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V 1 PREMIER CAILLAUX IS - If VERY HIGHLY-AGITATED Charges That . Conduct Has Been Unpatriotic May Be Brought in Chambers. - PARIS, Dec. 12. Former Premier Joseph Calllaux, who was absent from the chumber of deputies yesterday when authorization was asked by Gen eral Dubail, military governor of Paris, for proceedings against him, follow ing accusations that he had been guilty of unpatriotic conduct, was In the house, flushed and agitated' when today's session opened. The Instant the l eading of the -minutes was con cluded he asked for the floor. ''Had I been here yesterday," he cried In his thin, shrill volco. "I would have leaped to the platform of the house. I am here today and at an early date 1 will dissipate this cloud of gossip and will take occasion to explain to the chamber all my policy before the war." M. Calllaux was interrupted at the beginning of his remarks by a con fusion of shouts In which it was diffi cult to distinguish anything his Inter rupters said, but upon the president requesting order the former premier finished his few sentences, Btepped Tulsa Coir munity Lyceum Seventh Number Gay Zenola McLaren READER High School Auditorium Thursday Evening,' December 13th. Miss MacLaren has an al most ventriloquistic "power of changing her voice, to portray a seemingly, un limited number of char acters,., making it possible' for Tier to successfully present whole plays. It is a delight to see and' hear her. (H RANTTTv vUJmat. i NISHrJJJ Saturday. Dec 15 THIi TRIUMPHANT MUSICAL COMEDY HIT with a SKLKUTEII CAST AND A SWAGGER FASHION CHORUS Just FunJolly Tunes Classy Girls Tho .alluring and captivating sonjf hits In "Very Good Eddie" arc a delight front start to finish. The very latest gowns arc a big feature of till beautiful pro duction. To say n sum II fort u no Is invested would bo putting It mlTdly. - , PK1CKM: . Matinee. ....... v . 50o to $1.30 Mgbt. ........... .50c to $2.00 Heat Sale Wednesday. ' Btutlag Today rive new vasd trill sets two eomsoy pteturet, one etl wr ntws and paoteplay, "A OAMS OP WITS,", restating Osll Ksa. OERAN k OEBAK, " Cmtdy . Actobsu other seU.., . -VtndevUlo 8: SO, 4:90, 7: SO and S:S0. Jflctuxtt 1:00, 3:30, 6: SO sad ' 1: 34. Wook-dsy MsUnMt, 10 conts. Klfhti and Sandsys, 15 tnd S3 etnts. Tho Above Ineladoi War Tas. i " ' j j Broadwamj from the speaker's platform and left the chamber amid a murmur of con versation In every part of the hall. There were, neither hisses nor ap plause, - When M. Calllaux came, to the chamber a few minutes before tho opening he paused in the lobby to speak to a group of deputies. "I have nothing to say except that I am In good health and undisturbed.'' he told them.- It was remarked he was deeply flushed, his features somewhat drawn and bis large black eyes wide open and brilliant. PARIS. Dec. 12. All the evenln? newspapers today comment editorially on the Indictment of M. Calllaux. The comment dwells almost exclusively on the point of great relief, as the Tempj expresses it, that is felt by public opinion at the mere announcement of his . intended prosecution, whatever may be the result. THE TULSA STAGE AND SCREEN Br J 'J' vhi':hk"vi!:"i"iV"t(".v? " t 4 GRAND: Incomparablo Stock com pany in "Tho Sunset Trail." EMPRESS: Nelson, Banri & De mond In "The Finish, ".headlining five acts of Interstate vaudeville and Mol llo King and Creighton Hale in "The Seven Pearls." BROADWAY: Guess. Try & Guess, comedy, singing imd dancing, head lining TTPe acts of Western association vaudeville and Gall Kune in "A Game of Wits," two film comedl's and a war news reel. . ' ' The Screen. PALACE: Hessuo llayakawa and Tfuru Aokl In their latest Paramount picture, "The Call of Hie East," and a Hearst Pa the news reel. MAJESTIC: George Itronson How ard's melodrama, "Come Thru," with Herbert Ilawllnson -tn a seven-reel production. fcTRAXD: Oarlyle Blackvvcll in "The Good for Nothing." Reel Dope. Being a believer In realism, Thomas H. Ince employed five professional prize fighters living in and about Angeles to take part in Churlca Hay's new picture. , Marguerite Clark and her company are buck In New York from a .trip to Coming to the Majestic Next , Sunday and Monday OF 1001 THRILLS 7 "Jhe Bar Sinister" Next Tuesday and Wednes- "The Manxman" ' Another Big Goldwyn Spe cial in Eight Reels. Next Thursday and Friday, a Magnificent Film Drama of Hall ., Caine's Celebrated Novel. - . TODAY AND FILM George Bronson Howard's Master Melodrama "Conie Through" ProduWd hy JeWl, In Seven. Great Reels by nn All-Star Cast, Wllh Herbert Rawllnson Leading.'. i ' A Powerful Story Magnificently Portrayed. Shows: 11, 12:45, 2:30, 4:15, 5:45, 7:30 and 9:15 - Prices: Adults, 20c, ' Matinee- and Kvenlngs. 'Children, Be. All Seals at . . . - .- -Night, 20c. War Ta Filru. GARLYLE .'BLACK WELL "The Gpod For Nothing" Can Man Make a Huei-esi of Ilia Life Kven, Though ' lie Full- Ut Make Money? . - Schedule: 10, 11:30, 12:45, 2, 3:15, 4:30, 5:45, 7, 8:15, 9:30 Admission, Including War Tu: Matinee, 11c. Night, iaTEifr'' I' men's English walkers, brown lf "' f - JlCA I or ,,la,k- Priced until (Tr Or UT girls' mahogany sport shoes, until Saturday d A QET priced at ........... tDJUoD G boys' bootees priced until Saturday $4.35. Jacksonville, Pla., where they jent to take scenes for her Chclstmas' spec tacle now making; "The Seven Swans." Pathe intimates that the Grand Duchess Tatlana N'ieola. Romanoff, who Is reported to have madeher es cape recently from Siberia and to bo, en route to the United States, may be seen In-merlcan motion pictures. It says that It was thru her Influence that the Russian Art Films recently brought to this country, one of which, "The Painted Doll," was seen at the Majestic some time ago, were made, the czar at first frowning upon the suggestion. This sounds like some preparatory publicity. Is Paths about to spring a sensation, on us by starring the Itutsian princess? BROADWAY. , Starting this afternoon the man agement of the Broadway will offer c splendid new program of pictures and five vaudeville ac4s. There will be a ebb oomedy Christie comedy, ono reel of war nevy, and a great Mutual photoplay "A Game of Wits" featur ing Gall Kane. This picture Involves a scintillating bit of comedy that gives Mies Kane the right sort of opportun ity for her funny vein of double en tendre in this offering which is scen ariolzed from a clever story by Dan Whllcomb. Miss Kane seems right at home in the role of a-pretty rich girl, whose father Is being "squeezed" in a tight market by a wicked old fi nancial sinner named Stone. Stone wants to many the pretiy girl as the price of letting Pa out of his tolls, and Pa turns the proposition down with Incignatlon. Here is where Ming Kane, as the ptctty girl, shines most conspicuously. She trots the amorous old ape from Wall Btreet so many giddy heats up and down mountains, and feeds him so' many couixea of rich meats, .that ere long his wenry spirit surrenders and he flies the coop. Then Miss Pretty Girl makes him pay her $100, OUfl for salve and she marries the man of her choice. The little drama has all sorts of funny twists and turns that are pecu liarly "Gall Kanelsh." . The vaudeville will Include thesj t-cts: Gchan & Gehan, comedy acro l.ats; Dorva & Deleon, singing nd In strumental; Dell Reno comedy and 'mystery novelty; Egan & Dcmarr, TOMORROW "ZIP," New York Journal Crllle: "Come Through Is re markable, thrilling the best MiiHiiense drama New York ' 1ms seou lu ycurs.." 17c.' Children, 6c. TULSA DAILY-WORLD, THURSDAY, IS men's brown I'. 8. Army shoes (gK np go at tBDtOD $2 ladles' comfs in pmk, blue, lavender, and all colors: special Saturday . . . S1.45 The GUARANTEE SHOE STORE 7 East Second Street ;rand .n: - Theater - 406 . - ,. . . ALL SEATS RESERVED Bargain Prices 10c, 20c and 30c Starting Thursday, Dec. 13. "Sunset Trail" . Bargain Matinees ( Thursday and Saturday ': comedy singing, talking and dnnclng and Guess, Try A. Gueos, comedy Bing Ir.g and talking. - KMPRKRS. A new bill opens at the Empress to day. Nelson, Pi.nn and De Monde head the bill with the Swedish com edy masterpiece, "The Finish." The Ie1e:iiim Trio are npntatlnnnl itircrlors of human beings. Jlnune Lyons, "thej Hebrew statesman," talks orr current topics of the day, Clark and Chnppel i j resent "tiic naiesiaay ana the Por-1 ier- ana tne Aim nave A coinedy noelty offerlnaA "The Seven Pearls' will also be shown.- Pancho Villa Wants it Understood He Is Alive JUAREZ. Mexico, Dec. 12. Fran cisco Villa was In personal command of his forces which attacked a train at Laguna station and killed General Ed. uardo Chavez, December 3, according to a passenger who arrived here from Chihuahua City late today. He talkel with a boy who was forced to drive a wagon with two of VlllaSi wounded officers In It. The boy told the passenger Villa took off his hat, told him to take a good look and return to Chihuahua City and tell the people living there who believed Villa was dead, that he had seen Villa personally. After attacking the train, Villa and his miiln command left imediately for Cuchlllo Parado. leaving Martin Ixpo In the field, according to the boy, who wns forced to go as far as Coyaine with the Villa column. TO HOLD SPELLING; CONTEST Preparations of Animal Affair Being Made by Sucriutcndcnt. Preparations for the annual state spelling and penmanship contest were begun In Tulsa' county yesterduy, when Mrs. Minuet te Hedges, county super intendent, urged teachers to see that every school is represented In the county contest, February 8. The win ner of the county contest will go to Oklahoma City February 14 to the state contest. 1 : Pupils of the sixth, seventh and eighth grades pre eligible to compete. Two prizes, a gold medal and a silver medal, will be given to first and sec ond place winners, respectively. Trie county contest will be held In . Mrs. Hedge's oflce. r Demand Engines. WASHINGTON'. Deo. 12.- I Western lines were ordered by the i I railroad war board today to send f I east one hundred locomotives to I I aid In relieving traffic conges- I i Hon. I ' Legislative agents of the four I I railroad brotherhoods, .. H. K. I I Wills. William Clark. P. J. Mc I Namnra and W. M. Doak, had a I brief conference with President I I Wilson today. They declined to talk about the conference, which j I was arranged at their request. , I I In this connection tho authority I I of the trHffic managers eomprls- I I ing the export division of tho I I eastern carriers wus extended to I cover the railroad shipping per- hilts embracing all commodities I I for export except go eminent I I freight and all existing penults I I ate cancelled. I DEC. 13, 1917. ,., men's hiUso slippers, until Saturday (PI QET priced at DXtSD The Store With a Conscience F.MP-R ES NEW SHOW TODAY 5 New Acts Nelson, Bann & De Monde Offer the Kwtili.xli Comedy Mas lorplcec, "The Finish." - The Belgium Trio Jugglers of Human ltclng. Jimmie Lyons On Current Topics of the Duv. .. "The Hebrew Statesman' Clark & Chapell "The Saleslady and tho Porter." The Ziras In a Comedy Novelty. New Kpixode of "The Seven Pearls." Shows Today: 2:30, 7:15 and 9 p. m. Seats Reserved for' First Night Show. Physician Was Liberal With "Dope" Documents MEMPHIS. Tenn., Tfc. 12. Dr. Penjamin Friedman and Leon H. Thompson and his' father, J. N. Thompson, local druggists, charged Jointly with conspiracy to violate the Harrison autl-narcotic luw, denied on the stand In federal district court to day they had connived to violate thi" law. lr. Friedman testified that ho had Issued prescriptions for narcotics, often at the rate of more than one hundred per day, but declared lie be lieved the transactions wore legal. Ho asserted that he frequently prevailed upon the patients to undergo troat Ment for a cure. Prescriptions for narcotics written At 120 S. Main Phone Osage 2317 A Doll Value Extraordinary We have received n large shipment of Iolls that should have reached us three months ago. We hud given up this shipment as lost. To dis pose of these Dolls iiulekly we will offer them at a sacrifice. Kn breHkable heads, Jointed arms and legs, dressed as boys OQ and girls; Jl.fiO and $1.75 values. Special this week ut cOC Santa' Claus will be here today-bctween 3 and 5 p. m. Just ask him about these toys. He really is very wise and will tell you all about his favorites. Pop (.mis The well known King nnd Daisy, guns that use the always Qf? harmless cork itjs 1 'I minus That older hoys are proud to carry are here; single Boa nnd 1.000 shotguns; some CP fitted with -hayonets ,..J)X American Unity Iiolls 1'ndressed; truly character T)ilt. They look like really J- truly liable V--t)vf Tahlc Milliard and Pool Table Plnv tho real thing; cues' nnd ir ,.m,.K $2.98 Mult and Jeff Hook All the old and new stories In book form, at ........ JOt lirluglug Vp Father , Inturestlng and entertain- QC Ing, (n book form, at . ...OUC --Climpflro fib-Is uud Hoy Seoul hooks; nil the latest FCflr books are here, nt OUC fillhert l':ieclrical Sets Interesting for boys; teach s aholit electricity, 00 Ives Trains Wind up and (JA FA 1'P electric sets p0J Ambulance Automobiles A Gilbert toy; wind up; QQ strong spring. OV Kloelrle Klcvators An amusing toy for young nnd old; works with CO QQ buttery $a70 ltotlliiff Alleys and Ten Pins For floor and table '' Noah's1- Ark Filled with animals; QQ set at pl0 Iilonell Trains Wind up and electric, wllh rara and. (JQ I'P tracks .'. P3U Teddy Hears Large and small Mmm; fTTi VV some on wheels .... )UC Automobile With or without fljrr ("A UP electric lights . . . p f ,OU Store Open Evenings Toys Wholesale and Retail by Dr. Frlodman from January 1 t) August 4, 1917, numbering 3.230, were placed In evidence. All had 'teen filled by the Thompsons, the druggists i.taling they believed they were within the law. Employes of local wholesale drug houses testified to the purchase by the Thompsons of large quantities of narcotic s in the same period of time. I. W. W. Returns. Jack Hnead, who was one of tho I. W. W's. tarred and foathered In Tulsa a few weeks ugo, was ufrcstel by the police last night and Is bcin fJESSE L.LASKY presents in. TheCalldttieEast r r: x j Beutoh Klariz Dx npammountf)icture HEARST-PATHE NEWS. OAT AfE Today and Thru ALtAc' Saturday Screen, Time I 11:30 12:452 3:154:30 1 5.4578:159:30 PRICES: Matinee and Night, 20c. Children at Matinee, 5c Beginning Sunday, ELSIE FERGUSON in "THE RISE OF JENNIE CUSHING.M 5 The Coming Christmas If hardships make brothers j of us all, joys, whatever , they may be, are greater joys if shared with others. So this year the joy of Christmas must not be strained. And as it covers us all with its tender embrace, friendship shall become more sincere, sentiments more hallowed. This Christmas then shall not be. marked by omitting in any way the kindly thought to visualize the re gard of friends, the tender ness of hearts, the spirit of Christmas. VCM'IM'CS Plain and rubber tired: mnnv bull benring fif VP styles Pii.UU Holslers and Hevolvers (Caii pistol); tho little folks want these, at . .DUC Soldiers In companies, regiments, battal ions nnd divisions; any size, army for "tleneral" ETA L'P noy tUC tilllM'rt Magic Sets Capable of all sorts OC of thliiKs. at QC Mciingerle Pianos Animal keyboard and note cards; easy to play (ngy QQ any music P70 Drums Kvery kind ' -OKrt UI nnd size . OOC Horns Many shapes in UP and sizes J.UC MiM'lianlcal Train Sets Trucks, Locomotive fA UP and train of cars . . . DUC . Illicit Wireless Outfits A toy that teaches; fjf ff It's euier niiiing tpDcUU f oniforliihV Heds Wire and brass, with mattress and pillows; some ftp UP with canopies ODC Wicker Carriages With rubber wheels; rtk A ijp all ' sizes ". JJyJ Automatic Toys " ' - For marbles. ETA UP or sand '. . . . DUC tJlllxrt Chemistry Outfit It teaches (PC? AA chemistry '.' . . JpD.UU Menagerie Metalophones Animal keyboard and fjf note cards; plays easy ... DC Stmeto Fleet rto Sets Motors of all - fl-J pA UP kinds ;; JJjI.DU Red Cross Dolls In spotless white or the blue service; rookies, ma- (ft-f f . rlnes and others, at i.pXDU held for tho federal officials. After the officers had searched bim an 1 seized a gun, Snead fainted. He ap peared to be badly scared while on the way to the police station, the of ficers state, for fear his recent ex perience might be repeated. He was arrested at his home at 438 North De troit. Able to ICstinutte. "That fellow has absolutely no Idea of the value of time." "Oh. yes. he has. I've Just seen him pawning his watch." DirtcHd by GeorpaM.Meyorxl