Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1917.' The Tulsa Daily World ruMlli"1 by World Publishing ('tlil'uy EVER 7 DAY IN T)IF, YEAR En gone Lorton. I. 0. Luton. . . . rrlibnt and IMItir . .Buslres Manager Official City arid "County Paper IdtJIHLIi or TDK AI'lUT HUHhAU OV i lia i i.viions. Entered la Hie Tulsa I'ot .ffiie Berond ( ls Mutter. mi', .WKHu.r haii.y nitrn.ATinN of 'l lle 'i t l.N nMi v AM) M SIHV UK LI) l'OH TliK MONTH OF NOVKMHMt WASi r , '0,J" To'ili NM,.'r'''',l.i','.':::::::;:;;;!'iV3 AvrrnK Hall) ('in iiiiitloii vn.ii '8 7.T t'HMiM MfS THK lVI.S DAILY Wt', !' duly twoill on oath, do solemnly wcr dial in above stati ini'i.'t is trim lo Jho best of my knowledge and lirliel, 11. K. HI'!. LOCK. ' I'lrriilmlon Malinger. Subscribed ami sworn in liflnru nto Ibis Int day f Jlci ember, 1 1 1 7 IU .1 nr. li nr i , Notary I'ulili'-. My tominlHKlon October 17, llJI. BUIIHIHII'TH'N PUUKS, II v Mini Unl DAILY AM Ml.NIMY. JllllMChlKJ One Year 'i . fix Month. a. no Three Mo., tin 1 .' Out Month (kit DAILY ONLY. On Year Nit Months Ti ri'o Hunt hi. . . .SUNDAY O.N LY. On Your HI Months Korriirn 1.1 nil U ii') 6 i' it nn .14 SO i 1 2L . I. a.. ,3 00 . 100 DAILY AM) hIMIA). By Cnrricr In Tuba 13 t'enu Per Week jTlioMHER OF TI1K ANNOCIATKD I'HKHM Thf AmoriuiiMl I r n x in nrlimlyrly I'lilillcd to tnr nn for ri'pulillriiiiiiii nl ul! nw dintfli''i criditi'd to it or nut other ! crrilllrd In tl'iii ir und lo the loc-nl neivn jiuhllilird hirrln Phones: All Departments, 6000 roretiu AdTertUinc Rfprnttlv: Brynt, Jiriffnh llrniiMin. Kiflh At.. Niw York 3''1 Dutontlitri- HI . Itunlun; ford I'arinnt Co., I'ron'oii (( Hlil., l hi,ui; nrr 1 1'nviM, tui V'flor llldj., Km.nm City, Mo av AMi:i:ir is Tin: mki;. i low Ilk" ihu coin he planted lute In June, Ho took no notice that the moon Won dry. He could have hung his powder-horn tpon her proiiK. . . -And yet that corn Just grew. Tho not 11 drop of ruin from out the blue 'u.- wrtinif, till It had irrown to top his head, Jind tan-eli'ii out tene-.s a sun as As fire, and full nn hot. Tho stalks were Htron;t. Ihe bliulesi like fla of green ; the, enrs were lonir nd well flllctl out with kernels HWeet tinlound. And not 11 drop! I'ut, oh, ho worked that Kiound! Fiom hre.ik of day till going to bed at nlKht, lie fought the week with hoe and plow-iluue PrlKlit. Fince weedins-time he's engineered that way; lle'N plowed and hoed, and Kept tn weeds away; He's dared a heat which ahrlvclH manv men. And till tho I'nttor ftilk hint, on Him round, I That hoy will crow: Tall, sturdy, firm Uiul Miund. Claudius Thayer. IJight now today la the time to help. Have YOU Joined tho Ited Cro-s? In Areola. 111., fond parents aVo buying Hed I'roM memberships for children of all uses. Including new born bubles. rrlzes of $50 Alierly bonds arc id be given to employes of a I'hlladelphla cafe for the best sumsestlons that can bo adopted by the management to pre vent waste of food. It Is digested that business houses i,bouh the practice of sending out Christmas cards and souvenirs to their customers this year, relieving pKvsvire upon postal and transporta tion fa.llllvis and contributing the t-iomy which would ordinarily bo spent for that purpose to war relief funds. A movement to that end has been Htartrd b the largo railroad supply companies in l'hli"H',o. ' To meet pvice adjustments and war economies in their business, many of the retail grocers of the country are p.ilopting the liberty selling plan. Not long ago the retail grocers of Newark, N. J.. and Its suburbs co-operated In a I'twtpnpcr i.mioiincemcnt to the pub lic, stating that they had adopted this plan, and asking for co-operation fromj cenmmcrs. The liberty belling plan embodies material reductions In prices on staple foods, and the public Is asked to aid the reduction by paying cash for merchandise and taking It heme wherever possible. Delivery fcrvlce is maintained, but customers are asked to pay a nominal delivery fee. Where goods are charged on ac count, a small sum Is added for the actual labor and cost of carrying the the account ( To secure public co-operation In food-saving measures the ltrltish min istry of food is forming a league of National Safety, with an am-hor and the words ' Food Fconoiny National tafety"' as its symbol. Appeals for ten thousand members is being made fig a test of public willingness to co operate, and If the response comes up to expectations, one hundred thousand members wil be asked for, and then a nllllon, and so on until the lirltish rii tlon is organized to carry out a well arranged program. At least once a nonth members of this league will be told what specific food articles 'to tave, in order to adjust demand to fluctuating supplies, and aid will also be asked in preventing Increased con rumptlon of specific food articles When control measures by the ministry cf food lead to lowered prices. At tention will also be paid to the im r.ortance of proper cooking and a corps of public speakers will bo en listed on the plan of the Four Minute tpeakere In thin country. NO TIMi: poll I'OI.ITM'K. Nil oiditlon can nrlso In thls.roun try, it seems, Hint will the pro fessional politicians. 1U In irrepress ible. 'J'tm mi tlon may bo plunged In'" a war requiring tho cohesion and com- j iintion of mi it brain pnwor and 111111 IIIU i IM' riniii tlclnn mut't go (in with his Jnbhcr. The people or the United Htnto ih not in u humor to talk parting poll Urn, yrt nuo of the bl lil'ig.t'.llies 1 . i. II,,. ,v, .. . , il. lo "" - " on thn probaldu nominees of tl.r two t.lK political pintles In 192(1. The wr"r predicts that nm Democrat nominate Heerctary of the Trrns- I "TV William !. McVdoo, at lea, he tells us Mr. McAdoo lini ''the edge" lit thlH time; that ho ill.-itliM-tly "ImprfMi d" the connlry, tr. Very well; let Heeretuy MrAd'io have "tho ile" 11 lid keep II -'nit let him lock II away In his des' aid put It out of rlnht. '''he country tlnnn not care anvtliliikr nhont It .urd doeHiil to see i: or lliink nViut ;'. Tne I 1 Ujili' lire tlilnhliiK nlm,i., and '.hlnkltiK .lVuit war ie.iili 'ii the llle lii IdiiK of polltleN and i t 1 11 iim. We haven't Hint enough yet .iliout lio Imr In war. It hail not touched our fueHlcJen (is It In koIiik to do. We haven't realized fully what the des- crate, inonientiius ntrtiKKle ineans to Imh anil whaj It's golnp; to di to n. In another year, w lien our Horner are dying hy the tnoiiHanili e'l! v.ako up to the realltlea of wnr, and we'll Milils mote deviously, ii'id heitln to net hit') the fluht. An long oh only Frenchmen and F.nnllshm'!!) and Itallant nio f ill ing it dnexn't affect tin Ilk" It will when the comi.'ilty Usui Leg In coiniuK hrck to our own homoi. I IhoiihI(iii of party politic at this critical tlmo In our history Is Im proper. Tho people are nit caring whether Secretary McAdoo or Secre tary Ijine or Secretary or Colonel lloosevelt or Mr. Tuft U nominated In 1920. They nro follow ing rresldent. Wilson, forgetting poll- tic, and upholding his leademhlp in tho present struggle for national ex istence. Tho campaign of 1920 ! three years off. There'll he plenty of time when it arrives to think about "utandard bearors." Itlght now all good Ameri cans should bo thinking about bearing a gun or doing something In some way to help win the war, rather than working his mouth or his pen about the 1920 political campaign. If wo haven't won hy that time it will be n mli-fortuno to have to go thru a po litical flcht and disorganize tho pa triotic spirit of the nation, but we'll have to go thru It. Let us stave. It off until the time comes, meantime praying that victory and peace will hi ...1.1. .. . ' Willi lis liciiue. No patriotic American newspaper or magazine should contribute toward starting the political gabstets at this time. The Tulsa Wotld Is not golni; to discuss politics or cncotirngo any body to discuss them until tho proper time comes. To the cellar with the politicians: 1 Ml llKS MUST AT Tl I.S. Oil produced In Garfield nO neigh boring cr unties continues to be n sub ject t,f spirited controversy at Ihiid. The Fold News Is urging lucal citizens tn enter into a financial combat with Tulsii citizens, and apparently does not fear the outcome to the seemingly tinciinal r.trurgle for supremacy in the Hatfield county oil fields. If Knld will whole, heartcdly enter tho struggle. The News in an editorial headed "Nothing for Tulsa That Knld Can m'tr says: It Is reported that thcro are some persons who hnve slated that Tulsa i by right entitled to tho oil that flows from tho Hillings field. And that Knld Is entitled nt this time only to 0,1 from the first field east of Fnid on the Haibcr field. F.nid Is entitled to all the oil that sho can get to come this way. Tulsa is not entitled to any thing that Knld can get. Tulsa money c'Ll not discover Ihe oil field cast of Fnid. Knld Ingcnunty and sweat and timt started tho oil field development. And. by the way, do you think for a minute that Tulsa thot that other tow 's had any prior rights to the oil from the fields about that city when they first started the development of this Industry In that section? No. hardly, Do yon recall that tho first oil pool about Tulsa was down there a few miles from Papulpa and that Pa pul pa by sitting down and dream ln of greatness let Tulsa sagacity and business ability get tho oil business and grow away from Sapulpa to a degree that Sapulpa Is seldom ever heard ofV This was not Just a hap- pen so. It was done by wise leader ship. And Enid cannot grow to be a city with n leadership that says that Tula. Is entitled to anything that Is in the F.nid oil field. Anything that Is with in a distance of fifty miles of Enid Is for Knld In preference to Tulsa. Ouv loyalty Miould be to Knld first. Tulsa l.i the oil hradiiuarters, but she dl-l not get to he the oil headquarters by having her leaders work on tho ble'i that some other town or city In the state was entitled to anything that Tulsa could" get. Tho Enid oil pipe line should be constructed on tho Hilling field un less wo are satisfied to let F.nid re main a -city of twenty thousand. And mote, we cannot even remain as large as wo are now unie:-s we go out and get 'new Industries and new nssets. We must either grow or dccreise. Various cities have in turn tried to wrest from Tulsa's brow tho oil wreath, and each In turn has finally wearied of the struggle and quit. The difficulty confronting a city ambi tious to rival or succeed Tulsa as on oil renter has become fundamental. Tulsa entered the oil business when tho rest of the state was farinlin;; and during the succeeding years peffected SANTA CLAUS' MAIL Letters Written by Tulsa Children to St. Nicholas. Dear Santa Plans: 1 want n sleepy doll and a little cliulr ami n doll hugvy und lots1 of mi LM. canily and fruit. Yours truly, (leor'glo Shelter. 12 North 1'hoi.nlx. I am five years old. Santa Clans: I wish you would bring ijie a doll and buggy and book; fruit and candy. I mil lour years old. Nancy Stewart, lit! North I'hoenlx Denr Santa Clans: I want a tri cycle, a pair of gloves and nn ear flap cup I want a sweater and a sack full of candy, (iood-tiy. my loving Santa Clans. Mnrcell Hchwunberg, 402 North Norfolk. :u system that like an octopus, finally Absorb 11I competitors. In addition to tho oil organlgntlon perfected, Tul s.i's pockets are bulging wltlf money, niul anyone operating long In tho oil business finally finds himself making trips to Tulsa to get monoy and "bcar lns." The civic spirit that Is shown by thn News Is commenduble, but tho haughty lady by tho Arkansas la very Jei, Ions as well ns Very wealthy, and Krld may experience considerable dif ficulty in separating her from her oil fame. Harlow's Weekly. -I The buildings and a great part of the inachlnery In a Tampa brewery are to be converted Into a sugar re finery plant, establishing a cash mrfr kel for sugar cane in that locality and encouraging the raising of cane. The project Ih being supervised by B. I II. miner, Industrial agent of tho Sea boj.rd Air Line. It has been found that changes in equipment can be eas ily made, and that cane sirup, raw sugar and granulated sugar may be made at the rate of fifty tons dally. This section of Florida does not at present grow sufficient enne to keep such a plant In operation, but whi.'e cane acreage Is being developed sup plies of raw sugar can be drawn from Cuba, J Manufacturer .of agricultural lime, both caustic and ground limestone, urgi that farmers place their orders now, so that they may have six or eight months In which to preparo the supply, keeping their mills running on even production, and also to prevent c ngfstlon of freight facilities next spring. The department of agricul ture endorses this request, stating that farm lime applied In fall or winter Is as effective as when applied in spring, and that present ordering and use Is good farm practice and a commendable emergency war measure. Vci't'ii News 'in 'ttrkf ' - -..-4 POSTMASTER J. M. CrutohfinM w. flld In lila ol.t homo nrar Kanaka City Hntnrday night. 11 ia txprt'trd to rotiirn today, 0 K. nt'CHNF.R i'ifral afcretary of the Y. M (V A , ha nniL'ricone an operation at the rhysii'iana & Knrgeoiia hospital for ton Mlitia. , Mltft. n. E EVANS departed lat nliht for thfi lu'dniile of her sister. Mini Pea'l lilnkii who In aerioioily 111 at Klmrman, Texaa, Ttluke, who In ai'Moimly ill at Slieiinnn, Texas. VRANK HOC RETT, who xran arreiV'l about a wsVk aco. charted with di"pnninK lliinnr. mi annulled lieforn I'nited Statea ( ominiknioner Wilkin Monday afternoon and i released. Ilia home la at .Ivplin. ON ACCOt'XT o( a annslroks lat AngnM Oik Ivy ha been delayed In getting ou hij hlntory of the five tribe, oil men vid pulnei ra. He expert to get the piiblh'Atlol out the first i( Ihe year and was in Tur last week i-olleriing material. TiX WILLS will be opened for payment of peraonal property and real etnte taxr on December 17, Kd Dalton, musty treas urer said yesterday. DelaV In opening : lie roll h been experienced beenllse el the ilelniie of work the fonl'ty assessor had t attend to with a limited force. VRITZ ESTF.O, white, and D. T. Law rence, colored, 'were remanded, to jail Mon day hv l'liite'il Stales t'niniuissioner Wilkin oil's eliarte of violating the Reed amendment, the hmie ilir law, when they were nnahln to give linnd fixed at $1(100 each. 1 hey we-e arrested Sunday hv .Marshal Moran. inn preliminary hearing fas set for December 14. Kl'NKRAL service for John II. Parker. SO vears old, who died at hi home. UaM Ksst S.eund, will be held this afternoon t the family residence. Her. h. 8. Barton, imslne nf the Unslell Avenue MethodiM church, will officiate Interment In OalcJ lawn cemetery. Tho wife and leven children survive I THE SECOND meeting of the Employment Bible clase o( the Y. M. O. A. will be held this evening at 7 o'clock In room A ,( the dormitory. P. W. Moffett will lead the discussion, which will be oil the subject "i'racticnl Talks on Spc'-ial Oprwtuiillle (or Young Men." Over forty enrollments have been inaile lo the class. Meetiug aro held eti'h week. TWICE married to the same man. Leona Holt yesterday confessed Inability to get along with him anv belter the eecond time than the first. She asked the eourt to sel her free one more from Roy Holt. They were married in 1W1'2 and were divorced In mill. They were married again January of tbl year. She charged him with drunken nes. ' CALABOOSE WAS TOO COLD Municipal Judge Allows Girls, CliargCil W ith Vagrancy to Inve Town. Thn ens shortimo nlaved a part In the municipal court Monday afternoorW . . . . , -. I - SI. . M , t Wnetl two gins, nmin i.n-n,. I.uella, were allowed to go under suspended fines because Judge Kvans held that It was too cold to keep them in Jail. Tho Judge averred that he did not care to "put a woman en a chunk of Ice," when told that the women's apartments were cold and forty "feet from the nearest stove. The girls live east of tho city and were arrested a day or two ago. They have had freedom to walk around in the Jail to keep warm. Their fines were suspendexl on the promise that they would confine their trips to the city to one a week, and make, them be fore 6 o'clock. The charge against thwm was vagrancy and the fines were 150 cuch. , loo Arthur IMcs. ' LOS ANUKLKS. Cm!.. Dec. 10. le Arthur, playwright, died hero as the t suit o an nr.tomoblls aciodent ten weeks ago. He was 70 years of age and a native of shreveport. La. Hand-tailored suits for Christmas at tho Hvland 117 .Tailoring com pany, 10 Wes Third street.- Adv. CONTINUED CR SHORTAGE KEEPS METAL TURNIN LIGHT j Irlce of 1OimI anil Zinc l iu'liuiixed; U'l'allxr ,Im Hampers SliliMnentH. 'Ppi rlnl to Thn World. i MIAMI, Oklu., Dec. !. The week's , tumln from the mines :ih again light j for last week on account of the con tinued shortage of cars and alsfl the Inclement weather which made It Im possible, foeore to be hauled the litst few daya. Home of the companies of the great, Miami mining field were not able to j lona cars' that had been tint Tor them. Tho p-ice of zinc and lead remained the same lis for two weeks before, zinc b0 and lend $75. J he sales report Is as follows Zinc. Lead. niHiurat 267,010 Vinegar Hill .... H, 1,1100 Admiralty ...... 337,1 0 Annii'Huiiver 66,IU0 Vs'.ioo 187, 16) I I'icher . .1,77a. 470 Croesp-H 1&2.310 Central Heaver ', Lucky Hill 66,C!I0 Queen City 66,890 Lucky Junction .. . 1 5 1 . 1 H 0 Panther luH.110 Pow Drop H8.000 Manhattan 160,120 Montreal 1 j(l,:i00 Republic Domado 287,010 Sundries '. 37H.4SO ' 91, 320 240,000 225,000 Totals Total vulu $44,765. ..3,817,230 1,184,160 zinc, $114,480; lead, Total sales, $i:9,245. Total value of .sales for 49 wks since Jamt'iry 1, zinc. 290,705,145 pounds, valued at J 1 0,2 97,004: lead, 51.224,225 pounds, valued at $2,7ud, 347.' Total value of nro sales for the 49 weeks, 13,060,351. I The Daily Horoscope (Copyjjght, 1017. by thn MrClur New DftiMr SvniTTcate. ) "The atari inrline, bat do not compel1! Tuesday, December 11, 1017. Thl i a fairly lucky day. for Mi rc.iry jiipitnr, v enua ana Aiar are an in uericiic aspect. Saturn alone Is adverse. There i a ign encoureging to tniiistlve of any sort, especially In Die line of future trade with foreign porta. U..LII..I1 - L. .I.- ....11,1. Ji.mllnn m uvnriij nmn inn ur.i ru..iuiD , nnder thia ronfig urailon. and will continue to be eitcuded In new field, as wai prophe sied long before it value In gorerm.ient enterprise connected wl'li the war was deui ousirated. Fame for an American writer again ia prophesied, and his work may be the founda tion for a new literature. Yonua give great promise to love today, ami Ihe rule ia most auspicious for we ldiuy Dealer In jewelry or ornaments to- women Ismild benefit from the planetary sway today. Again Mar give kindly promise to the Irmy and to those who juidr it destiny. The seer foreaee as a result of the wsr tin advance toward' the inillenium in the United Slates, which will In the new yeer enter Into a period of wise living will exemplify the principle of denioer'-y. Tho tar forehilow disappointment and heartache for all who seek personal luclnim or Rueces for selfish reasons. Children again come much into riublie In terest during 1918, when new probl lies con Serning them will be prn-cnted. .Thl 1 a threatening day for min'ng Inter ests, and labor trouble may cause serious torses. The aged have an Influence thl day which is not healthful or encouraging. According to astrologer there will be A grcMvth of emotional ten'lencie. at tne same time that events tend to make thn publ'v mind callous to suffering. Person whose birth dale it ia mi have losses and anxieties In Die coming yeir. They should eafeguard themselves in every possible way. Children born on thl day may hive very eventTuI live, (lirla have a sinister ai'Kury for love and marriage. PARCEL POST SUB-STATION rtusliiess Ilctsjiming so Heavy Addi tional Quarters Must Ho Secured. A suh-slation for parcel post busi ness will be opened within a few days-, probably In tho room vacated .by the Planters National bank. Assistant Postmaster Johnson is completing plans for the opening In order to care for the? holiday rush. It will bo open: during tho Christmas season when the parcel post business is heaviest. It was planned to open the station in the building on Third between Main and Houlder, occupied by tho Koxana (til company, but the company will not be able to vacate In time for the rooms to be taken by the post office, so other quarters had to be sought. The loca tion of tho Planters building at Sox ond nnd Main has been decided on, and It will likely be secured. Plans for the holiday season at the? post office nre rapidly being worked out, and already the business is get ting heavier nnd crowds that fill the lobbv are flocking dally to tho office. BROADWAY. E.irle Williams as Heldon T'ovle. criminologist and famous -Selective chief. Is the chief attraction in the I great photoplay, "The Orell Mystery," at the Proadway this week. This Is a great murder mystery case with many thrilling scenes. It Is a Vltagraph pro duction In five parts. There arc also two good comedy pictures. An im portant net on the vaudeville program Is that of the aerial Eddys. Theso ar tists are seen In a remarkably clever trapexo act featuring new stunts with some good comedy talking as a side Issue. If you desire to laugh until your sides ache. Just spend a few min utes at this theater and hear the clever Jokes of Sam Hood, the blackface comedian. 8ams not only a good Joklst. but a singer of three enter taining songs. Ten people are fea tured in Mardea'a Musical Maids. They are hlgh-crasn vocalists y and instru mental musician. Duel and Demaris are truly wonderful acrobatic and hand-balancing performers. The rtllly Iicelles are harmony singers of ex traordinary merit and the aot features Hilly Ijtcelles as the world' fastest ex temporaneous composer. The bill In Its entirety is positively one of the best presented by the management this year. GRAND. The largest musical gaiety. "Very flood Eddie," wilt be the attraction at the Orand matinee and night on De cember 15. and promises, from the Interest already displayed in the en gagement, to be one of the largest at tended events of the theatrical year. For one solid year it played the Prin cess theater. New York. The manage ment assures us that "it will be given here with the same careful-attention to detail and uli the great senic ef fects and costume creations that have caused comment everywhere. The original "Swagger Fashion Chorus" remains a big feature and is possibly the best dancing team of girls ever seen in America. Carolina Llnui.r Iw Vphchl. WASHINGTON. Dec. 10. Constitu tionality of the North Carolina liquor law requiring railroads and .express rompanles to keep for public inspec tion records showing liquor shipments received In the state was upheld today by the sunreme court. 1 rr 1 t Don't Overlook OurJLine of Beautiful Essential Practical RfflfflrSlnl!'! r Beautiful Boxes. Ladies' w jit Fine Stationery in LEATHER GOODS: BRIEF CASES PORTFOLIOS . CARD CASES . MEMO. BOOKS ' ADDRESS BOOKS Your Are Invited In to See The Highest Grade Merchandise You Can The Western-Bank Supply Co. .. Ground .Floor Kennedy Building Corner Fourth and Boston Street P. S. They Women Mailmen In New York. Cdly. It is understood that If tree, ex NEW YOKK, Dec. 10. Ten women perkment piflves a success, Wu-shlng-letter carriers today were added to the ton authorities will authorize regular list of women who have entered varl- employment of women in many dl ous llns of public Bcrbice in New York l visions of the postal service. Select Your Christmas n r? Xhe Music Maker VJCTR0U Don't wait for the big rush when'all is hurry and you've a . thousand things to do. Our stock is at its best now. i , Victrola Outfit 1 "N" From Jenkins, $62.75 I LrfMt else portable Vle- trolo IX ( ana 14 ! selection on vn 10- ! Inch, double-faced. Ho Vto ' toi records. tl.Oe cah, : 11.00 per month. f Vletrila Outfit -V" From jMfelas. (I1BJS Cabintt V 1 e trola XI ($110) and 14 selec tions on seven doubles-faced 10 Inch 75c Victor records, $8.00 cash, - $5.00 monthly. , Make Victrola Outfit "A" From Jenkins, $290.00 , T1CTROLA XVII (till) ad a fin library of III worth e( Victor record of your ows selection. Kaar One Moment Please "Jltll'IM'M'ISiWssssliillsi anasmwiu. ,:im,. cirri s A R K ias-Jr- tltViii:uns ilfc3' S V i) 9 SXe .1 ntW ojje' FOUNTAIN PENS EVJSRSIIARP PENCILS WERNICKE BOOKCASES EASY DECK CHAIRS MANY SMALLER AP PRECIABLE ARTICLES Handle Everything Used in an Office ' PHONE OSAGE 4693 CI 57jt? Music Christmas Victor Records make fine Christmas presents. They always please. J Do this Christmas shopping early. Victrola Outfit -"L" From Jenkins, $32.50 Includes newest Victrola. 8tvle VI (110) wOi six se lections on three double fared. 10-tnch. 76c Victor records. I! cash, 1 a week. Victrola Outfit "K" From Jenkins, $22.25 Includes Victrola Style IV ($30) and six selections on three double faced, 10-Inch, ISc victor records. 14 cah, IS per month. Out of Town Customers ' May have the same price and terms as city cus tomers, and. we prepay transpor tation to your ex press or freight station. Your Home Happy With the Joy That Only the Victrola Can Bring j Call, Write or Phone. ' 417 South Main "A. J. Crtpo, Mgr. ADY ' Ink Sets Desk Sets- for Yourself Always Get Here rood Saver. "Aro you a tramp?" "No, ilium, I'm u food oestiserv.-r. Have you got any ol 1 fuoifyoi. don't want wasted?" Out of town cus tomers, should order in plenty of time, as there will be a scarcity of shipping facilities this year. House Victrola Outfit "O" From Jenkins, $90.25 Newest cabinet style VICTROLA X ($85) and 14 selections era seven double faced, 10 inch, 7 Be Victor records, 6 cash, $5 monthly. Victrola Outfit "V From Jenkins, $275.25 Newest electric Victrola. 8tyle XVI (I70) and a tine library of 14 se lections on seven .10 Inch double faced 7Se Victor records; $25 cash, $10 monthly, .