co. 5. Lomsonu?, Ferai Reserve Bank Bldg. Inland Refining Co: "PRIMOLENE" BRANDS 710-14 Daniel Bldg. Tulsa, OkUU- Southern Oil Corporation Petroleum Products 1005 Gallais Bldg. v REFINERY YALE, OKLA. v Phone 1940 We Now 'Have - 250 TANK CARS la Which We Bay FCF.L OIL AND ltF.ITNLD PRODUCTS WB ALSO BUT I SELLERS CA.B8 PHONE 4t orricEs chicaoo, Kansas city, tdlsa, 8t. iouis. hew tobk. ANDERSON & GUSTAFSON Mid-Co Gasoline Co. Casinghead Gasoline Manufacturers and Refiners TULSA, OKLAHOMA Thorp Oil and Specialty Co. CHICAGO TULSA re HM (r H Crtfei .1 PETROLEIU ttHacb ' . v GASOLINE MEN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE .niu ut uii new lMUrtrui'lioti Work. McCARTHEV-DEVlNE & CO. rao.1B OitOE JIH , :- , OFFICE 1.3 60VT1I BOCLDHn